Fork 0
2011-06-10 21:28:27 +00:00

150 Zeilen
5,7 KiB

* This file is part of MySQLDumper released under the GNU/GPL 2 license
* http://www.mysqldumper.net
* @package MySQLDumper
* @version SVN: $rev: 1212 $
* @author $Author$
* @lastmodified $Date$
$updateUrl = 'http://update.mysqldumper.de/index.php';
$languageToLoad = isset($_GET['l']) ? trim($_GET['l']) : '';
$version = isset($_GET['v']) ? floatval(trim($_GET['v'])) : '';
$path = './language/' . $languageToLoad;
$error = false;
if (session_id() != $_GET['MySQLDumper']) {
$error[] = 'Invalid Session';
include ('./inc/functions/functions.php');
include ('./inc/runtime.php');
include ('./lib/json.php');
include ('./inc/functions/functions_global.php');
include ('./inc/mysql.php');
include ('./inc/classes/helper/Html.php');
include ('./inc/classes/helper/File.php');
header('Pragma: no-cache');
header('Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate'); // HTTP/1.1
header('Expires: -1'); // Datum in der Vergangenheit
header('Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate');
header('Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0', false);
header('Last-Modified: ' . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . ' GMT');
header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8');
$message = array();
$inProgress = 1;
$filesToLoad = array('lang');
if (!isset($_SESSION['get_language'])) {
// try to create sub-dir for language if it does not exists
if (!is_dir($path)) {
$res = @mkdir($path, 0755);
if (true === $res) {
$msg = 'Directory \'' . $path . '\' created successfully';
$message[] = Html::getOkMsg($msg);
} else {
$msg = 'Fatal error: Couldn\'t create directory \'' . $path;
$msg .= '\'! You need to create it using your FTP-Programm and ';
$msg .= 'grant rights 0777!';
$message[] = Html::getErrorMsg($msg);
} else {
$message[] = Html::getOkMsg('Directory \'' . $path . '\' exists.');
// try to chmod
if (!File::isWritable($path, 0755)) {
if (File::isWritable($path, 0777)) {
$msg = 'Directory \'' . $path . '\' is writable.';
$message[] =Html::getOkMsg($msg);
} else {
$msg = 'Fatal error: Directory \'' . $path;
$msg .= '\' is not writable for me! Make it writable using your ';
$msg .= 'FTP-Programm!';
$message[] = Html::getErrorMsg($msg);
} else {
$message[] = Html::getOkMsg('Directory \'' . $path . '\' is writable.');
$_SESSION['get_language'] = $filesToLoad;
} else {
// get next file to download
if (count($_SESSION['get_language']) > 0) {
$file = $_SESSION['get_language'][count($_SESSION['get_language']) - 1];
$call = '?a=get_language_file&v=' . $version . '&l=' . $languageToLoad ;
$call .= '&f=' . $file;
$fileData = getFileDataFromURL($updateUrl . $call);
if (false === $fileData || $fileData == '') {
$msg = 'Fatal error: error downloading file \'' . $file . '\'!';
$msg .= ' Please try again.';
$message[] = Html::getErrorMsg($msg);
} else {
// save file to disk
$file = $path . '/' . $file . '.php';
$fp = @fopen($file, 'wb');
if ($fp) {
fwrite($fp, $fileData);
if (!File::isWritable($file, 0644)) {
File::isWritable($file, 0777);
$msg = ' File \'' . $file . '\' saved succesfully.';
$message[] = Html::getOkMsg($msg);
// remove file from todo list
$fileIndex = count($_SESSION['get_language']) - 1;
} else {
$msg = 'Fatal error: couldn\'t write file \'' . $file;
$msg .= '\' to \'' . $path . '\'';
$message[] = Html::getErrorMsg($msg);
} else {
$inProgress = 0;
$msg = 'Finished installing language \'' . $languageToLoad;
$msg .= '\' successfully.';
$message[] = Html::getOkMsg($msg);
$json = new Services_JSON();
$r = array();
$r['in_progress'] = $inProgress; // finished? 0=no
$r['error'] = 0;
if ($error) {
if (!empty($_SESSION['get_language'])) {
$msg = 'Incomplete installation of language pack: ';
$msg .= 'removing incomplete files.';
$message[] = Html::getErrorMsg($msg);
// now we need to delete the language files
foreach ($filesToLoad as $file) {
if (file_exists($path . '/' . $file . '.php')) {
if (@unlink($path . '/' . $file . '.php')) {
$msg = 'Deleted file \'' . $file . '\' successfully.';
$message[] = Html::getOkMsg($msg);
} else {
$msg = 'Error deleting file \'' . $file;
$msg .= '\'! Remove it using your FTP-Programm!';
$message[] = Html::getErrorMsg($msg);
if (!in_array($languageToLoad, array('en', 'de'))) {
if (@rmdir($path)) {
$msg = 'Directory \'' . $languageToLoad;
$msg .= '\' deleted successfully.';
$message[] = Html::getOkMsg($msg);
} else {
$msg = 'Error deleting directory \'' . $path . '\'!';
$message[] = Html::getErrorMsg($msg);
$r['error'] = 1; // inidcate that an error occured to stop further actions
$r['in_progress'] = 0;
$r['message'] = implode('', $message);
if ($r['in_progress'] == 0) {
echo $json->encode($r);