add: pChart lib - no more usage of google api. There has to be the wp-content/cache writable for images add: test-folder for later use new: class agents, new isBot-functionality within this class, old function is deprecated, uses an ini-file with botnames
200 Zeilen
Kein EOL
6,9 KiB
200 Zeilen
Kein EOL
6,9 KiB
pBarcode39 - class to create barcodes (39B)
Version : 2.1.3
Made by : Jean-Damien POGOLOTTI
Last Update : 09/09/11
This file can be distributed under the license you can find at :
You can find the whole class documentation on the pChart web site.
/* pData class definition */
class pBarcode39
var $Codes;
var $Reverse;
var $Result;
var $pChartObject;
var $CRC;
var $MOD43;
/* Class creator */
function pBarcode39($BasePath="",$EnableMOD43=FALSE)
$this->MOD43 = $EnableMOD43;
$this->Codes = "";
$this->Reverse = "";
$FileHandle = @fopen($BasePath."data/39.db", "r");
if (!$FileHandle) { die("Cannot find barcode database (".$BasePath."data/39.db)."); }
while (!feof($FileHandle))
$Buffer = fgets($FileHandle,4096);
$Buffer = str_replace(chr(10),"",$Buffer);
$Buffer = str_replace(chr(13),"",$Buffer);
$Values = preg_split("/;/",$Buffer);
$this->Codes[$Values[0]] = $Values[1];
/* Return the projected size of a barcode */
function getSize($TextString,$Format="")
$Angle = isset($Format["Angle"]) ? $Format["Angle"] : 0;
$ShowLegend = isset($Format["ShowLegend"]) ? $Format["ShowLegend"] : FALSE;
$LegendOffset = isset($Format["LegendOffset"]) ? $Format["LegendOffset"] : 5;
$DrawArea = isset($Format["DrawArea"]) ? $Format["DrawArea"] : FALSE;
$FontSize = isset($Format["FontSize"]) ? $Format["FontSize"] : 12;
$Height = isset($Format["Height"]) ? $Format["Height"] : 30;
$TextString = $this->encode39($TextString);
$BarcodeLength = strlen($this->Result);
if ( $DrawArea ) { $WOffset = 20; } else { $WOffset = 0; }
if ( $ShowLegend ) { $HOffset = $FontSize+$LegendOffset+$WOffset; } else { $HOffset = 0; }
$X1 = cos($Angle * PI / 180) * ($WOffset+$BarcodeLength);
$Y1 = sin($Angle * PI / 180) * ($WOffset+$BarcodeLength);
$X2 = $X1 + cos(($Angle+90) * PI / 180) * ($HOffset+$Height);
$Y2 = $Y1 + sin(($Angle+90) * PI / 180) * ($HOffset+$Height);
$AreaWidth = max(abs($X1),abs($X2));
$AreaHeight = max(abs($Y1),abs($Y2));
/* Create the encoded string */
function encode39($Value)
$this->Result = "100101101101"."0";
$TextString = "";
$CharCode = ord($this->mid($Value,$i,1));
if ( $CharCode >= 97 && $CharCode <= 122 ) { $CharCode = $CharCode - 32; }
if ( isset($this->Codes[chr($CharCode)]) )
$this->Result = $this->Result.$this->Codes[chr($CharCode)]."0";
$TextString = $TextString.chr($CharCode);
if ( $this->MOD43 )
$Checksum = $this->checksum($TextString);
$this->Result = $this->Result.$this->Codes[$Checksum]."0";
$this->Result = $this->Result."100101101101";
$TextString = "*".$TextString."*";
/* Create the encoded string */
function draw($Object,$Value,$X,$Y,$Format="")
$this->pChartObject = $Object;
$R = isset($Format["R"]) ? $Format["R"] : 0;
$G = isset($Format["G"]) ? $Format["G"] : 0;
$B = isset($Format["B"]) ? $Format["B"] : 0;
$Alpha = isset($Format["Alpha"]) ? $Format["Alpha"] : 100;
$Height = isset($Format["Height"]) ? $Format["Height"] : 30;
$Angle = isset($Format["Angle"]) ? $Format["Angle"] : 0;
$ShowLegend = isset($Format["ShowLegend"]) ? $Format["ShowLegend"] : FALSE;
$LegendOffset = isset($Format["LegendOffset"]) ? $Format["LegendOffset"] : 5;
$DrawArea = isset($Format["DrawArea"]) ? $Format["DrawArea"] : FALSE;
$AreaR = isset($Format["AreaR"]) ? $Format["AreaR"] : 255;
$AreaG = isset($Format["AreaG"]) ? $Format["AreaG"] : 255;
$AreaB = isset($Format["AreaB"]) ? $Format["AreaB"] : 255;
$AreaBorderR = isset($Format["AreaBorderR"]) ? $Format["AreaBorderR"] : $AreaR;
$AreaBorderG = isset($Format["AreaBorderG"]) ? $Format["AreaBorderG"] : $AreaG;
$AreaBorderB = isset($Format["AreaBorderB"]) ? $Format["AreaBorderB"] : $AreaB;
$TextString = $this->encode39($Value);
if ( $DrawArea )
$X1 = $X + cos(($Angle-135) * PI / 180) * 10;
$Y1 = $Y + sin(($Angle-135) * PI / 180) * 10;
$X2 = $X1 + cos($Angle * PI / 180) * (strlen($this->Result)+20);
$Y2 = $Y1 + sin($Angle * PI / 180) * (strlen($this->Result)+20);
if ( $ShowLegend )
$X3 = $X2 + cos(($Angle+90) * PI / 180) * ($Height+$LegendOffset+$this->pChartObject->FontSize+10);
$Y3 = $Y2 + sin(($Angle+90) * PI / 180) * ($Height+$LegendOffset+$this->pChartObject->FontSize+10);
$X3 = $X2 + cos(($Angle+90) * PI / 180) * ($Height+20);
$Y3 = $Y2 + sin(($Angle+90) * PI / 180) * ($Height+20);
$X4 = $X3 + cos(($Angle+180) * PI / 180) * (strlen($this->Result)+20);
$Y4 = $Y3 + sin(($Angle+180) * PI / 180) * (strlen($this->Result)+20);
$Polygon = array($X1,$Y1,$X2,$Y2,$X3,$Y3,$X4,$Y4);
$Settings = array("R"=>$AreaR,"G"=>$AreaG,"B"=>$AreaB,"BorderR"=>$AreaBorderR,"BorderG"=>$AreaBorderG,"BorderB"=>$AreaBorderB);
if ( $this->mid($this->Result,$i,1) == 1 )
$X1 = $X + cos($Angle * PI / 180) * $i;
$Y1 = $Y + sin($Angle * PI / 180) * $i;
$X2 = $X1 + cos(($Angle+90) * PI / 180) * $Height;
$Y2 = $Y1 + sin(($Angle+90) * PI / 180) * $Height;
$Settings = array("R"=>$R,"G"=>$G,"B"=>$B,"Alpha"=>$Alpha);
if ( $ShowLegend )
$X1 = $X + cos($Angle * PI / 180) * (strlen($this->Result)/2);
$Y1 = $Y + sin($Angle * PI / 180) * (strlen($this->Result)/2);
$LegendX = $X1 + cos(($Angle+90) * PI / 180) * ($Height+$LegendOffset);
$LegendY = $Y1 + sin(($Angle+90) * PI / 180) * ($Height+$LegendOffset);
$Settings = array("R"=>$R,"G"=>$G,"B"=>$B,"Alpha"=>$Alpha,"Angle"=>-$Angle,"Align"=>TEXT_ALIGN_TOPMIDDLE);
function checksum( $string )
$checksum = 0;
$length = strlen( $string );
$charset = '0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ-. $/+%';
for( $i=0; $i < $length; ++$i )
$checksum += strpos( $charset, $string[$i] );
return substr( $charset, ($checksum % 43), 1 );
function left($value,$NbChar) { return substr($value,0,$NbChar); }
function right($value,$NbChar) { return substr($value,strlen($value)-$NbChar,$NbChar); }
function mid($value,$Depart,$NbChar) { return substr($value,$Depart-1,$NbChar); }