This commit converts all mysql_* function to the appropriate counterparts in mysqli. I used this tool for most of it: This makes it possible to continue using MysqlDumper with PHP 7.0
294 Zeilen
Kein EOL
17 KiB
294 Zeilen
Kein EOL
17 KiB
if (!defined('MSD_VERSION')) die('No direct access.');
$import=( isset($_GET['import']) ) ? 1 : 0;
if ($import == 1)
if (isset($_POST['f_import_csvtrenn'])) $sql['import']['trenn']=( $config['magic_quotes_gpc'] ) ? stripslashes($_POST['f_import_csvtrenn']) : $_POST['f_import_csvtrenn'];
if (isset($_POST['f_import_csvenc'])) $sql['import']['enc']=( $config['magic_quotes_gpc'] ) ? stripslashes($_POST['f_import_csvenc']) : $_POST['f_import_csvenc'];
if (isset($_POST['f_import_csvesc'])) $sql['import']['esc']=( $config['magic_quotes_gpc'] ) ? stripslashes($_POST['f_import_csvesc']) : $_POST['f_import_csvesc'];
if (empty($sql['import']['endline']))
if (isset($_POST['f_import_csvnull'])) $sql['import']['null']=( $config['magic_quotes_gpc'] ) ? stripslashes($_POST['f_import_csvnull']) : $_POST['f_import_csvnull'];
$sql['import']['namefirstline']=( isset($_POST['f_import_namefirstline']) ) ? $_POST['f_import_namefirstline'] : 0;
$sql['import']['emptydb']=( isset($_POST['import_emptydb']) ) ? 1 : 0;
$sql['import']['createindex']=( isset($_POST['import_createindex']) ) ? 1 : 0;
$sql['import']['table']=( isset($_POST['import_table']) ) ? $_POST['import_table'] : "";
$sql['import']['import_source']=isset($_POST['import_source']) ? $_POST['import_source'] : 0;
$sql['import']['text']=isset($_POST['import_text']) ? ( ( $config['magic_quotes_gpc'] ) ? stripslashes($_POST['import_text']) : $_POST['import_text'] ) : "";
if (isset($_POST['do_import']))
if ($sql['import']['table'] == "new")
if ($sql['import']['table'] == "")
$aus.='<span class="error">' . $lang['L_IMPORT_NOTABLE'] . '</span>';
if ($_POST['import_source'] == 0)
//Import aus textbox
if (!isset($_FILES['upfile']['name']) || empty($_FILES['upfile']['name']))
$aus.='<span class="error">' . $lang['L_FM_UPLOADFILEREQUEST'] . '</span>';
$sql['import']['csv']=( substr($_FILES['upfile']['name'],-3) == ".gz" ) ? gzfile($fn) : file($fn);
$aus.='<span>' . $lang['L_SQL_UPLOADEDFILE'] . '<strong>' . $_FILES['upfile']['name'] . '</strong> ' . byte_output(filesize($_FILES['upfile']['tmp_name'])) . '</span>';
if (is_array($sql['import']['csv'])) $aus.=DoImport();
else $aus.='<br><span class="error">' . $lang['L_CSV_NODATA'] . '</span>';
$impaus.='<form action="sql.php?db=' . $db . '&dbid=' . $dbid . '&context=4&import=1" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">' . $nl;
$impaus.='<a href="sql.php?db=' . $db . '&dbid=' . $dbid . '&context=4">' . $lang['L_EXPORT'] . '</a>';
$impaus.='<h6>' . sprintf($lang['L_SQL_IMPORT'],$databases['Name'][$dbid]) . '</h6>';
$impaus.='<table class="bordersmall"><tr class="thead"><th>' . $nl;
$impaus.=$lang['L_IMPORTOPTIONS'] . '</th><th>' . $lang['L_CSVOPTIONS'] . '</th></tr>' . $nl;
$impaus.='<tr><td valign="top">' . $nl;
$impaus.='<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">' . $nl;
$impaus.='<tr><td>' . $lang['L_IMPORTTABLE'] . '</td><td><select name="import_table">' . TableComboBox($sql['import']['table']) . '<option value="new" ' . ( ( $sql['import']['table'] == "import_" ) ? 'selected' : '' ) . '>== ' . $lang['L_NEWTABLE'] . ' ==</option></select></td></tr>' . $nl;
$impaus.='<tr><td>' . $lang['L_IMPORTSOURCE'] . '</td>' . $nl;
$impaus.='<td><input type="radio" class="radio" name="import_source" value="0" ' . ( ( $sql['import']['import_source'] == 0 ) ? 'checked' : '' ) . ' onclick="check_csvdivs(1); return true">' . $lang['L_FROMTEXTBOX'] . '<br>' . $nl;
$impaus.='<input type="radio" class="radio" id="radio_csv0" name="import_source" value="1" ' . ( ( $sql['import']['import_source'] == 1 ) ? 'checked' : '' ) . ' onclick="check_csvdivs(1); return true">' . $lang['L_FROMFILE'] . '</td></tr>' . $nl;
$impaus.='<tr><td colspan="2"><input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" name="import_emptydb" value="1" ' . ( ( $sql['import']['emptydb'] == 1 ) ? 'checked' : '' ) . '>' . $lang['L_EMPTYTABLEBEFORE'] . '</td></tr>' . $nl;
$impaus.='<tr><td colspan="2"><input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" name="import_createindex" value="1" ' . ( ( $sql['import']['createindex'] == 1 ) ? 'checked' : '' ) . '>' . $lang['L_CREATEAUTOINDEX'] . '</td></tr>' . $nl;
$impaus.='</table>' . $nl;
$impaus.='</td><td valign="top">' . $nl;
$impaus.='<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">' . $nl;
$impaus.='<tr><td colspan="2"><input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" name="f_import_namefirstline0" value="1" ' . ( ( $sql['import']['namefirstline'] == 1 ) ? "checked" : "" ) . '>' . $lang['L_CSV_NAMEFIRSTLINE'] . '</td></tr>' . $nl;
$impaus.='<tr><td>' . $lang['L_CSV_FIELDSEPERATE'] . '</td><td><input type="text" class="text" name="f_import_csvtrenn" size="4" maxlength="12" value="' . $sql['import']['trenn'] . '"></td></tr>' . $nl;
$impaus.='<tr><td>' . $lang['L_CSV_FIELDSENCLOSED'] . '</td><td><input type="text" class="text" name="f_import_csvenc" size="4" maxlength="12" value="' . htmlspecialchars($sql['import']['enc']) . '"></td></tr>' . $nl;
$impaus.='<tr><td>' . $lang['L_CSV_FIELDSESCAPE'] . '</td><td><input type="text" class="text" name="f_import_csvesc" size="4" maxlength="12" value="' . $sql['import']['esc'] . '"></td></tr>' . $nl;
$impaus.='<tr><td>' . $lang['L_CSV_EOL'] . '</td><td><input type="text" class="text" name="f_import_csvztrenn" size="4" maxlength="12" value="' . $sql['import']['ztrenn'] . '"></td></tr>' . $nl;
$impaus.='<tr><td>' . $lang['L_CSV_NULL'] . '</td><td><input type="text" class="text" name="f_import_csvnull" size="4" maxlength="12" value="' . $sql['import']['null'] . '"></td></tr>' . $nl;
$impaus.='</table>' . $nl;
$impaus.='<tr><td colspan="2"><div id="csv0">' . $lang['L_CSV_FILEOPEN'] . ':
<input type="file" name="upfile" accept="application/gzip">';
$impaus.='<input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" VALUE="2500000"></div></td></tr>';
$impaus.='<tr><td colspan="2" align="right"><input class="Formbutton" type="submit" name="do_import" value=" ' . $lang['L_IMPORTIEREN'] . ' "></td></tr>';
$impaus.='</table>' . $nl;
$impaus.='<p> </p>' . $lang['L_IMPORT'] . ':<br><textarea name="import_text" wrap="OFF" style="width:760px;height:400px;font-size=11px;">';
$impaus.='</textarea></form>' . $nl;
$impaus.='<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">check_csvdivs(1);</script>' . $nl;
echo $impaus . $nl;
if (isset($_POST['f_export_submit']))
//echo '<pre>'.print_r($_POST,true).'</pre><hr>';
$sql['export']['ztrenn']=( $config['magic_quotes_gpc'] ) ? stripslashes($_POST['f_export_csvztrenn']) : $_POST['f_export_csvztrenn'];
if ($sql['export']['format'] == 0)
$sql['export']['trenn']=( $config['magic_quotes_gpc'] ) ? stripslashes($_POST['f_export_csvtrenn']) : $_POST['f_export_csvtrenn'];
$sql['export']['enc']=( $config['magic_quotes_gpc'] ) ? stripslashes($_POST['f_export_csvenc']) : $_POST['f_export_csvenc'];
$sql['export']['esc']=( $config['magic_quotes_gpc'] ) ? stripslashes($_POST['f_export_csvesc']) : $_POST['f_export_csvesc'];
if (empty($sql['export']['endline']))
elseif ($sql['export']['format'] == 1)
elseif ($sql['export']['format'] == 3)
//EXCEL 2003
elseif ($sql['export']['format'] == 4)
elseif ($sql['export']['format'] == 5)
if ($format < 3) $sql['export']['null']=( $config['magic_quotes_gpc'] ) ? stripslashes($_POST['f_export_csvnull' . $format]) : $_POST['f_export_csvnull' . $format];
$sql['export']['namefirstline']=( isset($_POST['f_export_namefirstline' . $format]) ) ? $_POST['f_export_namefirstline' . $format] : 0;
$sql['export']['compressed']=( isset($_POST['f_export_compressed']) ) ? $_POST['f_export_compressed'] : 0;
$sql['export']['xmlstructure']=( isset($_POST['f_export_xmlstructure']) ) ? $_POST['f_export_xmlstructure'] : 0;
$sql['export']['htmlstructure']=( isset($_POST['f_export_htmlstructure']) ) ? $_POST['f_export_htmlstructure'] : 0;
//ausgewählte Tabellen
if (isset($_POST['f_export_tables']))
if ($res)
for ($i=0; $i < $sql['export']['tablecount']; $i++)
$tblstr.='<option value="' . $row['Name'] . '" ' . ( ( isset($sql['export']['tables']) && in_array($row['Name'],$sql['export']['tables']) ) ? "selected" : "" ) . '>' . $row['Name'] . ' (' . $row['Rows'] . ')</option>' . "\n";
$exaus=$aus . '<h4>' . sprintf($lang['L_SQL_EXPORT'],$databases['Name'][$dbid]) . '</h4>';
$exaus.='<form action="sql.php?db=' . $db . '&dbid=' . $dbid . '&context=4" method="post">' . $nl;
$exaus.='<a href="sql.php?db=' . $db . '&dbid=' . $dbid . '&context=4&import=1">' . $lang['L_IMPORT'] . '</a>';
$exaus.='<h6>' . sprintf($lang['L_SQL_EXPORT'],$databases['Name'][$dbid]) . '</h6>';
$exaus.='<table class="bdr"><tr class="thead"><th>' . $lang['L_TABLES'] . '</th>' . $nl;
$exaus.='<th>' . $lang['L_EXPORTOPTIONS'] . '</th>';
$exaus.='<th>' . $lang['L_EXPORT'] . '</th></tr><tr>';
$exaus.='<td><span class="ssmall"><strong>' . $sql['export']['tablecount'] . '</strong> ' . $lang['L_TABLES'] . ', <strong>' . $sql['export']['recordcount'] . '</strong> ' . $lang['L_RECORDS'] . '</span>';
$exaus.=' <a class="ssmall" href="#" onclick="SelectTableList(true);">' . $lang['L_ALL'] . '</a> <a class="ssmall" href="#" onclick="SelectTableList(false);">' . $lang['L_NONE'] . '</a>' . $nl;
$exaus.='<br><select name="f_export_tables[]" size="12" multiple>' . $tblstr . '</select><br>' . $nl;
$exaus.='</td><td>' . $nl;
$exaus.='' . $nl;
$exaus.='<input type="radio" class="radio" name="f_export_format" id="radio_csv0" value="0" ' . ( ( $sql['export']['format'] == 0 ) ? "checked" : "" ) . ' onclick="check_csvdivs(0); return true">' . "CSV" . ' ' . $nl;
$exaus.='<input type="radio" class="radio" name="f_export_format" id="radio_csv1" value="1" ' . ( ( $sql['export']['format'] == 1 ) ? "checked" : "" ) . ' onclick="check_csvdivs(0); return true">' . "Excel" . ' ' . $nl;
$exaus.='<input type="radio" class="radio" name="f_export_format" id="radio_csv2" value="3" ' . ( ( $sql['export']['format'] == 3 ) ? "checked" : "" ) . ' onclick="check_csvdivs(0); return true">' . $lang['L_EXCEL2003'] . '<br>' . $nl;
$exaus.='<input type="radio" class="radio" name="f_export_format" id="radio_csv4" value="4" ' . ( ( $sql['export']['format'] == 4 ) ? "checked" : "" ) . ' onclick="check_csvdivs(0); return true">' . "XML" . ' ' . $nl;
$exaus.='<input type="radio" class="radio" name="f_export_format" id="radio_csv5" value="5" ' . ( ( $sql['export']['format'] == 5 ) ? "checked" : "" ) . ' onclick="check_csvdivs(0); return true">' . "HTML" . '<br><br>' . $nl;
$exaus.='<div id="csv0"><fieldset><legend>CSV-Optionen</legend><table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td colspan="2">' . $nl;
$exaus.='<input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" name="f_export_namefirstline0" value="1" ' . ( ( $sql['export']['namefirstline'] == 1 ) ? "checked" : "" ) . '>' . $lang['L_CSV_NAMEFIRSTLINE'] . '</td></tr>' . $nl;
$exaus.='<tr><td>' . $lang['L_CSV_FIELDSEPERATE'] . '</td><td><input type="text" class="text" name="f_export_csvtrenn" size="4" maxlength="12" value="' . $sql['export']['trenn'] . '"></td></tr>' . $nl;
$exaus.='<tr><td>' . $lang['L_CSV_FIELDSENCLOSED'] . '</td><td><input type="text" class="text" name="f_export_csvenc" size="4" maxlength="12" value="' . htmlspecialchars($sql['export']['enc']) . '"></td></tr>' . $nl;
$exaus.='<tr><td>' . $lang['L_CSV_FIELDSESCAPE'] . '</td><td><input type="text" class="text" name="f_export_csvesc" size="4" maxlength="12" value="' . $sql['export']['esc'] . '"></td></tr>' . $nl;
$exaus.='<tr><td>' . $lang['L_CSV_EOL'] . '</td><td><input type="text" class="text" name="f_export_csvztrenn" size="4" maxlength="12" value="' . $sql['export']['ztrenn'] . '"></td></tr>' . $nl;
$exaus.='<tr><td>' . $lang['L_CSV_NULL'] . '</td><td><input type="text" class="text" name="f_export_csvnull0" size="4" maxlength="12" value="' . $sql['export']['null'] . '"></td></tr>' . $nl;
$exaus.='</table></fieldset></div>' . $nl;
$exaus.='<div id="csv1"><fieldset><legend>Excel-Optionen</legend><table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td colspan="2">';
$exaus.='<input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" name="f_export_namefirstline1" value="1"' . ( ( $sql['export']['namefirstline'] == 1 ) ? "checked" : "" ) . '>' . $lang['L_CSV_NAMEFIRSTLINE'] . '</td></tr>' . $nl;
$exaus.='<tr><td>' . $lang['L_CSV_NULL'] . '</td><td><input type="text" class="text" name="f_export_csvnull1" size="4" maxlength="12" value="' . $sql['export']['null'] . '"></td></tr>' . $nl;
$exaus.='</table></fieldset></div>' . $nl;
$exaus.='<div id="csv4"><fieldset><legend>XML-Optionen</legend><table>';
$exaus.='<tr><td><input type="checkbox" name="f_export_xmlstructure" value="1" class="checkbox" ' . ( ( $sql['export']['xmlstructure'] == 1 ) ? 'checked' : '' ) . '> mit Struktur</td></tr>';
$exaus.='</table></fieldset></div>' . $nl;
$exaus.='<div id="csv5"><fieldset><legend>HTML-Optionen</legend><table>';
$exaus.='<tr><td><input type="checkbox" name="f_export_htmlstructure" value="1" class="checkbox" ' . ( ( $sql['export']['htmlstructure'] == 1 ) ? 'checked' : '' ) . '> mit Struktur</td></tr>';
$exaus.='</table></fieldset></div>' . $nl;
$exaus.='</td><td>' . $nl;
$exaus.='<input type="radio" class="radio" name="f_export_sendresult" value="0" ' . ( ( $sql['export']['sendfile'] == 0 ) ? "checked" : "" ) . ' onclick="check_csvdivs(0); return true">' . $lang['L_SHOWRESULT'] . '<br>' . $nl;
$exaus.='<input type="radio" class="radio" name="f_export_sendresult" id="radio_csv3" value="1" ' . ( ( $sql['export']['sendfile'] == 1 ) ? "checked" : "" ) . ' onclick="check_csvdivs(0); return true">' . $lang['L_SENDRESULTASFILE'] . '<br>' . $nl;
$exaus.='<div id="csv3"><input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" name="f_export_compressed" value="1" ' . ( ( $sql['export']['compressed'] == 1 ) ? "checked" : "" ) . '>' . $lang['L_COMPRESSED'] . '</div><br>' . $nl;
$exaus.='<img src="' . $icon['blank'] . '" width="60" height="130" border="0"><br><input class="Formbutton" type="submit" name="f_export_submit" value="' . $lang['L_EXPORT'] . '" onclick="if(SelectedTableCount()==0) {alert(msg1);return false;}">' . $nl;
$exaus.='</td></tr></table></form>' . $nl;
$exaus.='<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">check_csvdivs(0);</script>' . $nl;
if (!$download) echo $exaus . $nl;
if (isset($_POST['f_export_submit']) && isset($sql['export']['tables']))
if (!$download) echo '<br><br><table width="90%"><tr><td>' . $lang['L_EXPORT'] . ':</td><td align="right"><a href="javascript:BrowseInput(\'imexta\');">zeige in neuem Fenster</a></td></tr></table><textarea id="imexta" wrap="OFF" style="width:760px;height:400px;font-size=11px;">' . $nl;
if ($format < 3) ExportCSV();
elseif ($format == 4) ExportXML();
elseif ($format == 5) ExportHTML();
if (!$download)
echo '</textarea><br>' . $nl;
echo '<span style="color:blue;">' . $lang['L_EXPORTFINISHED'] . '</span> ' . sprintf($lang['L_EXPORTLINES'],$sql['export']['lines']) . $nl;