This commit converts all mysql_* function to the appropriate counterparts in mysqli. I used this tool for most of it: This makes it possible to continue using MysqlDumper with PHP 7.0
1005 Zeilen
Kein EOL
58 KiB
1005 Zeilen
Kein EOL
58 KiB
if (!@ob_start("ob_gzhandler")) @ob_start();
function print_save_button()
global $lang;
$t='<span style="float:right;padding-right:6px;"><input class="Formbutton" type="submit" name="save" value="' . $lang['L_SAVE'] . '"></span>';
return $t;
// wenn neue Sprache angewählt wurde schon vor dem includen übernehmen
if (isset($_POST['save']) && $_POST['language'] != $_POST['lang_old'])
include_once ( './inc/header.php' ); // Normal prodecure (resets config[language])
$config['language']=$temp_lang; // re-set language
include ( './language/lang_list.php' ); // This re-initializes $lang[] and loads appropiate language files
include_once ( './inc/header.php' ); // language not changed, go on as usual
include_once ( './inc/runtime.php' );
include_once ( './inc/functions_sql.php' );
include_once ( './language/' . $config['language'] . '/lang_help.php' );
include_once ( './language/' . $config['language'] . '/lang_config_overview.php' );
include_once ( './language/' . $config['language'] . '/lang_sql.php' );
$sel=( isset($_POST['sel']) ) ? $_POST['sel'] : 'db';
if (isset($_GET['sel'])) $sel=$_GET['sel'];
if (isset($_GET['config']))
if (isset($_POST['save'])) unset($_POST['save']);
if (read_config($_GET['config']))
$msg="<strong>" . sprintf($lang['L_CONFIG_LOADED'],$config['config_file']) . "</strong>";
$msg.='<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">parent.MySQL_Dumper_menu.location.href="menu.php?config=' . $config['config_file'] . '";</script>';
$msg='<p class="error">' . sprintf($lang['L_ERROR_LOADING_CONFIGFILE'],$config['config_file']) . '</p>';
if (isset($_GET['config_delete']))
if ($del_config == $config['config_file'])
//aktuell gewaehlte Konfiguration wurde geloescht
read_config($config['config_file']); // Standard laden
$del=@unlink($config['paths']['config'] . $del_config . '.php');
if ($del) $del=@unlink($config['paths']['config'] . $del_config . '.conf.php');
if ($del === false) $msg='<p class="error">' . sprintf($lang['L_ERROR_DELETING_CONFIGFILE'],$del_config) . '</p>';
else $msg='<p class="success">' . sprintf($lang['L_SUCCESS_DELETING_CONFIGFILE'],$del_config) . '</p>' . '<script type="text/javascript">parent.MySQL_Dumper_menu.location.href="menu.php?config=' . $config['config_file'] . '";</script>'; //refresh menu-frame
include_once ( './inc/define_icons.php' );
$config['files']['parameter']=$config['paths']['config'] . $config['config_file'] . '.php';
$config['theme']=( !isset($config['theme']) ) ? 'msd' : $config['theme'];
$config['cron_smtp_port']=( !isset($config['cron_smtp_port']) ) ? 25 : $config['cron_smtp_port'];
if (!isset($command)) $command=0;
" <br><br> <br> ",
" <br><br> <br> ",
" <br><br> <br> "
if (( isset($_POST['testFTP0']) ) || ( isset($_POST['testFTP1']) ) || ( isset($_POST['testFTP2']) ))
for ($i=0; $i < 3; $i++)
$config['ftp_transfer'][$i]=( isset($_POST['ftp_transfer'][$i]) ) ? $_POST['ftp_transfer'][$i] : 0;
$config['ftp_timeout'][$i]=( isset($_POST['ftp_timeout'][$i]) ) ? $_POST['ftp_timeout'][$i] : 30;
$config['ftp_useSSL'][$i]=( isset($_POST['ftp_useSSL'][$i]) ) ? $_POST['ftp_useSSL'][$i] : 0;
$config['ftp_mode'][$i]=( isset($_POST['ftp_mode'][$i]) ) ? 1 : 0;
$config['ftp_server'][$i]=( isset($_POST['ftp_server'][$i]) ) ? $_POST['ftp_server'][$i] : '';
$config['ftp_port'][$i]=( isset($_POST['ftp_port'][$i]) ) ? $_POST['ftp_port'][$i] : 21;
$config['ftp_user'][$i]=( isset($_POST['ftp_user'][$i]) ) ? $_POST['ftp_user'][$i] : '';
$config['ftp_pass'][$i]=( isset($_POST['ftp_pass'][$i]) ) ? $_POST['ftp_pass'][$i] : '';
$config['ftp_dir'][$i]=( isset($_POST['ftp_dir'][$i]) ) ? stripslashes($_POST['ftp_dir'][$i]) : '/';
if ($config['ftp_dir'][$i] == "" || ( strlen($config['ftp_dir'][$i]) > 1 && substr($config['ftp_dir'][$i],-1) != "/" )) $config['ftp_dir'][$i].="/";
if (isset($_POST['testFTP' . $i]))
$checkFTP[$i]='<div class="ssmall">' . $lang['L_TESTCONNECTION'] . ' FTP-Connection ' . ( $i + 1 ) . '<br><br>' . TesteFTP($i) . '</div>';
if ($ftptested > -1)
$ftp_dir_s='ftp_dir[' . $ftptested . ']';
// Eingaben merken
$config['ftp_transfer'][$ftptested]=( isset($_POST['ftp_transfer'][$ftptested]) ) ? $_POST['ftp_transfer'][$ftptested] : 0;
$config['ftp_timeout'][$ftptested]=( isset($_POST['ftp_timeout'][$ftptested]) ) ? $_POST['ftp_timeout'][$ftptested] : 30;
$config['ftp_useSSL'][$ftptested]=( isset($_POST['ftp_useSSL'][$ftptested]) ) ? $_POST['ftp_useSSL'][$ftptested] : 0;
$config['ftp_mode'][$ftptested]=( isset($_POST['ftp_mode'][$ftptested]) ) ? 1 : 0;
if ($ftp_dir[$ftptested] == "" || ( strlen($ftp_dir[$ftptested]) > 1 && substr($ftp_dir[$ftptested],-1) != "/" )) $ftp_dir[$ftptested].="/";
echo MSDHeader();
if (isset($_POST['load']))
$msg=nl2br($msg) . "<br>" . $lang['L_LOAD_SUCCESS'] . "<br>";
echo '<script type="text/javascript">parent.MySQL_Dumper_menu.location.href="menu.php";</script>';
if (isset($_POST['save']))
//Parameter auslesen
$config['multi_dump']=( isset($_POST['MultiDBDump']) ) ? $_POST['MultiDBDump'] : 0;
if (!isset($_POST['server_caption'])) $config['interface_server_caption']=0;
else $config['interface_server_caption']=$_POST['server_caption'];
$config['interface_server_caption_position']=isset($_POST['server_caption_position']) ? $_POST['server_caption_position'] : 0;
$config['interface_table_compact']=( isset($_POST['interface_table_compact']) ) ? $_POST['interface_table_compact'] : 1;
if ($config['email_maxsize1'] == "") $config['email_maxsize1']=0;
$config['email_maxsize']=$config['email_maxsize1'] * ( ( $config['email_maxsize2'] == 1 ) ? 1024 : 1024 * 1024 );
if ($config['memory_limit'] == "") $config['memory_limit']=0;
if ($config['minspeed'] < 50) $config['minspeed']=50;
if ($config['maxspeed'] < $config['minspeed']) $config['maxspeed']=$config['minspeed'] * 2;
$config['ignore_enable_keys']=isset($_POST['ignore_enable_keys']) ? (int) $_POST['ignore_enable_keys']:0;
$config['multipartgroesse1']=isset($_POST['multipartgroesse1']) ? floatval(str_replace(',','.',$_POST['multipartgroesse1'])) : 0;
$config['multipartgroesse2']=isset($_POST['multipartgroesse2']) ? intval($_POST['multipartgroesse2']) : 0;
if ($config['multipartgroesse1'] < 100 && $config['multipartgroesse2'] == 1) $config['multipartgroesse1']=100;
if ($config['multipartgroesse1'] < 1 && $config['multipartgroesse2'] == 2) $config['multipartgroesse1']=1;
$config['logcompression']=( isset($_POST['logcompression']) && $_POST['logcompression'] == 1 ) ? 1 : 0;
if ($config['log_maxsize1'] == "") $config['log_maxsize1']=0;
$config['log_maxsize']=$config['log_maxsize1'] * ( ( $config['log_maxsize2'] == 1 ) ? 1024 : 1024 * 1024 );
// cron_select_savepath/
if (!isset($_POST['cron_select_savepath'])) $_POST['cron_select_savepath']=$config['config_file'];
if (isset($_POST['cron_savepath_new']) && !empty($_POST['cron_savepath_new']))
if (!preg_match("/^[a-z.-_]+$/i",$tmp_configfilename,$matches))
$msg.='<p class="error">' . sprintf($lang['L_ERROR_CONFIGFILE_NAME'],$_POST['cron_savepath_new']) . '</p>';
$config['cron_configurationfile']=$_POST['cron_savepath_new'] . ".conf.php";
if ($config['cron_execution_path'] == "") $config['cron_execution_path']="msd_cron/";
if (strlen($config['cron_execution_path']) > 1 && substr($config['cron_execution_path'],-1) != "/") $config['cron_execution_path'].="/";
$config['cron_smtp']=isset($_POST['cron_smtp']) ? $_POST['cron_smtp'] : 'localhost';
if (isset($databases['Name'][0]) && $databases['Name'][0] > '')
for ($i=0; $i < count($databases['Name']); $i++)
$databases['praefix'][$i]=isset($_POST['dbpraefix_' . $i]) ? $_POST['dbpraefix_' . $i] : '';
$databases['command_before_dump'][$i]=( !isset($_POST['command_before_' . $i]) ) ? "" : $_POST['command_before_' . $i];
$databases['command_after_dump'][$i]=( !isset($_POST['command_after_' . $i]) ) ? "" : $_POST['command_after_' . $i];
if (isset($_POST['db_multidump_' . $i]) && $_POST['db_multidump_' . $i] == "db_multidump_$i")
$databases['multisetting']=( count($databases['multi']) > 0 ) ? implode(";",$databases['multi']) : "";
$databases['multisetting_praefix']=( count($databases['multi']) > 0 ) ? implode(";",$databases['multi_praefix']) : "";
$databases['multisetting_commandbeforedump']=( count($databases['multi']) > 0 ) ? implode(";",$databases['multi_commandbeforedump']) : "";
$databases['multisetting_commandafterdump']=( count($databases['multi']) > 0 ) ? implode(";",$databases['multi_commandafterdump']) : "";
if ($config['cron_dbindex'] == -2)
elseif ($config['cron_dbindex'] == -3)
for ($i=0; $i < 3; $i++)
$config['ftp_transfer'][$i]=isset($_POST['ftp_transfer'][$i]) ? $_POST['ftp_transfer'][$i] : $config['ftp_transfer'][$i];
$config['ftp_timeout'][$i]=isset($_POST['ftp_timeout'][$i]) ? $_POST['ftp_timeout'][$i] : 30;
$config['ftp_useSSL'][$i]=isset($_POST['ftp_useSSL'][$i]) ? 1 : 0;
$config['ftp_mode'][$i]=isset($_POST['ftp_mode'][$i]) ? 1 : 0;
if ($config['ftp_port'][$i] == 0) $config['ftp_port'][$i]=21;
if ($config['ftp_dir'][$i] == "" || ( strlen($config['ftp_dir'][$i]) > 1 && substr($config['ftp_dir'][$i],-1) != "/" )) $config['ftp_dir'][$i].="/";
if ($config['dbhost'] != $_POST['dbhost'] || $config['dbuser'] != $_POST['dbuser'] || $config['dbpass'] != $_POST['dbpass'] || $config['dbport'] != $_POST['dbport'] || $config['dbsocket'] != $_POST['dbsocket'])
//neue Verbindungsparameter
//alte Parameter sichern
//neu setzen
if (MSD_mysql_connect())
// neue Verbindungsdaten wurden akzeptiert -> manuelle DB-Liste von anderem User löschen
$msg.='<script type="text/javascript">parent.MySQL_Dumper_menu.location.href="menu.php";</script>';
//alte Werte holen
$msg.='<p class="error">' . $lang['L_WRONG_CONNECTIONPARS'] . '</p>';
// Manuelles hinzufügen einer Datenbank
if ($_POST['add_db_manual'] > '')
// Prüfen, ob die DB bereits in der Liste vorhanden ist
if (isset($databases['Name'][0]))
foreach ($databases['Name'] as $existing_db)
if ($existing_db == $to_add) $found=true;
if ($found) $add_db_message=sprintf($lang['L_DB_IN_LIST'],$to_add);
if (MSD_mysql_connect())
$res=@((bool)mysqli_query($config['dbconnection'], "USE " . $to_add));
if (!$res === false)
$databases['Name'][] = $to_add;
//Menü aktualisieren, damit die DB in der Selectliste erscheint
echo '<script type="text/javascript">parent.MySQL_Dumper_menu.location.href="menu.php";</script>';
//Nach einer Uebernahme einer neuen Configuration vor dem Schreiben ueberfluessige Indexe entfernen
if (sizeof($databases['praefix']) > $anzahl_datenbanken)
for ($i=sizeof($databases['praefix']); $i >= $anzahl_datenbanken; $i--)
if ($databases['db_selected_index'] >= $anzahl_datenbanken) $databases['db_selected_index']=0;
// und wegschreiben
if ($save_config)
if (WriteParams(false) == true)
//neue Sprache? Dann Menue links auch aktualisieren
if ($_SESSION['config']['language'] != $config['language'] || $_POST['scaption_old'] != $config['interface_server_caption'] || $oldtheme != $config['theme'] || $oldscposition != $config['interface_server_caption_position'])
$msg.='<script type="text/javascript">parent.MySQL_Dumper_menu.location.href="menu.php?config=' . urlencode($config['config_file']) . '";</script>';
if (isset($_POST['cron_savepath_new']) && $_POST['cron_savepath_new'] > '') $msg.='<p class="success">' . $lang['L_SUCCESS_CONFIGFILE_CREATED'] . '</p>';
//Parameter laden
if ($config['logcompression'] != $oldlogcompression) DeleteLog();
$msg.='<p class="success">' . sprintf($lang['L_SAVE_SUCCESS'],$config['config_file']) . '</p>';
$msg.='<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">parent.MySQL_Dumper_menu.location.href="menu.php?config=' . $config['config_file'] . '";</script>';
$msg.='<p class="error">' . $lang['L_SAVE_ERROR'] . '</p>';
<script type="text/javascript">
function hide_pardivs() {
document.getElementById("db").style.display = 'none';
document.getElementById("global1").style.display = 'none';
document.getElementById("global2").style.display = 'none';
document.getElementById("global3").style.display = 'none';
document.getElementById("transfer1").style.display = 'none';
document.getElementById("transfer2").style.display = 'none';
document.getElementById("cron").style.display = 'none';
document.getElementById("configs").style.display = 'none';
for(i=0;i<8;i++) {
document.getElementById("command"+i).className ='ConfigButton';
function SwitchVP(objid) {
if (!document.getElementById(objid)) objid='VP';
function show_pardivs(lab) {
switch(lab) {
case "db":
document.getElementById("db").style.display = 'block';
document.getElementById("command1").className ='ConfigButtonSelected';
case "global1":
document.getElementById("global1").style.display = 'block';
document.getElementById("command2").className ='ConfigButtonSelected';
case "global2":
document.getElementById("global3").style.display = 'block';
document.getElementById("command3").className ='ConfigButtonSelected';
case "global3":
document.getElementById("global2").style.display = 'block';
document.getElementById("command4").className ='ConfigButtonSelected';
case "transfer1":
document.getElementById("transfer1").style.display = 'block';
document.getElementById("command5").className ='ConfigButtonSelected';
case "transfer2":
document.getElementById("transfer2").style.display = 'block';
document.getElementById("command6").className ='ConfigButtonSelected';
case "cron":
document.getElementById("cron").style.display = 'block';
document.getElementById("command7").className ='ConfigButtonSelected';
case "configs":
document.getElementById("configs").style.display = 'block';
document.getElementById("command0").className ='ConfigButtonSelected';
case "all":
document.getElementById("db").style.display = 'block';
document.getElementById("global1").style.display = 'block';
document.getElementById("global2").style.display = 'block';
document.getElementById("global3").style.display = 'block';
document.getElementById("transfer1").style.display = 'block';
document.getElementById("transfer2").style.display = 'block';
document.getElementById("cron").style.display = 'block';
document.getElementById("configs").style.display = 'block';
document.getElementById("command8").className ='ConfigButtonSelected';
document.getElementById("db").style.display = 'block';
document.getElementById("command1").className ='ConfigButtonSelected';
function WriteMem()
echo round($config['php_ram'] * 1024 * 1024 * 0.9,0);
if (!isset($config['email_maxsize1'])) $config['email_maxsize1']=0;
if (!isset($config['email_maxsize2'])) $config['email_maxsize2']=1;
if (!isset($databases['multisetting'])) $databases['multisetting']="";
$aus['formstart']=headline($lang['L_CONFIG_HEADLINE'] . ': ' . $config['config_file']);
$aus['formstart'].='<form name="frm_config" method="POST" action="config_overview.php"><input type="hidden" name="sel" id="sel" value="db">' . $nl;
$aus['formstart'].='<div id="configleft">';
$aus['formstart'].='<input type="Button" id="command1" onclick="show_pardivs(\'db\');" value="' . $lang['L_DBS'] . '" class="ConfigButton"><br>' . $nl;
$aus['formstart'].='<input type="Button" id="command2" onclick="show_pardivs(\'global1\');" value="' . $lang['L_GENERAL'] . '" class="ConfigButton"><br>' . $nl;
$aus['formstart'].='<input type="Button" id="command3" onclick="show_pardivs(\'global2\');" value="' . $lang['L_CONFIG_INTERFACE'] . '" class="ConfigButton"><br>' . $nl;
$aus['formstart'].='<input type="Button" id="command4" onclick="show_pardivs(\'global3\');" value="' . $lang['L_CONFIG_AUTODELETE'] . '" class="ConfigButton"><br>' . $nl;
$aus['formstart'].='<input type="Button" id="command5" onclick="show_pardivs(\'transfer1\');" value="Email" class="ConfigButton"><br>' . $nl;
$aus['formstart'].='<input type="Button" id="command6" onclick="show_pardivs(\'transfer2\');" value="FTP" class="ConfigButton"><br>' . $nl;
$aus['formstart'].='<input type="Button" id="command7" onclick="show_pardivs(\'cron\');" value="Cronscript" class="ConfigButton"><br>' . $nl;
$aus['formstart'].='<input type="Button" id="command0" onclick="show_pardivs(\'configs\');" value="' . $lang['L_CONFIGFILES'] . '" class="ConfigButton"><br>' . $nl;
//$aus['formstart'].='<input type="Button" id="command8" onclick="show_pardivs(\'all\');" value="' . $lang['L_ALLPARS'] . '" class="ConfigButton"><br>' . $nl;
//$aus['formstart'].='<input class="Formbutton" type="reset" name="reset" value="' . $lang['L_RESET'] . '">';
$aus['formstart'].='<br><input class="Formbutton" type="submit" name="save" value="' . $lang['L_SAVE'] . '"><br><br>' . $nl;
$aus['formstart'].='<input class="Formbutton" type="Submit" name="load" value="' . $lang['L_LOAD'] . '" onclick="if (!confirm(\'' . $lang['L_CONFIG_ASKLOAD'] . '\')) return false;">' . $nl;
//$aus['formstart'].='<input class="Formbutton" type="button" value="' . $lang['L_INSTALL'] . '" onclick="parent.location.href=\'install.php\'">' . $nl;
$aus['formstart'].='</div><div id="configright">' . $msg . $nl;
// Konfigurationsdateien
$aus['conf']='<div id="configs"><fieldset><legend>' . $lang['L_CONFIGFILES'] . '</legend>' . $nl . $nl;
$aus['conf'].='<table><tr class="dbrow">';
$aus['conf'].='<td style="vertical-align:middle">' . $lang['L_CREATE_CONFIGFILE'] . ':</td>';
$aus['conf'].='<td style="vertical-align:middle"><input type="text" class="text" style="width:300px;" name="cron_savepath_new" value=""></td>';
$aus['conf'].='<td colspan="2">' . print_save_button() . '</td>';
$aus['conf'].='<br><table class="bdr"><tr class="thead"><th>#</th><th>' . $lang['L_CONFIGFILE'] . ' / ' . $lang['L_MYSQL_DATA'] . '</th>';
$aus['conf'].='<th>' . $lang['L_CONFIGURATIONS'] . '</th><th>' . $lang['L_ACTION'] . '</th></tr>';
if (sizeof($configs) > 0)
foreach ($configs as $c)
$aus['conf'].='<tr class="';
if ($old_config['config_file'] == $c) $aus['conf'].='dbrowsel';
else $aus['conf'].=( $i % 2 ) ? 'dbrow' : 'dbrow1';
$aus['conf'].='<td><a name="config' . sprintf("%03d",$i) . '" style="text-decoration:none;">' . $i . '.</a></td>';
// Einstellungen
$aus['conf'].='<tr><td>' . $lang['L_NAME'] . ':</td><td><strong>' . $c . '</strong></td></tr>'; // filename
$aus['conf'].='<tr><td>' . $lang['L_DB_HOST'] . ':</td><td><strong>' . $config['dbhost'] . '</strong></td></tr>';
$aus['conf'].='<tr><td>' . $lang['L_DB_USER'] . ':</td><td><strong>' . $config['dbuser'] . '</strong></td></tr>';
$aus['conf'].=$lang['L_DBS'] . ':</td><td>';
$aus['conf'].='<a href="#config' . sprintf("%03d",$i) . '" onclick="SwitchVP(\'show_db' . sprintf("%03d",$i) . '\');">';
$aus['conf'].=$icon['search'] . '<strong>' . sizeof($databases['Name']) . '</strong></a>';
// Datenbankliste anzeigen
$aus['conf'].='<tr><td colspan="2">';
$aus['conf'].='<div id="show_db' . sprintf("%03d",$i) . '" style="padding:0;margin:0;display:none;">';
$aus['conf'].='<table class="bdr">';
if (isset($databases['Name']))
foreach ($databases['Name'] as $d)
$aus['conf'].='<tr class="' . ( ( $a % 2 ) ? 'dbrow' : 'dbrow1' ) . '"><td style="text-align:right;">';
$aus['conf'].=$a . '. </td><td>';
$aus['conf'].='<a href="sql.php?db=' . urlencode($d) . '">';
$aus['conf'].=$d . '</a></td></tr>';
// String aus Multidump-DBs aufbauen
if (isset($databases['multisetting'])) $databases['multi']=explode(";",$databases['multisetting']);
if (isset($databases['multisetting_praefix'])) $multi_praefixe=explode(";",$databases['multisetting_praefix']);
if (is_array($databases['multi']))
for ($x=0; $x < sizeof($databases['multi']); $x++)
if ($x > 0) $toolboxstring.=', ';
if (isset($multi_praefixe[$x]) && $multi_praefixe[$x] > '') $toolboxstring.=' (<i>\'' . $multi_praefixe[$x] . '\'</i>)';
// DB-Liste fuer PHP
if ($config['multi_dump'] == 1) // Multidump
// aktuelle DB
$text=isset($databases['db_actual']) ? $databases['db_actual'] : '';
if (isset($databases['db_selected_index']) && isset($databases['praefix'][$databases['db_selected_index']]) && $databases['praefix'][$databases['db_selected_index']] > '') $text.=" ('<i>" . $databases['praefix'][$databases['db_selected_index']] . "</i>')";
// DB-Liste fuer Perl
// Fallback falls aus alten Konfigurationsdateien der Index noch nicht gesetzt ist -> alle DBs sichern
if (!isset($config['cron_dbindex'])) $config['cron_dbindex']=-3;
if ($config['cron_dbindex'] == -2)
elseif ($config['cron_dbindex'] == -3)
$text=isset($databases['Name'][$config['cron_dbindex']]) ? $databases['Name'][$config['cron_dbindex']] : '';
if (isset($databases['praefix'][$config['cron_dbindex']]) && $databases['praefix'][$config['cron_dbindex']] > '') $text.=" ('<i>" . $databases['praefix'][$config['cron_dbindex']] . "</i>')";
if ($config['multi_part'] == 1) // Multipart
$aus['conf'].=table_output($lang['L_MULTI_PART'],$lang['L_YES'] . ", " . $lang['L_FILESIZE'] . " " . byte_output($config['multipart_groesse']));
if ($config['send_mail'] == 1) //Email
$aus['conf'].=table_output($lang['L_SEND_MAIL_FORM'],$lang['L_YES'] . ", " . $lang['L_EMAIL_ADRESS'] . ": " . $config['email_recipient']);
if ($config['email_recipient_cc'] > '') $aus['conf'].=table_output($lang['L_EMAIL_CC'],$config['email_recipient_cc']);
$text=$lang['L_YES'] . ", " . $lang['L_MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE'] . ": ";
$bytes=$config['email_maxsize1'] * 1024;
if ($config['email_maxsize2'] == 2) $bytes=$bytes * 1024;
if ($config['send_mail_dump'] == 1) $aus['conf'].=table_output($lang['L_SEND_MAIL_DUMP'],$text);
for ($x=0; $x < 3; $x++)
if (isset($config['ftp_transfer'][$x]) && $config['ftp_transfer'][$x] > 0)
$aus['conf'].='<a href="config_overview.php?config=' . urlencode($c) . '">' . $icon['edit'] . '</a>';
if ($c != 'mysqldumper') // && $old_config['config_file']!=$c)
$aus['conf'].='<a href="config_overview.php?config_delete=' . urlencode($c) . '" onclick="if(!confirm(\'' . sprintf($lang['L_CONFIRM_CONFIGFILE_DELETE'],$c) . '\')) return false;">' . $icon['delete'] . '</a>';
else $aus['conf'].=' ';
$aus['conf'].='</fieldset></div>' . $nl . $nl;
// Zugangsdaten
$aus['db']='<div id="db"><fieldset><legend>' . $lang['L_CONNECTIONPARS'] . '</legend>' . $nl . $nl;
$aus['db'].='<div id="VP" style="display:none;"';
$aus['db'].='><table><tr><td>Host / User / Passwort:</td>';
$aus['db'].='<td><input class="text" type="text" name="dbhost" value="' . $config['dbhost'] . '"> / ';
$aus['db'].='<input class="text" type="text" name="dbuser" value="' . $config['dbuser'] . '" size="20"> / ';
$aus['db'].='<input class="text" type="password" name="dbpass" value="' . $config['dbpass'] . '" size="20"></td></tr>';
$aus['db'].='<tr><td colspan="2"><strong>' . $lang['L_EXTENDEDPARS'] . '</strong></td></tr>';
$aus['db'].='<tr><td>Port / Socket:</td><td><input class="text" type="text" name="dbport" value="' . $config['dbport'] . '"> / ';
$aus['db'].='<input class="text" type="text" name="dbsocket" value="' . $config['dbsocket'] . '"></td></tr>';
$aus['db'].='<tr><td>' . $lang['L_ADD_DB_MANUALLY'] . ':</td>';
$aus['db'].='<td><input class="text" type="text" name="add_db_manual" value=""></td></tr>';
if (isset($add_db_message))
$aus['db'].='<tr><td colspan="2" class="error">' . $add_db_message;
$aus['db'].='<tr><td colspan="2">' . print_save_button() . '</td></tr>';
$aus['db'].='</table></div><div><a class="small" href="#" onclick="SwitchVP();">' . $lang['L_FADE_IN_OUT'] . '</a></div></fieldset><fieldset><legend>' . $lang['L_DB_BACKUPPARS'] . '</legend>';
//Wenn Datenbanken vorhanden sind
if (isset($databases['Name'][0]) && $databases['Name'][0] > '')
if (!isset($databases['multi']) || ( !is_array($databases['multi']) )) $databases['multi']=array();
if (count($databases['Name']) == 1)
$aus['db'].='<tr><td>' . Help($lang['L_HELP_DB'],"conf1") . $lang['L_LIST_DB'] . '</td>';
$aus['db'].='<td><strong>' . $databases['db_actual'] . '</strong></td></tr>';
$aus['db'].='<tr><td>' . Help($lang['L_HELP_PRAEFIX'],"conf2") . $lang['L_PRAEFIX'] . '</td><td><input type="text" class="text" name="dbpraefix_' . $databases['db_selected_index'] . '" size="10" value="' . $databases['praefix'][$databases['db_selected_index']] . '"></td></tr>';
$aus['db'].='<tr><td>' . Help($lang['L_HELP_COMMANDS'],"") . 'Command before Dump</td><td>' . ComboCommandDump(0,$databases['db_selected_index']) . '</td></tr>';
$aus['db'].='<tr><td>' . Help($lang['L_HELP_COMMANDS'],"") . 'Command after Dump</td><td>' . ComboCommandDump(1,$databases['db_selected_index']) . '</td>';
$aus['db'].='<td><a href="sql.php?context=1">' . $lang['L_SQL_BEFEHLE'] . '</a></td>';
$disabled = '';
if (in_array($databases['db_actual'], $dontBackupDatabases)) $disabled = ' disabled="disabled"';
$aus['db'].='<tr><td>' . Help($lang['L_HELP_DB'],"conf1") . $lang['L_LIST_DB'] . '</td><td><input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" name="MultiDBDump" value="1" ' . ( ( $config['multi_dump'] == 1 ) ? "CHECKED" : "" ) . '> ' . $lang['L_ACTIVATE_MULTIDUMP'] . '</td>';
$aus['db'].='<tr><td colspan="2"><table class="bdr">';
$aus['db'].='<tr class="thead"><th>' . $lang['L_DB'] . '</th><th>Multidump<br><span class="ssmall">(<a href="javascript:SelectMD(true,' . count($databases['Name']) . ')" class="small">' . $lang['L_ALL'] . '</a> <a href="javascript:SelectMD(false,' . count($databases['Name']) . ')" class="small">' . $lang['L_NONE'] . '</a>)</span></th>';
$aus['db'].='<th>' . Help($lang['L_HELP_PRAEFIX'],"conf2") . $lang['L_PRAEFIX'] . '</th><th>' . Help($lang['L_HELP_COMMANDS'],"",11) . 'Command before Dump</th><th>' . Help($lang['L_HELP_COMMANDS'],"",11) . 'Command after Dump</th><th>' . $lang['L_SQL_BEFEHLE'] . '</th></tr>';
//erst die aktuelle DB
$aus['db'].='<tr class="dbrowsel"><td><strong>' . $databases['db_actual'] . '</strong></td>';
$aus['db'].='<td align="center"><input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" name="db_multidump_' . $databases['db_selected_index'] . '" value="db_multidump_' . $databases['db_selected_index'] . '" ' . ( ( in_array($databases['db_actual'],$databases['multi']) ) ? "CHECKED" : "" );
$aus['db'].= $disabled . '></td>';
$aus['db'].='<td><img src="' . $icon['blank'] . '" width="40" height="1" alt=""><input type="text" class="text" name="dbpraefix_' . $databases['db_selected_index'] . '" size="10" value="'
. $databases['praefix'][$databases['db_selected_index']] . '"' . $disabled . '></td>';
$aus['db'].='<td>' . ComboCommandDump(0,$databases['db_selected_index'], $disabled)
. '</td><td>' . ComboCommandDump(1,$databases['db_selected_index'], $disabled) . '</td>';
$aus['db'].='<td><a href="sql.php?context=1">' . $lang['L_SQL_BEFEHLE'] . '</a></td>';
for ($i=0; $i < count($databases['Name']); $i++)
if ($i != $databases['db_selected_index'])
$disabled = '';
if (in_array($databases['Name'][$i], $dontBackupDatabases)) $disabled = ' disabled="disabled"';
if (!isset($databases['praefix'][$i])) $databases['praefix'][$i] = '';
$aus['db'].='<tr class="' . ( ( $i % 2 ) ? 'dbrow' : 'dbrow1' ) . '"><td>' . $databases['Name'][$i] . '</td>';
$aus['db'].='<td align="center"><input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" name="db_multidump_' . $i . '" value="db_multidump_' . $i . '" ' . ( ( in_array($databases['Name'][$i],$databases['multi']) ) ? "CHECKED" : "" );
$aus['db'] .= $disabled.'></td>';
$aus['db'].='<td><img src="' . $icon['blank'] . '" width="40" height="1" alt=""><input type="text" class="text" name="dbpraefix_' . $i . '" size="10" value="'
. $databases['praefix'][$i] . '"';
$aus['db'] .= $disabled . '></td><td>' . ComboCommandDump(0,$i, $disabled) . '</td><td>'
. ComboCommandDump(1,$i, $disabled) . '</td>';
$aus['db'].='<td><a href="sql.php?context=1">' . $lang['L_SQL_BEFEHLE'] . '</a></td>';
$aus['db'].='<tr><td>' . $lang['L_NO_DB_FOUND'] . '</td></tr>';
// sonstige Einstellungen
$aus['global1']='<div id="global1"><fieldset><legend>' . $lang['L_GENERAL'] . '</legend><table>';
$aus['global1'].='<tr><td>' . Help("","") . 'Logfiles: </td>';
$aus['global1'].='<td><input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" value="1" name="logcompression" ' . ( ( $config['zlib'] ) ? '' : 'disabled' ) . ( ( $config['logcompression'] == 1 ) ? " checked" : "" ) . '> ' . $lang['L_COMPRESSED'] . '<br>';
$aus['global1'].='' . $lang['L_MAXSIZE'] . ': <input type="text" class="text" name="log_maxsize1" size="3" maxlength="3" value="' . $config['log_maxsize1'] . '"> ';
$aus['global1'].='<select name="log_maxsize2"><option value="1" ' . ( ( $config['log_maxsize2'] == 1 ) ? ' SELECTED' : '' ) . '>Kilobytes</option>';
$aus['global1'].='<option value="2" ' . ( ( $config['log_maxsize2'] == 2 ) ? ' SELECTED' : '' ) . '>Megabytes</option></select></td></tr>';
$aus['global1'].='<tr><td>' . Help($lang['L_HELP_MEMORYLIMIT'],"") . $lang['L_MEMORY_LIMIT'] . ': </td>';
$aus['global1'].='<input type="text" class="text" size="10" id="mlimit" name="memory_limit" maxlength="10" style="text-align:right;font-size:11px;" value="' . $config['memory_limit'] . '"> Bytes <a href="#" onclick="WriteMem();" class="small">' . $lang['L_AUTODETECT'] . '</a>';
$aus['global1'].='<tr><td>' . Help($lang['L_HELP_SPEED'],"") . $lang['L_SPEED'] . ': </td>';
$aus['global1'].='<td><input type="text" class="text" size="6" name="minspeed" maxlength="6" style="text-align:right;" value="' . $config['minspeed'] . '"> ' . $lang['L_TO'] . ' <input type="text" class="text" size="6" name="maxspeed" maxlength="9" style="text-align:right;" value="' . $config['maxspeed'] . '"></td></tr>';
$aus['global1'].='</table></fieldset><fieldset><legend>' . $lang['L_DUMP'] . '</legend><table>';
$aus['global1'].='<tr><td>' . Help($lang['L_HELP_ZIP'],"conf3") . $lang['L_GZIP'] . ': </td>';
$aus['global1'].='<td><input type="radio" class="radio" value="1" name="compression" ' . ( ( $config['zlib'] ) ? '' : 'disabled' ) . ( ( $config['compression'] == 1 ) ? " checked" : "" ) . '> ' . $lang['L_ACTIVATED'];
$aus['global1'].=' <input type="radio" class="radio" value="0" name="compression" ' . ( ( $config['compression'] == 0 ) ? " checked" : "" ) . '> ' . $lang['L_NOT_ACTIVATED'] . '</td></tr>';
//Multipart-Backup -->
$aus['global1'].='<tr><td>' . Help($lang['L_HELP_MULTIPART'],"") . $lang['L_MULTI_PART'] . ': </td><td>';
$aus['global1'].='<input type="radio" class="radio" value="1" name="multi_part" onclick="obj_enable(\'multipartgroesse1\');obj_enable(\'multipartgroesse2\');" ' . ( ( $config['multi_part'] == 1 ) ? " checked" : "" ) . '> ' . $lang['L_YES'];
$aus['global1'].=' <input type="radio" class="radio" value="0" name="multi_part" onclick="obj_disable(\'multipartgroesse1\');obj_disable(\'multipartgroesse2\');" ' . ( ( $config['multi_part'] == 0 ) ? " checked" : "" ) . '> ' . $lang['L_NO'];
$aus['global1'].='</td></tr><tr><td>' . Help($lang['L_HELP_MULTIPARTGROESSE'],"") . $lang['L_MULTI_PART_GROESSE'] . ': </td>';
$aus['global1'].='<td> ';
$aus['global1'].='<input type="text" class="text" id="multipartgroesse1" name="multipartgroesse1" size="3" maxlength="8" value="' . $config['multipartgroesse1'] . '"';
if ($config['multi_part'] == 0) $aus['global1'].=' disabled';
$aus['global1'].='> ';
$aus['global1'].='<select id="multipartgroesse2" name="multipartgroesse2"';
if ($config['multi_part'] == 0) $aus['global1'].=' disabled';
$aus['global1'].='><option value="1" ' . ( ( $config['multipartgroesse2'] == 1 ) ? 'SELECTED' : '' ) . '>Kilobytes</option><option value="2" ' . ( ( $config['multipartgroesse2'] == 2 ) ? 'SELECTED' : '' ) . '>Megabytes</option></select></td></tr>';
$aus['global1'].='<tr><td>' . Help($lang['L_HELP_OPTIMIZE'],"") . $lang['L_OPTIMIZE'] . ':</td>';
$aus['global1'].='<td><input type="radio" class="radio" value="1" name="optimize_tables" ' . ( ( $config['optimize_tables_beforedump'] == 1 ) ? " checked" : "" ) . '> ' . $lang['L_ACTIVATED'];
$aus['global1'].=' <input type="radio" class="radio" value="0" name="optimize_tables" ' . ( ( $config['optimize_tables_beforedump'] == 0 ) ? " checked" : "" ) . '> ' . $lang['L_NOT_ACTIVATED'] . '</td></tr>';
$aus['global1'].='</table></fieldset><fieldset><legend>' . $lang['L_RESTORE'] . '</legend><table>';
$aus['global1'].='<tr><td>' . Help($lang['L_HELP_EMPTY_DB_BEFORE_RESTORE'],"conf4") . $lang['L_EMPTY_DB_BEFORE_RESTORE'] . ': </td><td>';
$aus['global1'].='<input type="radio" class="radio" value="1" name="empty_db_before_restore" ' . ( ( $config['empty_db_before_restore'] == 1 ) ? " checked" : "" ) . '> ' . $lang['L_YES'];
$aus['global1'].=' <input type="radio" class="radio" value="0" name="empty_db_before_restore" ' . ( ( $config['empty_db_before_restore'] == 0 ) ? " checked" : "" ) . '> ' . $lang['L_NO'];
$aus['global1'].='<tr><td>' . Help("","") . $lang['L_ERRORHANDLING_RESTORE'] . ':</td><td>';
$aus['global1'].='<input type="radio" class="radio" name="stop_with_error" value="0" ' . ( ( $config['stop_with_error'] == 0 ) ? " checked" : "" ) . '> ' . $lang['L_EHRESTORE_CONTINUE'] . '<br>';
$aus['global1'].='<input type="radio" class="radio" name="stop_with_error" value="1" ' . ( ( $config['stop_with_error'] == 1 ) ? " checked" : "" ) . '> ' . $lang['L_EHRESTORE_STOP'];
if (!isset($config['ignore_enable_keys'])) {
$config['ignore_enable_keys'] = 0;
$aus['global1'].='<tr><td>Ignore "ENABLE KEYS":</td><td>';
$aus['global1'].='<input type="radio" class="radio" name="ignore_enable_keys" value="1" ' . ( ( $config['ignore_enable_keys'] == 1 ) ? " checked" : "" ) . '> ' . $lang['L_YES'];
$aus['global1'].=' <input type="radio" class="radio" name="ignore_enable_keys" value="0" ' . ( ( $config['ignore_enable_keys'] == 0 ) ? " checked" : "" ) . '> ' . $lang['L_NO'];
//Interface -->
$aus['global3']='<div id="global3"><fieldset><legend>' . $lang['L_CONFIG_INTERFACE'] . '</legend><table>';
$aus['global3'].='<tr><td>' . Help($lang['L_HELP_LANG'],"conf11") . $lang['L_LANGUAGE'] . ': </td>';
$aus['global3'].='<td><select name="language">' . GetLanguageCombo("op");
$aus['global3'].='</select><input type="hidden" name="lang_old" value="' . $config['language'] . '"><input type="hidden" name="scaption_old" value="' . $config['interface_server_caption'] . '"></td></tr>';
$aus['global3'].='<tr><td>' . Help($lang['L_HELP_SERVERCAPTION'],"") . $lang['L_SERVERCAPTION'] . ':</td>';
$aus['global3'].='<td><input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" value="1" name="server_caption" ' . ( ( $config['interface_server_caption'] == 1 ) ? " checked" : "" ) . '> ' . $lang['L_ACTIVATED'] . ' ';
$aus['global3'].='<input type="radio" class="radio" name="server_caption_position" value="1" ' . ( ( $config['interface_server_caption_position'] == 1 ) ? "checked" : "" ) . '> ' . $lang['L_IN_MAINFRAME'] . ' <input type="radio" class="radio" name="server_caption_position" value="0" ' . ( ( $config['interface_server_caption_position'] == 0 ) ? "checked" : "" ) . '> ' . $lang['L_IN_LEFTFRAME'] . '';
$aus['global3'].='<tr><td>' . Help("","") . 'Theme:</td><td><select name="theme">' . GetThemes() . '</select></td></tr>';
$aus['global3'].='</table></fieldset><fieldset><legend>' . $lang['L_SQL_BROWSER'] . '</legend><table>';
$aus['global3'].='<tr><td>' . Help("","") . $lang['L_SQLBOXHEIGHT'] . ': </td>';
$aus['global3'].='<td><input type="text" class="text" name="sqlboxsize" value="' . $config['interface_sqlboxsize'] . '" size="3" maxlength="3"> Pixel</td></tr>';
$aus['global3'].='<tr><td>' . Help("","") . $lang['L_SQLLIMIT'] . ': </td>';
$aus['global3'].='<td><input type="text" class="text" name="sql_limit" value="' . $config['sql_limit'] . '" size="3" maxlength="6"> </td></tr>';
$aus['global3'].='<tr><td>' . Help("","") . $lang['L_BBPARAMS'] . ': </td>';
$aus['global3'].='<table><tr><td>' . $lang['L_WIDTH'] . ':</td><td><input type="text" class="text" name="bb_width" value="' . $config['bb_width'] . '" size="3" maxlength="3"> pixel</td></tr>';
$aus['global3'].='<tr><td>' . $lang['L_BBTEXTCOLOR'] . ': </td>';
$aus['global3'].='<td><select name="bb_textcolor">
<option value="#000000" style="color :#000000;" ' . ( ( $config['bb_textcolor'] == "#000000" ? "selected" : "" ) ) . '> Textcolor </option>
<option value="#000066" style="color :#000066;" ' . ( ( $config['bb_textcolor'] == "#000066" ? "selected" : "" ) ) . '> Textcolor </option>
<option value="#800000" style="color :#800000;" ' . ( ( $config['bb_textcolor'] == "#800000" ? "selected" : "" ) ) . '> Textcolor </option>
<option value="#990000" style="color :#990000;" ' . ( ( $config['bb_textcolor'] == "#990000" ? "selected" : "" ) ) . '> Textcolor </option>
<option value="#006600" style="color :#006600;" ' . ( ( $config['bb_textcolor'] == "#006600" ? "selected" : "" ) ) . '> Textcolor </option>
<option value="#996600" style="color :#996600;" ' . ( ( $config['bb_textcolor'] == "#996600" ? "selected" : "" ) ) . '> Textcolor </option>
<option value="#999999" style="color :#999999;" ' . ( ( $config['bb_textcolor'] == "#999999" ? "selected" : "" ) ) . '> Textcolor </option>
$aus['global3'].='</td></tr><tr><td>' . Help("","") . 'SQL-Grid: </td>';
$aus['global3'].='<td><input type="radio" class="radio" name="interface_table_compact" value="0" ' . ( ( $config['interface_table_compact'] == 0 ) ? 'checked' : '' ) . '> normal ';
$aus['global3'].='<input type="radio" class="radio" name="interface_table_compact" value="1" ' . ( ( $config['interface_table_compact'] == 1 ) ? 'checked' : '' ) . '> compact</td></tr>';
$aus['global3'].='</table></fieldset>' . print_save_button() . '</div>';
//automatisches Löschen-->
$aus['global2']='<div id="global2"><fieldset><legend>' . $lang['L_CONFIG_AUTODELETE'] . '</legend><table>';
$aus['global2'].='<tr><td>' . Help($lang['L_HELP_AD1'],"conf8") . $lang['L_AUTODELETE'] . ': </td>';
$aus['global2'].='<td><input type="radio" class="radio" value="1" name="auto_delete" ' . ( ( $config['auto_delete'] == 1 ) ? " checked" : "" ) . '> ' . $lang['L_ACTIVATED'];
$aus['global2'].=' <input type="radio" class="radio" value="0" name="auto_delete" ' . ( ( $config['auto_delete'] == 0 ) ? " checked" : "" ) . '> ' . $lang['L_NOT_ACTIVATED'];
$aus['global2'].='</tr><tr><td>' . Help($lang['L_HELP_AD3'],"conf10") . $lang['L_NUMBER_OF_FILES_FORM'] . ': </td>';
$aus['global2'].='<td><input type="text" class="text" size="3" name="max_backup_files" value="' . $config['max_backup_files'] . '"> ';
$aus['global2'].='</td></tr></table></fieldset>' . print_save_button() . '</div>';
if (!isset($config['email_recipient_cc'])) $config['email_recipient_cc']=''; // backwards compatibility if field is undefined
$aus['transfer1']='<div id="transfer1"><fieldset><legend>' . $lang['L_CONFIG_EMAIL'] . '</legend><table>';
$aus['transfer1'].='<tr><td>' . $lang['L_SEND_MAIL_FORM'] . ': </td>';
$aus['transfer1'].='<td><input type="radio" class="radio" value="1" name="send_mail" ' . ( ( $config['send_mail'] == 1 ) ? " checked" : "" ) . '> ' . $lang['L_YES'];
$aus['transfer1'].=' <input type="radio" class="radio" value="0" name="send_mail" ' . ( ( $config['send_mail'] == 0 ) ? " checked" : "" ) . '> ' . $lang['L_NO'];
$aus['transfer1'].='</td></tr><tr><td>' . $lang['L_EMAIL_ADRESS'] . ': </td><td><input type="text" class="text" name="email0" value="' . $config['email_recipient'] . '" size="30"></td></tr>';
$aus['transfer1'].='<tr><td>' . $lang['L_EMAIL_CC'] . ': </td><td><input type="text" class="text" name="email_recipient_cc" value="' . $config['email_recipient_cc'] . '" size="60" maxlength="255"></td></tr>';
$aus['transfer1'].='<tr><td>' . $lang['L_EMAIL_SENDER'] . ': </td><td><input type="text" class="text" name="email1" value="' . $config['email_sender'] . '" size="30"></td></tr>';
$aus['transfer1'].='<tr><td>' . $lang['L_SEND_MAIL_DUMP'] . ': </td><td>';
$aus['transfer1'].='<input type="radio" class="radio" value="1" name="send_mail_dump" ' . ( ( $config['send_mail_dump'] == 1 ) ? " checked" : "" ) . '> ' . $lang['L_YES'];
$aus['transfer1'].=' <input type="radio" class="radio" value="0" name="send_mail_dump"' . ( ( $config['send_mail_dump'] == 0 ) ? " checked" : "" ) . '> ' . $lang['L_NO'];
$aus['transfer1'].='</td></tr><tr><td>' . $lang['L_EMAIL_MAXSIZE'] . ': </td><td>';
$aus['transfer1'].='<input type="text" class="text" name="email_maxsize1" size="3" maxlength="3" value="' . $config['email_maxsize1'] . '"> ';
$aus['transfer1'].='<select name="email_maxsize2"><option value="1" ' . ( ( $config['email_maxsize2'] == 1 ) ? ' SELECTED' : '' ) . '>Kilobytes</option>';
$aus['transfer1'].='<option value="2" ' . ( ( $config['email_maxsize2'] == 2 ) ? ' SELECTED' : '' ) . '>Megabytes</option></select></td></tr>';
$aus['transfer1'].='<tr><td>' . $lang['L_CRON_MAILPRG'] . ': </td>';
$aus['transfer1'].='<td><table><tr><td><input type="radio" class="radio" name="cron_use_sendmail" value="1" ' . ( ( $config['cron_use_sendmail'] == 1 ) ? " checked" : "" ) . '> sendmail</td><td><input type="text" class="text" size="30" name="cron_sendmail" value="' . $config['cron_sendmail'] . '"></td></tr>';
$aus['transfer1'].='<tr><td><input type="radio" class="radio" name="cron_use_sendmail" value="0" ' . ( ( $config['cron_use_sendmail'] == 0 ) ? " checked" : "" ) . '> SMTP</td><td><input type="text" class="text" size="30" name="cron_smtp" value="' . $config['cron_smtp'] . '"></td></tr><tr><td> </td><td>SMTP-Port: <strong>' . $config['cron_smtp_port'] . '</strong></td></tr>';
$aus['transfer1'].='</table></td></tr></table></fieldset>' . print_save_button() . '</div>';
$aus['transfer2']='<div id="transfer2"><fieldset><legend>' . $lang['L_CONFIG_FTP'] . '</legend>';
for ($i=0; $i < 3; $i++)
$aus['transfer2'].='<fieldset><legend>FTP-Connection ' . ( $i + 1 ) . '</legend><table>';
$aus['transfer2'].='<tr><td>' . Help($lang['L_HELP_FTPTRANSFER'],"") . $lang['L_FTP_TRANSFER'] . ': </td>';
$aus['transfer2'].='<td><input type="radio" class="radio" value="1" name="ftp_transfer[' . $i . ']" ' . ( ( !extension_loaded("ftp") ) ? "disabled " : "" ) . ( ( $config['ftp_transfer'][$i] == 1 ) ? " checked" : "" ) . '> ' . $lang['L_ACTIVATED'];
$aus['transfer2'].=' <input type="radio" class="radio" value="0" name="ftp_transfer[' . $i . ']" ' . ( ( $config['ftp_transfer'][$i] == 0 ) ? " checked" : "" ) . '> ' . $lang['L_NOT_ACTIVATED'] . '</td></tr>';
$aus['transfer2'].='<tr><td>' . Help($lang['L_HELP_FTPTIMEOUT'],"") . $lang['L_FTP_TIMEOUT'] . ': </td>';
$aus['transfer2'].='<td><input type="text" class="text" size="10" name="ftp_timeout[' . $i . ']" maxlength="3" style="text-align:right;" value="' . $config['ftp_timeout'][$i] . '"> sec</td></tr>';
$aus['transfer2'].='<tr><td>' . Help($lang['L_HELP_FTP_MODE'],"") . $lang['L_FTP_CHOOSE_MODE'] . ': </td>';
$aus['transfer2'].='<td><input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" name="ftp_mode[' . $i . ']" value="1" ' . ( ( $config['ftp_mode'][$i] == 1 ) ? 'checked' : '' ) . '> ';
$aus['transfer2'].=$lang['L_FTP_PASSIVE'] . '</td></tr><tr><td colspan="2">';
$aus['transfer2'].='<tr><td>' . Help($lang['L_HELP_FTPSSL'],"") . $lang['L_FTP_SSL'] . ': </td>';
$aus['transfer2'].='<td><input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" name="ftp_useSSL[' . $i . ']" value="1" ' . ( ( $config['ftp_useSSL'][$i] == 1 ) ? 'checked' : '' ) . ' ' . ( ( !extension_loaded("openssl") ) ? "disabled " : "" ) . '>';
$aus['transfer2'].=' <span ' . ( ( !extension_loaded("openssl") ) ? 'style="color:#999999;"' : '' ) . '>' . $lang['L_FTP_USESSL'] . '</span></td></tr><tr><td colspan="2">';
$aus['transfer2'].='<tr><td><input type="submit" name="testFTP' . $i . '" value="' . $lang['L_TESTCONNECTION'] . '" class="Formbutton"><br>' . $checkFTP[$i] . '</td><td><table>';
$aus['transfer2'].='<tr><td class="small">' . Help($lang['L_HELP_FTPSERVER'],"conf14",12) . $lang['L_FTP_SERVER'] . ': </td><td><input class="text" type="text" size="30" name="ftp_server[' . $i . ']" value="' . $config['ftp_server'][$i] . '"></td></tr>';
$aus['transfer2'].='<tr><td class="small">' . Help($lang['L_HELP_FTPPORT'],"conf15",12) . $lang['L_FTP_PORT'] . ': </td><td class="small"><input class="text" type="text" size="30" name="ftp_port[' . $i . ']" value="' . $config['ftp_port'][$i] . '"></td></tr>';
$aus['transfer2'].='<tr><td class="small">' . Help($lang['L_HELP_FTPUSER'],"conf16",12) . $lang['L_FTP_USER'] . ': </td><td class="small"><input class="text" type="text" size="30" name="ftp_user[' . $i . ']" value="' . $config['ftp_user'][$i] . '"></td></tr>';
$aus['transfer2'].='<tr><td class="small">' . Help($lang['L_HELP_FTPPASS'],"conf17",12) . $lang['L_FTP_PASS'] . ': </td><td class="small"><input class="text" type="password" size="30" name="ftp_pass[' . $i . ']" value="' . $config['ftp_pass'][$i] . '"></td></tr>';
$aus['transfer2'].='<tr><td class="small">' . Help($lang['L_HELP_FTPDIR'],"conf18",12) . $lang['L_FTP_DIR'] . ': </td><td class="small"><input class="text" type="text" size="30" name="ftp_dir[' . $i . ']" value="' . $config['ftp_dir'][$i] . '"></td></tr>';
$aus['transfer2'].='</table></td></tr></table>' . print_save_button() . '</fieldset>';
$aus['cron']='<div id="cron"><fieldset><legend>' . $lang['L_CONFIG_CRONPERL'] . '</legend><table>';
$aus['cron'].='<tr><td>' . Help($lang['L_HELP_CRONEXTENDER'],"") . $lang['L_CRON_EXTENDER'] . ': </td>';
$aus['cron'].='<td><input type="radio" class="radio" value="0" name="cron_extender" ' . ( ( $config['cron_extender'] == 0 ) ? " checked" : "" ) . '> .pl';
$aus['cron'].=' <input type="radio" class="radio" value="1" name="cron_extender" ' . ( ( $config['cron_extender'] == 1 ) ? " checked" : "" ) . '> .cgi';
$aus['cron'].='</tr><tr><td>' . Help($lang['L_HELP_CRONEXECPATH'],"") . $lang['L_CRON_EXECPATH'] . ': </td>';
$aus['cron'].='<td><input type="text" class="text" size="30" name="cron_execution_path" value="' . $config['cron_execution_path'] . '"></td>';
$aus['cron'].='</tr><tr><td>' . Help($lang['L_HELP_CRONPRINTOUT'],"") . $lang['L_CRON_PRINTOUT'] . ': </td>';
$aus['cron'].='<td><input type="radio" class="radio" value="1" name="cron_printout" ' . ( ( $config['cron_printout'] == 1 ) ? " checked" : "" ) . '> ' . $lang['L_YES'];
$aus['cron'].=' <input type="radio" class="radio" value="0" name="cron_printout" ' . ( ( $config['cron_printout'] == 0 ) ? " checked" : "" ) . '> ' . $lang['L_NO'] . '</td></tr>';
$aus['cron'].='<tr><td>' . Help($lang['L_HELP_CRONCOMPLETELOG'],"") . $lang['L_CRON_COMPLETELOG'] . ': </td>';
$aus['cron'].='<td><input type="radio" class="radio" value="1" name="cron_completelog" ' . ( ( $config['cron_completelog'] == 1 ) ? " checked" : "" ) . '> ' . $lang['L_YES'];
$aus['cron'].=' <input type="radio" class="radio" value="0" name="cron_completelog" ' . ( ( $config['cron_completelog'] == 0 ) ? " checked" : "" ) . '> ' . $lang['L_NO'] . '</td></tr>';
$aus['cron'].='<tr><td>' . Help($lang['L_HELP_CRONDBINDEX'],"conf14") . $lang['L_CRON_CRONDBINDEX'] . ': </td>';
$aus['cron'].='<td><select name="cron_dbindex" id="cron_dbindex">';
$aus['cron'].='<option value="-3" ';
if ($config['cron_dbindex'] == -3) $aus['cron'].='SELECTED';
$aus['cron'].='>' . $lang['L_MULTIDUMPALL'] . "</option>\n";
$aus['cron'].='<option value="-2" ';
if ($config['cron_dbindex'] == -2) $aus['cron'].='SELECTED';
$aus['cron'].='>' . $lang['L_MULTIDUMPCONF'] . "</option>\n";
if (isset($databases['Name'][0]) && $databases['Name'][0] > '')
for ($i=0; $i < $datenbanken; $i++)
$aus['cron'].='<option value="' . $i . '"';
if ($i == $config['cron_dbindex']) $aus['cron'].=' selected="selected"';
if (in_array($databases['Name'][$i], $dontBackupDatabases)) {
$aus['cron'] .= ' disabled="disabled"';
$aus['cron'].='>' . $databases['Name'][$i] . "</option>\n";
$aus['cron'].='</select>' . "\n";
// comment
$aus['cron'].='<tr><td>' . $lang['L_CRON_COMMENT'] . ': </td>';
$aus['cron'].='<td><input type="text" class="text" name="cron_comment" size="30" maxlength="100" value="' . htmlspecialchars($config['cron_comment']) . '"></td></tr>';
$aus['cron'].='</table></fieldset>' . print_save_button() . '</div>';
//Formular-Buttons -->
$aus['formende']='</div></form><br style="clear:both;">';
echo $aus['formstart'];
echo $aus['db'];
echo $aus['global1'];
echo $aus['global2'];
echo $aus['global3'];
echo $aus['transfer1'];
echo $aus['transfer2'];
echo $aus['cron'];
echo $aus['conf'];
echo $aus['formende'];
echo '<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">show_pardivs("' . $sel . '");';
// Wenn irgendetwas beim Wechsel eines Users nicht stimmt oder keine Db gefunden wurde oder eine DB nicht hinzugefügt
// werden konnte --> User mit der Nase drauf stossen und Verbindungsdaten einblenden
if (( $showVP ) || ( !isset($databases['Name']) ) || ( isset($databases['name']) && count($databases['Name'] == 0) ) || ( isset($add_db_message) )) echo 'SwitchVP();';
echo '</script>';
echo MSDFooter();