getMethods(ReflectionMethod::IS_PUBLIC); foreach($methods as $m) { /** @var ReflectionMethod $m */ if ($m->isStatic() && strpos($m->getName(), self::$WP_FILTER_PREFIX) === 0) { add_filter(substr($m->getName(), strlen(self::$WP_FILTER_PREFIX)), array(get_class(), $m->getName()), 10, $m->getNumberOfParameters()); } } } public static function wpFilter_http_response($response, $args, $url) { # Control recursion static $recursion = false; if ($recursion) return $response; if (empty($response) || !is_array($response) || !isset($response['body'])) return $response; # Guess if it's time to take action if ($url == '') $showTime = true; # Prevent failures if WordPress changes url for updates; we will detect if it still contains "update-check" token # and called from withing wp_update_plugins() function elseif (stripos($url, 'update-check') !== false) { $showTime = false; $trace = debug_backtrace(false); foreach($trace as $t) # http request made from within wp_update_plugins if (isset($t['function']) && $t['function'] == 'wp_update_plugins') { $showTime = true; break; } unset($trace, $t); } else $showTime = false; if (!$showTime) return $response; # Loop over plugins who provided _upgrademe() function and use returned url to request for up-to-date version signature. # Collect retrieved (only valid) data into $upgrademe $plugins = get_plugins(); $upgrademe = array(); foreach($plugins as $file => $info) { # Get url if function exists $slugName = str_replace('-', '_', basename($file, '.php')); # Request latest version signature from custom url (non-WP plugins repository api) && validate response variables $recursion = true; $vars = self::loadPluginData($slugName); $recursion = false; if (empty($vars)) continue; $upgrademe[$file] = $vars; } if (!count($upgrademe)) return $response; $body = $response['body']; if (!empty($body)) $body = unserialize($body); if (empty($body)) $body = array(); foreach($upgrademe as $file => $upgradeVars) { # Do not override data returned by official WP plugins repository API if (isset($body[$file])) continue; # If new version is different then current one, only then add info if (!isset($plugins[$file]['Version']) || $plugins[$file]['Version'] == $upgradeVars['new_version']) continue; $upgradeInfo = new stdClass(); $upgradeInfo->id = $upgradeVars['id']; $upgradeInfo->slug = $upgradeVars['slug']; $upgradeInfo->new_version = $upgradeVars['new_version']; $upgradeInfo->url = $upgradeVars['url']; $upgradeInfo->package = $upgradeVars['package']; $body[$file] = $upgradeInfo; } $response['body'] = serialize($body); return $response; } public static function wpFilter_plugins_api($value, $action, $args) { // If for some reason value available already, do not change it if (!empty($value)) return $value; if ($action != 'plugin_information' || !is_object($args) || !isset($args->slug) || empty($args->slug)) return $value; $vars = self::loadPluginData($args->slug); if (empty($vars)) return $value; return (object)$vars['info']; } public static function wpFilter_http_request_args($args, $url) { if (strpos($url, 'wp-upgrademe') === false || !is_array($args)) return $args; $args['sslverify'] = false; return $args; } private static function loadPluginData($slug) { if (isset(self::$data[$slug])) return self::$data[$slug]; $funcName = $slug.'_upgrademe'; if (!function_exists($funcName)) return self::$data[$slug] = null; $upgradeUrl = filter_var(call_user_func($funcName), FILTER_VALIDATE_URL); if (empty($upgradeUrl)) return self::$data[$slug] = null; # Request latest version signature from custom url (non-WP plugins repository api) && validate response variables $r = wp_remote_post($upgradeUrl, array('method' => 'POST', 'timeout' => 4, 'redirection' => 5, 'httpversion' => '1.0', 'blocking' => true, 'headers' => array(), 'body' => null, 'cookies' => array(), 'sslverify' => false)); if( is_wp_error($r) || !isset($r['body']) || empty($r['body'])) return self::$data[$slug] = null; $vars = json_decode($r['body'], true); if (empty($vars) || !is_array($vars) || count($vars) > 4 || !isset($vars['new_version']) || !isset($vars['url']) || !isset($vars['package']) || !isset($vars['info'])) return self::$data[$slug] = null; # 2 147 483 648 - max int32 # 16 777 215 - ffffff = max possible value of 6-letters hex # 50 000 000 - reasonable offset # Finally generate ID between 50 000 000 and 66 777 215 $vars['id'] = 50000000 + hexdec(substr(md5($slug), 1, 6)); $vars['slug'] = $slug; # Sanitize variables of "info" if (!is_array($vars['info'])) $vars['info'] = array(); $info = array(); foreach($vars['info'] as $key => $val) { if (!in_array($key, array('name','slug','version','author','author_profile','contributors','requires','tested', 'compatibility','rating','rating','num_ratings','downloaded','last_updated','added','homepage', 'sections','download_link','tags'))) continue; $info[$key] = $val; } $info['slug'] = $slug; $info['version'] = $vars['new_version']; $info['download_link'] = $vars['url']; $vars['info'] = $info; return self::$data[$slug] = $vars; } } Upgrademe::register(); } # class_exists()