Struggeling with relocating
Normale Datei
@ -0,0 +1,343 @@
* This file is part of MySQLDumper released under the GNU/GPL 2 license
* @package MySQLDumper
* @version SVN: $rev: 1221 $
* @author $Author$
* @lastmodified $Date$
include ('./inc/classes/db/MsdDbFactory.php');
include ('./inc/classes/Log.php');
include ('./inc/classes/helper/String.php');
include ('./inc/classes/helper/Sql.php');
include ('./inc/functions/functions.php');
include ('./inc/runtime.php');
include ('./inc/mysql.php');
include ('./inc/functions/functions_global.php');
include ('./inc/functions/functions_dump.php');
include ('./lib/json.php');
$dump = $_SESSION['dump'];
$dump['page_start_time'] = time();
$dump['progress_table_percent'] = 0;
$recordOffset = 0;
$recordsTotal = 0;
$prozent = 0;
$table = '';
$msg = '';
$log=new Log();
// each time a new database will be dumped ->
// look for Command before dump to be executed
if ($dump['table_offset'] == - 1)
$dump['data'] = ''; // will hold string data to be saved to the dump file
// needed to find out if new log-messages were added
$_SESSION['temp_log'] = $_SESSION['log'];
if (! isset($dump['table_records_total']))
$dump['table_records_total'] = 0;
$tableIndex = $dump['table_offset'] == - 1 ? 0 : $dump['table_offset'];
if ($dump['backup_done'] == 0) {
if ($dump['databases'][$dump['db_actual']]['table_count'] == 0) {
//no tables found -> prevent creation of empty backupfile
$msg = sprintf($lang['L_DUMP_NOTABLES'], $dump['db_actual']);
if ($dump['databases'][$dump['db_actual']]['prefix'] != '') {
$msg = sprintf($lang['L_DUMP_NOTABLES'], $dump['db_actual']);
$msg .= ' (' . $lang['L_WITHPRAEFIX'] . ': \'' ;
$msg .= $dump['databases'][$dump['db_actual']]['prefix']. '\')';
writeToErrorLog($dump['db_actual'], '', $msg);
$dbsToBackup = array(
$dump['backupdatei'] = '';
$dump['filesize'] = 0;
} else {
if ($dump['table_offset'] == - 1) {
// first call for this database -> create new backup file
$dump['table_offset'] = 0; // begin with first table
$dump['table_record_offset'] = 0;
$dump['restzeilen'] = $config['minspeed'];
$dump['restzeilen'] = $dump['speed'];
while ($dump['restzeilen'] > 0 && $dump['table_offset'] <
$dump['databases'][$dump['db_actual']]['table_count']) {
$tableNames = $dump['databases'][$dump['db_actual']]['tables'];
$table = getValueFromIndex($tableNames, $dump['table_offset']);
if ($dump['table_record_offset'] == 0) {
// a new table begins
// optimize it?
if ($config['optimize_tables_beforedump'] == 1) {
if (true === Sql::optimizeTable($dbo, $table)) {
$recordOffset = 0;
$recordsTotal = 0;
$dump['progress_table_percent'] = 0;
$dump['speed'] = $config['minspeed'];
// should we dump the table structure?
if ($dump['databases'][$dump['db_actual']]['tables'][$table]['dump_structure'] > 0) {
// get create statement of table
try {
$records = $dump['databases'][$dump['db_actual']]['tables'][$table]['dump_records'];
$createStatement = getCreateString($dump['db_actual'], $table, $records);
$dump['data'] .= $createStatement;
} catch (Exception $e) {
// error reading table definition
writeToDumpFile(); // save data we have up to now
$logMsg = sprintf($lang['L_FATAL_ERROR_DUMP'], $table, $dump['db_actual']);
$readCreateError = $logMsg . ': ' . $e->getMessage();
writeToErrorLog($config['db_actual'], '', $readCreateError, 0);
$log->write(Log::ERROR, $readCreateError);
$dump['errors'] ++;
//next table
$dump['table_offset'] ++;
$dump['table_record_offset'] = 0;
// set records of table not to be dumped
$dump['databases'][$dump['db_actual']]['tables'][$table]['dump_records'] = 0;
if ($dump['databases'][$dump['db_actual']]['tables'][$table]['dump_records'] ==1) {
getContent($dump['db_actual'], $table);
} else {
//jump to next table if we don't need to dump the records of this table
$dump['table_offset'] ++;
if (strlen($dump['data']) > $config['memory_limit']) {
// create list of databases for output
$dbsToBackup = implode(', ', array_keys($dump['databases']));
// highligth actual db
$replace = '<span class="success">' . $dump['db_actual'] . '</span>';
$dbsToBackup = str_replace($dump['db_actual'], $replace, $dbsToBackup);
// we need to get the actual table again because it might have changed
$table = getValueFromIndex($dump['databases'][$dump['db_actual']]['tables'], $dump['table_offset']);
if ($table) {
// get nr of records from dump-array
$dump['table_records_total'] = $dump['databases'][$dump['db_actual']]['tables'][$table]['records'];
if ($dump['table_records_total'] > 0) {
$percent = (100 * $dump['table_record_offset']) / $dump['table_records_total'];
$dump['progress_table_percent'] = round($percent, 2);
} else {
$dump['progress_table_percent'] = 0;
if ($dump['speed'] + $dump['table_record_offset'] >=
$dump['table_records_total']) {
$recordOffset = $dump['table_record_offset'] +
$recordsTotal = $dump['table_records_total'];
if ($recordsTotal == 0) {
$recordOffset = 0;
} else {
$recordsTotal = $dump['table_record_offset'] + $dump['speed'];
$recordOffset = $dump['table_record_offset'] + 1;
} else {
// looks like we've done the job
$dump['table_offset'] ++;
$dump['table_records_total'] = 0;
$table = '';
if ($dump['table_offset'] <= $dump['databases'][$dump['db_actual']]['table_count']) {
$dauer = time() - $dump['page_start_time'];
if ($dauer < $dump['max_zeit']) {
if ($dauer < $dump['max_zeit'] / 2) {
$dump['speed'] *= 1.8;
} else {
$dump['speed'] *= $config['tuning_add'];
if ($dump['speed'] > $config['maxspeed']) {
$dump['speed'] = $config['maxspeed'];
} else {
$dump['speed'] *= $config['tuning_sub'];
if ($dump['speed'] < $config['minspeed']) {
$dump['speed'] = $config['minspeed'];
$dump['speed'] = (int) $dump['speed'];
$dump['page_refreshs'] ++;
} else {
//Backup for all databases is done
$dump['data'] = "\nSET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=1;";
$dump['data'] .= "\n" .
'-- EOB' . "\n\n";
chmod($config['paths']['backup'] . $dump['backupdatei'], 0777);
$logMsg = sprintf($lang['L_DUMP_OF_DB_FINISHED'], $dump['db_actual']);
$log->write(Log::PHP, $logMsg);
// everything is dumped -> check for e-mail and ftp-actions
if ($dump['backup_done'] == 1) {
if (count($_SESSION['log']['files_created']) > 0) {
if (! isset($_SESSION['log']['email'])) {
// first call after backup is finished -> create todo-list
$_SESSION['log']['email'] = array();
$_SESSION['email']['filelist'] = array();
$_SESSION['log']['ftp'] = array();
foreach ($_SESSION['log']['files_created'] as $file) {
if ($config['send_mail'] == 1) {
$_SESSION['log']['email'][] = $file;
foreach ($config['ftp'] as $index => $val) {
// build array with files to send. The key of $_SESSION['log']['ftp'] is the index of
// the ftp-connection details of the configuration profile to be used
if ($val['transfer'] == 1) {
if (! isset($_SESSION['log']['ftp'])) {
$_SESSION['log']['ftp'][$index] = array();
$_SESSION['log']['ftp'][$index][] = $file; // add file to transfer
// don't start sending now, because we want to inform the client first and show the logentry
// log-messages will be sent to client
if ($config['send_mail'] == 1) {
$log->write(Log::PHP, $lang['L_EMAIL_START']);
if (count($_SESSION['log']['ftp']) > 0) {
$log->write(Log::PHP, $lang['L_FTP_START']);
} else {
if (count($_SESSION['log']['email']) > 0) {
// Ok we need to send an e-mail -> get index of first file
$files = $_SESSION['log']['email'];
$key = array_keys($files);
unset($_SESSION['log']['email'][$key[0]]); // remove from array
} else {
$dump['backup_in_progress'] = 0; // all files sent
if ($dump['backup_in_progress'] == 0) {
// check if ftp-transfers need to be done
if (isset($_SESSION['log']['ftp']) && count($_SESSION['log']['ftp']) > 0) {
// a file needs to be transferred
$dump['backup_in_progress'] = 1; // indicate that there is still more to do
// get index of ftp-connection
$ftpConnectionIndexes = array_keys($_SESSION['log']['ftp']);
$ftpConnection = $ftpConnectionIndexes[0];
// now get next file to be transferred
$files = $_SESSION['log']['ftp'][$ftpConnection];
$fileKeys = array_keys($files);
if (isset($fileKeys[0])) {
$fileKey = $fileKeys[0];
sendViaFTP($ftpConnection, $_SESSION['log']['ftp'][$ftpConnection][$fileKey]);
// remove file from todo-list
} else {
// all files transferred for this ftp-connection -> remove connection index
} else {
$dump['backup_in_progress'] = 0;
// get values to return
$r = array();
$json = new Services_JSON();
$r['backup_in_progress'] = $dump['backup_in_progress'];
// send vars that do not change while dumping only once
if ($dump['page_refreshs'] == 1) {
$r['tables_total'] = $dump['tables_total'];
$r['records_total'] = String::formatNumber($dump['records_total']);
$r['speed_min'] = String::formatNumber($config['minspeed']);
$r['speed_max'] = String::formatNumber($config['maxspeed']);
$r['config_file'] = $config['config_file'];
$r['dump_encoding'] = $dump['dump_encoding'];
$r['comment'] = $dump['comment'] > '' ? $dump['comment'] : '-';
$r['table_records_total'] = String::formatNumber($dump['table_records_total']);
if (isset($dbsToBackup)) {
$r['dbs_to_backup'] = $dbsToBackup;
$r['actual_database'] = $dump['db_actual'];
$r['actual_table'] = $table;
$_SESSION['actual_table'] = $table;
$r['actual_table_nr'] = String::formatNumber($dump['table_offset_total'] + 1);
$r['page_refreshs'] = String::formatNumber($dump['page_refreshs']);
$r['filename'] = $dump['backupdatei'];
$r['filesize'] = byteOutput($dump['filesize']);
$r['record_offset_start'] = String::formatNumber($recordOffset);
$r['record_offset_end'] = String::formatNumber($recordsTotal);
$r['progressbar_table_width'] = (int) $dump['progress_table_percent'] * 3;
$r['progress_table_percent'] = String::formatNumber($dump['progress_table_percent'], 2);
$elapsed = time() - $dump['dump_start_time'];
$r['elapsed_time'] = getTimeFormat($elapsed);
if ($dump['records_total'] > 0) {
$progressOverallPercent = $dump['countdata'] * 100 / $dump['records_total'];
if ($progressOverallPercent == 0) {
$progressOverallPercent = 0.001;
$r['progress_overall_percent'] = String::formatNumber($progressOverallPercent, 2);
$r['progressbar_overall_width'] = $r['progress_overall_percent'] * 3;
$estimatedTime = ceil(($elapsed * 100 / $progressOverallPercent) - $elapsed);
$r['estimated_end'] = getTimeFormat($estimatedTime);
$r['speed'] = String::formatNumber($dump['speed']);
$r['speedbar_width'] = (int) $dump['speed'] * 100 / $config['maxspeed'] * 3;
$r['nr_of_errors'] = $dump['errors'] == 0 ? '-' : $dump['errors'];
$r['records_saved_total'] = String::formatNumber($dump['countdata']);
$r['tables_optimized'] ='';
if ($dump['tables_optimized'] > 0) {
$r['tables_optimized'] = sprintf($lang['L_NR_TABLES_OPTIMIZED'], String::formatNumber($dump['tables_optimized']));
if ($msg > '') {
$r['log'] = $msg;
if ($config['multi_part'] == 1) {
$r['multipart_part'] = $dump['part'] - $dump['part_offset'] - 1;
$r['prefix'] = '';
if (isset($dump['databases'][$dump['db_actual']]['prefix'])) {
$r['prefix'] = $dump['databases'][$dump['db_actual']]['prefix'];
// check if new log-messages werde added
$messages = getArrayDiffAssocRecursive($_SESSION['log'], $_SESSION['temp_log']);
if (isset($messages['actions']) && is_array($messages['actions'])) {
$r['actions'] = implode('<br />', $messages['actions']);
if (isset($messages['errors']) && is_array($messages['errors'])) {
$r['errors'] = implode('<br />', $messages['errors']);
$_SESSION['log'] = $_SESSION['log'] + $_SESSION['temp_log'];
$dump['last_db_actual'] = $dump['db_actual'];
//backup_done means that all tables are saved. The overall progress
//(emails, ftp) can still continue
if ($dump['backup_done'] == 1) {
// some values need to be decreased
$r['progressbar_table_width'] = 0;
$r['progress_table_percent'] = '';
$r['actual_database'] = '';
$r['actual_table'] = '';
$r['record_offset_start'] = '-';
$r['record_offset_end'] = '-';
$r['table_records_total'] = '-';
$r['actual_table_nr'] = String::formatNumber($dump['table_offset_total']);
$r['progress_overall_percent'] = String::formatNumber(100, 2);
$r['progressbar_overall_width'] = 300;
$r['speed'] = 0;
$r['speedbar_width'] = 0;
// save actual values to session
$_SESSION['dump'] = $dump;
echo $json->encode($r);
Normale Datei
@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
* This file is part of MySQLDumper released under the GNU/GPL 2 license
* @package MySQLDumper
* @version SVN: $rev: 1212 $
* @author $Author$
* @lastmodified $Date$
$updateUrl = '';
$languageToLoad = isset($_GET['l']) ? trim($_GET['l']) : '';
$version = isset($_GET['v']) ? floatval(trim($_GET['v'])) : '';
$path = './language/' . $languageToLoad;
$error = false;
if (session_id() != $_GET['MySQLDumper']) {
$error[] = 'Invalid Session';
include ('./inc/functions/functions.php');
include ('./inc/runtime.php');
include ('./lib/json.php');
include ('./inc/functions/functions_global.php');
include ('./inc/mysql.php');
include ('./inc/classes/helper/Html.php');
include ('./inc/classes/helper/File.php');
header('Pragma: no-cache');
header('Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate'); // HTTP/1.1
header('Expires: -1'); // Datum in der Vergangenheit
header('Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate');
header('Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0', false);
header('Last-Modified: ' . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . ' GMT');
header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8');
$message = array();
$inProgress = 1;
$filesToLoad = array('lang');
if (!isset($_SESSION['get_language'])) {
// try to create sub-dir for language if it does not exists
if (!is_dir($path)) {
$res = @mkdir($path, 0755);
if (true === $res) {
$msg = 'Directory \'' . $path . '\' created successfully';
$message[] = Html::getOkMsg($msg);
} else {
$msg = 'Fatal error: Couldn\'t create directory \'' . $path;
$msg .= '\'! You need to create it using your FTP-Programm and ';
$msg .= 'grant rights 0777!';
$message[] = Html::getErrorMsg($msg);
} else {
$message[] = Html::getOkMsg('Directory \'' . $path . '\' exists.');
// try to chmod
if (!File::isWritable($path, 0755)) {
if (File::isWritable($path, 0777)) {
$msg = 'Directory \'' . $path . '\' is writable.';
$message[] =Html::getOkMsg($msg);
} else {
$msg = 'Fatal error: Directory \'' . $path;
$msg .= '\' is not writable for me! Make it writable using your ';
$msg .= 'FTP-Programm!';
$message[] = Html::getErrorMsg($msg);
} else {
$message[] = Html::getOkMsg('Directory \'' . $path . '\' is writable.');
$_SESSION['get_language'] = $filesToLoad;
} else {
// get next file to download
if (count($_SESSION['get_language']) > 0) {
$file = $_SESSION['get_language'][count($_SESSION['get_language']) - 1];
$call = '?a=get_language_file&v=' . $version . '&l=' . $languageToLoad ;
$call .= '&f=' . $file;
$fileData = getFileDataFromURL($updateUrl . $call);
if (false === $fileData || $fileData == '') {
$msg = 'Fatal error: error downloading file \'' . $file . '\'!';
$msg .= ' Please try again.';
$message[] = Html::getErrorMsg($msg);
} else {
// save file to disk
$file = $path . '/' . $file . '.php';
$fp = @fopen($file, 'wb');
if ($fp) {
fwrite($fp, $fileData);
if (!File::isWritable($file, 0644)) {
File::isWritable($file, 0777);
$msg = ' File \'' . $file . '\' saved succesfully.';
$message[] = Html::getOkMsg($msg);
// remove file from todo list
$fileIndex = count($_SESSION['get_language']) - 1;
} else {
$msg = 'Fatal error: couldn\'t write file \'' . $file;
$msg .= '\' to \'' . $path . '\'';
$message[] = Html::getErrorMsg($msg);
} else {
$inProgress = 0;
$msg = 'Finished installing language \'' . $languageToLoad;
$msg .= '\' successfully.';
$message[] = Html::getOkMsg($msg);
$json = new Services_JSON();
$r = array();
$r['in_progress'] = $inProgress; // finished? 0=no
$r['error'] = 0;
if ($error) {
if (!empty($_SESSION['get_language'])) {
$msg = 'Incomplete installation of language pack: ';
$msg .= 'removing incomplete files.';
$message[] = Html::getErrorMsg($msg);
// now we need to delete the language files
foreach ($filesToLoad as $file) {
if (file_exists($path . '/' . $file . '.php')) {
if (@unlink($path . '/' . $file . '.php')) {
$msg = 'Deleted file \'' . $file . '\' successfully.';
$message[] = Html::getOkMsg($msg);
} else {
$msg = 'Error deleting file \'' . $file;
$msg .= '\'! Remove it using your FTP-Programm!';
$message[] = Html::getErrorMsg($msg);
if (!in_array($languageToLoad, array('en', 'de'))) {
if (@rmdir($path)) {
$msg = 'Directory \'' . $languageToLoad;
$msg .= '\' deleted successfully.';
$message[] = Html::getOkMsg($msg);
} else {
$msg = 'Error deleting directory \'' . $path . '\'!';
$message[] = Html::getErrorMsg($msg);
$r['error'] = 1; // inidcate that an error occured to stop further actions
$r['in_progress'] = 0;
$r['message'] = implode('', $message);
if ($r['in_progress'] == 0) {
echo $json->encode($r);
Normale Datei
@ -0,0 +1,369 @@
* This file is part of MySQLDumper released under the GNU/GPL 2 license
* @package MySQLDumper
* @version SVN: $rev: 1207 $
* @author $Author$
* @lastmodified $Date$
include ('./inc/classes/db/MsdDbFactory.php');
include ('./inc/classes/helper/String.php');
include ('./inc/classes/helper/Sql.php');
include ('./inc/classes/Log.php');
include ('./inc/functions/functions.php');
include ('./inc/runtime.php');
include ('./inc/mysql.php');
include ('./inc/functions/functions_global.php');
include ('./lib/template.php');
include ('./inc/functions/functions_restore.php');
include ('./lib/json.php');
$config = $_SESSION['config'];
$databases = $_SESSION['databases'];
$restore = $_SESSION['restore'];
if (!isset($_SESSION['temp_log'])) {
$_SESSION['temp_log'] = array();
// remember the start time to calculate speed later on
$restore['page_start_time'] = time();
if ($restore['page_refreshs'] > 0)
// clear temp log. Needed to find out if new log-messages were added
$_SESSION['temp_log'] = $_SESSION['log'];
if (!isset($config['language'])) {
// some server limit the number of vars that can be saved in a session
die('Incomplete session in restore_ajax.php');
$restore['restore_in_progress'] = 1;
$timeElapsed = 0;
$commandsFound = 0;
$dbo->selectDb($config['db_actual'], true);
catch (Exception $e)
die($lang['L_DB_SELECT_ERROR'] . $config['db_actual']
. $lang['L_DB_SELECT_ERROR2'] . '<br>' . $e->getMessage());
// open backup file
$file = $config['paths']['backup'] . $restore['filename'];
if ($restore['compressed'] == 1) {
$restore['filehandle'] = gzopen($file, 'r');
} else {
$restore['filehandle'] = fopen($file, 'r');
if (!$restore['filehandle']) {
// fatal error: we couldn't open the backup file
'', '', $lang['L_FILE_OPEN_ERROR'] . ': ' . $config['paths']['backup']
. $restore['filename'], 0
die($lang['L_FILE_OPEN_ERROR'] . ': ' . $restore['filename']);
$filesize = filesize($config['paths']['backup'] . $restore['filename']);
// move file pointer to the actual positon in the file
if ($restore['compressed']) {
gzseek($restore['filehandle'], $restore['offset']);
} else {
fseek($restore['filehandle'], $restore['offset']);
$log=new Log();
// Disable Keys of actual table (after page-refresh: again!)
// to speed up restoring
// but only if the table should be restored and if it already exists
$existingTables = $dbo->getTables($config['db_actual']);
$actualTable = $restore['actual_table'];
if (in_array($actualTable, $existingTables)) {
if ($restore['tables_to_restore']) {
if (in_array($actualTable, $restore['tables_to_restore'])) {
Sql::disableKeys($dbo, $restore['actual_table']);
} elseif ($actualTable > '' && $actualTable != 'unbekannt') {
Sql::disableKeys($dbo, $restore['actual_table']);
WHILE ($commandsFound < $restore['speed'] &&
$timeElapsed < $restore['max_zeit'] &&
!$restore['fileEOF'] && !$restore['EOB']) {
$sqlCommand = getQueryFromFile();
if ($sqlCommand > '') {
//$log->write(Log::PHP, $sqlCommand);
$res = $dbo->query($sqlCommand, MsdDbFactory::SIMPLE);
// get nr of affected rows
$command = strtoupper(substr($sqlCommand, 0, 7));
if ($command == 'INSERT ' || $command == 'REPLACE') {
$rowsAffected = $dbo->getAffectedRows();
$restore['records_inserted'] += $rowsAffected;
if (!isset(
) {
$restore['records_inserted_table'][$restore['actual_table']] = 0;
$restore['records_inserted_table'][$restore['actual_table']] += $rowsAffected;
catch (Exception $e)
// we've got a mysql error
$sqlError = $e->getMessage();
if ($sqlError != '') {
if (strtolower(substr($sqlError, 0, 15)) == 'duplicate entry') {
$config['db_actual'], $sqlCommand, $sqlError, 1
} else {
if ($config['stop_with_error'] == 0) {
// according to the config we continue restoring
// but log the error
$sqlCommand, $sqlError, 0
} else {
// we should die if errors occur -> print error message
'Fatal error, restore failed: ' . $sqlError, 0
SQLError($sqlCommand, $sqlError);
$restore['restore_in_progress'] = 0;
// TODO clean end of process - last message is not
// logged on restore screen and
// not sent back to client. Flag missing here that
// should be handled via JSON
$timeElapsed = time() - $restore['page_start_time'];
if ($restore['compressed']) {
$restore['offset'] = gztell($restore['filehandle']);
} else {
$restore['offset'] = ftell($restore['filehandle']);
// progress of actual file
if ($restore['compressed']) {
// compressed backup - there is no way to get the exact file offset,
// because gztell delivers uncompressed bytes
// so we assume the average packing factor is 11 and will divide the file
// offset by it
$restore['progress_file_percent'] =
$restore['offset'] / 11 * 100 / $filesize;
if ($restore['progress_file_percent'] > 100)
$restore['progress_file_percent'] = 100;
} else {
// uncompressed backup -> get percentage from file offset
$restore['progress_file_percent'] = 0;
if ($filesize > 0) {
$restore['progress_file_percent'] =
($restore['offset'] * 100) / $filesize;
// Overall progress
if ($restore['records_total'] > 0) {
// it's a backup of MySQLDumper (the number of total records is known) ->
// calculate on count of records
$restore['progress_overall_percent'] =
$restore['records_inserted'] * 100 / $restore['records_total'];
} else {
// backup from another script. We don't know how many records will follow
$restore['progress_overall_percent'] = 0;
// tables to create
if ((int) $restore['tables_total'] > 0) {
// MSD-Backup
// tables to go
$tablesToDo = $restore['tables_total'];
// selected tables should be restored? Overwrite value
if (is_array($restore['tables_to_restore']))
$tablesToDo = count($restore['tables_to_restore']);
$tablesToCreate = sprintf(
$lang['L_RESTORE_TABLES_COMPLETED'], $restore['table_ready'], $tablesToDo
$recordsDone = sprintf(
} else {
// not a MSD-Backup
$tablesToCreate = sprintf(
$recordsDone = sprintf(
// calculate speed for next page call
if ($timeElapsed < $restore['max_zeit']) {
// wenn wir mehr als die Haelfte der Zeit noch haetten nutzen koennen:
// Anzahl direkt um fast das Doppelte erhoehen
if ($timeElapsed < $restore['max_zeit'] / 2)
$restore['speed'] = $restore['speed'] * 1.8;
else $restore['speed'] = $restore['speed'] * $config['tuning_add'];
if ($restore['speed'] > $config['maxspeed'])
$restore['speed'] = $config['maxspeed'];
} else {
$restore['speed'] = $restore['speed'] * $config['tuning_sub'];
if ($restore['speed'] < $config['minspeed'])
$restore['speed'] = $config['minspeed'];
if ($restore['fileEOF'] && $restore['part'] == 0)
$restore['EOB'] = true; //part is >0 if we have a Multipart backup
if ($restore['EOB']) {
// Done
$time = getTimeFormat(time() - $restore['restore_start_time']);
Log::PHP, sprintf(
$restore['restore_in_progress'] = 0;
} else {
if ($restore['fileEOF']) {
// let's get the next Multipart file
$restore['fileEOF'] = false;
$nextfile = getNextPart($restore['filename'], 0, true);
// there is more to do -> process the next Multipart file
if (!file_exists($config['paths']['backup'] . $nextfile)) {
$config['db_actual'], '',
sprintf($lang['L_ERROR_MULTIPART_RESTORE'], $nextfile)
$restore['restore_in_progress'] = 0;
} else {
$restore['filename'] = $nextfile;
$restore['offset'] = 0;
// collect values to return to client
$r = array();
$json = new Services_JSON();
$r['restore_in_progress'] = $restore['restore_in_progress'];
if ($restore['page_refreshs'] == 1) {
// Only send on first page call because values won't change
$r['speed_min'] = String::formatNumber($config['minspeed']);
$r['speed_max'] = String::formatNumber($config['maxspeed']);
$r['dump_encoding'] = $restore['dump_encoding'];
// if restore is finished and file is gzipped, the file pointer
// might not be accurate
if ($restore['restore_in_progress'] == 0) {
// correct percentage of file to now known exact value
$restore['progress_file_percent'] = 100;
$restore['speed'] = 0;
$r['filename'] = $restore['filename'];
$r['nr_of_errors'] = String::formatNumber($restore['errors']);
$r['nr_of_notices'] = String::formatNumber($restore['notices']);
$r['progress_file_percent'] = String::formatNumber(
$restore['progress_file_percent'], 2
$r['progress_file_bar_width'] = round($restore['progress_file_percent'] * 3, 0);
if ($restore['progress_overall_percent'] > 0) {
$r['progress_overall_percent'] = String::formatNumber(
$restore['progress_overall_percent'], 2
$r['progress_overall_bar_width'] = round(
$restore['progress_overall_percent'] * 3, 0
} else {
$r['progress_overall_percent'] = $lang['L_UNKNOWN'];
$r['progress_overall_bar_width'] = 0;
if ($restore['part'] > 0) {
$r['part'] = $restore['part'];
$r['tables_to_create'] = $tablesToCreate;
$r['records_done'] = $recordsDone;
$r['actual_table'] = sprintf(
$lang['L_ANALYZING_TABLE'], $restore['actual_table']
$r['speed'] = String::formatNumber($restore['speed']);
$r['speedbar_width'] = round(
$restore['speed'] * 100 / $config['maxspeed'] * 3, 0
$r['page_refreshs'] = String::formatNumber($restore['page_refreshs']);
$elapsed = time() - $restore['restore_start_time'];
$r['elapsed_time'] = getTimeFormat($elapsed);
// if we restore a MySQLDumper-Backup we know the nr of records and can
// calculate the estimated time from it
// if we restore a backup from another program we need to rely on the filesize
//which is not accurate
// when the file is gzipped, but we can't help it because there is no way to
// get the exact file pointer position in a gzipped file.
// So we give our best to guess the corect position (see line 117 above)
if ($restore['progress_overall_percent'] > 0) {
$percentageDone = $restore['progress_overall_percent'];
} else {
$percentageDone = $restore['progress_file_percent'];
$estimatedTime = 0;
if ($percentageDone > 0) {
$estimatedTime = (100 - $percentageDone) * ($elapsed / $percentageDone);
$r['estimated_end'] = getTimeFormat($estimatedTime);
} else {
$r['estimated_end'] = $lang['L_UNKNOWN'];
// check if new log-messages have been added
$messages = getArrayDiffAssocRecursive($_SESSION['log'], $_SESSION['temp_log']);
if (isset($messages['actions']) && is_array($messages['actions']))
$r['actions'] = implode('<br />', $messages['actions']);
if (isset($messages['errors']) && is_array($messages['errors']))
$r['errors'] = implode('<br />', $messages['errors']);
$_SESSION['log'] = $_SESSION['log'] + $_SESSION['temp_log'];
// save actual values to session
$_SESSION['restore'] = $restore;
echo $json->encode($r);
Normale Datei
@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
* This file is part of MySQLDumper released under the GNU/GPL 2 license
* @package MySQLDumper
* @version SVN: $rev: $
* @author $Author$
* @lastmodified $Date$
$error = false;
include ('./inc/functions/functions.php');
include ('./inc/runtime.php');
include ('./inc/functions/functions_global.php');
include ('./inc/mysql.php');
include ('./inc/classes/db/MsdDbFactory.php');
include ('./inc/classes/helper/String.php');
include ('./inc/classes/helper/Html.php');
include ('./inc/classes/Log.php');
include ('./inc/define_icons.php');
include ('./lib/template.php');
$logType = (isset($_GET['log'])) ? $_GET['log'] : Log::PHP;
$revers = (isset($_GET['revers'])) ? $_GET['revers'] : 1;
$offset = (isset($_GET['offset'])) ? $_GET['offset'] : 0;
$entriesShown = 25;
// define template
$tplLog = new MSDTemplate();
$tplLog->set_filenames(array('tplLog' => 'tpl/log/log_ajax.tpl'));
// get log filename to show
$lfile = Log::getLogfile($logType);
'ICON_SORT' => $revers == 0 ? $icon['arrow_up'] : $icon['arrow_down'],
'SORT_ORDER' => $revers == 0 ? 1 : 0,
'LOG' => str_replace($config['paths']['log'], '', $lfile))
'LOG_TYPE' => $logType,
'REVERS' => $revers)
if (file_exists($lfile)) {
$lines = ($config['logcompression'] == 1) ? gzfile($lfile) : file($lfile);
if ($revers == 1) {
$lines = array_reverse($lines);
$i = 1;
$entriesTotal = count($lines);
foreach ($lines as $index => $val) {
if ($index >= $offset * $entriesShown
&& $index < ($offset + 1) * $entriesShown) {
// strip html in Perl-Log
$val = strip_tags($val, '<br>');
$timestamp = substr($val, 0, 19);
$message = substr($val, 20);
if ($revers == 0) {
$nr = String::formatNumber($offset * $entriesShown + $i);
} else {
$nr= String::formatNumber($entriesTotal - $index);
'ROWCLASS' => $i % 2 ? 'dbrow' : 'dbrow1',
'NR' => $nr,
'TIMESTAMP' => $timestamp,
'MSG' => $message)
$maxOffset = floor($entriesTotal / $entriesShown);
if ($maxOffset * $entriesShown == $entriesTotal) {
$offsetForeward = $offset < $maxOffset ? $offset + 1 : 0;
$offsetBackward = $offset > 0 ? $offset - 1 : $maxOffset;
if ($revers == 0) {
$entryTo = ($offset + 1) * $entriesShown;
if ($entryTo > $entriesTotal) {
$entryTo = $entriesTotal;
$pagination = sprintf(
String::formatNumber($offset * $entriesShown + 1),
} else {
$total = $maxOffset * $entriesShown;
$entryFrom = $entriesTotal - ($offset * $entriesShown);
if ($entryFrom > $entriesTotal) $entryFrom = $entriesTotal;
$entryTo = $entriesTotal - (($offset + 1) * $entriesShown) + 1;
if ($entryTo < 1) {
$entryTo = 1;
$pagination = sprintf(
'OFFSET_FOREWARD' => $offsetForeward,
'OFFSET_BACKWARD' => $offsetBackward,
'PAGINATION_ENTRIES' => $pagination)
Normale Datei
@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
* This file is part of MySQLDumper released under the GNU/GPL 2 license
* @package MySQLDumper
* @version SVN: $rev: 1205 $
* @author $Author$
* @lastmodified $Date$
include ('./inc/classes/db/MsdDbFactory.php');
include ('./inc/functions/functions.php');
include ('./inc/runtime.php');
include ('./inc/mysql.php');
include ('./inc/functions/functions_global.php');
include ('./lib/template.php');
include ('./inc/functions/functions_restore.php');
include ('./lib/json.php');
include ('./inc/functions/functions_sql.php');
$tplSqlbrowserTableShowTabledataEntry = new MSDTemplate();
'tpl_sqlbrowser_table_show_tabledata' =>
* Fetch and check _GET variables
$validModes = array('new');
$db = isset($_GET['db']) ? base64_decode($_GET['db']) : $config['db_actual'];
$tablename = isset($_GET['tablename']) ? base64_decode($_GET['tablename']) : '';
$fieldname = isset($_GET['fieldname']) ? base64_decode($_GET['fieldname']) : '';
$rowKey = isset($_GET['key']) ? base64_decode($_GET['key']) : '';
$mode = 'new';
if (isset($_GET['do']) && in_array($_GET['do'], $validModes)) {
$mode = $_GET['do'];
$tableInfos = getExtendedFieldInfo($db, $tablename);
$tplSqlbrowserTableShowTabledataEntry->assign_vars(array('MODE' => $mode));
$row = array();
if ($mode == 'EDIT') {
//TODO implement :)
'FOOTER_' . $mode, array()
Normale Datei
@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
* This file is part of MySQLDumper released under the GNU/GPL 2 license
* @package MySQLDumper
* @version $Rev$
* @author $Author$
* @lastmodified $Date$
include ('./inc/classes/db/MsdDbFactory.php');
include ('./inc/classes/helper/Html.php');
include ('./inc/functions/functions.php');
include ('./inc/runtime.php');
include ('./inc/mysql.php');
include ('./inc/functions/functions_global.php');
include ('./lib/template.php');
include ('./inc/functions/functions_restore.php');
include ('./lib/json.php');
include ('./inc/functions/functions_sql.php');
$tplSqlbrowserTableShowTabledataEntry = new MSDTemplate();
'tplSqlbrowserTableShowTabledataEntry' =>
* Fetch and check _GET variables
$validModes = array('VIEW', 'EDIT', 'NEW');
$db = isset($_GET['db']) ? base64_decode($_GET['db']) : $config['db_actual'];
$tablename = isset($_GET['tablename']) ? base64_decode($_GET['tablename']) : '';
$rowKey = isset($_GET['key']) ? base64_decode($_GET['key']) : '';
$mode = 'VIEW';
if (isset($_GET['do'])) {
$mode =strtoupper((string) $_GET['do']);
if (!in_array($mode, $validModes)) {
$mode = 'VIEW';
$tableInfos = getExtendedFieldInfo($db, $tablename);
'DB_NAME' => $db,
'TABLE_NAME' => $tablename,
'DB_NAME_URLENCODED' => base64_encode($db),
'TABLE_NAME_URLENCODED' => base64_encode($tablename)
$row = array();
if ($mode == 'VIEW' || $mode == 'EDIT') {
$query = "SELECT * FROM `$tablename` WHERE $rowKey";
$row = $dbo->query($query, MsdDbFactory::ARRAY_ASSOC);
if (false === $row || !isset($row[0])) {
//TODO clean error handling
echo "<h2>Keine Datensätze gefunden!</h2>";
} elseif (count($row) > 1) {
// TODO clean error handling
echo "<h2>Mehrere Datensätze gefunden!</h2>";
$row = $row[0];
} elseif ($mode == 'NEW') {
foreach ($tableInfos as $key => $val) {
if (isset($val['field'])) {
$row[$val['field']] = '';
foreach ($row as $key => $value) {
$keyComment = '';
if (isset($tableInfos[$key]['comment'])) {
$keyComment = $tableInfos[$key]['comment'];
$templateVars = array(
'NAME' => htmlspecialchars($key),
'KEY' => base64_encode($key),
'KEY_COMMENT' => Html::getJsQuote($keyComment),
'VALUE' => htmlspecialchars($value)
'FIELD_' . ($mode == 'VIEW' ? 'VIEW' : 'EDIT'), $templateVars
$templateVars = array('RECORD_KEY' => base64_encode($rowKey));
'FOOTER_' . $mode, $templateVars
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@ -0,0 +1,906 @@
@name msd
@author Ingo Wagener <>, Daniel Schlichtholz, Christian Gresshoener <>
@copyright MySQLDumper - Daniel Schlichtholz <>
@media screen and projection
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table tr.dbrowsel {
background: #F9F3ED;
color: #000;
table tr.dbrowsel a:hover {
color: #E87B00;
table td.treffer {
background: #000;
/* Treffer bei der MySQL-Suche */
table tr.dbrow .treffer,table tr.dbrow1 .treffer {
color: yellow;
background-color: #E87B00;
table.border {
border: 1px solid #738C88;
table td.sum {
background-color: red;
font-weight: bold;
text-align: right;
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border: 1px solid #ddd;
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.tdcompact {
width: 100px;
height: 16px;
overflow: hidden;
font-size: 11px;
.tdnormal {
white-space: nowrap;
padding: 1px;
.sqlheadmenu a {
td a.Formbutton,td button.Formbutton,td input.Formbutton {
float: none;
margin: 0px 6px 0px 0px;
display: inline-block;
input.Formtext {
background: url(pics/bg-buttons.gif) repeat-x;
float: left;
width: auto;
margin: 2px 6px 0px 0px;
padding: 1px 2px;
border: 1px solid #ddd;
color: #000;
overflow: hidden;
cursor: text;
#content .SQLbutton {
font-size: 11px;
background: #E4E9E8;
cursor: pointer;
/* htaccess edit area */
#content textarea {
width: 100%;
background: #FFF;
border: 1px solid #ddd;
overflow: auto;
#content textarea.hta_content {
border: 0px;
|,input.checkbox {
background-color: transparent;
/* margins and paddings for input elements */
.radio,.checkbox,.text,.select,.margin {
margin-right: 4px;
margin-left: 10px;
.noleftmargin {
margin-left: 0px !important;
/* options in select lists */
option {
padding: 0px 6px 0 6px;
border-bottom: 1px solid #eee;
/* save button at left site in configuration screen */
.save-button {
float: left;
padding-top: 12px;
/* Colors for Formelements */
input.text,input.small {
padding: 1px 2px;
border: 1px solid #256777;
background: #fff;
color: #000;
input.text:disabled {
border-color: #cccccc;
select {
padding: 1px;
border: 1px solid #7F9DB9;
background: #FFF;
color: #000;
textarea {
background: #B3C2C0;
color: #4E5665;
/* disabled textarea when editign rows in SQLBrowser */
.off {
background-color: #ccc !important;
/* for Geckos */
input[disabled] {
color: #888 !important;
/* special elements */
.MySQLbox {
font-size: 10pt;
padding: 0px;
background: #000;
color: #fff;
border: thin solid #999999;
height: 200px;
width: 100%;
text-align: left;
overflow: auto;
#content #sqlheaderbox,.sqlbox-warning {
width: 100%;
padding: 6px 0px;
background: url(pics/bg-buttons.gif) repeat-x;
border: 1px solid #ddd;
color: #256777;
white-space: nowrap;
vertical-align: top;
#sqlheaderbox .Formbutton {
line-height: 14px;
margin: 0px 6px 0px 0px;
#sqltextarea {
width: 100% !important;
margin-right: 30px !important;
border: 1px solid #ddd;
overflow: auto;
#content #sqleditbox {
border: 1px solid #738C88;
background: #EEEEEE;
margin-bottom: 10px;
#content #sqleditbox form {
margin: 10px;
#content #sqleditbox p {
background: #A5B6B4;
font-weight: bold;
text-align: center;
#content #sqlnewbox {
border: 1px solid #738C88;
background: #E4E9E8;
#content #sqlnewbox p {
background: #A5B6B4;
font-weight: bold;
text-align: center;
#content #sqloutbox {
font-size: 11px;
width: 700px;
padding: 6px;
background: #D5DDDC;
border: 1px solid #738C88;
overflow: auto;
#content p.autodel {
font-size: 11px;
border-bottom: 1px dashed #fff;
margin-bottom: 12px;
#content .Logbox {
font: 12px/ 1.2 "Courier New", Courier, monospace;
padding: 6px;
border: 1px solid #ddd;
height: 320px;
width: 90%;
text-align: left;
overflow: auto;
#content .Logbox span {
color: #738C88;
#content .backupmsg {
padding-left: 20px;
font-size: 11px;
#content .backupmsg .success,#content .backupmsg a {
color: #999;
font-size: 11px;
#content .backupmsg .error {
color: red;
.panel {
display: block;
#selectConfig {
margin: 0px 6px;
width: 180px;
height: 196px;
#ilog {
border: 1px solid #ddd !important;
padding: 12px;
background-color: #fcfcfc;
.center {
margin: 0px auto;
text-align: center;
.left {
text-align: left;
.right {
text-align: right;
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vertical-align: middle;
.inputsize-middle {
width: 90px;
.nowrap {
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display: none;
.blend-in {
border: 3px outset #DDD;
padding: 6px;
z-index: 1;
background: #FFF url(pics/bg-buttons.gif) repeat-x;
/* creaet directory protection */
#psContainer {
height: 18px;
width: 100px;
border: none;
float: left;
margin: 0;
background: url(pics/bg-buttons.gif) repeat-x;
border: 1px solid #ddd;
cursor: default;
#psStrength {
background-image: url('./../../js/strength.jpg');
height: 18px;
width: 0px;
cursor: default;
/* Installation */
#fullcontent .bdr td {
border: 1px solid #ddd;
vertical-align: middle;
#download {
position: absolute;
top: 50%;
left: 50%;
width: 500px;
height: 300px;
margin-top: -150px;
margin-left: -250px;
border: 4px outset #E29126;
background-color: #EEEEEE;
padding: 12px;
#download-messages {
width: 480px;
height: 220px;
overflow: auto;
top: 6px;
background-color: #ffffff;
border: 1px inset #cccccc;
padding: 10px;
#close_button {
position: absolute;
width: 100px;
left: 230px;
bottom: 4px;
Normale Datei
@ -0,0 +1,341 @@
Version 2, June 1991
Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public
License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This
General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
the GNU Lesser General Public License instead.) You can apply it to
your programs, too.
When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their
We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
distribute and/or modify the software.
Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
authors' reputations.
Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
modification follow.
0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below,
refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you".
Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of
running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
along with the Program.
You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
parties under the terms of this License.
c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If
identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you
distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
collective works based on the Program.
In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
the scope of this License.
3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
customarily used for software interchange; or,
c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is
allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
received the program in object code or executable form with such
an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source
code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a
special exception, the source code distributed need not include
anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
itself accompanies the executable.
If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt
otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
parties remain in full compliance.
5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are
prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by
modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
the Program or works based on it.
6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further
restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
this License.
7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot
distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent
license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
implemented by public license practices. Many people have made
generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
impose that choice.
This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
be a consequence of the rest of this License.
8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates
the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will
be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
address new problems or concerns.
Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program
specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of
this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free
Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals
of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest
to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
<one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
Copyright (C) <year> <name of author>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
when it starts in an interactive mode:
Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year name of author
Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may
be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be
mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program.
You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names:
Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
`Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.
<signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989
Ty Coon, President of Vice
This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into
proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may
consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the
library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Lesser General
Public License instead of this License.
Normale Datei
@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
Changelog der wichtigsten Änderungen im Vergleich zur Version 1.22 (1.23 hat die Beta-Phase nie verlassen):
- MySQLDumper 1.24 funktioniert nach wie vor sowohl mit PHP4 als auch mit PHP5
- neue, helle und freundliche Optik. Der "alte" Style ist für "Nostaligiker" ebenfalls enthalten.
- bessere Speicherausnutzung
- Backup und Wiederherstellung per PHP sind im Schnitt ca. 25 Prozent schneller
- Möglichkeit beim Sichern und auch beim Wiederherstellen nur bestimmte Tabellen auszuwählen
- Nutzen von mehreren MySQL-Servern und -Usern über Konfigurationsprofile.
Damit kann man mehrere Server über eine MySQLDumper-Installation warten und sichern.
- der interne SQL-Parser ist an vielen Stellen verbessert worden (noch mehr Fremdbackups können importiert werden)
- SQLBrowser: jede Menge Bugfxies und kleinere Erweiterungen (dennoch ist der SQLBrowser noch als experimentell einzustufen)
- SQLBrowser: über die Lupe kommt man zu einer durchdachten Vollextsuche. Editiert man einen Datensatz, kommt man zur Trefferliste zurück.
Das ist recht komfortabel wenn man Stellen finden muss, von denen man nicht genau weiß in welchen Spalten sie vorkommen können.
- Tools: der Export von Daten als Datei funktionierte in 1.22 nicht. Jetzt klappt das wieder.
- die Konfiguration in der WEB-GUI wurde an einigen Stellen nochmals vereinfacht und überflüssige Parameter entfernt
(Du hast kaum noch eine Chance etwas "falsch" einzustellen. :) )
- FTP-Übertragung kann nun optional auf bis zu 3 unterschiedliche Server gleichzeitig erfolgen
- Tabellen vom Typ VIEW und MEMORY werden nun automatisch erkannt und deren Daten korrekterweise nicht mitgesichert, wohl aber deren Struktur.
- das Verzeichnis work/structure wird nicht mehr benötigt
- die automatisch immer mit angelegten Struktur-Backups wurden entfernt
- noch besseres, internes Handling der Kodierung von Backups (Umlautproblematik)
- Fehler (auch beim Sichern) werden noch zuverlässig abgefangen und aussagekräftig im Log notiert
- Konverter: wurde neu geschrieben. Jetzt werden große Dateien beim Konvertieren automatisch in Multipart-Dateien aufgeteilt
- keine Notices in Server-Logs mehr
- Beim Anlegen von gespeicherten SQL-Befehlen können nun mehrere Queries angegeben werden, die bei Nutzung von "Command before/after backup"
nacheinander ausgeführt werden. Der Erfolg oder Mißerfolg wird im Logfile notiert.
- Beim Anlegen des Verzeichnisschutzes wird die Stärke des Kennworts visualisiert.
- wenn die im Standardordner "msd_cron" aufgerufen werded kann, braucht man den "$absolute_path_of_configdir" nicht mehr editieren.
Hier findet nun eine automatische Erkennung statt.
- besseres Abfangen von Fehlern
- es wird präziser mit aussagekräftigen Nachrichten geloggt
- automatisches Löschen betrachtet Multipart-Dateien nun korrekt als 1 vollständiges Backup und funktioniert wie erwartet
- das automatische Löschen wird nicht mehr zu Beginn ausgeführt, sondern erst nach Beenden des Sicherungsvorgangs
(somit bleiben im Fehlerfall alte Backups erhalten)
- der Parameter der zu nutzenden Konfigurationsdatei kann im Aufruf nun auf 3 Arten angegeben werden.
Die fehlende Endung ".conf.php" wird bei Bedarf automatisch ergänzt:
1. config=mysqldumper.conf.php
2. config=mysqdumper.conf
3. config=mysqldumper
- Signalhandler entfernt:
Dieser sollte eigentlich einen Abbruch des Users melden und das Skript beenden. Über einen Cronjob aufgerufen führte dies bei einigen, wenigen
Servern zu der Fehlfunktion, dass mehrere Instanzen des Skripts gestartet wurden, die lange in der Prozesliste standen und manuell beendet
werden mussten.
... und viele weitere kleine und große Bugfixes und jede Menge Aufräumarbeiten im Code.
Wenn Du es ganz genau wissen möchtest, dann schaue Dir das changelog auf Sourceforge an. Hier ist akribisch
jede Änderung am Code dokumentiert:
Normale Datei
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
- lade den Ordner mysqldumper in einen beliebigen Ordner auf Deinen Webspace hoch
- Starte das Script im Browser (
- Folge den Installationsanweisungen
Normale Datei
@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
MySQLDumper - Readme_de
MySQLDumper ist ein Sicherungsprogramm für MySQL-Datenbanken,
geschrieben in PHP und Perl. Damit können Sicherungskopien der
Daten (Forum, Shop, Blog, usw.) erstellt und bei Bedarf auch
wieder hergestellt werden. Besonders bei Web-Space ohne Shell-Zugang
bietet sich MySQLDumper als sinnvolle Alternative an.
Version 1.25
Copyright (C) 2004-2010 Daniel Schlichtholz ( und mehr
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
PHP 4 oder höher
MySQL 4.1 oder höher
einen Web-Browser
optional Perl für das Cron-Script
Das Problem:
PHP-Skripte werden nach einer bestimmten Laufzeit abgebrochen
(normalerweise nach 30 Sekunden), und so funktioniert ein Backup mit diversen
Tools nur bis zu einer bestimmten Größe.
Braucht das Skript länger als die vom Server zugestandene Ausführungszeit,
so wird es einfach abgebrochen! Man erhält damit keine vollständige
Sicherungskopie. Die gleiche Problematik besteht beim Wiedereinspielen eines
Wer einmal ein Dumpfile von Hand in viele kleinere Einzelabschnitte zerlegt hat,
um eine Datenbank wieder herzustellen, der hat leidvoll und arbeitsintensiv
erfahren, wovon wir reden. Mit MySQLDumper gehört dieser manuelle Aufwand
glücklicherweise der Vergangenheit an.
MySQLDumper umgeht den Timeout-Error mit Hilfe eines kleinen Tricks: Er liest
nur eine bestimmte Anzahl von Datensätzen aus der Tabelle aus, merkt sich, wie
weit er gekommen ist, und ruft sich anschließend selbst auf. Dadurch erhält das
Skript bei jedem Aufruf wieder die volle Ausführungszeit und umgeht so geschickt
das Problem des Abbruchs durch den Server. Das gleiche Prinzip benutzt MySQLDumper
auch beim Wiederherstellen der Daten.
MySQLDumper kann die Daten beim Sichern sofort packen. Auch das Wiederherstellungs-
skript kann direkt aus dieser gepackten Datei lesen, ohne dass sie auf dem Server
entpackt werden muss! Das spart Zeit, Platz und Nerven. Natürlich kann man die Datei
auch ungepackt lassen, aber spätestens beim Hochladen eines Backups weiß man dies
zu schätzen.
Die neuste Version gibt es unter
Finden Sie auf
Siehe INSTALL_de.txt.
Um Ihren MySQLDumper vor unberechtigten Zugriff zu schützen, müssen Sie einen sog.
Verzeichnisschutz einrichten. Öffnen Sie dazu bitte mit dem Browser die Startseite
der MySQLDumper-Installation. Dort drücken Sie den Button 'Verzeichnisschutz erstellen'
(funktioniert nur mit dem Apache-Webserver) oder erstellen Sie den Schutz manuell.
Siehe changelog_deutsch.txt
Hilfe finden Sie im Forum unter
Viel Spaß!
Ihr MySQLDumper-Team
Normale Datei
@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
Changelog of the most important changes compared to version 1.22 (1.23 never left the beta status):
- MySQLDumper 1.24 is still working on PHP4 and PHP5
- new, light and friendly style. The "old" style is still included.
- better use of RAM
- backup and restore via PHP is about 25 percent faster
- possibility to select tables when doing backup or restore
- use different configuration profiles to manage different MySQL-Server or -user.
This way you can administrate different MySQL-Server with a single MySQLDumper-Installation.
- the internal SQL-Parser has been improved (more backups from other programms can be imported)
- SQLBrowser: a lot of bugfixes and some improvements (nevertheless it must still be regarded as experimental)
- SQLBrowser: a comfortable fulltext-search lets you find text even when you don't know in which column it can occur
After editing a record you get back to the hitlist. That is very comfortable if you need to change some data.
- Tools: in version 1.22 the export of data as file didn't work. Now it is working again.
- the Web-GUI has been simplified. Some parameters have been removed. (You nearly have no chance to configure something incorrectly :) )
- FTP-Transfer: address up to 3 ftp configurations simultaneously in one backup process
- Tables of type VIEW or MEMORY are now detected and data is not saved but the structure of the table is
- the directory work/structure is no longer needed
- the automatic "structure only" backup has been removed
- better and safer handling of encodings of backup files
- better and safer error-handling
- the backup converter has been rewritten. Now it also automatically converts big files into Multipart files.
- no notices in server-logs
- when adding SQL-Queries to the SQL-Library you can now enter more than one query. If using "command before/after backup"
these queries will be executed in a row. Success or failure is written into the log file.
- When creating a password protection the password strength is visualized.
- when you can call in the standard directory "msd_cron" you no longer need to enter the
"$absolute_path_of_configdir" manually. An automatic detection was added.
- better and safer catching of errors
- logging of events is much more precise and gives you clear information what happened
- automatic deletion now regards Multipart files as one complete backup and works the way you expect it to work
- automatic deletion is done after the backup process. In case of errors this retains your old backups you might need.
- the config parameter - which configuration profile is to be used - can be set in 3 ways. The missing suffix
".conf.php" will be added dynamically.
1. config=mysqldumper.conf.php
2. config=mysqdumper.conf
3. config=mysqldumper
- removed signalhandler:
When was started via a cronjob there was a malfunction. On some, rare server this signalhandler caused a second
or third instance of the script that never stopped and stuck in the process list. In this case the process must be killed manually.
... and many more small or big bugfixes and cleaning up of the code
When you want to know more, just take a look at the changelog of code changes at Sourceforge. Each change
of the code is documented here:
Normale Datei
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
- upload the folder mysqldumper to any folder on your webspace
- start the script in your browser (
- Follow the Installation assistent
Normale Datei
@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
MySQLDumper - Readme
MySQLDumper is a PHP and Perl based tool for backing up MySQL databases.
You can easily dump your data into a backup file and - if needed - restore it.
It is especially suited for shared hosting webspaces, where you don't have
shell access.
Version 1.25
Copyright (C) 2004-2010 Daniel Schlichtholz ( and more
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
PHP 4 or later
MySQL 4.1 or later
a web-browser
optional Perl for cronscript
The problem:
A PHP script has a maximum execution time that is usually set to 30 seconds on
most server installations. A script running longer than this limit will simply
stop working. This behavior makes backing up large databases impossible. Maybe
you already had this specific problem when using other tools.
MySQLDumper uses a proprietary technique to avoid this problem. It only reads
and saves a certain amount of data, then calls itself recursively via JavaScript
and remembers how far in the backup process it was. The script then resumes
backing up from that point.
The restore process is similar. Unlike other tools, splitting and splicing of
large backup files is no longer necessary.
MySQLDumper can write the data directly into a compressed .gz file. The restore
script is able to read this file directly without unpacking it. You can also
use the script without compression, but using Gzip saves a lot of bandwidth.
You can even configure the script to automatically send the backup file to an
FTP account or your email adress.
You can get the newest version at
Please see
Please see the install_english.txt file.
To protect MySQLDumper, you have to create a directory protection. Point your web
browser to your MySQLDumper installation and push the button 'Create
directory protection' (works only with apache) or create it manually
Please see changelog_english.txt
See support forum under
The MySQLDumper team
Normale Datei
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
- Envoyer le répertoire "mysqldumper" sur votre serveur
- Chmoder le fichier "config.php" en 777
- D<>buter le script en saisissant l'adresse suivante dans votre navigateur (
- Suivez les instructions d'installation du script
Normale Datei
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
- carica la cartella mysqldumper sul tuo spazio web
- metti i diritti del file config.php a 777
- fai partire lo script nel tuo Browser ( tuo
- segui la installazione
Normale Datei
Nachher Breite: | Höhe: | Größe: 5,1 KiB |
Normale Datei
Nachher Breite: | Höhe: | Größe: 1,3 KiB |
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Nachher Breite: | Höhe: | Größe: 1,3 KiB |
Normale Datei
@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
* This file is part of MySQLDumper released under the GNU/GPL 2 license
* @package MySQLDumper
* @version SVN: $Rev$
* @author $Author$
* @lastmodified $Date$
* Log Class
class Log
// Define constants
const PHP = 1;
const PERL = 2;
const PERL_COMPLETE = 3;
const ERROR = 4;
const PHP_FILE = 'work/log/mysqldump.log';
const PERL_FILE = 'work/log/mysqldump_perl.log';
const PERL_COMPLETE_FILE = 'work/log/mysqldump_perl.complete.log';
const ERROR_FILE = 'work/log/error.log';
* Init file handles
* @return void
public function __construct()
$this->handle = array();
$this->handle[self::PHP] = false;
$this->handle[self::PERL] = false;
$this->handle[self::PERL_COMPLETE] = false;
$this->handle[self::ERROR] = false;
* Close all open file handles on destruct
* @return void
public function __destruct()
if ($this->handle[self::PHP]) {
if (is_resource($this->handle[self::PERL])) {
if (is_resource($this->handle[self::PERL_COMPLETE])) {
if (is_resource($this->handle[self::ERROR])) {
* Open file and store file handle
* @param string $file
* @return bool
private function _getFileHandle($file)
if ($_SESSION['config']['logcompression'] == 1) {
$fileHandle = @gzopen($filename, 'a');
} else {
$fileHandle = @fopen($filename, 'ab');
if ($fileHandle) {
$this->handle[$file] = $fileHandle;
return $this->handle[$file];
} else {
return false;
* Close a filehandle
* @param Loge $file The file to close
private function _close($file)
$extension = pathinfo($filename, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
if ($extension == 'gz') {
} else {
* Write to log file
* @param string $file
* @param string $message
* @return bool
public function write($file, $message)
// TODO get $config-values from a config class and delete global
global $config;
if (!$this->handle[$file]) {
$this->handle[$file] = $this->_getFileHandle($file);
$message = strip_tags($message);
// we don't need linebreaks in the log
$search = array("\n","\r");
$replace = array ('','');
$message = str_replace($search, $replace, $message);
$logMessage = date('d.m.Y H:i:s') . ' '. $message . "\n";
$_SESSION['log']['actions'][] = $logMessage;
$filename = $this->getLogfile($file);
if (@filesize($filename) > $config['log_maxsize']) {
//save to log file
if ($_SESSION['config']['logcompression'] == 1) {
$res = @gzwrite($this->handle[$file], $logMessage);
} else {
$res = @fwrite($this->handle[$file], $logMessage);
return $res;
* Get log file name
* @param const $file
* @return string Filename of logfile
public function getLogfile($file)
switch ($file)
case Log::PHP:
$filename = self::PHP_FILE;
case Log::PERL:
$filename = self::PERL_FILE;
$filename = self::PERL_COMPLETE_FILE;
case Log::ERROR:
$filename = self::ERROR_FILE;
echo "Unknown $file: ".$file;
if ($_SESSION['config']['logcompression'] == 1) {
$filename .= '.gz';
return $filename;
* Delete log file and recreates it.
* @param string $file Filename
* @return void
public function delete($file)
if ($file == Log::PHP) {
// re-create main log
if (substr($filename, -3) == '.gz') {
$log = date('d.m.Y H:i:s') . " Log created.\n";
if ($_SESSION['config']['logcompression'] == 1) {
$fp = @gzopen($filename, "wb");
@gzwrite($fp, $log);
@chmod($file . '.gz', 0777);
} else {
$fp = @fopen($filename, "wb");
@fwrite($fp, $log);
@chmod($file, 0777);
Normale Datei
@ -0,0 +1,249 @@
* This file is part of MySQLDumper released under the GNU/GPL 2 license
* @package MySQLDumper
* @version SVN: $rev: 1212 $
* @author $Author$
* @lastmodified $Date$
* DB-Factory
* @abstract
abstract class MsdDbFactory
const FORCE_MYSQL = false; // for debugging
// define result set types
const ARRAY_NUMERIC = 0; // return resultset as numeric array
const ARRAY_ASSOC = 1; // return resultset as associative array
const ARRAY_OBJECT = 2; // return resultset as array of object
const SIMPLE = 3; // return result as boolean
* Init database object
* @param string $server SQL-Server
* @param string $user SQL-User used to authenticate at server
* @param string $password SQL-User-Password usued to authenticate
* @param string $port [optional] Port to use
* @param string $socket [optional] Socket to use (only for *nix)
* @return void
function __construct($server, $user, $password, $port = 3306, $socket ='')
$this->server = $server;
$this->user = $user;
$this->password = $password;
$this->port = $port;
$this->socket = $socket;
$this->connectionCharset = 'utf8';
$this->connectionHandle = false;
$this->dbSelected = '';
$this->tables = array();
$this->metaTables = array();
* Create database adapter
* @param string $server
* @param string $user
* @param string $password
* @param string $port
* @param string $socket
* @return MsdDbFactory
static function getAdapter($server, $user, $password, $port = 3306, $socket = '')
if (function_exists('mysqli_connect') && !self::FORCE_MYSQL) {
include_once ('./inc/classes/db/mysqli/MsdDbMysqli.php');
$db = new MsdDbMysqli($server, $user, $password, $port, $socket);
} else {
include_once ('./inc/classes/db/mysql/MsdDbMysql.php');
$db = new MsdDbMysql($server, $user, $password, $port, $socket);
return $db;
* Establish a connection to SQL-Server.
* Doesn't need to be called directly because of lazy loading.
* Will be called automatically if any other method is called that
* needs a connection.
* Creates a connection to the database and stores the connection handle
* in $this->connection_handle.
* If $select_database is set, the database is selected for next queries.
* Returns true on success or false if connection couldn't be established.
* @param string $select_database
* @param string $connection_charset
* @return bool
* */
abstract public function dbConnect($selectDatabase = false);
* Get selected database
* @return string
abstract public function getSelectedDb();
* Get version nr of sql server
* @return string
abstract public function getServerInfo();
* Get version nr of sql client
* @return string
abstract public function getClientInfo();
* Get all known character sets of this SQL-Server.
* @return array
abstract public function getCharsets();
* Set character set of the MySQL-connection.
* Trys to set the connection charset and returns it.
* Throw Exception on failure.
* @param string $charset
* @throws Exception
* @return string
abstract public function setConnectionCharset($charset = 'utf8');
* Get list of databases
* Gets list of all databases that the actual SQL-Server-User has access to
* and saves it in $this->databases.
* Returns true on success or false on error.
* @return bool
abstract public function getDatabases();
* Select the given database to use it as the target for following queries.
* Returns true if selection was succesfull otherwise false.
* @throws Exception
* @param string $database
* @return bool
abstract public function selectDb($database);
* Execute a SQL-Server-Query
* @param $query The query to execute
* @param $kind Type of result set
* @return array
abstract public function query($query, $kind = self::ARRAY_OBJECT);
* Get table list of given database(s)
* Stores them in $this->tables[database]
* When no database is given, all databases are scanned for tables.
* Returns table list for selected or for all databases.
* @param string|array $database
* @return array
abstract public function getTables($database = false);
* Gets extended table information for one or all tables
* @param string $table
* @param string $database
* @return array
abstract public function getTableStatus($table = false, $database = false);
* Returns the CREATE Statement of a table.
* @throws Exception
* @param string $table Get CREATE-Statement for this table
* @param string $database Database holding the table
* @return string Create statement
abstract public function getTableCreate($table, $database = false);
* Gets the full description of all columns of a table
* Saves list to $this->metaTables[$database][$table].
* @param string $table Table to read meta info from
* @param string $database Database holding the table
* @return array
abstract public function getTableColumns($table, $database = false);
* Gets the number of affected rows of the last query
* @return int
abstract function getAffectedRows();
* Escape a value for inserting it in query
* @param string $val
* @return string
abstract function escape($val);
* Optimize a table. Returns true on success or MySQL-Error.
* @param $table string Name of table
* @return string|bool Returned optimize message or false on error
abstract function optimizeTable($table);
* Handles a SQL-Error
* @param string $errmsg
* @param int $errno
* @throws MsdEception
* @return void
public function sqlError($errmsg, $errno)
throw new Exception($errmsg, $errno);
Normale Datei
@ -0,0 +1,439 @@
* This file is part of MySQLDumper released under the GNU/GPL 2 license
* @package MySQLDumper
* @subpackage MsdDbFactory
* @version SVN: $rev: 1205 $
* @author $Author$
* @lastmodified $Date$
* Capsules all database related actions.
* Uses some magic getters to allow lazy connecting.
class MsdDbMysql extends MsdDbFactory
* Get all known character sets of this SQL-Server.
* @return array
public function getCharsets()
if (isset($this->charsets)) return $this->charsets;
if (false === $this->connectionHandle) $this->dbConnect();
$result = $this->query('SHOW CHARACTER SET', self::ARRAY_ASSOC);
$this->charsets = array();
foreach ($result as $r) {
$this->charsets[$r['Charset']] = $r;
return $this->charsets;
* Establish a connection to MySQL.
* Creates a connection to the database and stores the connection handle in
* $this->connectionHandle.
* If $select_database is set, the database is selected for further queries.
* Returns true on success or false if connection couldn't be established.
* @param string $select_database
* @param string $connectionCharset
* @return bool
public function dbConnect($selectDatabase = false)
if (is_resource($this->connectionHandle)) return true;
$connectionString = $this->server . ':' . $this->port;
if ($this->socket > '') $connectionString .= ':' . $this->socket;
if (false === $this->connectionHandle) {
$this->connectionHandle = @mysql_connect(
$this->user, $this->password
if (false === $this->connectionHandle) {
return '(' . mysql_errno() . ') ' . mysql_error();
if (false === $selectDatabase && $this->dbSelected > '') {
$selectDatabase = $this->dbSelected;
if ($selectDatabase) {
$this->selectDb($selectDatabase, $this->connectionHandle);
$this->dbSelected = $selectDatabase;
return true;
} catch (Exception $e) {
return false;
return true;
* Get version nr of sql server
* @return string
public function getServerInfo()
if (false === $this->connectionHandle) {
$version = mysql_get_server_info($this->connectionHandle);
return $version;
* Get version nr of sql client
* @return string
public function getClientInfo()
if (false === $this->connectionHandle) $this->dbConnect();
$version = mysql_get_client_info();
return $version;
* Set character set of the MySQL-connection.
* Trys to set the connection charset and returns it.
* Throw Exception on failure.
* @param string $charset
* @throws Exception
* @return string
public function setConnectionCharset($charset = 'utf8')
if (false === $this->connectionHandle) $this->dbConnect();
if (function_exists('mysql_set_charset')
&& @mysql_set_charset($charset, $this->connectionHandle)) {
$this->connectionCharset = $charset;
return $this->connectionCharset;
} else {
$this->query('SET NAMES \'' . $charset . '\'', self::SIMPLE);
$this->connectionCharset = $charset;
return $charset;
* Get list of databases
* Gets list of all databases that the actual MySQL-User has access to
* and saves it in $this->databases.
* Returns true on success or false on error.
* @return array List of found database names
public function getDatabases()
if (false === $this->connectionHandle) $this->dbConnect();
$this->databases = array();
$databases = @mysql_list_dbs($this->connectionHandle);
if (is_resource($databases)) {
WHILE ($row = mysql_fetch_array($databases, MYSQL_ASSOC)) {
$this->databases[] = $row['Database'];
} else {
//mysql_list_dbs seems not to be allowed for this user
// try to get list via "SHOW DATABASES"
$res = $this->query('SHOW DATABASES', self::ARRAY_ASSOC);
foreach ($res as $r) {
$this->databases[] = $r['Database'];
return $this->databases;
* Select the given database to use it as the target for following queries
* Returns true if selection was succesfull otherwise false.
* @throws Exception
* @param string $database
* @return bool
public function selectDb($database)
if (!is_resource($this->connectionHandle)) {
$res=@mysql_select_db($database, $this->connectionHandle);
if ($res===false) {
return mysql_error();
} else {
$this->dbSelected = $database;
return true;
* Get selected database
* @see inc/classes/db/MsdDbFactory#getSelectedDb()
* @return string
public function getSelectedDb()
return $this->dbSelected;
* Execute a query
* @param $query The query to execute
* @param $kind Type of result set
* @return array
public function query($query, $kind = self::ARRAY_OBJECT)
if (false === $this->connectionHandle) {
$res = @mysql_query($query, $this->connectionHandle);
if (false === $res) {
if ($kind === self::SIMPLE || is_bool($res)) {
return $res;
$ret = array();
if ($kind === self::ARRAY_OBJECT) {
WHILE ($row = mysql_fetch_object($res)) {
$ret[] = $row;
} elseif ($kind === self::ARRAY_NUMERIC) {
WHILE ($row = mysql_fetch_array($res, MYSQL_NUM)) {
$ret[] = $row;
} elseif ($kind === self::ARRAY_ASSOC) {
WHILE ($row = mysql_fetch_array($res, MYSQL_ASSOC)) {
$ret[] = $row;
return $ret;
* Get table list of given database(s)
* Stores them in $this->tables[database]
* When no database is given, all databases are scanned for tables.
* Returns table list for selected or for all databases.
* @param string|array $database
* @return array
public function getTables($database = false)
if (false === $this->connectionHandle) $this->dbConnect();
if (!isset($this->tables)) $this->tables = array();
if ($database !== false) {
//list tables of selected database
if (is_array($database)) {
$databases = $database;
} else {
$databases = array();
$databases[0] = $database;
} else {
//list tables for all databases
$databases = $this->databases;
// get tablenames inside each database
foreach ($databases as $db) {
$this->tables[$db] = array();
$sql = 'SHOW TABLES FROM `' . $db . '`';
$res = $this->query($sql, self::ARRAY_NUMERIC);
foreach ($res as $val) {
$this->tables[$db][] = $val[0];
return is_string($database) ? $this->tables[$database] : $this->tables;
* Gets extended table information for one or all tables
* @param string $table
* @param string $database
* @return array
public function getTableStatus($table = false, $database = false)
if ($database !== false && $database != $this->dbSelected) {
} elseif (!$this->_mysqli instanceof mysqli) {
if (!isset($this->tableinfo)) {
$this->tableinfo = array();
if (!isset($this->tableinfo[$this->dbSelected])) {
$this->tableinfo[$this->dbSelected] = array();
if ($table !== false) {
$sql .= ' LIKE \'' . $table . '\'';
$res = $this->query($sql, self::ARRAY_ASSOC);
if (is_array($res)) {
foreach ($res as $r) {
$tablename = $r['Name'];
$this->tableinfo[$this->dbSelected][$tablename] = $r;
} elseif ($res === false) {
if ($table !== false) {
if (isset($this->tableinfo[$this->dbSelected][$table])) {
return $this->tableinfo[$this->dbSelected][$table];
return $this->tableinfo[$this->dbSelected];
* Returns the CREATE-Statement for the given table or false on error.
* @throws Exception
* @param string $table
* @param string $database
* @return string
public function getTableCreate($table, $database = false)
if (false === $database) $database = $this->dbSelected;
if ($database != $this->dbSelected) {
if (false === $this->selectDB($database)) {
if (!is_resource($this->connectionHandle)) {
$sql = 'SHOW CREATE TABLE `' . $table . '`';
$res = $this->query($sql, self::ARRAY_ASSOC);
if (isset($res[0]['Create Table'])) {
return $res[0]['Create Table'];
} else {
* Gets the full description of all columns of a table
* Saves it to $this->metaTables[$database][$table].
* @param string $table
* @param string $database
* @return array
public function getTableColumns($table, $database = false)
if (false === $database) $database = $this->dbSelected;
if ($database != $this->dbSelected) {
if (false === $this->selectDB($database)) {
if (!is_resource($this->connectionHandle)) {
$sql = 'SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `' . $table . '`';
$res = $this->query($sql, self::ARRAY_ASSOC);
if (!isset($this->metaTables[$database])) {
$this->metaTables[$database] = array();
if ($res) {
$this->metaTables[$database][$table] = array();
foreach ($res as $r) {
$this->metaTables[$database][$table][$r['Field']] = $r;
return $this->metaTables[$database][$table];
* Gets the number of affected rows for the last query
* @see inc/classes/db/MsdDbFactory#affectedRows()
* @return int
public function getAffectedRows()
return mysql_affected_rows($this->connectionHandle);
* Escape a value to use it in a query
* @see inc/classes/db/MsdDbFactory#escape($val)
* @param mixed $val The value to escape
* @return mixed
public function escape($val)
return mysql_real_escape_string($val, $this->connectionHandle);
* Optimize a table. Returns true on success or MySQL-Error.
* @param string $table Name of table
* @return string|bool Returned optimize message or false on error
function optimizeTable($table)
$sql = 'OPTIMIZE TABLE `' . $this->dbSelected . '`.`' . $table . '`';
$res = $this->query($sql, MsdDbFactory::ARRAY_ASSOC);
if (isset($res[0]['Msg_text'])) {
return $res[0];
} else {
return false;
Normale Datei
@ -0,0 +1,413 @@
* This file is part of MySQLDumper released under the GNU/GPL 2 license
* @package MySQLDumper
* @subpackage MsdDbFactory
* @version SVN: $rev: 1208 $
* @author $Author$
* @lastmodified $Date$
* Capsules all database related actions.
* Uses some magic getters to allow lazy connecting.
class MsdDbMysqli extends MsdDbFactory
* @var resource
private $_mysqli = null;
* Get known charsets of MySQL-Server
* @return array
public function getCharsets()
if (isset($this->charsets)) return $this->charsets;
if (!$this->_mysqli instanceof mysqli) $this->dbConnect();
$result = $this->query('SHOW CHARACTER SET', self::ARRAY_ASSOC);
$this->charsets = array();
foreach ($result as $r) {
$this->charsets[$r['Charset']] = $r;
return $this->charsets;
* Establish a connection to MySQL.
* Create a connection to MySQL and store the connection handle in
* $this->connectionHandle.
* If $select_database is set, the database is selected for further queries.
* Returns true on success or false if connection couldn't be established.
* @param string $select_database
* @param string $connectionCharset
* @return boolean
public function dbConnect($selectDatabase = false)
if ($this->_mysqli instanceof mysqli) {
return true;
$this->_mysqli = @new mysqli(
if ($this->_mysqli->connect_errno) {
$error = $this->_mysqli->connect_error;
$errno = $this->_mysqli->connect_errno;
$this->_mysqli = null;
return '(' . $errno . ') ' . $error;
if (false === $selectDatabase && $this->dbSelected > '') {
$selectDatabase = $this->dbSelected;
if ($selectDatabase) {
if ($this->selectDb($selectDatabase)) {
$this->dbSelected = $selectDatabase;
return true;
} else {
$this->sqlError(mysqli_error(mysqli_error(), mysqli_errno()));
return true;
* Get version nr of sql server
* @return string
public function getServerInfo()
if (!$this->_mysqli instanceof mysqli) {
return $this->_mysqli->server_info;
* Get version nr of sql client
* @return string
public function getClientInfo()
if (!$this->_mysqli instanceof mysqli) $this->dbConnect();
return $this->_mysqli->client_info;
* Set character set of the MySQL-connection.
* Trys to set the connection charset and returns it.
* Throw Exception on failure.
* @param string $charset
* @throws Exception
* @return string
public function setConnectionCharset($charset = 'utf8')
if (!$this->_mysqli instanceof mysqli) {
if (!@$this->_mysqli->set_charset($charset)) {
$charset . ' ' . $this->_mysqli->error,
$this->connectionCharset = $this->_mysqli->character_set_name();
return $this->connectionCharset;
* Get list of databases
* Gets list of all databases that the actual MySQL-User has access to
* and saves it in $this->databases.
* Returns true on success or false on error.
* @return boolean
public function getDatabases()
if (!$this->_mysqli instanceof mysqli) $this->dbConnect();
$res = $this->query('SHOW DATABASES', self::ARRAY_ASSOC);
$this->databases = array();
foreach ($res as $r) {
$this->databases[] = $r['Database'];
return $this->databases;
* Select the given database to use it as the target for following queries.
* Returns true if selection was succesfull otherwise false.
* @throws Exception
* @param string $database Database to select
* @return boolean
public function selectDb($database)
if (!$this->_mysqli instanceof mysqli) {
if ($res===false) {
return $this->_mysqli->error;
} else {
$this->dbSelected = $database;
return true;
* Get selected database
* @see inc/classes/db/MsdDbFactory#getSelectedDb()
* @return string
public function getSelectedDb()
return $this->dbSelected;
* Execute a MySQL-Query
* @throws Exception
* @param string $query The query to execute
* @param const $kind Type of result set
* @return array
public function query($query, $kind = self::ARRAY_OBJECT)
if (!$this->_mysqli instanceof mysqli) {
//echo "<br>Mysqli: executing query: " . $query;
$result = $this->_mysqli->query($query);
if (false === $result) {
$this->sqlError($this->_mysqli->error, $this->_mysqli->errno);
if (!$result instanceof mysqli_result || $kind === self::SIMPLE) {
return $result;
$ret = array();
if ($kind === self::ARRAY_OBJECT) {
WHILE ($row = $result->fetch_object()) {
$ret[] = $row;
} elseif ($kind === self::ARRAY_NUMERIC) {
WHILE ($row = $result->fetch_array(MYSQLI_NUM)) {
$ret[] = $row;
} elseif ($kind === self::ARRAY_ASSOC) {
WHILE ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
$ret[] = $row;
if ($result instanceof mysqli) {
return $ret;
* Get table list of given database(s)
* Stores them in $this->tables[database]
* When no database is given, all databases are scanned for tables.
* Returns table list for selected or for all databases.
* @param string|array $database
* @return array
public function getTables($database = false)
if (!$this->_mysqli instanceof mysqli) {
if (!isset($this->tables)) {
$this->tables = array();
if ($database !== false) {
//only list tables of selected database
if (is_array($database)) {
$databases = $database;
} else {
$databases = array();
$databases[0] = $database;
} else {
//list tables for all databases
$databases = $this->databases;
// get tablenames for each database
foreach ($databases as $db) {
$this->tables[$db] = array();
$sql = 'SHOW TABLES FROM `' . $db . '`';
$res = $this->query($sql, self::ARRAY_NUMERIC);
foreach ($res as $val) {
$this->tables[$db][] = $val[0];
return is_string($database) ? $this->tables[$database] : $this->tables;
* Gets extended table information for one or all tables
* @param string $table
* @param string $database
* @return array
public function getTableStatus($table = false, $database = false)
if ($database !== false && $database != $this->dbSelected) {
if (!$this->_mysqli instanceof mysqli) {
if (!isset($this->tableinfo)) {
$this->tableinfo = array();
if (!isset($this->tableinfo[$this->dbSelected])) {
$this->tableinfo[$this->dbSelected] = array();
if ($table !== false) {
$sql .= ' LIKE \'' . $table . '\'';
$res = $this->query($sql, self::ARRAY_ASSOC);
if (is_array($res)) {
foreach ($res as $r) {
$tablename = $r['Name'];
$this->tableinfo[$this->dbSelected][$tablename] = $r;
} elseif ($res === false) {
$this->sqlError($this->_mysqli->error, $this->_mysqli->errno);
if ($table !== false) {
if (isset($this->tableinfo[$this->dbSelected][$table])) {
return $this->tableinfo[$this->dbSelected][$table];
return $this->tableinfo[$this->dbSelected];
* Returns the CREATE Statement of a table.
* @throws Exception
* @param string $table
* @param string $database
* @return string
public function getTableCreate($table, $database = false)
if (false === $database) {
$database = $this->dbSelected;
if ($database != $this->dbSelected) {
if (false === $this->selectDB($database)) {
$this->sqlError($this->_mysqli->error, $this->_mysqli->errno);
if (!$this->_mysqli instanceof mysqli) {
$sql = 'SHOW CREATE TABLE `' . $table . '`';
$res = $this->query($sql, self::ARRAY_ASSOC);
if (isset($res[0]['Create Table'])) {
return $res[0]['Create Table'];
} else {
$this->sqlError($this->_mysqli->error, $this->_mysqli->errno);
* Gets the full description of all columns of a table
* Saves it to $this->metaTables[$database][$table].
* @param string $table
* @param string $database
* @return array
public function getTableColumns($table, $database = false)
if (!$this->_mysqli instanceof mysqli) {
if (false === $database) {
$database = $this->dbSelected;
if ($database != $this->dbSelected) {
if (false === $this->selectDB($database)) {
$this->sqlError($this->_mysqli->error, $this->_mysqli->errno);
$sql = 'SHOW FULL FIELDS FROM `' . $table . '`';
$res = $this->query($sql, self::ARRAY_ASSOC);
if (!isset($this->metaTables[$database])) $this->metaTables[$database] = array();
if (is_array($res)) {
$this->metaTables[$database][$table] = array();
foreach ($res as $r) {
$this->metaTables[$database][$table][$r['Field']] = $r;
return $this->metaTables[$database][$table];
* Gets the number of affected rows for the last query
* @see inc/classes/db/MsdDbFactory#affectedRows()
* @return integer
public function getAffectedRows()
return $this->_mysqli->affected_rows;
* Escape a value to use it in a query
* @see inc/classes/db/MsdDbFactory#escape($val)
* @param mixed $val The value to escape
* @return mixed
public function escape($val)
return $this->_mysqli->real_escape_string($val);
* Optimize a table. Returns true on success or MySQL-Error.
* @param string $table Name of table
* @return boolean or string true on success or mysql_error() on failure
function optimizeTable($table)
$sql = 'OPTIMIZE TABLE `' . $this->dbSelected . '`.`' . $table . '`';
$res = $this->query($sql, MsdDbFactory::ARRAY_ASSOC);
if (isset($res[0]['Msg_text'])) {
return $res[0];
} else {
return false;
Normale Datei
@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
* This file is part of MySQLDumper released under the GNU/GPL 2 license
* @package MySQLDumper
* @subpackage Helper
* @version SVN: $rev: 1207 $
* @author $Author$
* @lastmodified $Date$
* File-Helper Class
* Class offers some methods for file handling
class File
* Get CHMOD of a file
* @param string $file The file to get chmod for
* @return int
public static function getChmod($file)
return @substr(decoct(fileperms($file)), -3);
* Detects if file or directory is writable and trys to chmod it.
* Returns if file or directory is writable after chmodding.
* @param string $path
* @param string $chmod
* @return bool
public static function isWritable($path, $chmod)
if (!is_writable($path)) {
@chmod($path, $chmod);
return is_writable($path);
Normale Datei
@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
* This file is part of MySQLDumper released under the GNU/GPL 2 license
* @package MySQLDumper
* @version SVN: $rev: 1207 $
* @author $Author$
* @lastmodified $Date$
* HTML-Helper Class
* Class has some static methods for building HTML-output
class Html
* Build HTML option list from array.
* @param array $arr Array $array[key]=value
* @param string $selected Selected key
* @param string $valuePattern Pattern to format value output
* @return string HTML option list
public static function getOptionlist($arr, $selected, $valuePattern = false)
$r = '';
foreach ($arr as $key => $val) {
$r .= '<option value="' . $key . '"';
$r .= Html::getSelected($key, $selected) . '>';
if ($valuePattern) $r .= sprintf($valuePattern, $val);
else $r .= $val;
$r .= '</option>' . "\n";
return $r;
* Get HTML output for attribute "checked"
* @param string $val The current value
* @param string $checked The value for the element if it should be checked
* @return string Html attribute "checked" or empty string
public static function getChecked($val, $checked)
return $val == $checked ? ' checked="checked"' : '';
* Get HTML output for attribute "disable"
* @param string $val The current value
* @param string $disabled The value for the element if disabled
* @return string Html attribute "disabled" or empty string
public static function getDisabled($val, $disabled)
return $val == $disabled ? ' disabled="disabled"' : '';
* Get HTML output for attribute "selected"
* @param string $val The current value
* @param string $selected The value for the element if selected
* @return string Html attribute "selected" or empty string
public static function getSelected($val, $selected)
return $val == $selected ? ' selected="selected"' : '';
* Convert HTML br's to new lines.
* @param string $str The string to convert
* @return string Converted string
public static function br2nl($str)
$search = array('<br>', '<br />', '<br/>');
$replace = array("\n", "\n", "\n");
return str_replace($search, $replace, $str);
* Escape quotes and/or slashes and double quotes.
* Used for escaping strings in JS-alerts and config-files.
* @param string $string String to escape
* @param boolean $escapeSlashes Escape slashes and double quotes
* @return string Escaped string
public static function getJsQuote($string, $escapeSlashes = false)
if ($escapeSlashes) {
$string = str_replace('/', '\/', $string);
$string = str_replace('"', '\"', $string);
$string = str_replace("\n", '\n', $string);
return str_replace("'", '\\\'', $string);
* Replace quotes with their Html entity.
* Used for outputing values in HTML attributes without breaking HTML
* @param string $string String with quotes
* @return string String with replaced quotes
public static function replaceQuotes($string)
$string = str_replace("\n", '\n', $string);
return str_replace('"', '"', $string);
* Escape special chars according to Perl syntax.
* @param string $text The string to escape
* @return string Escaped string
public static function escapeSpecialchars($string)
$search = array('@', '$', '\\\\', '"');
$replace = array('\@', '\$', '\\', '\"');
return str_replace($search, $replace, $string);
* Remove added slashes recursively.
* @param mixed $values Array or string to remove added slashes from
* @return mixed Array or String with recursively removed slashes
public static function stripslashesDeep($values)
if (is_array($values)) {
$values = array_map('Html::stripslashesDeep', $values);
} else {
$values = stripslashes($values);
return $values;
* Remove whitespaces before and after string or array.
* @param mixed $values Array or string to remove whitespaces from
* @return mixed Recursively trimmed array or string
public static function trimDeep($values)
if (is_array($values)) {
$values = array_map('Html::trimDeep', $values);
} else {
$values = trim($values);
return $values;
* Build HTML-Message-String for success messages
* @param string $text Message to print
* @return string Message surrounded by HTML-Container
public static function getOkMsg($text)
$html= sprintf('<span class="ok">%s</span>', $text);
$html .= '<span style="float:right">';
$html .= '<img src="./css/msd/icons/ok.gif" title="" alt="">';
$html .= '</span><br />';
return $html;
* Build HTML-Message-String for error messages
* @param string $text Message to print
* @return string Message surrounded by HTML-Container
public static function getErrorMsg($text)
$html= sprintf('<span class="error">%s</span>', $text);
$html .= '<span style="float:right">';
$html .= '<img src="./css/msd/icons/notok.gif" title="" alt="">';
$html .= '</span><br />';
return $html;
* Create IMG-Tag
* @param string $pic Filename of picture
* @param string $title Title for the picture (will alsobe used for alt-tag)
* @return string Built img-tag
public static function getIcon($pic, $title = '')
//TODO get value from a config class and get rid of global
global $config;
$img = '<img src="%s%s" alt="%s" title="%s" />';
return sprintf($img, $config['files']['iconpath'], $pic, $title, $title);
Normale Datei
@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
* This file is part of MySQLDumper released under the GNU/GPL 2 license
* @package MySQLDumper
* @subpackage Helper
* @version SVN: $rev: 1207 $
* @author $Author$
* @lastmodified $Date$
* Sql-Helper Class
* Class offers some methods to wrap some common Sql-commands
class Sql
* Optimize a table and write returned message to log file.
* Returns true on success or MySQL-Error.
* @param MsdDbFactory $dbo Database object
* @param string $table Name of table
* @return bool
public static function optimizeTable(MsdDbFactory $dbo, $table)
global $lang, $log;
$res = $dbo->optimizeTable($table);
if (false !== $res) {
$success=array('status', 'info','warning','note');
if (in_array($res['Msg_type'], $success)) {
$logMsg = $lang['L_OPTIMIZE'].' `'.$dbo->dbSelected. '`.`';
$logMsg .= $table.'`: '.$res['Msg_text'];
$log->write(Log::PHP, $logMsg);
return true;
} else {
$logMsg = sprintf($lang['L_OPTIMIZE_TABLE_ERR'], $table);
writeToErrorLog($dbo->dbSelected, $logMsg, $res['msg_text'], 0);
return false;
} else {
$logMsg = sprintf($lang['L_OPTIMIZE_TABLE_ERR'], $table);
writeToErrorLog($dbo->dbSelecte, $logMsg, $res['msg_text'], 0);
return false;
* Creates a INSERT INTO-string
* "INSERT INTO (`field1`,`field2`,..)"-Command for the given table
* by looking up the meta-information. Table must exists.
* Note: Only used when restoring a backup not from MySQLDumper containing
* extended inserts.
* @param MsdDbFactory Database object
* @param string $table Name of table to analyze
* @return string $insert The name of the table extracted from the Query
public static function getInsertSyntax(MsdDbFactory $dbo, $table)
$insert = '';
$insert = 'INSERT INTO `' . $table . '` (`';
$insert .=implode('`,`', $fields) . '`)';
return $insert;
* Disables keys for given table
* @param MsdDbFactory $dbo Database object
* @param string $table Name of table
* @return bool
public static function disableKeys(MsdDbFactory $dbo, $table)
$query = '/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `' . $table . '` DISABLE KEYS */';
return $dbo->query($query, MsdDbFactory::SIMPLE);
Normale Datei
@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
* This file is part of MySQLDumper released under the GNU/GPL 2 license
* @package MySQLDumper
* @version SVN: $rev: $
* @author $Author$
* @lastmodified $Date$
* String-Helper Class
* Class has some static methods to modify String-output
class String
* Format the given number to better readable number
* @param float|int $number Number to format
* @param int $precision Selected format precision
* @return string Formatted number
public static function formatNumber($number, $precision = 0)
$formattedNumber = number_format(
(float) $number,
(int) $precision,
return $formattedNumber;
Normale Datei
@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
* This file is part of MySQLDumper released under the GNU/GPL 2 license
* @package MySQLDumper
* @version SVN: $rev: 1207 $
* @author $Author$
* @lastmodified $Date$
// language changed?
if (isset($_POST['save']) && isset($_POST['lang_old'])
&& $_POST['language'] != $_POST['lang_old']) {
$config['language'] = $_POST['language'];
$_SESSION['config']['language'] = $_POST['language'];
include ('./language/' . $config['language'] . '/lang.php');
include ('./inc/functions/functions_sql.php');
include ('./inc/functions/functions_dump.php');
include ('./language/lang_list.php');
include ('./inc/define_icons.php');
if (!isset($msg)) {
$msg = '';
$saveConfig = false;
$blendInConnectionParams = false;
$oldTheme = $config['theme'];
if (isset($_POST['save'])) {
// $saveConfig will be set to false if fatal errors occur while validating
$saveConfig = true;
include ('./inc/configuration/databases.php');
include ('./inc/configuration/general.php');
include ('./inc/configuration/interface.php');
include ('./inc/configuration/autodelete.php');
include ('./inc/configuration/email.php');
include ('./inc/configuration/ftp.php');
include ('./inc/configuration/cronscript.php');
// should a new configuration file be created?
if (isset($_GET['create_new_configfile'])) {
$saveConfig = false;
if ($_POST['new_configurationfile'] > '') {
$tmpConfigfilename = utf8_decode(trim($_POST['new_configurationfile']));
if (!preg_match("/^[a-z.-_]+$/i", $tmpConfigfilename, $matches)) {
$msg = sprintf(
$msg = Html::getErrorMsg($msg);
} else {
$config['config_file'] = $_POST['new_configurationfile'];
$config['cron_configurationfile'] = $_POST['new_configurationfile']
. ".conf.php";
$saveConfig = true;
if ($saveConfig) {
if (saveConfig() == true) {
$saveConfig = false;
$msg = sprintf(
$msg = Html::getOkMsg($msg);
} else {
$msg = Html::getErrorMsg($lang['L_SAVE_ERROR']);
$saveConfig = false;
} else {
$msg = Html::getErrorMsg($lang['L_NO_NAME_GIVEN']);
if ($saveConfig) {
// validation was fine, we can write the values to the actual config file
if (saveConfig() == true) {
if ($config['logcompression'] != $oldlogcompression) {
$msg = sprintf($lang['L_SAVE_SUCCESS'], $config['config_file']);
$msg = Html::getOkMsg($msg);
} else {
$msg = Html::getErrorMsg($lang['L_SAVE_ERROR']);
include ('./inc/configuration/config_files.php');
include ('./inc/configuration/config_menu.php');
include ('./inc/configuration/footer.php');
Normale Datei
@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
* This file is part of MySQLDumper released under the GNU/GPL 2 license
* @package MySQLDumper
* @version SVN: $rev: 1207 $
* @author $Author$
* @lastmodified $Date$
if (!defined('MSD_VERSION')) die('No direct access.');
if (isset($_POST['save'])) {
if (!is_array($config['auto_delete'])) {
$config['auto_delete'] = array();
$config['auto_delete']['activated'] = 0;
$config['auto_delete']['max_backup_files'] = 3;
if (isset($_POST['auto_delete'])) {
$config['auto_delete']['activated'] = (int) $_POST['auto_delete'];
if (isset($_POST['max_backup_files'])) {
$config['auto_delete']['max_backup_files'] =
(int) $_POST['max_backup_files'];
$tplConfigurationAutodelete = new MSDTemplate();
'tplConfigurationAutodelete' => 'tpl/configuration/autodelete.tpl')
'ICON_SAVE' => $icon['small']['save'],
Html::getChecked($config['auto_delete']['activated'], 1),
Html::getChecked($config['auto_delete']['activated'], 0),
(int) $config['auto_delete']['max_backup_files'],
Html::getDisabled($config['auto_delete']['activated'], 0))
Normale Datei
@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
* This file is part of MySQLDumper released under the GNU/GPL 2 license
* @package MySQLDumper
* @version SVN: $rev: 1207 $
* @author $Author$
* @lastmodified $Date$
if (!defined('MSD_VERSION')) die('No direct access.');
$oldConfig = $config['config_file'];
if (isset($_GET['config'])) {
$oldDatabases = $databases;
$databases = array();
if (isset($_POST['save'])) {
if (getConfig($_GET['config'])) {
$config['config_file'] = $_GET['config'];
$_SESSION['config_file'] = $_GET['config'];
$oldConfig = $_GET['config'];
$msg = '<p class="success">'
. sprintf($lang['L_CONFIG_LOADED'], $config['config_file'])
. '</p>';
} else {
$databases = $oldDatabases;
$msg = '<p class="error">'
. sprintf(
) . '</p>';
if (isset($_GET['config_delete'])) {
$deleteConfig = urldecode($_GET['config_delete']);
if ($deleteConfig == $config['config_file']) {
//actaul configuration was deleted, fall back to mysqldumper-conf
$config['config_file'] = 'mysqldumper';
$_SESSION['config_file'] = $config['config_file'];
$del = @unlink('./' . $config['paths']['config'] . $deleteConfig . '.php');
if ($del) {
// delete Perl config file
$delFile = $config['paths']['config'] . $deleteConfig . '.conf.php';
$del = @unlink('./' . $delFile);
if ($del === false) {
$msg = '<p class="error">'
. sprintf($lang['L_ERROR_DELETING_CONFIGFILE'], $deleteConfig)
. '</p>';
} else {
$msg = '<p class="success">'
. sprintf($lang['L_SUCCESS_DELETING_CONFIGFILE'], $deleteConfig)
. '</p>';
$sel = 'configs';
$tplConfigurationConfigFiles = new MSDTemplate();
'tplConfigurationConfigFiles' => 'tpl/configuration/configFiles.tpl'
'ICON_SAVE' => $icon['small']['save'],
'ICON_SEARCH' => $icon['search'],
'ICON_EDIT' => $icon['edit'],
'ICON_DELETE' => $icon['delete']
$i = 0;
$configs = getConfigFilenames();
// iterate config files and print settings to screen
foreach ($configs as $c) {
$databases = array();
$rowclass = ($i % 2) ? 'dbrow' : 'dbrow1';
if ($oldConfig == $c) {
$rowclass = 'dbrowsel'; // highlight active configuration
// Generate configuration output
$outputstringMultisettings = '';
$dbsToBackup = array();
// look up which databases are set to be dumped
$dbs = array_keys($dump['databases']);
$dbsToBackup = implode(', ', $dbs);
'ROWCLASS' => $rowclass,
'NR' => $i,
'CONFIG_ID' => sprintf("%03d", $i),
'CONFIG_NAME' => $c,
'CONFIG_NAME_URLENCODED' => urlencode($c),
'DB_HOST' => $config['dbhost'],
'DB_USER' => $config['dbuser'],
'NR_OF_DATABASES' => sizeof($databases),
'DBS_TO_BACKUP' => $dbsToBackup . ' ',
$config['email']['attach_backup'] == 1 ?
$lang['L_YES'] : $lang['L_NO']
if (count($databases) > 0) {
$a = 1;
foreach ($databases as $dbName => $val) {
'ROWCLASS' => $a % 2 ? 'dbrow' : 'dbrow1',
'NR' => $a,
'DB_NAME_URLENCODED' => base64_encode($dbName),
'DB_NAME' => $dbName
// is Multipart used?
if ($config['multi_part'] == 1) {
// send mail after backup?
if ($config['send_mail'] == 1) {
$recipientsCc = implodeSubarray(
if ($config['email']['recipient_name'] > '') {
$recipient = $config['email']['recipient_name'];
} else {
$recipient = $config['email']['recipient_address'];
'RECIPIENT' => $recipient,
$recipientsCc > '' ? $recipientsCc : $lang['L_NO']
$bytes = $config['email_maxsize1'] * 1024;
if ($config['email_maxsize2'] == 2) $bytes = $bytes * 1024;
if ($config['email']['attach_backup'] == 1) {
'SIZE' => byteOutput($bytes)
// FTP settings
foreach ($config['ftp'] as $ftp) {
if ($ftp['transfer'] > 0) {
$ftpSettings = sprintf(
$lang['L_FTP_SEND_TO'], $ftp['server'], $ftp['dir']
'FTP_SETTINGS' => Html::replaceQuotes($ftpSettings)
// Show delete-button if it is not the standard config file
if ($c != 'mysqldumper') {
$confirmDelete = sprintf($lang['L_CONFIRM_CONFIGFILE_DELETE'], $c);
'CONFIRM_DELETE' => Html::getJsQuote($confirmDelete)
$databases = array();
$_SESSION['config_file'] = $oldConfig;
$config['config_file'] = $oldConfig;
// reload actual configuration
Normale Datei
@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
* This file is part of MySQLDumper released under the GNU/GPL 2 license
* @package MySQLDumper
* @version SVN: $rev: 1207 $
* @author $Author$
* @lastmodified $Date$
if (!defined('MSD_VERSION')) die('No direct access.');
$tplConfigurationConfigMenu = new MSDTemplate();
'tplConfigurationConfigMenu' => 'tpl/configuration/config_menu.tpl'
$msdMode = $lang['L_MODE_EXPERT'];
if ($config['msd_mode'] == 0) {
$msdMode = $lang['L_MODE_EASY'];
'CONFIGURATION_NAME' => $config['config_file'],
'ICON_SAVE' => $icon['small']['save'],
'ICON_OPEN_FILE' => $icon['small']['open_file'],
'MSD_MODE' => $msdMode
Normale Datei
@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
* This file is part of MySQLDumper released under the GNU/GPL 2 license
* @package MySQLDumper
* @version SVN: $rev: 1207 $
* @author $Author$
* @lastmodified $Date$
if (!defined('MSD_VERSION')) die('No direct access.');
if (isset($_POST['save'])) {
$config['cron_comment'] = $_POST['cron_comment'];
if (isset($_POST['cron_extender'])) {
$config['cron_extender'] = (int) $_POST['cron_extender'];
// cron_select_savepath/
if (!isset($_POST['cron_select_savepath'])) {
$_POST['cron_select_savepath'] = $config['config_file'];
$config['cron_execution_path'] = $_POST['cron_execution_path'];
if ($config['cron_execution_path'] == '') {
$config['cron_execution_path'] = 'msd_cron/';
if (strlen($config['cron_execution_path']) > 1
&& substr($config['cron_execution_path'], -1) != '/') {
$config['cron_execution_path'] .= '/';
if (isset($_POST['cron_printout'])) {
$config['cron_printout'] = (int) $_POST['cron_printout'];
if (isset($_POST['cron_completelog'])) {
$config['cron_completelog'] = (int) $_POST['cron_completelog'];
if (isset($_POST['compression'])) {
$config['cron_compression'] = (int) $_POST['compression'];
if (isset($_POST['cron_completelog'])) {
$config['cron_completelog'] = (int) $_POST['cron_completelog'];
$tplConfigurationCronscript = new MSDTemplate();
array('tplConfigurationCronscript' => 'tpl/configuration/cronscript.tpl')
'ICON_SAVE' => $icon['small']['save'],
Html::getChecked($config['cron_extender'], 0),
Html::getChecked($config['cron_extender'], 1),
'EXEC_PATH' => $config['cron_execution_path'],
Html::getChecked($config['cron_printout'], 1),
Html::getChecked($config['cron_printout'], 0),
Html::getChecked($config['cron_completelog'], 1),
Html::getChecked($config['cron_completelog'], 0),
htmlspecialchars($config['cron_comment'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8')
Normale Datei
@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
* This file is part of MySQLDumper released under the GNU/GPL 2 license
* @package MySQLDumper
* @version SVN: $rev: 1207 $
* @author $Author$
* @lastmodified $Date$
if (!defined('MSD_VERSION')) {
die('No direct access.');
if (isset($_POST['save'])) {
if (count($databases) > 0) {
$i = 0;
foreach ($databases as $dbName => $val) {
$databases[$dbName]['prefix'] = '';
if (isset($_POST['dbpraefix_' . $i])) {
$databases[$dbName]['prefix'] = $_POST['dbpraefix_' . $i];
$databases[$dbName]['command_before_dump'] = '';
if (!empty($_POST['command_before_' . $i])) {
$databases[$dbName]['command_before_dump'] =
getQueryFromSqlLibrary($_POST['command_before_' . $i]);
$databases[$dbName]['command_after_dump'] = '';
if (!empty($_POST['command_after_' . $i])) {
$databases[$dbName]['command_after_dump'] =
getQueryFromSqlLibrary($_POST['command_after_' . $i]);
if (isset($_POST['db_multidump_' . $i])
&& $_POST['db_multidump_' . $i] == "db_multidump_$i") {
$databases[$dbName]['dump'] = 1;
} else {
$databases[$dbName]['dump'] = 0;
if ($config['dbhost'] != $_POST['dbhost']
|| $config['dbuser'] != $_POST['dbuser']
|| $config['dbpass'] != $_POST['dbpass']
|| $config['dbport'] != $_POST['dbport']
|| $config['dbsocket'] != $_POST['dbsocket']) {
//neue Verbindungsparameter
$blendInConnectionParams = true;
//alte Parameter sichern
$old['dbhost'] = $config['dbhost'];
$old['dbuser'] = $config['dbuser'];
$old['dbpass'] = $config['dbpass'];
$old['dbport'] = $config['dbport'];
$old['dbsocket'] = $config['dbsocket'];
//neu setzen
$config['dbhost'] = $_POST['dbhost'];
$config['dbuser'] = $_POST['dbuser'];
$config['dbpass'] = $_POST['dbpass'];
$config['dbport'] = $_POST['dbport'];
$config['dbsocket'] = $_POST['dbsocket'];
$dbo = MsdDbFactory::getAdapter(
// try to connect with new params
$res = $dbo->dbConnect();
if ($res === true) {
// ok - get list of databases
} else {
//something went wrong - resume old values
$config['dbhost'] = $old['dbhost'];
$config['dbuser'] = $old['dbuser'];
$config['dbpass'] = $old['dbpass'];
$config['dbport'] = $old['dbport'];
$config['dbsocket'] = $old['dbsocket'];
$msg .= '<p class="error">' . $lang['L_WRONG_CONNECTIONPARS'] . ': ' . $res . '</p>';
$saveConfig = false;
$dbo = MsdDbFactory::getAdapter(
// manual adding of a database
if ($_POST['add_db_manual'] > '') {
$saveConfig = false;
$blendInConnectionParams = true;
$dbToAdd = trim($_POST['add_db_manual']);
$found = false;
// Check if we already have this one in our db list
if (isset($databases[$dbToAdd])) {
$addDbMessage = sprintf($lang['L_DB_IN_LIST'], $dbToAdd);
} else {
$dbo = MsdDbFactory::getAdapter(
try {
$dbo->selectDb($dbToAdd, true);
$saveConfig = true;
} catch (Exception $e){
$addDbMessage = $lang['L_ERROR'] . ': (' . $e->getCode() . ') ';
$addDbMessage .= $e->getMessage();
$tplConfigurationDatabases = new MSDTemplate();
array('tplConfigurationDatabases' => 'tpl/configuration/databases.tpl')
'ICON_SAVE' => $icon['small']['save'],
'DB_HOST' => $config['dbhost'],
'DB_USER' => $config['dbuser'],
'DB_PASS' => $config['dbpass'],
'DB_PORT' => $config['dbport'],
'DB_SOCKET' => $config['dbsocket'],
'ICON_EDIT' => $icon['edit'],
'ICON_DOWN' => $icon['arrow_down'],
'ICON_PLUS' => $icon['plus'],
'ICON_MINUS' => $icon['minus'])
if (isset($addDbMessage) && $addDbMessage > '')
'MANUAL_DB_ADD', array('MESSAGE' => $addDbMessage)
//Wenn Datenbanken vorhanden sind
if (count($databases) > 0) {
$dbCount = count($databases);
'DBS', array('DB_COUNT' => $dbCount)
$i = 0;
foreach ($databases as $dbName => $val) {
if (!isset($val['dump'])) {
$val['dump'] = 0;
if (!isset($val['prefix'])) {
$val['prefix'] = '';
$rowclass = $i % 2 ? 'dbrow' : 'dbrow1';
if ($dbName == $config['db_actual']) {
$rowclass = 'dbrowsel';
'DBS.ROW', array(
'ROWCLASS' => $rowclass,
'ID' => $i,
'NR' => $i + 1,
'DB_NAME' => $dbName,
'DB_MULTIDUMP_ENABLED' => Html::getChecked($val['dump'], 1),
'DB_PREFIX' => $val['prefix'],
'COMMAND_BEFORE_BACKUP_COMBO' => getCommandDumpComboBox(0, $i, $dbName),
'COMMAND_AFTER_BACKUP_COMBO' => getCommandDumpComboBox(1, $i, $dbName))
} else {
$tplConfigurationDatabases->assign_block_vars('NO_DB', array());
Normale Datei
@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
* This file is part of MySQLDumper released under the GNU/GPL 2 license
* @package MySQLDumper
* @version SVN: $rev: 1207 $
* @author $Author$
* @lastmodified $Date$
if (!defined('MSD_VERSION')) die('No direct access.');
//add new cc-recipient
if ($action == 'add_recipient_cc') {
$index = 0;
if (isset($_POST['email_recipient_cc'])) {
$index = count($_POST['email_recipient_cc']);
$_POST['email_recipient_cc'][$index]['name'] = '';
$_POST['email_recipient_cc'][$index]['address'] = '';
$_POST['save'] = true;
// delete cc-recipient
if ($action == 'delete_recipient_cc') {
$index = (int) $_GET['cc'];
if (isset($config['email']['recipient_cc'][$index])) {
$_POST['save'] = true;
if (isset($_POST['save'])) {
if (isset($_POST['send_mail'])) {
$config['send_mail'] = (int) $_POST['send_mail'];
if (!is_array($config['email'])) {
$config['email'] = array();
if (isset($_POST['email_recipient_address'])) {
$config['email']['recipient_address'] =
if (isset($_POST['email_recipient_name'])) {
$config['email']['recipient_name'] = $_POST['email_recipient_name'];
$config['email']['recipient_cc'] = array();
if (isset($_POST['email_recipient_cc'])) {
$i = 0;
foreach ($_POST['email_recipient_cc'] as $key => $val) {
$config['email']['recipient_cc'][$i] = array();
$config['email']['recipient_cc'][$i]['name'] = $val['name'];
$config['email']['recipient_cc'][$i]['address'] = $val['address'];
if (isset($_POST['email_sender_name'])) {
$config['email']['sender_name'] = $_POST['email_sender_name'];
if (isset($_POST['email_sender_address'])) {
$config['email']['sender_address'] = $_POST['email_sender_address'];
if (isset($_POST['attach_backup'])) {
$config['email']['sender_address'] = $_POST['attach_backup'];
if (isset($_POST['email_maxsize1'])) {
$config['email_maxsize1'] = floatval($_POST['email_maxsize1']);
if (isset($_POST['email_maxsize2'])) {
$config['email_maxsize2'] = $_POST['email_maxsize2'];
$config['email_maxsize'] = $config['email_maxsize1']
* (($config['email_maxsize2'] == 1) ? 1024 : 1024 * 1024);
if (isset($_POST['use_mailer'])) {
$config['use_mailer'] = $_POST['use_mailer'];
if (isset($_POST['sendmail_call'])) {
$config['sendmail_call'] = $_POST['sendmail_call'];
if (isset($_POST['smtp_server'])) {
$config['smtp_server'] = $_POST['smtp_server'];
if (isset($_POST['smtp_user'])) {
$config['smtp_user'] = $_POST['smtp_user'];
if (isset($_POST['smtp_pass'])) {
$config['smtp_pass'] = $_POST['smtp_pass'];
if (isset($_POST['smtp_useauth'])) {
$config['smtp_useauth'] = $_POST['smtp_useauth'];
if (isset($_POST['smtp_usessl'])) {
$config['smtp_usessl'] = $_POST['smtp_usessl'];
if (isset($_POST['smtp_port'])) {
$config['smtp_port'] = (int) $_POST['smtp_port'];
if (isset($_POST['smtp_pop3_server'])) {
$config['smtp_pop3_server'] = (string) $_POST['smtp_pop3_server'];
if (isset($_POST['smtp_pop3_port'])) {
$config['smtp_pop3_port'] = (int) $_POST['smtp_pop3_port'];
// backwards compatibilty with older configurations
if (!isset($config['email_maxsize1'])) {
$config['email_maxsize1'] = 0;
if (!isset($config['email_maxsize2'])) {
$config['email_maxsize2'] = 1;
$tplConfigurationEmail = new MSDTemplate();
array('tplConfigurationEmail' => 'tpl/configuration/email.tpl')
'ICON_SAVE' => $icon['small']['save'],
'ICON_PLUS' => $icon['plus'],
'ICON_DELETE' => $icon['delete'],
'SEND_MAIL_ENABLED_SELECTED' => Html::getChecked($config['send_mail'], 1),
'EMAIL_DISABLED' => Html::getDisabled($config['send_mail'], 0),
'SEND_MAIL_DISABLED_SELECTED' => Html::getChecked($config['send_mail'], 0),
'EMAIL_SENDER_NAME' => Html::replaceQuotes($config['email']['sender_name']),
Html::getChecked($config['email']['attach_backup'], 1),
Html::getChecked($config['email']['attach_backup'], 0),
Html::getDisabled($config['email']['attach_backup'], 0),
'EMAIL_MAXSIZE' => $config['email_maxsize1'],
Html::getSelected($config['email_maxsize2'], 1),
Html::getSelected($config['email_maxsize2'], 2),
'EMAIL_USE_PHPMAIL_SELECTED' => Html::getChecked($config['use_mailer'], 0),
'EMAIL_USE_SENDMAIL_SELECTED' => Html::getChecked($config['use_mailer'], 1),
'EMAIL_USE_SMTP_SELECTED' => Html::getChecked($config['use_mailer'], 2),
'SENDMAIL_CALL' => Html::replaceQuotes($config['sendmail_call']),
'SMTP_SERVER' => $config['smtp_server'],
'SMTP_USER' => $config['smtp_user'],
'SMTP_PASS' => $config['smtp_pass'],
'SMTP_AUTH_DISABLED' => Html::getDisabled($config['smtp_useauth'], 0),
'SMTP_AUTH_SELECTED' => Html::getChecked($config['smtp_useauth'], 1),
'SMTP_AUTH_NOT_SELECTED' => Html::getChecked($config['smtp_useauth'], 0),
'SMTP_SSL_SELECTED' => Html::getChecked($config['smtp_usessl'], 1),
'SMTP_SSL_NOT_SELECTED' => Html::getChecked($config['smtp_usessl'], 0),
'SMTP_PORT' => $config['smtp_port'],
'SMTP_POP3_SERVER' => $config['smtp_pop3_server'],
'SMTP_POP3_PORT' => $config['smtp_pop3_port'])
if ($config['smtp_useauth'] == 0) {
$tplConfigurationEmail->assign_block_vars('HIDE_SMTP_AUTH_FIELDS', array());
if (is_array($config['email']['recipient_cc'])
&& sizeof($config['email']['recipient_cc']) > 0) {
foreach ($config['email']['recipient_cc'] as $key => $val) {
$confirmRecDelete = sprintf(
$val['name'] . ' ' . $val['address']
$confirmRecDelete = Html::replaceQuotes($confirmRecDelete);
'NR' => $key,
'CONFIRM_RECIPIENT_DELETE' => $confirmRecDelete,
'EMAIL_RECIPIENT_CC_NAME' => Html::replaceQuotes($val['name']),
Normale Datei
@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
* This file is part of MySQLDumper released under the GNU/GPL 2 license
* @package MySQLDumper
* @version SVN: $rev: 1207 $
* @author $Author$
* @lastmodified $Date$
if (!defined('MSD_VERSION')) die('No direct access.');
// special div selected? DIV with this id will be shown e.g after pressing
// the save button
$sel = (isset($_POST['sel'])) ? $_POST['sel'] : 'db';
if (isset($_GET['sel'])) $sel = $_GET['sel'];
$tplConfigurationFooter = new MSDTemplate();
array('tplConfigurationFooter' => 'tpl/configuration/footer.tpl')
'SELECTED_DIV' => $sel,
'NOTIFICATION_POSITION' => $config['notification_position']
//output notification message if we have one
if ($msg > '') {
'MESSAGE', array('TEXT' => Html::getJsQuote($msg, true))
// if something went wrong with the change of a user or no database was found
// -> blend in connection params and let the user correct it
if ( (isset($blendInConnectionParams) && $blendInConnectionParams)
|| count($databases) == 0) {
Normale Datei
@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
* This file is part of MySQLDumper released under the GNU/GPL 2 license
* @package MySQLDumper
* @version SVN: $rev: 1207 $
* @author $Author$
* @lastmodified $Date$
if (!defined('MSD_VERSION')) {
die('No direct access.');
// will hold connection result if ftp connection should be checked
$ftpConnectionCheck = array();
if (isset($_POST['save'])) {
if (!is_array($config['ftp'])) {
$config['ftp'] = array();
// add ftp connection
if (!isset($_POST['ftp'])) {
$_POST['ftp'] = array();
if (isset($_POST['ftp_add_new_connection'])) {
$_POST['ftp'][count($_POST['ftp'])] = array();
foreach ($_POST['ftp'] as $key => $val) {
// set default values if this connection is a new one
if (!isset($config['ftp'][$key]) || !is_array($config['ftp'][$key])) {
$config['ftp'][$key] = array();
if (!isset($config['ftp'][$key]['server'])) {
$config['ftp'][$key]['server'] = '';
if (!isset($config['ftp'][$key]['transfer'])) {
$config['ftp'][$key]['transfer'] = 0;
if (!isset($config['ftp'][$key]['timeout'])) {
$config['ftp'][$key]['timeout'] = 10;
if (!isset($config['ftp'][$key]['ssl'])) {
$config['ftp'][$key]['ssl'] = 0;
if (!isset($config['ftp'][$key]['mode'])) {
$config['ftp'][$key]['mode'] = 0;
if (!isset($config['ftp'][$key]['port'])) {
$config['ftp'][$key]['port'] = 21;
if (!isset($config['ftp'][$key]['user'])) {
$config['ftp'][$key]['user'] = '';
if (!isset($config['ftp'][$key]['pass'])) {
$config['ftp'][$key]['pass'] = '';
if (!isset($config['ftp'][$key]['dir'])) {
$config['ftp'][$key]['dir'] = '/';
if (isset($val['transfer'])) {
$config['ftp'][$key]['transfer'] = (int) $val['transfer'];
if (isset($val['server'])) {
$config['ftp'][$key]['server'] = (string) $val['server'];
if (isset($val['timeout'])) {
$config['ftp'][$key]['timeout'] = (int) $val['timeout'];
if (isset($val['ssl'])) {
$config['ftp'][$key]['ssl'] = (int) $val['ssl'];
if (isset($val['mode'])) {
$config['ftp'][$key]['mode'] = (int) $val['mode'];
if (isset($val['port'])) {
$config['ftp'][$key]['port'] = (int) $val['port'];
if (isset($val['user'])) {
$config['ftp'][$key]['user'] = (string) $val['user'];
if (isset($val['pass'])) {
$config['ftp'][$key]['pass'] = (string) $val['pass'];
if (isset($val['dir'])) {
$config['ftp'][$key]['dir'] = (string) $val['dir'];
if ($config['ftp'][$key]['dir'] == ''
|| (strlen($config['ftp'][$key]['dir']) > 1
&& substr($config['ftp'][$key]['dir'], -1) != '/')) {
$config['ftp'][$key]['dir'] .= '/';
if (isset($_POST['ftp'][$key]['test'])) {
$ftpConnectionCheck[$key] = testFTP($key);
// don't save values - we just want to test the ftp connection data
$saveConfig = false;
if (isset($_GET['del_ftp'])) {
$index = intval($_GET['del_ftp']);
if (isset($config['ftp'][$index])) {
$tplConfigurationFtp = new MSDTemplate();
array('tplConfigurationFtp' => 'tpl/configuration/ftp.tpl')
'ICON_ADD' => $icon['plus'],
'ICON_DELETE' => $icon['delete'],
'ICON_SAVE' => $icon['small']['save']
foreach ($config['ftp'] as $key => $val) {
// if ftp extension is not loaded -> disable ftp transfer
if (!extension_loaded('ftp')) {
$config['ftp'][$key]['transfer'] = 0;
'NR' => $key + 1,
'ID' => $key,
'FTP_DISABLED' => Html::getDisabled(!extension_loaded("ftp"), true),
'FTP_ENABLED_SELECTED' => Html::getChecked($val['transfer'], 1),
'FTP_DISABLED_SELECTED' => Html::getChecked($val['transfer'], 0),
'FTP_FIELDS_DISABLED' => Html::getDisabled($val['transfer'], 0),
'FTP_TIMEOUT' => $val['timeout'],
'FTP_PASSIVE_MODE_SELECTED' => Html::getChecked($val['mode'], 1),
Html::getDisabled(extension_loaded('openssl'), false),
'FTP_SSL_ENABLED_SELECTED' => Html::getChecked($val['ssl'], 1),
'FTP_SERVER' => $config['ftp'][$key]['server'],
'FTP_PORT' => $val['port'],
'FTP_USER' => Html::replaceQuotes($val['user']),
'FTP_PASSWORD' => Html::replaceQuotes($val['pass']),
'FTP_DIRECTORY' => $val['dir'],
if (isset($ftpConnectionCheck[$key])) {
'FTP.CHECK', array('RESULT' => $ftpConnectionCheck[$key])
Normale Datei
@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
* This file is part of MySQLDumper released under the GNU/GPL 2 license
* @package MySQLDumper
* @version SVN: $rev: 1207 $
* @author $Author$
* @lastmodified $Date$
if (!defined('MSD_VERSION')) die('No direct access.');
if (isset($_POST['save'])) {
if (isset($_POST['msd_mode'])) {
$config['msd_mode'] = (int) $_POST['msd_mode'];
if (isset($_POST['compression'])) {
$config['compression'] = (int) $_POST['compression'];
if (isset($_POST['minspeed'])) {
$config['minspeed'] = (int) $_POST['minspeed'];
if ($config['minspeed'] < 50) $config['minspeed'] = 50;
if (isset($_POST['maxspeed'])) {
$config['maxspeed'] = (int) $_POST['maxspeed'];
if ($config['maxspeed'] < $config['minspeed']) {
$config['maxspeed'] = $config['minspeed'] * 2;
if (isset($_POST['stop_with_error'])) {
$config['stop_with_error'] = (int) $_POST['stop_with_error'];
if (isset($_POST['multi_part'])) {
$config['multi_part'] = (int) $_POST['multi_part'];
if (isset($_POST['multipartgroesse1'])) {
$config['multipartgroesse1'] =
floatval(str_replace(',', '.', $_POST['multipartgroesse1']));
if (isset($_POST['multipartgroesse2'])) {
$config['multipartgroesse2'] = (int) $_POST['multipartgroesse2'];
if ($config['multipartgroesse1'] < 100
&& $config['multipartgroesse2'] == 1) {
$config['multipartgroesse1'] = 100;
if ($config['multipartgroesse1'] < 1 && $config['multipartgroesse2'] == 2) {
$config['multipartgroesse1'] = 1;
// if compression changes -> delete old log file
$oldlogcompression = $config['logcompression'];
if (isset($_POST['logcompression'])) {
$config['logcompression'] = $_POST['logcompression'];
} else {
$config['logcompression'] = 0;
// if zlib-extension is not installed de-activate compression
// for log and dump file automatically
if (!$config['zlib']) {
$config['logcompression'] = 0;
$config['compression'] = 0;
// max size of logfiles
if (isset($_POST['log_maxsize1'])) {
$config['log_maxsize1'] = (int) $_POST['log_maxsize1'];
if (isset($_POST['log_maxsize2'])) {
$config['log_maxsize2'] = (int) $_POST['log_maxsize2'];
if ($config['log_maxsize1'] < 1) {
$config['log_maxsize1'] = 1;
if ($config['log_maxsize1'] < 100 && $config['log_maxsize2'] == 1) {
$config['log_maxsize1'] = 100;
if ($config['log_maxsize2'] == 1) {
$config['log_maxsize'] = 1024 * $config['log_maxsize1']; // kB
} else {
$config['log_maxsize'] = 1024 * 1024 * $config['log_maxsize1']; // MB
if (isset($_POST['empty_db_before_restore'])) {
$config['empty_db_before_restore'] =
(int) $_POST['empty_db_before_restore'];
if (isset($_POST['optimize_tables'])) {
$config['optimize_tables_beforedump'] = (int) $_POST['optimize_tables'];
//if we are not in mode expert -> reset hidden settings to safe defaults
if ($config['msd_mode'] == 0) {
$config['empty_db_before_restore'] = 0;
$tplConfigurationGeneral = new MSDTemplate();
array('tplConfigurationGeneral' => 'tpl/configuration/general.tpl')
if ($config['msd_mode'] > 0) {
$tplConfigurationGeneral->assign_block_vars('MODE_EXPERT', array());
$logGz = !$config['zlib'] ? '' : Html::getChecked($config['logcompression'], 1);
'ICON_SAVE' => $icon['small']['save'],
'MSD_MODE_EASY_SELECTED' => Html::getChecked($config['msd_mode'], 0),
'MSD_MODE_EXPERT_SELECTED' => Html::getChecked($config['msd_mode'], 1),
'GZ_DISABLED' => Html::getDisabled($config['zlib'], 0),
'LOG_GZ_SELECTED' => $logGz,
'LOG_MAXSIZE1' => $config['log_maxsize1'],
'LOG_UNIT_KB_SELECTED' => Html::getSelected($config['log_maxsize2'], 1),
'LOG_UNIT_MB_SELECTED' => Html::getSelected($config['log_maxsize2'], 2),
'PHP_MEMORY_LIMIT' => $config['memory_limit'],
'MIN_SPEED' => $config['minspeed'],
'MAX_SPEED' => $config['maxspeed'],
Html::getChecked($config['compression'], 1),
Html::getChecked($config['compression'], 0),
Html::getChecked($config['multi_part'], 1),
Html::getChecked($config['multi_part'], 0),
'MULTIPART_FILE_SIZE' => $config['multipartgroesse1'],
'MULTIPART_DISABLED' => Html::getDisabled($config['multi_part'], 0),
Html::getDisabled($config['multi_part'], 0),
Html::getSelected($config['multipartgroesse2'], 1),
Html::getSelected($config['multipartgroesse2'], 2),
Html::getChecked($config['optimize_tables_beforedump'], 1),
Html::getChecked($config['optimize_tables_beforedump'], 0),
Html::getChecked($config['empty_db_before_restore'], 1),
Html::getChecked($config['empty_db_before_restore'], 0),
Html::getChecked($config['stop_with_error'], 1),
Html::getChecked($config['stop_with_error'], 0)
Normale Datei
@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
* This file is part of MySQLDumper released under the GNU/GPL 2 license
* @package MySQLDumper
* @version SVN: $rev: 1207 $
* @author $Author$
* @lastmodified $Date$
if (!defined('MSD_VERSION')) die('No direct access.');
//define position-array for notification window
$positions = array(
'tl' => $lang['L_POSITION_TL'],
'tc' => $lang['L_POSITION_TC'],
'tr' => $lang['L_POSITION_TR'],
'ml' => $lang['L_POSITION_ML'],
'mc' => $lang['L_POSITION_MC'],
'mr' => $lang['L_POSITION_MR'],
'bl' => $lang['L_POSITION_BL'],
'bc' => $lang['L_POSITION_BC'],
'br' => $lang['L_POSITION_BR']
if (isset($_POST['save'])) {
if (isset($_POST['interface_server_caption'])) {
$config['interface_server_caption'] = 1;
} else {
$config['interface_server_caption'] = 0;
if (isset($_POST['interface_server_caption_position_1'])) {
$config['interface_server_caption_position'] = 1;
} else {
$config['interface_server_caption_position'] = 0;
if (isset($_POST['sqlboxsize'])) {
$config['interface_sqlboxsize'] = (int) $_POST['sqlboxsize'];
if (isset($_POST['theme'])) {
$config['theme'] =(string) $_POST['theme'];
// make sure that the theme exists! If not fall back to standard theme
if (!is_dir('./css/' . $config['theme'])
|| !is_readable('./css/' . $config['theme'])) {
$config['theme'] = 'msd';
if (isset($_POST['notification_position'])) {
$config['notification_position'] = $_POST['notification_position'];
if (isset($_POST['interface_table_compact'])) {
= (int) $_POST['interface_table_compact'];
if (isset($_POST['resultsPerPage'])) {
$config['resultsPerPage'] = (int) $_POST['resultsPerPage'];
if (isset($_POST['refresh_processlist'])) {
$config['refresh_processlist'] = (int) $_POST['refresh_processlist'];
if ($config['refresh_processlist'] < 2) {
$config['refresh_processlist'] = 2;
$tplConfigurationInterface = new MSDTemplate();
array('tplConfigurationInterface' => 'tpl/configuration/interface.tpl')
'ICON_SAVE' => $icon['small']['save'],
'SEL_LANGUAGES' => getLanguageCombo(),
'LANGUAGE' => $config['language'],
'SERVER_CAPTION' => $config['interface_server_caption'],
Html::getChecked($config['interface_server_caption'], 1),
Html::getDisabled($config['interface_server_caption'], 0),
Html::getChecked($config['interface_server_caption_position'], 1),
Html::getChecked($config['interface_server_caption_position'], 0),
'SEL_THEME' => getThemes(),
'SQLBOX_HEIGHT' => intval($config['interface_sqlboxsize']),
'RESULTS_PER_PAGE' => intval($config['resultsPerPage']),
Html::getOptionlist($positions, $config['notification_position']),
'REFRESH_PROCESSLIST' => (int) $config['refresh_processlist'],
$config['interface_table_compact'] == 1 ? ' checked="checked"' : '',
$config['interface_table_compact'] == 0 ? ' checked="checked"' : ''
Normale Datei
@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
* This file is part of MySQLDumper released under the GNU/GPL 2 license
* @package MySQLDumper
* @version SVN: $rev: 1207 $
* @author $Author$
* @lastmodified $Date$
if (!defined('MSD_VERSION')) die('No direct access.');
//define icons
$icon['arrow_up'] = Html::getIcon('arrow_up.gif');
$icon['arrow_down'] = Html::getIcon('arrow_down.gif');
$icon['arrow_left'] = Html::getIcon(
'arrowleft.gif', $lang['L_SQL_BACKDBOVERVIEW']
$icon['browse'] = Html::getIcon('browse.gif', $lang['L_TITLE_SHOW_DATA']);
$icon['cancel'] = Html::getIcon('delete.gif', $lang['L_CANCEL']);
$icon['edit'] = Html::getIcon('edit.gif', $lang['L_EDIT']);
$icon['delete'] = Html::getIcon('delete.gif', $lang['L_DELETE']);
$icon['db'] = Html::getIcon('db.gif', $lang['L_DBS']);
$icon['download'] = Html::getIcon('download.png');
$icon['close'] = Html::getIcon('close.gif', $lang['L_CLOSE']);
$icon['gz'] = Html::getIcon('gz.gif', $lang['L_COMPRESSED']);
$icon['index'] = Html::getIcon('index.gif', $lang['L_TITLE_INDEX']);
$icon['key_primary'] = Html::getIcon(
'key_primary.gif', $lang['L_TITLE_KEY_PRIMARY']
$icon['key_fulltext'] = Html::getIcon(
'key_fulltext.gif', $lang['L_TITLE_KEY_FULLTEXT']
$icon['key_unique'] = Html::getIcon(
'key_unique.gif', $lang['L_TITLE_KEY_UNIQUE']
$icon['key_nokey'] = Html::getIcon('key_nokey.gif', $lang['L_TITLE_NOKEY']);
$icon['kill_process'] = Html::getIcon('delete.gif', $lang['L_KILL_PROCESS']);
$icon['minus'] = Html::getIcon('minus.gif');
$icon['mysql_help'] = Html::getIcon(
'mysql_help.gif', $lang['L_TITLE_MYSQL_HELP']
$icon['not_ok'] = Html::getIcon('notok.gif');
$icon['ok'] = Html::getIcon('ok.gif');
$icon['open_file'] = Html::getIcon('openfile.gif', $lang['L_LOAD_FILE']);
$icon['plus'] = Html::getIcon('plus.gif');
$icon['restore'] = Html::getIcon('key_nokey.gif');
$icon['save'] = Html::getIcon('save.png', $lang['L_SAVE']);
$icon['search'] = Html::getIcon('search.gif', $lang['L_TITLE_SEARCH']);
$icon['table_truncate'] = Html::getIcon(
'table_truncate.gif', $lang['L_EMPTY']
$icon['table_truncate_reset'] = Html::getIcon(
'table_truncate_reset.gif', $lang['L_EMPTYKEYS']
$icon['truncate'] = Html::getIcon('truncate.gif', $lang['L_EMPTY']);
$icon['upload'] = Html::getIcon('openfile.gif', $lang['L_TITLE_UPLOAD']);
$icon['view'] = Html::getIcon('search.gif', $lang['L_VIEW']);
//other pics
$icon['logo'] = $config['theme'] . 'pics/h1_logo.gif';
// build smaller icons for ConfigButtons
$icon['small'] = array();
$icon['small']['edit'] = Html::getIcon('edit.gif', $lang['L_EDIT']);
$icon['small']['open_file'] = Html::getIcon('openfile.gif', $lang['L_LOAD_FILE']);
$icon['small']['save'] = Html::getIcon('save.png', $lang['L_SAVE']);
$icon['small']['view'] = Html::getIcon('search.gif', $lang['L_VIEW']);
Normale Datei
@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
* This file is part of MySQLDumper released under the GNU/GPL 2 license
* @package MySQLDumper
* @version SVN: $rev: 1207 $
* @author $Author$
* @lastmodified $Date$
if (!defined('MSD_VERSION')) die('No direct access.');
include ('./inc/functions/functions_dump.php');
include ('./inc/functions/functions_sql.php');
include ('./inc/define_icons.php');
if ($action == '') {
//first call -> clear arrays with values from last run
$_SESSION['dump'] = array();
$_SESSION['log'] = array();
$_SESSION['log']['actions'] = array();
$_SESSION['log']['errors'] = array();
$_SESSION['log']['files_created'] = array();
$dump['comment'] = '';
$action = 'prepare_dump';
if ($action == 'prepare_dump') include ('./inc/dump/dump_prepare.php');
if ($action == 'select_tables') include ('./inc/dump/select_tables.php');
if ($action == 'do_dump') include ('./inc/dump/do_dump.php');
if ($action == 'done') include ('./inc/dump/dump_finished.php');
$_SESSION['dump'] = $dump;
Normale Datei
@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
* This file is part of MySQLDumper released under the GNU/GPL 2 license
* @package MySQLDumper
* @version SVN: $rev: 1207 $
* @author $Author$
* @lastmodified $Date$
// first call of a new backup progress -> set start values
$dump = $_SESSION['dump'];
$dump['tables_total'] = 0;
$dump['records_total'] = 0;
$dump['tables_optimized'] = 0;
$dump['part'] = 1;
$dump['part_offset'] = 0;
$dump['errors'] = 0;
//-1 instead of 0 is needed for the execution of command before backup
$dump['table_offset'] = -1;
$dump['table_record_offset'] = 0;
$dump['filename_stamp'] = '';
$dump['speed'] = $config['minspeed'] > 0 ? $config['minspeed'] : 50;
$dump['max_zeit'] =
(int) $config['max_execution_time'] * $config['time_buffer'];
$dump['dump_start_time'] = time();
$dump['countdata'] = 0;
$dump['table_offset_total'] = 0;
$dump['page_refreshs'] = 0;
// used as overall flag including e-mail and ftp-actions
$dump['backup_in_progress'] = 1;
// used to determine id databases still need to be dumped
$dump['backup_done'] = 0;
$dump['selected_tables'] = FALSE;
if (isset($_POST['sel_tbl'])) {
$dump['selected_tables'] = $_POST['sel_tbl'];
// function was called in dump_prepare
// -- maybe get rid of this second call later on
// last_db_actual is used to detect if db changed in multidump-mode
// -> set to first db
$dump['last_db_actual'] = $dump['db_actual'];
$_SESSION['config_file'] = $config['config_file'];
$_SESSION['dump'] = $dump;
$tplDoDump = new MSDTemplate();
$tplDoDump->set_filenames(array('tplDoDump' => 'tpl/dump/dump.tpl'));
$gzip = $config['compression'] == 1 ? $icon['gz'] : $lang['L_NOT_ACTIVATED'];
'ICONPATH' => $config['files']['iconpath'],
'GZIP' => $gzip,
'SESSION_ID' => session_id(),
'NOTIFICATION_POSITION' => $config['notification_position']
$sizeUnits = array(1, 1024, 1024 * 1024, 1024 * 10242 * 1024);
$size = $config['multipartgroesse1'] * $sizeUnits[$config['multipartgroesse2']];
if ($config['multi_part'] > 0) {
'MULTIPART', array('SIZE' => byteOutput($size))
$tplDoDump->assign_var('TABLES_TO_DUMP', $dump['tables_total']);
Normale Datei
@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
* This file is part of MySQLDumper released under the GNU/GPL 2 license
* @package MySQLDumper
* @version SVN: $rev: 1207 $
* @author $Author$
* @lastmodified $Date$
if (!defined('MSD_VERSION')) die('No direct access.');
include ('./inc/define_icons.php');
$dump = $_SESSION['dump'];
$tplDumpFinished = new MSDTemplate();
array('tplDumpFinished' => 'tpl/dump/dump_finished.tpl')
$recordsTotal = String::formatNumber((int)$dump['records_total']);
$tablesTotal = $dump['tables_total'];
$msg = sprintf($lang['L_DUMP_ENDERGEBNIS'], $tablesTotal, $recordsTotal);
'ICON_OPEN_FILE' => $icon['small']['open_file'],
'ICON_EDIT' => $icon['small']['edit'],
'ICON_VIEW' => $icon['small']['view'],
'SESSION_ID' => session_id(),
'BACKUPPATH' => $config['paths']['backup'],
'PAGE_REFRESHS' => $dump['page_refreshs'],
'TIME_ELAPSED' => getTimeFormat(time() - $dump['dump_start_time']),
'MSG' => $msg
if (count($dump['databases']) > 1) {
$msg = sprintf($lang['L_MULTIDUMP_FINISHED'], count($dump['databases']));
$tplDumpFinished->assign_block_vars('MULTIDUMP', array('MSG' => $msg));
$i = 1;
foreach ($_SESSION['log']['files_created'] as $file) {
$fileSize = @filesize($config['paths']['backup'] . $file);
'NR' => $i,
'ROWCLASS' => $i % 2 ? 'dbrow' : 'dbrow1',
'FILENAME' => $file,
'FILENAME_URLENCODED' => urlencode($file),
'FILESIZE' => byteOutput($fileSize)
$i = 1;
foreach ($_SESSION['log']['actions'] as $message) {
$timestamp = substr($message, 0, 19);
$message = substr($message, 20);
'NR' => $i,
'ROWCLASS' => $i % 2 ? 'dbrow' : 'dbrow1',
'TIMESTAMP' => $timestamp,
'ACTION' => $message
if (sizeof($_SESSION['log']['errors']) > 0) {
$tplDumpFinished->assign_block_vars('ERROR', array());
$i = 1;
foreach ($_SESSION['log']['errors'] as $error) {
$timestamp = substr($error, 0, 19);
$error = substr($error, 20);
'ROWCLASS' => $i % 2 ? 'dbrow' : 'dbrow1',
'TIMESTAMP' => $timestamp,
'MSG' => $error
Normale Datei
@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
* This file is part of MySQLDumper released under the GNU/GPL 2 license
* @package MySQLDumper
* @version SVN: $rev: 1207 $
* @author $Author$
* @lastmodified $Date$
if (!defined('MSD_VERSION')) die('No direct access.');
// remove table selection from previous runs
if (isset($dump['sel_tbl'])) {
if (isset($_SESSION['dump']['sel_tbl'])) {
//if we are not in mode expert -> reset hidden settings to safe defaults
if ($config['msd_mode'] == 0) {
$config['replace_command'] = 0;
$tplDumpPrepare = new MSDTemplate();
array('tplDumpPrepare' => 'tpl/dump/dump_prepare.tpl')
if ($config['msd_mode'] > 0) {
$tplDumpPrepare->assign_block_vars('MODE_EXPERT', array());
// set charset-selectbox to standard-encoding of MySQL-Server as initial value
$dump['sel_dump_encoding'] = 'utf8';
$dump['dump_encoding'] = 'utf8';
foreach ($charsets as $name=>$val) {
$charsetsDescription[$name]=$name.' - '.$val['Description'];
// tables will be selected on next page, but we need a dummy val
// for prepareDumpProcess()
$dump['selected_tables'] = false;
$dbsToBackup = array();
// look up which databases need to be dumped
$dbs = array_keys($dump['databases']);
$dbsToBackup = implode(', ', $dbs);
$cext = ($config['cron_extender'] == 0) ? 'pl' : 'cgi';
$scriptName = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'];
$serverName = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'];
$url = substr($scriptName, 0, strrpos($scriptName, '/') + 1);
if (substr($url, -1) != '/') $url .= '/';
if (substr($url, 0, 1) != '/') $url = '/' . $url;
$refdir = (substr($config['cron_execution_path'], 0, 1) == '/') ? '' : $url;
$scriptdir = $config['cron_execution_path'] . 'crondump.' . $cext;
$perlModultest = $config['cron_execution_path'] . "perltest.$cext";
$perlSimpletest = $config['cron_execution_path'] . "simpletest.$cext";
$scriptentry = myRealpath('./') . $config['paths']['config'];
$cronabsolute = myRealpath('./') . $scriptdir;
if (substr($config['cron_execution_path'], 0, 1) == '/') {
$cronabsolute = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . $scriptdir;
$confabsolute = $config['config_file'];
$perlHttpCall = getServerProtocol() . $serverName . $refdir;
$perlHttpCall .= $config['cron_execution_path'] . 'crondump.' . $cext;
$perlHttpCall .= '?config=' . $confabsolute;
$perlCrontabCall = 'perl ' . $cronabsolute . ' -config=' . $confabsolute;
$perlCrontabCall .= ' -html_output=0';
'SESSION_ID' => session_id(),
'CONFIG_FILE' => $config['config_file'],
Html::getOptionlist($charsetsDescription, 'utf8'),
'DBS_TO_BACKUP' => $dbsToBackup,
'TABLES_TOTAL' => $dump['tables_total'],
'RECORDS_TOTAL' => String::formatNumber(intval($dump['records_total'])),
'DATASIZE_TOTAL' => byteOutput($dump['datasize_total']),
'NR_OF_DBS' => count($dump['databases']),
'DUMP_COMMENT' => Html::replaceQuotes($dump['comment']),
'PERL_TEST' => $perlSimpletest,
'PERL_MODULTEST' => $perlModultest,
'PERL_HTTP_CALL' => $perlHttpCall,
'PERL_CRONTAB_CALL' => $perlCrontabCall,
'TIMESTAMP' => time()
if (count($dump['databases']) == 1 && $config['db_actual'] == $dbsToBackup) {
$tplDumpPrepare->assign_block_vars('TABLESELECT', array());
if ($config['compression'] == 1) {
$tplDumpPrepare->assign_block_vars('GZIP_ACTIVATED', array());
} else {
$tplDumpPrepare->assign_block_vars('GZIP_NOT_ACTIVATED', array());
if ($config['multi_part'] == 1) {
array('SIZE' => byteOutput($config['multipart_groesse']))
} else {
$tplDumpPrepare->assign_block_vars('NO_MULTIPART', array());
if ($config['send_mail'] == 1) {
array('RECIPIENT' => $config['email']['recipient_address'])
$recipients = $config['email']['recipient_cc'];
$recipientsCc = implodeSubarray($recipients, 'address');
if ($recipientsCc > '') {
'SEND_MAIL.CC', array('EMAIL_ADRESS' => $recipientsCc)
if ($config['email']['attach_backup'] == 1) {
$bytes = $config['email_maxsize1'] * 1024;
if ($config['email_maxsize2'] == 2) {
$bytes = $bytes * 1024;
'SEND_MAIL.ATTACH_BACKUP', array('SIZE' => byteOutput($bytes))
} else {
} else {
$tplDumpPrepare->assign_block_vars('NO_SEND_MAIL', array());
$i = 1;
foreach ($config['ftp'] as $ftp) {
if ($ftp['transfer'] == 1) {
'NR' => $i,
'ROWCLASS' => $i % 2 ? 'dbrow1' : 'dbrow'
'SERVER' => $ftp['server'],
'PORT' => $ftp['port'],
'DIR' => $ftp['dir']
Normale Datei
@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
* This file is part of MySQLDumper released under the GNU/GPL 2 license
* @package MySQLDumper
* @version SVN: $rev: 1207 $
* @author $Author$
* @lastmodified $Date$
if (!defined('MSD_VERSION')) {
die('No direct access.');
// action is called, even if the checkbox "select tables" was not checked
// save selected values from the last site
$dump['comment'] = $_POST['comment'];
$dump['sel_dump_encoding'] = $_POST['sel_dump_encoding'];
$dump['dump_encoding'] = $dump['sel_dump_encoding'];
// we need to save this before the Ajax-Requests starts, so we are doing it here
// although it is done in dump.php
$_SESSION['dump'] = $dump;
// checks after first dump-prepare if we need to head over to table selection
// or if we can start the backup process
if (!isset($_POST['tableselect'])) {
// nothing to select - start dump action
$action = 'do_dump';
} else {
// yes, we need to show the table-selection, but first save commetn and
// encoding that was set before
$tplDumpSelectTables = new MSDTemplate();
array('tplDumpSelectTables' => 'tpl/dump/selectTables.tpl')
foreach ($tables as $tableName => $row) {
$klasse = ($i % 2) ? 1 : '';
$tableSize = byteOutput($row['Data_length'] + $row['Index_length']);
$tableType = $row['Engine'];
$nrOfRecords = String::formatNumber($row['Rows']);
if (substr($row['Comment'], 0, 4) == 'VIEW' && $row['Engine'] == '') {
$tableType = 'View';
$tableSize = '-';
$nrOfRecords = '-';
'CLASS' => 'dbrow' . $klasse,
'ID' => $i,
'NR' => $i + 1,
'TABLENAME' => $tableName,
'TABLETYPE' => $tableType,
'RECORDS' => $nrOfRecords,
'SIZE' => $tableSize,
'LAST_UPDATE' => $row['Update_time']
'SESSION_ID' => session_id(),
'DATABASE' => $config['db_actual'],
'ICON_OK' => $icon['ok'],
'ICON_DELETE' => $icon['delete'],
'ICON_DB' => $icon['db'],
Normale Datei
@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
* This file is part of MySQLDumper released under the GNU/GPL 2 license
* @package MySQLDumper
* @version SVN: $rev: 1207 $
* @author $Author$
* @lastmodified $Date$
if (!defined('MSD_VERSION')) die('No direct access.');
@ini_set('max_execution_time', 0);
// first output menu to show it while converting.
// Otherwise it would only be shwon after the conversion is finished
include ('./inc/menu.php');
// Konverter
$selectfile = (isset($_POST['selectfile'])) ? $_POST['selectfile'] : '';
$destfile = (isset($_POST['destfile'])) ? $_POST['destfile'] : '';
$compressed = (isset($_POST['compressed'])) ? $_POST['compressed'] : '';
include ('./inc/define_icons.php');
$doConversion = false;
if ($selectfile != '' & file_exists($config['paths']['backup'] . $selectfile)
&& strlen($destfile) > 2) {
$doConversion = true;
$tpl = new MSDTemplate();
$tpl->set_filenames(array('show' => 'tpl/filemanagement/converter.tpl'));
'SELECTBOX_FILE_LIST' => getFilelisteCombo($selectfile),
'NEW_FILE' => Html::replaceQuotes($destfile),
'NEW_FILE_COMPRESED' => $compressed == 1 ? ' checked="checked"' : '',
'ICON_GZ' => $icon['gz']
if ($doConversion) {
$tpl->assign_block_vars('AUTOSCROLL', array());
if (isset($_POST['startconvert'])) {
echo $lang['L_CONVERTING'] . ' ' . $selectfile
. ' ==> ' . $destfile . '.sql';
if ($compressed == 1) {
echo '.gz';
if ($doConversion) {
convert($selectfile, $destfile, $compressed);
} else {
echo '<br /><p class="error">' . $lang['L_CONVERT_WRONG_PARAMETERS']
. '</p>';
if ($doConversion) {
<script type="text/javascript">
die(); // menu is shown - nothing more to do;
Normale Datei
@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
* This file is part of MySQLDumper released under the GNU/GPL 2 license
* @package MySQLDumper
* @version SVN: $rev: 1207 $
* @author $Author$
* @lastmodified $Date$
if (!defined('MSD_VERSION')) die('No direct access.');
$del = array();
if (isset($_POST['delete'])) {
if (isset($_POST['file'])) {
$delfiles = Array();
for ($i = 0; $i < count($_POST['file']); $i++) {
if (!strpos($_POST['file'][$i], '_part_') === false) {
$pos = strpos($_POST['file'][$i], '_part_');
$delfiles[] = substr($_POST['file'][$i], 0, $pos + 6);
} else {
$delfiles[] = $_POST['file'][$i];
for ($i = 0; $i < count($delfiles); $i++) {
$del = array_merge(
deleteMultipartFiles($config['paths']['backup'], $delfiles[$i])
} else {
$msg .= Html::getErrorMsg($lang['L_FM_NOFILE']);
if (isset($_POST['deleteauto'])) {
$deleteResult = doAutoDelete();
if ($deleteResult > '') {
$msg .= $deleteResult;
if (isset($_POST['deleteall']) || isset($_POST['deleteallfilter'])) {
if (isset($_POST['deleteall'])) {
$del = deleteMultipartFiles($config['paths']['backup'], '', '.sql');
$del = array_merge(
$del, deleteMultipartFiles($config['paths']['backup'], '', '.gz')
} else {
$del = deleteMultipartFiles($config['paths']['backup'], $dbactive);
// print file-delete-messages
if (is_array($del) && sizeof($del) > 0) {
foreach ($del as $file => $success) {
if ($success) {
$msg .= $lang['L_FM_DELETE1'] . ' \'' . $file . '\' ';
$msg .= $lang['L_FM_DELETE2'];
$msg = Html::getOkMsg($msg);
$log->write(Log::PHP, "Deleted '$file'.");
} else {
$msg .= $lang['L_FM_DELETE1'] . ' \'' . $file . '\' ';
$msg .= $lang['L_FM_DELETE3'];
$msg = Html::getErrorMsg($msg);
$log->write(Log::PHP, "Deleted '$file'.");
Normale Datei
@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
* This file is part of MySQLDumper released under the GNU/GPL 2 license
* @package MySQLDumper
* @version SVN: $rev: 1207 $
* @author $Author$
* @lastmodified $Date$
if (!defined('MSD_VERSION')) die('No direct access.');
// Download of a backup file wanted
$file = urldecode($_GET['f']);
// check for injected chars by removing allowed chars and check if the rest
// only contains alphanumerical chars
$search = array('-','.', '_');
$replace = array('', '', '');
$check = str_replace($search, $replace, $file);
if (ctype_alnum($check) && is_readable($config['paths']['backup'] . $file)) {
$file = './' . $config['paths']['backup'] . $file;
header('Content-Description: File Transfer');
header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream');
header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=' . basename($file));
header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary');
header('Expires: 0');
header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0');
header('Pragma: public');
header('Content-Length: ' . (string) filesize($file));
$file = fopen($file, "rb");
while (!feof($file)) {
print fread($file, round(100 * 1024));
} else {
die('Error: Couldn\'t open file: ' . $file);
Normale Datei
@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
* This file is part of MySQLDumper released under the GNU/GPL 2 license
* @package MySQLDumper
* @version SVN: $rev: 1207 $
* @author $Author$
* @lastmodified $Date$
if (!defined('MSD_VERSION')) {
die('No direct access.');
if (!isset($_FILES['upfile']['name'])
|| trim($_FILES['upfile']['name']) == '') {
$msg .= Html::getErrorMsg(
$lang['L_FM_UPLOADFILEREQUEST'] . '<br />' . $lang['L_FM_UPLOADFAILED']
} else {
if (!file_exists($config['paths']['backup'] . $_FILES['upfile']['name'])) {
$extension = strrchr($_FILES['upfile']['name'], '.');
$allowedExtensions = array('.gz', '.sql', 'txt');
if (!in_array($extension, $allowedExtensions)) {
$msg .= Html::getErrorMsg(
$lang['L_FM_UPLOADNOTALLOWED1'] . '<br />'
$msg .= Html::getErrorMsg($lang['L_FM_UPLOADFAILED']);
} else {
$upfile = $config['paths']['backup'] . $_FILES['upfile']['name'];
if (@move_uploaded_file($_FILES['upfile']['tmp_name'], $upfile)) {
@chmod($upfile, 0777);
$msg = Html::getOkMsg(
} else {
$msg .= Html::getErrorMsg($lang['L_FM_UPLOADMOVEERROR']);
$msg .= Html::getErrorMsg($lang['L_FM_UPLOADFAILED']);
} else {
$msg .= Html::getErrorMsg($lang['L_FM_UPLOADFILEEXISTS']);
$msg .= Html::getErrorMsg($lang['L_FM_UPLOADFAILED']);
Normale Datei
@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
* This file is part of MySQLDumper released under the GNU/GPL 2 license
* @package MySQLDumper
* @version SVN: $rev: 1207 $
* @author $Author$
* @lastmodified $Date$
if (!defined('MSD_VERSION')) die('No direct access.');
include ('./inc/define_icons.php');
$expand = (isset($_GET['expand'])) ? $_GET['expand'] : -1;
// execute delete action if clicked
if (isset($_POST['delete']) || isset($_POST['deleteauto'])
|| isset($_POST['deleteall']) || isset($_POST['deleteallfilter'])) {
include ('./inc/filemanagement/file_delete.php');
$tplFiles = new MSDTemplate();
$tplFiles->set_filenames(array('tplFiles' => 'tpl/filemanagement/files.tpl'));
$dbactualOutput = $dbactive;
// replace internal keys for backups of other programs and converted files
// with human readable output
if ($dbactive == '~unknown') {
$dbactualOutput = '<i>' . $lang['L_UNKNOWN'] . '</i>';
if ($dbactive == '~converted') {
$dbactualOutput = '<i>' . $lang['L_CONVERTED_FILES'] . '</i>';
$autoDelete = $lang['L_NOT_ACTIVATED'];
if ($config['auto_delete']['activated'] > 0) {
$autoDelete = $lang['L_ACTIVATED'] . ' ('
. $config['auto_delete']['max_backup_files'] . ' '
. $lang['L_MAX_BACKUP_FILES_EACH2'] . ')';
'BACKUP_PATH' => $config['paths']['backup'],
'ICON_DOWNLOAD' => $icon['open_file'],
'ICON_VIEW' => $icon['view'],
'ICON_DELETE' => $icon['delete'],
'DB_ACTUAL' => $dbactive,
'DB_ACTUAL_OUTPUT' => $dbactualOutput,
'UPLOAD_MAX_SIZE' => $config['upload_max_filesize'],
'AUTODELETE_ENABLED' => $autoDelete,
'NOTIFICATION_POSITION' => $config['notification_position']
if ($msg > '') {
'MESSAGE', array('TEXT' => Html::getJsQuote($msg, true))
$backups = getBackupfileInfo();
$i = 0;
if (!isset($backups['databases'][$dbactive])) {
$tplFiles->assign_block_vars('NO_FILE_FOUND', array());
if ($dbactive != '~unknown' && $dbactive != '~converted') {
$tplFiles->assign_block_vars('DELETE_FILTER', array());
// show detailed file info of the selected database at top
foreach ($backups['files'] as $backup) {
if ($backup['db'] == $dbactive) {
// get MySQL Version from which the backup was taken
$mysqlVersion = '';
if (isset($backup['mysqlversion'])) {
$mysqlVersion = $backup['mysqlversion'];
// get grouping name of database
$dbName = $backup['name'];
if (!in_array($backup['db'], array('~unknown', '~converted'))) {
$dbName = $backup['db'];
// with which MSD-Version was the backup made?
$scriptVersion = $lang['L_UNKNOWN'];
if ($backup['script'] > '') {
$scriptVersion = $backup['script'];
// show Gzip-Icon?
$compressed = substr($backup['name'], -3) == '.gz' ? $icon['gz'] : '-';
// is a commetn given?
$comment = '';
if ($backup['comment'] > '') {
$comment = nl2br(wordwrap($backup['comment'], 50));
// number of tables
$nrOfTables = $lang['L_UNKNOWN'];
if ($backup['tables'] > -1) {
$nrOfTables = String::formatNumber($backup['tables']);
// number of records
$nrOfRecords = $lang['L_UNKNOWN'];
if ($backup['records'] > -1) {
$nrOfRecords = String::formatNumber($backup['records']);
// charset of bakup file
$charset = $lang['L_UNKNOWN'];
if ($backup['charset'] != '?') {
$charset = $backup['charset'];
'ROWCLASS' => $i % 2 ? 'dbrow' : 'dbrow1',
'FILE_INDEX' => $i,
// expand or unexpand multipart list on next click
'FILE_EXPAND_INDEX' => $expand == $i ? -1 : $i,
'FILE_NAME' => $backup['name'],
'FILE_NAME_URLENCODED' => urlencode($backup['name']),
'DB_NAME' => $dbName,
'ICON_COMPRESSED' => $compressed,
'SCRIPT_VERSION' => $scriptVersion,
'COMMENT' => $comment,
'FILE_CREATION_DATE' => $backup['date'],
'NR_OF_TABLES' => $nrOfTables,
'NR_OF_RECORDS' => $nrOfRecords,
'FILESIZE' => byteOutput($backup['size']),
'FILE_CHARSET' => $charset,
'NR_OF_MULTIPARTS' => $backup['multipart'],
'MYSQL_VERSION' => $mysqlVersion
if ($backup['multipart'] > 0) {
$mpFileHeadline = $lang['L_FILES'];
if ($backup['multipart'] == 1) {
$mpFileHeadline = $lang['L_FILE'];
'FILE.IS_MULTIPART', array('FILES' => $mpFileHeadline)
} else {
$tplFiles->assign_block_vars('FILE.NO_MULTIPART', array());
if ($backup['multipart'] > 0) {
// show all files of a Multipart-backup
'NR' => $i,
'ROWCLASS' => $i % 2 ? 'dbrow1' : 'dbrow'
// expand multipartlist if click came from restore screen
if ($expand == $i) {
'EXPAND_MP_FILE', array('FILEINDEX' => $i)
$partPosition = strrpos($backup['name'], 'part_');
$fileBase = substr($backup['name'], 0, $partPosition) . 'part_';
$fileExtension = '.sql';
if (substr($backup['name'], -2) == 'gz') {
$fileExtension = '.sql.gz';
for ($x = 0; $x < $backup['multipart']; $x++) {
$fileName = $fileBase . ($x + 1) . $fileExtension;
$fileSize = $lang['L_UNKNOWN'];
$file = $config['paths']['backup'] . $fileName;
if (!is_readable($file)) {
$fileName = $backup['name'];
$fileSize = byteOutput(@filesize($file));
'ROWCLASS' => $x % 2 ? 'dbrow' : 'dbrow1',
'NR' => $x + 1,
'FILE_NAME' => $fileName,
'FILE_NAME_URLENCODED' => urlencode($fileName),
'FILE_SIZE' => $fileSize
//sort databases according to the databasenames ascending
// list summary of other backup files grouped by databases
if (count($backups['databases']) > 0) {
$i = 0;
foreach ($backups['databases'] as $db => $info) {
$rowclass = $i % 2 ? 'dbrow' : 'dbrow1';
if ($db == $dbactive) {
$rowclass = 'dbrowsel';
$dbNameOutput = $db;
if ($db == '~unknown') {
$dbNameOutput = '<i>' . $lang['L_NO_MSD_BACKUPFILE'] . '</i>';
if ($db == '~converted') {
$dbNameOutput = '<i>' . $lang['L_CONVERTED_FILES'] . '</i>';
$nrOfBackups = isset($info['backup_count']) ? $info['backup_count'] : 0;
$latestBackup = '-';
if (isset($info['latest_backup_timestamp'])) {
$latestBackup = $info['latest_backup_timestamp'];
$fileSizeTotal = 0;
if (isset($info['backup_size_total'])) {
$fileSizeTotal = byteOutput($info['backup_size_total']);
'ROWCLASS' => $rowclass,
'DB_NAME_LINK' => $db,
'DB_NAME' => $dbNameOutput,
'NR_OF_BACKUPS' => $nrOfBackups,
'LATEST_BACKUP' => $latestBackup,
'SUM_SIZE' => $fileSizeTotal
'SUM_SIZE' => byteOutput($backups['filesize_total']),
'FREESPACE_ON_SERVER' => getFreeDiskSpace()
Normale Datei
@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
* This file is part of MySQLDumper released under the GNU/GPL 2 license
* @package MySQLDumper
* @version SVN: $rev: 1207 $
* @author $Author$
* @lastmodified $Date$
include ('./inc/functions/functions_files.php');
if (isset($_GET['action']) && $_GET['action'] == 'dl') {
$download = true;
include ('./inc/filemanagement/file_download.php');
include ('./inc/functions/functions_sql.php');
$msg = '';
$dump = array();
$toolboxstring = '';
$dbactive = (isset($_GET['dbactive'])) ? $_GET['dbactive'] : $config['db_actual'];
if (isset($_POST['dbactive'])) {
$dbactive = $_POST['dbactive'];
if ($action == 'restore' || isset($_POST['restore_tbl'])
|| isset($_POST['restore'])) {
include ('./inc/restore/restore_prepare.php');
if (isset($_POST['upload'])) {
include ('./inc/filemanagement/file_upload.php');
if ($action == 'files' || $action == '') {
include ('./inc/filemanagement/files.php');
if ($action == 'convert') {
include ('./inc/filemanagement/converter.php');
Normale Datei
@ -0,0 +1,715 @@
* This file is part of MySQLDumper released under the GNU/GPL 2 license
* @package MySQLDumper
* @version SVN: $rev: 1207 $
* @author $Author$
* @lastmodified $Date$
* Output human readable Byte-Values
* @param integer $bytes Bytes to convert to human readable format
* @param boolean $useHTML Decides whether explaining span-tags should surround
* the returned string
* @return string human readable output
function byteOutput($bytes, $useHTML = true)
$precision = 2;
if (!is_numeric($bytes) || $bytes < 0) {
return false;
for ($level = 0; $bytes >= 1024; $level++) {
$bytes /= 1024;
switch ($level)
case 0:
$suffix = '<span class="explain" title="Bytes">B</span>';
case 1:
$suffix = '<span class="explain" title="KiloBytes">KB</span>';
case 2:
$suffix = '<span class="explain" title="MegaBytes">MB</span>';
case 3:
$suffix = '<span class="explain" title="GigaBytes">GB</span>';
case 4:
$suffix = '<span class="explain" title="TeraBytes">TB</span>';
case 5:
$suffix = '<span class="explain" title="PetaBytes">PB</span>';
case 6:
$suffix = '<span class="explain" title="ExaBytes">EB</span>';
case 7:
$suffix = '<span class="explain" title="YottaBytes">ZB</span>';
$suffix = '';
if (!$useHTML) {
$suffix = strip_tags($suffix);
$ret = sprintf("%01." . $precision . "f", round($bytes, $precision));
return $ret . ' ' . $suffix;
* Delete Multipart files
* @param string $dir Directory to check
* @param string $prefix Only check files with this prefix
* @param string $suffix Only check files with this suffix
* @return array Array $file['filename']=true | false
function deleteMultipartFiles($dir, $prefix = '', $suffix = '')
$deleted = array();
if (substr($dir, -1) != '/') {
$dir .= '/';
if (is_dir($dir)) {
$d = opendir($dir);
while ($file = readdir($d)) {
if (is_file($dir . $file)) {
$del = false;
if ($prefix > '' && substr($file, 0, strlen($prefix)) == $prefix) $del = true;
if ($suffix > '' && substr($file, strlen($file) - strlen($suffix), strlen($suffix)) == $suffix) $del = true;
if ($del)
if (unlink($dir . $file)) $deleted[$file] = true;
else $deleted[$file] = false;
return $deleted;
* Add a database to the global $databases-Array and set necessary indexes
* @param string $db_name Databaase-Name
* @param string $praefix Table-Prefix
* @param string $cbd Command before Dump
* @param string $cad Command after Dump
* @return void
function addDatabaseToConfig($db_name)
global $databases;
if (!isset($databases)) $databases = array();
if (!isset($databases[$db_name])) $databases[$db_name] = array();
if (!isset($databases[$db_name]['dump'])) $databases[$db_name]['dump'] = 0;
if (!isset($databases[$db_name]['prefix'])) $databases[$db_name]['prefix'] = '';
if (!isset($databases[$db_name]['command_before_dump'])) $databases[$db_name]['command_before_dump'] = '';
if (!isset($databases[$db_name]['command_after_dump'])) $databases[$db_name]['command_after_dump'] = '';
* Check settings of language, config file, reloads list of databases and save result to configuration
* @return string String with checked and added databases
function setDefaultConfig()
global $config, $databases, $out, $lang, $dbo;
// check language and fallback to englisch if language file is not readable
$lang_file = './language/' . $config['language'] . '/lang.php';
if (!file_exists($lang_file) || !is_readable($lang_file))
$config['language'] = 'en';
include ('./language/' . $config['language'] . '/lang.php');
getConfig($config['config_file']); // falls back to config mysqldumper if something is wrong
// get list of databases for this user
$dbUser = $dbo->getDatabases();
foreach ($dbUser as $db)
// new found db? -> add it
if (!isset($databases[$db])) $databases[$db] = array();
foreach ($databases as $db_name => $val)
if ($dbo->selectDb($db_name, true))
$out .= $lang['L_SAVING_DB_FORM'] . " " . $db_name . " " . $lang['L_ADDED'] . "\n";
return $out;
* Save actual configuration to file
* @return boolean
function saveConfig()
global $config, $databases, $configDontsave;
$config['multipart_groesse'] = $config['multipartgroesse1'] * (($config['multipartgroesse2'] == 1) ? 1024 : 1024 * 1024);
if (!isset($config['email_maxsize'])) $config['email_maxsize'] = $config['email_maxsize1'] * (($config['email_maxsize2'] == 1) ? 1024 : 1024 * 1024);
if (!isset($config['cron_execution_path'])) $config['cron_execution_path'] = "msd_cron/";
$config2 = $config;
foreach ($config2 as $var => $val)
if (in_array($var, $configDontsave)) unset($config2[$var]);
$t = '$config=array_merge($config,unserialize(base64_decode(\'' . base64_encode(serialize($config2)) . "')));\r\n";
if (isset($databases)) $t .= '$databases=array_merge($databases,unserialize(base64_decode(\'' . base64_encode(serialize($databases)) . "')));\r\n";
$pars_all = '<?php' . "\n" . $t . "\n?>";
$ret = true;
$file = './' . $config['paths']['config'] . $config['config_file'] . '.php';
if ($fp = @fopen($file, "wb"))
if (!fwrite($fp, $pars_all)) $ret = false;
if (!fclose($fp)) $ret = false;
@chmod($file, 0777);
$ret = false;
if ($ret)
$_SESSION['config'] = $config;
$ret = writeCronScript();
return $ret;
* Build string of array according to Perl syntax (needed to save Perl configuration file)
* @param array $arr Array to build the string from
* @param string $mode 0 for strings, 1 for int values
* @return string The converted Perl string
function myImplode($arr, $mode = 0) // 0=String, 1=intval
if (!is_array($arr)) return false;
foreach ($arr as $key => $val)
if ($mode == 0) $arr[$key] = Html::escapeSpecialchars($val);
else $arr[$key] = intval($val);
if ($mode == 0) $ret = '("' . implode('","', $arr) . '")';
else $ret = '(' . implode(',', $arr) . ')';
return $ret;
* Build and save the actual configuration file for Perl (used by
* @return boolean true on success or false on failure
function writeCronScript()
global $config, $databases, $cron_db_array, $cron_dbpraefix_array, $cron_db_cbd_array, $cron_db_cad_array;
if (!isset($config['email_maxsize'])) $config['email_maxsize'] = $config['email_maxsize1'] * (($config['email_maxsize2'] == 1) ? 1024 : 1024 * 1024);
if (isset($config['db_actual'])) $cron_dbname = $config['db_actual'];
//get first database name from database-array (this is the case at fresh installing)
$dbs = array_keys($databases);
$cron_dbname = $dbs[0];
// -2 = Multidump configuration
// -3 = all databases - nothing to do
// get standard values for all databases
$cron_db_array = ''; //$databases['Name'];
$cron_dbpraefix_array = ''; //$databases['praefix'];
$cron_command_before_dump = ''; //$databases['command_before_dump'];
$cron_command_after_dump = ''; //$databases['command_after_dump'];
$cron_ftp_server = '';
$cron_ftp_port = '';
$cron_ftp_mode = '';
$cron_ftp_user = '';
$cron_ftp_pass = '';
$cron_ftp_dir = '';
$cron_ftp_timeout = '';
$cron_ftp_ssl = '';
$cron_ftp_transfer = '';
//build db-arrays
foreach ($databases as $k => $v)
//should we dump this database
if (isset($databases[$k]['dump']) && $databases[$k]['dump'] === 1)
$cron_db_array[] .= $k;
$cron_dbpraefix_array[] .= $databases[$k]['prefix'];
$cron_command_before_dump[] .= $databases[$k]['command_before_dump'];
$cron_command_after_dump[] .= $databases[$k]['command_after_dump'];
//build ftp-arrays
foreach ($config['ftp'] as $k => $v)
$cron_ftp_server[] .= $config['ftp'][$k]['server'];
$cron_ftp_port[] .= $config['ftp'][$k]['port'];
$cron_ftp_mode[] .= $config['ftp'][$k]['mode'];
$cron_ftp_user[] .= $config['ftp'][$k]['user'];
$cron_ftp_pass[] .= $config['ftp'][$k]['pass'];
$cron_ftp_dir[] .= $config['ftp'][$k]['dir'];
$cron_ftp_timeout[] .= $config['ftp'][$k]['timeout'];
$cron_ftp_ssl[] .= $config['ftp'][$k]['ssl'];
$cron_ftp_transfer[] .= $config['ftp'][$k]['transfer'];
$r = str_replace("\\\\", "/", $config['paths']['root']);
$r = str_replace("@", "\@", $r);
//built recipient_cc-arrays
$recipients_cc = '';
foreach ($config['email']['recipient_cc'] as $k => $v)
$recipients_cc .= '"' . $config['email']['recipient_cc'][$k]['name'] . '" <' . $config['email']['recipient_cc'][$k]['address'] . '>, ';
$recipients_cc = substr($recipients_cc, 0, -2);
// auf manchen Server wird statt 0 ein leerer String gespeichert -> fuehrt zu einem Syntax-Fehler
// hier die entsprechenden Ja/Nein-Variablen sicherheitshalber in intvalues aendern
$int_array = array(
foreach ($int_array as $i)
if (is_array($i))
foreach ($i as $key => $val)
$int_array[$key] = intval($val);
if (!isset($config[$i])) $config[$i] = 0;
$config[$i] = intval($config[$i]);
if ($config['dbport'] == 0) $config['dbport'] = 3306;
$cronscript = "<?php\n#Vars - written at " . date("Y-m-d H:i") . "\n";
$cronscript .= '$dbhost="' . $config['dbhost'] . '";' . "\n";
$cronscript .= '$dbname="' . $cron_dbname . '";' . "\n";
$cronscript .= '$dbuser="' . Html::escapeSpecialchars($config['dbuser']) . '";' . "\n";
$cronscript .= '$dbpass="' . Html::escapeSpecialchars($config['dbpass']) . '";' . "\n";
$cronscript .= '$dbport=' . $config['dbport'] . ';' . "\n";
$cronscript .= '$dbsocket="' . Html::escapeSpecialchars($config['dbsocket']) . '";' . "\n";
$cronscript .= '$compression=' . $config['cron_compression'] . ';' . "\n";
$cronscript .= '$sendmail_call="' . Html::escapeSpecialchars($config['sendmail_call']) . '";' . "\n";
$cronscript .= '$backup_path="' . $config['paths']['root'] . $config['paths']['backup'] . '";' . "\n";
$cronscript .= '$cron_printout=' . $config['cron_printout'] . ';' . "\n";
$cronscript .= '$cronmail=' . $config['send_mail'] . ';' . "\n";
$cronscript .= '$cronmail_dump=' . $config['email']['attach_backup'] . ';' . "\n";
$cronscript .= '$cronmailto="' . Html::escapeSpecialchars('"' . $config['email']['recipient_name'] . '" <' . $config['email']['recipient_address'] . '>') . '";' . "\n";
$cronscript .= '$cronmailto_cc="' . Html::escapeSpecialchars($recipients_cc) . '";' . "\n";
$cronscript .= '$cronmailfrom="' . Html::escapeSpecialchars('"' . $config['email']['sender_name'] . '" <' . $config['email']['sender_address'] . '>') . '";' . "\n";
$cronscript .= '$cron_use_sendmail=' . $config['use_sendmail'] . ';' . "\n";
$cronscript .= '$cron_smtp="' . Html::escapeSpecialchars($config['smtp_server']) . '";' . "\n";
$cronscript .= '$smtp_port=' . $config['smtp_port'] . ';' . "\n";
$cronscript .= '$smtp_useauth=' . $config['smtp_useauth'] . ';' . "\n";
$cronscript .= '$smtp_usessl=' . $config['smtp_usessl'] . ';' . "\n";
$cronscript .= '$smtp_user="' . $config['smtp_user'] . '";' . "\n";
$cronscript .= '$smtp_pass="' . $config['smtp_pass'] . '";' . "\n";
$cronscript .= '@cron_db_array=' . myImplode($cron_db_array) . ';' . "\n";
$cronscript .= '@cron_dbpraefix_array=' . myImplode($cron_dbpraefix_array) . ';' . "\n";
$cronscript .= '@cron_command_before_dump=' . myImplode($cron_command_before_dump) . ';' . "\n";
$cronscript .= '@cron_command_after_dump=' . myImplode($cron_command_after_dump) . ';' . "\n";
$cronscript .= '@ftp_server=' . myImplode($cron_ftp_server) . ';' . "\n";
$cronscript .= '@ftp_port=' . myImplode($cron_ftp_port, 1) . ';' . "\n";
$cronscript .= '@ftp_mode=' . myImplode($cron_ftp_mode, 1) . ';' . "\n";
$cronscript .= '@ftp_user=' . myImplode($cron_ftp_user) . ';' . "\n";
$cronscript .= '@ftp_pass=' . myImplode($cron_ftp_pass) . ';' . "\n";
$cronscript .= '@ftp_dir=' . myImplode($cron_ftp_dir) . ';' . "\n";
$cronscript .= '@ftp_timeout=' . myImplode($cron_ftp_timeout, 1) . ';' . "\n";
$cronscript .= '@ftp_useSSL=' . myImplode($cron_ftp_ssl, 1) . ';' . "\n";
$cronscript .= '@ftp_transfer=' . myImplode($cron_ftp_transfer, 1) . ';' . "\n";
$cronscript .= '$mp=' . $config['multi_part'] . ';' . "\n";
$cronscript .= '$multipart_groesse=' . $config['multipart_groesse'] . ';' . "\n";
$cronscript .= '$email_maxsize=' . $config['email_maxsize'] . ';' . "\n";
$cronscript .= '$auto_delete=' . $config['auto_delete']['activated'] . ';' . "\n";
$cronscript .= '$max_backup_files=' . $config['auto_delete']['max_backup_files'] . ';' . "\n";
$cronscript .= '$perlspeed=' . $config['perlspeed'] . ';' . "\n";
$cronscript .= '$optimize_tables_beforedump=' . $config['optimize_tables_beforedump'] . ';' . "\n";
$cronscript .= '$logcompression=' . $config['logcompression'] . ';' . "\n";
//add .gz to logfiles?
if ($config['logcompression'] === 1)
$cronscript .= '$logdatei="' . $config['paths']['root'] . $config['files']['perllog'] . '.gz";' . "\n";
$cronscript .= '$completelogdatei="' . $config['paths']['root'] . $config['files']['perllogcomplete'] . '.gz";' . "\n";
$cronscript .= '$logdatei="' . $config['paths']['root'] . $config['files']['perllog'] . '";' . "\n";
$cronscript .= '$completelogdatei="' . $config['paths']['root'] . $config['files']['perllogcomplete'] . '";' . "\n";
$cronscript .= '$log_maxsize=' . $config['log_maxsize'] . ';' . "\n";
$cronscript .= '$complete_log=' . $config['cron_completelog'] . ';' . "\n";
$cronscript .= '$cron_comment="' . Html::escapeSpecialchars(stripslashes($config['cron_comment'])) . '";' . "\n";
$cronscript .= "?>";
// Save config
$ret = true;
$sfile = './' . $config['paths']['config'] . $config['config_file'] . '.conf.php';
if (file_exists($sfile)) @unlink($sfile);
if ($fp = @fopen($sfile, "wb"))
if (!fwrite($fp, $cronscript)) $ret = false;
if (!fclose($fp)) $ret = false;
@chmod("$sfile", 0777);
$ret = false;
// if standard config was deleted -> restore it with the actual values
if (!file_exists('./' . $config['paths']['config'] . "mysqldumper.conf.php"))
$sfile = './' . $config['paths']['config'] . 'mysqldumper.conf.php';
if ($fp = fopen($sfile, "wb"))
if (!fwrite($fp, $cronscript)) $ret = false;
if (!fclose($fp)) $ret = false;
@chmod("$sfile", 0777);
$ret = false;
return $ret;
* Collect log file information and return it as assoziative array
* @param boolean $logcompression Watch for compressed (true) or uncompressed files
* @return array Associative array with information
function getLogFileInfo($logcompression)
global $config;
$l = Array();
$sum = $s = $l['log_size'] = $l['perllog_size'] = $l['perllogcomplete_size'] = $l['errorlog_size'] = $l['log_totalsize'] = 0;
if ($logcompression == 1)
$l['log'] = $config['files']['log'] . ".gz";
$l['perllog'] = $config['files']['perllog'] . ".gz";
$l['perllogcomplete'] = $config['files']['perllogcomplete'] . ".gz";
$l['errorlog'] = $config['paths']['log'] . "error.log.gz";
$l['log'] = $config['files']['log'];
$l['perllog'] = $config['files']['perllog'];
$l['perllogcomplete'] = $config['files']['perllogcomplete'];
$l['errorlog'] = $config['paths']['log'] . "error.log";
$l['log_size'] += @filesize($l['log']);
$sum += $l['log_size'];
$l['perllog_size'] += @filesize($l['perllog']);
$sum += $l['perllog_size'];
$l['perllogcomplete_size'] += @filesize($l['perllogcomplete']);
$sum += $l['perllogcomplete_size'];
$l['errorlog_size'] += @filesize($l['errorlog']);
$sum += $l['errorlog_size'];
$l['log_totalsize'] += $sum;
return $l;
* Delete log file and recreates it.
* @return void
function deleteLog()
global $config;
$log = date('d.m.Y H:i:s') . " Log created.\n";
if (file_exists($config['files']['log'] . '.gz')) @unlink($config['files']['log'] . '.gz');
if (file_exists($config['files']['log'] . '.gz')) @unlink($config['files']['log']);
if ($config['logcompression'] == 1)
$fp = @gzopen($config['files']['log'] . '.gz', "wb");
@gzwrite($fp, $log);
@chmod($config['files']['log'] . '.gz', 0777);
$fp = @fopen($config['files']['log'], "wb");
@fwrite($fp, $log);
@chmod($config['files']['log'], 0777);
* Detect accessable databases for the current SQL-User in $config-array and returns output-string with all dbs
* Additionally it adds all found databases in the global var $databases
* @param boolean $printout Wether to return the output string or not
* @param string $db Optional name of a database to add manually
* @return string Output string containing all found dbs
function searchDatabases($printout = 0, $db = '')
global $config, $lang, $dbo, $databases;
$databases = array();
$ret = '';
$db_list = $dbo->getDatabases();
// add manual added db to array, but only if it was not detected before
if ($db > '' && !in_array($db, $db_list)) $db_list[] = $db;
// now check if we can select the db - if not, we can't access the database
if (sizeof($db_list) > 0)
foreach ($db_list as $db)
$res = $dbo->selectDb($db, true);
if ($res === true)
if ($printout == 1) $ret .= Html::getOkMsg($lang['L_FOUND_DB'] . ' `' . $db);
} elseif ($printout == 1) {
$ret .= Html::getErrorMsg($lang['L_ERROR'].' : '.$res);
return $ret;
* realpath implementation working on any server
* @return $dir string The application path
function myRealpath()
$dir = dirname(__FILE__);
$dir = str_replace('\\', '/', $dir);
$dir = str_replace('//', '/', $dir);
if (substr($dir, -14) == '/inc/functions') $dir = substr($dir, 0, -13);
if (substr($dir, -1) != '/') $dir .= '/';
return $dir;
* Remove tags recursivly from array or from string
* @param $value string | array Value/s to strip
* @return string|array Cleaned values
function myStripTags($value)
global $dont_strip;
if (is_array($value))
foreach ($value as $key => $val)
if (!in_array($key, $dont_strip)) $ret[$key] = myStripTags($val);
else $ret[$key] = $val;
$ret = trim(strip_tags($value));
return $ret;
* First start output buffering then start SESSION
* Reads configuration and main-language file lang.php and creates
* Database-Object $dbo
* @param string $json Return JSON-Encoded answer
* @param string $send_header If set to false headers are completely skipped
* @return void
function obstart($json = false, $send_header = true)
global $dbo, $config, $databases, $dump, $lang;
if ($config['ob_gzhandler'])
if (!@ob_start("ob_gzhandler")) @ob_start();
// if default config file doesn't exists, it is a new installation -> redirect to installation
if (!$json && !file_exists('./work/config/mysqldumper.php'))
header("location: install.php");
$res = session_start();
if (false === $res) die("Error starting session! Check server.");
if (isset($_SESSION['config_file'])) $config['config_file'] = $_SESSION['config_file'];
else $config['config_file'] = 'mysqldumper';
if ($send_header)
header('Pragma: no-cache');
header('Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate'); // HTTP/1.1
header('Expires: -1'); // Datum in der Vergangenheit
header('Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate');
header('Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0', false);
header('Last-Modified: ' . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . ' GMT');
if (!$json) header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8');
else header('Content-type: application/x-json');
// get config from configuration file if not set
if (!isset($_SESSION['config'])) getConfig($config['config_file']);
// otherwise get parameters from session
$config = array_merge($config, $_SESSION['config']);
if (isset($_SESSION['databases'])) $databases = $_SESSION['databases'];
if (isset($_SESSION['dump'])) $dump = $_SESSION['dump'];
// special case -> configuration is set to a language that was deleted meanwhile
if (!is_readable('./language/' . $config['language'] . '/lang.php')) $config['language'] = 'en';
include ('./language/' . $config['language'] . '/lang.php');
// create database object
$dbo = MsdDbFactory::getAdapter($config['dbhost'], $config['dbuser'], $config['dbpass'], $config['dbport'], $config['dbsocket']);
if (!isset($_SESSION['databases'])) setDefaultConfig();
//echo $config['db_actual'];
// die();
if (isset($config['db_actual']) && $config['db_actual'] > '') $dbo->selectDb($config['db_actual']);
if (!isset($databases)) {
// no config loaded -> SetDefault-Values
// get first DB-Name and set as actual db
$dbNames = array_keys($databases);
$config['db_actual'] = $dbNames[0];
//$_SESSION['config'] = $config;
//$_SESSION['databases'] = $databases;
* Add end of body/html, end output buffering and output the buffer
* @param boolean $ajax
* @return void
function obend($ajax = false)
global $config, $databases;
$_SESSION['databases'] = $databases;
$_SESSION['config'] = $config;
if (!$ajax) {
echo '</div>' . "\n\n" . '</body>' . "\n\n" . '</html>';
// close HTML-page
* Extract unique prefixes from an array
* and return new array containing the different prefixes
* @param array $array Array to scan for prefixes
* @param boolean $addNoneOption Wether to add a first entry '---'
* @return $prefix_array array The array conatining the unique prefixes
function getPrefixArray($array, $addNoneOption = true)
$prefixes = array();
$keys = array_keys($array);
foreach ($keys as $k) {
$pos = strpos($k, '_'); // find '_'
if ($pos !== false) {
$prefix = substr($k, 0, $pos);
if (!in_array($prefix, $prefixes)) {
$prefixes[$prefix] = $prefix;
if ($addNoneOption) {
$prefixes['-1'] = '---';
return $prefixes;
* Implode the given keys of multidimensional array using the implode string
* @param array $array The array to implode
* @param string $key The values that should be imploded
* @param string $implodeString The string to concatenate the values with
* @return string The impoloded valuies as string
function implodeSubarray($array, $key, $implodeString = ', ')
$ret = '';
foreach ($array as $k => $v) {
$ret .= $v[$key] . $implodeString;
if (strlen($ret) > 1) {
$ret = substr($ret, 0, -(strlen($implodeString)));
return $ret;
Normale Datei
@ -0,0 +1,668 @@
* This file is part of MySQLDumper released under the GNU/GPL 2 license
* @package MySQLDumper
* @version SVN: $rev: 1209 $
* @author $Author$
* @lastmodified $Date$
if (!defined('MSD_VERSION')) die('No direct access.');
* Creates a new backup file including the header information
* @return void
function createNewFile()
global $dump, $databases, $config, $lang, $log;
// Dateiname aus Datum und Uhrzeit bilden
if ($dump['part'] - $dump['part_offset'] == 1) {
$dump['filename_stamp'] = date("Y_m_d_H_i", time());
if ($config['multi_part'] == 1) {
$dateiname = $dump['db_actual'] . '_' . $dump['filename_stamp']
. '_part_' . ($dump['part'] - $dump['part_offset']);
} else {
$dateiname = $dump['db_actual'] . '_' . date("Y_m_d_H_i", time());
$endung = ($config['compression']) ? '.sql.gz' : '.sql';
$dump['backupdatei'] = $dateiname . $endung;
$_SESSION['log']['files_created'][] = $dump['backupdatei'];
if (file_exists($config['paths']['backup'] . $dump['backupdatei'])) {
unlink($config['paths']['backup'] . $dump['backupdatei']);
$curTime = date("Y-m-d H:i");
$statuszeile = getStatusLine() . "\n-- Dump by MySQLDumper " . MSD_VERSION
. ' (' . $config['homepage'] . ')' . "\n";
$statuszeile .= '/*!40101 SET NAMES \'' . $dump['dump_encoding']
. '\' */;' . "\n";
$statuszeile .= 'SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0;' . "\n";
if ($dump['part'] - $dump['part_offset'] == 1) {
if ($dump['part'] == 1) {
$dump['table_offset'] = 0;
$dump['countdata'] = 0;
// Seitenerstaufruf -> Backupdatei anlegen
$dump['data'] = $statuszeile . '-- Dump created: ' . $curTime;
} else {
if ($config['multi_part'] != 0) {
$dump['data'] = $statuszeile . '-- ' . ' This is part '
. ($dump['part'] - $dump['part_offset']) . ' of the backup.'
. "\n\n" . $dump['data'];
* Creates the first statusline with information for backup files
* @return string
function getStatusLine()
// strcuture of status line:
// -- Status:nrOfTables:nrOfRecords:Multipart:database:script:
// scriptversion:comment:MySQL-Version:Backupflags(unused):SQLBefore:
global $databases, $config, $dump;
if (!defined('MSD_MYSQL_VERSION')) {
$tline = "-- \n-- TABLE-INFO\r\n";
foreach ($dump['databases'][$dump['db_actual']]['tables']
as $tableName => $val) {
$tline .= "-- TABLE|" . $tableName . '|' . $val['records']
. '|' . $val['data_length'] . '|' . $val['update_time'] . '|'
. $val['engine'] . "\n";
$flags = 1;
$mp = 'MP_0';
if ($config['multi_part'] == 1) {
$mp = "MP_" . ($dump['part'] - $dump['part_offset']);
$statusline = "-- Status:"
. $dump['databases'][$dump['db_actual']]['table_count']
. ':' . $dump['databases'][$dump['db_actual']]['records_total']
. ":$mp:" . $dump['db_actual'] . ":PHP:" . MSD_VERSION . ":"
. $dump['comment'] . ":";
$statusline .= MSD_MYSQL_VERSION . ":$flags:::" . $dump['dump_encoding']
. ":EXTINFO\n" . $tline . "-- " . "EOF TABLE-INFO\n-- ";
return $statusline;
* Build the DROP and CREATE TABLE string for dump file.
* Parameter $withdata decides if we should add the
* @param string $db The database
* @param string $table The table
* @param integer $withdata Add DISABLE KEYS
* @return string $def Created Query-string or false on error
function getCreateString($db, $table, $withdata = 1)
global $dbo, $config, $dump, $lang, $log;
$def = "\n\n--\n-- Table structure for table `$table`\n--\n";
if ($dump['databases'][$dump['db_actual']]['tables'][$table]['engine']
== 'VIEW') {
$def .= "DROP VIEW IF EXISTS `$table`;\n";
$withdata = 0;
} else {
$def .= "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `$table`;\n";
$createStatement = $dbo->getTableCreate($table, $db);
$def .= $createStatement . ';' . "\n\n";
if ($withdata == 1) {
$def .= "--\n-- Dumping data for table `$table`\n--\n";
$def .= "/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `$table` DISABLE KEYS */;\n";
$log->write(Log::PHP, sprintf($lang['L_CREATE_TABLE_SAVED'], $table));
return $def;
* Read records from table, build query-strings and write them to dump file
* @param string $db The database to read from
* @param string $table The table to read from
* @return void
function getContent($db, $table)
global $dbo, $config, $dump, $lang, $log;
$content = '';
$fields = $dbo->getTableColumns($table, $db);
// TODO decide if the type of field needs to be escaped and placed between quotes
// also handle NULL-values very strict for MySQL-servers running with sql-mod=STRICT
$fieldNames = array_keys($fields);
$fieldList = '`' . implode('`,`', $fieldNames) . '`';
// indicator if the actual table is fully dumped in this call
$tableDone = 0;
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM `' . $db . '`.`' . $table . '` LIMIT '
. $dump['table_record_offset'] . ',' . ($dump['restzeilen'] + 1);
$result = $dbo->query($sql, MsdDbFactory::ARRAY_NUMERIC);
$numRows = @count($result);
if ($numRows > 0) {
// we've got records - get fields
$numfields = count($result[0]);
if ($numRows > $dump['restzeilen']) {
// there are more records to get - table is not fully dumped
$dump['table_record_offset'] += $dump['restzeilen']; //set table record offset for next call
$numRows--; // correct counter - we only used the last record to find out if there is more to fetch
} else {
// table is done -> increase table offset
$recordsSaved = $dump['table_record_offset'] + $numRows;
$dump['table_record_offset'] = 0;
$tableDone = 1;
foreach ($result as $row) {
$insert = 'INSERT INTO `' . $table . '` (' . $fieldList
. ') VALUES (';
//TODO implement REPLACE INTO for expert mode
// }
//$insert='REPLACE INTO `'.$table.'` '.$complete.' VALUES (';
// }
foreach ($row as $field => $val) {
if ($val != '') $insert .= '\'' . $dbo->escape($val) . '\',';
else $insert .= '\'\',';
$insert = substr($insert, 0, -1) . ');' . "\n";
$dump['data'] .= $insert;
if (strlen($dump['data']) > $config['memory_limit']
|| ($config['multi_part'] == 1
&& strlen($dump['data']) + MULTIPART_FILESIZE_BUFFER
> $config['multipart_groesse'])) {
if ($tableDone == 1) {
// check if records have been saved and add "enable keys"
$tables = $dump['databases'][$dump['db_actual']]['tables'];
if ($tables[$table]['dump_records'] == 1) {
$dump['data'] .= "/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `$table`"
." ENABLE KEYS */;";
} else {
// table corrupt -> skip it
$dump['table_record_offset'] = 0;
$dump['restzeilen'] = $dump['restzeilen'] - $numRows;
$dump['data'] .= "/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `$table` ENABLE KEYS */;\n";
if (strlen($dump['data']) > $config['memory_limit']
|| ($config['multi_part'] == 1 && strlen($dump['data'])
+ MULTIPART_FILESIZE_BUFFER > $config['multipart_groesse'])) {
* Saves the created data of global var $dump['data'] to the dump file.
* If Multipart is used and the maximum filesize is reached a new file is
* created. Sets global var $dump['filesize'] to new vaule for printing
* on sccreen.
* @return void
function writeToDumpFile()
global $config, $dump;
$file = $config['paths']['backup'] . $dump['backupdatei'];
if ($config['compression'] == 1) {
if ($dump['data'] != '') {
$fp = gzopen($file, 'ab');
gzwrite($fp, $dump['data']);
} else {
if ($dump['data'] != '') {
$fp = fopen($file, 'ab');
fwrite($fp, $dump['data']);
$dump['data'] = '';
$dump['filesize'] = intval(@filesize($file));
// if Multipart is used and maximum filesize is reached -> create new file
if ($config['multi_part'] == 1) {
if ($dump['filesize'] + MULTIPART_FILESIZE_BUFFER
> $config['multipart_groesse']) {
@chmod($file, 0777);
* Checks if there is a next db to be dumped
* Sets the global flag $dump['backup_done']
* @return void
function checkForNextDB()
global $dump;
// a check, if another db should be saved is at the end of the script
// backup of actual db is done -> lets check if there is more to do
$nextDb = getNextKey($dump['databases'], $dump['db_actual']);
if ($nextDb !== false) {
$dump['backup_done'] = 0;
//-1 instead of 0 is needed for the execution of command before backup
$dump['table_offset'] = -1;
$dump['db_actual'] = $nextDb;
$dump['part_offset'] = $dump['part'] - 1;
} else {
$dump['backup_done'] = 1;
* Execute queries before and after the backup process
* Queries are saved in the configuration profile
* @param string $when Before (b) or after backup process
* @return void
function executeCommand($when)
// TODO implement execution of command before/after backup
* Send e-mail and attach file
* @param string $file
* @return boolean
function doEmail($file)
global $config, $dump, $lang, $log;
include ('lib/phpmailer/php5/class.phpmailer.php');
include ('inc/classes/helper/Html.php');
// get some status info from actual file
$rootpath = $config['paths']['root'] . $config['paths']['backup'];
$fileInfo = ReadStatusline($file);
$fileInfo['size'] = @filesize($rootpath . $file);
$database = $fileInfo['dbname'];
$tablesSaved = $fileInfo['tables'];
$recordsSaved = $fileInfo['tables'];
if (sizeof($_SESSION['email']['filelist']) == 0) {
// first call after backup -> create file list of all files for each database
$_SESSION['email']['filelist'] = array();
foreach ($_SESSION['log']['email'] as $filename) {
$statusInfo = ReadStatusline($filename);
if (!isset($_SESSION['email']['filelist'][$statusInfo['dbname']])) {
$_SESSION['email']['filelist'][$statusInfo['dbname']] = array();
$_SESSION['email']['filelist'][$statusInfo['dbname']][] = $filename;
// create file list for specific database
$filelist = '';
foreach ($_SESSION['email']['filelist'][$database] as $filename) {
$phpSelf = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
$linkToFile = '<a href="' . getServerProtocol()
. substr($phpSelf, 0, strrpos($phpSelf, '/'))
. '/' . $config['paths']['backup'] . $filename . '">'
. $filename . '</a>';
$filelist .= $linkToFile;
if ($file == $filename && $config['email']['attach_backup']) {
$filelist .= ' (' . $lang['L_ATTACHED_AS_FILE'] . ')';
$filelist .= '<br />' . "\n";
$mail = new PHPMailer();
$mail->CharSet = 'utf-8';
$mail->PlugInDir = 'lib/phpmailer/php5/';
$mail->From = $config['email']['sender_address'];
$mail->FromName = $config['email']['sender_name'];
$mail->AddAddress($config['email']['recipient_address'], $config['email']['recipient_name']);
// add cc-recipients
foreach ($config['email']['recipient_cc'] as $recipient) {
if ($recipient['address'] > '') {
$mail->AddCC($recipient['address'], $recipient['name']);
//build subject
$subject = $lang['L_DUMP_FILENAME'] . ': ' . $file;
if ($fileInfo['comment'] > '') {
$subject = $fileInfo['comment'] . ', ' . $subject;
$mail->Subject = $subject;
$mail->Timeout = 60;
// set used mail-method
$mail->IsMail(); //defaults to php-mail-function
if ($config['use_mailer'] == 1) {
$mail->Sendmail = $config['sendmail_call'];
} elseif ($config['use_mailer'] == 2) {
//$mail->SMTPDebug = PHP_INT_MAX;
$mail->Host = $config['smtp_server'];
$mail->Port = $config['smtp_port'];
// auth?
if ($config['smtp_useauth']) {
$mail->SMTPAuth = true;
$mail->Username = $config['smtp_user'];
$mail->Password = $config['smtp_pass'];
//use ssl?
if ($config['smtp_usessl']) {
$mail->SMTPSecure = 'tls';
//build mail body
$body = '';
//add attachement?
if ($config['email']['attach_backup']) {
//check if file is bigger than allowed max size
if ($config['email_maxsize'] > 0
&& $fileInfo['size'] > $config['email_maxsize']) {
// attachement too big -> don't attach and paste message to body
$body .= sprintf(
$file . ' (' . byte_output(
filesize($config['paths']['backup'] . $file)
. ')<br />'
} else {
// add file as attachement
$mail->AddAttachment($rootpath . $file);
$body .= sprintf($lang['L_EMAILBODY_ATTACH'], $database, $filelist);
} else {
// don't attach backup file according to configuration
$body .= sprintf(
"$file (" . byteOutput(
filesize($config['paths']['backup'] . $file)
. ")<br />"
//set body
//build alternative-body without tags for mail-clients blocking HTML
$altBody = strip_tags(Html::br2nl($body));
$mail->AltBody = $altBody;
$mail->Timeout = 30;
$ret = $mail->Send();
if (!$ret) {
'', '', $lang['L_MAILERROR'] . ' -> ' . $mail->ErrorInfo, 0
$log->write(Log::PHP, $lang['L_MAILERROR']);
} else {
$msg = $lang['L_EMAIL_WAS_SEND'] . "`"
. $config['email']['recipient_address'];
$log->write(Log::PHP, $msg);
return $ret;
* Transfers a file via FTP and logs each action
* @param integer $ftpConnectionIndex Index of FTP-Connection in configuration
* @param string $sourceFile File to transfer
* @return void
function sendViaFTP($ftpConnectionIndex, $sourceFile)
global $config, $lang, $log;
$upload = false;
$i = $ftpConnectionIndex; // I am lazy ;)
// connect to ftp server
if ($config['ftp'][$i]['ssl'] == 0) {
$connId = @ftp_connect(
} else {
$connId = @ftp_ssl_connect(
if (is_resource($connId)) {
$lang['L_FTP'] . ': ' .
} else {
$msg = sprintf(
writeToErrorLog('', '', $lang['L_FTP'] . ': ' . $msg, 0);
// login using user and password
$loginResult = @ftp_login(
if (!$loginResult) {
$lang['L_FTP'] . ': ' . sprintf(
} else {
$lang['L_FTP'] . ': ' . sprintf(
if ($config['ftp'][$i]['mode'] == 1) {
if (@ftp_pasv($connId, true)) {
$lang['L_FTP'] . ': ' . $lang['L_FTP_PASV_SUCCESS']
} else {
'', '',
$lang['L_FTP'] . ': ' . $lang['L_FTP_PASV_ERROR'], 0
// Upload der Datei
$dest = $config['ftp'][$i]['dir'] . $sourceFile;
$source = $config['paths']['backup'] . $sourceFile;
$upload = @ftp_put($connId, $dest, $source, FTP_BINARY);
// Upload-Status überprüfen
if (!$upload) {
'', '', sprintf($lang['L_FTP_FILE_TRANSFER_ERROR'], $sourceFile), 0
} else {
sprintf($lang['L_FTP_FILE_TRANSFER_SUCCESS'], $sourceFile)
// Schließen des FTP-Streams
$log->write(Log::PHP, $lang['L_FTP_CONNECTION_CLOSED']);
* Gets all information about a dump process and stores it in global $dump-Array
* @return void
function prepareDumpProcess()
global $databases, $dump, $config, $tableInfos;
$dump['databases'] = array();
$dump['records_total'] = 0;
$dump['tables_total'] = 0;
$dump['datasize_total'] = 0;
// make copy of database-array to make changes for value "dump" just here
$dbs = $databases;
// first check if any db is marked to be dumped
$dbToDumpExists = false;
foreach ($dbs as $val) {
if (isset($val['dump']) && $val['dump'] == 1) {
// Db should be saved
$dbToDumpExists = true;
// no db selected for dump -> set actual db to be dumped
if (!$dbToDumpExists) {
$dbs[$config['db_actual']]['dump'] = 1;
// find out which databases and tables should be saved
// dump=0 -> don't dump records
// dump=1 -> dump records using "INSERT INTO"
foreach ($dbs as $dbName => $val) {
if (isset($val['dump']) && $val['dump'] > 0) {
// db should be dumped
// now lets check which tables should be saved
// for now we save all tables -> later check prefixes etc...
$tableInfos = getTableInfo($dbName);
if (isset($tableInfos[$dbName])) {
if (!isset($dump['databases'][$dbName])) {
$dump['databases'][$dbName] = array();
// calculate sums
$dump['databases'][$dbName] = $tableInfos[$dbName];
$dump['databases'][$dbName]['prefix'] = '';
if (isset($databases[$dbName]['prefix'])) {
$dump['databases'][$dbName]['prefix'] =
$dump['records_total'] +=
$dump['tables_total'] +=
$dump['datasize_total'] +=
// check if tables are selected ->
// then remove all others from array and correct sums
if ($dbName == $_SESSION['config']['db_actual']
&& isset($dump['selected_tables'])
&& is_array($dump['selected_tables'])
&& count($dump['selected_tables']) > 0) {
foreach ($dump['databases'][$dbName]['tables']
as $tablename => $val) {
if (!in_array($tablename, $dump['selected_tables'])) {
$dump['databases'][$dbName]['tables'][$tablename]['dump_structure'] = 0;
$dump['databases'][$dbName]['tables'][$tablename]['dump_records'] = 0;
// remove table from todo-list
// substract values of table from sums
$dump['databases'][$dbName]['records_total'] -= $val['records'];
$dump['databases'][$dbName]['datasize_total'] -= $val['data_length'];
$dump['databases'][$dbName]['size_total'] -= $val['data_length'] + $val['index_length'];
$dump['datasize_total'] -= $val['data_length'];
$dump['records_total'] -= $val['records'];
// set db to be dumped first -> start index is needed
$dump['db_actual'] = $dbNames[0];
Normale Datei
@ -0,0 +1,370 @@
* This file is part of MySQLDumper released under the GNU/GPL 2 license
* @package MySQLDumper
* @version SVN: $rev: 1207 $
* @author $Author$
* @lastmodified $Date$
if (!defined('MSD_VERSION')) die('No direct access.');
* Read list of backups in work/backup and create selectbox.
* Used in backup converter.
* @param string $selected selected file
* @return string String containing HTML-selectbox ready to output
function getFilelisteCombo($selected)
global $config;
$files = array();
$dir = new DirectoryIterator($config['paths']['backup']);
foreach ($dir as $fileinfo)
$file = $fileinfo->getFilename();
if ($file[0] != '.' && $fileinfo->isFile())
$size = byteOutput($fileinfo->getSize());
$files["$file"] = $file . ' (' . $size . ')';
$r = Html::getOptionlist($files, $selected);
return $r;
* Reformat a date from format hh:mm to hh:mm to make it sortable.
* @param string $datum Datetime taken from filename
* @return string
function getSortableDate($datum)
$p = explode(' ', $datum);
$uhrzeit = $p[1];
$p2 = explode('.', $p[0]);
$day = $p2[0];
$month = $p2[1];
$year = $p2[2];
return $year . '.' . $month . '.' . $day . ' ' . $uhrzeit;
* Checks a dump file and converts it.
* Places field names in backticks and splitts files into 10 MB-Parts.
* @param string $filesource File to convert
* @param string $db_name Database name will be used to create filenames and statusline
* @param string $cp Target copy file
* @return void
function convert($filesource, $db_name, $cp)
global $config, $lang;
@ini_set('max_input_time', '0'); // for real big dumps
$filesize = 0;
$max_filesize = 1024 * 1024 * 10; //10 MB splitsize
$part = 1;
$cps = (substr(strtolower($filesource), -2) == "gz") ? 1 : 0;
// we compare the string size with this value (not the real filesie)
//so if file is compressed we need to adjust it
if ($cps == 1) $max_filesize *= 7;
$filedestination = $db_name . '_' . date("Y_m_d_H_i", time());
echo "<h5>" . sprintf($lang['L_CONVERT_FILEREAD'], $filesource) . ".....</h5><span style=\"font-size:10px;\">";
if (file_exists($config['paths']['backup'] . $filedestination)) unlink($config['paths']['backup'] . $filedestination);
$f = ($cps == 1) ? gzopen($config['paths']['backup'] . $filesource, "r") : fopen($config['paths']['backup'] . $filesource, "r");
$z = ($cp == 1) ? gzopen($config['paths']['backup'] . $filedestination . '_part_1.sql.gz', "w") : fopen($config['paths']['backup'] . $filedestination . '_part_1.sql', "w");
$zeile = getPseudoStatusline($part, $db_name) . "\r\n";
($cp == 1) ? gzwrite($z, $zeile) : fwrite($z, $zeile);
$zeile = '';
$insert = $mode = "";
$n = 0;
$eof = ($cps == 1) ? gzeof($f) : feof($f);
$splitable = false; // can the file be splitted? Try to avoid splitting before a command is completed
WHILE (!$eof)
$eof = ($cps == 1) ? gzeof($f) : feof($f);
$zeile = ($cps == 1) ? gzgets($f, 5144000) : fgets($f, 5144000);
$t = strtolower(substr($zeile, 0, 10));
if ($t > '')
switch ($t)
case 'insert int':
// eine neue Insert Anweisung beginnt
if (strpos($zeile, '(') === false)
//Feldnamen stehen in der naechsten Zeile - holen
$zeile .= "\n\r";
$zeile .= ($cps == 1) ? trim(gzgets($f, 8192)) : trim(fgets($f, 8192));
$zeile .= ' ';
// get INSERT-Satement
$insert = substr($zeile, 0, strpos($zeile, '('));
if (substr(strtoupper($insert), -7) != 'VALUES ') $insert .= ' VALUES ';
$mode = 'insert';
$splitable = false;
case 'create tab':
$mode = 'create';
WHILE (substr(rtrim($zeile), -1) != ';')
$zeile .= fgets($f, 8192);
$zeile = setBackticks($zeile) . "\n\r";
$splitable = true;
if ($mode == 'insert')
if (substr(rtrim($zeile), strlen($zeile) - 3, 2) == ');') $splitable = true;
// Komma loeschen
$zeile = str_replace('),(', ");\n\r" . $insert . ' (', $zeile);
if ($splitable == true && $filesize > $max_filesize) // start new file?
if ($mode == 'insert') // Insert -> first complete Insert-Statement, then begin new file
if ($cp == 1)
gzwrite($z, $zeile);
$z = gzopen($config['paths']['backup'] . $filedestination . '_part_' . $part . '.sql.gz', "w");
$zeile = getPseudoStatusline($part, $db_name) . "\r\n";
gzwrite($z, $zeile);
$zeile = '';
fwrite($z, $zeile);
$z = fopen($config['paths']['backup'] . $filedestination . '_part_' . $part . '.sql', "w");
$zeile = getPseudoStatusline($part, $db_name) . "\r\n";
gzwrite($z, $zeile);
$zeile = '';
else // first close last file, then begin new one and write new beginning command
if ($cp == 1)
$z = gzopen($config['paths']['backup'] . $filedestination . '_part_' . $part . '.sql.gz', "w");
$zeile = getPseudoStatusline($part, $filedestination) . "\r\n" . $zeile;
gzwrite($z, $zeile);
$z = fopen($config['paths']['backup'] . $filedestination . '_part_' . $part . '.sql', "w");
$zeile = getPseudoStatusline($part, $filedestination) . "\r\n" . $zeile;
fwrite($z, $zeile);
$n = 0;
$filesize = 0;
$splitable = false;
else // no, append to actual file
$filesize += strlen($zeile);
if ($n > 200)
$n = 0;
echo '<br />';
echo '.';
if ($cps == 1) gzwrite($z, $zeile);
else fwrite($z, $zeile);
$zeile = "\n-- EOB";
if ($cps == 1)
gzwrite($z, $zeile);
fwrite($z, $zeile);
if ($cps == 1) gzclose($f);
else fclose($f);
echo '</span><h5>' . sprintf($lang['L_CONVERT_FINISHED'], $filedestination) . '</h5>';
* Create a dummy statusline.
* Used when converting a file, to create a legal MSD-Multipart-File.
* @param integer $part
* @param string $db_name
* @return string
function getPseudoStatusline($part, $db_name)
if ($part > 1) echo '<br />Continue with part: ' . $part . '<br />';
$ret = '-- Status:-1:-1:MP_' . ($part) . ':' . $db_name . ":php:converter2:converted:unknown:1:::latin1:EXTINFO\r\n" . "-- TABLE-INFO\r\n" . "-- TABLE|unknown|0|0|2009-01-24 20:39:39\r\n" . "-- EOF TABLE-INFO\r\n";
return $ret;
* Read information from all backup files in folder work/backup and return multidimensional array
* containing all info.
* @return array
function getBackupfileInfo()
global $config;
$files = Array();
$dh = opendir($config['paths']['backup']);
while (false !== ($filename = readdir($dh)))
if ($filename != '.' && $filename != '..' && !is_dir($config['paths']['backup'] . $filename))
$files[]['name'] = $filename;
$arrayindex = 0;
$total_filesize = 0;
$db_backups = array();
$db_summary_anzahl = array();
$db_summary_last = array();
if (count($files) > 0)
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($files); $i++)
// filesize
$size = filesize($config['paths']['backup'] . $files[$i]['name']);
$file_datum = date("d\.m\.Y H:i", filemtime($config['paths']['backup'] . $files[$i]['name']));
$statusline = ReadStatusline($files[$i]['name']);
$backup_timestamp = GetTimestampFromFilename($files[$i]['name']);
$pathinfo = pathinfo($files[$i]['name']);
$file_extension = $pathinfo['extension'];
if ($backup_timestamp == '') $backup_timestamp = $file_datum;
$database_name = $statusline['dbname'];
// check for some special cases
if ($database_name == 'unknown') $database_name = '~unknown'; // needed for sorting - place unknown files at the end
if ($statusline['comment'] == 'converted') $database_name = '~converted'; // converted fiels
//jetzt alle in ein Array packen
if ($statusline['part'] == 'MP_0' || $statusline['part'] == '')
$db_backups[$arrayindex]['name'] = $files[$i]['name'];
$db_backups[$arrayindex]['db'] = $database_name;
$db_backups[$arrayindex]['extension'] = $file_extension;
$db_backups[$arrayindex]['size'] = $size;
$db_backups[$arrayindex]['date'] = $backup_timestamp;
$db_backups[$arrayindex]['sort'] = getSortableDate($backup_timestamp);
$db_backups[$arrayindex]['tables'] = $statusline['tables'];
$db_backups[$arrayindex]['records'] = $statusline['records'];
$db_backups[$arrayindex]['multipart'] = 0;
$db_backups[$arrayindex]['comment'] = $statusline['comment'];
$db_backups[$arrayindex]['script'] = ($statusline['script'] != '') ? $statusline['script'] . '(' . $statusline['scriptversion'] . ')' : '';
$db_backups[$arrayindex]['charset'] = $statusline['charset'];
$db_backups[$arrayindex]['mysqlversion'] = $statusline['mysqlversion'];
if (!isset($db_summary_last[$database_name])) $db_summary_last[$database_name] = $backup_timestamp;
$db_summary_anzahl[$database_name] = (isset($db_summary_anzahl[$database_name])) ? $db_summary_anzahl[$database_name] + 1 : 1;
$db_summary_size[$database_name] = (isset($db_summary_size[$database_name])) ? $db_summary_size[$database_name] + $size : $size;
if (getSortableDate($backup_timestamp) > getSortableDate($db_summary_last[$database_name])) $db_summary_last[$database_name] = $backup_timestamp;
//list multipart files only once but keep info how many files belong to this backup
$done = 0;
if (!isset($db_summary_size[$database_name])) {
$db_summary_size[$database_name] = 0;
for ($j = 0; $j < $arrayindex; $j++)
if (isset($db_backups[$j]))
if (($db_backups[$j]['date'] == $backup_timestamp) && $db_backups[$j]['db'] == $database_name && $db_backups[$j]['extension'] == $file_extension)
$db_backups[$j]['mysqlversion'] = $statusline['mysqlversion'];
$db_backups[$j]['size'] += $size; // calculate size for this multipart backup
$db_summary_size[$database_name] += $size; // calculate total size for this database
$done = 1;
if ($done == 1) $arrayindex--;
if ($done == 0)
//new entry for this backup with this timestamp
$db_backups[$arrayindex]['name'] = $files[$i]['name'];
$db_backups[$arrayindex]['db'] = $database_name;
$db_backups[$arrayindex]['extension'] = $file_extension;
$db_backups[$arrayindex]['size'] = $size;
$db_backups[$arrayindex]['date'] = $backup_timestamp;
$db_backups[$arrayindex]['sort'] = getSortableDate($backup_timestamp);
$db_backups[$arrayindex]['tables'] = $statusline['tables'];
$db_backups[$arrayindex]['records'] = $statusline['records'];
$db_backups[$arrayindex]['multipart'] = 1;
$db_backups[$arrayindex]['comment'] = $statusline['comment'];
$db_backups[$arrayindex]['script'] = ($statusline['script'] != "") ? $statusline['script'] . "(" . $statusline['scriptversion'] . ")" : "";
$db_backups[$arrayindex]['charset'] = $statusline['charset'];
if (!isset($db_summary_last[$database_name])) $db_summary_last[$database_name] = $backup_timestamp;
$db_summary_anzahl[$database_name] = (isset($db_summary_anzahl[$database_name])) ? $db_summary_anzahl[$database_name] + 1 : 1;
$db_summary_size[$database_name] = (isset($db_summary_size[$database_name])) ? $db_summary_size[$database_name] + $size : $size;
if (getSortableDate($backup_timestamp) > getSortableDate($db_summary_last[$database_name])) $db_summary_last[$database_name] = $backup_timestamp;
$total_filesize += $size; // calculate overall file size
if ((isset($db_backups)) && (is_array($db_backups))) $db_backups = arfsort($db_backups, get_orderarray('sort,d|name,A'));
// merge infos into one array
$info = array();
$info['filesize_total'] = $total_filesize; // total size of all files
$info['files'] = $db_backups; // info per file
$info['databases'] = array();
foreach ($db_summary_anzahl as $db => $count)
$info['databases'][$db]['backup_count'] = $count;
$info['databases'][$db]['backup_size_total'] = $db_summary_size[$db];
$info['databases'][$db]['latest_backup_timestamp'] = $db_summary_last[$db];
return $info;
Normale Datei
@ -0,0 +1,915 @@
* This file is part of MySQLDumper released under the GNU/GPL 2 license
* @package MySQLDumper
* @version SVN: $rev: 1213 $
* @author $Author$
* @lastmodified $Date$
if (!defined('MSD_VERSION'))
die('No direct access.');
* Build order array from string
* key1,type1|key2,type2| ...
* d= sort key as string descending
* D= sort key as float ascending
* a= sort key as string ascending
* A= sort key as floatval ascending
* @param string $order
* @return array order-array
* Simple debug output for objects and arrays
* @param mixed
* @return void
if (!function_exists('v')) {
function v($t)
echo '<br />';
if (is_array($t) || is_object($t)){
echo '<pre style="font-size:12px;">';
echo '</pre>';
echo $t;
* Detect server protocol
* @return string 'https://' || 'http://'
function getServerProtocol()
return (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && strtolower($_SERVER['HTTPS']) == 'on') ? 'https://' : 'http://';
* Build order array from string 'col1,A|col2,d' for function arfosort
* @param string $order Orderstring
* @return array
function get_orderarray($order)
$order_arr = array();
$orders = explode('|', $order);
foreach ($orders as $o){
$d = explode(',', $o);
if (isset($d[0]) && isset($d[1]))
$order_arr[] = array($d[0], $d[1]);
return $order_arr;
* Order multidimensial array
* @param array $a Array to sort
* @param string $fl Order-string to define what keys should be sortet in what direction
* @return array Sorted array
function arfsort($a, $fl)
usort($a, 'arfsort_func');
return $a;
* Sort a multidimenional array no matter in which depth the key is
* @param array $a Array to sort
* @param string $b Sortstring containing keys and kind of sorting
* @return mixed
function arfsort_func($a, $b)
foreach ($GLOBALS['__ARFSORT_LIST__'] as $f){
if (isset($b[$f[0]]) && isset($a[$f[0]])){
switch ($f[1]){ // switch on ascending or descending value
case 'd':
$strc = strcmp(strtolower($b[$f[0]]), strtolower($a[$f[0]]));
if ($strc != 0)
return $strc;
case 'a':
$strc = strcmp(strtolower($a[$f[0]]), strtolower($b[$f[0]]));
if ($strc != 0)
return $strc;
case 'D':
$strc = (floatval($b[$f[0]]) < floatval($a[$f[0]])) ? -1 : 1;
if ($b[$f[0]] != $a[$f[0]])
return $strc;
case 'A':
$strc = (floatval($b[$f[0]]) > floatval($a[$f[0]])) ? -1 : 1;
if ($b[$f[0]] != $a[$f[0]])
return $strc;
return 0;
* Read table information about nr of records and more for given database name.
* Return array with advsanced information.
* @param string $db The database name to read info from
* @param string $table If set, only information for this table is filled
* @return array
function getTableInfo($db, $table = '')
global $dbo, $config;
$res = $dbo->selectDb($db);
if ($res){
$query = 'SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM `' . $db . '`';
if ($table > '') {
$query .= ' LIKE \'' . $table . '\'';
$res = $dbo->query($query, MsdDbFactory::ARRAY_ASSOC);
// init index if not set
if (!isset($tableInfos[$db]))
$tableInfos[$db] = array();
if (!isset($tableInfos[$db]['tables']))
$tableInfos[$db]['tables'] = array();
$tableInfos[$db]['table_count'] = sizeof($res);
$tableInfos[$db]['records_total'] = 0;
$tableInfos[$db]['datasize_total'] = 0;
$tableInfos[$db]['size_total'] = 0;
if ($tableInfos[$db]['table_count'] > 0){
for ($i = 0, $max = $tableInfos[$db]['table_count']; $i < $max; $i++){
$row = $res[$i];
$n = $row['Name'];
if (!isset($tableInfos[$db]['tables'][$n]))
$tableInfos[$db]['tables'][$row['Name']] = array();
if (isset($row['Type']))
$row['Engine'] = $row['Type'];
$tableInfos[$db]['tables'][$n]['name'] = $row['Name'];
$tableInfos[$db]['tables'][$n]['engine'] = $row['Engine'];
$tableInfos[$db]['tables'][$n]['dump_structure'] = 1;
$tableInfos[$db]['tables'][$n]['dump_records'] = 1;
// if we have a VIEW or a table of Type MEMORY -> don't save records
if (strtoupper($row['Comment']) == 'VIEW' || (isset($row['Engine']) && in_array(strtoupper($row['Engine']), array(
$tableInfos[$db]['tables'][$n]['dump_records'] = 0;
if (!isset($row['Update_time']))
$row['Update_time'] = '';
$tableInfos[$db]['tables'][$n]['update_time'] = $row['Update_time'];
$tableInfos[$db]['tables'][$n]['data_free'] = isset($row['Data_free']) ? $row['Data_free'] : 0;
$tableInfos[$db]['tables'][$n]['collation'] = isset($row['Collation']) ? $row['Collation'] : '';
$tableInfos[$db]['tables'][$n]['comment'] = isset($row['Comment']) ? $row['Comment'] : '';
$tableInfos[$db]['tables'][$n]['auto_increment'] = isset($row['Auto_increment']) ? $row['Auto_increment'] : '';
$tableInfos[$db]['tables'][$n]['records'] = (int) $row['Rows'];
$tableInfos[$db]['tables'][$n]['data_length'] = (float) $row['Data_length'];
$tableInfos[$db]['tables'][$n]['index_length'] = $row['Index_length'];
$tableInfos[$db]['records_total'] += (int) $row['Rows'];
$tableInfos[$db]['datasize_total'] += (float) $row['Data_length'];
$tableInfos[$db]['size_total'] += (float) $row['Data_length'] + (float) $row['Index_length'];
return $tableInfos;
* Returns microtime of now as float value
* @return float microtime
function getMicrotime()
list ($usec, $sec) = explode(' ', microtime());
return ((float) $usec + (float) $sec);
* Detect free diskspace
* @return string Space in human readable Bytes or message if not available
function getFreeDiskSpace()
global $lang;
$dfs = @diskfreespace("../");
return ($dfs) ? byteOutput($dfs) : $lang['L_NOTAVAIL'];
* Extract timestamp informations from a filename and return formatted string YYYY.MM.DD HH:MM
* @param string $s Filename as input 'dbname_2009_10_18_16_22_part1_sql-gz'
* @return string Formated timestamp YYYY.MM.DD HH:MM
function getTimestampFromFilename($s)
$i = strpos(strtolower($s), 'part');
if ($i > 0)
$s = substr($s, 0, $i - 1);
$i = strpos(strtolower($s), 'crondump');
if ($i > 0)
$s = substr($s, 0, $i - 1);
$i = strpos(strtolower($s), '.sql');
if ($i > 0)
$s = substr($s, 0, $i);
$sp = explode('_', $s);
$anz = count($sp) - 1;
if (strtolower($sp[$anz]) == 'perl')
if ($anz > 4){
return $sp[$anz - 2] . '.' . $sp[$anz - 3] . '.' . $sp[$anz - 4] . ' ' . $sp[$anz - 1] . ':' . $sp[$anz];
//no MySQLDumper file
return '';
* Writes errors or notices to the corresponding error log
* @param string $db Affected database
* @param string $sql The executed query
* @param string $error The error message to log
* @param int $art The kind of error (0=error, 1=notice)
* @return void
function writeToErrorLog($db = '', $sql = '', $error = '', $art = 1)
global $config, $lang, $log;
$sql = str_replace("\r", '', $sql);
$sql = str_replace("\n\n", '<br>', $sql);
$sql = str_replace("\n", '<br>', $sql);
$sql = trim($sql);
$error = str_replace("\r", '', $error);
if ($art == 0) {
$errormsg = $lang['L_ERROR'] . ': ' . $error;
} else {
$errormsg = $lang['L_NOTICE'] . ': ' . $error;
// append query if set
if ($sql > '') {
$errormsg .= '<br>SQL: ' . $sql;
$time = date('d.m.Y H:i:s') . ' ';
if ($art == 0) {
$_SESSION['log']['errors'][] = $time.$errormsg;
} else {
$_SESSION['log']['notices'][] = $time.$errormsg;
$log->write(Log::ERROR, $errormsg);
* Checks if the directories work, config, backup and log are writable
* Returns concatenated string with warnings or empty string if every directory is writable
* @return string
function checkDirectories()
global $config, $lang;
$warn = '';
if (!is_writable($config['paths']['work']))
$warn .= sprintf($lang['L_WRONG_RIGHTS'], $config['paths']['work'], '0777');
if (!is_writable($config['paths']['config']))
$warn .= sprintf($lang['L_WRONG_RIGHTS'], $config['paths']['config'], '0777');
if (!is_writable($config['paths']['backup']))
$warn .= sprintf($lang['L_WRONG_RIGHTS'], $config['paths']['backup'], '0777');
if (!is_writable($config['paths']['log']))
$warn .= sprintf($lang['L_WRONG_RIGHTS'], $config['paths']['log'], '0777');
if ($warn != '')
$warn = '<span class="warnung"><strong>' . $warn . '</strong></span>';
return $warn;
* Deletes every table or view in a database
* @param string $dbn Databasename
* @return void
function truncateDb($dbn)
global $dbo;
$t_sql = array();
$dbo->query('SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0', MsdDbFactory::SIMPLE);
$res = $dbo->query('SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM `' . $dbn . '`', MsdDbFactory::ARRAY_ASSOC);
foreach ($res as $row){
if (substr(strtoupper($row['Comment']), 0, 4) == 'VIEW'){
$t_sql[] = 'DROP VIEW `' . $dbn . '``' . $row['Name'] . '`';
$t_sql[] = 'DROP TABLE `' . $dbn . '`.`' . $row['Name'] . '`';
if (sizeof($t_sql) > 0){
for ($i = 0; $i < count($t_sql); $i++){
}catch (Excption $e){
//TODO create clean error handling depending on context
$dbo->query('SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=1', MsdDbFactory::SIMPLE);
* Delete old backups from folder work/backup according to configuration
* @return string Outputstring with messages about deleted files
function doAutoDelete()
global $config, $lang, $out;
$out = '';
if ($config['auto_delete']['max_backup_files'] > 0){
//Files einlesen
$dh = opendir($config['paths']['backup']);
$files = array();
// Build assoc Array $db=>$timestamp=>$filenames
if (!function_exists('ReadStatusline'))
include ('./inc/functions/functions_files.php');
while (false !== ($filename = readdir($dh))){
if ($filename != '.' && $filename != '..' && !is_dir($config['paths']['backup'] . $filename)){
$statusline = readStatusline($filename);
if ($statusline['dbname'] != 'unknown'){
$dbName = $statusline['dbname'];
$datum = substr($filename, strlen($dbName) + 1);
$timestamp = substr($datum, 0, 16);
if (!isset($files[$dbName]))
$files[$dbName] = array();
if (!isset($files[$dbName][$timestamp]))
$files[$dbName][$timestamp] = array();
$files[$dbName][$timestamp][] = $filename;
$out = ''; // stores output messages
// Backups per DB and Timestamp
foreach ($files as $db => $val){
if (sizeof($val) > $config['auto_delete']['max_backup_files']){
$db_files = $val;
krsort($db_files, SORT_STRING);
//now latest backupfiles are on top -> delete all files with greater index
$i = 0;
foreach ($db_files as $timestamp => $filenames){
if ($i >= $config['auto_delete']['max_backup_files']){
// Backup too old -> delete files
foreach ($filenames as $f){
if ($out == '')
$out .= $lang['L_FM_AUTODEL1'] . '<br />';
if (@unlink('./' . $config['paths']['backup'] . $f)){
$out .= '<span class="success">' . sprintf($lang['L_DELETE_FILE_SUCCESS'], $f) . '</span><br />';
$out .= $lang['L_ERROR'] . ': <p class="error">' . sprintf($lang['L_DELETE_FILE_ERROR'], $f) . '</p><br />';
return $out;
* Analyzes the first line of a MSD-Backup. Expects it as string parameter.
* @param string $line The statusline from the backup to analyze
* @return array Extracted information as array
function readStatusline($filename)
global $config;
/*AUFBAU der Statuszeile:
-- Status:nr of tables:records:Multipart:Databasename:script:scriptversion:Comment:
MySQL-Version:flags (unused):SQLCommandBeforeBackup:SQLCommandAfterBackup:Charset:EXTINFO
$gz = substr($filename, -3) == '.gz' ? true : false;
$fh = $gz ? gzopen($config['paths']['backup'] . $filename, 'r') : fopen($config['paths']['backup'] . $filename, 'r');
if (!$fh){
$line = $gz ? gzgets($fh) : fgets($fh);
$gz ? gzclose($fh) : fclose($fh);
$statusline = array();
$line = removeBom($line);
if ((substr($line, 0, 8) != "# Status" && substr($line, 0, 9) != "-- Status") || substr($line, 0, 10) == '-- StatusC'){
$statusline['tables'] = -1;
$statusline['records'] = -1;
$statusline['part'] = 'MP_0';
$statusline['dbname'] = 'unknown';
$statusline['script'] = '';
$statusline['scriptversion'] = '';
$statusline['comment'] = '';
$statusline['mysqlversion'] = 'unknown';
$statusline['flags'] = '2222222';
$statusline['sqlbefore'] = '';
$statusline['sqlafter'] = '';
$statusline['charset'] = '?';
// MySQLDumper-File - Informationen extrahieren
$s = explode(':', $line);
if (count($s) < 12){
//fehlenden Elemente auffüllen
$c = count($s);
for ($i = $c - 1; $i < 12; $i++){
$s[] = '';
$statusline['tables'] = $s[1];
$statusline['records'] = $s[2];
$statusline['part'] = ($s[3] == '' || $s[3] == 'MP_0') ? 'MP_0' : $s[3];
$statusline['dbname'] = $s[4];
$statusline['script'] = $s[5];
$statusline['scriptversion'] = $s[6];
$statusline['comment'] = $s[7];
$statusline['mysqlversion'] = $s[8];
if ((isset($s[12])) && trim($s[12]) != 'EXTINFO'){
$statusline['charset'] = $s[12];
$statusline['charset'] = '?';
return $statusline;
* Reads Head-Information about tables from MSD-Backup and returns it as array
* @param string $filename Filename of MSD-Backup to analyze
* @return array Detailed information about tables n MSD-Backup
function getTableHeaderInfoFromBackup($filename)
global $config;
// Get Tableinfo from file header
$tabledata = array();
$i = 0;
$gz = substr($filename, -3) == '.gz' ? true : false;
$fh = $gz ? gzopen($config['paths']['backup'] . $filename, 'r') : fopen($config['paths']['backup'] . $filename, 'r');
$eof = false;
WHILE (!$eof){
$line = $gz ? gzgets($fh, 40960) : fgets($fh, 40960);
$line = trim($line);
if (substr($line, 0, 9) == '-- TABLE|'){
$d = explode('|', $line);
$tabledata[$i]['name'] = $d[1];
$tabledata[$i]['records'] = $d[2];
$tabledata[$i]['size'] = $d[3];
$tabledata[$i]['update'] = $d[4];
$tabledata[$i]['engine'] = isset($d[5]) ? $d[5] : '';
}elseif (substr($line, 0, 6) == '-- EOF')
$eof = true; // End of Table-Info - >done
elseif (substr(strtolower($line), 0, 6) == 'create')
$eof = true; // we have found the first CREATE-Query -> done
$gz ? gzclose($fh) : fclose($fh);
return $tabledata;
* Calculate next Multipart-Filename
* @param string $filename The filename to calculate the next name from
* @return string Filename of next Multipart-File
function getNextPart($filename)
$nf = explode('_', $filename);
$i = array_search('part', $nf) + 1;
$part = substr($nf[$i], 0, strpos($nf[$i], '.'));
$ext = substr($nf[$i], strlen($part));
$nf[$i] = ++$part . $ext;
$filename = implode('_', $nf);
return $filename;
* Formats seconds to human readable output
* @param integer $time Time in seconds
* @return string Time as human readable formatted string
function getTimeFormat($time)
global $lang;
$d = floor($time / 86400);
$h = floor(($time - $d * 86400) / 3600);
$m = floor(($time - $d * 86400 - $h * 3600) / 60);
$s = $time - $d * 86400 - $h * 3600 - $m * 60;
$ret = sprintf('%02d', $s) . ' ' . ($s == 1 ? $lang['L_SECOND'] : $lang['L_SECONDS']);
if ($m > 0){
$ret = $m . ' ' . ($m == 1 ? $lang['L_MINUTE'] : $lang['L_MINUTES']) . ' ' . $ret;
if ($h > 0){
$ret = $h . ' ' . ($h == 1 ? $lang['L_HOUR'] : $lang['L_HOURS']) . ' ' . $ret;
if ($d > 0){
$ret = $d . ' ' . ($d == 1 ? $lang['L_DAY'] : $lang['L_DAYS']) . ' ' . $ret;
return $ret;
* Tests a ftp-connection and returns messages about uccess or failure
* @param integer $i The index of the connection profile to test
* @return array Array with messages
function testFTP($i)
global $lang, $config;
if (!isset($config['ftp'][$i]['timeout']))
$config['ftp'][$i]['timeout'][$i] = 30;
$ret = array();
if ($config['ftp'][$i]['port'] == '' || $config['ftp'][$i]['port'][$i] == 0)
$config['ftp'][$i]['port'] = 21;
$pass = -1;
if (!extension_loaded("ftp")){
$ret[] = '<span class="error">' . $lang['L_NOFTPPOSSIBLE'] . '</span>';
$pass = 0;
if ($pass == 0){
if ($config['ftp'][$i]['server'] == '' || $config['ftp'][$i]['user'] == ''){
$ret[] = '<span class="error">' . $lang['L_WRONGCONNECTIONPARS'] . '</span>';
$pass = 1;
if ($pass == 1){
if ($config['ftp'][$i]['ssl'] == 0)
$conn_id = @ftp_connect($config['ftp'][$i]['server'], $config['ftp'][$i]['port'], $config['ftp'][$i]['timeout']);
$conn_id = @ftp_ssl_connect($config['ftp'][$i]['server'], $config['ftp'][$i]['port'], $config['ftp'][$i]['timeout']);
if (is_resource($conn_id)){
$ret[] = sprintf($lang['L_FTP_CONNECTION_SUCCESS'], $config['ftp'][$i]['server'], $config['ftp'][$i]['port']);
$ret[] = sprintf($lang['L_FTP_CONNECTION_ERROR'], $config['ftp'][$i]['server'], $config['ftp'][$i]['port']);
if ($conn_id){
$login_result = @ftp_login($conn_id, $config['ftp'][$i]['user'], $config['ftp'][$i]['pass']);
if ($login_result)
$ret[] = sprintf($lang['L_FTP_LOGIN_SUCCESS'], $config['ftp'][$i]['user']);
$ret[] = sprintf($lang['L_FTP_LOGIN_ERROR'], $config['ftp'][$i]['user']);
if ($conn_id && $login_result){
$pass = 2;
if ($config['ftp'][$i]['mode'] == 1){
if (ftp_pasv($conn_id, true))
$ret[] = $lang['L_FTP_PASV_SUCCESS'];
$ret[] = $lang['L_FTP_PASV_ERROR'];
if ($pass == 2){
$dirc = @ftp_chdir($conn_id, $config['ftp'][$i]['dir']);
if (!$dirc){
$ret[] = $lang['L_CHANGEDIR'] . ' \'' . $config['ftp'][$i]['dir'] . '\' -> <span class="error">' . $lang['L_CHANGEDIRERROR'] . '</span>';
$pass = 3;
$ret[] = $lang['L_CHANGEDIR'] . ' \'' . $config['ftp'][$i]['dir'] . '\' -> <span class="success">' . $lang['L_OK'] . '</span>';
if ($pass == 3)
$ret[] = '<span class="success"><strong>' . $lang['L_FTP_OK'] . '</strong></span>';
return implode('<br />', $ret);
* Returns list of configuration profiles as HTML-Optionlist
* @param string $selected_config The actual configuration to pre-select in option list
* @return string HTML-option-string
function getConfigFilelist($selected_config)
$configs = getConfigFilenames();
$options = Html::getOptionlist($configs, $selected_config);
return $options;
* Returns list of installed themes as HTML-Optionlist
* @return string HTML-option-string
function getThemes()
global $config;
$themes = array();
$dh = opendir($config['paths']['root'] . "css/");
while (false !== ($filename = readdir($dh))){
if ($filename != '.' && $filename != '..' && is_dir($config['paths']['root'] . 'css/' . $filename) && substr($filename, 0, 1) != '.' && substr($filename, 0, 1) != '_'){
$themes[$filename] = $filename;
$options = Html::getOptionlist($themes, $config['theme']);
return $options;
* Detects all language-directories and builds HTML-Optionlist
* @return string HTML-option-string
function getLanguageCombo()
global $config, $lang;
$default = $config['language'];
$dh = opendir('./language/');
$r = "";
$lang_files = array();
while (false !== ($filename = readdir($dh))){
if ($filename != '.' && $filename != '.svn' && $filename != '..' && $filename != 'flags' && is_dir('./language/' . $filename)){
if (isset($lang[$filename]))
$lang_files[$lang[$filename]] = $filename;
foreach ($lang_files as $filename){
$style = 'background:url(language/flags/width25/' . $filename . '.gif) 4px;background-repeat:no-repeat;padding:2px 6px 2px 36px !important;';
$r .= '<option value="' . $filename . '" style="' . $style . '"';
$r .= Html::getSelected($filename, $default);
$r .= '>' . $lang[$filename] . '</option>' . "\n";
return $r;
* Detects language subdirs and adds them to the global definition of $lang
* @return void
function getLanguageArray()
global $lang;
$dh = opendir('./language/');
if (isset($lang['languages']))
$lang['languages'] = array();
while (false !== ($filename = readdir($dh))){
if ($filename != '.' && $filename != '.svn' && $filename != ".." && $filename != "flags" && is_dir('./language/' . $filename)){
$lang['languages'][] = $filename;
* Sets database and tablenames into backticks
* @param string $s Querystring
* @return string Querystring with backticks
function setBackticks($s)
$klammerstart = $lastklammerstart = $end = 0;
$inner_s_start = strpos($s, '(');
$inner_s_end = strrpos($s, ')');
$inner_s = substr($s, $inner_s_start + 1, $inner_s_end - (1 + $inner_s_start));
$pieces = explode(',', $inner_s);
for ($i = 0; $i < count($pieces); $i++){
$r = trim($pieces[$i]);
$klammerstart += substr_count($r, "(") - substr_count($r, ")");
if ($i == count($pieces) - 1)
$klammerstart += 1;
if (substr(strtoupper($r), 0, 4) == "KEY " || substr(strtoupper($r), 0, 7) == "UNIQUE " || substr(strtoupper($r), 0, 12) == "PRIMARY KEY " || substr(strtoupper($r), 0, 13) == "FULLTEXT KEY "){
//nur ein Key
$end = 1;
if (substr($r, 0, 1) != '`' && substr($r, 0, 1) != '\'' && $klammerstart == 0 && $end == 0 && $lastklammerstart == 0){
$pos = strpos($r, ' ');
$r = '`' . substr($r, 0, $pos) . '`' . substr($r, $pos);
$pieces[$i] = $r;
$lastklammerstart = $klammerstart;
$back = substr($s, 0, $inner_s_start + 1) . implode(',', $pieces) . ');';
return $back;
* Returns the index of the selected value in an array
* @param array $arr The Array to get the index from
* @param string $selected The value to find the index for
* @return mixed Found Index or false
function getIndexFromValue($arr, $selected)
$ret = false; // return false if not found
foreach ($arr as $key => $val){
if (strtolower(substr($val, 0, strlen($selected))) == strtolower($selected)){
$ret = $key;
return $ret;
* Checks if config is readable and loads it
* Expects only the name of the configuration (not the path or complete filename)
* Returns true on success or false on failure
* @param string $file Name of configuration without extension
* @param boolean $redirect_to_install Decide if user should be redirected to installation if config doesn't exist
* @return boolean
function getConfig($file = '', $redirect_to_install = true)
global $config, $databases;
if (!isset($_SESSION['config_file']))
$_SESSION['config_file'] = 'mysqldumper';
if ($file == '')
$file = $_SESSION['config_file'];
$ret = false;
// protect from including external files
$search = array(':', 'http', 'ftp', ' ', '/', '\\');
$replace = array('', '', '', '', '', '');
$file = str_replace($search, $replace, $file);
if ($redirect_to_install && !is_readable('./' . $config['paths']['config'] . $file . '.php') && $file == 'mysqldumper'){
header('Location: install.php');
if (!is_readable('./' . $config['paths']['config'] . $file . '.php'))
$file = 'mysqldumper';
if (is_readable('./' . $config['paths']['config'] . $file . '.php')){
$databases = array(); // reset databaselist - will be read from config file
$c = implode('', file('./' . $config['paths']['config'] . $file . '.php'));
$c = str_replace('<?php', '', $c);
$config['config_file'] = $file;
$_SESSION['config_file'] = $file;
$_SESSION['config'] = $config; // $config is defined in read file
$_SESSION['databases'] = $databases; // $databases is defined in read file
$config['files']['iconpath'] = './css/' . $config['theme'] . '/icons/';
$ret = true;
return $ret;
* Get all names of configuration files located in /work/config directory
* @return array
function getConfigFilenames()
global $config;
$configs = array();
$dh = opendir('./' . $config['paths']['config']);
while (false !== ($filename = readdir($dh))){
if (substr($filename, -4) == '.php' && substr($filename, -9) != '.conf.php' && $filename != 'dbs_manual.php'){
$index = substr($filename, 0, -4);
$configs[$index] = $index;
return $configs;
* Loads data from an external source via HTTP-socket
* Loads data from an external source $url given as URL
* and returns the content as a binary string or false on connection error
* @param string $url URL to fetch
* @return string file data or false
function getFileDataFromURL($url)
$url_parsed = parse_url($url);
$data = false;
$host = $url_parsed['host'];
$port = isset($url_parsed['port']) ? intval($url_parsed['port']) : 80;
if ($port == 0)
$port = 80;
$path = $url_parsed['path'];
if (!isset($url_parsed['scheme']))
$url_parsed['scheme'] = 'http';
if (!isset($url_parsed['path']))
$url_parsed['path'] = '/';
if (isset($url_parsed['query']) && $url_parsed['query'] != '')
$path .= '?' . $url_parsed['query'];
$fp = @fsockopen($host, $port, $errno, $errstr, 10);
if ($fp){
$out = "GET $path HTTP/1.0\r\n";
$out .= "Host: $host\r\n";
$out .= 'Referer: ' . $url_parsed['scheme'] . '://' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . $path . "\r\n";
$out .= 'User-Agent: MySQLDumper ' . MSD_VERSION . "\r\n";
$out .= "Connection: close\r\n\r\n";
@fwrite($fp, $out);
$body = false;
$data = '';
while (!feof($fp)){
$s = fgets($fp, 1024);
if ($body)
$data .= $s;
if ($s == "\r\n"){
$body = true;
return $data;
* Recursevely detects differences of multidimensional arrays
* and returns a new array containing all differences. Indexes that exists in both arrays are skipped.
* (e.g. used to detect differences between the complete SESSION['log'] and the built log of a page-call
* in ajax-functions to only return the last changes to the client)
* @param array $array1 Array1
* @param array $array2 Array2
* @return array Array with differences
function getArrayDiffAssocRecursive($array1, $array2)
foreach ($array1 as $key => $value){
if (is_array($value)){
if (!isset($array2[$key]))
$difference[$key] = $value;
elseif (!is_array($array2[$key]))
$difference[$key] = $value;
$new_diff = getArrayDiffAssocRecursive($value, $array2[$key]);
if ($new_diff != FALSE)
$difference[$key] = $new_diff;
}elseif (!isset($array2[$key]) || $array2[$key] != $value)
$difference[$key] = $value;
return !isset($difference) ? 0 : $difference;
* Gets value in associative array by indexnr
* @param array $array
* @param mixed $index Index
* @return string
function getValueFromIndex($array, $index)
$array_keys = array_keys($array);
if (isset($array_keys[$index]))
return $array_keys[$index];
return false;
* Gets the next key in an associative array and returns it.
* If it was the last key return false
* @param array $array Array
* @param string $key current Index
* @return mixed
function getNextKey($array, $key)
$array_keys = array_keys($array);
$array_flip = array_flip($array_keys);
$index = $array_flip[$key];
if ($index < sizeof($array_keys))
return $array_keys[$index];
return false;
* Detect Byte Order Mark (BOM) and remove it if found
* @param string $str String
* @return string
function removeBom($str)
$bom = pack('CCC', 0xef, 0xbb, 0xbf);
if (0 == strncmp($str, $bom, 3)){
$str = substr($str, 3);
return $str;
Normale Datei
@ -0,0 +1,426 @@
* This file is part of MySQLDumper released under the GNU/GPL 2 license
* @package MySQLDumper
* @version SVN: $rev: 1207 $
* @author $Author$
* @lastmodified $Date$
if (!defined('MSD_VERSION')) die('No direct access.');
* Reads next lines from file and extracts a complete SQL-Command
* @return string $sql_command The complete Query
function getQueryFromFile($showErrors = true)
global $restore, $config, $databases, $lang, $dbo, $log;
$complete_sql = '';
$sqlparser_status = 0;
$query_found = false;
WHILE (!$query_found && !$restore['fileEOF'] && !$restore['EOB'])
//get next line from file
$zeile = ($restore['compressed']) ? gzgets($restore['filehandle']) : fgets($restore['filehandle']);
// if we are at the beginning of a file look for BOM and remove it
if ($restore['offset'] == 0) $zeile = removeBom($zeile);
// what kind of command did we read from the file?
if ($sqlparser_status == 0)
// build comparing line in uppercase
$zeile2 = strtoupper(trim(substr($zeile, 0, 9)));
// pre-build compare strings - so we need the CPU power only once :)
$sub9 = substr($zeile2, 0, 9);
$sub7 = substr($sub9, 0, 7);
$sub6 = substr($sub7, 0, 6);
$sub4 = substr($sub6, 0, 4);
$sub3 = substr($sub4, 0, 3);
$sub2 = substr($sub3, 0, 2);
$sub1 = substr($sub2, 0, 1);
if ($sub7 == 'INSERT ')
$sqlparser_status = 3;
$restore['actual_table'] = getTablename($zeile, $restore['actual_table']);
elseif ($sub7 == 'REPLACE')
$sqlparser_status = 8;
$restore['actual_table'] = getTablename($zeile, $restore['actual_table']);
// find statements ending with a colon
elseif ($sub7 == 'LOCK TA') $sqlparser_status = 4;
elseif ($sub6 == 'COMMIT') $sqlparser_status = 7;
elseif (substr($sub6, 0, 5) == 'BEGIN') $sqlparser_status = 7;
elseif ($sub9 == 'UNLOCK TA') $sqlparser_status = 4;
elseif ($sub3 == 'SET') $sqlparser_status = 4;
elseif ($sub6 == 'START ') $sqlparser_status = 4;
elseif ($sub3 == '/*!') $sqlparser_status = 5; //MySQL-Condition oder Comment
elseif ($sub9 == 'ALTER TAB') $sqlparser_status = 4; // Alter Table
elseif ($sub9 == 'CREATE TA') $sqlparser_status = 2; //Create Table
elseif ($sub9 == 'CREATE AL') $sqlparser_status = 2; //Create View
elseif ($sub9 == 'CREATE IN') $sqlparser_status = 4; //Indexaction
elseif ($sub7 == 'UPDATE ') $sqlparser_status = 4;
elseif ($sub7 == 'SELECT ') $sqlparser_status = 4;
// divide comment from condition
elseif (($sqlparser_status != 5) && ($sub2 == '/*')) $sqlparser_status = 6;
// delete actions
elseif ($sub9 == 'DROP TABL') $sqlparser_status = 1;
elseif ($sub9 == 'DROP VIEW') $sqlparser_status = 1;
elseif ($sub7 == 'DELETE ') $sqlparser_status = 1;
// commands that mustn't be executed
elseif ($sub9 == 'CREATE DA ') $sqlparser_status = 7;
elseif ($sub9 == 'DROP DATA ') $sqlparser_status = 7;
elseif ($sub3 == 'USE') $sqlparser_status = 7;
// end of a MySQLDumper-Dump reached?
elseif ($sub6 == '-- EOB' || $sub4 == '# EO')
$restore['EOB'] = true;
$restore['fileEOF'] = true;
$zeile = '';
$zeile2 = '';
$query_found = true;
// Comment?
elseif ($sub2 == '--' || $sub1 == '#')
$zeile = '';
$zeile2 = '';
$sqlparser_status = 0;
// continue extended Insert?
if ($restore['extended_insert_flag'] == 1) $sqlparser_status = 3;
if (($sqlparser_status == 0) && (trim($complete_sql) > '') && ($restore['extended_insert_flag'] == -1))
if ($showErrors)
// unknown command -> output debug information
echo "<br />Sql: " . htmlspecialchars($complete_sql);
die('<br />' . $lang['L_UNKNOWN_SQLCOMMAND'] . ': ' . $zeile . '<br /><br />' . $complete_sql);
return array(
$last_char = substr(rtrim($zeile), -1);
// retain new lines - otherwise keywords are glued together
// e.g. 'null' and on next line 'check' would necome 'nullcheck'
$complete_sql .= $zeile . "\n";
if ($sqlparser_status == 3 || $sqlparser_status == 8)
if (isCompleteQuery($complete_sql))
$query_found = true;
$complete_sql = trim($complete_sql);
if (substr($complete_sql, -2) == '*/')
$complete_sql = deleteInlineComments($complete_sql);
// end of extended insert found?
if (substr($complete_sql, -2) == ');')
$restore['extended_insert_flag'] = -1;
// if there is a ")," at end of line -> extended Insert-Modus -> set flag
if (substr($complete_sql, -2) == '),')
// letztes Komme gegen Semikolon tauschen
$complete_sql = substr($complete_sql, 0, -1);
$restore['extended_inserts'] = 1;
$restore['extended_insert_flag'] = 1;
$compare = substr(strtoupper($complete_sql), 0, 7);
if (($compare != 'INSERT ' && $compare != 'REPLACE'))
// we do have extended inserts here -> prepend insert syntax
// if we don't have it because of a page refresh -> get it
if (!isset($restore['insert_syntax'])) {
$restore['insert_syntax'] = Sql::getInsertSyntax(
$dbo, $restore['actual_table']
$complete_sql = $restore['insert_syntax'] . ' VALUES ' . $complete_sql;
// remember the INSERT syntax
$ipos = strpos(strtoupper($complete_sql), ' VALUES');
if (!$ipos === false) $restore['insert_syntax'] = substr($complete_sql, 0, $ipos);
if ($sqlparser_status == 3) $restore['insert_syntax'] = 'INSERT INTO `' . $restore['actual_table'] . '`';
else $restore['insert_syntax'] = 'REPLACE INTO `' . $restore['actual_table'] . '`';
if ($sqlparser_status == 1)
// delete action
if ($last_char == ';') $query_found = true;
$restore['actual_table'] = getTablename($complete_sql);
if ($sqlparser_status == 2)
// Create-command is finished if there is a colon at the end of line
if ($last_char == ';')
$restore['speed'] = $config['minspeed'];
// Restore this table?
$do_it = true;
if (is_array($restore['tables_to_restore']))
$do_it = false;
if (in_array($restore['actual_table'], $restore['tables_to_restore']))
$do_it = true;
// if we do a partial restore with selected tables and we already inserted all
// of them and we now have a table we don't need to restore
// -> we did all we need to do! Check and finish the process in that case
// (we don't need to further walk through the file if all needed tables are done)
if ($restore['table_ready'] == $restore['tables_total'])
$sqlparser_status = 0;
$restore['EOB'] = true;
$tablename = getTablename($complete_sql);
if ($do_it)
$complete_sql = getCorrectedCreateCommand($complete_sql);
$complete_sql = '';
$restore['actual_table'] = $tablename;
$query_found = true;
$sqlparser_status = 0;
// Index
if ($sqlparser_status == 4)
if ($last_char == ';')
$restore['speed'] = $config['minspeed'];
$complete_sql = deleteInlineComments($complete_sql);
$query_found = true;
// Comment or condition
if ($sqlparser_status == 5)
$t = strrpos($zeile, '*/;');
if (!$t === false)
$restore['speed'] = $config['minspeed'];
$query_found = true;
// multiline-comment
if ($sqlparser_status == 6)
$t = strrpos($zeile, '*/');
if (!$t === false)
$complete_sql = '';
$sqlparser_status = 0;
// commands that mustn't be executet
if ($sqlparser_status == 7)
if ($last_char == ';')
$restore['speed'] = $config['minspeed'];
$complete_sql = '';
$sqlparser_status = 0;
if (($restore['compressed']) && (gzeof($restore['filehandle']))) $restore['fileEOF'] = true;
elseif ((!$restore['compressed']) && (feof($restore['filehandle']))) $restore['fileEOF'] = true;
// if special tables are selected for restoring, check if this query belongs to them
if (is_array($restore['tables_to_restore']) && !(in_array($restore['actual_table'], $restore['tables_to_restore'])))
$complete_sql = '';
//detect if a table is finished and write log message
if ($sqlparser_status != 3 && $sqlparser_status != 8 && in_array($restore['last_parser_status'], array(
if (isset($restore['records_inserted_table'][$restore['actual_table']]))
$message = sprintf($lang['L_RESTORE_TABLE'], $restore['actual_table']) . ': ';
$message .= sprintf($lang['L_RECORDS_INSERTED'], String::formatNumber($restore['records_inserted_table'][$restore['actual_table']]));
$log->write(Log::PHP, $message);
$restore['last_parser_status'] = $sqlparser_status;
$complete_sql = trim($complete_sql);
return $complete_sql;
* Checks SQL-Create-Query for VIEW-Syntax, substitutes the old DEFINER with the actual sql-user
* and returns the corrected query.
* @param string $sql SQL-Create-Command
* @return string
function getCorrectedCreateCommand($sql)
global $config;
if (strtoupper(substr($sql, 0, 16)) == 'CREATE ALGORITHM')
// It`s a VIEW. We need to substitute the original DEFINER with the actual MySQL-User
$parts = explode(' ', $sql);
for ($i = 0, $count = sizeof($parts); $i < $count; $i++)
if (strtoupper(substr($parts[$i], 0, 8)) == 'DEFINER=')
global $config;
$parts[$i] = 'DEFINER=`' . $config['dbuser'] . '`@`' . $config['dbhost'] . '`';
$sql = implode(' ', $parts);
return $sql;
* Deletes inline-comments from a SQL-String
* @param string $sql SQL-Command
* @return string $sql The cleaned SQL-String
function deleteInlineComments($sql)
$array = array();
preg_match_all("/(\/\*(.+)\*\/)/U", $sql, $array);
if (is_array($array[0]))
$sql = trim(str_replace($array[0], '', $sql));
//If there is only a colon left, it was a condition -> clear all
if ($sql == ';') $sql = '';
return $sql;
* Extract the tablename from a query
* @param string $sql SQL-Command
* @param string $actual_table Tablename to look for if it is known
* @return string The name of the table extracted from the Query
function getTablename($sql, $actual_table = '')
$t = substr($sql, 0, 150); // shorten string, the tablename will be in the first 150 chars
// if we find the actual table in the string we got it -> return t without any further parsing
if (!false === stripos($t . '` ', $actual_table)) return $t;
if (!false === stripos($t . ' ', $actual_table)) return $t;
// remove all keywords until the tablename is in the front position
$t = str_ireplace('DROP TABLE', '', $t);
$t = str_ireplace('DROP VIEW', '', $t);
$t = str_ireplace('CREATE TABLE', '', $t);
$t = str_ireplace('INSERT INTO', '', $t);
$t = str_ireplace('REPLACE INTO', '', $t);
$t = str_ireplace('IF NOT EXISTS', '', $t);
$t = str_ireplace('IF EXISTS', '', $t);
if (substr(strtoupper($t), 0, 16) == 'CREATE ALGORITHM')
$pos = strpos($t, 'DEFINER VIEW ');
$t = substr($t, $pos, strlen($t) - $pos);
$t = str_ireplace(';', ' ;', $t); // tricky -> insert space as delimiter
$t = trim($t);
// now we simply can search for the first space or `
$delimiter = substr($t, 0, 1);
if ($delimiter != '`') $delimiter = ' ';
$found = false;
$position = 1;
WHILE (!$found)
if (substr($t, $position, 1) == $delimiter) $found = true;
if ($position >= strlen($t)) $found = true;
$t = substr($t, 0, $position);
$t = trim(str_replace('`', '', $t));
return $t;
* Detect if a SQL-Command is complete
* @param string $sql String to interpret as sql
* @return boolean
function isCompleteQuery($string)
$string = str_replace('\\\\', '', trim($string)); // trim and remove escaped backslashes
$string = trim($string);
$quotes = substr_count($string, '\'');
$escaped_quotes = substr_count($string, '\\\'');
if (($quotes - $escaped_quotes) % 2 == 0)
$compare = substr($string, -2);
if ($compare == '*/') $compare = substr(deleteInlineComments($string), -2);
if ($compare == ');') return true;
if ($compare == '),') return true;
return false;
Normale Datei
@ -0,0 +1,403 @@
* This file is part of MySQLDumper released under the GNU/GPL 2 license
* @package MySQLDumper
* @version SVN: $rev: 1207 $
* @author $Author$
* @lastmodified $Date$
if (!defined('MSD_VERSION')) die('No direct access.');
//SQL-Library laden
include ('./inc/sqllib.php');
* Get sql-library as array.
* @return array
function getSqlLibrary()
global $SQL_ARRAY, $config;
$sf = './' . $config['paths']['config'] . 'sql_statements';
if (!is_file($sf)) {
$fp = fopen($sf, "w+");
@chmod($sf, 0777);
if (count($SQL_ARRAY) == 0 && filesize($sf) > 0) {
$SQL_ARRAY = file($sf);
* Saves a new query to the Sql-Library
* @return void
function saveQueryToSqlLibrary()
global $SQL_ARRAY, $config;
$sf = './' . $config['paths']['config'] . 'sql_statements';
$str = "";
for ($i = 0; $i < count($SQL_ARRAY); $i++)
$str .= $SQL_ARRAY[$i];
if (substr($str, -1) != "\n" && $i != (count($SQL_ARRAY) - 1)) $str .= "\n";
if ($config['magic_quotes_gpc']) $str = stripslashes($str);
$fp = fopen($sf, "wb");
fwrite($fp, $str);
* Gets the name of query nr $index from the Sql-Library.
* @param integer $index
* @return string
function getQueryNameFromSqlLibrary($index)
global $SQL_ARRAY;
$s = explode('|', $SQL_ARRAY[$index]);
return $s[0];
* Gets the query nr $index from the Sql-Library.
* @param integer $index
* @return string
function getQueryFromSqlLibrary($index)
global $SQL_ARRAY;
if (!is_array($SQL_ARRAY)) getSqlLibrary();
if (isset($SQL_ARRAY[$index]) && !empty($SQL_ARRAY[$index]))
$s = explode('|', $SQL_ARRAY[$index], 2);
return (isset($s[1])) ? $s[1] : '';
return '';
* Creates a html option list from the Sql-Library
* @return string
function getSqlLibraryComboBox()
global $SQL_ARRAY, $tablename;
$s = '';
if (count($SQL_ARRAY) > 0)
$s = "\n\n" . '<select class="SQLCombo" name="sqlcombo" onchange="this.form.sqltextarea.value=this.options[this.selectedIndex].value;">' . "\n";
$s .= '<option value=""';
$s .= Html::getSelected(true, true);
$s .= '>---</option>' . "\n";
for ($i = 0; $i < count($SQL_ARRAY); $i++)
$s .= '<option value="' . htmlspecialchars(stripslashes(getQueryFromSqlLibrary($i))) . '">' . getQueryNameFromSqlLibrary($i) . '</option>' . "\n";
$s .= '</select>' . "\n\n";
return $s;
* Detects if a query returns rows as result or just true or false
* Used in SQLBrowser to decide wether a list of records must be shown
* @param $sql the query to discover
* return bool
function queryReturnsRecords($sql)
global $mysql_SQLhasRecords;
$s = explode(' ', $sql);
if (!is_array($s)) return false;
return in_array(strtoupper($s[0]), $mysql_SQLhasRecords) ? true : false;
function splitSQLStatements2Array($sql)
$z = 0;
$sqlArr = array();
$tmp = '';
$sql = str_replace("\n", '', $sql);
$l = strlen($sql);
$inQuotes = false;
for ($i = 0; $i < $l; $i++)
$tmp .= $sql[$i];
if ($sql[$i] == "'" || $sql[$i] == '"') $inQuotes = !$inQuotes;
if ($sql[$i] == ';' && $inQuotes == false)
$sqlArr[] = $tmp;
$tmp = '';
if (trim($tmp) != '') $sqlArr[] = $tmp;
return $sqlArr;
* Build HTML-Selectbox from saved SQL-Commands
* @param string $when Before backup = 0, After Backup =1
* @param integer $index Index of database
* @return string HTML as string
function getCommandDumpComboBox($when, $index, $db_name)
global $SQL_ARRAY, $databases, $lang;
if (count($SQL_ARRAY) == 0)
if ($when == 0) $r = '<input type="hidden" name="command_before_' . $index . '" value="" />';
else $r = '<input type="hidden" name="command_after_' . $index . '" value="" />';
if ($when == 0)
$r = '<select class="SQLCombo select noleftmargin" name="command_before_' . $index . '" />';
$csql = trim($databases[$db_name]['command_before_dump']);
$r = '<select class="SQLCombo select noleftmargin" name="command_after_' . $index . '" />';
$csql = trim($databases[$db_name]['command_after_dump']);
$r .= '<option value=""' . Html::getSelected($csql, '') . ' /> </option>' . "\n";
for ($i = 0; $i < count($SQL_ARRAY); $i++)
$s = trim(getQueryFromSqlLibrary($i));
$r .= '<option value="' . $i . '"';
$r .= Html::getSelected($s, $csql);
$r .= '>' . getQueryNameFromSqlLibrary($i) . ' </option>' . "\n";
$r .= '</select>';
return $r;
* Extracts the target tablename from a query
* @param string $q The query
* @return string
function extractTablenameFromSQL($q)
global $databases, $db, $dbid;
$tablename = '';
if (strlen($q) > 100) $q = substr($q, 0, 100);
$p = trim($q);
// if we get a list of tables - no current table is selected -> return ''
if (strtoupper(substr($q, 0, 17)) == 'SHOW TABLE STATUS') return '';
// check for SELECT-Statement to extract tablename after FROM
if (strtoupper(substr($p, 0, 7)) == 'SELECT ')
$parts = array();
$p = substr($p, strpos(strtoupper($p), 'FROM') + 5);
$parts = explode(' ', $p);
$p = $parts[0];
$suchen = array(
'SHOW ',
$ersetzen = array(
$cleaned = trim(str_ireplace($suchen, $ersetzen, $p));
$tablename = $cleaned;
if (strpos($cleaned, ' ')) $tablename = substr($cleaned, 0, strpos($cleaned, ' '));
$tablename = str_replace('`', '', $tablename); // remove backticks
// take care of db-name.tablename
if (strpos($tablename, '.'))
$p = explode('.', $tablename);
$config['db_actual'] = $p[0];
if (isset($_GET['tablename'])) unset($_GET['tablename']);
$tablename = $p[1];
return $tablename;
* Reads extened MySQL field information
* Reads extened field information for each field of a MySQL table
* and fills an array like
* array(
* [Fieldname][attribut]=value,
* ['primary_key']=keys
* )
* @param $db Database
* @param $table Table
* @return array Field infos
function getExtendedFieldInfo($db, $table)
global $config, $dbo;
$fields_infos = array();
//$t = GetCreateTable($db, $table);
$sqlf = "SHOW FULL FIELDS FROM `$db`.`$table`;";
$res = $dbo->query($sqlf, MsdDbFactory::ARRAY_ASSOC);
$num_fields = sizeof($res);
$f = array(); //will hold all info
for ($x = 0; $x < $num_fields; $x++)
$row = $res[$x]; //mysql_fetch_array($res, MYSQL_ASSOC);
$i = $row['Field']; // define name of field as index of array
//define field defaults - this way the index of the array is defined anyway
$f[$i]['field'] = '';
$f[$i]['collation'] = '';
$f[$i]['comment'] = '';
$f[$i]['type'] = '';
$f[$i]['size'] = '';
$f[$i]['attributes'] = '';
$f[$i]['null'] = '';
$f[$i]['default'] = '';
$f[$i]['extra'] = '';
$f[$i]['privileges'] = '';
$f[$i]['key'] = $row['Key']; //array();
if (isset($row['Collation'])) $f[$i]['collate'] = $row['Collation'];
if (isset($row['COLLATE'])) $f[$i]['collate'] = $row['COLLATE']; // MySQL <4.1
if (isset($row['Comment'])) $f[$i]['comment'] = $row['Comment'];
if (isset($row['Type'])) $f[$i]['type'] = $row['Type'];
if (isset($row['Field'])) $f[$i]['field'] = $row['Field'];
$f[$i]['size'] = get_attribut_size_from_type($f[$i]['type']);
// remove size from type for readability in output
$f[$i]['type'] = str_replace('(' . $f[$i]['size'] . ')', '', $f[$i]['type']);
// look for attributes, everthing behind the first space is an atribut
$attributes = explode(' ', $f[$i]['type'], 2);
if (isset($attributes[1]))
// we found attributes
unset($attributes[0]); // delete type
$f[$i]['attributes'] = trim(implode(' ', $attributes)); //merge all other attributes
// remove attributes from type
$f[$i]['type'] = trim(str_replace($f[$i]['attributes'], '', $f[$i]['type']));
if (isset($row['NULL'])) $f[$i]['null'] = $row['NULL'];
if (isset($row['Null'])) $f[$i]['null'] = $row['Null'];
if (isset($row['Default'])) $f[$i]['default'] = $row['Default'];
if (isset($row['Extra'])) $f[$i]['extra'] = $row['Extra'];
if (isset($row['Privileges'])) $f[$i]['privileges'] = $row['Privileges'];
if (isset($row['privileges'])) $f[$i]['privileges'] = $row['privileges'];
return $f;
* Returns an unique Identifier for a record in a table
* @param string $db Database
* @param string $table Table
* @param array &$record Complete records
* @return string Where-Condition to identify the record
function getRecordIdentifier($db, $table, &$record)
global $table_infos;
$where = '';
if (!isset($table_infos[$db]['tables'][$table]['keys']))
$table_infos = getTableInfo($db, $table);
$keys = getKeys($db, $table);
$table_infos[$db]['tables'][$table]['keys'] = $keys;
if (isset($table_infos[$db]['tables'][$table]['keys']['PRIMARY']))
// table has a primary key -> we can build the identifier by it
foreach ($table_infos[$db]['tables'][$table]['keys']['PRIMARY'] as $column => $val)
$where .= $where > '' ? ' AND ' : '';
$where .= '`' . $column . '` = \'' . $record[$column] . '\'';
// shame on the table design -> no key given -> build key from all values of record
foreach ($record as $column => $val)
$where .= $where > '' ? ' AND ' : '';
$where .= '`' . $column . '` = \'' . $record[$column] . '\'';
return $where;
* Get Keys from a table and store them in an ass. array $array[Key-Name][column_name]=$keys
* @param string $db
* @param string $table
* @return array
function getKeys($db, $table)
global $dbo;
$keys = array();
$sql = 'SHOW KEYS FROM `' . $db . '`.`' . $table . '`';
$res = $dbo->query($sql, MsdDbFactory::ARRAY_ASSOC);
foreach ($res as $row)
$keys[$row['Key_name']][$row['Column_name']] = $row;
return $keys;
* Extracts the part in brackets in a string, e.g. int(11) => 11
* @param string $type
* @return string
function get_attribut_size_from_type($type)
$size = '';
$matches = array();
$pattern = '/\((\d.*?)\)/msi';
preg_match($pattern, $type, $matches);
if (isset($matches[1])) $size = $matches[1];
return $size;
Normale Datei
@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
* This file is part of MySQLDumper released under the GNU/GPL 2 license
* @package MySQLDumper
* @version SVN: $rev: 1207 $
* @author $Author$
* @lastmodified $Date$
if (!defined('MSD_VERSION')) die('No direct access.');
$sumFiles = $sumSize = 0;
$lastBu = Array();
if ($action == '') {
$action = 'status';
include ('./inc/define_icons.php');
if (isset($_POST['htaccess']) || $action == 'schutz') {
include ('./inc/home/protection_create.php');
} elseif ($action == 'edithtaccess') {
include ('./inc/home/protection_edit.php');
} elseif ($action == 'deletehtaccess') {
include ('./inc/home/protection_delete.php');
if ($action == 'status') {
$htaExists = (file_exists('./.htaccess'));
if (!defined('MSD_MYSQL_VERSION')) GetMySQLVersion();
// find latest backup file
$dh = opendir($config['paths']['backup']);
while (false !== ($fileName = readdir($dh))) {
if ($fileName != '.' && $fileName != '..'
&& !is_dir($config['paths']['backup'] . $fileName)) {
$files[] = $fileName;
$sumSize += filesize($config['paths']['backup'] . $fileName);
$ft = filectime($config['paths']['backup'] . $fileName);
if (!isset($lastBu[2]) || (isset($lastBu[2]) && $ft > $lastBu[2])) {
$lastBu[0] = $fileName;
$lastBu[1] = date("d.m.Y H:i", $ft);
$lastBu[2] = $ft;
$directoryWarnings = checkDirectories();
$tplHome = new MSDTemplate();
$tplHome->set_filenames(array('tplHome' => 'tpl/home/home.tpl'));
'ICON_EDIT' => $icon['edit'],
'ICON_DELETE' => $icon['delete'],
'ICON_SEARCH' => $icon['search'],
'THEME' => $config['theme'],
'OS' => MSD_OS,
'MYSQL_CLIENT_VERSION' => $dbo->getClientInfo(),
'MEMORY' => byteOutput($config['php_ram'] * 1024 * 1024),
'MAX_EXECUTION_TIME' => intval(@get_cfg_var('max_execution_time')),
'MAX_EXEC_USED_BY_MSD' => $config['max_execution_time'],
'PHP_EXTENSIONS' => $config['phpextensions'],
'MSD_PATH' => $config['paths']['root'],
'DB' => $config['db_actual'],
'NR_OF_BACKUP_FILES' => $sumFiles,
'SIZE_BACKUPS' => byteOutput($sumSize),
'FREE_DISKSPACE' => getFreeDiskSpace()
if ($directoryWarnings > '') {
'DIRECTORY_WARNINGS', array('MSG' => $directoryWarnings)
if ($config['disabled'] > '') {
str_replace(',', ', ', $config['disabled'])
// Zlib is buggy from version 4.3.0 upto 4.3.2,
// so lets check for these versions
if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '4.3.0', '>=')
&& version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '4.3.2', '<=')) {
$tplHome->assign_block_vars('ZLIBBUG', array());
if (!extension_loaded('ftp')) {
$tplHome->assign_block_vars('NO_FTP', array());
if (!$config['zlib']) {
$tplHome->assign_block_vars('NO_ZLIB', array());
if ($htaExists) {
$tplHome->assign_block_vars('HTACCESS_EXISTS', array());
} else {
$tplHome->assign_block_vars('HTACCESS_DOESNT_EXISTS', array());
if ($sumFiles > 0 && isset($lastBu[1])) {
$fileSize = @filesize($config['paths']['backup'] . $lastBu[0]);
'INFO' => $lastBu[1],
'LINK' => $config['paths']['backup'] . urlencode($lastBu[0]),
'NAME' => $lastBu[0],
'SIZE' => byteOutput($fileSize)
Normale Datei
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
* This file is part of MySQLDumper released under the GNU/GPL 2 license
* @package MySQLDumper
* @version SVN: $rev: 1207 $
* @author $Author$
* @lastmodified $Date$
Normale Datei
@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
* This file is part of MySQLDumper released under the GNU/GPL 2 license
* @package MySQLDumper
* @version SVN: $rev: 1207 $
* @author $Author$
* @lastmodified $Date$
if (!defined('MSD_VERSION')) die('No direct access.');
$dba = $htaDir = $overwrite = $msg = '';
$error = array();
$type = 0; // default encryption type set to crypt()
if (strtoupper(substr(MSD_OS, 0, 3)) == 'WIN') {
$type = 2; // we are on a Win-System; pre-select encryption type
if (isset($_POST['type'])) {
$type = (int) $_POST['type'];
$username = (isset($_POST['username'])) ? $_POST['username'] : '';
$userpassOne = (isset($_POST['userpass1'])) ? $_POST['userpass1'] : '';
$userpassConfirm = (isset($_POST['userpass2'])) ? $_POST['userpass2'] : '';
$tplHomeProtectionCreate = new MSDTemplate();
array('tplHomeProtectionCreate' => 'tpl/home/protection_create.tpl')
$tplHomeProtectionCreate->assign_vars(array('THEME' => $config['theme']));
if (isset($_POST['username'])) {
// Form submitted
if ($username == '') {
$error[] = $lang['L_HTACC_NO_USERNAME'];
if (($userpassOne != $userpassConfirm) || ($userpassOne == '')) {
$error[] = $lang['L_PASSWORDS_UNEQUAL'];
if (sizeof($error) == 0) {
$realm = 'MySQLDumper';
$htaccess = "AuthName \"" . $realm
. "\"\nAuthType Basic\nAuthUserFile \""
. $config['paths']['root'] . ".htpasswd\"\nrequire valid-user\n";
switch ($type)
// Crypt
case 0:
$userpass = crypt($userpassOne);
// MD5
case 1:
$userpass = md5($username . ':' . $realm . ':' . $userpassOne);
// Win - no encryption
case 2:
$userpass = $userpassOne;
// SHA
case 3:
if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.0.0', '>=')) {
$userpass = '{SHA}' . base64_encode(sha1($userpassOne, TRUE));
} else {
$userpass = '{SHA}' . base64_encode(sha1($userpassOne));
$htpasswd = $username . ':' . $userpass;
@chmod($config['paths']['root'], 0777);
$saved = true;
// save .htpasswd
if ($f = @fopen('.htpasswd', 'w')) {
$saved = fputs($f, $htpasswd);
// save .htaccess
if (false !== $saved) {
$f = @fopen('.htaccess', 'w');
if ($f) {
$saved = fputs($f, $htaccess);
} else {
$saved = false;
if (false !== $saved) {
$msg = $lang['L_HTACC_CREATED'];
'HTACCESS' => nl2br(Html::replaceQuotes($htaccess)),
'HTPASSWD' => nl2br(Html::replaceQuotes($htpasswd))
@chmod($config['paths']['root'], 0755);
} else {
'HTACCESS' => Html::replaceQuotes($htaccess),
'HTPASSWD' => Html::replaceQuotes($htpasswd)
if (sizeof($error) > 0 || !isset($_POST['username'])) {
'USERNAME' => Html::replaceQuotes($username),
'USERPASS1' => Html::replaceQuotes($userpassOne),
'USERPASS2' => Html::replaceQuotes($userpassConfirm),
'TYPE0_CHECKED' => Html::getChecked($type, 0),
'TYPE1_CHECKED' => Html::getChecked($type, 1),
'TYPE2_CHECKED' => Html::getChecked($type, 2),
'TYPE3_CHECKED' => Html::getChecked($type, 3)
if (!empty($error)) {
$msg = '<span class="error">' . implode('<br />', $error) . '</span>';
if ($msg > '') {
'MSG', array('TEXT' => $msg)
Normale Datei
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
* This file is part of MySQLDumper released under the GNU/GPL 2 license
* @package MySQLDumper
* @version SVN: $rev: 1207 $
* @author $Author$
* @lastmodified $Date$
if (!defined('MSD_VERSION')) die('No direct access.');
@unlink($config['paths']['root'] . '.htaccess');
@unlink($config['paths']['root'] . '.htpasswd');
$action = 'status';
//TODO -> give user info about success or failure of deleting action
Normale Datei
@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
* This file is part of MySQLDumper released under the GNU/GPL 2 license
* @package MySQLDumper
* @version SVN: $rev: 1207 $
* @author $Author$
* @lastmodified $Date$
if (!defined('MSD_VERSION')) die('No direct access.');
include ('./inc/define_icons.php');
$hta = '';
$tplHomeProtectionEdit = new MSDTemplate();
array('tplHomeProtectionEdit' => 'tpl/home/protection_edit.tpl')
if (isset($_POST['hta_content'])) {
if ($fp = fopen('./.htaccess', 'w')) {
if (fwrite($fp, $_POST['hta_content'])) {
} else {
} else {
if (file_exists('./.htaccess') && is_readable('./.htaccess')) {
$hta = implode('', file('./.htaccess'));
} else {
'HTA_CONTENT' => htmlspecialchars($hta, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'),
'ICON_SEARCH' => $icon['search'],
'ICON_OPEN_FILE' => $icon['small']['open_file'],
'ICON_SAVE' => $icon['small']['save'],
'ICON_DELETE' => $icon['delete'],
'ICON_ARROW_LEFT' => $icon['arrow_left']
Normale Datei
@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
* This file is part of MySQLDumper released under the GNU/GPL 2 license
* @package MySQLDumper
* @version SVN: $rev: 1207 $
* @author $Author$
* @lastmodified $Date$
include ('./inc/define_icons.php');
$logType = (isset($_GET['log'])) ? $_GET['log'] : Log::PHP;
$revers = (isset($_GET['revers'])) ? $_GET['revers'] : 1;
$offset = (isset($_GET['offset'])) ? $_GET['offset'] : 0;
$entriesShown = 25;
// define template
$tplLog = new MSDTemplate();
$tplLog->set_filenames(array('tplLog' => 'tpl/log/log.tpl'));
//Delete log
if (isset($_GET['delete_log'])) {
// switch back to standard log - other log file was deleted
$logType = Log::PHP;
// get log filename to show
$lfile = $log->getLogfile($logType);
// if PHP-Log doesn't exists for any reason -> create it
if (!file_exists($lfile) && $logType == 0) $log->delete($config['files']['log'], true);
$loginfo = array();
$sum = $loginfo['log_size'] = $loginfo['perllog_size'] = 0;
$loginfo['perllogcomplete_size'] = 0;
$loginfo['errorlog_size'] = $loginfo['log_totalsize'] = 0;
if ($config['logcompression'] == 1) {
$loginfo['log'] = $config['files']['log'] . ".gz";
$loginfo['perllog'] = $config['files']['perllog'] . ".gz";
$loginfo['perllogcomplete'] = $config['files']['perllogcomplete'] . ".gz";
$loginfo['errorlog'] = $config['paths']['log'] . "error.log.gz";
} else {
$loginfo['log'] = $config['files']['log'];
$loginfo['perllog'] = $config['files']['perllog'];
$loginfo['perllogcomplete'] = $config['files']['perllogcomplete'];
$loginfo['errorlog'] = $config['paths']['log'] . "error.log";
$loginfo['log_size'] += @filesize($loginfo['log']);
$sum += $loginfo['log_size'];
$loginfo['perllog_size'] += @filesize($loginfo['perllog']);
$sum += $loginfo['perllog_size'];
$loginfo['perllogcomplete_size'] += @filesize($loginfo['perllogcomplete']);
$sum += $loginfo['perllogcomplete_size'];
$loginfo['errorlog_size'] += @filesize($loginfo['errorlog']);
$sum += $loginfo['errorlog_size'];
$loginfo['log_totalsize'] += $sum;
'ICON_VIEW' => $icon['view'],
'ICON_OPEN_FILE' => $icon['open_file'],
'ICON_DELETE' => $icon['delete'],
'ICON_ARROW_DOWN' => $icon['arrow_down'],
'ICON_ARROW_UP' => $icon['arrow_up'],
'ICON_SORT' => $revers == 0 ? $icon['arrow_up'] : $icon['arrow_down'],
'SORT_ORDER' => $revers == 0 ? 1 : 0,
'LOG' => str_replace($config['paths']['log'], '', $lfile))
'LOGPATH' => $config['paths']['log'],
'PHPLOG' => str_replace($config['paths']['log'], '', $loginfo['log']),
'PHPLOG_SIZE' => byteOutput($loginfo['log_size']))
if (@file_exists($loginfo['errorlog'])) {
$outErrLog = str_replace($config['paths']['log'], '', $loginfo['errorlog']);
'ERRORLOG', array(
'ERRORLOG' => $outErrLog,
'SIZE' => byteOutput($loginfo['errorlog_size']))
} else {
array('ERRORLOG_DISABLED' => Html::getDisabled(true, true))
if (@file_exists($loginfo['perllog'])) {
$perl = str_replace($config['paths']['log'], '', $loginfo['perllog']);
'FILE_NAME' => $perl,
'SIZE' => byteOutput($loginfo['perllog_size']))
} else {
'PERLLOG_DISABLED' => Html::getDisabled(true, true))
if (@file_exists($loginfo['perllogcomplete'])) {
$perlComplete = str_replace(
'FILE_NAME' => $perlComplete,
'SIZE' => byteOutput($loginfo['perllogcomplete_size']))
} else {
'PERLCOMPLETELOG_DISABLED' => Html::getDisabled(true, true))
'LOG_TYPE' => $logType,
'LOGSIZE_TOTAL' => byteOutput($loginfo['log_totalsize']),
'REVERS' => $revers)