_data = $sqlData; } /** * Sets data of object * * @param string $sqlData The queries * * @return void */ public function setData($sqlData = '') { $this->_data = $sqlData; } /** * Append data to already given data. * * @param string $sqlData The sql-string to be appended * * @return void */ private function appendData($sqlData) { $this->_data .= $sqlData; } /** * Get the actual position of the pointer. * * @return int Pointer position */ public function getPointer() { return $this->_pointer; } /** * Set the actual position of the pointer. * * @param int $position Position of pointer * * @return void */ public function setPointer($position) { $this->_pointer = $position; } /** * Move pointer to the beginning of the next command. * * Skip all spaces and line-breaks until a character is found that might be the beginning * of a new sql command. * * @return int New pointer position */ public function movePointerToNextCommand() { $pointer = $this->getPointer(); $dataSize = strlen($this->_data); $skip = array(' ', "\n", "\r", "\t"); if ($this->_state !== 'Comment') { $skip[] = "\n"; } if (in_array($this->_data[$pointer], $skip)) { while ($pointer < $dataSize && in_array($this->_data[$pointer], $skip)) { $pointer++; } } $this->setPointer($pointer); if ($pointer >= $this->getLength()) { $pointer = false; } return $pointer; } /** * Move pointer forward by $positions positions. * * @param integer $positions Move pointer forward by $positions * * @return void */ public function movePointerForward($positions) { $this->setPointer($this->getPointer() + $positions); } /** * Get data from actual pointer to given position. * * @param int $endPosition End position of pointer * @param bool $movePointer Move pointer behind fetched data * * @return string Sql data from the pointer position to end or to the nr of chars to fetch */ public function getData($endPosition, $movePointer = true) { $data = substr($this->_data, $this->_pointer, ($endPosition - $this->_pointer)); if ($movePointer === true) { $this->setPointer($endPosition +1); } return $data; } /** * Get length of data string. * * @return int Length of data string */ public function getLength() { return strlen($this->_data); } /** * Check if pointer has reached the end of the data string. * * @return bool */ public function hasMoreToProcess() { if ($this->_pointer < $this->getLength()) { return true; } else { return false; } } /** * Set the parser state. * * @param string $state The parsing state we are actually in. * * @return void */ public function setState($state) { $this->_state = $state; } /** * Find the next unescaped occurance of $match. * * Begins to search at the actual postion of the pointer. * * @param string $match The string to find * @param bool $includeMatch Whether to add length of $match to position * * @return int */ public function getPosition($match = ';', $includeMatch = true) { $pointer = $this->getPointer(); $offset = $pointer; $notFound = true; $nextHit = false; $length = $this->getLength() - 1; // zero-based while ($notFound && $offset < $length) { $nextHit = strpos($this->_data, $match, $offset); //echo "
getPosition: Search for '".$match."' P: ".$offset."-> Hit at :".$nextHit; if ($nextHit === false) { // check special case for comments if ($this->getState() == 'Comment' && strpos($this->_data, "\n", $pointer) === false) { // there is no next line - return statement "as is" $this->setPointer($this->getLength()); return $this->getLength(); } // we haven't found the correct end of the query - inform user $lang = Msd_Language::getInstance()->getTranslator(); $msg = sprintf( $lang->_('L_SQL_INCOMPLETE_STATEMENT_DETECTED'), $this->getState(), $match, $this->getData(200) ); $this->setError($msg); $this->setPointer($this->getLength()); return false; } $data = $this->getData($nextHit, false); if (!$this->isEscaped($data)) { // hit was not escaped - we found the match $notFound = false; if ($includeMatch) { $nextHit += strlen($match)-1; } } else { // keep on looking, this one was escaped $offset = $nextHit+1; } } return $nextHit; } /** * Get data upto the next new line * * @return string */ public function getDataUntilNewLine() { } /** * Check if hit is escaped. * * @param string $string String to analyse * * @return bool */ private function isEscaped($string) { $string = str_replace('\\\\', '', $string); $quotes = substr_count($string, '\''); $escapedQuotes = substr_count($string, '\\\''); if (($quotes - $escapedQuotes) % 2 == 0) { return false; } else { return true; } } /** * Set an error message * * @param string $msg The error message * * @return void */ public function setError($msg) { $this->_errors[] = $msg; } /** * Get error messages * * @return array */ public function getErrors() { return $this->_errors; } /** * Check if errors occured. * * @return bool */ public function hasErrors() { $ret = false; if (sizeof($this->_errors) > 0) { $ret = true; } return $ret; } /** * Get actual parsing state * * @return array */ public function getState() { return $this->_state; } }