Some PHP warnings were generated in the configuration panel and during a restore when using PHP >= 7.2 due to the changed count() behavior in these PHP versions.
1213 Zeilen
36 KiB
1213 Zeilen
36 KiB
if (!defined('MSD_VERSION')) die('No direct access.');
//SQL-Library laden
include ( './inc/sqllib.php' );
if (!isset($config['sql_limit'])) $config['sql_limit']=30;
if (!isset($config['bb_width'])) $config['bb_width']=300;
if (!isset($config['bb_textcolor'])) $config['bb_textcolor']="#990033";
function ReadSQL()
global $SQL_ARRAY,$config;
$sf=$config['paths']['config'] . 'sql_statements';
if (!is_file($sf))
if ((!is_array($SQL_ARRAY) || count($SQL_ARRAY) == 0) && filesize($sf) > 0)
function WriteSQL()
global $SQL_ARRAY,$config;
$sf=$config['paths']['config'] . 'sql_statements';
for ($i=0; $i < count($SQL_ARRAY); $i++)
if (substr($str,-1) != "\n" && $i != ( count($SQL_ARRAY) - 1 )) $str.="\n";
if ($config['magic_quotes_gpc']) $str=stripslashes($str);
function SQL_Name($index)
global $SQL_ARRAY;
return $s[0];
function SQL_String($index)
global $SQL_ARRAY;
if (isset($SQL_ARRAY[$index]) && !empty($SQL_ARRAY[$index]))
return ( isset($s[1]) ) ? $s[1] : '';
function SQL_ComboBox()
global $SQL_ARRAY,$tablename,$nl;
if (is_array($SQL_ARRAY) && count($SQL_ARRAY) > 0)
$s=$nl . $nl . '<select class="SQLCombo" name="sqlcombo" onchange="this.form.sqltextarea.value=this.options[this.selectedIndex].value;">' . $nl;
$s.='<option value="" selected>---</option>' . $nl;
for ($i=0; $i < count($SQL_ARRAY); $i++)
$s.='<option value="' . htmlspecialchars(stripslashes(SQL_String($i))) . '">' . SQL_Name($i) . '</option>' . $nl;
$s.='</select>' . $nl . $nl;
return $s;
function Table_ComboBox()
global $db,$config,$lang,$nl;
$tabellen=mysqli_query($config['dbconnection'], 'SHOW TABLES FROM `' . $db . '`');
$num_tables = 0;
if (is_resource($tabellen)) {
$s=$nl . $nl . '<select class="SQLCombo" name="tablecombo" onchange="this.form.sqltextarea.value=this.options[this.selectedIndex].value;;">' . $nl . '<option value="" selected> --- </option>' . $nl;
for ($i=0; $i < $num_tables; $i++)
$s.='<option value="SELECT * FROM `' . $db . '`.`' . $t[0] . '`">' . $lang['L_TABLE'] . ' `' . $t[0] . '`</option>' . $nl;
$s.='</select>' . $nl . $nl;
return $s;
function TableComboBox($default='')
global $db,$config,$lang,$nl;
$tabellen=mysqli_query($config['dbconnection'], "SHOW TABLES FROM `$db`");
$s='<option value="" ' . ( ( $default == '' ) ? 'selected' : '' ) . '> </option>' . $nl;
for ($i=0; $i < $num_tables; $i++)
$t=((mysqli_data_seek($tabellen, $i) && (($___mysqli_tmp = mysqli_fetch_row($tabellen)) !== NULL)) ? array_shift($___mysqli_tmp) : false);
$s.='<option value="`' . $t . '`"' . ( ( $default == '`' . $t . '`' ) ? 'selected' : '' ) . '>`' . $t . '`</option>' . $nl;
return $s;
function DB_Exists($db)
global $config;
if (!isset($config['dbconnection'])) MSD_mysql_connect();
$dbs=(($___mysqli_tmp = mysqli_query($config['dbconnection'], "SHOW DATABASES")) ? $___mysqli_tmp : false);
while ($row=mysqli_fetch_object($dbs))
if (strtolower($row->Database) == strtolower($db))
return $erg;
function Table_Exists($db, $table)
global $config;
if (!isset($config['dbconnection'])) MSD_mysql_connect();
$sqlt="SHOW TABLES FROM `$db`";
if ($res)
WHILE ($row=mysqli_fetch_row($res))
if (in_array($table,$tables)) return true;
return false;
function DB_Empty($dbn)
$r="DROP DATABASE `$dbn`;\nCREATE DATABASE `$dbn`;";
return MSD_DoSQL($r);
function sqlReturnsRecords($sql)
global $mysql_SQLhasRecords;
$s=explode(' ',$sql);
return in_array(strtoupper($s[0]),$mysql_SQLhasRecords) ? 1 : 0;
function getCountSQLStatements($sql)
for ($i=0; $i < $l; $i++)
if ($sql[$i] == "'" || $sql[$i] == '"') $inQuotes=!$inQuotes;
if (( $sql[$i] == ';' && $inQuotes == false ) || $i == $l - 1) $z++;
return $z;
function splitSQLStatements2Array($sql)
for ($i=0; $i < $l; $i++)
if ($sql[$i] == "'" || $sql[$i] == '"') $inQuotes=!$inQuotes;
if ($sql[$i] == ';' && $inQuotes == false)
if (trim($tmp) != '') $sqlArr[]=$tmp;
return $sqlArr;
function DB_Copy($source, $destination, $drop_source=0, $insert_data=1)
global $config;
if (!isset($config['dbconnection'])) MSD_mysql_connect();
if (!DB_Exists($destination))
$res = MSD_DoSQL("CREATE DATABASE `$destination`;");
if (!$res)
return false;
$SQL_Array.="USE `$destination` ;\n";
$tabellen=mysqli_query($config['dbconnection'], "SHOW TABLES FROM `$source`");
for ($i=0; $i < $num_tables; $i++)
$table=((mysqli_data_seek($tabellen, $i) && (($___mysqli_tmp = mysqli_fetch_row($tabellen)) !== NULL)) ? array_shift($___mysqli_tmp) : false);
$sqlt="SHOW CREATE TABLE `$source`.`$table`";
if ($res)
if (substr($c,-1) == ";") $c=substr($c,0,strlen($c) - 1);
$SQL_Array.=( $insert_data == 1 ) ? "$c SELECT * FROM `$source`.`$table` ;\n" : "$c ;\n";
return false;
mysqli_select_db($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], $destination);
if ($drop_source == 1 && $res) MSD_query("DROP DATABASE `$source`;");
return $res;
function Table_Copy($source, $destination, $insert_data, $destinationdb="")
global $config;
if (!isset($config['dbconnection'])) MSD_mysql_connect();
$sqlc="SHOW CREATE TABLE $source";
$a2=strpos($c,"`",$a1 + 1);
$c=substr($c,0,$a1 + 1) . $destination . substr($c,$a2);
if (substr($c,-1) == ";") $c=substr($c,0,strlen($c) - 1);
$SQL_Array.=( $insert_data == 1 ) ? "$c SELECT * FROM $source ;\n" : "$c ;\n";
//echo "<h5>$SQL_Array</h5>";
function MSD_DoSQL($sqlcommands, $limit="")
global $config,$out,$numrowsabs,$numrows,$num_befehle,$time_used,$sql;
if (!isset($sql['parser']['sql_commands'])) $sql['parser']['sql_commands']=0;
if (!isset($sql['parser']['sql_errors'])) $sql['parser']['sql_errors']=0;
if (!isset($config['dbconnection'])) MSD_mysql_connect();
$allSQL=splitSQLStatements2Array($sqlcommands); #explode(';',preg_replace('/\r\n|\n/', '', $sqlcommands));
if (!isset($allSQL[$sql_queries - 1])) $sql_queries--;
if ($sql_queries == 1)
$out.=Stringformat(( $sql['parser']['sql_commands'] ),4) . ': ' . $allSQL[0] . "\n";
$result = true;
for ($i=0; $i < $sql_queries; $i++)
if ($allSQL[$i] != "")
if ($sql['parser']['start'] == 0 && $sql['parser']['end'] == 0 && $sqlcommand != '')
//sql complete
$out.=Stringformat(( $sql['parser']['sql_commands'] ),4) . ': ' . $sqlcommand . "\n";
$result=$result && MSD_query($sqlcommand);
$sql['parser']['time_used']=getmicrotime() - $sql['parser']['time_used'];
return $result;
function SQLParser($command, $debug=0)
global $sql;
if (!isset($sql['parser']['drop'])) $sql['parser']['drop']=0;
if (!isset($sql['parser']['create'])) $sql['parser']['create']=0;
if (!isset($sql['parser']['insert'])) $sql['parser']['insert']=0;
if (!isset($sql['parser']['update'])) $sql['parser']['update']=0;
if (!isset($sql['parser']['comment'])) $sql['parser']['comment']=0;
$s=rtrim(trim(( $command )));
//Was ist das für eine Anfrage ?
if (substr($s,0,1) == "#" || substr($s,0,2) == "--")
elseif (strtoupper(substr($s,0,5)) == "DROP ")
elseif (strtoupper(substr($s,0,7)) == "CREATE ")
//Hier nur die Anzahl der Klammern zählen
if ($kl2 - $kl1 == 0)
elseif (strtoupper(substr($s,0,7)) == "INSERT " || strtoupper(substr($s,0,7)) == "UPDATE ")
if (strtoupper(substr($s,0,7)) == "INSERT ") $sql['parser']['insert']++;
else $sql['parser']['update']++;
$i=strpos(strtoupper($s)," VALUES") + 7;
$i=strpos($st,"(") + 1;
$st=substr($st,0,strlen($st) - 2);
for ($i=0; $i < count($tb); $i++)
//Ticks + Dashes zählen
for ($cpos=2; $cpos <= strlen($v); $cpos++)
if (substr($v,( -1 * $cpos ),1) == "'")
for ($cpos=2; $cpos <= strlen($v); $cpos++)
if (substr($v,( -1 * $cpos ),1) == '"')
//Backslashes zählen
for ($cpos=2 + $B_Ticks; $cpos <= strlen($v); $cpos++)
if (substr($v,( -1 * $cpos ),1) == "\\")
if ($v == "NULL" && $sql['parser']['start'] == 0)
if ($sql['parser']['start'] == 0 && is_numeric($v))
if ($sql['parser']['start'] == 0 && substr($v,0,2) == "0X" && strpos($v," ") == false)
if ($sql['parser']['start'] == 0 && is_object($v))
if (substr($v,0,1) == "'" && $sql['parser']['start'] == 0)
if (strlen($v) == 1) $first=1;
if (substr($v,0,1) == '"' && $sql['parser']['start'] == 0)
if (strlen($v) == 1) $first=1;
if ($sql['parser']['start'] == 1 && $sql['parser']['end'] != 1 && $first == 0)
if (substr($v,-1) == $DELIMITER)
$B_Delimiter=( $DELIMITER == "'" ) ? $B_Ticks : $B_Dashes;
//ist Delimiter maskiert?
if (( $B_Esc % 2 ) == 1 && ( $B_Delimiter % 2 ) == 1 && strlen($v) > 2)
elseif (( $B_Delimiter % 2 ) == 1 && strlen($v) > 2)
//ist mit `'` maskiert
elseif (( $B_Esc % 2 ) == 1)
//ist mit Backslash maskiert
if ($debug == 1) echo "<font color='#0000FF'>" . $sql['parser']['start'] . "/" . $sql['parser']['end'] . "</font> Feld $i: " . htmlspecialchars($tb[$i]) . "<font color=#008000>- " . $sql['parser']['sqlparts'] . " ($B_Ticks / $B_Esc)</font><br>";
if ($sql['parser']['start'] == 1 && $sql['parser']['end'] == 1)
return $s;
function SQLOutput($sqlcommand, $meldung='')
global $sql,$lang;
$s='<h6 align="center">' . $lang['L_SQL_OUTPUT'] . '</h6><div id="sqloutbox"><strong>';
if ($meldung != '') $s.=trim($meldung);
if (isset($sql['parser']['sql_commands']))
$s.=' ' . $sql['parser']['sql_commands'] . '</strong>' . $lang['L_SQL_COMMANDS_IN'] . round($sql['parser']['time_used'],4) . $lang['L_SQL_COMMANDS_IN2'] . '<br><br>';
$s.=$lang['L_SQL_OUT1'] . '<strong>' . $sql['parser']['drop'] . '</strong> <span style="color:#990099;font-weight:bold;">DROP</span>-, ';
$s.='<strong>' . $sql['parser']['create'] . '</strong> <span style="color:#990099;font-weight:bold;">CREATE</span>-, ';
$s.='<strong>' . $sql['parser']['insert'] . '</strong> <span style="color:#990099;font-weight:bold;">INSERT</span>-, ';
$s.='<strong>' . $sql['parser']['update'] . '</strong> <span style="color:#990099;font-weight:bold;">UPDATE</span>-' . $lang['L_SQL_OUT2'] . '<br>';
$s.=$lang['L_SQL_OUT3'] . '<strong>' . $sql['parser']['comment'] . '</strong> ' . $lang['L_SQL_OUT4'] . '<br>';
if ($sql['parser']['sql_commands'] < 50) $s.='<pre>' . Highlight_SQL($sqlcommand) . '</pre>';
else $s.=$lang['L_SQL_OUT5'];
elseif ($sqlcommand != '') $s.='<h5 align="center">' . $lang['L_SQL_OUTPUT'] . '</h5><pre>' . Highlight_SQL($sqlcommand) . '</pre>';
return $s . '</div>';
function GetCreateTable($db, $tabelle)
global $config;
if (!isset($config['dbconnection'])) MSD_mysql_connect();
$res=mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], "SHOW CREATE TABLE `$db`.`$tabelle`");
if ($res)
if (isset($row['Create Table'])) return $row['Create Table'];
elseif (isset($row['Create View'])) return $row['Create View'];
else return false;
return ((is_object($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"])) ? mysqli_error($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"]) : (($___mysqli_res = mysqli_connect_error()) ? $___mysqli_res : false));
function KindSQL($sql)
if (preg_match('@^((-- |#)[^\n]*\n|/\*.*?\*/)*(DROP|CREATE)[[:space:]]+(IF EXISTS[[:space:]]+)?(TABLE|DATABASE)[[:space:]]+(.+)@im',$sql))
return 2;
elseif (preg_match('@^((-- |#)[^\n]*\n|/\*.*?\*/)*(DROP|CREATE)[[:space:]]+(IF EXISTS[[:space:]]+)?(TABLE|DATABASE)[[:space:]]+(.+)@im',$sql))
return 1;
function GetPostParams()
global $db,$dbid,$tablename,$context,$limitstart,$order,$orderdir,$sql;
$sql['sql_statement']=( isset($_POST['sql_statement']) ) ? $_POST['sql_statement'] : "SELECT * FROM `$tablename`";
// when fieldnames contain spaces or dots they are replaced with underscores
// we need to built the same index to get the postet values for inserts and updates
function correct_post_index($index)
$index=str_replace(' ','_',$index);
return $index;
function ComboCommandDump($when, $index, $disabled = '')
global $SQL_ARRAY,$nl,$databases,$lang;
if (!is_array($SQL_ARRAY) || count($SQL_ARRAY) == 0)
$r='<a href="sql.php?context=1" class="uls">' . $lang['L_SQL_BEFEHLE'] . '</a>';
if ($when == 0) $r.='<input type="hidden" name="command_before_' . $index . '" value="">';
else $r.='<input type="hidden" name="command_after_' . $index . '" value="">';
if ($when == 0)
$r='<select class="SQLCombo" name="command_before_' . $index . '"'
. $disabled.'>';
$r='<select class="SQLCombo" name="command_after_' . $index . '"'
. $disabled.'>';
$r.='<option value="" ' . ( ( $csql == '' ) ? ' selected="selected"' : '' ) . '> </option>' . "\n";
if (count($SQL_ARRAY) > 0)
for ($i=0; $i < count($SQL_ARRAY); $i++)
$r.='<option value="' . htmlspecialchars($s) . '" ' . ( ( $csql == $s ) ? ' selected="selected"' : '' ) . '>' . SQL_Name($i) . '</option>' . "\n";
return $r;
function EngineCombo($default="")
global $config;
if (!$config['dbconnection']) MSD_mysql_connect();
$r='<option value="" ' . ( ( $default == "" ) ? "selected" : "" ) . '></option>';
$r.='<option value="BDB" ' . ( ( "BDB" == $default ) ? "selected" : "" ) . '>BDB</option>';
$r.='<option value="HEAP" ' . ( ( "HEAP" == $default ) ? "selected" : "" ) . '>HEAP</option>';
$r.='<option value="ISAM" ' . ( ( "ISAM" == $default ) ? "selected" : "" ) . '>ISAM</option>';
$r.='<option value="InnoDB" ' . ( ( "InnoDB" == $default ) ? "selected" : "" ) . '>InnoDB</option>';
$r.='<option value="MERGE" ' . ( ( "MERGE" == $default ) ? "selected" : "" ) . '>MERGE</option>';
$r.='<option value="MRG_MYISAM" ' . ( ( "MRG_MYISAM" == $default ) ? "selected" : "" ) . '>MRG_MYISAM</option>';
$r.='<option value="MYISAM" ' . ( ( "MyISAM" == $default ) ? "selected" : "" ) . '>MyISAM</option>';
$res=mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], "SHOW ENGINES");
for ($i=0; $i < $num; $i++)
$r.='<option value="' . $row['Engine'] . '" ' . ( ( $row['Engine'] == $default ) ? "selected" : "" ) . '>' . $row['Engine'] . '</option>';
return $r;
function CharsetCombo($default="")
global $config;
return "";
if (!isset($config['dbconnection'])) MSD_mysql_connect();
$res=mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], "SHOW Charset");
$r='<option value="" ' . ( ( $default == "" ) ? "selected" : "" ) . '></option>';
for ($i=0; $i < $num; $i++)
if (is_array($charsets))
foreach ($charsets as $row)
$r.='<option value="' . $row['Charset'] . '" ' . ( ( $row['Charset'] == $default ) ? "selected" : "" ) . '>' . $row['Charset'] . '</option>';
return $r;
function GetCollationArray()
global $config;
if (!isset($config['dbconnection'])) MSD_mysql_connect();
$res=mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], "SHOW Collation");
if (is_array($r))
for ($i=0; $i < $num; $i++)
$r[$i]['Collation']=isset($row['Collation']) ? $row['Collation'] : '';
$r[$i]['Charset']=isset($row['Charset']) ? $row['Charset'] : '';
$r[$i]['Id']=isset($row['Id']) ? $row['Id'] : '';
$r[$i]['Default']=isset($row['Default']) ? $row['Default'] : '';
$r[$i]['Compiled']=isset($row['Compiled']) ? $row['Compiled'] : '';
$r[$i]['Sortlen']=isset($row['Sortlen']) ? $row['Sortlen'] : '';
return $r;
function CollationCombo($default="", $withcharset=0)
return "";
$s='<option value=""' . ( ( $default == '' ) ? ' selected="selected"' : '' ) . '></option>';
for ($i=0; $i < count($r); $i++)
if ($gc != $group)
if ($i > 0) $s.='</optgroup>';
$s.='<optgroup label="' . $group . '">';
$s.='<option value="' . ( ( $withcharset == 1 ) ? $group . '|' : '' ) . $r[$i]['Collation'] . '" ' . ( ( $r[$i]['Collation'] == $default ) ? "selected" : "" ) . '>' . $r[$i]['Collation'] . '</option>';
return $s . '</optgroup>';
function AttributeCombo($default='')
$s='<option value=""' . ( ( $default == '' ) ? ' selected="selected"' : '' ) . '></option>';
$s.='<option value="unsigned" ' . ( ( $default == 'unsigned' ) ? ' selected="selected"' : '' ) . '>unsigned</option>';
$s.='<option value="unsigned zerofill"' . ( ( $default == 'unsigned zerofill' ) ? ' selected="selected"' : '' ) . '>unsigned zerofill</option>';
return $s;
function simple_bbcode_conversion($a)
global $config;
$a=str_replace('<br>',' <br>',$a);
$a=str_replace('<br />',' <br>',$a);
$a=preg_replace("/\[url=(.*?)\](.*?)\[\/url\]/si","<a class=\"small\" href=\"$1\" target=\"blank\">$2</a>",$a);
$a=preg_replace("/\[urltargetself=(.*?)\](.*?)\[\/urltargetself\]/si","<a class=\"small\" href=\"$1\" target=\"blank\">$2</a>",$a);
$a=preg_replace("/\[url\](.*?)\[\/url\]/si","<a class=\"small\" href=\"$1\" target=\"blank\">$1</a>",$a);
$a=preg_replace("/\[ed2k=\+(.*?)\](.*?)\[\/ed2k\]/si","<a class=\"small\" href=\"$1\" target=\"blank\">$2</a>",$a);
$a=preg_replace("/\[ed2k=(.*?)\](.*?)\[\/ed2k\]/si","<a class=\"small\" href=\"$1\" target=\"blank\">$2</a>",$a);
$a=preg_replace("/\[center\](.*?)\[\/center\]/si","<div align=\"center\">$1</div>",$a);
$a=preg_replace("/\[size=([1-2]?[0-9])\](.*?)\[\/size\]/si","<span style=\"font-size=$1px;\">$2</span>",$a);
$a=preg_replace("/\[size=([1-2]?[0-9]):(.*?)\](.*?)\[\/size(.*?)\]/si","<span style=\"font-size=$1px;\">$3</span>",$a);
$a=preg_replace("/\[font=(.*?)\](.*?)\[\/font\]/si","<span style=\"font-family:$1;\">$2</span>",$a);
$a=preg_replace("/\[color=(.*?)\](.*?)\[\/color\]/si","<span style=\"color=$1;\">$2</span>",$a);
$a=preg_replace("/\[color=(.*?):(.*?)\](.*?)\[\/color(.*?)\]/si","<span style=\"color=$1;\">$3</span>",$a);
$a=preg_replace("/\[img\](.*?)\[\/img\]/si","<img src=\"$1\" vspace=4 hspace=4>",$a);
//$a=preg_replace("/\[b\](.*?)\[\/b\]/si", "<strong>$1</strong>", $a);
//$a=preg_replace("/\[u\](.*?)\[\/u\]/si", "<u>$1</u>", $a);
//$a=preg_replace("/\[i\](.*?)\[\/i\]/si", "<em>$1</em>", $a);
//$a=preg_replace("/\[quote\](.*?)\[\/quote\]/si", "<p align=\"left\" style=\"border: 2px solid silver;padding:4px;\">$1</p>", $a);
$a=preg_replace("/\[quote(.*?)\](.*?)\[\/quote(.*?)\]/si","<p align=\"left\" style=\"border: 2px solid silver;padding:4px;\">$2</p>",$a);
$a=preg_replace("/\[code(.*?)\](.*?)\[\/code(.*?)\]/si","<p align=\"left\" style=\"border: 2px solid red;color:green;padding:4px;\">$2</p>",$a);
$a=preg_replace("/\[hide\](.*?)\[\/hide\]/si","<div style=\"background-color:#ccffcc;\">$1</div>",$a);
$a=preg_replace("/(^|\s)+((http:\/\/)|(www.))(.+)(\s|$)+/Uis"," <a href=\"http://$4$5\" target=\"_blank\">http://$4$5</a> ",$a);
return $tag_start . $a . $tag_end;
function ExtractTablenameFromSQL($q)
global $databases,$db,$dbid;
if (strlen($q) > 100) $q=substr($q,0,100);
// if we get a list of tables - no current table is selected -> return ''
if (strtoupper(substr($p,0,17)) == 'SHOW TABLE STATUS') return '';
// check for SELECT-Statement to extract tablename after FROM
if (strtoupper(substr($p,0,7)) == 'SELECT ')
$p=substr($p,strpos(strtoupper($p),'FROM') + 5);
$parts=explode(' ',$p);
// remove keyword DATABASES and the database name after that
$p = preg_replace('/DATABASE [`]*\w+[`]*/i', '', $p);
// remove other keywords
'SHOW ',
if (strpos($cleaned,' ')) $tablename=substr($cleaned,0,strpos($cleaned,' '));
$tablename=str_replace('`','',$tablename); // remove backticks
// take care of db-name.tablename
if (strpos($tablename,'.'))
// if database is changed in Query we need to get the index of the actual db
if (isset($db_temp[$databases['db_actual']]))
if (isset($_GET['tablename'])) unset($_GET['tablename']);
//echo "<br>" . $db;
// if (Table_Exists($databases['db_actual'],$tablename)) return $tablename;
// else return '';
return $tablename;
function GetOptionsCombo($arr, $default)
global $feldtypen,$feldattribute,$feldnull,$feldextras,$feldkeys,$feldrowformat;
foreach ($arr as $s)
$r.='<option value="' . $s . '" ' . ( ( strtoupper($default) == strtoupper($s) ) ? "selected" : "" ) . '>' . $s . '</option>' . "\n";
return $r;
function make_options($arr, $selected)
foreach ($arr as $key=>$val)
$r.='<option value="' . $key . '"';
if ($key == $selected) $r.=' selected';
$r.='>' . $val . '</option>' . "\n";
return $r;
* Reads MySQL field information (depricated: will be substituted by function getExtendedFieldInfos)
* Reads field information for each field of a MySQL table
* and fills an array with the keys detected
* @param $db Database
* @param $tabelle Table
* @return array
function getFieldinfos($db, $tabelle)
global $config;
$sqlf="SHOW FULL FIELDS FROM `$db`.`$tabelle`;";
for ($i=0; $i < $anz_fields; $i++)
// define defaults
$row=mysqli_fetch_array($res, MYSQLI_ASSOC);
if (isset($row['Collation'])) $fields_infos[$i]['collate']=$row['Collation'];
if (isset($row['COLLATE'])) $fields_infos[$i]['collate']=$row['COLLATE']; // MySQL <4.1
if (isset($row['Comment'])) $fields_infos[$i]['comment']=$row['Comment'];
if (isset($row['Type'])) $fields_infos[$i]['type']=$row['Type'];
if (isset($row['Field'])) $fields_infos[$i]['name']=$row['Field'];
// remove size from type for readability in output
$fields_infos[$i]['type']=str_replace('(' . $fields_infos[$i]['size'] . ')','',$fields_infos[$i]['type']);
// look for attributes, everthing behind the first space is an atribut
$attributes=explode(' ',$fields_infos[$i]['type'],2);
if (isset($attributes[1]))
// we found attributes
unset($attributes[0]); // delete type
$fields_infos[$i]['attributes']=trim(implode(' ',$attributes)); //merge all other attributes
// remove attributes from type
if (isset($row['NULL'])) $fields_infos[$i]['null']=$row['NULL'];
if (isset($row['Null'])) $fields_infos[$i]['null']=$row['Null'];
if (isset($row['Default'])) $fields_infos[$i]['default']=$row['Default'];
if (isset($row['Extra'])) $fields_infos[$i]['extra']=$row['Extra'];
if (isset($row['Privileges'])) $fields_infos[$i]['privileges']=$row['Privileges'];
if (isset($row['privileges'])) $fields_infos[$i]['privileges']=$row['privileges'];
// now get key definitions of the table and add info to fields
$sql='SHOW KEYS FROM `' . $db . '`.`' . $tabelle . '`';
WHILE ($row=mysqli_fetch_array($res, MYSQLI_ASSOC))
$key_name=isset($row['Key_name']) ? $row['Key_name'] : '';
$index_type=isset($row['Index_type']) ? $row['Index_type'] : '';
$column_name=isset($row['Column_name']) ? $row['Column_name'] : '';
$non_unique=isset($row['Non_unique']) ? $row['Non_unique'] : '';
if ($column_name > '')
// first find indexnr of field
for ($index=0, $count=sizeof($fields_infos); $index < $count; $index++)
if ($fields_infos[$index]['name'] == $column_name) break;
if ($key_name == 'PRIMARY')
elseif ($index_type == 'FULLTEXT')
elseif ($non_unique == 0)
return $fields_infos;
* Reads extened MySQL field information
* Reads extened field information for each field of a MySQL table
* and fills an array like
* array(
* [Fieldname][attribut]=value,
* ['primary_key']=keys
* )
* @param $db Database
* @param $table Table
* @return array Field infos
function getExtendedFieldInfo($db, $table)
global $config;
$sqlf="SHOW FULL FIELDS FROM `$db`.`$table`;";
$f=array(); //will hold all info
for ($x=0; $x < $num_fields; $x++)
$row=mysqli_fetch_array($res, MYSQLI_ASSOC);
$i=$row['Field']; // define name of field as index of array
//define field defaults - this way the index of the array is defined anyway
if (isset($row['Collation'])) $f[$i]['collate']=$row['Collation'];
if (isset($row['COLLATE'])) $f[$i]['collate']=$row['COLLATE']; // MySQL <4.1
if (isset($row['Comment'])) $f[$i]['comment']=$row['Comment'];
if (isset($row['Type'])) $f[$i]['type']=$row['Type'];
if (isset($row['Field'])) $f[$i]['field']=$row['Field'];
// remove size from type for readability in output
$f[$i]['type']=str_replace('(' . $f[$i]['size'] . ')','',$f[$i]['type']);
// look for attributes, everthing behind the first space is an atribut
$attributes=explode(' ',$f[$i]['type'],2);
if (isset($attributes[1]))
// we found attributes
unset($attributes[0]); // delete type
$f[$i]['attributes']=trim(implode(' ',$attributes)); //merge all other attributes
// remove attributes from type
if (isset($row['NULL'])) $f[$i]['null']=$row['NULL'];
if (isset($row['Null'])) $f[$i]['null']=$row['Null'];
if (isset($row['Default'])) $f[$i]['default']=$row['Default'];
if (isset($row['Extra'])) $f[$i]['extra']=$row['Extra'];
if (isset($row['Privileges'])) $f[$i]['privileges']=$row['Privileges'];
if (isset($row['privileges'])) $f[$i]['privileges']=$row['privileges'];
// now get key definitions of the table and add info to field-array
$sql='SHOW KEYS FROM `' . $db . '`.`' . $table . '`';
WHILE ($row=mysqli_fetch_array($res, MYSQLI_ASSOC))
//echo "<br>Keys of $table: ";v($row);
$key_name=isset($row['Key_name']) ? $row['Key_name'] : '';
$index_type=isset($row['Index_type']) ? $row['Index_type'] : '';
$column_name=isset($row['Column_name']) ? $row['Column_name'] : '';
// to do: add other info about index etc.
if ($key_name == 'PRIMARY') $f['primary_keys'][]=$column_name;
return $f;
function ChangeKeys($ok, $nk, $fld, $size, $restriction='')
if ($ok[0] == $nk[0] && $ok[1] == $nk[1] && $ok[2] == $nk[2] && $ok[3] == $nk[3]) return '';
if ($ok[0] == 0 && $nk[0] == 1)
if ($restriction != 'drop_only') $s.="ADD PRIMARY KEY (`$fld`), ";
elseif ($ok[0] == 1 && $nk[0] == 0)
if ($ok[1] == 0 && $nk[1] == 1)
if ($restriction != 'drop_only') $s.="ADD UNIQUE INDEX `$fld` (`$fld`), ";
elseif ($ok[1] == 1 && $nk[1] == 0)
$s.="DROP INDEX `$fld`, ";
if ($ok[2] == 0 && $nk[2] == 1)
if ($restriction != 'drop_only') $s.="ADD INDEX `$fld` (`$fld`), ";
elseif ($ok[2] == 1 && $nk[2] == 0)
$s.="DROP INDEX `$fld`, ";
if ($ok[3] == 0 && $nk[3] == 1)
if ($restriction != 'drop_only') $s.="ADD FULLTEXT INDEX `$fld` (`$fld`($size)), ";
elseif ($ok[3] == 1 && $nk[3] == 0)
$s.="DROP FULLTEXT INDEX `$fld`, ";
if ($s != '') $s=substr($s,0,strlen($s) - 2);
return $s;
function build_where_from_record($data)
if (!is_array($data)) return false;
foreach ($data as $key=>$val)
$val=str_replace('<span class="treffer">','',$val);
$ret.='`' . $key . '`="' . addslashes($val) . '" AND ';
return $ret;
* Array mit Primaerschluesseln aufbauen
* INPUT: Datenbank.Tabelle (oder nur Tabelle)
* OUTPUT: Array mit allen Tabellenschluesseln
* Author: DH
function getPrimaryKeys($db, $table)
$sqlk="SHOW KEYS FROM `" . $db . "`.`" . $table . "`;";
while ($row=mysqli_fetch_array($res))
//wenn Primaerschluessel
if ($row['Key_name'] == "PRIMARY") $keys['name'][]=$row['Column_name'];
if ($row['Sub_part'] != null)
return $keys;
* Array mit allen Feldern aufbauen
* INPUT: Datenbank.Tabelle
* OUTPUT: Array mit allen Feldern der Tabelle
* Author: DH
function getAllFields($db, $table)
$sqlk="DESCRIBE `" . $db . "`.`" . $table . "`;";
while ($row=mysqli_fetch_array($res))
return $fields;
* Alte Primaerschluessel verwerfen, neue Primaerschluessel setzen
* INPUT: Datenbank.Tabelle, Array mit neuen Primaerschluesseln
* OUTPUT: true/false
* Author: DH
function setNewPrimaryKeys($db, $table, $newKeys, $indexSizes)
$sqlSetNewPrimaryKeys="ALTER TABLE `" . $db . "`.`" . $table . "`";
//wenn es Primaerschluessel gibt, diese loeschen
$existingKeys = getPrimaryKeys($db, $table);
if (count($existingKeys) > 0)
$sqlSetNewPrimaryKeys.=" DROP PRIMARY KEY";
//wenn min. 1 Schluessel im Array, sonst nur loeschen
if (count($newKeys) > 0)
if (count($existingKeys) > 0)
$sqlSetNewPrimaryKeys.=", ";
$sqlSetNewPrimaryKeys.=" ADD PRIMARY KEY (";
foreach ($newKeys as $id => $name)
if ($id > 0) $sqlSetNewPrimaryKeys.=", ";
$sqlSetNewPrimaryKeys.="`" . $name . "`";
if ($indexSizes[$id]) {
$sqlSetNewPrimaryKeys.=" (" . $indexSizes[$id] . ")";
return $res;
function setNewKeys($db, $table, $newKeys, $indexType, $indexName, $indexSizes)
$sqlSetNewKeys="ALTER TABLE `" . $db . "`.`" . $table . "` ";
$sqlSetNewKeys.="ADD ".$indexType." ";
if ($indexName)
$sqlSetNewKeys.="`" . $indexName ."` ";
foreach ($newKeys as $id => $name)
if ($id > 0) $sqlSetNewKeys.=", ";
$sqlSetNewKeys.="`" . $name . "`";
if ($indexSizes[$id]) {
$sqlSetNewKeys.=" (" . $indexSizes[$id] . ")";
return $res;
function killKey($db, $table, $indexName)
$sqlKillKey = "ALTER TABLE `".$db."`.`".$table."` DROP INDEX `".$indexName."`";
return $res;
function get_output_attribut_null($null)
global $lang;
if ($null == '') return $lang['L_YES'];
if (in_array($null,$not_null)) return $lang['L_NO'];
else return $lang['L_YES'];
function get_attribut_size_from_type($type)
if (isset($matches[1])) $size=$matches[1];
return $size;
// Bildet die WHERE-Bedingung zur eindeutigen Identifizierung wenn kein Primaerschluessel vorhanden ist
// erwartet ein Array mit $data[feldname]=wert
function build_recordkey($data)
if (!is_array($data)) return urlencode($data);
else return urlencode(serialize($data));