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* This file is part of MySQLDumper released under the GNU/GPL 2 license
* http://www.mysqldumper.net
* @package MySQLDumper
* @version SVN: $rev: 1207 $
* @author $Author$
* @lastmodified $Date$
if (!defined('MSD_VERSION')) die('No direct access.');
//SQL-Library laden
include ('./inc/sqllib.php');
* Get sql-library as array.
* @return array
function getSqlLibrary()
global $SQL_ARRAY, $config;
$sf = './' . $config['paths']['config'] . 'sql_statements';
if (!is_file($sf)) {
$fp = fopen($sf, "w+");
@chmod($sf, 0777);
if (count($SQL_ARRAY) == 0 && filesize($sf) > 0) {
$SQL_ARRAY = file($sf);
* Saves a new query to the Sql-Library
* @return void
function saveQueryToSqlLibrary()
global $SQL_ARRAY, $config;
$sf = './' . $config['paths']['config'] . 'sql_statements';
$str = "";
for ($i = 0; $i < count($SQL_ARRAY); $i++)
$str .= $SQL_ARRAY[$i];
if (substr($str, -1) != "\n" && $i != (count($SQL_ARRAY) - 1)) $str .= "\n";
if ($config['magic_quotes_gpc']) $str = stripslashes($str);
$fp = fopen($sf, "wb");
fwrite($fp, $str);
* Gets the name of query nr $index from the Sql-Library.
* @param integer $index
* @return string
function getQueryNameFromSqlLibrary($index)
global $SQL_ARRAY;
$s = explode('|', $SQL_ARRAY[$index]);
return $s[0];
* Gets the query nr $index from the Sql-Library.
* @param integer $index
* @return string
function getQueryFromSqlLibrary($index)
global $SQL_ARRAY;
if (!is_array($SQL_ARRAY)) getSqlLibrary();
if (isset($SQL_ARRAY[$index]) && !empty($SQL_ARRAY[$index]))
$s = explode('|', $SQL_ARRAY[$index], 2);
return (isset($s[1])) ? $s[1] : '';
return '';
* Creates a html option list from the Sql-Library
* @return string
function getSqlLibraryComboBox()
global $SQL_ARRAY, $tablename;
$s = '';
if (count($SQL_ARRAY) > 0)
$s = "\n\n" . '<select class="SQLCombo" name="sqlcombo" onchange="this.form.sqltextarea.value=this.options[this.selectedIndex].value;">' . "\n";
$s .= '<option value=""';
$s .= Html::getSelected(true, true);
$s .= '>---</option>' . "\n";
for ($i = 0; $i < count($SQL_ARRAY); $i++)
$s .= '<option value="' . htmlspecialchars(stripslashes(getQueryFromSqlLibrary($i))) . '">' . getQueryNameFromSqlLibrary($i) . '</option>' . "\n";
$s .= '</select>' . "\n\n";
return $s;
* Detects if a query returns rows as result or just true or false
* Used in SQLBrowser to decide wether a list of records must be shown
* @param $sql the query to discover
* return bool
function queryReturnsRecords($sql)
global $mysql_SQLhasRecords;
$s = explode(' ', $sql);
if (!is_array($s)) return false;
return in_array(strtoupper($s[0]), $mysql_SQLhasRecords) ? true : false;
function splitSQLStatements2Array($sql)
$z = 0;
$sqlArr = array();
$tmp = '';
$sql = str_replace("\n", '', $sql);
$l = strlen($sql);
$inQuotes = false;
for ($i = 0; $i < $l; $i++)
$tmp .= $sql[$i];
if ($sql[$i] == "'" || $sql[$i] == '"') $inQuotes = !$inQuotes;
if ($sql[$i] == ';' && $inQuotes == false)
$sqlArr[] = $tmp;
$tmp = '';
if (trim($tmp) != '') $sqlArr[] = $tmp;
return $sqlArr;
* Build HTML-Selectbox from saved SQL-Commands
* @param string $when Before backup = 0, After Backup =1
* @param integer $index Index of database
* @return string HTML as string
function getCommandDumpComboBox($when, $index, $db_name)
global $SQL_ARRAY, $databases, $lang;
if (count($SQL_ARRAY) == 0)
if ($when == 0) $r = '<input type="hidden" name="command_before_' . $index . '" value="" />';
else $r = '<input type="hidden" name="command_after_' . $index . '" value="" />';
if ($when == 0)
$r = '<select class="SQLCombo select noleftmargin" name="command_before_' . $index . '" />';
$csql = trim($databases[$db_name]['command_before_dump']);
$r = '<select class="SQLCombo select noleftmargin" name="command_after_' . $index . '" />';
$csql = trim($databases[$db_name]['command_after_dump']);
$r .= '<option value=""' . Html::getSelected($csql, '') . ' />&nbsp;&nbsp;</option>' . "\n";
for ($i = 0; $i < count($SQL_ARRAY); $i++)
$s = trim(getQueryFromSqlLibrary($i));
$r .= '<option value="' . $i . '"';
$r .= Html::getSelected($s, $csql);
$r .= '>' . getQueryNameFromSqlLibrary($i) . '&nbsp;</option>' . "\n";
$r .= '</select>';
return $r;
* Extracts the target tablename from a query
* @param string $q The query
* @return string
function extractTablenameFromSQL($q)
global $databases, $db, $dbid;
$tablename = '';
if (strlen($q) > 100) $q = substr($q, 0, 100);
$p = trim($q);
// if we get a list of tables - no current table is selected -> return ''
if (strtoupper(substr($q, 0, 17)) == 'SHOW TABLE STATUS') return '';
// check for SELECT-Statement to extract tablename after FROM
if (strtoupper(substr($p, 0, 7)) == 'SELECT ')
$parts = array();
$p = substr($p, strpos(strtoupper($p), 'FROM') + 5);
$parts = explode(' ', $p);
$p = $parts[0];
$suchen = array(
'SHOW ',
$ersetzen = array(
$cleaned = trim(str_ireplace($suchen, $ersetzen, $p));
$tablename = $cleaned;
if (strpos($cleaned, ' ')) $tablename = substr($cleaned, 0, strpos($cleaned, ' '));
$tablename = str_replace('`', '', $tablename); // remove backticks
// take care of db-name.tablename
if (strpos($tablename, '.'))
$p = explode('.', $tablename);
$config['db_actual'] = $p[0];
if (isset($_GET['tablename'])) unset($_GET['tablename']);
$tablename = $p[1];
return $tablename;
* Reads extened MySQL field information
* Reads extened field information for each field of a MySQL table
* and fills an array like
* array(
* [Fieldname][attribut]=value,
* ['primary_key']=keys
* )
* @param $db Database
* @param $table Table
* @return array Field infos
function getExtendedFieldInfo($db, $table)
global $config, $dbo;
$fields_infos = array();
//$t = GetCreateTable($db, $table);
$sqlf = "SHOW FULL FIELDS FROM `$db`.`$table`;";
$res = $dbo->query($sqlf, MsdDbFactory::ARRAY_ASSOC);
$num_fields = sizeof($res);
$f = array(); //will hold all info
for ($x = 0; $x < $num_fields; $x++)
$row = $res[$x]; //mysql_fetch_array($res, MYSQL_ASSOC);
$i = $row['Field']; // define name of field as index of array
//define field defaults - this way the index of the array is defined anyway
$f[$i]['field'] = '';
$f[$i]['collation'] = '';
$f[$i]['comment'] = '';
$f[$i]['type'] = '';
$f[$i]['size'] = '';
$f[$i]['attributes'] = '';
$f[$i]['null'] = '';
$f[$i]['default'] = '';
$f[$i]['extra'] = '';
$f[$i]['privileges'] = '';
$f[$i]['key'] = $row['Key']; //array();
if (isset($row['Collation'])) $f[$i]['collate'] = $row['Collation'];
if (isset($row['COLLATE'])) $f[$i]['collate'] = $row['COLLATE']; // MySQL <4.1
if (isset($row['Comment'])) $f[$i]['comment'] = $row['Comment'];
if (isset($row['Type'])) $f[$i]['type'] = $row['Type'];
if (isset($row['Field'])) $f[$i]['field'] = $row['Field'];
$f[$i]['size'] = get_attribut_size_from_type($f[$i]['type']);
// remove size from type for readability in output
$f[$i]['type'] = str_replace('(' . $f[$i]['size'] . ')', '', $f[$i]['type']);
// look for attributes, everthing behind the first space is an atribut
$attributes = explode(' ', $f[$i]['type'], 2);
if (isset($attributes[1]))
// we found attributes
unset($attributes[0]); // delete type
$f[$i]['attributes'] = trim(implode(' ', $attributes)); //merge all other attributes
// remove attributes from type
$f[$i]['type'] = trim(str_replace($f[$i]['attributes'], '', $f[$i]['type']));
if (isset($row['NULL'])) $f[$i]['null'] = $row['NULL'];
if (isset($row['Null'])) $f[$i]['null'] = $row['Null'];
if (isset($row['Default'])) $f[$i]['default'] = $row['Default'];
if (isset($row['Extra'])) $f[$i]['extra'] = $row['Extra'];
if (isset($row['Privileges'])) $f[$i]['privileges'] = $row['Privileges'];
if (isset($row['privileges'])) $f[$i]['privileges'] = $row['privileges'];
return $f;
* Returns an unique Identifier for a record in a table
* @param string $db Database
* @param string $table Table
* @param array &$record Complete records
* @return string Where-Condition to identify the record
function getRecordIdentifier($db, $table, &$record)
global $table_infos;
$where = '';
if (!isset($table_infos[$db]['tables'][$table]['keys']))
$table_infos = getTableInfo($db, $table);
$keys = getKeys($db, $table);
$table_infos[$db]['tables'][$table]['keys'] = $keys;
if (isset($table_infos[$db]['tables'][$table]['keys']['PRIMARY']))
// table has a primary key -> we can build the identifier by it
foreach ($table_infos[$db]['tables'][$table]['keys']['PRIMARY'] as $column => $val)
$where .= $where > '' ? ' AND ' : '';
$where .= '`' . $column . '` = \'' . $record[$column] . '\'';
// shame on the table design -> no key given -> build key from all values of record
foreach ($record as $column => $val)
$where .= $where > '' ? ' AND ' : '';
$where .= '`' . $column . '` = \'' . $record[$column] . '\'';
return $where;
* Get Keys from a table and store them in an ass. array $array[Key-Name][column_name]=$keys
* @param string $db
* @param string $table
* @return array
function getKeys($db, $table)
global $dbo;
$keys = array();
$sql = 'SHOW KEYS FROM `' . $db . '`.`' . $table . '`';
$res = $dbo->query($sql, MsdDbFactory::ARRAY_ASSOC);
foreach ($res as $row)
$keys[$row['Key_name']][$row['Column_name']] = $row;
return $keys;
* Extracts the part in brackets in a string, e.g. int(11) => 11
* @param string $type
* @return string
function get_attribut_size_from_type($type)
$size = '';
$matches = array();
$pattern = '/\((\d.*?)\)/msi';
preg_match($pattern, $type, $matches);
if (isset($matches[1])) $size = $matches[1];
return $size;