'; $action=( isset($_GET['action']) ) ? $_GET['action'] : "status"; $checkit=( isset($_GET['checkit']) ) ? urldecode($_GET['checkit']) : ""; $repair=( isset($_GET['repair']) ) ? $_GET['repair'] : 0; if ($action == "deletehtaccess") { @unlink($config['paths']['root'] . '.htaccess'); @unlink($config['paths']['root'] . '.htpasswd'); $action="status"; } $is_htaccess=( file_exists("./.htaccess") ); if ($is_htaccess) $htaccess_exist=file(".htaccess"); $dba=$hta_dir=$Overwrite=$msg=""; //MySQL-Verbindung herstellen MSD_mysql_connect(); if (isset($_POST['htaccess']) || $action == "schutz") { if ($is_htaccess) $Overwrite='

' . $lang['htaccess8'] . '

'; $cry_txt=array( $lang['htaccess5'], $lang['htaccess6'], $lang['htaccess7'] ); $step=( isset($_POST['step']) ) ? $_POST['step'] : 0; $cryptart=( isset($_POST['cryptart']) ) ? $_POST['cryptart'] : 0; $uname=( isset($_POST['username']) ) ? $_POST['username'] : ""; $upass1=( isset($_POST['userpass1']) ) ? $_POST['userpass1'] : ""; $upass2=( isset($_POST['userpass2']) ) ? $_POST['userpass2'] : ""; if ($step == 1) { $msg=""; if ($uname == "") $msg=$lang['htaccess9']; if (( $upass1 != $upass2 ) || ( $upass1 == "" )) $msg.=$lang['htaccess10']; if ($msg != "") { $msg='

' . $msg . '

'; $step=0; } else { $msg='

' . $lang['htaccess11'] . '

'; } } elseif ($step == 2) { $htaccess="AuthName \"MySQLDumper\"\nAuthType Basic\nAuthUserFile \"" . $config['paths']['root'] . ".htpasswd\"\nrequire valid-user\n"; if ($cryptart == 0) $userpass=crypt($upass1,CRYPT_STD_DES); elseif ($cryptart == 1) $userpass=md5($upass1); else $userpass=$upass1; $htpasswd=$uname . ":" . $userpass; @chmod($config['paths']['root'],0777); if ($file_htpasswd=@fopen(".htpasswd","w")) { fputs($file_htpasswd,$htpasswd); fclose($file_htpasswd); $file_htaccess=@fopen(".htaccess","w"); fputs($file_htaccess,$htaccess); fclose($file_htaccess); $msg=$lang['htaccess12'] . '

' . $lang['htaccess13'] . ' .htaccess:' . "\n" . htmlspecialchars($htaccess) . '

' . $lang['htaccess13'] . ' .htpasswd:' . "\n" . htmlspecialchars($htpasswd) . "
"; @chmod($config['paths']['root'],0755); } else { $msg='

' . $lang['htaccess14'] . '

' . $lang['htaccess13'] . ' .htaccess:' . "\n" . htmlspecialchars($htaccess) . '

' . $lang['htaccess13'] . ' .htpasswd:' . "\n" . htmlspecialchars($htpasswd) . '
'; } } //Ausgabe echo headline($lang['htaccess1']) . $Overwrite; if ($step < 2) { if ($step == 0) { $un=''; $p1=''; $p2=''; $cry='' . $cry_txt[0] . '  '; $cry.='' . $cry_txt[1] . '  '; $cry.='' . $cry_txt[2] . '  '; } else { $un=$uname . ''; $p1='***************'; $p2='***************'; $cry='' . $cry_txt[$cryptart]; } echo $msg . '
'; echo ''; echo '
Name' . $un . '
' . $lang['htaccess2'] . '' . $p1 . '
' . $lang['htaccess3'] . '' . $p2 . '
' . $lang['htaccess4'] . ' ' . $cry . '

'; echo '
'; } else echo $msg; echo "

"; include ( "inc/footer.php" ); die(); } if ($action == "edithtaccess") { $htaccessdontexist=0; if (( isset($_GET['create']) && $_GET['create'] == 1 ) || ( isset($_POST['create']) && $_POST['create'] == 1 )) { $fp=fopen("$hta_dir.htaccess","w"); fwrite($fp,"# created by MySQLDumper " . MSD_VERSION . "\n"); fclose($fp); } if (isset($_POST['newload'])) { $hta_dir=( isset($_POST['newhtadir']) ) ? $_POST['newhtadir'] : ""; } else $hta_dir=( isset($_POST['hta_dir']) ) ? $_POST['hta_dir'] : ""; if ($hta_dir != "" && substr($hta_dir,-1) != "/") $hta_dir.="/"; if (isset($_POST['submit']) && isset($_POST['thta'])) { $fp=fopen("$hta_dir.htaccess","w"); fwrite($fp,$_POST['thta']); fclose($fp); } if (file_exists("$hta_dir.htaccess")) { $htaccess_exist=file("$hta_dir.htaccess"); } else { $htaccessdontexist=1; } echo headline($lang['htaccess16']); echo $lang['htaccess32']; echo '
File: .htaccess   '; if ($htaccessdontexist != 1) { echo '

'; echo '
'; //Presets echo '

' . $lang['htaccess30'] . '


' . $lang['htaccess31'] . '

' . $lang['htaccess20'] . '
' . $lang['htaccess21'] . '
' . $lang['htaccess22'] . '
' . $lang['htaccess23'] . '
' . $lang['htaccess24'] . '
' . $lang['htaccess25'] . '
' . $lang['htaccess26'] . '
' . $lang['htaccess27'] . '
' . $lang['htaccess28'] . '

' . $lang['htaccess29'] . ''; echo '
' . $lang['htaccess18'] . '
'; echo '   '; echo '   '; echo '
'; } else { echo '

' . $hta_dir . '.htaccess existiert nicht. Soll sie erstellt werden ?

'; echo '
'; } echo '
' . $lang['back'] . ''; exit(); } if ($action == "phpinfo") { phpinfo(); echo '


'; exit(); } if ($action == "db") { for ($i=0; $i < count($databases['Name']); $i++) { if (isset($_POST['empty' . $i])) { EmptyDB($databases['Name'][$i]); $dba='

' . $lang['db'] . " " . $databases['Name'][$i] . " " . $lang['info_cleared'] . "

"; break; } if (isset($_POST['kill' . $i])) { $res=mysql_query("DROP DATABASE `" . $databases['Name'][$i] . "`") or die(mysql_error() . ""); $dba='

' . $lang['db'] . " " . $databases['Name'][$i] . " " . $lang['info_deleted'] . "

"; SetDefault(); include ( $config['files']['parameter'] ); echo ''; break; } if (isset($_POST['optimize' . $i])) { mysql_select_db($databases['Name'][$i],$config['dbconnection']); $res=mysql_list_tables($databases['Name'][$i],$config['dbconnection']); $tabellen=''; WHILE ($row=mysql_fetch_row($res)) $tabellen.='`' . $row[0] . '`,'; $tabellen=substr($tabellen,0,( strlen($tabellen) - 1 )); if ($tabellen > "") { $query="OPTIMIZE TABLE " . $tabellen; $res=mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error() . ""); } $_GET['dbid']=$i; $dba='

' . $lang['db'] . ' ' . $databases['Name'][$i] . ' ' . $lang['info_optimized'] . '.

'; break; } if (isset($_POST['check' . $i])) { $checkit="ALL"; $_GET['dbid']=$i; } } } //Hier beginnt die Ausgabe echo headline('Home'); echo '
'; if ($action == "status") { //Infos ueber Backups $Sum_Files=$Sum_Size=0; $Last_BU=Array(); $sm=( $config['safe_mode'] == 1 ) ? " (Safemode)" : ""; $dh=opendir($config['paths']['backup']); while (false !== ( $filename=readdir($dh) )) { if ($filename != "." && $filename != ".." && !is_dir($config['paths']['backup'] . $filename)) { $files[]=$filename; $Sum_Files++; $Sum_Size+=filesize($config['paths']['backup'] . $filename); $ft=filectime($config['paths']['backup'] . $filename); if (!isset($Last_BU[2]) || ( isset($Last_BU[2]) && $ft > $Last_BU[2] )) { $Last_BU[0]=$filename; $Last_BU[1]=date("d.m.Y H:i",$ft); $Last_BU[2]=$ft; } } } $status='
' . $lang['Statusinformationen'] . '
'; $status.=DirectoryWarnings(); //Versionen $status.='
' . $lang['Versionsinformationen'] . '
'; $status.='love your data'; $status.='MySQLDumper-Version: ' . MSD_VERSION . '
'; $status.='OS: ' . MSD_OS . ' (' . MSD_OS_EXT . ')
'; $status.='MySQL-Version: ' . MSD_MYSQL_VERSION . '
'; $status.='PHP-Version: ' . PHP_VERSION . ' Speicher: ' . $config['php_ram'] . ' MB ' . ( ( $config['zlib'] ) ? '' : '  ' . $lang['phpbug'] . '.  ' ) . $sm . '  '; $status.='Max Execution Time: ' . $config['max_execution_time'] . ' sec.  [PHP-Info]  '; $status.='
PHP-Extensions: ' . $config['phpextensions'] . '
'; if ($config['disabled'] != "") $status.='
' . $lang['disabledfunctions'] . ': ' . str_replace(',',', ',$config['disabled']) . ''; if (!extension_loaded("ftp")) $status.='
' . $lang['noftppossible'] . ''; if (!$config['zlib']) $status.='   
' . $lang['nogzpossible'] . '
'; //MySQLDumper Informationen $status.='
' . $lang['MySQL Dumper Informationen'] . '
' . $lang['info_location'] . ' "' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . '" (' . ( $config['paths']['root'] ) . ')
'; $status.=$lang['info_actdb'] . ": " . $databases['db_actual'] . "
"; if ($is_htaccess) { $status.='' . $lang['htaccess16'] . ''; $status.=' ' . $lang['delete_htaccess'] . ''; } else { $status.='' . $lang['htaccess1'] . '  ' . $lang['htaccess15'] . ''; } //History $status.='
' . $lang['backupfilesanzahl'] . ' ' . $Sum_Files . ' Backups (' . byte_output($Sum_Size) . ')
'; $status.=$lang['fm_freespace'] . ': ' . MD_FreeDiskSpace() . '
'; if ($Sum_Files > 0) $status.=$lang['lastbackup'] . ' ' . $lang['vom'] . ' ' . ( ( isset($Last_BU[1]) ) ? $Last_BU[1] : " - " ) . '
     ' . ( ( isset($Last_BU[1]) ) ? '' : " - " ) . '' . ( ( isset($Last_BU[0]) ) ? $Last_BU[0] : " - " ) . '
'; echo $status; } elseif ($action == "db") { //Datenbanken echo '
' . $lang['info_databases'] . '
'; echo $dba . ''; echo ''; if (!isset($config['dbconnection'])) MSD_mysql_connect(); for ($i=0; $i < count($databases['Name']); $i++) { //gibts die Datenbank überhaupt? if (!mysql_select_db($databases['Name'][$i],$config['dbconnection'])) { echo ''; } else { mysql_select_db($databases['Name'][$i],$config['dbconnection']); $tabellen=mysql_query("SHOW TABLES FROM `" . $databases['Name'][$i] . "`",$config['dbconnection']); $num_tables=mysql_num_rows($tabellen); $cl=( $i % 2 ) ? "dbrow" : "dbrow1"; if ($i == $databases['db_selected_index']) $cl="dbrowsel"; echo ''; echo ''; } } echo '
' . $lang['dbs'] . '' . $lang['tables'] . '
' . $databases['Name'][$i] . '' . $lang['info_nodb'] . '
'; echo ( $i == $databases['db_selected_index'] ) ? "" . $databases['Name'][$i] . "" : $databases['Name'][$i]; echo '' . $num_tables . ' ' . $lang['info_table1']; echo ( $num_tables > 1 ) ? $lang['info_table2'] : ''; echo '

'; echo '
'; } elseif ($action == "sys") { $sysaction=( isset($_GET['dosys']) ) ? $_GET['dosys'] : 0; $msg=""; $res=@mysql_query("SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'datadir'",$config['dbconnection']); if ($res) { $row=mysql_fetch_array($res); $data_dir=$row[1]; } switch ($sysaction) { case 1: //FLUSH PRIVILEGES $msg="> operating FLUSH PRIVILEGES
"; $res=@mysql_query("FLUSH PRIVILEGES",$config['dbconnection']); $meldung=mysql_error($config['dbconnection']); if ($meldung != "") { $msg.='> MySQL-Error: ' . $meldung; } else { $msg.="> Privileges were reloaded."; } break; case 2: //FLUSH STATUS $msg="> operating FLUSH STATUS
"; $res=@mysql_query("FLUSH STATUS",$config['dbconnection']); $meldung=mysql_error($config['dbconnection']); if ($meldung != "") { $msg.='> MySQL-Error: ' . $meldung; } else { $msg.="> Status was reset."; } break; case 3: //FLUSH HOSTS $msg="> operating FLUSH HOSTS
"; $res=@mysql_query("FLUSH HOSTS",$config['dbconnection']); $meldung=mysql_error($config['dbconnection']); if ($meldung != "") { $msg.='> MySQL-Error: ' . $meldung; } else { $msg.="> Hosts were reloaded."; ; } break; case 4: //SHOW MASTER LOGS $msg="> operating SHOW MASTER LOGS
"; $res=@mysql_query("SHOW MASTER LOGS",$config['dbconnection']); $meldung=mysql_error($config['dbconnection']); if ($meldung != "") { $msg.='> MySQL-Error: ' . $meldung; } else { $numrows=mysql_num_rows($res); if ($numrows == 0 || $numrows === false) { $msg.='> there are no master log-files'; } else { $msg.='> there are ' . $numrows . ' logfiles
'; for ($i=0; $i < $numrows; $i++) { $row=mysql_fetch_row($res); $msg.='> ' . $row[0] . '   ' . ( ( $data_dir ) ? byte_output(@filesize($data_dir . $row[0])) : '' ) . '
'; } } } break; case 5: //RESET MASTER $msg="> operating RESET MASTER
"; $res=@mysql_query("RESET MASTER",$config['dbconnection']); $meldung=mysql_error($config['dbconnection']); if ($meldung != "") { $msg.='> MySQL-Error: ' . $meldung; } else { $msg.="> All Masterlogs were deleted."; } break; } echo '
' . $lang['mysqlsys'] . '
'; echo '
'; echo '
'; echo '> MysSQL Dumper v' . MSD_VERSION . ' - Output Console

'; echo ( $msg != "" ) ? $msg : '> waiting for operation ...
'; echo '
'; } elseif ($action == "vars") { $var=( isset($_GET['var']) ) ? $_GET['var'] : "prozesse"; $Titelausgabe=array( "variables" => $lang['Variabeln'], "status" => $lang['Status'], "prozesse" => $lang['Prozesse'] ); echo '
' . $lang['mysqlvars'] . '
' . $Titelausgabe[$var] . '    '; echo '' . $lang['Prozesse'] . '   '; echo '' . $lang['Status'] . '   '; echo '' . $lang['Variabeln'] . '   '; echo '


'; //Variabeln switch ($var) { case "variables": $res=@mysql_query("SHOW variables"); if ($res) $numrows=mysql_num_rows($res); if ($numrows == 0) { echo $lang['info_novars']; } else { echo ''; for ($i=0; $i < $numrows; $i++) { $row=mysql_fetch_array($res); $cl=( $i % 2 ) ? "dbrow" : "dbrow1"; echo ''; } } echo '
Name' . $lang['Inhalt'] . '
' . $row[0] . '' . $row[1] . '
'; break; case "status": $res=@mysql_query("SHOW STATUS"); if ($res) $numrows=mysql_num_rows($res); if ($numrows == 0) { echo $lang['info_nostatus']; } else { echo ''; for ($i=0; $i < $numrows; $i++) { $cl=( $i % 2 ) ? "dbrow" : "dbrow1"; $row=mysql_fetch_array($res); echo ''; } } echo '
Name' . $lang['Inhalt'] . '
' . $row[0] . '' . $row[1] . '
'; break; case "prozesse": if ($config['processlist_refresh'] < 1000) $config['processlist_refresh']=2000; if (isset($_GET['killid']) && $_GET['killid'] > 0) { $killid=( isset($_GET['killid']) ) ? $_GET['killid'] : 0; $wait=( isset($_GET['wait']) ) ? $_GET['wait'] : 0; if ($wait == 0) { $ret=mysql_query("KILL " . $_GET['killid']); $wait=2; } else $wait+=2; if ($wait == 0) { echo '

' . $lang['processkill1'] . $_GET['killid'] . $lang['processkill2'] . $ret . '

'; } else { echo '

' . $lang['processkill3'] . $wait . $lang['processkill4'] . $_GET['killid'] . $lang['processkill2'] . $ret . '

'; } } $killid=$wait=0; $res=@mysql_query("SHOW FULL PROCESSLIST "); if ($res) $numrows=mysql_num_rows($res); if ($numrows == 0) { echo $lang['info_noprocesses']; } else { echo ''; for ($i=0; $i < $numrows; $i++) { $cl=( $i % 2 ) ? "dbrow" : "dbrow1"; $row=mysql_fetch_array($res); echo ''; if ($row[0] == $killid && $row[4] == "Killed") { $wait=$killid=0; } } } echo '
IDUserHostDBCommandTimeStateInfoRT: ' . round($config['processlist_refresh'] / 1000) . ' sec
' . $row[0] . '' . $row[1] . ' ' . $row[2] . '' . $row[3] . '' . $row[4] . '' . $row[5] . ' ' . $row[6] . '' . $row[7] . ' kill
'; echo '
'; echo ''; break; } } //Datenbankdetails if (isset($_GET['dbid'])) { $dbid=$_GET['dbid']; echo '
' . $lang['info_dbdetail'] . '"' . $databases['Name'][$dbid] . '"
'; $res=@mysql_query("SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM `" . $databases['Name'][$dbid] . "`"); mysql_select_db($databases['Name'][$dbid]); if ($res) $numrows=mysql_num_rows($res); if ($numrows == 0) { echo $lang['info_dbempty']; } else { echo $numrows . ' ' . $lang['info_table1']; echo ( $numrows > 1 ) ? $lang['info_table2'] : ''; echo "\n" . '
' . '' . "\n"; $last_update="2000-01-01 00:00:00"; $s=$s1=$s2=""; for ($i=0; $i < $numrows; $i++) { $row=mysql_fetch_array($res); // Get nr of records -> need to do it this way because of incorrect returns when using InnoDBs $sql_2="SELECT count(*) as `count_records` FROM `" . $databases['Name'][$dbid] . "`.`" . $row['Name'] . "`"; $res2=@mysql_query($sql_2); if ($res2 === false) { echo "\n" . ''; echo ''; echo ''; } echo ''; if (isset($row['Update_time'])) if (strtotime($row['Update_time']) > strtotime($last_update)) $last_update=$row['Update_time']; $s1=$s1 + $row['Rows']; $s2=$s2 + $row['Data_length'] + $row['Index_length']; } echo ''; echo '
Nr.' . $lang['info_table1'] . '' . $lang['info_records'] . '' . $lang['info_size'] . '' . $lang['info_lastupdate'] . '' . $lang['info_optimized'] . 'Status
' . ( $i + 1 ) . '' . $row['Name'] . '' . $lang['unknown_number_of_records'] . ''; echo ' ' . $lang['no'] . ' '; $akt_size=0; } else { $row2=mysql_fetch_array($res2); $row['Rows']=$row2['count_records']; $akt_size=$row['Data_length'] + $row['Index_length']; $cl=( $i % 2 ) ? 'dbrow' : 'dbrow1'; echo "\n" . '
' . ( $i + 1 ) . '' . $row['Name'] . '' . number_format($row['Rows'],0,",",".") . '' . byte_output($akt_size) . ' ' . $row['Update_time'] . ''; if ($row['Data_free'] == 0) echo ''; else echo ' ' . $lang['no'] . ' '; echo ''; if ($checkit == $row['Name'] || $repair == 1) { $tmp_res=mysql_query("REPAIR TABLE `" . $row['Name'] . "`"); } if (( $checkit == $row['Name'] || $checkit == "ALL" )) // && $akt_size>0) { $tmp_res=mysql_query("CHECK TABLE `" . $row['Name'] . "`"); if ($tmp_res) { $tmp_row=mysql_fetch_row($tmp_res); if ($tmp_row[3] != 'OK') echo $tmp_row[3] . '
'; echo ( $tmp_row[3] == "OK" ) ? '' : ' repair '; } else echo "CHECK TABLE `" . $row['Name'] . "`"; } else { if ($akt_size > 0) echo 'check'; else echo "-"; } echo '
' . $lang['info_sum'] . '' . number_format($s1,0,",",".") . '' . byte_output($s2) . '' . $last_update . ' 
'; } $edb=$lang['info_emptydb1'] . ' `' . $databases['Name'][$dbid] . '` ' . $lang['info_emptydb2']; $kdb=$lang['info_emptydb1'] . ' `' . $databases['Name'][$dbid] . '` ' . $lang['info_killdb']; echo '
'; if ($numrows > 0) echo ''; echo ''; if ($numrows > 0) { echo ''; echo ''; } echo ''; } echo MSDFooter(); ; ?>