the emulation of mysql_select_db with the USE statement did not quote the table name so table names which need quotation (which contain dashes for example) were not handled correctly the emualtion is not needed, see
802 Zeilen
28 KiB
802 Zeilen
28 KiB
if (!function_exists('get_page_parameter')) {
if (!function_exists('str_ireplace')) // borrowed from
function str_ireplace($find, $replace, $string)
if (!is_array($find)) {
$find = array(
if (!is_array($replace)) {
if (!is_array($find)) {
$replace = array(
} else {
// this will duplicate the string into an array the size of $find
$c = count($find);
$rString = $replace;
for ($i = 0; $i < $c; $i++) {
$replace[$i] = $rString;
foreach ($find as $fKey => $fItem) {
$between = explode(strtolower($fItem), strtolower($string));
$pos = 0;
foreach ($between as $bKey => $bItem) {
$between[$bKey] = substr($string, $pos, strlen($bItem));
$pos += strlen($bItem) + strlen($fItem);
$string = implode($replace[$fKey], $between);
return ($string);
if (!function_exists('stripos')) // borrowed from comments
function stripos($haystack, $needle)
return strpos($haystack, stristr($haystack, $needle));
function Help($ToolTip, $Anker, $imgsize = 12)
global $config;
return '<a href="language/'.$config['language'].'/help.php#'.$Anker.'" title="'.$ToolTip.'"><img src="'.$config['files']['iconpath'].'help16.gif" width="'.$imgsize.'" height="'.$imgsize.'" hspace="'.(round($imgsize/4,0)).'" vspace="0" border="0" alt="Help"></a>';
} else {
return '<img src="'.$config['files']['iconpath'].'help16.gif" width="'.$imgsize.'" height="'.$imgsize.'" alt="Help" title="'.$ToolTip.'" border="0" hspace="'.(round($imgsize/4,0)).'" vspace="0" >';
function DeleteFilesM($dir, $pattern = "*.*")
$deleted = array();
$pattern = str_replace(
if (substr($dir, -1) != "/") {
$dir .= "/";
if (is_dir($dir)) {
$d = opendir($dir);
while ($file = readdir($d)) {
if (is_file($dir . $file) && preg_match("/^" . $pattern . "$/", $file)) {
if (unlink($dir . $file)) {
$deleted[$file] = true;
} else {
$deleted[$file] = false;
return $deleted;
function SetDefault($load_default = false)
global $config, $databases, $nl, $out, $lang, $preConfig;
if ($load_default == true) {
if (file_exists($config['files']['parameter']) && (is_readable($config['files']['parameter']))) {
} // alte Config lesen
$restore_values = array();
$restore_values['cron_dbindex'] = isset($config['cron_dbindex']) ? $config['cron_dbindex'] : -3;
$restore_values['cron_dbpraefix_array'] = isset($config['cron_dbpraefix_array']) ? $config['cron_dbpraefix_array']
: '';
if ($restore_values['cron_dbindex'] >= 0
&& isset($databases['Name'][$config['cron_dbindex']])
) // eine bestimmte Db gewaehlt?
// Ja, Namen merken, um spaeter den Index wieder herzustellen
$restore_values['db_actual_cron'] = $databases['Name'][$config['cron_dbindex']];
$restore_values['db_actual'] = isset($databases['db_actual']) ? $databases['db_actual'] : '';
= isset($config['language']) && in_array($config['language'], $lang['languages']) ? $config['language'] : '';
if ($load_default == true) {
if (file_exists($config['files']['parameter'])) {
if (is_array($preConfig)) {
foreach ($preConfig as $key => $val) {
$config[$key] = $val;
if ($old_lang != '') {
$config['language'] = $old_lang;
include("./language/" . $config['language'] . "/lang.php");
$oldVals = array();
// Zuordnung nach Namen der Db zwischenspeichern, um Eingaben nicht zu verlieren
if (isset($databases) && isset($databases['Name'])) {
foreach ($databases['Name'] as $k => $v) {
if (!isset($oldVals[$k])) {
$oldVals[$v] = array();
$oldVals[$v]['praefix'] = $databases['praefix'][$k];
$oldVals[$v]['command_before_dump'] = $databases['command_before_dump'][$k];
$oldVals[$v]['command_after_dump'] = $databases['command_after_dump'][$k];
$oldDbArray = array();
if (isset($databases['Name'])) {
$oldDbArray = $databases['Name'];
$databases['Name'] = array();
$found_dbs = array();
//DB-Liste holen
$res = mysqli_query( $config['dbconnection'], 'SHOW DATABASES');
WHILE ($row = mysqli_fetch_row($res)) {
$found_dbs[] = $row[0];
$found_dbs = array_merge($oldDbArray, $found_dbs);
$found_dbs = array_unique($found_dbs);
// now check each db
$a = 0;
for ($i = 0; $i < count($found_dbs); $i++) {
$found_db = $found_dbs[$i];
$use = @mysqli_select_db($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], $found_db);
if ($use) {
if (isset($old_db) && $found_db == $old_db) {
$databases['db_selected_index'] = $a;
$databases['Name'][$a] = $found_db;
$databases['praefix'][$a] = "";
$databases['command_before_dump'][$a] = "";
$databases['command_after_dump'][$a] = "";
if (isset($oldVals[$found_db])) {
$databases['praefix'][$a] = $oldVals[$found_db]['praefix'];
$databases['command_before_dump'][$a] = $oldVals[$found_db]['command_before_dump'];
$databases['command_after_dump'][$a] = $oldVals[$found_db]['command_after_dump'];
$out .= $lang['L_SAVING_DB_FORM'] . " " . $found_db . " " . $lang['L_ADDED'] . "$nl";
if (!isset($databases['db_selected_index'])) {
$databases['db_selected_index'] = 0;
$databases['db_actual'] = $databases['Name'][0];
WriteParams(1, $restore_values);
if ($load_default === true) {
WriteLog("default settings loaded.");
return $out;
function WriteParams($as = 0, $restore_values = false)
// wenn $as=1 wird versucht den aktuellen Index der Datenbank nach dem Einlesen wieder zu ermitteln
// auch wenn sich die Indexnummer durch Loeschaktionen geaendert hat
global $config, $databases, $config_dontsave;
$nl = "\n";
// alte Werte retten
if ($as) {
if (is_array($restore_values)) {
if ($restore_values['cron_dbindex'] < 0) {
// Multidump oder "alle Datenbanken" war gewaehlt
$config['cron_dbindex'] = $restore_values['cron_dbindex'];
} else {
//den Index der konkreten Datenbank aus der alten Konfiguration ermitteln
$db_names = array();
$db_names = array_flip($databases['Name']);
if (isset($db_names[$restore_values['db_actual']])) {
// alte Db existiert noch -> Index uebernehmen
$databases['db_actual'] = $restore_values['db_actual'];
} else {
$databases['db_actual'] = $databases['Name'][0];
//Cron-Index wiederfinden
if (isset($db_names[$restore_values['cron_dbindex']])) {
$config['cron_dbindex'] = $db_names[$restore_values['cron_dbindex']];
} else {
// DB wurde zwischenzeitlich geloescht - sicherheitshalber alle DBs sichern
$databases['cron_dbindex'] = -3;
//Parameter zusammensetzen
= $config['multipartgroesse1'] * (($config['multipartgroesse2'] == 1) ? 1024 : 1024 * 1024);
$param = $pars_all = '<?php ' . $nl;
if (!isset($config['email_maxsize'])) {
$config['email_maxsize'] = $config['email_maxsize1'] * (($config['email_maxsize2'] == 1) ? 1024 : 1024 * 1024);
if (!isset($config['cron_execution_path'])) {
$config['cron_execution_path'] = "msd_cron/";
if ($as == 0) {
$config['paths']['root'] = addslashes(basePath());
$config['files']['parameter'] = $config['paths']['config'] . $config['config_file'] . '.php';
$config['files']['iconpath'] = './css/' . $config['theme'] . '/icons/';
foreach ($config as $var => $val) {
if (!in_array($var, $config_dontsave)) {
if (is_array($val)) {
$pars_all .= '$config[\'' . $var . '\']=array();' . $nl;
foreach ($val as $var2 => $val2) {
if ($config['magic_quotes_gpc'] == 1) {
$val2 = stripslashes($val2);
$pars_all .= '$config[\'' . $var . '\'][' . ((is_int($var2)) ? $var2 : "'" . $var2 . "'") . '] = \''
. my_addslashes($val2) . "';$nl";
} else {
if ($config['magic_quotes_gpc'] == 1) {
$val = stripslashes($val);
if (!in_array($var, $config_dontsave)) {
$pars_all .= '$config[\'' . $var . '\'] = \'' . my_addslashes($val) . "';$nl";
foreach ($databases as $var => $val) {
if (is_array($val)) {
$pars_all .= '$databases[\'' . $var . '\']=array();' . $nl;
foreach ($val as $var2 => $val2) {
if ($config['magic_quotes_gpc'] == 1 || $as == 1) {
.= '$databases[\'' . $var . '\'][' . ((is_int($var2)) ? $var2 : "'" . $var2 . "'") . '] = \''
. my_addslashes(stripslashes($val2)) . "';$nl";
} else {
.= '$databases[\'' . $var . '\'][' . ((is_int($var2)) ? $var2 : "'" . $var2 . "'") . '] = \''
. my_addslashes($val2) . "';$nl";
} else {
if ($config['magic_quotes_gpc'] == 0 || $as == 1) {
$pars_all .= '$databases[\'' . $var . '\'] = \'' . addslashes($val) . "';$nl";
} else {
$pars_all .= '$databases[\'' . $var . '\'] = \'' . $val . "';$nl";
$param .= '?>';
$pars_all .= '?>';
//Datei öffnen und schreiben
$ret = true;
$file = $config['paths']['config'] . $config['config_file'] . '.php';
if ($fp = fopen($file, "wb")) {
if (!fwrite($fp, $pars_all)) {
$ret = false;
if (!fclose($fp)) {
$ret = false;
@chmod($file, 0777);
} else {
$ret = false;
$ret = WriteCronScript($restore_values);
return $ret;
function escape_specialchars($text)
$suchen = ARRAY(
$ersetzen = ARRAY(
$text = str_replace($suchen, $ersetzen, $text);
return $text;
// definiert einen SAtring, der ein Array nach Perlsyntax aufbaut
function my_implode($arr, $mode = 0) // 0=String, 1=intval
global $nl;
if (!is_array($arr)) {
return false;
foreach ($arr as $key => $val) {
if ($mode == 0) {
$arr[$key] = escape_specialchars($val);
} else {
$arr[$key] = intval($val);
if ($mode == 0) {
$ret = '("' . implode('","', $arr) . '");' . $nl;
} else {
$ret = '(' . implode(',', $arr) . ');' . $nl;
return $ret;
function WriteCronScript($restore_values = false)
global $nl, $config, $databases, $cron_db_array, $cron_dbpraefix_array, $cron_db_cbd_array, $cron_db_cad_array, $dontBackupDatabases;
if (!isset($databases['db_selected_index'])) {
$databases['db_selected_index'] = 0;
if (!isset($databases['praefix'][$databases['db_selected_index']])) {
$databases['praefix'][$databases['db_selected_index']] = "";
if (!isset($databases['db_actual_cronindex'])) {
$databases['db_actual_cronindex'] = $databases['db_selected_index'];
if (!isset($config['email_maxsize'])) {
$config['email_maxsize'] = $config['email_maxsize1'] * (($config['email_maxsize2'] == 1) ? 1024 : 1024 * 1024);
$cron_dbname = $databases['db_actual'];
// -2 = Multidump configuration
// -3 = all databases - nothing to do
// get standard values for all databases
$cron_db_array = $databases['Name'];
$cron_dbpraefix_array = $databases['praefix'];
$cron_command_before_dump = $databases['command_before_dump'];
$cron_command_after_dump = $databases['command_after_dump'];
if (!isset($config['cron_dbindex'])) {
$config['cron_dbindex'] = -3;
if (intval($config['cron_dbindex']) == -2) {
// get selected dbs from multidump-settings
$cron_db_array = $databases['multi'];
$cron_dbpraefix_array = $databases['multi_praefix'];
$cron_command_before_dump = $databases['multi_commandbeforedump'];
$cron_command_after_dump = $databases['multi_commandafterdump'];
// we need to correct the index of the selected database after we cleaned
// the db-array from information_schema and mysql if it points to a db-name
if ($config['cron_dbindex'] >= 0) {
$cronDbIndexDbName = $databases['Name'][$config['cron_dbindex']];
} else {
$cronDbIndex = $config['cron_dbindex'];
$newDbNames = $databases['Name'];
//remove database we don't want to backup
// from newDbNames
foreach ($databases['Name'] as $k=>$v) {
if (in_array($v, $dontBackupDatabases)) {
// and from cron (cron_db_array has different length to newDbNames: at least mysql and information_schema are missing)
foreach ($cron_db_array as $k=>$v) {
if (in_array($v, $dontBackupDatabases)) {
// find new index
if ($config['cron_dbindex'] >= 0) {
$dbNames = array_flip($newDbNames);
if (isset($dbNames[$cronDbIndexDbName])) {
$cronDbIndex = $dbNames[$cronDbIndexDbName];
} else {
$cronDbIndex = 0;
$r = str_replace("\\\\", "/", $config['paths']['root']);
$r = str_replace("@", "\@", $r);
$p1 = $r . $config['paths']['backup'];
$p2 = $r . $config['files']['perllog'] . (($config['logcompression'] == 1) ? '.gz' : '');
$p3 = $r . $config['files']['perllogcomplete'] . (($config['logcompression'] == 1) ? '.gz' : '');
// auf manchen Server wird statt 0 ein leerer String gespeichert -> fuehrt zu einem Syntax-Fehler
// hier die entsprechenden Ja/Nein-Variablen sicherheitshalber in intvalues aendern
$int_array = array(
foreach ($int_array as $i) {
if (is_array($i)) {
foreach ($i as $key => $val) {
$int_array[$key] = intval($val);
} else {
$config[$i] = intval($config[$i]);
if ($config['dbport'] == 0) {
$config['dbport'] = 3306;
$cronscript = "<?php\n#Vars - written at " . date("Y-m-d") . $nl;
$cronscript .= '$dbhost="' . $config['dbhost'] . '";' . $nl;
$cronscript .= '$dbname="' . $cron_dbname . '";' . $nl;
$cronscript .= '$dbuser="' . escape_specialchars($config['dbuser']) . '";' . $nl;
$cronscript .= '$dbpass="' . escape_specialchars($config['dbpass']) . '";' . $nl;
$cronscript .= '$dbport=' . $config['dbport'] . ';' . $nl;
$cronscript .= '$dbsocket="' . escape_specialchars($config['dbsocket']) . '";' . $nl;
$cronscript .= '$compression=' . $config['cron_compression'] . ';' . $nl;
$cronscript .= '$backup_path="' . $p1 . '";' . $nl;
$cronscript .= '$logdatei="' . $p2 . '";' . $nl;
$cronscript .= '$completelogdatei="' . $p3 . '";' . $nl;
$cronscript .= '$sendmail_call="' . escape_specialchars($config['cron_sendmail']) . '";' . $nl;
$cronscript .= '$nl="\n";' . $nl;
$cronscript .= '$cron_dbindex=' . $cronDbIndex . ';' . $nl;
$cronscript .= '$cron_printout=' . $config['cron_printout'] . ';' . $nl;
$cronscript .= '$cronmail=' . $config['send_mail'] . ';' . $nl;
$cronscript .= '$cronmail_dump=' . $config['send_mail_dump'] . ';' . $nl;
$cronscript .= '$cronmailto="' . escape_specialchars($config['email_recipient']) . '";' . $nl;
$cronscript .= '$cronmailto_cc="' . escape_specialchars($config['email_recipient_cc']) . '";' . $nl;
$cronscript .= '$cronmailfrom="' . escape_specialchars($config['email_sender']) . '";' . $nl;
$cronscript .= '$cron_use_sendmail=' . $config['cron_use_sendmail'] . ';' . $nl;
$cronscript .= '$cron_smtp="' . escape_specialchars($config['cron_smtp']) . '";' . $nl;
$cronscript .= '$cron_smtp_port="' . $config['cron_smtp_port'] . '";' . $nl;
$cronscript .= '@cron_db_array=' . my_implode($cron_db_array);
$cronscript .= '@cron_dbpraefix_array=' . my_implode($cron_dbpraefix_array);
$cronscript .= '@cron_command_before_dump=' . my_implode($cron_command_before_dump);
$cronscript .= '@cron_command_after_dump=' . my_implode($cron_command_after_dump);
$cronscript .= '@ftp_server=' . my_implode($config['ftp_server']);
$cronscript .= '@ftp_port=' . my_implode($config['ftp_port'], 1);
$cronscript .= '@ftp_mode=' . my_implode($config['ftp_mode'], 1);
$cronscript .= '@ftp_user=' . my_implode($config['ftp_user']);
$cronscript .= '@ftp_pass=' . my_implode($config['ftp_pass']);
$cronscript .= '@ftp_dir=' . my_implode($config['ftp_dir']);
$cronscript .= '@ftp_timeout=' . my_implode($config['ftp_timeout'], 1);
$cronscript .= '@ftp_useSSL=' . my_implode($config['ftp_useSSL'], 1);
$cronscript .= '@ftp_transfer=' . my_implode($config['ftp_transfer'], 1);
$cronscript .= '$mp=' . $config['multi_part'] . ';' . $nl;
$cronscript .= '$multipart_groesse=' . $config['multipart_groesse'] . ';' . $nl;
$cronscript .= '$email_maxsize=' . $config['email_maxsize'] . ';' . $nl;
$cronscript .= '$auto_delete=' . $config['auto_delete'] . ';' . $nl;
$cronscript .= '$max_backup_files=' . $config['max_backup_files'] . ';' . $nl;
$cronscript .= '$perlspeed=' . $config['perlspeed'] . ';' . $nl;
$cronscript .= '$optimize_tables_beforedump=' . $config['optimize_tables_beforedump'] . ';' . $nl;
$cronscript .= '$logcompression=' . $config['logcompression'] . ';' . $nl;
$cronscript .= '$log_maxsize=' . $config['log_maxsize'] . ';' . $nl;
$cronscript .= '$complete_log=' . $config['cron_completelog'] . ';' . $nl;
$cronscript .= '$my_comment="' . escape_specialchars(stripslashes($config['cron_comment'])) . '";' . $nl;
$cronscript .= "?>";
// Save config
$ret = true;
$sfile = $config['paths']['config'] . $config['config_file'] . '.conf.php';
if (file_exists($sfile)) {
if ($fp = fopen($sfile, "wb")) {
if (!fwrite($fp, $cronscript)) {
$ret = false;
if (!fclose($fp)) {
$ret = false;
@chmod("$sfile", 0777);
} else {
$ret = false;
// if standard config was deleted -> restore it with the actual values
if (!file_exists($config['paths']['config'] . "mysqldumper.conf.php")) {
$sfile = $config['paths']['config'] . 'mysqldumper.conf.php';
if ($fp = fopen($sfile, "wb")) {
if (!fwrite($fp, $cronscript)) {
$ret = false;
if (!fclose($fp)) {
$ret = false;
@chmod("$sfile", 0777);
} else {
$ret = false;
return $ret;
function LogFileInfo($logcompression)
global $config;
$l = Array();
$sum = $s
$l['log_size'] = $l['perllog_size'] = $l['perllogcomplete_size'] = $l['errorlog_size'] = $l['log_totalsize'] = 0;
if ($logcompression == 1) {
$l['log'] = $config['files']['log'] . ".gz";
$l['perllog'] = $config['files']['perllog'] . ".gz";
$l['perllogcomplete'] = $config['files']['perllogcomplete'] . ".gz";
$l['errorlog'] = $config['paths']['log'] . "error.log.gz";
} else {
$l['log'] = $config['files']['log'];
$l['perllog'] = $config['files']['perllog'];
$l['perllogcomplete'] = $config['files']['perllogcomplete'];
$l['errorlog'] = $config['paths']['log'] . "error.log";
$l['log_size'] += @filesize($l['log']);
$sum += $l['log_size'];
$l['perllog_size'] += @filesize($l['perllog']);
$sum += $l['perllog_size'];
$l['perllogcomplete_size'] += @filesize($l['perllogcomplete']);
$sum += $l['perllogcomplete_size'];
$l['errorlog_size'] += @filesize($l['errorlog']);
$sum += $l['errorlog_size'];
$l['log_totalsize'] += $sum;
return $l;
function DeleteLog()
global $config;
//Datei öffnen und schreiben
$log = date('d.m.Y H:i:s') . " Log created.\n";
if (file_exists($config['files']['log'] . '.gz')) {
@unlink($config['files']['log'] . '.gz');
if (file_exists($config['files']['log'] . '.gz')) {
if ($config['logcompression'] == 1) {
$fp = @gzopen($config['files']['log'] . '.gz', "wb");
@gzwrite($fp, $log);
@chmod($config['files']['log'] . '.gz', 0777);
} else {
$fp = @fopen($config['files']['log'], "wb");
@fwrite($fp, $log);
@chmod($config['files']['log'], 0777);
function CreateDirsFTP()
global $config, $lang, $install_ftp_server, $install_ftp_port, $install_ftp_user_name, $install_ftp_user_pass, $install_ftp_path;
// Herstellen der Basis-Verbindung
echo '<hr>' . $lang['L_CONNECT_TO'] . ' `' . $install_ftp_server . '` Port ' . $install_ftp_port . ' ...<br>';
$conn_id = ftp_connect($install_ftp_server);
// Einloggen mit Benutzername und Kennwort
$login_result = ftp_login($conn_id, $install_ftp_user_name, $install_ftp_user_pass);
// Verbindung überprüfen
if ((!$conn_id) || (!$login_result)) {
echo $lang['L_FTP_NOTCONNECTED'];
echo $lang['L_CONNWITH'] . " $tinstall_ftp_server " . $lang['L_ASUSER'] . " $install_ftp_user_name "
. $lang['L_NOTPOSSIBLE'];
return 0;
} else {
if ($config['ftp_mode'] == 1) {
ftp_pasv($conn_id, true);
//Wechsel in betroffenes Verzeichnis
echo $lang['L_CHANGEDIR'] . ' `' . $install_ftp_path . '` ...<br>';
ftp_chdir($conn_id, $install_ftp_path);
// Erstellen der Verzeichnisse
echo $lang['L_DIRCR1'] . ' ...<br>';
ftp_mkdir($conn_id, "work");
ftp_site($conn_id, "CHMOD 0777 work");
echo $lang['L_CHANGEDIR'] . ' `work` ...<br>';
ftp_chdir($conn_id, "work");
echo $lang['L_INDIR'] . ' `' . ftp_pwd($conn_id) . '`<br>';
echo $lang['L_DIRCR5'] . ' ...<br>';
ftp_mkdir($conn_id, "config");
ftp_site($conn_id, "CHMOD 0777 config");
echo $lang['L_DIRCR2'] . ' ...<br>';
ftp_mkdir($conn_id, "backup");
ftp_site($conn_id, "CHMOD 0777 backup");
echo $lang['L_DIRCR4'] . ' ...<br>';
ftp_mkdir($conn_id, "log");
ftp_site($conn_id, "CHMOD 0777 log");
// Schließen des FTP-Streams
return 1;
function ftp_mkdirs($config, $dirname)
$path = '';
$dir = explode("/", $dirname);
for ($i = 0; $i < count($dir) - 1; $i++) {
$path .= $dir[$i] . "/";
@ftp_mkdir($config['dbconnection'], $path);
if (@ftp_mkdir($config['dbconnection'], $dirname)) {
return 1;
function IsWritable($dir)
$testfile = $dir . "/.writetest";
if ($writable = @fopen($testfile, 'w')) {
return $writable;
function SearchDatabases($printout, $db = '')
global $databases, $config, $lang;
if (!isset($config['dbconnection'])) {
$db_list = array();
if ($db > '') {
$db_list[] = $db; // DB wurde manuell angegeben
// Datenbanken automatisch erkennen
$show_dbs = mysqli_query( $config['dbconnection'], "SHOW DATABASES");
if (!$show_dbs === false) {
WHILE ($row = mysqli_fetch_row($show_dbs)) {
if (trim($row[0]) > '') {
$db_list[] = $row[0];
$db_list = array_unique($db_list);
if (sizeof($db_list) > 0) {
$databases['db_selected_index'] = 0;
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($db_list); $i++) {
// Test-Select um zu sehen, ob Berechtigungen existieren
if (!@mysqli_query( $config['dbconnection'], "SHOW TABLES FROM `" . $db_list[$i] . "`") === false) {
$databases['Name'][$i] = $db_list[$i];
$databases['praefix'][$i] = '';
$databases['command_before_dump'][$i] = '';
$databases['command_after_dump'][$i] = '';
if ($printout == 1) {
echo $lang['L_FOUND_DB'] . ' `' . $db_list[$i] . '`<br />';
} else {
if ($printout == 1) {
echo '<span class="error">' . sprintf($lang['L_DB_MANUAL_ERROR'], $db_list[$i]) . '</span><br />';
if (isset($databases['Name'][0])) {
$databases['db_actual'] = $databases['Name'][0];
// removes tags from inputs recursivly
function my_strip_tags($value)
global $dont_strip;
if (is_array($value)) {
foreach ($value as $key => $val) {
if (!in_array($key, $dont_strip)) {
$ret[$key] = my_strip_tags($val);
} else {
$ret[$key] = $val;
} else {
$ret = trim(strip_tags($value));
return $ret;
* Add a slashes only before '
* Used for escaping strings in JS-alerts and config-files
* @param $string
* @return string
function my_addslashes($string)
return str_replace("'", "\'", $string);
* Replaces quotes for outputting value in HTML-attributes
* Replaces quotes for outputing value in HTML-attributes without breaking HTML
* @param string $value value to output
* @return string
function my_quotes($value)
return str_replace('"', '"', $value);
// prepares a string for executing it as query
function db_escape($string)
global $config;
if (function_exists('mysqli_real_escape_string')) {
$string = mysqli_real_escape_string( $config['dbconnection'], $string);
} else {
$string = addslashes($string);
return $string;