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// By default, Klaro will load the config from a global "klaroConfig" variable.
// You can change this by specifying the "data-config" attribute on your
// script take, e.g. like this:
// <script src="klaro.js" data-config="myConfigVariableName" />
var klaroConfig = {
acceptAll: true,
translations: {
services: [
name: 'google-tag-manager',
required: true,
purposes: ['marketing', 'functional'],
manages: ['google-analytics'],
onAccept: `
// we notify the tag manager about all services that were accepted. You can define
// a custom event in GTM to load the service if consent was given.
for(let k of Object.keys(opts.consents)){
if (opts.consents[k]){
let eventName = 'klaro-'+k+'-accepted'
dataLayer.push({'event': eventName})
// if consent for Google Analytics was granted we enable analytics storage
if (opts.consents[opts.vars.googleAnalyticsName || 'google-analytics']){
console.log("Google analytics usage was granted")
gtag('consent', 'update', {'analytics_storage': 'granted'})
// if consent for Google Ads was granted we enable ad storage
if (opts.consents[opts.vars.adStorageName || 'google-ads']){
console.log("Google ads usage was granted")
gtag('consent', 'update', {'ad_storage': 'granted'})
onInit: `
// initialization code here (will be executed only once per page-load)
window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];
window.gtag = function(){dataLayer.push(arguments)}
gtag('consent', 'default', {'ad_storage': 'denied', 'analytics_storage': 'denied'})
gtag('set', 'ads_data_redaction', true)
onDecline: `
// initialization code here (will be executed only once per page-load)
window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];
window.gtag = function(){dataLayer.push(arguments)}
gtag('consent', 'default', {'ad_storage': 'denied', 'analytics_storage': 'denied'})
gtag('set', 'ads_data_redaction', true)
vars: {
googleAnalytics: 'google-analytics'
// In GTM, you should define a custom event trigger named `klaro-google-analytics-accepted` which should trigger the Google Analytics integration.
name: 'google-analytics',
purposes: ['marketing'],