268 Zeilen
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268 Zeilen
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* @group Index
class Msd_Application_Controller_IndexControllerTest
extends ControllerTestCase
public static function setUpBeforeClass()
Testhelper::copyFile('mysqldumper2.ini', CONFIG_PATH . DS .'mysqldumper2.ini');
public static function tearDownAfterClass()
Testhelper::removeFile(CONFIG_PATH . DS . 'mysqldumper2.ini');
public function testRedirectsToLoginFormIfUserNotLoggedIn()
//we should be redirected to the log in page
public function testCanLoginUser()
//make sure we are not redirected to the log in page
// make sure we are on the home page now
$this->assertQueryContentContains('h2', 'Home');
// we should have one div with id username
$this->assertQueryCount('#username', 1);
// which contains the username
$this->assertQueryContentContains('#username > p', 'tester');
// now lets check if we can access a page without being redirected
// to the log in page
$this->assertQueryCount('#phpinfo', 1);
public function testWontLoginUserWithWrongCredentials()
'user' => 'tester',
'pass' => 'wrongPassword',
'autologin' => 0
// make sure we see the login error message
$this->assertQueryCount("//div[@id='login-message']", 1);
$msg = "Diese Kombination von Benutzername und Passwort ist unbekannt.";
$this->assertQueryContentContains('#login-message', $msg);
public function testCanRedirectToInstallIfUserFileIsBroken()
$path= APPLICATION_PATH . '/configs/';
rename($path.'users.ini', $path.'users.bak');
'user' => 'tester',
'pass' => 'test',
'autologin' => 0
rename($path.'users.bak', $path.'users.ini');
* @depends testCanLoginUser
public function testCanLogoutUser()
$_COOKIE['msd_autologin'] =
// now we should be redirected to login page
public function testCanAutoLoginUserByCookie()
$_COOKIE['msd_autologin'] =
// dom id #phpinfo is only shown on phpinfo page, so let's look for it
$this->assertQueryCount('#phpinfo', 1);
* @outputBuffering enabled
public function testCanLoginWithAutoLogin()
'user' => 'tester',
'pass' => 'test',
'autologin' => 1
// after successful login we should be redirected to the index page
public function testCanShowIndex()
// we are there if button PHP-Info is shown
$this->assertQueryContentContains('#content', 'PHP-Info');
public function testCanShowPhpinfo()
// dom id #phpinfo is only shown on phpinfo page, so let's look for it
$this->assertQueryCount('#phpinfo', 1);
public function testCanRefreshDbListAndRedirectsToOldAction()
'lastAction' => 'phpinfo',
'lastController' => 'index'
public function testCanRefreshDbListWithInvalidActiveDb()
'lastAction' => 'phpinfo',
'lastController' => 'index'
$dynamicConfig = Msd_Registry::getDynamicConfig();
$dynamicConfig->set('dbActual', -1);
public function testCanSelectDb()
$dynamicConfig = Msd_Registry::getDynamicConfig();
// set invalid active db
$dynamicConfig->setParam('dbActual', -1);
'lastAction' => 'phpinfo',
'lastController' => 'index',
'selectedDb' => base64_encode('information_schema')
// check if actual db was switched
public function testCanToggleMenuStatus()
$menu = new Zend_Session_Namespace('menu');
$this->assertEquals(1, $menu->showMenu);
$this->assertEquals(0, $menu->showMenu);
public function testCanSwitchConfiguration()
'lastAction' => 'phpinfo',
'lastController' => 'index',
'selectedConfig' => base64_encode('mysqldumper')
$dynamicConfig = Msd_Registry::getDynamicConfig();
$this->assertEquals('mysqldumper', $dynamicConfig->getParam('configFile'));
// are we still on the phpinfo page?
$this->assertQueryCount('#phpinfo', 1);
// now lets switch to another configuration
'lastAction' => 'phpinfo',
'lastController' => 'index',
'selectedConfig' => base64_encode('mysqldumper2')
$config = Msd_Configuration::getInstance();
$this->assertEquals('mysqldumper2', $config->get('dynamic.configFile'));
// are we still on the phpinfo page?
$this->assertQueryCount('#phpinfo', 1);
public function testCanLoadConfigFromSession()
$_SESSION = unserialize($this->loadFixtureFile('sessions/sessionTester.txt'));
$reflection = new ReflectionClass('Msd_Configuration');
$property = $reflection->getProperty('_instance');
$oldInstance = $property->getValue(null);
$property->setValue(null, null);
$property->setValue(null, $oldInstance);