<?php /* pIndicator - class to draw indicators Version : 2.1.3 Made by : Jean-Damien POGOLOTTI Last Update : 09/09/11 This file can be distributed under the license you can find at : http://www.pchart.net/license You can find the whole class documentation on the pChart web site. */ define("INDICATOR_CAPTION_DEFAULT" , 700001); define("INDICATOR_CAPTION_EXTENDED" , 700002); define("INDICATOR_CAPTION_INSIDE" , 700011); define("INDICATOR_CAPTION_BOTTOM" , 700012); define("INDICATOR_VALUE_BUBBLE" , 700021); define("INDICATOR_VALUE_LABEL" , 700022); /* pIndicator class definition */ class pIndicator { var $pChartObject; /* Class creator */ function pIndicator($pChartObject) { $this->pChartObject = $pChartObject; } /* Draw an indicator */ function draw($X,$Y,$Width,$Height,$Format="") { $Values = isset($Format["Values"]) ? $Format["Values"] : VOID; $IndicatorSections = isset($Format["IndicatorSections"]) ? $Format["IndicatorSections"] : NULL; $ValueDisplay = isset($Format["ValueDisplay"]) ? $Format["ValueDisplay"] : INDICATOR_VALUE_BUBBLE; $SectionsMargin = isset($Format["SectionsMargin"]) ? $Format["SectionsMargin"] : 4; $DrawLeftHead = isset($Format["DrawLeftHead"]) ? $Format["DrawLeftHead"] : TRUE; $DrawRightHead = isset($Format["DrawRightHead"]) ? $Format["DrawRightHead"] : TRUE; $HeadSize = isset($Format["HeadSize"]) ? $Format["HeadSize"] : floor($Height/4); $TextPadding = isset($Format["TextPadding"]) ? $Format["TextPadding"] : 4; $CaptionLayout = isset($Format["CaptionLayout"]) ? $Format["CaptionLayout"] : INDICATOR_CAPTION_EXTENDED; $CaptionPosition = isset($Format["CaptionPosition"]) ? $Format["CaptionPosition"] : INDICATOR_CAPTION_INSIDE; $CaptionColorFactor = isset($Format["CaptionColorFactor"]) ? $Format["CaptionColorFactor"] : NULL; $CaptionR = isset($Format["CaptionR"]) ? $Format["CaptionR"] : 255; $CaptionG = isset($Format["CaptionG"]) ? $Format["CaptionG"] : 255; $CaptionB = isset($Format["CaptionB"]) ? $Format["CaptionB"] : 255; $CaptionAlpha = isset($Format["CaptionAlpha"]) ? $Format["CaptionAlpha"] : 100; $SubCaptionColorFactor = isset($Format["SubCaptionColorFactor"]) ? $Format["SubCaptionColorFactor"] : NULL; $SubCaptionR = isset($Format["SubCaptionR"]) ? $Format["SubCaptionR"] : 50; $SubCaptionG = isset($Format["SubCaptionG"]) ? $Format["SubCaptionG"] : 50; $SubCaptionB = isset($Format["SubCaptionB"]) ? $Format["SubCaptionB"] : 50; $SubCaptionAlpha = isset($Format["SubCaptionAlpha"]) ? $Format["SubCaptionAlpha"] : 100; $ValueFontName = isset($Format["ValueFontName"]) ? $Format["ValueFontName"] : $this->pChartObject->FontName; $ValueFontSize = isset($Format["ValueFontSize"]) ? $Format["ValueFontSize"] : $this->pChartObject->FontSize; $CaptionFontName = isset($Format["CaptionFontName"]) ? $Format["CaptionFontName"] : $this->pChartObject->FontName; $CaptionFontSize = isset($Format["CaptionFontSize"]) ? $Format["CaptionFontSize"] : $this->pChartObject->FontSize; $Unit = isset($Format["Unit"]) ? $Format["Unit"] : ""; /* Convert the Values to display to an array if needed */ if ( !is_array($Values) ) { $Value = $Values; $Values = ""; $Values[] = $Value; } /* No section, let's die */ if ( $IndicatorSections == NULL ) { return(0); } /* Determine indicator visual configuration */ $OverallMin = $IndicatorSections[0]["End"]; $OverallMax = $IndicatorSections[0]["Start"]; foreach ($IndicatorSections as $Key => $Settings) { if ( $Settings["End"] > $OverallMax ) { $OverallMax = $Settings["End"]; } if ( $Settings["Start"] < $OverallMin ) { $OverallMin = $Settings["Start"]; } } $RealWidth = $Width - (count($IndicatorSections)-1)*$SectionsMargin; $XScale = $RealWidth / ($OverallMax-$OverallMin); $X1 = $X; $ValuesPos = ""; foreach ($IndicatorSections as $Key => $Settings) { $Color = array("R"=>$Settings["R"],"G"=>$Settings["G"],"B"=>$Settings["B"]); $Caption = $Settings["Caption"]; $SubCaption = $Settings["Start"]." - ".$Settings["End"]; $X2 = $X1 + ($Settings["End"] - $Settings["Start"]) * $XScale; if ( $Key == 0 && $DrawLeftHead ) { $Poly = ""; $Poly[] = $X1-1; $Poly[] = $Y; $Poly[] = $X1-1; $Poly[] = $Y+$Height; $Poly[] = $X1-1-$HeadSize; $Poly[] = $Y+($Height/2); $this->pChartObject->drawPolygon($Poly,$Color); $this->pChartObject->drawLine($X1-2,$Y,$X1-2-$HeadSize,$Y+($Height/2),$Color); $this->pChartObject->drawLine($X1-2,$Y+$Height,$X1-2-$HeadSize,$Y+($Height/2),$Color); } /* Determine the position of the breaks */ $Break = ""; foreach($Values as $iKey => $Value) { if ( $Value >= $Settings["Start"] && $Value <= $Settings["End"] ) { $XBreak = $X1 + ($Value - $Settings["Start"]) * $XScale; $ValuesPos[$Value] = $XBreak; $Break[] = floor($XBreak); } } if ( $ValueDisplay == INDICATOR_VALUE_LABEL ) { if ( $Break == "" ) $this->pChartObject->drawFilledRectangle($X1,$Y,$X2,$Y+$Height,$Color); else { sort($Break); $Poly = ""; $Poly[] = $X1; $Poly[] = $Y; $LastPointWritten = FALSE; foreach($Break as $iKey => $Value) { if ( $Value-5 >= $X1 ) { $Poly[] = $Value-5; $Poly[] = $Y; } elseif ($X1 - ($Value-5) > 0 ) { $Offset = $X1 - ($Value-5); $Poly = ""; $Poly[] = $X1; $Poly[] = $Y + $Offset; } $Poly[] = $Value; $Poly[] = $Y+5; if ( $Value+5 <= $X2 ) { $Poly[] = $Value+5; $Poly[] = $Y; } elseif (($Value+5) > $X2 ) { $Offset = ($Value+5) - $X2; $Poly[] = $X2; $Poly[] = $Y + $Offset; $LastPointWritten = TRUE; } } if ( !$LastPointWritten ) { $Poly[] = $X2; $Poly[] = $Y; } $Poly[] = $X2; $Poly[] = $Y+$Height; $Poly[] = $X1; $Poly[] = $Y+$Height; $this->pChartObject->drawPolygon($Poly,$Color); } } else $this->pChartObject->drawFilledRectangle($X1,$Y,$X2,$Y+$Height,$Color); if ( $Key == count($IndicatorSections)-1 && $DrawRightHead ) { $Poly = ""; $Poly[] = $X2+1; $Poly[] = $Y; $Poly[] = $X2+1; $Poly[] = $Y+$Height; $Poly[] = $X2+1+$HeadSize; $Poly[] = $Y+($Height/2); $this->pChartObject->drawPolygon($Poly,$Color); $this->pChartObject->drawLine($X2+1,$Y,$X2+1+$HeadSize,$Y+($Height/2),$Color); $this->pChartObject->drawLine($X2+1,$Y+$Height,$X2+1+$HeadSize,$Y+($Height/2),$Color); } if ( $CaptionPosition == INDICATOR_CAPTION_INSIDE ) { $TxtPos = $this->pChartObject->getTextBox($X1,$Y+$Height+$TextPadding,$CaptionFontName,$CaptionFontSize,0,$Caption); $YOffset = ($TxtPos[0]["Y"] - $TxtPos[2]["Y"]) + $TextPadding; if ( $CaptionLayout == INDICATOR_CAPTION_EXTENDED ) { $TxtPos = $this->pChartObject->getTextBox($X1,$Y+$Height+$TextPadding,$CaptionFontName,$CaptionFontSize,0,$SubCaption); $YOffset = $YOffset + ($TxtPos[0]["Y"] - $TxtPos[2]["Y"]) + $TextPadding*2; } $XOffset = $TextPadding; } else { $YOffset = 0; $XOffset = 0; } if ( $CaptionColorFactor == NULL ) { $CaptionColor = array("Align"=>TEXT_ALIGN_TOPLEFT,"FontName"=>$CaptionFontName,"FontSize"=>$CaptionFontSize,"R"=>$CaptionR,"G"=>$CaptionG,"B"=>$CaptionB,"Alpha"=>$CaptionAlpha); } else { $CaptionColor = array("Align"=>TEXT_ALIGN_TOPLEFT,"FontName"=>$CaptionFontName,"FontSize"=>$CaptionFontSize,"R"=>$Settings["R"]+$CaptionColorFactor,"G"=>$Settings["G"]+$CaptionColorFactor,"B"=>$Settings["B"]+$CaptionColorFactor); } if ( $SubCaptionColorFactor == NULL ) $SubCaptionColor = array("Align"=>TEXT_ALIGN_TOPLEFT,"FontName"=>$CaptionFontName,"FontSize"=>$CaptionFontSize,"R"=>$SubCaptionR,"G"=>$SubCaptionG,"B"=>$SubCaptionB,"Alpha"=>$SubCaptionAlpha); else $SubCaptionColor = array("Align"=>TEXT_ALIGN_TOPLEFT,"FontName"=>$CaptionFontName,"FontSize"=>$CaptionFontSize,"R"=>$Settings["R"]+$SubCaptionColorFactor,"G"=>$Settings["G"]+$SubCaptionColorFactor,"B"=>$Settings["B"]+$SubCaptionColorFactor); $RestoreShadow = $this->pChartObject->Shadow; $this->pChartObject->Shadow = FALSE; if ( $CaptionLayout == INDICATOR_CAPTION_DEFAULT ) $this->pChartObject->drawText($X1,$Y+$Height+$TextPadding,$Caption,$CaptionColor); elseif ( $CaptionLayout == INDICATOR_CAPTION_EXTENDED ) { $TxtPos = $this->pChartObject->getTextBox($X1,$Y+$Height+$TextPadding,$CaptionFontName,$CaptionFontSize,0,$Caption); $CaptionHeight = $TxtPos[0]["Y"] - $TxtPos[2]["Y"]; $this->pChartObject->drawText($X1+$XOffset,$Y+$Height-$YOffset+$TextPadding,$Caption,$CaptionColor); $this->pChartObject->drawText($X1+$XOffset,$Y+$Height-$YOffset+$CaptionHeight+$TextPadding*2,$SubCaption,$SubCaptionColor); } $this->pChartObject->Shadow = $RestoreShadow; $X1 = $X2 + $SectionsMargin; } $RestoreShadow = $this->pChartObject->Shadow; $this->pChartObject->Shadow = FALSE; foreach($Values as $Key => $Value) { if ( $Value >= $OverallMin && $Value <= $OverallMax ) { foreach ($IndicatorSections as $Key => $Settings) { if ( $Value >= $Settings["Start"] && $Value <= $Settings["End"] ) { $X1 = $ValuesPos[$Value]; //$X + $Key*$SectionsMargin + ($Value - $OverallMin) * $XScale; if ( $ValueDisplay == INDICATOR_VALUE_BUBBLE ) { $TxtPos = $this->pChartObject->getTextBox($X1,$Y,$ValueFontName,$ValueFontSize,0,$Value.$Unit); $Radius = floor(($TxtPos[1]["X"] - $TxtPos[0]["X"] + $TextPadding*4)/2); $this->pChartObject->drawFilledCircle($X1,$Y,$Radius+4,array("R"=>$Settings["R"]+20,"G"=>$Settings["G"]+20,"B"=>$Settings["B"]+20)); $this->pChartObject->drawFilledCircle($X1,$Y,$Radius,array("R"=>255,"G"=>255,"B"=>255)); $TextSettings = array("Align"=>TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLEMIDDLE,"FontName"=>$ValueFontName,"FontSize"=>$ValueFontSize); $this->pChartObject->drawText($X1-1,$Y-1,$Value.$Unit,$TextSettings); } elseif( $ValueDisplay == INDICATOR_VALUE_LABEL ) { $Caption = ""; $Caption[] = array("Format"=>array("R"=>$Settings["R"],"G"=>$Settings["G"],"B"=>$Settings["B"],"Alpha"=>100),"Caption"=>$Value.$Unit); $this->pChartObject->drawLabelBox(floor($X1),floor($Y)+2,"Value - ".$Settings["Caption"],$Caption); } } $X1 = $X2 + $SectionsMargin; } } } $this->pChartObject->Shadow = $RestoreShadow; } } ?>