{ "new_version": "1.2.0", "url": "http://sourceforge.net/projects/semmelstatz", "package": "http://sourceforge.net/projects/semmelstatz/files/latest/download", "info":{ "name": "semmelstatzR", "author": "SEM-Team", "author_profile": "", "requires": "2.8", "tested": "3.3.2", "compatibility":{ "2.8.2":{ "1.1.0":[0,0,0] }, "3.3.2":{ "1.2.0":[0,0,0] } }, "rating": 99, "num_ratings": 253, "downloaded": 466, "last_upated": "2012-05-21", "added": "2010-04-01", "homepage": "http://sourceforge.net/projects/semmelstatz", "tags": {"wordpress":"wordpress","statistic":"upgrade","update":"update","wp":"wp","repository":"repsitory","plugins":"plugins"}, "sections":{ "description": "

SemmelstatzR(eloaded), the next generation of the statistic-fetisch for Wordpress.

If you don't wanna use automatic installer or it won't work you should download update for plugin directly and install manually using this Link<\/a>", "installation": "See README", "screenshots":"", "changelog":"We have changed a lot of stuff :)", "faq":"No FAQ since now. If you have any question use our forums on sf.net." } } }