This commit converts all mysql_* function to the appropriate counterparts in mysqli. I used this tool for most of it: This makes it possible to continue using MysqlDumper with PHP 7.0
402 Zeilen
16 KiB
402 Zeilen
16 KiB
function CheckCSVOptions()
global $sql;
if (!isset($sql['export']['trenn'])) $sql['export']['trenn']=";";
if (!isset($sql['export']['enc'])) $sql['export']['enc']="\"";
if (!isset($sql['export']['esc'])) $sql['export']['esc']="\\";
if (!isset($sql['export']['ztrenn'])) $sql['export']['ztrenn']="\\r\\n";
if (!isset($sql['export']['null'])) $sql['export']['null']="NULL";
if (!isset($sql['export']['namefirstline'])) $sql['export']['namefirstline']=0;
if (!isset($sql['export']['format'])) $sql['export']['format']=0;
if (!isset($sql['export']['sendfile'])) $sql['export']['sendfile']=0;
if (!isset($sql['export']['tables'])) $sql['export']['tables']=Array();
if (!isset($sql['export']['compressed'])) $sql['export']['compressed']=0;
if (!isset($sql['export']['htmlstructure'])) $sql['export']['htmlstructure']=0;
if (!isset($sql['export']['xmlstructure'])) $sql['export']['xmlstructure']=0;
if (!isset($sql['import']['trenn'])) $sql['import']['trenn']=";";
if (!isset($sql['import']['enc'])) $sql['import']['enc']="\"";
if (!isset($sql['import']['esc'])) $sql['import']['esc']="\\";
if (!isset($sql['import']['ztrenn'])) $sql['import']['ztrenn']="\\r\\n";
if (!isset($sql['import']['null'])) $sql['import']['null']="NULL";
if (!isset($sql['import']['namefirstline'])) $sql['import']['namefirstline']=0;
if (!isset($sql['import']['format'])) $sql['import']['format']=0;
function ExportCSV()
global $sql,$config;
if (!isset($config['dbconnection'])) MSD_mysql_connect();
for ($table=0; $table < count($sql['export']['tables']); $table++)
$sqlt="SHOW Fields FROM `" . $sql['export']['db'] . "`.`" . $sql['export']['tables'][$table] . "`;";
if ($res)
if ($sql['export']['namefirstline'] == 1)
for ($feld=0; $feld < $numfields; $feld++)
if ($sql['export']['enc'] != "") $t.=$sql['export']['enc'] . $row[0] . $sql['export']['enc'] . ( ( $feld + 1 < $numfields ) ? $sql['export']['trenn'] : '' );
else $t.=$row[0] . ( ( $feld + 1 < $numfields ) ? $sql['export']['trenn'] : '' );
$sqlt="SELECT * FROM `" . $sql['export']['db'] . "`.`" . $sql['export']['tables'][$table] . "`;";
if ($res)
for ($data=0; $data < $numrows; $data++)
for ($feld=0; $feld < $numfields; $feld++)
if (!isset($row[$feld]) || is_null($row[$feld]))
elseif ($row[$feld] == '0' || $row[$feld] != '')
if ($sql['export']['enc'] != "") $t.=$sql['export']['enc'] . str_replace($sql['export']['enc'],$sql['export']['esc'] . $sql['export']['enc'],$row[$feld]) . $sql['export']['enc'];
else $t.=$row[$feld];
$t.=( $feld + 1 < $numfields ) ? $sql['export']['trenn'] : '';
if (strlen($t) > $config['memory_limit'])
if ($time_start >= $time_now + 30)
header('X-MSDPing: Pong');
function CSVOutput($str, $last=0)
global $sql,$config;
if ($sql['export']['sendfile'] == 0)
echo $str;
if ($sql['export']['header_sent'] == "")
if ($sql['export']['compressed'] == 1 & !function_exists('gzencode')) $sql['export']['compressed']=0;
if ($sql['export']['format'] < 4)
$file=$sql['export']['db'] . ( ( $sql['export']['compressed'] == 1 ) ? ".csv.gz" : ".csv" );
elseif ($sql['export']['format'] == 4)
$file=$sql['export']['db'] . ( ( $sql['export']['compressed'] == 1 ) ? ".xml.gz" : ".xml" );
elseif ($sql['export']['format'] == 5)
$file=$sql['export']['db'] . ( ( $sql['export']['compressed'] == 1 ) ? ".html.gz" : ".html" );
$mime=( $sql['export']['compressed'] == 0 ) ? "x-type/subtype" : "application/x-gzip";
header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . $file . '"');
header('Pragma: no-cache');
header('Content-Type: ' . $mime);
header('Expires: ' . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s') . ' GMT');
if ($sql['export']['compressed'] == 1) echo gzencode($str);
else echo $str;
function DoImport()
global $sql,$lang;
$r='<span class="swarnung">';
$zeilen=count($sql['import']['csv']) - $sql['import']['namefirstline'];
if ($sql['import']['tablecreate'] == 0)
$res=MSD_query("show fields FROM " . $sql['import']['table']);
if ($importfelder != $tabellenfelder)
$r.='<br>' . sprintf($lang['L_CSV_FIELDCOUNT_NOMATCH'],$tabellenfelder,$importfelder);
if ($ok == 0)
$r.='<br>' . sprintf($lang['L_CSV_ERRORCREATETABLE'],$sql['import']['table']);
if ($ok == 1)
if ($sql['import']['emptydb'] == 1 && $sql['import']['tablecreate'] == 0)
MSD_DoSQL("TRUNCATE " . $sql['import']['table'] . ";");
$enc=( $sql['import']['enc'] == "" ) ? "'" : "";
for ($i=$sql['import']['namefirstline']; $i < $zeilen + $sql['import']['namefirstline']; $i++)
$insert="INSERT INTO " . $sql['import']['table'] . " VALUES(";
if ($sql['import']['createindex'] == 1) $insert.="'', ";
//echo "Zeile $i: $zc<br>";
if ($zc != "")
{ // && substr($zc,-1)==$enc) {
for ($j=0; $j < $importfelder; $j++)
$a=( $zeile[$j] == "" && $enc == "" ) ? "''" : $zeile[$j];
$insert.=$enc . $a . $enc . ( ( $j == $importfelder - 1 ) ? ");\n" : "," );
return $r;
function ImportCreateTable()
global $sql,$lang,$db,$config;
$tabellen=mysqli_query($config['dbconnection'], "SHOW TABLES FROM $db");
for ($i=0; $i < $num_tables; $i++)
$tbl[]=strtolower(((mysqli_data_seek($tabellen, $i) && (($___mysqli_tmp = mysqli_fetch_row($tabellen)) !== NULL)) ? array_shift($___mysqli_tmp) : false));
$sql['import']['table']=$sql['import']['table'] . $i;
while (in_array($sql['import']['table'],$tbl))
$sql['import']['table']=substr($sql['import']['table'],0,strlen($sql['import']['table']) - 1) . ++$i;
$create="CREATE TABLE `" . $sql['import']['table'] . "` (" . ( ( $sql['import']['createindex'] == 1 ) ? '`import_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, ' : '' );
if ($sql['import']['namefirstline'])
for ($i=0; $i < count($sql['import']['first_zeile']); $i++)
$create.='`' . $sql['import']['first_zeile'][$i] . '` VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL, ';
for ($i=0; $i < count($sql['import']['first_zeile']); $i++)
$create.='`FIELD_' . $i . '` VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL, ';
if ($sql['import']['createindex'] == 1) $create.='PRIMARY KEY (`import_id`) ';
else $create=substr($create,0,strlen($create) - 2);
$create.=') ' . ( ( MSD_NEW_VERSION ) ? 'ENGINE' : 'TYPE' ) . "=MyISAM COMMENT='imported at " . date("l dS of F Y H:i:s A") . "'";
$res=mysqli_query($config['dbconnection'], $create) || die(SQLError($create,((is_object($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"])) ? mysqli_error($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"]) : (($___mysqli_res = mysqli_connect_error()) ? $___mysqli_res : false))));
return 1;
function ExportXML()
global $sql,$config;
$t='<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>' . "\n" . '<database name="' . $sql['export']['db'] . '">' . "\n";
if (!isset($config['dbconnection'])) MSD_mysql_connect();
for ($table=0; $table < count($sql['export']['tables']); $table++)
$t.=str_repeat($tab,$level++) . '<table name="' . $sql['export']['tables'][$table] . '">' . "\n";
$sqlt="SHOW Fields FROM `" . $sql['export']['db'] . "`.`" . $sql['export']['tables'][$table] . "`;";
if ($res)
if ($sql['export']['xmlstructure'] == 1)
$t.=str_repeat($tab,$level++) . '<structure>' . "\n";
for ($feld=0; $feld < $numfields; $feld++)
$t.=str_repeat($tab,$level++) . '<field no="' . $feld . '">' . "\n";
$t.=str_repeat($tab,$level) . '<name>' . $row['Field'] . '</name>' . "\n";
$t.=str_repeat($tab,$level) . '<type>' . $row['Type'] . '</type>' . "\n";
$t.=str_repeat($tab,$level) . '<null>' . $row['Null'] . '</null>' . "\n";
$t.=str_repeat($tab,$level) . '<key>' . $row['Key'] . '</key>' . "\n";
$t.=str_repeat($tab,$level) . '<default>' . $row['Default'] . '</default>' . "\n";
$t.=str_repeat($tab,$level) . '<extra>' . $row['Extra'] . '</extra>' . "\n";
$t.=str_repeat($tab,--$level) . '</field>' . "\n";
$t.=str_repeat($tab,--$level) . '</structure>' . "\n";
$t.=str_repeat($tab,$level++) . '<data>' . "\n";
$sqlt="SELECT * FROM `" . $sql['export']['db'] . "`.`" . $sql['export']['tables'][$table] . "`;";
if ($res)
for ($data=0; $data < $numrows; $data++)
$t.=str_repeat($tab,$level) . "<row>\n";
for ($feld=0; $feld < $numfields; $feld++)
$t.=str_repeat($tab,$level) . '<field no="' . $feld . '">' . $row[$feld] . '</field>' . "\n";
$t.=str_repeat($tab,--$level) . "</row>\n";
if (strlen($t) > $config['memory_limit'])
if ($time_start >= $time_now + 30)
header('X-MSDPing: Pong');
$t.=str_repeat($tab,--$level) . '</data>' . "\n";
$t.=str_repeat($tab,--$level) . '</table>' . "\n";
$t.=str_repeat($tab,--$level) . '</database>' . "\n";
function ExportHTML()
global $sql,$config,$lang;
$header='<html><head><title>MSD Export</title></head>';
$content.='<h1>' . $lang['L_DB'] . ' ' . $sql['export']['db'] . '</h1>';
if (!isset($config['dbconnection'])) MSD_mysql_connect();
for ($table=0; $table < count($sql['export']['tables']); $table++)
$content.='<h2>Tabelle ' . $sql['export']['tables'][$table] . '</h2>' . "\n";
$fsql="show fields from `" . $sql['export']['tables'][$table] . "`";
$dsql="select * from `" . $sql['export']['tables'][$table] . "`";
if ($res)
$structure="<table class=\"Table\">\n";
for ($feld=0; $feld < $numfields; $feld++)
if ($feld == 0)
$structure.="<tr class=\"Header\">\n";
for ($i=0; $i < count($row); $i++)
$str=(((($___mysqli_tmp = mysqli_fetch_field_direct($res, 0)) && is_object($___mysqli_tmp)) ? ( (!is_null($___mysqli_tmp->primary_key = ($___mysqli_tmp->flags & MYSQLI_PRI_KEY_FLAG) ? 1 : 0)) && (!is_null($___mysqli_tmp->multiple_key = ($___mysqli_tmp->flags & MYSQLI_MULTIPLE_KEY_FLAG) ? 1 : 0)) && (!is_null($___mysqli_tmp->unique_key = ($___mysqli_tmp->flags & MYSQLI_UNIQUE_KEY_FLAG) ? 1 : 0)) && (!is_null($___mysqli_tmp->numeric = (int)(($___mysqli_tmp->type <= MYSQLI_TYPE_INT24) || ($___mysqli_tmp->type == MYSQLI_TYPE_YEAR) || ((defined("MYSQLI_TYPE_NEWDECIMAL")) ? ($___mysqli_tmp->type == MYSQLI_TYPE_NEWDECIMAL) : 0)))) && (!is_null($___mysqli_tmp->blob = (int)in_array($___mysqli_tmp->type, array(MYSQLI_TYPE_TINY_BLOB, MYSQLI_TYPE_BLOB, MYSQLI_TYPE_MEDIUM_BLOB, MYSQLI_TYPE_LONG_BLOB)))) && (!is_null($___mysqli_tmp->unsigned = ($___mysqli_tmp->flags & MYSQLI_UNSIGNED_FLAG) ? 1 : 0)) && (!is_null($___mysqli_tmp->zerofill = ($___mysqli_tmp->flags & MYSQLI_ZEROFILL_FLAG) ? 1 : 0)) && (!is_null($___mysqli_type = $___mysqli_tmp->type)) && (!is_null($___mysqli_tmp->type = (($___mysqli_type == MYSQLI_TYPE_STRING) || ($___mysqli_type == MYSQLI_TYPE_VAR_STRING)) ? "type" : "")) &&(!is_null($___mysqli_tmp->type = ("" == $___mysqli_tmp->type && in_array($___mysqli_type, array(MYSQLI_TYPE_TINY, MYSQLI_TYPE_SHORT, MYSQLI_TYPE_LONG, MYSQLI_TYPE_LONGLONG, MYSQLI_TYPE_INT24))) ? "int" : $___mysqli_tmp->type)) &&(!is_null($___mysqli_tmp->type = ("" == $___mysqli_tmp->type && in_array($___mysqli_type, array(MYSQLI_TYPE_FLOAT, MYSQLI_TYPE_DOUBLE, MYSQLI_TYPE_DECIMAL, ((defined("MYSQLI_TYPE_NEWDECIMAL")) ? constant("MYSQLI_TYPE_NEWDECIMAL") : -1)))) ? "real" : $___mysqli_tmp->type)) && (!is_null($___mysqli_tmp->type = ("" == $___mysqli_tmp->type && $___mysqli_type == MYSQLI_TYPE_TIMESTAMP) ? "timestamp" : $___mysqli_tmp->type)) && (!is_null($___mysqli_tmp->type = ("" == $___mysqli_tmp->type && $___mysqli_type == MYSQLI_TYPE_YEAR) ? "year" : $___mysqli_tmp->type)) && (!is_null($___mysqli_tmp->type = ("" == $___mysqli_tmp->type && (($___mysqli_type == MYSQLI_TYPE_DATE) || ($___mysqli_type == MYSQLI_TYPE_NEWDATE))) ? "date " : $___mysqli_tmp->type)) && (!is_null($___mysqli_tmp->type = ("" == $___mysqli_tmp->type && $___mysqli_type == MYSQLI_TYPE_TIME) ? "time" : $___mysqli_tmp->type)) && (!is_null($___mysqli_tmp->type = ("" == $___mysqli_tmp->type && $___mysqli_type == MYSQLI_TYPE_SET) ? "set" : $___mysqli_tmp->type)) &&(!is_null($___mysqli_tmp->type = ("" == $___mysqli_tmp->type && $___mysqli_type == MYSQLI_TYPE_ENUM) ? "enum" : $___mysqli_tmp->type)) && (!is_null($___mysqli_tmp->type = ("" == $___mysqli_tmp->type && $___mysqli_type == MYSQLI_TYPE_GEOMETRY) ? "geometry" : $___mysqli_tmp->type)) && (!is_null($___mysqli_tmp->type = ("" == $___mysqli_tmp->type && $___mysqli_type == MYSQLI_TYPE_DATETIME) ? "datetime" : $___mysqli_tmp->type)) && (!is_null($___mysqli_tmp->type = ("" == $___mysqli_tmp->type && (in_array($___mysqli_type, array(MYSQLI_TYPE_TINY_BLOB, MYSQLI_TYPE_BLOB, MYSQLI_TYPE_MEDIUM_BLOB, MYSQLI_TYPE_LONG_BLOB)))) ? "blob" : $___mysqli_tmp->type)) && (!is_null($___mysqli_tmp->type = ("" == $___mysqli_tmp->type && $___mysqli_type == MYSQLI_TYPE_NULL) ? "null" : $___mysqli_tmp->type)) && (!is_null($___mysqli_tmp->type = ("" == $___mysqli_tmp->type) ? "unknown" : $___mysqli_tmp->type)) && (!is_null($___mysqli_tmp->not_null = ($___mysqli_tmp->flags & MYSQLI_NOT_NULL_FLAG) ? 1 : 0)) ) : false ) ? $___mysqli_tmp : false);
$structure.="<th>" . $str->name . "</th>\n";
for ($i=0; $i < count($row); $i++)
$structure.="<td class=\"Object\">" . ( ( $row[$i] != "" ) ? $row[$i] : " " ) . "</td>\n";
if ($sql['export']['htmlstructure'] == 1) $content.="<h3>Struktur</h3>\n" . $structure;
if ($res)
$content.="<h3>Daten ($anz Datensätze)</h3>\n";
$content.="<table class=\"Table\">\n";
for ($feld=0; $feld < count($field); $feld++)
if ($feld == 0)
$content.="<tr class=\"Header\">\n";
for ($i=0; $i < count($field); $i++)
$content.="<th>" . $field[$i] . "</th>\n";
for ($d=0; $d < $anz; $d++)
for ($i=0; $i < count($row); $i++)
$content.='<td class="Object">' . ( ( $row[$i] != "" ) ? $row[$i] : " " ) . "</td>\n";
CSVOutput($header . $content . $footer);