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37 KiB

Plugin Name: Semmelstatz
Plugin URI: http://www.kopfhoch-studio.de/blog/2765
Description: Besucherstatistik fuer den Wordpress-Admin
Version: 3.3
Author: Andreas 'Redunzl' Mueller
Author URI: http://www.kopfhoch-studio.de/blog/kontakt
Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Andreas 'Redunzl' Mueller (redunzl@gmx.de)
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License (version 2) as
published by the Free Software Foundation.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
### konstante f<>r version
define('SEMMELSTATZ_VERSION', '3.3');
### Deklaration der Tabellennamen
global $wpdb;
$wpdb->statz = $wpdb->prefix . 'statz';
$wpdb->statzhist = $wpdb->prefix . 'statzhist';
### Auslesen des Domainnamens
global $homehost;
if(substr($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'],0,4) == 'www.') {
$homehost = '%' . substr($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'],4) . '%';
else {
$homehost = '%' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . '%';
### Erstellen des Top-Level-Menus im Adminbereich
add_action('admin_menu', 'semmelstatz_menu');
function semmelstatz_menu() {
if (function_exists('add_menu_page')) {
add_menu_page('Semmelstatz','Semmelstatz', 'manage_statz', 'semmelstatz/semmelstatz-statz.php', '', plugins_url('semmelstatz/img/statz_small.png'));
if (function_exists('add_submenu_page')) {
add_submenu_page('semmelstatz/semmelstatz-statz.php', 'Aktuell', 'Aktuell', 'manage_statz', 'semmelstatz/semmelstatz-statz.php');
add_submenu_page('semmelstatz/semmelstatz-statz.php', 'Historie', 'Historie', 'manage_statz', 'semmelstatz/semmelstatz-history.php');
add_submenu_page('semmelstatz/semmelstatz-statz.php', 'Log', 'Log', 'manage_statz', 'semmelstatz/semmelstatz-log.php');
add_submenu_page('semmelstatz/semmelstatz-statz.php', 'Datenbank', 'Datenbank', 'manage_statz', 'semmelstatz/semmelstatz-database.php');
add_submenu_page('semmelstatz/semmelstatz-statz.php', 'Templates', 'Templates', 'manage_statz', 'semmelstatz/semmelstatz-templates.php');
add_submenu_page('semmelstatz/semmelstatz-statz.php', 'Einstellungen', 'Einstellungen', 'manage_statz', 'semmelstatz/semmelstatz-options.php');
### Default-Werte der statz-Optionen in das Array 'semmelstatz_options' schreiben
add_action('init', 'sem_init_options');
function sem_init_options() {
global $wpdb;
if(get_option('statz_options')) {
$wpdb->query("DELETE FROM $wpdb->options WHERE option_name LIKE 'statz%';"); // L<>schen der alten Optionen
if(!get_option('semmelstatz_options')) {
$sem_options = array(
"statz_comment_limit" => 10,
"statz_datarecs_limit" => 100,
"statz_days_limit" => 7,
"statz_do_cron" => false,
"statz_encode_ip" => false,
"statz_keyword_limit" =>10,
"statz_referer_limit" => 10,
"statz_mask_referer" => false,
"statz_on_dashboard" => false,
"statz_online_time" => 180,
"statz_recdays_limit" => 20,
"statz_show_commenters" => true,
"statz_show_dailystatz" => true,
"statz_show_keywords" => true,
"statz_show_reads" => true,
"statz_show_referers" => true,
"statz_show_todayreads" => true,
"statz_show_todayusers" => true,
"statz_show_topcommposts" => true,
"statz_show_useronline" => true,
"statz_topreads_limit" => 10,
"statz_write_admins" => false,
"statz_write_users" => false
add_option( 'semmelstatz_options', $sem_options );
### Anlegen der Tabellen, Optionen schreiben
add_action('activate_semmelstatz/semmelstatz.php', 'sem_statzsetup');
function sem_statzsetup() {
global $wpdb;
if(@is_file(ABSPATH.'/wp-admin/upgrade-functions.php')) {
} elseif(@is_file(ABSPATH.'/wp-admin/includes/upgrade.php')) {
} else {
die('Kann <i>wp-admin/upgrade-functions.php</i> und <i>wp-admin/includes/upgrade.php</i> nicht finden!');
$create_table = array();
$create_table['statz'] = "CREATE TABLE $wpdb->statz (
id int(11) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
ip varchar(39) default NULL,
time datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
referer varchar(255) default NULL,
page int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
username varchar(255) default NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`id`))";
$create_table['statzhist'] = "CREATE TABLE $wpdb->statzhist (
id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
date datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
visitors int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
hits int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
referers int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
PRIMARY KEY (`id`))";
maybe_create_table($wpdb->statz, $create_table['statz']);
maybe_create_table($wpdb->statzhist, $create_table['statzhist']);
$sql = $wpdb->query("SELECT host FROM $wpdb->statz");
if($sql) { $wpdb->query("ALTER TABLE $wpdb->statz DROP host"); }
$sql = $wpdb->query("SELECT keyword FROM $wpdb->statz");
if($sql) { $wpdb->query("ALTER TABLE $wpdb->statz DROP keyword"); }
maybe_add_column($wpdb->posts, 'hits', "ALTER TABLE $wpdb->posts ADD hits bigint(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0';"); // ab 3.2
$wpdb->query("ALTER TABLE $wpdb->statz CHANGE ip ip VARCHAR(39) NULL DEFAULT NULL;");
$role = get_role('administrator');
if(!$role->has_cap('manage_statz')) {
### Zugriff analysieren und in statz-Tabelle schreiben
add_action('wp_head', 'sem_writeStatz');
function sem_writeStatz() {
global $wpdb, $wp_query, $isBot, $isAdmin, $page;
$sem_options = get_option('semmelstatz_options'); ### optionsarray auslesen
$useragent = $wpdb->escape($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']);
$isBot = sem_AreYouBot($useragent);
$username = sem_getUsername();
if(($isBot == true)
|| ($isAdmin == 0 && $sem_options['statz_write_users'] == false)
|| ($isAdmin == 1 && $sem_options['statz_write_admins'] == false)
|| is_404()
) return;
$userip = $wpdb->escape($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
if($sem_options['statz_encode_ip'] == true) $userip = sem_encodeIP($userip);
$referer = $wpdb->escape(urldecode($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']));
$blogtime = gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s', current_time('timestamp'));
if (!empty($referer)) {
if(get_option('blog_charset') == 'iso-8859-1') $referer = utf8_decode($referer);
$referer = "'".$referer."'";
else {
$referer = 'NULL';
$readingnow = wp_title('', false);
if(empty($readingnow)) {
$page = 0;
else {
$page = $wp_query->post->ID;
$wpdb->query("INSERT INTO $wpdb->statz (ip, time, referer, page, username)
VALUES('$userip', '$blogtime', $referer, $page, '$username')");
if($wpdb->query("SELECT COUNT(hits) FROM $wpdb->posts")) {
$wpdb->query("UPDATE $wpdb->posts SET hits = hits + 1 WHERE ID = $page"); // neu ab 3.2
### Zeitgesteuertes Limitieren der statz-Tabelle
// Wenn semmelKron JA UND statz_next_cron <20>lter JETZT, dann...
$sem_options = get_option('semmelstatz_options'); ### optionsarray auslesen
if($sem_options['statz_do_cron'] == true && $sem_options['statz_next_cron'] < time()) {
add_action('shutdown', 'sem_doCronStatzLimit'); // ...limitiere statz-Tabelle auf vorgegebenen Wert
### CSS f<>r den SEMMELSTATZ-Admin-Bereich
add_action('admin_head', 'semmelstatz_css');
function semmelstatz_css() {
print "<link rel='stylesheet' href='".get_option('siteurl')."/wp-content/plugins/semmelstatz/semmelstatz.css' type='text/css' media='screen' />\n";
### Rendert eine Mini-STATZ. Idee: Ren<65> Tauchnitz
function sem_dashboardStatz() {
print "<p>".sem_showNumUsersOnline() . " Besucher online - Heute: ".sem_showTodayStatz()."&nbsp;
<a title='mehr...' href='".get_option('siteurl')."/wp-admin/admin.php?page=semmelstatz/semmelstatz-statz.php'>&raquo;&raquo;</a></p>";
### Widget f<>r die Mini-STATZ
add_action('wp_dashboard_setup', 'sem_dashboardStatz_setup');
function sem_dashboardStatz_setup() {
$sem_options = get_option('semmelstatz_options'); ### optionsarray auslesen
if(!current_user_can('manage_statz')) return;
if($sem_options['statz_on_dashboard'] != TRUE) return;
wp_add_dashboard_widget( 'sem_dashboardStatz', 'Semmelstatz', 'sem_dashboardStatz' );
### Mini-Statz f<>r Dashboard-Widget & AKTUELL-Anzeige
function sem_showTodayStatz() {
global $wpdb;
$thedays = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT COUNT(ip) AS hits, COUNT(DISTINCT ip) AS visitors, COUNT(DISTINCT referer)
AS referers, substring(time,1,10) AS date FROM ".$wpdb->statz." WHERE time >= CURDATE() GROUP BY date");
if (empty($thedays)) {
return "<small>... noch keine Eintr&auml;ge</small>";
foreach($thedays as $key=>$theday) {
$date = mysql2date("l",$theday->date);
$hits = $theday->hits;
$visitors = $theday->visitors;
$referers = $theday->referers;
return $visitors." Besucher - ".$hits." Hits - ".$referers." Referer";
### Encodierung der IP-Adresse durch simple arithmetische Operation
function sem_encodeIP($ip) {
$ip_parts = split("[.]", $ip);
$new_ip = ($ip_parts[0]+700) . "." . ($ip_parts[1]*2) . "." . ($ip_parts[2]+600) . "." . ($ip_parts[3]*3);
return $new_ip;
### Decodierung der IP-Adresse durch simple arithmetische Operation
function sem_decodeIP($ip) {
$ip_parts = split("[.]", $ip);
$new_ip = ($ip_parts[0]-700) . "." . ($ip_parts[1] / 2) . "." . ($ip_parts[2]-600) . "." . ($ip_parts[3]/3);
return $new_ip;
### Ist IP-Adresse codiert?
function sem_checkIfIPisEncoded($ip) {
$ip_parts = split("[.]", $ip);
if($ip_parts[0]>700) {
return true;
else {
return false;
### Auslesen der h<>chsten Post-ID
function sem_getMaxPostID() {
global $wpdb;
$maxpostid = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT MAX(ID) FROM ".$wpdb->posts." LIMIT 0,1");
return $maxpostid; //Ganzzahl
### Auslesen des User- bzw. Kommentarautornamen
function sem_getUsername() {
global $user_ID, $user_login, $isAdmin;
if($user_ID > 0) {
$useronline = $user_login;
if(current_user_can('manage_options')) {
$isAdmin = 1;
else {
$isAdmin = 0;
elseif(isset($_COOKIE["comment_author_".COOKIEHASH])) {
$useronline = trim($_COOKIE["comment_author_".COOKIEHASH]);
$isAdmin = -1;
else {
$useronline = "Gast";
$isAdmin = -1;
return $useronline;
### Pr<50>fen, ob Besucher ein Bot ist
function sem_AreYouBot($user_agent) {
global $isBot;
$bots = array(
'ask jeeves/teoma',
'getrax crawler',
'httrack ?',
'microsoft url control',
'pilgrim html-crawler',
'speedy spider',
'sphere scout',
'tutorial crawler',
'web downloader',
'webfilter robot',
'west wind internet protocols',
'wwweasel robot',
'xaldon webspider',
'yahoo! slurp',
foreach($bots as $bot) {
if(stristr($user_agent, $bot) !== false) {
return true;
return false;
### Referer nach Suchmaschinen-Queries und interner Suche pr<70>fen und Suchstring extrahieren
function sem_getKeyword($referer) {
$keyword = @parse_url($referer);
if (preg_match("/google\./i", $keyword["host"])) {
if (preg_match("/imgurl/i", $keyword["query"])) {
$keyword = substr($q["prev"],10);
else if (preg_match("/translate\./i", $keyword["host"])) {
$keyword = $q["q"];
else {
$keyword = $q["q"];
if($keyword == "") return; return "Google: ".$keyword;
elseif (preg_match("/search\.live\./i", $keyword["host"])) {
$keyword = $q["q"];
if($keyword == "") return; return "LiveSearch: ".$keyword;
elseif (preg_match("/bing\./i", $keyword["host"])) {
$keyword = $q["q"];
if($keyword == "") return; return "Bing: ".$keyword;
elseif (preg_match("/yahoo\./i", $keyword["host"])) {
if (preg_match("/images/i", $keyword["query"])) {
$keyword = $q["p"];
else {
$keyword = $q["p"];
if($keyword == "") return; return "Yahoo: ".$keyword;
elseif (preg_match("/aol\./i", $keyword["host"])) {
$keyword = $q["q"];
if($keyword == "") return; return "AOL: ".$keyword;
elseif (preg_match("/aolsvc\./i", $keyword["host"])) {
$keyword = $q["q"];
if($keyword == "") return; return "AOL: ".$keyword;
elseif (preg_match("/search\.msn\./i", $keyword["host"])) {
$keyword = $q["q"];
if($keyword == "") return; return "MSN: ".$keyword;
elseif (preg_match("/gmx\./i", $keyword["host"])) {
$keyword = $q["su"];
if($keyword == "") return; return "GMX: ".$keyword;
elseif (preg_match("/\.bild\.t\-/i", $keyword["host"])) {
$keyword = $q["query"];
if($keyword == "") return; return "BILD: ".$keyword;
elseif (preg_match("/t\-online\./i", $keyword["host"])) {
$keyword = $q["q"];
if($keyword == "") return; return "T-Online: ".$keyword;
elseif (preg_match("/suche\.web\./i", $keyword["host"])) {
$keyword = $q["su"];
if($keyword == "") return; return "WEB.de: ".$keyword;
elseif (preg_match("/suche\.lycos\./i", $keyword["host"])) {
$keyword = $q["query"];
if($keyword == "") return; return "Lycos: ".$keyword;
elseif (preg_match("/altavista\./i", $keyword["host"])) {
$keyword = $q["q"];
if($keyword == "") return; return "Altavista: ".$keyword;
elseif (preg_match("/alltheweb\./i", $keyword["host"])) {
$keyword = $q["q"];
if($keyword == "") return; return "alltheweb: ".$keyword;
elseif (preg_match("/technorati\.com\/search\//", $referer)) {
$q = preg_split("/technorati\.com\/search\//", $referer,-1,PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
$keyword = $q[1];
if($keyword == "") return; return "Technorati: ".$keyword;
elseif (preg_match("/".$homehost."/i", $keyword["host"])) {
$keyword = $q["s"];
if($keyword == "") return; return "Interne Suche: ".$keyword;
else {
### Anzahl der Datens<6E>tze in der statz-Tabelle
function sem_showNumStatzEntries() {
global $wpdb;
$numstatzentries = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT COUNT(id) FROM ".$wpdb->statz);
return $numstatzentries; // Zahl
### Aufgezeichnete Tage in der statz-Tabelle
function sem_countDaysInStatzTable() {
global $wpdb;
$firstdate = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT MIN(time) FROM ".$wpdb->statz." LIMIT 0,1");
if(!$firstdate) {
return 1;
else {
$firstdate = strtotime($firstdate); $now = time();
$days = (int) (($now - $firstdate) / (60*60*24)+1);
return $days; // KOMPLETTE! Tage
### Wenn Tage in statz-Tabelle kleiner als Tage in Daily-Statz, dann nimm Tage in Daily-Statz
function sem_compareLimitDays2DailyStatz () {
global $wpdb;
$sem_options = get_option('semmelstatz_options'); ### optionsarray auslesen
if (sem_countDaysInStatzTable() << $sem_options["statz_days_limit"]) {
$sem_options["statz_days_limit"] = sem_countDaysInStatzTable();
update_option("semmelstatz_options", $sem_options);
### Zeigt Copyright-Notiz an
function sem_showCopyright() {
print "<p class='copyright'>semmelstatz ". SEMMELSTATZ_VERSION . " ist (c) kopfhoch-studio 2005-2009<br />
<a target='_blank' style='border:none;' href='http://www.kopfhoch-studio.de/blog/2765'>
<img src='".get_option('siteurl')."/wp-content/plugins/semmelstatz/img/statz.png' /></a></p>";
### statz-Tabelle leeren (NICHT L<>SCHEN!!!)
function sem_truncateStatzTable() {
global $wpdb, $userip;
$wpdb->query('TRUNCATE TABLE '.$wpdb->statz);
$wpdb->query("INSERT INTO `$wpdb->statz`(ip, time, referer, page, username) VALUES('', NOW(),NULL,0,'statz-Tabelle geleert')");
### Obsolet, bleibt aber aus Kompatibilit<69>tsgr<67>nden zu SEMMELSTATZ_DELETE
function sem_delOldRecords($days) {
return true;
### simpleEncoding f<>r die GoogleChartAPI
function sem_encodeChartData($values) {
$maxValue = max($values);
$simpleEncoding = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789';
$chartData = "s:";
for ($i = 0; $i < count($values); $i++) {
$currentValue = $values[$i];
if ($currentValue > -1) {
else {
return $chartData;
### Datens<6E>tze <20>lter als statz_recdays_limit-Tage l<>schen
function sem_delOutOfLimit() {
global $wpdb;
$sem_options = get_option('semmelstatz_options'); ### optionsarray auslesen
$today = time(); $days = $sem_options["statz_recdays_limit"];
$enddatum = $today - ($days * 86400);
$enddatum = date("Y-m-d", $enddatum) . " 23:59:59";
$wpdb->query("DELETE FROM ".$wpdb->statz." WHERE time <= '".$enddatum."'");
### Wenn AUTOMATISCHES LIMIT aktiviert, dann LIMITIERE und erh<72>he NEXT_CRON
function sem_doCronStatzLimit() {
$sem_options = get_option('semmelstatz_options'); ### optionsarray auslesen
$statz_next_cron = $sem_options["statz_next_cron"] + 86400;
$sem_options["statz_next_cron"] = $statz_next_cron;
update_option("semmelstatz_options", $sem_options);
### Konvertiert Strings von utf-8 in ISO-8859
function sem_encodeToIso($string) {
return mb_convert_encoding($string, "ISO-8859-1", mb_detect_encoding($string, "UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, ISO-8859-15", true));
### statz-Tabelle optimieren
function sem_optStatzTable() {
global $wpdb;
$wpdb->query("OPTIMIZE TABLE ".$wpdb->statz);
### Unter bestimmten Voraussetzungen den Vortag in die statzhist-Tabelle schreiben
function sem_writeYesterdayToHist() {
global $wpdb;
if(!$wpdb->get_var("SELECT date FROM ".$wpdb->statzhist." WHERE substring(date,1,10) = DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 1 DAY)")) {
if($wpdb->get_var("SELECT COUNT(ip) FROM ".$wpdb->statz." WHERE substring(time,1,10) = DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 1 DAY)")) {
$yesterdays = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT COUNT(ip) AS hits, COUNT(DISTINCT ip) AS visitors, COUNT(DISTINCT referer)
AS referers, substring(time,1,10) AS date FROM ".$wpdb->statz." WHERE substring(time,1,10) = DATE_SUB(CURDATE(),
foreach ($yesterdays as $yesterday) {
$date = $yesterday->date;
$visitors = $yesterday->visitors;
$hits = $yesterday->hits;
$referers = $yesterday->referers;
$sql = $wpdb->query("INSERT INTO ".$wpdb->statzhist." (date, referers, visitors, hits)
VALUES('$date', $referers, $visitors, $hits)");
else {
$date = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 1 DAY)");
$sql = $wpdb->query("INSERT INTO ".$wpdb->statzhist." (date, referers, visitors, hits) VALUES('$date', 0, 0, 0)");
### Summen der vergangenen Tage in die statzhist schreiben */
function sem_writeOldDaysToHist() {
global $wpdb;
if(!$wpdb->get_var("SELECT date FROM ".$wpdb->statzhist." WHERE substring(date,1,10) <= DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 1 DAY)")) {
$theolddays = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT COUNT(ip) AS hits, COUNT(DISTINCT ip) AS visitors,
COUNT(DISTINCT referer) AS referers, substring(time,1,10) AS date FROM ".$wpdb->statz." WHERE
substring(time,1,10) <= DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 1 DAY) GROUP BY date ORDER BY time ASC");
foreach ($theolddays as $theoldday) {
$date = $theoldday->date;
$visitors = $theoldday->visitors; if(!$visitors) $visitors = 0;
$hits = $theoldday->hits; if(!$hits) $hits = 0;
$referers = $theoldday->referers; if(!$referers) $referers = 0;
$sql = $wpdb->query("INSERT INTO ".$wpdb->statzhist." (date, referers, visitors, hits)
VALUES('$date', $referers, $visitors, $hits)");
############################################## Ende SEMMELSTATZ-interne Funktionen
############################################## Beginn TEMPLATE-Funktionen
### Zeigt die letzten $num_posts-Posts an: Titel und absolutes Datum - CSS-id: #lastposts
function sem_showLastPosts($num_posts = 10) {
global $wpdb;
$lastposts = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT ID, post_title FROM ".$wpdb->posts." WHERE post_status = 'publish'
AND post_type = 'post' ORDER BY post_date DESC LIMIT 0, ".$num_posts);
print "<div id='lastposts'>";
if (empty($lastposts)) {
print "... noch keine Beitr&auml;ge";
else {
print "<b>Die letzten ".$num_posts." Beitr&auml;ge</b><br />";
foreach ($lastposts as $lastpost) {
$posttitle = $lastpost->post_title;
$permalink = get_permalink($lastpost->ID);
$postdate = $lastpost->post_date;
print "<a href='".$permalink."'>".$posttitle."</a><br />\n";
print "</div>";
### Zeigt die letzten $num_comments-Kommentare an: Autor und Post mit relativem Datum - CSS-id: #lastcomments
function sem_showLastComments($num_comments = 10) {
global $wpdb;
$comments = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT comment_author, comment_ID, comment_post_ID, comment_date
FROM ".$wpdb->comments." WHERE comment_approved = '1' ORDER BY comment_date DESC LIMIT 0, $num_comments");
print "<div id='lastcomments'>";
if (empty($comments)) {
print "Keine Kommentare";
else {
print "<b>Die letzten ".$num_comments." Kommentare</b><br />";
foreach ($comments as $comment) {
$commentday = strtotime(substr($comment->comment_date,1,10));
$today = time();
$difference = ceil(($today - $commentday) / (60*60*24))-1;
if($difference == 0) {
$commentdate = "Heute&nbsp;um&nbsp;" . mysql2date("G:i", $comment->comment_date);
elseif($difference == 1) {
$commentdate = "Gestern&nbsp;um&nbsp;" . mysql2date("G:i", $comment->comment_date);
elseif($difference == 2) {
$commentdate = "Vorgestern&nbsp;um&nbsp;" . mysql2date("G:i", $comment->comment_date);
else {
$commentdate = mysql2date("j. F G:i", $comment->comment_date);
print "<a href='" . get_permalink($comment->comment_post_ID) . "#comment-$comment->comment_ID'>$comment->comment_author@". get_the_title($comment->comment_post_ID) .", $commentdate</a><br />\n";
print "</div>";
### Zeigt die $num_reads meist gelesenen Posts an - CSS-id: #mostreads
function sem_showMostReads($num_reads = 10) {
global $wpdb;
$mostreads = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT post_title AS posttitle, guid AS postid, hits AS hits FROM ".$wpdb->posts." WHERE hits != '0' GROUP BY postid ORDER BY hits DESC LIMIT 0, $num_reads");
print "<div id='mostreads'>";
if (empty($mostreads)) {
print "... noch keine Eintr&auml;ge";
else {
print "<b>Die ".$num_reads." meist gelesenen Beitr&auml;ge</b><br />";
foreach ($mostreads as $mostread) {
$posttitle = $mostread->posttitle;
$postid = $mostread->postid;
//$permalink = get_permalink($mostread->postid);
$hits = $mostread->hits;
print "<a target='_blank' href='".$postid."'>".$posttitle." (".$hits.")</a><br />\n";
print "</div>";
### Zeigt die $num_reads meist gelesenen Posts an - CSS-id: #mostreads - ACHTUNG: Das Ergebnis der Funktion basiert auf der statz-Tabelle
function sem_showMostReadsOld($num_reads = 10) {
global $wpdb;
$mostreads = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT post_title AS posttitle, ".$wpdb->posts.".guid AS postid,
COUNT(".$wpdb->statz.".page) AS count FROM ".$wpdb->posts.", ".$wpdb->statz." WHERE
".$wpdb->statz.".page = ".$wpdb->posts.".ID GROUP BY postid ORDER BY count DESC LIMIT 0, $num_reads");
print "<div id='mostreads'>";
if (empty($mostreads)) {
print "... noch keine Eintr&auml;ge";
else {
print "<b>Die ".$num_reads." meist gelesenen Beitr&auml;ge</b><br />";
foreach ($mostreads as $mostread) {
$posttitle = $mostread->posttitle;
$postid = $mostread->postid;
//$permalink = get_permalink($mostread->postid);
$count = $mostread->count;
print "<a target='_blank' href='".$postid."'>".$posttitle." (".$count.")</a><br />\n";
print "</div>";
### Zeigt die $num_commented meist kommentierten Posts an - CSS-id: #mostcommented
function sem_showMostCommented($num_commented = 10) {
global $wpdb;
$mostcommented = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT guid, id, post_title, COUNT(*) AS count FROM ".$wpdb->comments.",". $wpdb->posts." WHERE
comment_approved = '1' AND comment_post_id = id GROUP BY id, post_title ORDER BY count DESC LIMIT 0, $num_commented");
print "<div id='mostcommented'>";
if (empty($mostcommented)) {
print "... noch keine Eintr&auml;ge";
else {
print "<b>Die ".$num_commented." meist kommentierten Beitr&auml;ge</b><br />";
foreach ($mostcommented as $key => $mostcommented) {
$posttitle = $mostcommented->post_title;
$count = $mostcommented->count;
$postid = $mostcommented->guid;
print "<a target='_blank' href='".$postid."'>".$posttitle." (".$count.")</a><br />\n";
print "</div>";
### Zeigt einen Z<>hler der Hits im jeweiligen Post. ACHTUNG: FUNKTIONIERT NUR IM LOOP (index.php, single.php)
function sem_showPostHitsInLoop($postid) {
global $wpdb;
$hits = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT hits FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE ID = $postid LIMIT 0,1");
return $hits;
### Anzahl aller Posts/Pages
function sem_showTotalPosts() {
global $wpdb;
$totalposts = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT COUNT(ID) AS num FROM ".$wpdb->posts." WHERE post_status = 'publish' LIMIT 0,1");
return $totalposts; // Ganzzahl
### Anzahl aller Kommentare
function sem_showTotalComments() {
global $wpdb;
$totalcomments = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT COUNT(comment_ID) AS num FROM ".$wpdb->comments." WHERE comment_approved = '1' LIMIT 0,1");
return $totalcomments; // Ganzzahl
### Anzahl aller User seit Beginn der Statzaufzeichnung
function sem_showTotalUsers() {
global $wpdb;
$totalusers = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT SUM(visitors) FROM ".$wpdb->statzhist." LIMIT 0,1");
if(!$totalusers) $totalusers = 0;
return $totalusers; // Ganzzahl
### Anzahl User pro Tag im Durchschnitt
function sem_showAverageUserPerDay() {
$averageuser = ceil(sem_showTotalUsers() / sem_showStatzDays());
return $averageuser;
### Datum des 1. Posts = Blogstart
function sem_showFirstPostDate() {
global $wpdb;
$firstpostdate = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT MIN(post_date) FROM ".$wpdb->posts." WHERE post_status = 'publish' AND post_date != '0000-00-00 00:00:00' LIMIT 0,1");
$firstpostdate = mysql2date("j.n.Y", $firstpostdate);
return $firstpostdate; // String T.M.JJJJ
### Datum des 1. Kommentars
function sem_showFirstCommentDate() {
global $wpdb;
$firstcommentdate = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT MIN(comment_date) FROM ".$wpdb->comments." WHERE comment_approved = '1'
AND comment_date != '0000-00-00 00:00:00' LIMIT 0,1");
$firstcommentdate = mysql2date("j.n.Y", $firstcommentdate);
return $firstcommentdate; // String T.M.JJJJ
### Anzahl der Kommentierer nach Nicknamen
function sem_showNumCommenters() {
global $wpdb;
$totalcommenters = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT comment_author) FROM ".$wpdb->comments." WHERE comment_approved = '1' LIMIT 0,1");
if(!$totalcommenters) $totalcommenters = 0;
return $totalcommenters; // Ganzzahl
### Blog besteht seit x Tagen
function sem_showPostDays() {
global $wpdb;
$firstdate = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT MIN(post_date) AS date FROM ".$wpdb->posts." WHERE post_status = 'publish' AND post_date != '0000-00-00 00:00' LIMIT 0,1");
$firstdate = strtotime($firstdate); $now = time();
$blogdays = (int) (($now - $firstdate) / (60*60*24));
$blogdays = $blogdays + 1;
return $blogdays; // Ganzzahl
### Tage seit 1. Kommentar
function sem_showCommentDays() {
global $wpdb;
$firstdate = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT MIN(comment_date) AS date FROM ".$wpdb->comments." LIMIT 0,1");
$firstdate = strtotime($firstdate); $now = time();
$commentdays = (int) (($now - $firstdate) / (60*60*24));
$commentdays = $commentdays + 1;
return $commentdays; // Ganzzahl
### durchschn. Posts pro Tag
function sem_showPostsPerDay() {
global $wpdb;
$postsperday = (int) sem_showTotalPosts() / (int) sem_showPostDays();
return $postsperday; // Ganzzahl
### durchschn. Kommentare pro Tag
function sem_showCommentsPerDay() {
global $wpdb;
$commentsperday = (int) sem_showTotalComments() / (int) sem_showCommentDays();
return $commentsperday; // Ganzzahl
### Startdatum der Gesamtstatistik (Basis: statzhist)
function sem_showStatzStartDate() {
global $wpdb;
$statzhiststartdate = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT MIN(date) FROM ".$wpdb->statzhist." WHERE date != '0000-00-00 00:00' LIMIT 0,1");
$statzhiststartdate = mysql2date("j.n.Y", $statzhiststartdate);
// if(!$statzhiststartdate) $statzhiststartdate= "xx.xx.xxxx";
return $statzhiststartdate; // String T.M.JJJJ
### Dauer der Statistikaufzeichnung in Tagen (Basis: statzhist)
function sem_showStatzDays() {
global $wpdb;
$firstdate = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT MIN(date) FROM ".$wpdb->statzhist." LIMIT 0,1");
if(!$firstdate) {
return 1;
else {
$firstdate = strtotime($firstdate); $now = time();
$statzdays = (int) (($now - $firstdate) / (60*60*24));
return $statzdays; // Ganzzahl
### Anzahl der Online-Besucher - Verweildauer in den Einstellungen
function sem_showNumUsersOnline() {
global $wpdb;
$sem_options = get_option('semmelstatz_options'); ### optionsarray auslesen
$onlinetime = $sem_options["statz_online_time"];
$numonline = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT ip) FROM ".$wpdb->statz." WHERE time > Now() - INTERVAL ".$onlinetime." SECOND");
return $numonline; // Ganzzahl
### Anzahl der heutigen Besucher
function sem_showUsersToday() {
global $wpdb; $today = date("Y-m-d");
$todayusers = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT ip) FROM ".$wpdb->statz." WHERE time >= '$today' LIMIT 0, 1");
return $todayusers;
### Anzahl der gestrigen Besucher
function sem_showUsersYesterday() {
global $wpdb;
$yesterdaysusers = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT visitors FROM ".$wpdb->statzhist." WHERE date = substr(DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 1 DAY),1,10) LIMIT 0, 1");
return $yesterdaysusers;
##################################################### Ende TEMPLATE-Funktionen