$fItem) { $between = explode(strtolower($fItem), strtolower($string)); $pos = 0; foreach ($between as $bKey => $bItem) { $between[$bKey] = substr($string, $pos, strlen($bItem)); $pos += strlen($bItem) + strlen($fItem); } $string = implode($replace[$fKey], $between); } return ($string); } } if (!function_exists('stripos')) // borrowed from php.net comments { function stripos($haystack, $needle) { return strpos($haystack, stristr($haystack, $needle)); } } function Help($ToolTip, $Anker, $imgsize = 12) {/* global $config; if($Anker!=""){ return 'Help'; } else { return 'Help'; } */ } function DeleteFilesM($dir, $pattern = "*.*") { $deleted = array(); $pattern = str_replace( array( "\*", "\?" ), array( ".*", "." ), preg_quote($pattern) ); if (substr($dir, -1) != "/") { $dir .= "/"; } if (is_dir($dir)) { $d = opendir($dir); while ($file = readdir($d)) { if (is_file($dir . $file) && preg_match("/^" . $pattern . "$/", $file)) { if (unlink($dir . $file)) { $deleted[$file] = true; } else { $deleted[$file] = false; } } } closedir($d); return $deleted; } } function SetDefault($load_default = false) { global $config, $databases, $nl, $out, $lang, $preConfig; if ($load_default == true) { if (file_exists($config['files']['parameter']) && (is_readable($config['files']['parameter']))) { include($config['files']['parameter']); } // alte Config lesen } $restore_values = array(); $restore_values['cron_dbindex'] = isset($config['cron_dbindex']) ? $config['cron_dbindex'] : -3; $restore_values['cron_dbpraefix_array'] = isset($config['cron_dbpraefix_array']) ? $config['cron_dbpraefix_array'] : ''; if ($restore_values['cron_dbindex'] >= 0 && isset($databases['Name'][$config['cron_dbindex']]) ) // eine bestimmte Db gewaehlt? { // Ja, Namen merken, um spaeter den Index wieder herzustellen $restore_values['db_actual_cron'] = $databases['Name'][$config['cron_dbindex']]; } $restore_values['db_actual'] = isset($databases['db_actual']) ? $databases['db_actual'] : ''; $old_lang = isset($config['language']) && in_array($config['language'], $lang['languages']) ? $config['language'] : ''; if ($load_default == true) { if (file_exists($config['files']['parameter'])) { @unlink($config['files']['parameter']); } include("./config.php"); if (is_array($preConfig)) { foreach ($preConfig as $key => $val) { $config[$key] = $val; } } if ($old_lang != '') { $config['language'] = $old_lang; } include("./language/" . $config['language'] . "/lang.php"); } $oldVals = array(); // Zuordnung nach Namen der Db zwischenspeichern, um Eingaben nicht zu verlieren if (isset($databases) && isset($databases['Name'])) { foreach ($databases['Name'] as $k => $v) { if (!isset($oldVals[$k])) { $oldVals[$v] = array(); } $oldVals[$v]['praefix'] = $databases['praefix'][$k]; $oldVals[$v]['command_before_dump'] = $databases['command_before_dump'][$k]; $oldVals[$v]['command_after_dump'] = $databases['command_after_dump'][$k]; } } $oldDbArray = array(); if (isset($databases['Name'])) { $oldDbArray = $databases['Name']; } $databases['Name'] = array(); $found_dbs = array(); //DB-Liste holen MSD_mysql_connect(); $res = mysqli_query( $config['dbconnection'], 'SHOW DATABASES'); WHILE ($row = mysqli_fetch_row($res)) { $found_dbs[] = $row[0]; } $found_dbs = array_merge($oldDbArray, $found_dbs); $found_dbs = array_unique($found_dbs); sort($found_dbs); // now check each db $a = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < count($found_dbs); $i++) { $found_db = $found_dbs[$i]; $use = @((bool)mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], "USE " . $found_db)); if ($use) { if (isset($old_db) && $found_db == $old_db) { $databases['db_selected_index'] = $a; } $databases['Name'][$a] = $found_db; $databases['praefix'][$a] = ""; $databases['command_before_dump'][$a] = ""; $databases['command_after_dump'][$a] = ""; if (isset($oldVals[$found_db])) { $databases['praefix'][$a] = $oldVals[$found_db]['praefix']; $databases['command_before_dump'][$a] = $oldVals[$found_db]['command_before_dump']; $databases['command_after_dump'][$a] = $oldVals[$found_db]['command_after_dump']; } $out .= $lang['L_SAVING_DB_FORM'] . " " . $found_db . " " . $lang['L_ADDED'] . "$nl"; $a++; } } if (!isset($databases['db_selected_index'])) { $databases['db_selected_index'] = 0; $databases['db_actual'] = $databases['Name'][0]; } WriteParams(1, $restore_values); if ($load_default === true) { WriteLog("default settings loaded."); } return $out; } function WriteParams($as = 0, $restore_values = false) { // wenn $as=1 wird versucht den aktuellen Index der Datenbank nach dem Einlesen wieder zu ermitteln // auch wenn sich die Indexnummer durch Loeschaktionen geaendert hat global $config, $databases, $config_dontsave; $nl = "\n"; // alte Werte retten if ($as) { if (is_array($restore_values)) { if ($restore_values['cron_dbindex'] < 0) { // Multidump oder "alle Datenbanken" war gewaehlt $config['cron_dbindex'] = $restore_values['cron_dbindex']; } else { //den Index der konkreten Datenbank aus der alten Konfiguration ermitteln $db_names = array(); $db_names = array_flip($databases['Name']); if (isset($db_names[$restore_values['db_actual']])) { // alte Db existiert noch -> Index uebernehmen $databases['db_actual'] = $restore_values['db_actual']; } else { $databases['db_actual'] = $databases['Name'][0]; } //Cron-Index wiederfinden if (isset($db_names[$restore_values['cron_dbindex']])) { $config['cron_dbindex'] = $db_names[$restore_values['cron_dbindex']]; } else { // DB wurde zwischenzeitlich geloescht - sicherheitshalber alle DBs sichern $databases['cron_dbindex'] = -3; } } } } FillMultiDBArrays(); //Parameter zusammensetzen $config['multipart_groesse'] = $config['multipartgroesse1'] * (($config['multipartgroesse2'] == 1) ? 1024 : 1024 * 1024); $param = $pars_all = ' $val) { if (!in_array($var, $config_dontsave)) { if (is_array($val)) { $pars_all .= '$config[\'' . $var . '\']=array();' . $nl; foreach ($val as $var2 => $val2) { if ($config['magic_quotes_gpc'] == 1) { $val2 = stripslashes($val2); } $pars_all .= '$config[\'' . $var . '\'][' . ((is_int($var2)) ? $var2 : "'" . $var2 . "'") . '] = \'' . my_addslashes($val2) . "';$nl"; } } else { if ($config['magic_quotes_gpc'] == 1) { $val = stripslashes($val); } if (!in_array($var, $config_dontsave)) { $pars_all .= '$config[\'' . $var . '\'] = \'' . my_addslashes($val) . "';$nl"; } } } } foreach ($databases as $var => $val) { if (is_array($val)) { $pars_all .= '$databases[\'' . $var . '\']=array();' . $nl; foreach ($val as $var2 => $val2) { if ($config['magic_quotes_gpc'] == 1 || $as == 1) { $pars_all .= '$databases[\'' . $var . '\'][' . ((is_int($var2)) ? $var2 : "'" . $var2 . "'") . '] = \'' . my_addslashes(stripslashes($val2)) . "';$nl"; } else { $pars_all .= '$databases[\'' . $var . '\'][' . ((is_int($var2)) ? $var2 : "'" . $var2 . "'") . '] = \'' . my_addslashes($val2) . "';$nl"; } } } else { if ($config['magic_quotes_gpc'] == 0 || $as == 1) { $pars_all .= '$databases[\'' . $var . '\'] = \'' . addslashes($val) . "';$nl"; } else { $pars_all .= '$databases[\'' . $var . '\'] = \'' . $val . "';$nl"; } } } $param .= '?>'; $pars_all .= '?>'; //Datei öffnen und schreiben $ret = true; $file = $config['paths']['config'] . $config['config_file'] . '.php'; if ($fp = fopen($file, "wb")) { if (!fwrite($fp, $pars_all)) { $ret = false; } if (!fclose($fp)) { $ret = false; } @chmod($file, 0777); } else { $ret = false; } $ret = WriteCronScript($restore_values); return $ret; } function escape_specialchars($text) { $suchen = ARRAY( '@', '$', '\\\\', '"' ); $ersetzen = ARRAY( '\@', '\$', '\\', '\"' ); $text = str_replace($suchen, $ersetzen, $text); return $text; } // definiert einen SAtring, der ein Array nach Perlsyntax aufbaut function my_implode($arr, $mode = 0) // 0=String, 1=intval { global $nl; if (!is_array($arr)) { return false; } foreach ($arr as $key => $val) { if ($mode == 0) { $arr[$key] = escape_specialchars($val); } else { $arr[$key] = intval($val); } } if ($mode == 0) { $ret = '("' . implode('","', $arr) . '");' . $nl; } else { $ret = '(' . implode(',', $arr) . ');' . $nl; } return $ret; } function WriteCronScript($restore_values = false) { global $nl, $config, $databases, $cron_db_array, $cron_dbpraefix_array, $cron_db_cbd_array, $cron_db_cad_array, $dontBackupDatabases; if (!isset($databases['db_selected_index'])) { $databases['db_selected_index'] = 0; } if (!isset($databases['praefix'][$databases['db_selected_index']])) { $databases['praefix'][$databases['db_selected_index']] = ""; } if (!isset($databases['db_actual_cronindex'])) { $databases['db_actual_cronindex'] = $databases['db_selected_index']; } if (!isset($config['email_maxsize'])) { $config['email_maxsize'] = $config['email_maxsize1'] * (($config['email_maxsize2'] == 1) ? 1024 : 1024 * 1024); } $cron_dbname = $databases['db_actual']; // -2 = Multidump configuration // -3 = all databases - nothing to do // get standard values for all databases $cron_db_array = $databases['Name']; $cron_dbpraefix_array = $databases['praefix']; $cron_command_before_dump = $databases['command_before_dump']; $cron_command_after_dump = $databases['command_after_dump']; if (!isset($config['cron_dbindex'])) { $config['cron_dbindex'] = -3; } if (intval($config['cron_dbindex']) == -2) { // get selected dbs from multidump-settings $cron_db_array = $databases['multi']; $cron_dbpraefix_array = $databases['multi_praefix']; $cron_command_before_dump = $databases['multi_commandbeforedump']; $cron_command_after_dump = $databases['multi_commandafterdump']; } // we need to correct the index of the selected database after we cleaned // the db-array from information_schema and mysql if it points to a db-name if ($config['cron_dbindex'] >= 0) { $cronDbIndexDbName = $databases['Name'][$config['cron_dbindex']]; } else { $cronDbIndex = $config['cron_dbindex']; } $newDbNames = $databases['Name']; //remove database we don't want to backup // from newDbNames foreach ($databases['Name'] as $k=>$v) { if (in_array($v, $dontBackupDatabases)) { unset($newDbNames[$k]); } } // and from cron (cron_db_array has different length to newDbNames: at least mysql and information_schema are missing) foreach ($cron_db_array as $k=>$v) { if (in_array($v, $dontBackupDatabases)) { unset($cron_db_array[$k], $cron_dbpraefix_array[$k], $cron_command_before_dump[$k], $cron_command_after_dump[$k] ); } } // find new index if ($config['cron_dbindex'] >= 0) { sort($newDbNames); $dbNames = array_flip($newDbNames); if (isset($dbNames[$cronDbIndexDbName])) { $cronDbIndex = $dbNames[$cronDbIndexDbName]; } else { $cronDbIndex = 0; } } $r = str_replace("\\\\", "/", $config['paths']['root']); $r = str_replace("@", "\@", $r); $p1 = $r . $config['paths']['backup']; $p2 = $r . $config['files']['perllog'] . (($config['logcompression'] == 1) ? '.gz' : ''); $p3 = $r . $config['files']['perllogcomplete'] . (($config['logcompression'] == 1) ? '.gz' : ''); // auf manchen Server wird statt 0 ein leerer String gespeichert -> fuehrt zu einem Syntax-Fehler // hier die entsprechenden Ja/Nein-Variablen sicherheitshalber in intvalues aendern $int_array = array( 'dbport', 'cron_compression', 'cron_printout', 'multi_part', 'multipart_groesse', 'email_maxsize', 'auto_delete', 'max_backup_files', 'perlspeed', 'optimize_tables_beforedump', 'logcompression', 'log_maxsize', 'cron_completelog', 'cron_use_sendmail', 'cron_smtp_port' ); foreach ($int_array as $i) { if (is_array($i)) { foreach ($i as $key => $val) { $int_array[$key] = intval($val); } } else { $config[$i] = intval($config[$i]); } } if ($config['dbport'] == 0) { $config['dbport'] = 3306; } $cronscript = ""; // Save config $ret = true; $sfile = $config['paths']['config'] . $config['config_file'] . '.conf.php'; if (file_exists($sfile)) { @unlink($sfile); } if ($fp = fopen($sfile, "wb")) { if (!fwrite($fp, $cronscript)) { $ret = false; } if (!fclose($fp)) { $ret = false; } @chmod("$sfile", 0777); } else { $ret = false; } // if standard config was deleted -> restore it with the actual values if (!file_exists($config['paths']['config'] . "mysqldumper.conf.php")) { $sfile = $config['paths']['config'] . 'mysqldumper.conf.php'; if ($fp = fopen($sfile, "wb")) { if (!fwrite($fp, $cronscript)) { $ret = false; } if (!fclose($fp)) { $ret = false; } @chmod("$sfile", 0777); } else { $ret = false; } } return $ret; } function LogFileInfo($logcompression) { global $config; $l = Array(); $sum = $s = $l['log_size'] = $l['perllog_size'] = $l['perllogcomplete_size'] = $l['errorlog_size'] = $l['log_totalsize'] = 0; if ($logcompression == 1) { $l['log'] = $config['files']['log'] . ".gz"; $l['perllog'] = $config['files']['perllog'] . ".gz"; $l['perllogcomplete'] = $config['files']['perllogcomplete'] . ".gz"; $l['errorlog'] = $config['paths']['log'] . "error.log.gz"; } else { $l['log'] = $config['files']['log']; $l['perllog'] = $config['files']['perllog']; $l['perllogcomplete'] = $config['files']['perllogcomplete']; $l['errorlog'] = $config['paths']['log'] . "error.log"; } $l['log_size'] += @filesize($l['log']); $sum += $l['log_size']; $l['perllog_size'] += @filesize($l['perllog']); $sum += $l['perllog_size']; $l['perllogcomplete_size'] += @filesize($l['perllogcomplete']); $sum += $l['perllogcomplete_size']; $l['errorlog_size'] += @filesize($l['errorlog']); $sum += $l['errorlog_size']; $l['log_totalsize'] += $sum; return $l; } function DeleteLog() { global $config; //Datei öffnen und schreiben $log = date('d.m.Y H:i:s') . " Log created.\n"; if (file_exists($config['files']['log'] . '.gz')) { @unlink($config['files']['log'] . '.gz'); } if (file_exists($config['files']['log'] . '.gz')) { @unlink($config['files']['log']); } if ($config['logcompression'] == 1) { $fp = @gzopen($config['files']['log'] . '.gz', "wb"); @gzwrite($fp, $log); @gzclose($fp); @chmod($config['files']['log'] . '.gz', 0777); } else { $fp = @fopen($config['files']['log'], "wb"); @fwrite($fp, $log); @fclose($fp); @chmod($config['files']['log'], 0777); } } function CreateDirsFTP() { global $config, $lang, $install_ftp_server, $install_ftp_port, $install_ftp_user_name, $install_ftp_user_pass, $install_ftp_path; // Herstellen der Basis-Verbindung echo '
' . $lang['L_CONNECT_TO'] . ' `' . $install_ftp_server . '` Port ' . $install_ftp_port . ' ...
'; $conn_id = ftp_connect($install_ftp_server); // Einloggen mit Benutzername und Kennwort $login_result = ftp_login($conn_id, $install_ftp_user_name, $install_ftp_user_pass); // Verbindung überprüfen if ((!$conn_id) || (!$login_result)) { echo $lang['L_FTP_NOTCONNECTED']; echo $lang['L_CONNWITH'] . " $tinstall_ftp_server " . $lang['L_ASUSER'] . " $install_ftp_user_name " . $lang['L_NOTPOSSIBLE']; return 0; } else { if ($config['ftp_mode'] == 1) { ftp_pasv($conn_id, true); } //Wechsel in betroffenes Verzeichnis echo $lang['L_CHANGEDIR'] . ' `' . $install_ftp_path . '` ...
'; ftp_chdir($conn_id, $install_ftp_path); // Erstellen der Verzeichnisse echo $lang['L_DIRCR1'] . ' ...
'; ftp_mkdir($conn_id, "work"); ftp_site($conn_id, "CHMOD 0777 work"); echo $lang['L_CHANGEDIR'] . ' `work` ...
'; ftp_chdir($conn_id, "work"); echo $lang['L_INDIR'] . ' `' . ftp_pwd($conn_id) . '`
'; echo $lang['L_DIRCR5'] . ' ...
'; ftp_mkdir($conn_id, "config"); ftp_site($conn_id, "CHMOD 0777 config"); echo $lang['L_DIRCR2'] . ' ...
'; ftp_mkdir($conn_id, "backup"); ftp_site($conn_id, "CHMOD 0777 backup"); echo $lang['L_DIRCR4'] . ' ...
'; ftp_mkdir($conn_id, "log"); ftp_site($conn_id, "CHMOD 0777 log"); // Schließen des FTP-Streams ftp_quit($conn_id); return 1; } } function ftp_mkdirs($config, $dirname) { $dir = split("/", $dirname); for ($i = 0; $i < count($dir) - 1; $i++) { $path .= $dir[$i] . "/"; @ftp_mkdir($config['dbconnection'], $path); } if (@ftp_mkdir($config['dbconnection'], $dirname)) { return 1; } } function IsWritable($dir) { $testfile = $dir . "/.writetest"; if ($writable = @fopen($testfile, 'w')) { @fclose($writable); @unlink($testfile); } return $writable; } function SearchDatabases($printout, $db = '') { global $databases, $config, $lang; if (!isset($config['dbconnection'])) { MSD_mysql_connect(); } $db_list = array(); if ($db > '') { $db_list[] = $db; // DB wurde manuell angegeben } // Datenbanken automatisch erkennen $show_dbs = mysqli_query( $config['dbconnection'], "SHOW DATABASES"); if (!$show_dbs === false) { WHILE ($row = mysqli_fetch_row($show_dbs)) { if (trim($row[0]) > '') { $db_list[] = $row[0]; } } } $db_list = array_unique($db_list); sort($db_list); if (sizeof($db_list) > 0) { $databases['db_selected_index'] = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($db_list); $i++) { // Test-Select um zu sehen, ob Berechtigungen existieren if (!@mysqli_query( $config['dbconnection'], "SHOW TABLES FROM `" . $db_list[$i] . "`") === false) { $databases['Name'][$i] = $db_list[$i]; $databases['praefix'][$i] = ''; $databases['command_before_dump'][$i] = ''; $databases['command_after_dump'][$i] = ''; if ($printout == 1) { echo $lang['L_FOUND_DB'] . ' `' . $db_list[$i] . '`
'; } } else { if ($printout == 1) { echo '' . sprintf($lang['L_DB_MANUAL_ERROR'], $db_list[$i]) . '
'; } } } } if (isset($databases['Name'][0])) { $databases['db_actual'] = $databases['Name'][0]; } } // removes tags from inputs recursivly function my_strip_tags($value) { global $dont_strip; if (is_array($value)) { foreach ($value as $key => $val) { if (!in_array($key, $dont_strip)) { $ret[$key] = my_strip_tags($val); } else { $ret[$key] = $val; } } } else { $ret = trim(strip_tags($value)); } return $ret; } /** * Add a slashes only before ' * * Used for escaping strings in JS-alerts and config-files * * @param $string * * @return string */ function my_addslashes($string) { return str_replace("'", "\'", $string); } /** * Replaces quotes for outputting value in HTML-attributes * * Replaces quotes for outputing value in HTML-attributes without breaking HTML * * @param string $value value to output * * @return string */ function my_quotes($value) { return str_replace('"', '"', $value); } // prepares a string for executing it as query function db_escape($string) { global $config; if (function_exists('mysqli_real_escape_string')) { $string = mysqli_real_escape_string( $config['dbconnection'], $string); } else { $string = addslashes($string); } return $string; } ?>