 * Zend Framework
 * This source file is subject to the new BSD license that is bundled
 * with this package in the file LICENSE.txt.
 * It is also available through the world-wide-web at this URL:
 * http://framework.zend.com/license/new-bsd
 * If you did not receive a copy of the license and are unable to
 * obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send an email
 * to license@zend.com so we can send you a copy immediately.
 * @category   Zend
 * @package    Zend_Controller
 * @copyright  Copyright (c) 2005-2011 Zend Technologies USA Inc. (http://www.zend.com)
 * @license    http://framework.zend.com/license/new-bsd     New BSD License
 * @version    $Id$

 * @see Zend_Controller_Action_HelperBroker
require_once 'Zend/Controller/Action/HelperBroker.php';

 * @see Zend_Controller_Action_Interface
require_once 'Zend/Controller/Action/Interface.php';

 * @see Zend_Controller_Front
require_once 'Zend/Controller/Front.php';

 * @category   Zend
 * @package    Zend_Controller
 * @copyright  Copyright (c) 2005-2011 Zend Technologies USA Inc. (http://www.zend.com)
 * @license    http://framework.zend.com/license/new-bsd     New BSD License
abstract class Zend_Controller_Action implements Zend_Controller_Action_Interface
     * @var array of existing class methods
    protected $_classMethods;

     * Word delimiters (used for normalizing view script paths)
     * @var array
    protected $_delimiters;

     * Array of arguments provided to the constructor, minus the
     * {@link $_request Request object}.
     * @var array
    protected $_invokeArgs = array();

     * Front controller instance
     * @var Zend_Controller_Front
    protected $_frontController;

     * Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract object wrapping the request environment
     * @var Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract
    protected $_request = null;

     * Zend_Controller_Response_Abstract object wrapping the response
     * @var Zend_Controller_Response_Abstract
    protected $_response = null;

     * View script suffix; defaults to 'phtml'
     * @see {render()}
     * @var string
    public $viewSuffix = 'phtml';

     * View object
     * @var Zend_View_Interface
    public $view;

     * Helper Broker to assist in routing help requests to the proper object
     * @var Zend_Controller_Action_HelperBroker
    protected $_helper = null;

     * Class constructor
     * The request and response objects should be registered with the
     * controller, as should be any additional optional arguments; these will be
     * available via {@link getRequest()}, {@link getResponse()}, and
     * {@link getInvokeArgs()}, respectively.
     * When overriding the constructor, please consider this usage as a best
     * practice and ensure that each is registered appropriately; the easiest
     * way to do so is to simply call parent::__construct($request, $response,
     * $invokeArgs).
     * After the request, response, and invokeArgs are set, the
     * {@link $_helper helper broker} is initialized.
     * Finally, {@link init()} is called as the final action of
     * instantiation, and may be safely overridden to perform initialization
     * tasks; as a general rule, override {@link init()} instead of the
     * constructor to customize an action controller's instantiation.
     * @param Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract $request
     * @param Zend_Controller_Response_Abstract $response
     * @param array $invokeArgs Any additional invocation arguments
     * @return void
    public function __construct(Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract $request, Zend_Controller_Response_Abstract $response, array $invokeArgs = array())
        $this->_helper = new Zend_Controller_Action_HelperBroker($this);

     * Initialize object
     * Called from {@link __construct()} as final step of object instantiation.
     * @return void
    public function init()

     * Initialize View object
     * Initializes {@link $view} if not otherwise a Zend_View_Interface.
     * If {@link $view} is not otherwise set, instantiates a new Zend_View
     * object, using the 'views' subdirectory at the same level as the
     * controller directory for the current module as the base directory.
     * It uses this to set the following:
     * - script path = views/scripts/
     * - helper path = views/helpers/
     * - filter path = views/filters/
     * @return Zend_View_Interface
     * @throws Zend_Controller_Exception if base view directory does not exist
    public function initView()
        if (!$this->getInvokeArg('noViewRenderer') && $this->_helper->hasHelper('viewRenderer')) {
            return $this->view;

        require_once 'Zend/View/Interface.php';
        if (isset($this->view) && ($this->view instanceof Zend_View_Interface)) {
            return $this->view;

        $request = $this->getRequest();
        $module  = $request->getModuleName();
        $dirs    = $this->getFrontController()->getControllerDirectory();
        if (empty($module) || !isset($dirs[$module])) {
            $module = $this->getFrontController()->getDispatcher()->getDefaultModule();
        $baseDir = dirname($dirs[$module]) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'views';
        if (!file_exists($baseDir) || !is_dir($baseDir)) {
            require_once 'Zend/Controller/Exception.php';
            throw new Zend_Controller_Exception('Missing base view directory ("' . $baseDir . '")');

        require_once 'Zend/View.php';
        $this->view = new Zend_View(array('basePath' => $baseDir));

        return $this->view;

     * Render a view
     * Renders a view. By default, views are found in the view script path as
     * <controller>/<action>.phtml. You may change the script suffix by
     * resetting {@link $viewSuffix}. You may omit the controller directory
     * prefix by specifying boolean true for $noController.
     * By default, the rendered contents are appended to the response. You may
     * specify the named body content segment to set by specifying a $name.
     * @see Zend_Controller_Response_Abstract::appendBody()
     * @param  string|null $action Defaults to action registered in request object
     * @param  string|null $name Response object named path segment to use; defaults to null
     * @param  bool $noController  Defaults to false; i.e. use controller name as subdir in which to search for view script
     * @return void
    public function render($action = null, $name = null, $noController = false)
        if (!$this->getInvokeArg('noViewRenderer') && $this->_helper->hasHelper('viewRenderer')) {
            return $this->_helper->viewRenderer->render($action, $name, $noController);

        $view   = $this->initView();
        $script = $this->getViewScript($action, $noController);


     * Render a given view script
     * Similar to {@link render()}, this method renders a view script. Unlike render(),
     * however, it does not autodetermine the view script via {@link getViewScript()},
     * but instead renders the script passed to it. Use this if you know the
     * exact view script name and path you wish to use, or if using paths that do not
     * conform to the spec defined with getViewScript().
     * By default, the rendered contents are appended to the response. You may
     * specify the named body content segment to set by specifying a $name.
     * @param  string $script
     * @param  string $name
     * @return void
    public function renderScript($script, $name = null)
        if (!$this->getInvokeArg('noViewRenderer') && $this->_helper->hasHelper('viewRenderer')) {
            return $this->_helper->viewRenderer->renderScript($script, $name);

        $view = $this->initView();

     * Construct view script path
     * Used by render() to determine the path to the view script.
     * @param  string $action Defaults to action registered in request object
     * @param  bool $noController  Defaults to false; i.e. use controller name as subdir in which to search for view script
     * @return string
     * @throws Zend_Controller_Exception with bad $action
    public function getViewScript($action = null, $noController = null)
        if (!$this->getInvokeArg('noViewRenderer') && $this->_helper->hasHelper('viewRenderer')) {
            $viewRenderer = $this->_helper->getHelper('viewRenderer');
            if (null !== $noController) {
            return $viewRenderer->getViewScript($action);

        $request = $this->getRequest();
        if (null === $action) {
            $action = $request->getActionName();
        } elseif (!is_string($action)) {
            require_once 'Zend/Controller/Exception.php';
            throw new Zend_Controller_Exception('Invalid action specifier for view render');

        if (null === $this->_delimiters) {
            $dispatcher = Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance()->getDispatcher();
            $wordDelimiters = $dispatcher->getWordDelimiter();
            $pathDelimiters = $dispatcher->getPathDelimiter();
            $this->_delimiters = array_unique(array_merge($wordDelimiters, (array) $pathDelimiters));

        $action = str_replace($this->_delimiters, '-', $action);
        $script = $action . '.' . $this->viewSuffix;

        if (!$noController) {
            $controller = $request->getControllerName();
            $controller = str_replace($this->_delimiters, '-', $controller);
            $script = $controller . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $script;

        return $script;

     * Return the Request object
     * @return Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract
    public function getRequest()
        return $this->_request;

     * Set the Request object
     * @param Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract $request
     * @return Zend_Controller_Action
    public function setRequest(Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract $request)
        $this->_request = $request;
        return $this;

     * Return the Response object
     * @return Zend_Controller_Response_Abstract
    public function getResponse()
        return $this->_response;

     * Set the Response object
     * @param Zend_Controller_Response_Abstract $response
     * @return Zend_Controller_Action
    public function setResponse(Zend_Controller_Response_Abstract $response)
        $this->_response = $response;
        return $this;

     * Set invocation arguments
     * @param array $args
     * @return Zend_Controller_Action
    protected function _setInvokeArgs(array $args = array())
        $this->_invokeArgs = $args;
        return $this;

     * Return the array of constructor arguments (minus the Request object)
     * @return array
    public function getInvokeArgs()
        return $this->_invokeArgs;

     * Return a single invocation argument
     * @param string $key
     * @return mixed
    public function getInvokeArg($key)
        if (isset($this->_invokeArgs[$key])) {
            return $this->_invokeArgs[$key];

        return null;

     * Get a helper by name
     * @param  string $helperName
     * @return Zend_Controller_Action_Helper_Abstract
    public function getHelper($helperName)
        return $this->_helper->{$helperName};

     * Get a clone of a helper by name
     * @param  string $helperName
     * @return Zend_Controller_Action_Helper_Abstract
    public function getHelperCopy($helperName)
        return clone $this->_helper->{$helperName};

     * Set the front controller instance
     * @param Zend_Controller_Front $front
     * @return Zend_Controller_Action
    public function setFrontController(Zend_Controller_Front $front)
        $this->_frontController = $front;
        return $this;

     * Retrieve Front Controller
     * @return Zend_Controller_Front
    public function getFrontController()
        // Used cache version if found
        if (null !== $this->_frontController) {
            return $this->_frontController;

        // Grab singleton instance, if class has been loaded
        if (class_exists('Zend_Controller_Front')) {
            $this->_frontController = Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance();
            return $this->_frontController;

        // Throw exception in all other cases
        require_once 'Zend/Controller/Exception.php';
        throw new Zend_Controller_Exception('Front controller class has not been loaded');

     * Pre-dispatch routines
     * Called before action method. If using class with
     * {@link Zend_Controller_Front}, it may modify the
     * {@link $_request Request object} and reset its dispatched flag in order
     * to skip processing the current action.
     * @return void
    public function preDispatch()

     * Post-dispatch routines
     * Called after action method execution. If using class with
     * {@link Zend_Controller_Front}, it may modify the
     * {@link $_request Request object} and reset its dispatched flag in order
     * to process an additional action.
     * Common usages for postDispatch() include rendering content in a sitewide
     * template, link url correction, setting headers, etc.
     * @return void
    public function postDispatch()

     * Proxy for undefined methods.  Default behavior is to throw an
     * exception on undefined methods, however this function can be
     * overridden to implement magic (dynamic) actions, or provide run-time
     * dispatching.
     * @param  string $methodName
     * @param  array $args
     * @return void
     * @throws Zend_Controller_Action_Exception
    public function __call($methodName, $args)
        require_once 'Zend/Controller/Action/Exception.php';
        if ('Action' == substr($methodName, -6)) {
            $action = substr($methodName, 0, strlen($methodName) - 6);
            throw new Zend_Controller_Action_Exception(sprintf('Action "%s" does not exist and was not trapped in __call()', $action), 404);

        throw new Zend_Controller_Action_Exception(sprintf('Method "%s" does not exist and was not trapped in __call()', $methodName), 500);

     * Dispatch the requested action
     * @param string $action Method name of action
     * @return void
    public function dispatch($action)
        // Notify helpers of action preDispatch state

        if ($this->getRequest()->isDispatched()) {
            if (null === $this->_classMethods) {
                $this->_classMethods = get_class_methods($this);

            // preDispatch() didn't change the action, so we can continue
            if ($this->getInvokeArg('useCaseSensitiveActions') || in_array($action, $this->_classMethods)) {
                if ($this->getInvokeArg('useCaseSensitiveActions')) {
                    trigger_error('Using case sensitive actions without word separators is deprecated; please do not rely on this "feature"');
            } else {
                $this->__call($action, array());

        // whats actually important here is that this action controller is
        // shutting down, regardless of dispatching; notify the helpers of this
        // state

     * Call the action specified in the request object, and return a response
     * Not used in the Action Controller implementation, but left for usage in
     * Page Controller implementations. Dispatches a method based on the
     * request.
     * Returns a Zend_Controller_Response_Abstract object, instantiating one
     * prior to execution if none exists in the controller.
     * {@link preDispatch()} is called prior to the action,
     * {@link postDispatch()} is called following it.
     * @param null|Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract $request Optional request
     * object to use
     * @param null|Zend_Controller_Response_Abstract $response Optional response
     * object to use
     * @return Zend_Controller_Response_Abstract
    public function run(Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract $request = null, Zend_Controller_Response_Abstract $response = null)
        if (null !== $request) {
        } else {
            $request = $this->getRequest();

        if (null !== $response) {

        $action = $request->getActionName();
        if (empty($action)) {
            $action = 'index';
        $action = $action . 'Action';


        return $this->getResponse();

     * Gets a parameter from the {@link $_request Request object}.  If the
     * parameter does not exist, NULL will be returned.
     * If the parameter does not exist and $default is set, then
     * $default will be returned instead of NULL.
     * @param string $paramName
     * @param mixed $default
     * @return mixed
    protected function _getParam($paramName, $default = null)
        $value = $this->getRequest()->getParam($paramName);
         if ((null === $value || '' === $value) && (null !== $default)) {
            $value = $default;

        return $value;

     * Set a parameter in the {@link $_request Request object}.
     * @param string $paramName
     * @param mixed $value
     * @return Zend_Controller_Action
    protected function _setParam($paramName, $value)
        $this->getRequest()->setParam($paramName, $value);

        return $this;

     * Determine whether a given parameter exists in the
     * {@link $_request Request object}.
     * @param string $paramName
     * @return boolean
    protected function _hasParam($paramName)
        return null !== $this->getRequest()->getParam($paramName);

     * Return all parameters in the {@link $_request Request object}
     * as an associative array.
     * @return array
    protected function _getAllParams()
        return $this->getRequest()->getParams();

     * Forward to another controller/action.
     * It is important to supply the unformatted names, i.e. "article"
     * rather than "ArticleController".  The dispatcher will do the
     * appropriate formatting when the request is received.
     * If only an action name is provided, forwards to that action in this
     * controller.
     * If an action and controller are specified, forwards to that action and
     * controller in this module.
     * Specifying an action, controller, and module is the most specific way to
     * forward.
     * A fourth argument, $params, will be used to set the request parameters.
     * If either the controller or module are unnecessary for forwarding,
     * simply pass null values for them before specifying the parameters.
     * @param string $action
     * @param string $controller
     * @param string $module
     * @param array $params
     * @return void
    final protected function _forward($action, $controller = null, $module = null, array $params = null)
        $request = $this->getRequest();

        if (null !== $params) {

        if (null !== $controller) {

            // Module should only be reset if controller has been specified
            if (null !== $module) {


     * Redirect to another URL
     * Proxies to {@link Zend_Controller_Action_Helper_Redirector::gotoUrl()}.
     * @param string $url
     * @param array $options Options to be used when redirecting
     * @return void
    protected function _redirect($url, array $options = array())
        $this->_helper->redirector->gotoUrl($url, $options);