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* Zend Framework
* This source file is subject to the new BSD license that is bundled
* with this package in the file LICENSE.txt.
* It is also available through the world-wide-web at this URL:
* http://framework.zend.com/license/new-bsd
* If you did not receive a copy of the license and are unable to
* obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send an email
* to license@zend.com so we can send you a copy immediately.
* @category ZendX
* @package ZendX_JQuery
* @subpackage View
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2005-2010 Zend Technologies USA Inc. (http://www.zend.com)
* @license http://framework.zend.com/license/new-bsd New BSD License
* @version $Id$
* @see Zend_View_Helper_HtmlElement
include_once "Zend/View/Helper/HtmlElement.php";
* jQuery Accordion Pane, goes with Accordion Container
* @uses Zend_Json
* @package ZendX_JQuery
* @subpackage View
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2005-2010 Zend Technologies USA Inc. (http://www.zend.com)
* @license http://framework.zend.com/license/new-bsd New BSD License
class ZendX_JQuery_View_Helper_AjaxLink extends Zend_View_Helper_HtmlElement
* Static because multiple instances accross views of AjaxLink could reset the counter and a
* subcontainer because of this single private class variable seems too much overhead.
* @staticvar Integer
private static $currentLinkCallbackId = 1;
* Create an anchor that enables ajax-based requests and handling of the response.
* This helper creates links that make XmlHttpRequests to the server. It allows to
* inject the response into the DOM. Fancy effects going with the links can be enabled
* via simple callback shortnames. The functionality is mostly controlled by the $options
* array:
* $options
* Key Behaviour
* =================================================================================
* 'update' Update a container with the content fetched from $url
* 'method' Explicit Requesting method mimicing the jQuery functionality: GET, POST
* 'inline' True or false, wheater to inline the javascript in onClick=""
* atttribute or append it to jQuery onLoad Stack.
* 'complete' String specifies javascript called after successful request or a
* shortname of a jQuery effect that should be applied to the 'update' element.
* 'beforeSend' String specifies javascript called before the request is sent, or a
* shortname of a jQuery effect that should be applied to the link clicked.
* 'noscript' True/false, include a noscript variant that directly requests
* the given $url (make sure to check $request->isXmlHttpRequest())
* 'dataType' What type of data is the response returning? text, html, json?
* 'title' HTML Attribute title of the Anchor
* 'class' HTML Attribute class of the Anchor
* 'id' HTML Attribute id of the Anchor
* 'attribs' Array of Key-Value pairs with HTML Attribute names and their content.
* BeforeSend Callback:
* Can include shortcuts as a string assignment to fire of effects before sending of request.
* Possible shortcuts are 'fadeOut', 'fadeOutSlow', 'hide', 'hideSlow', 'slideUp', 'flash',
* @example $options = array('beforeSend' => 'hideSlow', 'complete' => 'show');
* @link http://docs.jquery.com/Ajax
* @param String $label Urls Title
* @param String $url Link to Point to
* @param Array $options
* @param Array $params Key Value Pairs of GET/POST Parameters
* @return String
public function ajaxLink($label, $url, $options=null, $params=null)
$jquery = $this->view->jQuery();
$jqHandler = (ZendX_JQuery_View_Helper_JQuery::getNoConflictMode()==true)?'$j':'$';
$attribs = array();
if(isset($options['attribs']) && is_array($options['attribs'])) {
$attribs = $options['attribs'];
// The next following 4 conditions check for html attributes that the link might need
if(empty($options['noscript']) || $options['noscript'] == false) {
$attribs['href'] = "#";
} else {
$attribs['href'] = $url;
if(!empty($options['title'])) {
$attribs['title'] = $options['title'];
// class value is an array because the jQuery CSS selector
// click event needs its own classname later on
if(!isset($attribs['class'])) {
$attribs['class'] = array();
} elseif(is_string($attribs['class'])) {
$attribs['class'] = explode(" ", $attribs['class']);
if(!empty($options['class'])) {
$attribs['class'][] = $options['class'];
if(!empty($options['id'])) {
$attribs['id'] = $options['id'];
// Execute Javascript inline?
$inline = false;
if(!empty($options['inline']) && $options['inline'] == true) {
$inline = true;
// Detect the callbacks:
// Just those two callbacks, beforeSend and complete can be defined for the $.get and $.post options.
// Pick all the defined callbacks and put them on their respective stacks.
$callbacks = array('beforeSend' => null, 'complete' => null);
if(isset($options['beforeSend'])) {
$callbacks['beforeSend'] = $options['beforeSend'];
if(isset($options['complete'])) {
$callbacks['complete'] = $options['complete'];
$updateContainer = false;
if(!empty($options['update']) && is_string($options['update'])) {
$updateContainer = $options['update'];
// Additionally check if there is a callback complete that is a shortcut to be executed
// on the specified update container
if(!empty($callbacks['complete'])) {
switch(strtolower($callbacks['complete'])) {
case 'show':
$callbacks['complete'] = sprintf("%s('%s').show();", $jqHandler, $updateContainer);
case 'showslow':
$callbacks['complete'] = sprintf("%s('%s').show('slow');", $jqHandler, $updateContainer);
case 'shownormal':
$callbacks['complete'] = sprintf("%s('%s').show('normal');", $jqHandler, $updateContainer);
case 'showfast':
$callbacks['complete'] = sprintf("%s('%s').show('fast');", $jqHandler, $updateContainer);
case 'fadein':
$callbacks['complete'] = sprintf("%s('%s').fadeIn('normal');", $jqHandler, $updateContainer);
case 'fadeinslow':
$callbacks['complete'] = sprintf("%s('%s').fadeIn('slow');", $jqHandler, $updateContainer);
case 'fadeinfast':
$callbacks['complete'] = sprintf("%s('%s').fadeIn('fast');", $jqHandler, $updateContainer);
case 'slidedown':
$callbacks['complete'] = sprintf("%s('%s').slideDown('normal');", $jqHandler, $updateContainer);
case 'slidedownslow':
$callbacks['complete'] = sprintf("%s('%s').slideDown('slow');", $jqHandler, $updateContainer);
case 'slidedownfast':
$callbacks['complete'] = sprintf("%s('%s').slideDown('fast');", $jqHandler, $updateContainer);
if(empty($options['dataType'])) {
$options['dataType'] = "html";
$requestHandler = $this->_determineRequestHandler($options, (count($params)>0)?true:false);
$callbackCompleteJs = array();
if($updateContainer != false) {
if($options['dataType'] == "text") {
$callbackCompleteJs[] = sprintf("%s('%s').text(data);", $jqHandler, $updateContainer);
} else {
$callbackCompleteJs[] = sprintf("%s('%s').html(data);", $jqHandler, $updateContainer);
if($callbacks['complete'] != null) {
$callbackCompleteJs[] = $callbacks['complete'];
if(isset($params) && count($params) > 0) {
$params = ZendX_JQuery::encodeJson($params);
} else {
$params = '{}';
$js = array();
if($callbacks['beforeSend'] != null) {
switch(strtolower($callbacks['beforeSend'])) {
case 'fadeout':
$js[] = sprintf("%s(this).fadeOut();", $jqHandler);
case 'fadeoutslow':
$js[] = sprintf("%s(this).fadeOut('slow');", $jqHandler);
case 'fadeoutfast':
$js[] = sprintf("%s(this).fadeOut('fast');", $jqHandler);
case 'hide':
$js[] = sprintf("%s(this).hide();", $jqHandler);
case 'hideslow':
$js[] = sprintf("%s(this).hide('slow');", $jqHandler);
case 'hidefast':
$js[] = sprintf("%s(this).hide('fast');", $jqHandler);
case 'slideup':
$js[] = sprintf("%s(this).slideUp(1000);", $jqHandler);
$js[] = $callbacks['beforeSend'];
switch($requestHandler) {
case 'GET':
$js[] = sprintf("%s.get('%s', %s, function(data, textStatus) { %s }, '%s');return false;",
$jqHandler, $url, $params, implode(" ", $callbackCompleteJs), $options['dataType']);
case 'POST':
$js[] = sprintf("%s.post('%s', %s, function(data, textStatus) { %s }, '%s');return false;",
$jqHandler, $url, $params, implode(" ", $callbackCompleteJs), $options['dataType']);
$js = implode($js);
if($inline == true) {
$attribs['onclick'] = $js;
} else {
if(!isset($attribs['id'])) {
$clickClass = sprintf("ajaxLink%d", ZendX_JQuery_View_Helper_AjaxLink::$currentLinkCallbackId);
$attribs['class'][] = $clickClass;
$onLoad = sprintf("%s('a.%s').click(function() { %s });", $jqHandler, $clickClass, $js);
} else {
$onLoad = sprintf("%s('a#%s').click(function() { %s });", $jqHandler, $attribs['id'], $js);
if(count($attribs['class']) > 0) {
$attribs['class'] = implode(" ", $attribs['class']);
} else {
$html = '<a'
. $this->_htmlAttribs($attribs)
. '>'
. $label
. '</a>';
return $html;
* Determine which request method (GET or POST) should be used.
* Normally the request method is determined implicitly by the rule,
* if addiotional params are sent, POST, if not GET. You can overwrite
* this behaviiour by implicitly setting $options['method'] = "POST|GET";
* @param Array $options
* @param Boolean $hasParams
* @return String
protected function _determineRequestHandler($options, $hasParams)
if(isset($options['method']) && in_array(strtoupper($options['method']), array('GET', 'POST'))) {
return strtoupper($options['method']);
$requestHandler = "GET";
if($hasParams == true) {
$requestHandler = "POST";
return $requestHandler;