the emulation of mysql_select_db with the USE statement did not quote the table name so table names which need quotation (which contain dashes for example) were not handled correctly the emualtion is not needed, see
1213 Zeilen
36 KiB
1213 Zeilen
36 KiB
if (!defined('MSD_VERSION')) die('No direct access.');
//SQL-Library laden
include ( './inc/sqllib.php' );
if (!isset($config['sql_limit'])) $config['sql_limit']=30;
if (!isset($config['bb_width'])) $config['bb_width']=300;
if (!isset($config['bb_textcolor'])) $config['bb_textcolor']="#990033";
function ReadSQL()
global $SQL_ARRAY,$config;
$sf=$config['paths']['config'] . 'sql_statements';
if (!is_file($sf))
if (count($SQL_ARRAY) == 0 && filesize($sf) > 0)
function WriteSQL()
global $SQL_ARRAY,$config;
$sf=$config['paths']['config'] . 'sql_statements';
for ($i=0; $i < count($SQL_ARRAY); $i++)
if (substr($str,-1) != "\n" && $i != ( count($SQL_ARRAY) - 1 )) $str.="\n";
if ($config['magic_quotes_gpc']) $str=stripslashes($str);
function SQL_Name($index)
global $SQL_ARRAY;
return $s[0];
function SQL_String($index)
global $SQL_ARRAY;
if (isset($SQL_ARRAY[$index]) && !empty($SQL_ARRAY[$index]))
return ( isset($s[1]) ) ? $s[1] : '';
function SQL_ComboBox()
global $SQL_ARRAY,$tablename,$nl;
if (count($SQL_ARRAY) > 0)
$s=$nl . $nl . '<select class="SQLCombo" name="sqlcombo" onchange="this.form.sqltextarea.value=this.options[this.selectedIndex].value;">' . $nl;
$s.='<option value="" selected>---</option>' . $nl;
for ($i=0; $i < count($SQL_ARRAY); $i++)
$s.='<option value="' . htmlspecialchars(stripslashes(SQL_String($i))) . '">' . SQL_Name($i) . '</option>' . $nl;
$s.='</select>' . $nl . $nl;
return $s;
function Table_ComboBox()
global $db,$config,$lang,$nl;
$tabellen=mysqli_query($config['dbconnection'], 'SHOW TABLES FROM `' . $db . '`');
$num_tables = 0;
if (is_resource($tabellen)) {
$s=$nl . $nl . '<select class="SQLCombo" name="tablecombo" onchange="this.form.sqltextarea.value=this.options[this.selectedIndex].value;;">' . $nl . '<option value="" selected> --- </option>' . $nl;
for ($i=0; $i < $num_tables; $i++)
$s.='<option value="SELECT * FROM `' . $db . '`.`' . $t[0] . '`">' . $lang['L_TABLE'] . ' `' . $t[0] . '`</option>' . $nl;
$s.='</select>' . $nl . $nl;
return $s;
function TableComboBox($default='')
global $db,$config,$lang,$nl;
$tabellen=mysqli_query($config['dbconnection'], "SHOW TABLES FROM $db");
$s='<option value="" ' . ( ( $default == '' ) ? 'selected' : '' ) . '> </option>' . $nl;
for ($i=0; $i < $num_tables; $i++)
$t=((mysqli_data_seek($tabellen, $i) && (($___mysqli_tmp = mysqli_fetch_row($tabellen)) !== NULL)) ? array_shift($___mysqli_tmp) : false);
$s.='<option value="`' . $t . '`"' . ( ( $default == '`' . $t . '`' ) ? 'selected' : '' ) . '>`' . $t . '`</option>' . $nl;
return $s;
function DB_Exists($db)
global $config;
if (!isset($config['dbconnection'])) MSD_mysql_connect();
$dbs=(($___mysqli_tmp = mysqli_query($config['dbconnection'], "SHOW DATABASES")) ? $___mysqli_tmp : false);
while ($row=mysqli_fetch_object($dbs))
if (strtolower($row->Database) == strtolower($db))
return $erg;
function Table_Exists($db, $table)
global $config;
if (!isset($config['dbconnection'])) MSD_mysql_connect();
$sqlt="SHOW TABLES FROM `$db`";
if ($res)
WHILE ($row=mysqli_fetch_row($res))
if (in_array($table,$tables)) return true;
return false;
function DB_Empty($dbn)
$r="DROP DATABASE `$dbn`;\nCREATE DATABASE `$dbn`;";
return MSD_DoSQL($r);
function sqlReturnsRecords($sql)
global $mysql_SQLhasRecords;
$s=explode(' ',$sql);
return in_array(strtoupper($s[0]),$mysql_SQLhasRecords) ? 1 : 0;
function getCountSQLStatements($sql)
for ($i=0; $i < $l; $i++)
if ($sql[$i] == "'" || $sql[$i] == '"') $inQuotes=!$inQuotes;
if (( $sql[$i] == ';' && $inQuotes == false ) || $i == $l - 1) $z++;
return $z;
function splitSQLStatements2Array($sql)
for ($i=0; $i < $l; $i++)
if ($sql[$i] == "'" || $sql[$i] == '"') $inQuotes=!$inQuotes;
if ($sql[$i] == ';' && $inQuotes == false)
if (trim($tmp) != '') $sqlArr[]=$tmp;
return $sqlArr;
function DB_Copy($source, $destination, $drop_source=0, $insert_data=1)
global $config;
if (!isset($config['dbconnection'])) MSD_mysql_connect();
if (!DB_Exists($destination))
$res = MSD_DoSQL("CREATE DATABASE `$destination`;");
if (!$res)
return false;
$SQL_Array.="USE `$destination` ;\n";
$tabellen=mysqli_query($config['dbconnection'], "SHOW TABLES FROM $source");
for ($i=0; $i < $num_tables; $i++)
$table=((mysqli_data_seek($tabellen, $i) && (($___mysqli_tmp = mysqli_fetch_row($tabellen)) !== NULL)) ? array_shift($___mysqli_tmp) : false);
$sqlt="SHOW CREATE TABLE `$source`.`$table`";
if ($res)
if (substr($c,-1) == ";") $c=substr($c,0,strlen($c) - 1);
$SQL_Array.=( $insert_data == 1 ) ? "$c SELECT * FROM `$source`.`$table` ;\n" : "$c ;\n";
return false;
mysqli_select_db($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], $destination);
if ($drop_source == 1 && $res) MSD_query("DROP DATABASE `$source`;");
return $res;
function Table_Copy($source, $destination, $insert_data, $destinationdb="")
global $config;
if (!isset($config['dbconnection'])) MSD_mysql_connect();
$sqlc="SHOW CREATE TABLE $source";
$a2=strpos($c,"`",$a1 + 1);
$c=substr($c,0,$a1 + 1) . $destination . substr($c,$a2);
if (substr($c,-1) == ";") $c=substr($c,0,strlen($c) - 1);
$SQL_Array.=( $insert_data == 1 ) ? "$c SELECT * FROM $source ;\n" : "$c ;\n";
//echo "<h5>$SQL_Array</h5>";
function MSD_DoSQL($sqlcommands, $limit="")
global $config,$out,$numrowsabs,$numrows,$num_befehle,$time_used,$sql;
if (!isset($sql['parser']['sql_commands'])) $sql['parser']['sql_commands']=0;
if (!isset($sql['parser']['sql_errors'])) $sql['parser']['sql_errors']=0;
if (!isset($config['dbconnection'])) MSD_mysql_connect();
$allSQL=splitSQLStatements2Array($sqlcommands); #explode(';',preg_replace('/\r\n|\n/', '', $sqlcommands));
if (!isset($allSQL[$sql_queries - 1])) $sql_queries--;
if ($sql_queries == 1)
$out.=Stringformat(( $sql['parser']['sql_commands'] ),4) . ': ' . $allSQL[0] . "\n";
$result = true;
for ($i=0; $i < $sql_queries; $i++)
if ($allSQL[$i] != "")
if ($sql['parser']['start'] == 0 && $sql['parser']['end'] == 0 && $sqlcommand != '')
//sql complete
$out.=Stringformat(( $sql['parser']['sql_commands'] ),4) . ': ' . $sqlcommand . "\n";
$result=$result && MSD_query($sqlcommand);
$sql['parser']['time_used']=getmicrotime() - $sql['parser']['time_used'];
return $result;
function SQLParser($command, $debug=0)
global $sql;
if (!isset($sql['parser']['drop'])) $sql['parser']['drop']=0;
if (!isset($sql['parser']['create'])) $sql['parser']['create']=0;
if (!isset($sql['parser']['insert'])) $sql['parser']['insert']=0;
if (!isset($sql['parser']['update'])) $sql['parser']['update']=0;
if (!isset($sql['parser']['comment'])) $sql['parser']['comment']=0;
$s=rtrim(trim(( $command )));
//Was ist das für eine Anfrage ?
if (substr($s,0,1) == "#" || substr($s,0,2) == "--")
elseif (strtoupper(substr($s,0,5)) == "DROP ")
elseif (strtoupper(substr($s,0,7)) == "CREATE ")
//Hier nur die Anzahl der Klammern zählen
if ($kl2 - $kl1 == 0)
elseif (strtoupper(substr($s,0,7)) == "INSERT " || strtoupper(substr($s,0,7)) == "UPDATE ")
if (strtoupper(substr($s,0,7)) == "INSERT ") $sql['parser']['insert']++;
else $sql['parser']['update']++;
$i=strpos(strtoupper($s)," VALUES") + 7;
$i=strpos($st,"(") + 1;
$st=substr($st,0,strlen($st) - 2);
for ($i=0; $i < count($tb); $i++)
//Ticks + Dashes zählen
for ($cpos=2; $cpos <= strlen($v); $cpos++)
if (substr($v,( -1 * $cpos ),1) == "'")
for ($cpos=2; $cpos <= strlen($v); $cpos++)
if (substr($v,( -1 * $cpos ),1) == '"')
//Backslashes zählen
for ($cpos=2 + $B_Ticks; $cpos <= strlen($v); $cpos++)
if (substr($v,( -1 * $cpos ),1) == "\\")
if ($v == "NULL" && $sql['parser']['start'] == 0)
if ($sql['parser']['start'] == 0 && is_numeric($v))
if ($sql['parser']['start'] == 0 && substr($v,0,2) == "0X" && strpos($v," ") == false)
if ($sql['parser']['start'] == 0 && is_object($v))
if (substr($v,0,1) == "'" && $sql['parser']['start'] == 0)
if (strlen($v) == 1) $first=1;
if (substr($v,0,1) == '"' && $sql['parser']['start'] == 0)
if (strlen($v) == 1) $first=1;
if ($sql['parser']['start'] == 1 && $sql['parser']['end'] != 1 && $first == 0)
if (substr($v,-1) == $DELIMITER)
$B_Delimiter=( $DELIMITER == "'" ) ? $B_Ticks : $B_Dashes;
//ist Delimiter maskiert?
if (( $B_Esc % 2 ) == 1 && ( $B_Delimiter % 2 ) == 1 && strlen($v) > 2)
elseif (( $B_Delimiter % 2 ) == 1 && strlen($v) > 2)
//ist mit `'` maskiert
elseif (( $B_Esc % 2 ) == 1)
//ist mit Backslash maskiert
if ($debug == 1) echo "<font color='#0000FF'>" . $sql['parser']['start'] . "/" . $sql['parser']['end'] . "</font> Feld $i: " . htmlspecialchars($tb[$i]) . "<font color=#008000>- " . $sql['parser']['sqlparts'] . " ($B_Ticks / $B_Esc)</font><br>";
if ($sql['parser']['start'] == 1 && $sql['parser']['end'] == 1)
return $s;
function SQLOutput($sqlcommand, $meldung='')
global $sql,$lang;
$s='<h6 align="center">' . $lang['L_SQL_OUTPUT'] . '</h6><div id="sqloutbox"><strong>';
if ($meldung != '') $s.=trim($meldung);
if (isset($sql['parser']['sql_commands']))
$s.=' ' . $sql['parser']['sql_commands'] . '</strong>' . $lang['L_SQL_COMMANDS_IN'] . round($sql['parser']['time_used'],4) . $lang['L_SQL_COMMANDS_IN2'] . '<br><br>';
$s.=$lang['L_SQL_OUT1'] . '<strong>' . $sql['parser']['drop'] . '</strong> <span style="color:#990099;font-weight:bold;">DROP</span>-, ';
$s.='<strong>' . $sql['parser']['create'] . '</strong> <span style="color:#990099;font-weight:bold;">CREATE</span>-, ';
$s.='<strong>' . $sql['parser']['insert'] . '</strong> <span style="color:#990099;font-weight:bold;">INSERT</span>-, ';
$s.='<strong>' . $sql['parser']['update'] . '</strong> <span style="color:#990099;font-weight:bold;">UPDATE</span>-' . $lang['L_SQL_OUT2'] . '<br>';
$s.=$lang['L_SQL_OUT3'] . '<strong>' . $sql['parser']['comment'] . '</strong> ' . $lang['L_SQL_OUT4'] . '<br>';
if ($sql['parser']['sql_commands'] < 50) $s.='<pre>' . Highlight_SQL($sqlcommand) . '</pre>';
else $s.=$lang['L_SQL_OUT5'];
elseif ($sqlcommand != '') $s.='<h5 align="center">' . $lang['L_SQL_OUTPUT'] . '</h5><pre>' . Highlight_SQL($sqlcommand) . '</pre>';
return $s . '</div>';
function GetCreateTable($db, $tabelle)
global $config;
if (!isset($config['dbconnection'])) MSD_mysql_connect();
$res=mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], "SHOW CREATE TABLE `$db`.`$tabelle`");
if ($res)
if (isset($row['Create Table'])) return $row['Create Table'];
elseif (isset($row['Create View'])) return $row['Create View'];
else return false;
return ((is_object($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"])) ? mysqli_error($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"]) : (($___mysqli_res = mysqli_connect_error()) ? $___mysqli_res : false));
function KindSQL($sql)
if (preg_match('@^((-- |#)[^\n]*\n|/\*.*?\*/)*(DROP|CREATE)[[:space:]]+(IF EXISTS[[:space:]]+)?(TABLE|DATABASE)[[:space:]]+(.+)@im',$sql))
return 2;
elseif (preg_match('@^((-- |#)[^\n]*\n|/\*.*?\*/)*(DROP|CREATE)[[:space:]]+(IF EXISTS[[:space:]]+)?(TABLE|DATABASE)[[:space:]]+(.+)@im',$sql))
return 1;
function GetPostParams()
global $db,$dbid,$tablename,$context,$limitstart,$order,$orderdir,$sql;
$sql['sql_statement']=( isset($_POST['sql_statement']) ) ? $_POST['sql_statement'] : "SELECT * FROM `$tablename`";
// when fieldnames contain spaces or dots they are replaced with underscores
// we need to built the same index to get the postet values for inserts and updates
function correct_post_index($index)
$index=str_replace(' ','_',$index);
return $index;
function ComboCommandDump($when, $index, $disabled = '')
global $SQL_ARRAY,$nl,$databases,$lang;
if (count($SQL_ARRAY) == 0)
$r='<a href="sql.php?context=1" class="uls">' . $lang['L_SQL_BEFEHLE'] . '</a>';
if ($when == 0) $r.='<input type="hidden" name="command_before_' . $index . '" value="">';
else $r.='<input type="hidden" name="command_after_' . $index . '" value="">';
if ($when == 0)
$r='<select class="SQLCombo" name="command_before_' . $index . '"'
. $disabled.'>';
$r='<select class="SQLCombo" name="command_after_' . $index . '"'
. $disabled.'>';
$r.='<option value="" ' . ( ( $csql == '' ) ? ' selected="selected"' : '' ) . '> </option>' . "\n";
if (count($SQL_ARRAY) > 0)
for ($i=0; $i < count($SQL_ARRAY); $i++)
$r.='<option value="' . htmlspecialchars($s) . '" ' . ( ( $csql == $s ) ? ' selected="selected"' : '' ) . '>' . SQL_Name($i) . '</option>' . "\n";
return $r;
function EngineCombo($default="")
global $config;
if (!$config['dbconnection']) MSD_mysql_connect();
$r='<option value="" ' . ( ( $default == "" ) ? "selected" : "" ) . '></option>';
$r.='<option value="BDB" ' . ( ( "BDB" == $default ) ? "selected" : "" ) . '>BDB</option>';
$r.='<option value="HEAP" ' . ( ( "HEAP" == $default ) ? "selected" : "" ) . '>HEAP</option>';
$r.='<option value="ISAM" ' . ( ( "ISAM" == $default ) ? "selected" : "" ) . '>ISAM</option>';
$r.='<option value="InnoDB" ' . ( ( "InnoDB" == $default ) ? "selected" : "" ) . '>InnoDB</option>';
$r.='<option value="MERGE" ' . ( ( "MERGE" == $default ) ? "selected" : "" ) . '>MERGE</option>';
$r.='<option value="MRG_MYISAM" ' . ( ( "MRG_MYISAM" == $default ) ? "selected" : "" ) . '>MRG_MYISAM</option>';
$r.='<option value="MYISAM" ' . ( ( "MyISAM" == $default ) ? "selected" : "" ) . '>MyISAM</option>';
$res=mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], "SHOW ENGINES");
for ($i=0; $i < $num; $i++)
$r.='<option value="' . $row['Engine'] . '" ' . ( ( $row['Engine'] == $default ) ? "selected" : "" ) . '>' . $row['Engine'] . '</option>';
return $r;
function CharsetCombo($default="")
global $config;
return "";
if (!isset($config['dbconnection'])) MSD_mysql_connect();
$res=mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], "SHOW Charset");
$r='<option value="" ' . ( ( $default == "" ) ? "selected" : "" ) . '></option>';
for ($i=0; $i < $num; $i++)
if (is_array($charsets))
foreach ($charsets as $row)
$r.='<option value="' . $row['Charset'] . '" ' . ( ( $row['Charset'] == $default ) ? "selected" : "" ) . '>' . $row['Charset'] . '</option>';
return $r;
function GetCollationArray()
global $config;
if (!isset($config['dbconnection'])) MSD_mysql_connect();
$res=mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], "SHOW Collation");
if (is_array($r))
for ($i=0; $i < $num; $i++)
$r[$i]['Collation']=isset($row['Collation']) ? $row['Collation'] : '';
$r[$i]['Charset']=isset($row['Charset']) ? $row['Charset'] : '';
$r[$i]['Id']=isset($row['Id']) ? $row['Id'] : '';
$r[$i]['Default']=isset($row['Default']) ? $row['Default'] : '';
$r[$i]['Compiled']=isset($row['Compiled']) ? $row['Compiled'] : '';
$r[$i]['Sortlen']=isset($row['Sortlen']) ? $row['Sortlen'] : '';
return $r;
function CollationCombo($default="", $withcharset=0)
return "";
$s='<option value=""' . ( ( $default == '' ) ? ' selected="selected"' : '' ) . '></option>';
for ($i=0; $i < count($r); $i++)
if ($gc != $group)
if ($i > 0) $s.='</optgroup>';
$s.='<optgroup label="' . $group . '">';
$s.='<option value="' . ( ( $withcharset == 1 ) ? $group . '|' : '' ) . $r[$i]['Collation'] . '" ' . ( ( $r[$i]['Collation'] == $default ) ? "selected" : "" ) . '>' . $r[$i]['Collation'] . '</option>';
return $s . '</optgroup>';
function AttributeCombo($default='')
$s='<option value=""' . ( ( $default == '' ) ? ' selected="selected"' : '' ) . '></option>';
$s.='<option value="unsigned" ' . ( ( $default == 'unsigned' ) ? ' selected="selected"' : '' ) . '>unsigned</option>';
$s.='<option value="unsigned zerofill"' . ( ( $default == 'unsigned zerofill' ) ? ' selected="selected"' : '' ) . '>unsigned zerofill</option>';
return $s;
function simple_bbcode_conversion($a)
global $config;
$a=str_replace('<br>',' <br>',$a);
$a=str_replace('<br />',' <br>',$a);
$a=preg_replace("/\[url=(.*?)\](.*?)\[\/url\]/si","<a class=\"small\" href=\"$1\" target=\"blank\">$2</a>",$a);
$a=preg_replace("/\[urltargetself=(.*?)\](.*?)\[\/urltargetself\]/si","<a class=\"small\" href=\"$1\" target=\"blank\">$2</a>",$a);
$a=preg_replace("/\[url\](.*?)\[\/url\]/si","<a class=\"small\" href=\"$1\" target=\"blank\">$1</a>",$a);
$a=preg_replace("/\[ed2k=\+(.*?)\](.*?)\[\/ed2k\]/si","<a class=\"small\" href=\"$1\" target=\"blank\">$2</a>",$a);
$a=preg_replace("/\[ed2k=(.*?)\](.*?)\[\/ed2k\]/si","<a class=\"small\" href=\"$1\" target=\"blank\">$2</a>",$a);
$a=preg_replace("/\[center\](.*?)\[\/center\]/si","<div align=\"center\">$1</div>",$a);
$a=preg_replace("/\[size=([1-2]?[0-9])\](.*?)\[\/size\]/si","<span style=\"font-size=$1px;\">$2</span>",$a);
$a=preg_replace("/\[size=([1-2]?[0-9]):(.*?)\](.*?)\[\/size(.*?)\]/si","<span style=\"font-size=$1px;\">$3</span>",$a);
$a=preg_replace("/\[font=(.*?)\](.*?)\[\/font\]/si","<span style=\"font-family:$1;\">$2</span>",$a);
$a=preg_replace("/\[color=(.*?)\](.*?)\[\/color\]/si","<span style=\"color=$1;\">$2</span>",$a);
$a=preg_replace("/\[color=(.*?):(.*?)\](.*?)\[\/color(.*?)\]/si","<span style=\"color=$1;\">$3</span>",$a);
$a=preg_replace("/\[img\](.*?)\[\/img\]/si","<img src=\"$1\" vspace=4 hspace=4>",$a);
//$a=preg_replace("/\[b\](.*?)\[\/b\]/si", "<strong>$1</strong>", $a);
//$a=preg_replace("/\[u\](.*?)\[\/u\]/si", "<u>$1</u>", $a);
//$a=preg_replace("/\[i\](.*?)\[\/i\]/si", "<em>$1</em>", $a);
//$a=preg_replace("/\[quote\](.*?)\[\/quote\]/si", "<p align=\"left\" style=\"border: 2px solid silver;padding:4px;\">$1</p>", $a);
$a=preg_replace("/\[quote(.*?)\](.*?)\[\/quote(.*?)\]/si","<p align=\"left\" style=\"border: 2px solid silver;padding:4px;\">$2</p>",$a);
$a=preg_replace("/\[code(.*?)\](.*?)\[\/code(.*?)\]/si","<p align=\"left\" style=\"border: 2px solid red;color:green;padding:4px;\">$2</p>",$a);
$a=preg_replace("/\[hide\](.*?)\[\/hide\]/si","<div style=\"background-color:#ccffcc;\">$1</div>",$a);
$a=preg_replace("/(^|\s)+((http:\/\/)|(www.))(.+)(\s|$)+/Uis"," <a href=\"http://$4$5\" target=\"_blank\">http://$4$5</a> ",$a);
return $tag_start . $a . $tag_end;
function ExtractTablenameFromSQL($q)
global $databases,$db,$dbid;
if (strlen($q) > 100) $q=substr($q,0,100);
// if we get a list of tables - no current table is selected -> return ''
if (strtoupper(substr($p,0,17)) == 'SHOW TABLE STATUS') return '';
// check for SELECT-Statement to extract tablename after FROM
if (strtoupper(substr($p,0,7)) == 'SELECT ')
$p=substr($p,strpos(strtoupper($p),'FROM') + 5);
$parts=explode(' ',$p);
// remove keyword DATABASES and the database name after that
$p = preg_replace('/DATABASE [`]*\w+[`]*/i', '', $p);
// remove other keywords
'SHOW ',
if (strpos($cleaned,' ')) $tablename=substr($cleaned,0,strpos($cleaned,' '));
$tablename=str_replace('`','',$tablename); // remove backticks
// take care of db-name.tablename
if (strpos($tablename,'.'))
// if database is changed in Query we need to get the index of the actual db
if (isset($db_temp[$databases['db_actual']]))
if (isset($_GET['tablename'])) unset($_GET['tablename']);
//echo "<br>" . $db;
// if (Table_Exists($databases['db_actual'],$tablename)) return $tablename;
// else return '';
return $tablename;
function GetOptionsCombo($arr, $default)
global $feldtypen,$feldattribute,$feldnull,$feldextras,$feldkeys,$feldrowformat;
foreach ($arr as $s)
$r.='<option value="' . $s . '" ' . ( ( strtoupper($default) == strtoupper($s) ) ? "selected" : "" ) . '>' . $s . '</option>' . "\n";
return $r;
function make_options($arr, $selected)
foreach ($arr as $key=>$val)
$r.='<option value="' . $key . '"';
if ($key == $selected) $r.=' selected';
$r.='>' . $val . '</option>' . "\n";
return $r;
* Reads MySQL field information (depricated: will be substituted by function getExtendedFieldInfos)
* Reads field information for each field of a MySQL table
* and fills an array with the keys detected
* @param $db Database
* @param $tabelle Table
* @return array
function getFieldinfos($db, $tabelle)
global $config;
$sqlf="SHOW FULL FIELDS FROM `$db`.`$tabelle`;";
for ($i=0; $i < $anz_fields; $i++)
// define defaults
$row=mysqli_fetch_array($res, MYSQLI_ASSOC);
if (isset($row['Collation'])) $fields_infos[$i]['collate']=$row['Collation'];
if (isset($row['COLLATE'])) $fields_infos[$i]['collate']=$row['COLLATE']; // MySQL <4.1
if (isset($row['Comment'])) $fields_infos[$i]['comment']=$row['Comment'];
if (isset($row['Type'])) $fields_infos[$i]['type']=$row['Type'];
if (isset($row['Field'])) $fields_infos[$i]['name']=$row['Field'];
// remove size from type for readability in output
$fields_infos[$i]['type']=str_replace('(' . $fields_infos[$i]['size'] . ')','',$fields_infos[$i]['type']);
// look for attributes, everthing behind the first space is an atribut
$attributes=explode(' ',$fields_infos[$i]['type'],2);
if (isset($attributes[1]))
// we found attributes
unset($attributes[0]); // delete type
$fields_infos[$i]['attributes']=trim(implode(' ',$attributes)); //merge all other attributes
// remove attributes from type
if (isset($row['NULL'])) $fields_infos[$i]['null']=$row['NULL'];
if (isset($row['Null'])) $fields_infos[$i]['null']=$row['Null'];
if (isset($row['Default'])) $fields_infos[$i]['default']=$row['Default'];
if (isset($row['Extra'])) $fields_infos[$i]['extra']=$row['Extra'];
if (isset($row['Privileges'])) $fields_infos[$i]['privileges']=$row['Privileges'];
if (isset($row['privileges'])) $fields_infos[$i]['privileges']=$row['privileges'];
// now get key definitions of the table and add info to fields
$sql='SHOW KEYS FROM `' . $db . '`.`' . $tabelle . '`';
WHILE ($row=mysqli_fetch_array($res, MYSQLI_ASSOC))
$key_name=isset($row['Key_name']) ? $row['Key_name'] : '';
$index_type=isset($row['Index_type']) ? $row['Index_type'] : '';
$column_name=isset($row['Column_name']) ? $row['Column_name'] : '';
$non_unique=isset($row['Non_unique']) ? $row['Non_unique'] : '';
if ($column_name > '')
// first find indexnr of field
for ($index=0, $count=sizeof($fields_infos); $index < $count; $index++)
if ($fields_infos[$index]['name'] == $column_name) break;
if ($key_name == 'PRIMARY')
elseif ($index_type == 'FULLTEXT')
elseif ($non_unique == 0)
return $fields_infos;
* Reads extened MySQL field information
* Reads extened field information for each field of a MySQL table
* and fills an array like
* array(
* [Fieldname][attribut]=value,
* ['primary_key']=keys
* )
* @param $db Database
* @param $table Table
* @return array Field infos
function getExtendedFieldInfo($db, $table)
global $config;
$sqlf="SHOW FULL FIELDS FROM `$db`.`$table`;";
$f=array(); //will hold all info
for ($x=0; $x < $num_fields; $x++)
$row=mysqli_fetch_array($res, MYSQLI_ASSOC);
$i=$row['Field']; // define name of field as index of array
//define field defaults - this way the index of the array is defined anyway
if (isset($row['Collation'])) $f[$i]['collate']=$row['Collation'];
if (isset($row['COLLATE'])) $f[$i]['collate']=$row['COLLATE']; // MySQL <4.1
if (isset($row['Comment'])) $f[$i]['comment']=$row['Comment'];
if (isset($row['Type'])) $f[$i]['type']=$row['Type'];
if (isset($row['Field'])) $f[$i]['field']=$row['Field'];
// remove size from type for readability in output
$f[$i]['type']=str_replace('(' . $f[$i]['size'] . ')','',$f[$i]['type']);
// look for attributes, everthing behind the first space is an atribut
$attributes=explode(' ',$f[$i]['type'],2);
if (isset($attributes[1]))
// we found attributes
unset($attributes[0]); // delete type
$f[$i]['attributes']=trim(implode(' ',$attributes)); //merge all other attributes
// remove attributes from type
if (isset($row['NULL'])) $f[$i]['null']=$row['NULL'];
if (isset($row['Null'])) $f[$i]['null']=$row['Null'];
if (isset($row['Default'])) $f[$i]['default']=$row['Default'];
if (isset($row['Extra'])) $f[$i]['extra']=$row['Extra'];
if (isset($row['Privileges'])) $f[$i]['privileges']=$row['Privileges'];
if (isset($row['privileges'])) $f[$i]['privileges']=$row['privileges'];
// now get key definitions of the table and add info to field-array
$sql='SHOW KEYS FROM `' . $db . '`.`' . $table . '`';
WHILE ($row=mysqli_fetch_array($res, MYSQLI_ASSOC))
//echo "<br>Keys of $table: ";v($row);
$key_name=isset($row['Key_name']) ? $row['Key_name'] : '';
$index_type=isset($row['Index_type']) ? $row['Index_type'] : '';
$column_name=isset($row['Column_name']) ? $row['Column_name'] : '';
// to do: add other info about index etc.
if ($key_name == 'PRIMARY') $f['primary_keys'][]=$column_name;
return $f;
function ChangeKeys($ok, $nk, $fld, $size, $restriction='')
if ($ok[0] == $nk[0] && $ok[1] == $nk[1] && $ok[2] == $nk[2] && $ok[3] == $nk[3]) return '';
if ($ok[0] == 0 && $nk[0] == 1)
if ($restriction != 'drop_only') $s.="ADD PRIMARY KEY (`$fld`), ";
elseif ($ok[0] == 1 && $nk[0] == 0)
if ($ok[1] == 0 && $nk[1] == 1)
if ($restriction != 'drop_only') $s.="ADD UNIQUE INDEX `$fld` (`$fld`), ";
elseif ($ok[1] == 1 && $nk[1] == 0)
$s.="DROP INDEX `$fld`, ";
if ($ok[2] == 0 && $nk[2] == 1)
if ($restriction != 'drop_only') $s.="ADD INDEX `$fld` (`$fld`), ";
elseif ($ok[2] == 1 && $nk[2] == 0)
$s.="DROP INDEX `$fld`, ";
if ($ok[3] == 0 && $nk[3] == 1)
if ($restriction != 'drop_only') $s.="ADD FULLTEXT INDEX `$fld` (`$fld`($size)), ";
elseif ($ok[3] == 1 && $nk[3] == 0)
$s.="DROP FULLTEXT INDEX `$fld`, ";
if ($s != '') $s=substr($s,0,strlen($s) - 2);
return $s;
function build_where_from_record($data)
if (!is_array($data)) return false;
foreach ($data as $key=>$val)
$val=str_replace('<span class="treffer">','',$val);
$ret.='`' . $key . '`="' . addslashes($val) . '" AND ';
return $ret;
* Array mit Primaerschluesseln aufbauen
* INPUT: Datenbank.Tabelle (oder nur Tabelle)
* OUTPUT: Array mit allen Tabellenschluesseln
* Author: DH
function getPrimaryKeys($db, $table)
$sqlk="SHOW KEYS FROM `" . $db . "`.`" . $table . "`;";
while ($row=mysqli_fetch_array($res))
//wenn Primaerschluessel
if ($row['Key_name'] == "PRIMARY") $keys['name'][]=$row['Column_name'];
if ($row['Sub_part'] != null)
return $keys;
* Array mit allen Feldern aufbauen
* INPUT: Datenbank.Tabelle
* OUTPUT: Array mit allen Feldern der Tabelle
* Author: DH
function getAllFields($db, $table)
$sqlk="DESCRIBE `" . $db . "`.`" . $table . "`;";
while ($row=mysqli_fetch_array($res))
return $fields;
* Alte Primaerschluessel verwerfen, neue Primaerschluessel setzen
* INPUT: Datenbank.Tabelle, Array mit neuen Primaerschluesseln
* OUTPUT: true/false
* Author: DH
function setNewPrimaryKeys($db, $table, $newKeys, $indexSizes)
$sqlSetNewPrimaryKeys="ALTER TABLE `" . $db . "`.`" . $table . "`";
//wenn es Primaerschluessel gibt, diese loeschen
$existingKeys = getPrimaryKeys($db, $table);
if (count($existingKeys) > 0)
$sqlSetNewPrimaryKeys.=" DROP PRIMARY KEY";
//wenn min. 1 Schluessel im Array, sonst nur loeschen
if (count($newKeys) > 0)
if (count($existingKeys) > 0)
$sqlSetNewPrimaryKeys.=", ";
$sqlSetNewPrimaryKeys.=" ADD PRIMARY KEY (";
foreach ($newKeys as $id => $name)
if ($id > 0) $sqlSetNewPrimaryKeys.=", ";
$sqlSetNewPrimaryKeys.="`" . $name . "`";
if ($indexSizes[$id]) {
$sqlSetNewPrimaryKeys.=" (" . $indexSizes[$id] . ")";
return $res;
function setNewKeys($db, $table, $newKeys, $indexType, $indexName, $indexSizes)
$sqlSetNewKeys="ALTER TABLE `" . $db . "`.`" . $table . "` ";
$sqlSetNewKeys.="ADD ".$indexType." ";
if ($indexName)
$sqlSetNewKeys.="`" . $indexName ."` ";
foreach ($newKeys as $id => $name)
if ($id > 0) $sqlSetNewKeys.=", ";
$sqlSetNewKeys.="`" . $name . "`";
if ($indexSizes[$id]) {
$sqlSetNewKeys.=" (" . $indexSizes[$id] . ")";
return $res;
function killKey($db, $table, $indexName)
$sqlKillKey = "ALTER TABLE `".$db."`.`".$table."` DROP INDEX `".$indexName."`";
return $res;
function get_output_attribut_null($null)
global $lang;
if ($null == '') return $lang['L_YES'];
if (in_array($null,$not_null)) return $lang['L_NO'];
else return $lang['L_YES'];
function get_attribut_size_from_type($type)
if (isset($matches[1])) $size=$matches[1];
return $size;
// Bildet die WHERE-Bedingung zur eindeutigen Identifizierung wenn kein Primaerschluessel vorhanden ist
// erwartet ein Array mit $data[feldname]=wert
function build_recordkey($data)
if (!is_array($data)) return urlencode($data);
else return urlencode(serialize($data));