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2011-06-10 21:28:27 +00:00

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* This file is part of MySQLDumper released under the GNU/GPL 2 license
* http://www.mysqldumper.net
* @package MySQLDumper
* @version SVN: $rev: 1207 $
* @author $Author$
* @lastmodified $Date$
// This file reloads the database list and stores them in the configuration file
// this is useful when you are running the perl script to automatically backup
// databases and add/delete databases from time to time.
// Then this script can be called before the call for crondump.pl
// to uopdate the database list.
// Diese Datei ist nuetzlich, wenn regelmässig automatische Backups per
// Perlskript gemacht werden sich aber hin und wieder die Datenbankliste
// aendert. Dann kann dieses Skript vor der Datei crondump.pl
// aufgerufen werden, um die Datenbankliste zu aktualisieren.
// Konfigurationsdateien, die aktualisiert werden sollen
// configurations to update
// mehrere Dateien so angeben | enter more than one configurationfile like this
// $configurationfiles=array('mysqldumper','db2', ...);
$configurationfiles = array(
define('APPLICATION_PATH', realpath(dirname(__FILE__)));
include (APPLICATION_PATH . '/inc/functions/functions.php');
include (APPLICATION_PATH . '/inc/runtime.php');
include (APPLICATION_PATH . '/inc/mysql.php');
include (APPLICATION_PATH .'/inc/functions/functions_global.php');
include (APPLICATION_PATH .'/inc/classes/db/MsdDbFactory.php');
include (APPLICATION_PATH .'/inc/classes/helper/Html.php');
include (APPLICATION_PATH . '/language/en/lang.php');
$config['language'] = 'en';
$config['theme'] = "msd";
$config['files']['iconpath'] = 'css/' . $config['theme'] . '/icons/';
foreach ($configurationfiles as $c) {
$config['config_file'] = $c;
include (APPLICATION_PATH . '/'.$config['paths']['config'] . $c . '.php');
$dbo = MsdDbFactory::getAdapter(