null, /* The offset in the trace which identifies the source of the message */ 'includeLineNumbers' => null /* Whether to include line and file info for this message */ ); /** * Creates a new message with the given style and message * * @param string $style Style of the message. * @param mixed $message The message * @return void */ function __construct($style, $message) { $this->_style = $style; $this->_message = $message; $this->_ruid = md5(microtime().mt_rand()); } /** * Set the label of the message * * @param string $label The label to be set * @return void */ public function setLabel($label) { $this->_label = $label; } /** * Get the label of the message * * @return string The label of the message */ public function getLabel() { return $this->_label; } /** * Enable or disable message buffering * * If a message is buffered it can be updated for the duration of the * request and is only flushed at the end of the request. * * @param boolean $buffered TRUE to enable buffering FALSE otherwise * @return boolean Returns previous buffering value */ public function setBuffered($buffered) { $previous = $this->_buffered; $this->_buffered = $buffered; return $previous; } /** * Determine if buffering is enabled or disabled * * @return boolean Returns TRUE if buffering is enabled, FALSE otherwise. */ public function getBuffered() { return $this->_buffered; } /** * Destroy the message to prevent delivery * * @param boolean $destroy TRUE to destroy FALSE otherwise * @return boolean Returns previous destroy value */ public function setDestroy($destroy) { $previous = $this->_destroy; $this->_destroy = $destroy; return $previous; } /** * Determine if message should be destroyed * * @return boolean Returns TRUE if message should be destroyed, FALSE otherwise. */ public function getDestroy() { return $this->_destroy; } /** * Set the style of the message * * @return void */ public function setStyle($style) { $this->_style = $style; } /** * Get the style of the message * * @return string The style of the message */ public function getStyle() { return $this->_style; } /** * Set the actual message to be sent in its final format. * * @return void */ public function setMessage($message) { $this->_message = $message; } /** * Get the actual message to be sent in its final format. * * @return mixed Returns the message to be sent. */ public function getMessage() { return $this->_message; } /** * Set a single option * * @param string $key The name of the option * @param mixed $value The value of the option * @return mixed The previous value of the option */ public function setOption($key, $value) { if(!array_key_exists($key,$this->_options)) { throw new Zend_Wildfire_Exception('Option with name "'.$key.'" does not exist!'); } $previous = $this->_options[$key]; $this->_options[$key] = $value; return $previous; } /** * Retrieve a single option * * @param string $key The name of the option * @return mixed The value of the option */ public function getOption($key) { if(!array_key_exists($key,$this->_options)) { throw new Zend_Wildfire_Exception('Option with name "'.$key.'" does not exist!'); } return $this->_options[$key]; } /** * Retrieve all options * * @return array All options */ public function getOptions() { return $this->_options; } }