915 Zeilen
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31 KiB
915 Zeilen
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31 KiB
* This file is part of MySQLDumper released under the GNU/GPL 2 license
* http://www.mysqldumper.net
* @package MySQLDumper
* @version SVN: $rev: 1213 $
* @author $Author$
* @lastmodified $Date$
if (!defined('MSD_VERSION'))
die('No direct access.');
* Build order array from string
* key1,type1|key2,type2| ...
* d= sort key as string descending
* D= sort key as float ascending
* a= sort key as string ascending
* A= sort key as floatval ascending
* @param string $order
* @return array order-array
* Simple debug output for objects and arrays
* @param mixed
* @return void
if (!function_exists('v')) {
function v($t)
echo '<br />';
if (is_array($t) || is_object($t)){
echo '<pre style="font-size:12px;">';
echo '</pre>';
echo $t;
* Detect server protocol
* @return string 'https://' || 'http://'
function getServerProtocol()
return (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && strtolower($_SERVER['HTTPS']) == 'on') ? 'https://' : 'http://';
* Build order array from string 'col1,A|col2,d' for function arfosort
* @param string $order Orderstring
* @return array
function get_orderarray($order)
$order_arr = array();
$orders = explode('|', $order);
foreach ($orders as $o){
$d = explode(',', $o);
if (isset($d[0]) && isset($d[1]))
$order_arr[] = array($d[0], $d[1]);
return $order_arr;
* Order multidimensial array
* @param array $a Array to sort
* @param string $fl Order-string to define what keys should be sortet in what direction
* @return array Sorted array
function arfsort($a, $fl)
usort($a, 'arfsort_func');
return $a;
* Sort a multidimenional array no matter in which depth the key is
* @param array $a Array to sort
* @param string $b Sortstring containing keys and kind of sorting
* @return mixed
function arfsort_func($a, $b)
foreach ($GLOBALS['__ARFSORT_LIST__'] as $f){
if (isset($b[$f[0]]) && isset($a[$f[0]])){
switch ($f[1]){ // switch on ascending or descending value
case 'd':
$strc = strcmp(strtolower($b[$f[0]]), strtolower($a[$f[0]]));
if ($strc != 0)
return $strc;
case 'a':
$strc = strcmp(strtolower($a[$f[0]]), strtolower($b[$f[0]]));
if ($strc != 0)
return $strc;
case 'D':
$strc = (floatval($b[$f[0]]) < floatval($a[$f[0]])) ? -1 : 1;
if ($b[$f[0]] != $a[$f[0]])
return $strc;
case 'A':
$strc = (floatval($b[$f[0]]) > floatval($a[$f[0]])) ? -1 : 1;
if ($b[$f[0]] != $a[$f[0]])
return $strc;
return 0;
* Read table information about nr of records and more for given database name.
* Return array with advsanced information.
* @param string $db The database name to read info from
* @param string $table If set, only information for this table is filled
* @return array
function getTableInfo($db, $table = '')
global $dbo, $config;
$res = $dbo->selectDb($db);
if ($res){
$query = 'SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM `' . $db . '`';
if ($table > '') {
$query .= ' LIKE \'' . $table . '\'';
$res = $dbo->query($query, MsdDbFactory::ARRAY_ASSOC);
// init index if not set
if (!isset($tableInfos[$db]))
$tableInfos[$db] = array();
if (!isset($tableInfos[$db]['tables']))
$tableInfos[$db]['tables'] = array();
$tableInfos[$db]['table_count'] = sizeof($res);
$tableInfos[$db]['records_total'] = 0;
$tableInfos[$db]['datasize_total'] = 0;
$tableInfos[$db]['size_total'] = 0;
if ($tableInfos[$db]['table_count'] > 0){
for ($i = 0, $max = $tableInfos[$db]['table_count']; $i < $max; $i++){
$row = $res[$i];
$n = $row['Name'];
if (!isset($tableInfos[$db]['tables'][$n]))
$tableInfos[$db]['tables'][$row['Name']] = array();
if (isset($row['Type']))
$row['Engine'] = $row['Type'];
$tableInfos[$db]['tables'][$n]['name'] = $row['Name'];
$tableInfos[$db]['tables'][$n]['engine'] = $row['Engine'];
$tableInfos[$db]['tables'][$n]['dump_structure'] = 1;
$tableInfos[$db]['tables'][$n]['dump_records'] = 1;
// if we have a VIEW or a table of Type MEMORY -> don't save records
if (strtoupper($row['Comment']) == 'VIEW' || (isset($row['Engine']) && in_array(strtoupper($row['Engine']), array(
$tableInfos[$db]['tables'][$n]['dump_records'] = 0;
if (!isset($row['Update_time']))
$row['Update_time'] = '';
$tableInfos[$db]['tables'][$n]['update_time'] = $row['Update_time'];
$tableInfos[$db]['tables'][$n]['data_free'] = isset($row['Data_free']) ? $row['Data_free'] : 0;
$tableInfos[$db]['tables'][$n]['collation'] = isset($row['Collation']) ? $row['Collation'] : '';
$tableInfos[$db]['tables'][$n]['comment'] = isset($row['Comment']) ? $row['Comment'] : '';
$tableInfos[$db]['tables'][$n]['auto_increment'] = isset($row['Auto_increment']) ? $row['Auto_increment'] : '';
$tableInfos[$db]['tables'][$n]['records'] = (int) $row['Rows'];
$tableInfos[$db]['tables'][$n]['data_length'] = (float) $row['Data_length'];
$tableInfos[$db]['tables'][$n]['index_length'] = $row['Index_length'];
$tableInfos[$db]['records_total'] += (int) $row['Rows'];
$tableInfos[$db]['datasize_total'] += (float) $row['Data_length'];
$tableInfos[$db]['size_total'] += (float) $row['Data_length'] + (float) $row['Index_length'];
return $tableInfos;
* Returns microtime of now as float value
* @return float microtime
function getMicrotime()
list ($usec, $sec) = explode(' ', microtime());
return ((float) $usec + (float) $sec);
* Detect free diskspace
* @return string Space in human readable Bytes or message if not available
function getFreeDiskSpace()
global $lang;
$dfs = @diskfreespace("../");
return ($dfs) ? byteOutput($dfs) : $lang['L_NOTAVAIL'];
* Extract timestamp informations from a filename and return formatted string YYYY.MM.DD HH:MM
* @param string $s Filename as input 'dbname_2009_10_18_16_22_part1_sql-gz'
* @return string Formated timestamp YYYY.MM.DD HH:MM
function getTimestampFromFilename($s)
$i = strpos(strtolower($s), 'part');
if ($i > 0)
$s = substr($s, 0, $i - 1);
$i = strpos(strtolower($s), 'crondump');
if ($i > 0)
$s = substr($s, 0, $i - 1);
$i = strpos(strtolower($s), '.sql');
if ($i > 0)
$s = substr($s, 0, $i);
$sp = explode('_', $s);
$anz = count($sp) - 1;
if (strtolower($sp[$anz]) == 'perl')
if ($anz > 4){
return $sp[$anz - 2] . '.' . $sp[$anz - 3] . '.' . $sp[$anz - 4] . ' ' . $sp[$anz - 1] . ':' . $sp[$anz];
//no MySQLDumper file
return '';
* Writes errors or notices to the corresponding error log
* @param string $db Affected database
* @param string $sql The executed query
* @param string $error The error message to log
* @param int $art The kind of error (0=error, 1=notice)
* @return void
function writeToErrorLog($db = '', $sql = '', $error = '', $art = 1)
global $config, $lang, $log;
$sql = str_replace("\r", '', $sql);
$sql = str_replace("\n\n", '<br>', $sql);
$sql = str_replace("\n", '<br>', $sql);
$sql = trim($sql);
$error = str_replace("\r", '', $error);
if ($art == 0) {
$errormsg = $lang['L_ERROR'] . ': ' . $error;
} else {
$errormsg = $lang['L_NOTICE'] . ': ' . $error;
// append query if set
if ($sql > '') {
$errormsg .= '<br>SQL: ' . $sql;
$time = date('d.m.Y H:i:s') . ' ';
if ($art == 0) {
$_SESSION['log']['errors'][] = $time.$errormsg;
} else {
$_SESSION['log']['notices'][] = $time.$errormsg;
$log->write(Log::ERROR, $errormsg);
* Checks if the directories work, config, backup and log are writable
* Returns concatenated string with warnings or empty string if every directory is writable
* @return string
function checkDirectories()
global $config, $lang;
$warn = '';
if (!is_writable($config['paths']['work']))
$warn .= sprintf($lang['L_WRONG_RIGHTS'], $config['paths']['work'], '0777');
if (!is_writable($config['paths']['config']))
$warn .= sprintf($lang['L_WRONG_RIGHTS'], $config['paths']['config'], '0777');
if (!is_writable($config['paths']['backup']))
$warn .= sprintf($lang['L_WRONG_RIGHTS'], $config['paths']['backup'], '0777');
if (!is_writable($config['paths']['log']))
$warn .= sprintf($lang['L_WRONG_RIGHTS'], $config['paths']['log'], '0777');
if ($warn != '')
$warn = '<span class="warnung"><strong>' . $warn . '</strong></span>';
return $warn;
* Deletes every table or view in a database
* @param string $dbn Databasename
* @return void
function truncateDb($dbn)
global $dbo;
$t_sql = array();
$dbo->query('SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0', MsdDbFactory::SIMPLE);
$res = $dbo->query('SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM `' . $dbn . '`', MsdDbFactory::ARRAY_ASSOC);
foreach ($res as $row){
if (substr(strtoupper($row['Comment']), 0, 4) == 'VIEW'){
$t_sql[] = 'DROP VIEW `' . $dbn . '``' . $row['Name'] . '`';
$t_sql[] = 'DROP TABLE `' . $dbn . '`.`' . $row['Name'] . '`';
if (sizeof($t_sql) > 0){
for ($i = 0; $i < count($t_sql); $i++){
}catch (Excption $e){
//TODO create clean error handling depending on context
$dbo->query('SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=1', MsdDbFactory::SIMPLE);
* Delete old backups from folder work/backup according to configuration
* @return string Outputstring with messages about deleted files
function doAutoDelete()
global $config, $lang, $out;
$out = '';
if ($config['auto_delete']['max_backup_files'] > 0){
//Files einlesen
$dh = opendir($config['paths']['backup']);
$files = array();
// Build assoc Array $db=>$timestamp=>$filenames
if (!function_exists('ReadStatusline'))
include ('./inc/functions/functions_files.php');
while (false !== ($filename = readdir($dh))){
if ($filename != '.' && $filename != '..' && !is_dir($config['paths']['backup'] . $filename)){
$statusline = readStatusline($filename);
if ($statusline['dbname'] != 'unknown'){
$dbName = $statusline['dbname'];
$datum = substr($filename, strlen($dbName) + 1);
$timestamp = substr($datum, 0, 16);
if (!isset($files[$dbName]))
$files[$dbName] = array();
if (!isset($files[$dbName][$timestamp]))
$files[$dbName][$timestamp] = array();
$files[$dbName][$timestamp][] = $filename;
$out = ''; // stores output messages
// Backups per DB and Timestamp
foreach ($files as $db => $val){
if (sizeof($val) > $config['auto_delete']['max_backup_files']){
$db_files = $val;
krsort($db_files, SORT_STRING);
//now latest backupfiles are on top -> delete all files with greater index
$i = 0;
foreach ($db_files as $timestamp => $filenames){
if ($i >= $config['auto_delete']['max_backup_files']){
// Backup too old -> delete files
foreach ($filenames as $f){
if ($out == '')
$out .= $lang['L_FM_AUTODEL1'] . '<br />';
if (@unlink('./' . $config['paths']['backup'] . $f)){
$out .= '<span class="success">' . sprintf($lang['L_DELETE_FILE_SUCCESS'], $f) . '</span><br />';
$out .= $lang['L_ERROR'] . ': <p class="error">' . sprintf($lang['L_DELETE_FILE_ERROR'], $f) . '</p><br />';
return $out;
* Analyzes the first line of a MSD-Backup. Expects it as string parameter.
* @param string $line The statusline from the backup to analyze
* @return array Extracted information as array
function readStatusline($filename)
global $config;
/*AUFBAU der Statuszeile:
-- Status:nr of tables:records:Multipart:Databasename:script:scriptversion:Comment:
MySQL-Version:flags (unused):SQLCommandBeforeBackup:SQLCommandAfterBackup:Charset:EXTINFO
$gz = substr($filename, -3) == '.gz' ? true : false;
$fh = $gz ? gzopen($config['paths']['backup'] . $filename, 'r') : fopen($config['paths']['backup'] . $filename, 'r');
if (!$fh){
$line = $gz ? gzgets($fh) : fgets($fh);
$gz ? gzclose($fh) : fclose($fh);
$statusline = array();
$line = removeBom($line);
if ((substr($line, 0, 8) != "# Status" && substr($line, 0, 9) != "-- Status") || substr($line, 0, 10) == '-- StatusC'){
$statusline['tables'] = -1;
$statusline['records'] = -1;
$statusline['part'] = 'MP_0';
$statusline['dbname'] = 'unknown';
$statusline['script'] = '';
$statusline['scriptversion'] = '';
$statusline['comment'] = '';
$statusline['mysqlversion'] = 'unknown';
$statusline['flags'] = '2222222';
$statusline['sqlbefore'] = '';
$statusline['sqlafter'] = '';
$statusline['charset'] = '?';
// MySQLDumper-File - Informationen extrahieren
$s = explode(':', $line);
if (count($s) < 12){
//fehlenden Elemente auffüllen
$c = count($s);
for ($i = $c - 1; $i < 12; $i++){
$s[] = '';
$statusline['tables'] = $s[1];
$statusline['records'] = $s[2];
$statusline['part'] = ($s[3] == '' || $s[3] == 'MP_0') ? 'MP_0' : $s[3];
$statusline['dbname'] = $s[4];
$statusline['script'] = $s[5];
$statusline['scriptversion'] = $s[6];
$statusline['comment'] = $s[7];
$statusline['mysqlversion'] = $s[8];
if ((isset($s[12])) && trim($s[12]) != 'EXTINFO'){
$statusline['charset'] = $s[12];
$statusline['charset'] = '?';
return $statusline;
* Reads Head-Information about tables from MSD-Backup and returns it as array
* @param string $filename Filename of MSD-Backup to analyze
* @return array Detailed information about tables n MSD-Backup
function getTableHeaderInfoFromBackup($filename)
global $config;
// Get Tableinfo from file header
$tabledata = array();
$i = 0;
$gz = substr($filename, -3) == '.gz' ? true : false;
$fh = $gz ? gzopen($config['paths']['backup'] . $filename, 'r') : fopen($config['paths']['backup'] . $filename, 'r');
$eof = false;
WHILE (!$eof){
$line = $gz ? gzgets($fh, 40960) : fgets($fh, 40960);
$line = trim($line);
if (substr($line, 0, 9) == '-- TABLE|'){
$d = explode('|', $line);
$tabledata[$i]['name'] = $d[1];
$tabledata[$i]['records'] = $d[2];
$tabledata[$i]['size'] = $d[3];
$tabledata[$i]['update'] = $d[4];
$tabledata[$i]['engine'] = isset($d[5]) ? $d[5] : '';
}elseif (substr($line, 0, 6) == '-- EOF')
$eof = true; // End of Table-Info - >done
elseif (substr(strtolower($line), 0, 6) == 'create')
$eof = true; // we have found the first CREATE-Query -> done
$gz ? gzclose($fh) : fclose($fh);
return $tabledata;
* Calculate next Multipart-Filename
* @param string $filename The filename to calculate the next name from
* @return string Filename of next Multipart-File
function getNextPart($filename)
$nf = explode('_', $filename);
$i = array_search('part', $nf) + 1;
$part = substr($nf[$i], 0, strpos($nf[$i], '.'));
$ext = substr($nf[$i], strlen($part));
$nf[$i] = ++$part . $ext;
$filename = implode('_', $nf);
return $filename;
* Formats seconds to human readable output
* @param integer $time Time in seconds
* @return string Time as human readable formatted string
function getTimeFormat($time)
global $lang;
$d = floor($time / 86400);
$h = floor(($time - $d * 86400) / 3600);
$m = floor(($time - $d * 86400 - $h * 3600) / 60);
$s = $time - $d * 86400 - $h * 3600 - $m * 60;
$ret = sprintf('%02d', $s) . ' ' . ($s == 1 ? $lang['L_SECOND'] : $lang['L_SECONDS']);
if ($m > 0){
$ret = $m . ' ' . ($m == 1 ? $lang['L_MINUTE'] : $lang['L_MINUTES']) . ' ' . $ret;
if ($h > 0){
$ret = $h . ' ' . ($h == 1 ? $lang['L_HOUR'] : $lang['L_HOURS']) . ' ' . $ret;
if ($d > 0){
$ret = $d . ' ' . ($d == 1 ? $lang['L_DAY'] : $lang['L_DAYS']) . ' ' . $ret;
return $ret;
* Tests a ftp-connection and returns messages about uccess or failure
* @param integer $i The index of the connection profile to test
* @return array Array with messages
function testFTP($i)
global $lang, $config;
if (!isset($config['ftp'][$i]['timeout']))
$config['ftp'][$i]['timeout'][$i] = 30;
$ret = array();
if ($config['ftp'][$i]['port'] == '' || $config['ftp'][$i]['port'][$i] == 0)
$config['ftp'][$i]['port'] = 21;
$pass = -1;
if (!extension_loaded("ftp")){
$ret[] = '<span class="error">' . $lang['L_NOFTPPOSSIBLE'] . '</span>';
$pass = 0;
if ($pass == 0){
if ($config['ftp'][$i]['server'] == '' || $config['ftp'][$i]['user'] == ''){
$ret[] = '<span class="error">' . $lang['L_WRONGCONNECTIONPARS'] . '</span>';
$pass = 1;
if ($pass == 1){
if ($config['ftp'][$i]['ssl'] == 0)
$conn_id = @ftp_connect($config['ftp'][$i]['server'], $config['ftp'][$i]['port'], $config['ftp'][$i]['timeout']);
$conn_id = @ftp_ssl_connect($config['ftp'][$i]['server'], $config['ftp'][$i]['port'], $config['ftp'][$i]['timeout']);
if (is_resource($conn_id)){
$ret[] = sprintf($lang['L_FTP_CONNECTION_SUCCESS'], $config['ftp'][$i]['server'], $config['ftp'][$i]['port']);
$ret[] = sprintf($lang['L_FTP_CONNECTION_ERROR'], $config['ftp'][$i]['server'], $config['ftp'][$i]['port']);
if ($conn_id){
$login_result = @ftp_login($conn_id, $config['ftp'][$i]['user'], $config['ftp'][$i]['pass']);
if ($login_result)
$ret[] = sprintf($lang['L_FTP_LOGIN_SUCCESS'], $config['ftp'][$i]['user']);
$ret[] = sprintf($lang['L_FTP_LOGIN_ERROR'], $config['ftp'][$i]['user']);
if ($conn_id && $login_result){
$pass = 2;
if ($config['ftp'][$i]['mode'] == 1){
if (ftp_pasv($conn_id, true))
$ret[] = $lang['L_FTP_PASV_SUCCESS'];
$ret[] = $lang['L_FTP_PASV_ERROR'];
if ($pass == 2){
$dirc = @ftp_chdir($conn_id, $config['ftp'][$i]['dir']);
if (!$dirc){
$ret[] = $lang['L_CHANGEDIR'] . ' \'' . $config['ftp'][$i]['dir'] . '\' -> <span class="error">' . $lang['L_CHANGEDIRERROR'] . '</span>';
$pass = 3;
$ret[] = $lang['L_CHANGEDIR'] . ' \'' . $config['ftp'][$i]['dir'] . '\' -> <span class="success">' . $lang['L_OK'] . '</span>';
if ($pass == 3)
$ret[] = '<span class="success"><strong>' . $lang['L_FTP_OK'] . '</strong></span>';
return implode('<br />', $ret);
* Returns list of configuration profiles as HTML-Optionlist
* @param string $selected_config The actual configuration to pre-select in option list
* @return string HTML-option-string
function getConfigFilelist($selected_config)
$configs = getConfigFilenames();
$options = Html::getOptionlist($configs, $selected_config);
return $options;
* Returns list of installed themes as HTML-Optionlist
* @return string HTML-option-string
function getThemes()
global $config;
$themes = array();
$dh = opendir($config['paths']['root'] . "css/");
while (false !== ($filename = readdir($dh))){
if ($filename != '.' && $filename != '..' && is_dir($config['paths']['root'] . 'css/' . $filename) && substr($filename, 0, 1) != '.' && substr($filename, 0, 1) != '_'){
$themes[$filename] = $filename;
$options = Html::getOptionlist($themes, $config['theme']);
return $options;
* Detects all language-directories and builds HTML-Optionlist
* @return string HTML-option-string
function getLanguageCombo()
global $config, $lang;
$default = $config['language'];
$dh = opendir('./language/');
$r = "";
$lang_files = array();
while (false !== ($filename = readdir($dh))){
if ($filename != '.' && $filename != '.svn' && $filename != '..' && $filename != 'flags' && is_dir('./language/' . $filename)){
if (isset($lang[$filename]))
$lang_files[$lang[$filename]] = $filename;
foreach ($lang_files as $filename){
$style = 'background:url(language/flags/width25/' . $filename . '.gif) 4px;background-repeat:no-repeat;padding:2px 6px 2px 36px !important;';
$r .= '<option value="' . $filename . '" style="' . $style . '"';
$r .= Html::getSelected($filename, $default);
$r .= '>' . $lang[$filename] . '</option>' . "\n";
return $r;
* Detects language subdirs and adds them to the global definition of $lang
* @return void
function getLanguageArray()
global $lang;
$dh = opendir('./language/');
if (isset($lang['languages']))
$lang['languages'] = array();
while (false !== ($filename = readdir($dh))){
if ($filename != '.' && $filename != '.svn' && $filename != ".." && $filename != "flags" && is_dir('./language/' . $filename)){
$lang['languages'][] = $filename;
* Sets database and tablenames into backticks
* @param string $s Querystring
* @return string Querystring with backticks
function setBackticks($s)
$klammerstart = $lastklammerstart = $end = 0;
$inner_s_start = strpos($s, '(');
$inner_s_end = strrpos($s, ')');
$inner_s = substr($s, $inner_s_start + 1, $inner_s_end - (1 + $inner_s_start));
$pieces = explode(',', $inner_s);
for ($i = 0; $i < count($pieces); $i++){
$r = trim($pieces[$i]);
$klammerstart += substr_count($r, "(") - substr_count($r, ")");
if ($i == count($pieces) - 1)
$klammerstart += 1;
if (substr(strtoupper($r), 0, 4) == "KEY " || substr(strtoupper($r), 0, 7) == "UNIQUE " || substr(strtoupper($r), 0, 12) == "PRIMARY KEY " || substr(strtoupper($r), 0, 13) == "FULLTEXT KEY "){
//nur ein Key
$end = 1;
if (substr($r, 0, 1) != '`' && substr($r, 0, 1) != '\'' && $klammerstart == 0 && $end == 0 && $lastklammerstart == 0){
$pos = strpos($r, ' ');
$r = '`' . substr($r, 0, $pos) . '`' . substr($r, $pos);
$pieces[$i] = $r;
$lastklammerstart = $klammerstart;
$back = substr($s, 0, $inner_s_start + 1) . implode(',', $pieces) . ');';
return $back;
* Returns the index of the selected value in an array
* @param array $arr The Array to get the index from
* @param string $selected The value to find the index for
* @return mixed Found Index or false
function getIndexFromValue($arr, $selected)
$ret = false; // return false if not found
foreach ($arr as $key => $val){
if (strtolower(substr($val, 0, strlen($selected))) == strtolower($selected)){
$ret = $key;
return $ret;
* Checks if config is readable and loads it
* Expects only the name of the configuration (not the path or complete filename)
* Returns true on success or false on failure
* @param string $file Name of configuration without extension
* @param boolean $redirect_to_install Decide if user should be redirected to installation if config doesn't exist
* @return boolean
function getConfig($file = '', $redirect_to_install = true)
global $config, $databases;
if (!isset($_SESSION['config_file']))
$_SESSION['config_file'] = 'mysqldumper';
if ($file == '')
$file = $_SESSION['config_file'];
$ret = false;
// protect from including external files
$search = array(':', 'http', 'ftp', ' ', '/', '\\');
$replace = array('', '', '', '', '', '');
$file = str_replace($search, $replace, $file);
if ($redirect_to_install && !is_readable('./' . $config['paths']['config'] . $file . '.php') && $file == 'mysqldumper'){
header('Location: install.php');
if (!is_readable('./' . $config['paths']['config'] . $file . '.php'))
$file = 'mysqldumper';
if (is_readable('./' . $config['paths']['config'] . $file . '.php')){
$databases = array(); // reset databaselist - will be read from config file
$c = implode('', file('./' . $config['paths']['config'] . $file . '.php'));
$c = str_replace('<?php', '', $c);
$config['config_file'] = $file;
$_SESSION['config_file'] = $file;
$_SESSION['config'] = $config; // $config is defined in read file
$_SESSION['databases'] = $databases; // $databases is defined in read file
$config['files']['iconpath'] = './css/' . $config['theme'] . '/icons/';
$ret = true;
return $ret;
* Get all names of configuration files located in /work/config directory
* @return array
function getConfigFilenames()
global $config;
$configs = array();
$dh = opendir('./' . $config['paths']['config']);
while (false !== ($filename = readdir($dh))){
if (substr($filename, -4) == '.php' && substr($filename, -9) != '.conf.php' && $filename != 'dbs_manual.php'){
$index = substr($filename, 0, -4);
$configs[$index] = $index;
return $configs;
* Loads data from an external source via HTTP-socket
* Loads data from an external source $url given as URL
* and returns the content as a binary string or false on connection error
* @param string $url URL to fetch
* @return string file data or false
function getFileDataFromURL($url)
$url_parsed = parse_url($url);
$data = false;
$host = $url_parsed['host'];
$port = isset($url_parsed['port']) ? intval($url_parsed['port']) : 80;
if ($port == 0)
$port = 80;
$path = $url_parsed['path'];
if (!isset($url_parsed['scheme']))
$url_parsed['scheme'] = 'http';
if (!isset($url_parsed['path']))
$url_parsed['path'] = '/';
if (isset($url_parsed['query']) && $url_parsed['query'] != '')
$path .= '?' . $url_parsed['query'];
$fp = @fsockopen($host, $port, $errno, $errstr, 10);
if ($fp){
$out = "GET $path HTTP/1.0\r\n";
$out .= "Host: $host\r\n";
$out .= 'Referer: ' . $url_parsed['scheme'] . '://' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . $path . "\r\n";
$out .= 'User-Agent: MySQLDumper ' . MSD_VERSION . "\r\n";
$out .= "Connection: close\r\n\r\n";
@fwrite($fp, $out);
$body = false;
$data = '';
while (!feof($fp)){
$s = fgets($fp, 1024);
if ($body)
$data .= $s;
if ($s == "\r\n"){
$body = true;
return $data;
* Recursevely detects differences of multidimensional arrays
* and returns a new array containing all differences. Indexes that exists in both arrays are skipped.
* (e.g. used to detect differences between the complete SESSION['log'] and the built log of a page-call
* in ajax-functions to only return the last changes to the client)
* @param array $array1 Array1
* @param array $array2 Array2
* @return array Array with differences
function getArrayDiffAssocRecursive($array1, $array2)
foreach ($array1 as $key => $value){
if (is_array($value)){
if (!isset($array2[$key]))
$difference[$key] = $value;
elseif (!is_array($array2[$key]))
$difference[$key] = $value;
$new_diff = getArrayDiffAssocRecursive($value, $array2[$key]);
if ($new_diff != FALSE)
$difference[$key] = $new_diff;
}elseif (!isset($array2[$key]) || $array2[$key] != $value)
$difference[$key] = $value;
return !isset($difference) ? 0 : $difference;
* Gets value in associative array by indexnr
* @param array $array
* @param mixed $index Index
* @return string
function getValueFromIndex($array, $index)
$array_keys = array_keys($array);
if (isset($array_keys[$index]))
return $array_keys[$index];
return false;
* Gets the next key in an associative array and returns it.
* If it was the last key return false
* @param array $array Array
* @param string $key current Index
* @return mixed
function getNextKey($array, $key)
$array_keys = array_keys($array);
$array_flip = array_flip($array_keys);
$index = $array_flip[$key];
if ($index < sizeof($array_keys))
return $array_keys[$index];
return false;
* Detect Byte Order Mark (BOM) and remove it if found
* @param string $str String
* @return string
function removeBom($str)
$bom = pack('CCC', 0xef, 0xbb, 0xbf);
if (0 == strncmp($str, $bom, 3)){
$str = substr($str, 3);
return $str;
} |