343 Zeilen
Kein EOL
16 KiB
343 Zeilen
Kein EOL
16 KiB
* This file is part of MySQLDumper released under the GNU/GPL 2 license
* http://www.mysqldumper.net
* @package MySQLDumper
* @version SVN: $rev: 1221 $
* @author $Author$
* @lastmodified $Date$
include ('./inc/classes/db/MsdDbFactory.php');
include ('./inc/classes/Log.php');
include ('./inc/classes/helper/String.php');
include ('./inc/classes/helper/Sql.php');
include ('./inc/functions/functions.php');
include ('./inc/runtime.php');
include ('./inc/mysql.php');
include ('./inc/functions/functions_global.php');
include ('./inc/functions/functions_dump.php');
include ('./lib/json.php');
$dump = $_SESSION['dump'];
$dump['page_start_time'] = time();
$dump['progress_table_percent'] = 0;
$recordOffset = 0;
$recordsTotal = 0;
$prozent = 0;
$table = '';
$msg = '';
$log=new Log();
// each time a new database will be dumped ->
// look for Command before dump to be executed
if ($dump['table_offset'] == - 1)
$dump['data'] = ''; // will hold string data to be saved to the dump file
// needed to find out if new log-messages were added
$_SESSION['temp_log'] = $_SESSION['log'];
if (! isset($dump['table_records_total']))
$dump['table_records_total'] = 0;
$tableIndex = $dump['table_offset'] == - 1 ? 0 : $dump['table_offset'];
if ($dump['backup_done'] == 0) {
if ($dump['databases'][$dump['db_actual']]['table_count'] == 0) {
//no tables found -> prevent creation of empty backupfile
$msg = sprintf($lang['L_DUMP_NOTABLES'], $dump['db_actual']);
if ($dump['databases'][$dump['db_actual']]['prefix'] != '') {
$msg = sprintf($lang['L_DUMP_NOTABLES'], $dump['db_actual']);
$msg .= ' (' . $lang['L_WITHPRAEFIX'] . ': \'' ;
$msg .= $dump['databases'][$dump['db_actual']]['prefix']. '\')';
writeToErrorLog($dump['db_actual'], '', $msg);
$dbsToBackup = array(
$dump['backupdatei'] = '';
$dump['filesize'] = 0;
} else {
if ($dump['table_offset'] == - 1) {
// first call for this database -> create new backup file
$dump['table_offset'] = 0; // begin with first table
$dump['table_record_offset'] = 0;
$dump['restzeilen'] = $config['minspeed'];
$dump['restzeilen'] = $dump['speed'];
while ($dump['restzeilen'] > 0 && $dump['table_offset'] <
$dump['databases'][$dump['db_actual']]['table_count']) {
$tableNames = $dump['databases'][$dump['db_actual']]['tables'];
$table = getValueFromIndex($tableNames, $dump['table_offset']);
if ($dump['table_record_offset'] == 0) {
// a new table begins
// optimize it?
if ($config['optimize_tables_beforedump'] == 1) {
if (true === Sql::optimizeTable($dbo, $table)) {
$recordOffset = 0;
$recordsTotal = 0;
$dump['progress_table_percent'] = 0;
$dump['speed'] = $config['minspeed'];
// should we dump the table structure?
if ($dump['databases'][$dump['db_actual']]['tables'][$table]['dump_structure'] > 0) {
// get create statement of table
try {
$records = $dump['databases'][$dump['db_actual']]['tables'][$table]['dump_records'];
$createStatement = getCreateString($dump['db_actual'], $table, $records);
$dump['data'] .= $createStatement;
} catch (Exception $e) {
// error reading table definition
writeToDumpFile(); // save data we have up to now
$logMsg = sprintf($lang['L_FATAL_ERROR_DUMP'], $table, $dump['db_actual']);
$readCreateError = $logMsg . ': ' . $e->getMessage();
writeToErrorLog($config['db_actual'], '', $readCreateError, 0);
$log->write(Log::ERROR, $readCreateError);
$dump['errors'] ++;
//next table
$dump['table_offset'] ++;
$dump['table_record_offset'] = 0;
// set records of table not to be dumped
$dump['databases'][$dump['db_actual']]['tables'][$table]['dump_records'] = 0;
if ($dump['databases'][$dump['db_actual']]['tables'][$table]['dump_records'] ==1) {
getContent($dump['db_actual'], $table);
} else {
//jump to next table if we don't need to dump the records of this table
$dump['table_offset'] ++;
if (strlen($dump['data']) > $config['memory_limit']) {
// create list of databases for output
$dbsToBackup = implode(', ', array_keys($dump['databases']));
// highligth actual db
$replace = '<span class="success">' . $dump['db_actual'] . '</span>';
$dbsToBackup = str_replace($dump['db_actual'], $replace, $dbsToBackup);
// we need to get the actual table again because it might have changed
$table = getValueFromIndex($dump['databases'][$dump['db_actual']]['tables'], $dump['table_offset']);
if ($table) {
// get nr of records from dump-array
$dump['table_records_total'] = $dump['databases'][$dump['db_actual']]['tables'][$table]['records'];
if ($dump['table_records_total'] > 0) {
$percent = (100 * $dump['table_record_offset']) / $dump['table_records_total'];
$dump['progress_table_percent'] = round($percent, 2);
} else {
$dump['progress_table_percent'] = 0;
if ($dump['speed'] + $dump['table_record_offset'] >=
$dump['table_records_total']) {
$recordOffset = $dump['table_record_offset'] +
$recordsTotal = $dump['table_records_total'];
if ($recordsTotal == 0) {
$recordOffset = 0;
} else {
$recordsTotal = $dump['table_record_offset'] + $dump['speed'];
$recordOffset = $dump['table_record_offset'] + 1;
} else {
// looks like we've done the job
$dump['table_offset'] ++;
$dump['table_records_total'] = 0;
$table = '';
if ($dump['table_offset'] <= $dump['databases'][$dump['db_actual']]['table_count']) {
$dauer = time() - $dump['page_start_time'];
if ($dauer < $dump['max_zeit']) {
if ($dauer < $dump['max_zeit'] / 2) {
$dump['speed'] *= 1.8;
} else {
$dump['speed'] *= $config['tuning_add'];
if ($dump['speed'] > $config['maxspeed']) {
$dump['speed'] = $config['maxspeed'];
} else {
$dump['speed'] *= $config['tuning_sub'];
if ($dump['speed'] < $config['minspeed']) {
$dump['speed'] = $config['minspeed'];
$dump['speed'] = (int) $dump['speed'];
$dump['page_refreshs'] ++;
} else {
//Backup for all databases is done
$dump['data'] = "\nSET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=1;";
$dump['data'] .= "\n" .
'-- EOB' . "\n\n";
chmod($config['paths']['backup'] . $dump['backupdatei'], 0777);
$logMsg = sprintf($lang['L_DUMP_OF_DB_FINISHED'], $dump['db_actual']);
$log->write(Log::PHP, $logMsg);
// everything is dumped -> check for e-mail and ftp-actions
if ($dump['backup_done'] == 1) {
if (count($_SESSION['log']['files_created']) > 0) {
if (! isset($_SESSION['log']['email'])) {
// first call after backup is finished -> create todo-list
$_SESSION['log']['email'] = array();
$_SESSION['email']['filelist'] = array();
$_SESSION['log']['ftp'] = array();
foreach ($_SESSION['log']['files_created'] as $file) {
if ($config['send_mail'] == 1) {
$_SESSION['log']['email'][] = $file;
foreach ($config['ftp'] as $index => $val) {
// build array with files to send. The key of $_SESSION['log']['ftp'] is the index of
// the ftp-connection details of the configuration profile to be used
if ($val['transfer'] == 1) {
if (! isset($_SESSION['log']['ftp'])) {
$_SESSION['log']['ftp'][$index] = array();
$_SESSION['log']['ftp'][$index][] = $file; // add file to transfer
// don't start sending now, because we want to inform the client first and show the logentry
// log-messages will be sent to client
if ($config['send_mail'] == 1) {
$log->write(Log::PHP, $lang['L_EMAIL_START']);
if (count($_SESSION['log']['ftp']) > 0) {
$log->write(Log::PHP, $lang['L_FTP_START']);
} else {
if (count($_SESSION['log']['email']) > 0) {
// Ok we need to send an e-mail -> get index of first file
$files = $_SESSION['log']['email'];
$key = array_keys($files);
unset($_SESSION['log']['email'][$key[0]]); // remove from array
} else {
$dump['backup_in_progress'] = 0; // all files sent
if ($dump['backup_in_progress'] == 0) {
// check if ftp-transfers need to be done
if (isset($_SESSION['log']['ftp']) && count($_SESSION['log']['ftp']) > 0) {
// a file needs to be transferred
$dump['backup_in_progress'] = 1; // indicate that there is still more to do
// get index of ftp-connection
$ftpConnectionIndexes = array_keys($_SESSION['log']['ftp']);
$ftpConnection = $ftpConnectionIndexes[0];
// now get next file to be transferred
$files = $_SESSION['log']['ftp'][$ftpConnection];
$fileKeys = array_keys($files);
if (isset($fileKeys[0])) {
$fileKey = $fileKeys[0];
sendViaFTP($ftpConnection, $_SESSION['log']['ftp'][$ftpConnection][$fileKey]);
// remove file from todo-list
} else {
// all files transferred for this ftp-connection -> remove connection index
} else {
$dump['backup_in_progress'] = 0;
// get values to return
$r = array();
$json = new Services_JSON();
$r['backup_in_progress'] = $dump['backup_in_progress'];
// send vars that do not change while dumping only once
if ($dump['page_refreshs'] == 1) {
$r['tables_total'] = $dump['tables_total'];
$r['records_total'] = String::formatNumber($dump['records_total']);
$r['speed_min'] = String::formatNumber($config['minspeed']);
$r['speed_max'] = String::formatNumber($config['maxspeed']);
$r['config_file'] = $config['config_file'];
$r['dump_encoding'] = $dump['dump_encoding'];
$r['comment'] = $dump['comment'] > '' ? $dump['comment'] : '-';
$r['table_records_total'] = String::formatNumber($dump['table_records_total']);
if (isset($dbsToBackup)) {
$r['dbs_to_backup'] = $dbsToBackup;
$r['actual_database'] = $dump['db_actual'];
$r['actual_table'] = $table;
$_SESSION['actual_table'] = $table;
$r['actual_table_nr'] = String::formatNumber($dump['table_offset_total'] + 1);
$r['page_refreshs'] = String::formatNumber($dump['page_refreshs']);
$r['filename'] = $dump['backupdatei'];
$r['filesize'] = byteOutput($dump['filesize']);
$r['record_offset_start'] = String::formatNumber($recordOffset);
$r['record_offset_end'] = String::formatNumber($recordsTotal);
$r['progressbar_table_width'] = (int) $dump['progress_table_percent'] * 3;
$r['progress_table_percent'] = String::formatNumber($dump['progress_table_percent'], 2);
$elapsed = time() - $dump['dump_start_time'];
$r['elapsed_time'] = getTimeFormat($elapsed);
if ($dump['records_total'] > 0) {
$progressOverallPercent = $dump['countdata'] * 100 / $dump['records_total'];
if ($progressOverallPercent == 0) {
$progressOverallPercent = 0.001;
$r['progress_overall_percent'] = String::formatNumber($progressOverallPercent, 2);
$r['progressbar_overall_width'] = $r['progress_overall_percent'] * 3;
$estimatedTime = ceil(($elapsed * 100 / $progressOverallPercent) - $elapsed);
$r['estimated_end'] = getTimeFormat($estimatedTime);
$r['speed'] = String::formatNumber($dump['speed']);
$r['speedbar_width'] = (int) $dump['speed'] * 100 / $config['maxspeed'] * 3;
$r['nr_of_errors'] = $dump['errors'] == 0 ? '-' : $dump['errors'];
$r['records_saved_total'] = String::formatNumber($dump['countdata']);
$r['tables_optimized'] ='';
if ($dump['tables_optimized'] > 0) {
$r['tables_optimized'] = sprintf($lang['L_NR_TABLES_OPTIMIZED'], String::formatNumber($dump['tables_optimized']));
if ($msg > '') {
$r['log'] = $msg;
if ($config['multi_part'] == 1) {
$r['multipart_part'] = $dump['part'] - $dump['part_offset'] - 1;
$r['prefix'] = '';
if (isset($dump['databases'][$dump['db_actual']]['prefix'])) {
$r['prefix'] = $dump['databases'][$dump['db_actual']]['prefix'];
// check if new log-messages werde added
$messages = getArrayDiffAssocRecursive($_SESSION['log'], $_SESSION['temp_log']);
if (isset($messages['actions']) && is_array($messages['actions'])) {
$r['actions'] = implode('<br />', $messages['actions']);
if (isset($messages['errors']) && is_array($messages['errors'])) {
$r['errors'] = implode('<br />', $messages['errors']);
$_SESSION['log'] = $_SESSION['log'] + $_SESSION['temp_log'];
$dump['last_db_actual'] = $dump['db_actual'];
//backup_done means that all tables are saved. The overall progress
//(emails, ftp) can still continue
if ($dump['backup_done'] == 1) {
// some values need to be decreased
$r['progressbar_table_width'] = 0;
$r['progress_table_percent'] = '';
$r['actual_database'] = '';
$r['actual_table'] = '';
$r['record_offset_start'] = '-';
$r['record_offset_end'] = '-';
$r['table_records_total'] = '-';
$r['actual_table_nr'] = String::formatNumber($dump['table_offset_total']);
$r['progress_overall_percent'] = String::formatNumber(100, 2);
$r['progressbar_overall_width'] = 300;
$r['speed'] = 0;
$r['speedbar_width'] = 0;
// save actual values to session
$_SESSION['dump'] = $dump;
echo $json->encode($r);
obend(true); |