<?php /** * This file is part of MySQLDumper released under the GNU/GPL 2 license * http://www.mysqldumper.net * * @package MySQLDumper * @subpackage Log * @version SVN: $Rev$ * @author $Author$ */ /** * Log Class * * @package MySQLDumper * @subpackage Log */ class Msd_Log { // Define constants const PHP = 'PHP-Log'; const PERL = 'PERL-Log'; const PERL_COMPLETE = 'PERL-Complete-Log'; const ERROR = 'Error-Log'; // Define static Instance private static $_instance = NULL; private $_paths = NULL; /** * Init file handles * * @return Msd_Log */ public function __construct() { // define instance handler $this->handle = array(); $this->handle[self::PHP] = false; $this->handle[self::PERL] = false; $this->handle[self::PERL_COMPLETE] = false; $this->handle[self::ERROR] = false; $config = Msd_Registry::getConfig(); $this->_paths = (object)$config->getParam('paths'); } /** * Close all open file handles on destruct * * @return void */ public function __destruct() { if ($this->handle[self::PHP]) { $this->_close(self::PHP); } if (is_resource($this->handle[self::PERL])) { $this->_close(self::PERL); } if (is_resource($this->handle[self::PERL_COMPLETE])) { $this->_close(self::PERL_COMPLETE); } if (is_resource($this->handle[self::ERROR])) { $this->_close(self::ERROR); } } /** * Close a filehandle * * @param Loge $file The file to close */ private function _close($file) { $filename = $this->getFile($file); $extension = pathinfo($filename, PATHINFO_EXTENSION); if ($extension == 'gz') { gzclose($this->handle[$file]); } else { fclose($this->handle[$file]); } } /** * Get an instance of Msd_Log * * @return Msd_Log */ public static function getInstance() { if (self::$_instance === NULL) { self::$_instance = new self; } return self::$_instance; } /** * Get an instance of Msd_Log for a special type * * Allowed types are self::PHP, self::PERL, self::PERL_COMPLETE or * self::ERROR * * @param Msd_Log $type * * @return Msd_Log */ public function getLogInstance($type) { if (!isset($this->_logInstance[$type])) { $writer = new Zend_Log_Writer_Stream($this->getFile($type)); $formatter = new Zend_Log_Formatter_Simple("%timestamp% %message%\n"); $writer->setFormatter($formatter); $this->_logInstance[$type] = new Zend_Log($writer); } return $this->_logInstance[$type]; } /** * Write to log file * * @param string $type The type of log file to write to * @param string $message The message to add to the file * * @return bool */ public static function write($type, $message) { // @todo if log_maxsize reached => archive/delete log $logger = self::getInstance(); $log = $logger->getLogInstance($type); return $log->info($message); } /** * Get the concrete filename with path for the given type. * * @param const $file * * @return string Filename of logfile */ public function getFile($file) { $filename = ''; switch ($file) { case self::PHP: $filename = $this->_paths->log . '/php.log'; break; case self::PERL: $filename = $this->_paths->log . '/perl.log'; break; case self::PERL_COMPLETE: $filename = $this->_paths->log . '/perlComplete.log'; break; case self::ERROR: $filename = $this->_paths->log . '/phpError.log'; } return $filename; } /** * Delete a log file and recreate it. * * @param string $type Filename * * @return void */ public function delete($type) { $filename = self::getFile($type); @unlink($filename); // re-create log file $translator = Msd_Language::getInstance()->getTranslator(); $this->write($type, $translator->_('L_LOG_CREATED')); } /** * Read a logfile and return content as array. * * If $revers is set to true the ordering of lines is reversed. * * @param string $type The type of logfile to read * @param bool $reverse Whether to place latest entries first * * @return array Log data from file as array */ public function read($type = self::PHP, $reverse = false) { $filename = $this->getFile($type); if (!is_readable($filename)) { $timestamp = Zend_Date::ISO_8601; $lang = Msd_Language::getInstance()->getTranslator(); $msg = $timestamp . ' <span class="error">' . sprintf($lang->_('L_LOG_NOT_READABLE'), $filename) . '</span>'; return array($msg); } else { $output = file($filename); } if ($reverse == 1) { $output = array_reverse($output); } return $output; } }