Fork 0
2015-05-22 13:43:20 +02:00

33 Zeilen
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2,1 KiB

$lang['L_HELP_DB']="This is the list of all Databases";
$lang['L_HELP_PRAEFIX']="the prefix is a string at the beginning of a table name, which works as a filter.";
$lang['L_HELP_ZIP']="Compression with GZip - recommended state is 'activated'";
$lang['L_HELP_MEMORYLIMIT']="The max. amount of memory in Bytes for the script\n0 = deactivated";
$lang['L_MEMORY_LIMIT']="Memory limit";
$lang['L_HELP_AD1']="If activated, then backup files will be deleted automatically.";
$lang['L_HELP_AD3']="the maximum number of backup files (for autodelete)
0 = deactivated";
$lang['L_HELP_LANG']="select your language";
$lang['L_HELP_EMPTY_DB_BEFORE_RESTORE']="To eliminate useless data you can instruct to empty the database before restore";
$lang['L_HELP_CRONEXTENDER']="The extension of the Perl scripts, default is '.pl'";
$lang['L_HELP_CRONSAVEPATH']="The name of the configuration file for the Perl script";
$lang['L_HELP_CRONPRINTOUT']="If deactivated the output will not be printed on screen.
It is independant from the printing in the logfile.";
$lang['L_HELP_CRONSAMEDB']="Use same database in Cron job like configured under Database?";
$lang['L_HELP_CRONDBINDEX']="choose the database for Cron job";
$lang['L_HELP_FTPTRANSFER']="if activated, file will be sent via FTP.";
$lang['L_HELP_FTPSERVER']="Address of the FTP-Server";
$lang['L_HELP_FTPPORT']="Port of the FTP-Server, standard: 21";
$lang['L_HELP_FTPUSER']="enter username for FTP";
$lang['L_HELP_FTPPASS']="enter password for FTP";
$lang['L_HELP_FTPDIR']="where is the upload-dir? enter path!";
$lang['L_HELP_SPEED']="Minimum and maximum speed, default is 50 to 5000";
$lang['L_SPEED']="Speed control";
$lang['L_HELP_CRONEXECPATH']="The place of the Perl scripts.\nStarting Point is the HTTP-Address (like Addresses in the Browser)\nAllowed are absolute or relative entries.";
$lang['L_CRON_EXECPATH']="Path of Perl scripts";
$lang['L_HELP_CRONCOMPLETELOG']="When activated the complete output is written in the complete_log-file.
This is independent from text printing";
$lang['L_HELP_FTP_MODE']="When problems occur while transfering via FTP, try to use the passive mode. ";