238 Zeilen
8,3 KiB
238 Zeilen
8,3 KiB
* This file is part of MySQLDumper released under the GNU/GPL 2 license
* http://www.mysqldumper.net
* @package MySQLDumper
* @version SVN: $rev: 1207 $
* @author $Author$
* @lastmodified $Date$
if (!defined('MSD_VERSION')) die('No direct access.');
include ('./inc/define_icons.php');
$expand = (isset($_GET['expand'])) ? $_GET['expand'] : -1;
// execute delete action if clicked
if (isset($_POST['delete']) || isset($_POST['deleteauto'])
|| isset($_POST['deleteall']) || isset($_POST['deleteallfilter'])) {
include ('./inc/filemanagement/file_delete.php');
$tplFiles = new MSDTemplate();
$tplFiles->set_filenames(array('tplFiles' => 'tpl/filemanagement/files.tpl'));
$dbactualOutput = $dbactive;
// replace internal keys for backups of other programs and converted files
// with human readable output
if ($dbactive == '~unknown') {
$dbactualOutput = '<i>' . $lang['L_UNKNOWN'] . '</i>';
if ($dbactive == '~converted') {
$dbactualOutput = '<i>' . $lang['L_CONVERTED_FILES'] . '</i>';
$autoDelete = $lang['L_NOT_ACTIVATED'];
if ($config['auto_delete']['activated'] > 0) {
$autoDelete = $lang['L_ACTIVATED'] . ' ('
. $config['auto_delete']['max_backup_files'] . ' '
. $lang['L_MAX_BACKUP_FILES_EACH2'] . ')';
'BACKUP_PATH' => $config['paths']['backup'],
'ICON_DOWNLOAD' => $icon['open_file'],
'ICON_VIEW' => $icon['view'],
'ICON_DELETE' => $icon['delete'],
'DB_ACTUAL' => $dbactive,
'DB_ACTUAL_OUTPUT' => $dbactualOutput,
'UPLOAD_MAX_SIZE' => $config['upload_max_filesize'],
'AUTODELETE_ENABLED' => $autoDelete,
'NOTIFICATION_POSITION' => $config['notification_position']
if ($msg > '') {
'MESSAGE', array('TEXT' => Html::getJsQuote($msg, true))
$backups = getBackupfileInfo();
$i = 0;
if (!isset($backups['databases'][$dbactive])) {
$tplFiles->assign_block_vars('NO_FILE_FOUND', array());
if ($dbactive != '~unknown' && $dbactive != '~converted') {
$tplFiles->assign_block_vars('DELETE_FILTER', array());
// show detailed file info of the selected database at top
foreach ($backups['files'] as $backup) {
if ($backup['db'] == $dbactive) {
// get MySQL Version from which the backup was taken
$mysqlVersion = '';
if (isset($backup['mysqlversion'])) {
$mysqlVersion = $backup['mysqlversion'];
// get grouping name of database
$dbName = $backup['name'];
if (!in_array($backup['db'], array('~unknown', '~converted'))) {
$dbName = $backup['db'];
// with which MSD-Version was the backup made?
$scriptVersion = $lang['L_UNKNOWN'];
if ($backup['script'] > '') {
$scriptVersion = $backup['script'];
// show Gzip-Icon?
$compressed = substr($backup['name'], -3) == '.gz' ? $icon['gz'] : '-';
// is a commetn given?
$comment = '';
if ($backup['comment'] > '') {
$comment = nl2br(wordwrap($backup['comment'], 50));
// number of tables
$nrOfTables = $lang['L_UNKNOWN'];
if ($backup['tables'] > -1) {
$nrOfTables = String::formatNumber($backup['tables']);
// number of records
$nrOfRecords = $lang['L_UNKNOWN'];
if ($backup['records'] > -1) {
$nrOfRecords = String::formatNumber($backup['records']);
// charset of bakup file
$charset = $lang['L_UNKNOWN'];
if ($backup['charset'] != '?') {
$charset = $backup['charset'];
'ROWCLASS' => $i % 2 ? 'dbrow' : 'dbrow1',
'FILE_INDEX' => $i,
// expand or unexpand multipart list on next click
'FILE_EXPAND_INDEX' => $expand == $i ? -1 : $i,
'FILE_NAME' => $backup['name'],
'FILE_NAME_URLENCODED' => urlencode($backup['name']),
'DB_NAME' => $dbName,
'ICON_COMPRESSED' => $compressed,
'SCRIPT_VERSION' => $scriptVersion,
'COMMENT' => $comment,
'FILE_CREATION_DATE' => $backup['date'],
'NR_OF_TABLES' => $nrOfTables,
'NR_OF_RECORDS' => $nrOfRecords,
'FILESIZE' => byteOutput($backup['size']),
'FILE_CHARSET' => $charset,
'NR_OF_MULTIPARTS' => $backup['multipart'],
'MYSQL_VERSION' => $mysqlVersion
if ($backup['multipart'] > 0) {
$mpFileHeadline = $lang['L_FILES'];
if ($backup['multipart'] == 1) {
$mpFileHeadline = $lang['L_FILE'];
'FILE.IS_MULTIPART', array('FILES' => $mpFileHeadline)
} else {
$tplFiles->assign_block_vars('FILE.NO_MULTIPART', array());
if ($backup['multipart'] > 0) {
// show all files of a Multipart-backup
'NR' => $i,
'ROWCLASS' => $i % 2 ? 'dbrow1' : 'dbrow'
// expand multipartlist if click came from restore screen
if ($expand == $i) {
'EXPAND_MP_FILE', array('FILEINDEX' => $i)
$partPosition = strrpos($backup['name'], 'part_');
$fileBase = substr($backup['name'], 0, $partPosition) . 'part_';
$fileExtension = '.sql';
if (substr($backup['name'], -2) == 'gz') {
$fileExtension = '.sql.gz';
for ($x = 0; $x < $backup['multipart']; $x++) {
$fileName = $fileBase . ($x + 1) . $fileExtension;
$fileSize = $lang['L_UNKNOWN'];
$file = $config['paths']['backup'] . $fileName;
if (!is_readable($file)) {
$fileName = $backup['name'];
$fileSize = byteOutput(@filesize($file));
'ROWCLASS' => $x % 2 ? 'dbrow' : 'dbrow1',
'NR' => $x + 1,
'FILE_NAME' => $fileName,
'FILE_NAME_URLENCODED' => urlencode($fileName),
'FILE_SIZE' => $fileSize
//sort databases according to the databasenames ascending
// list summary of other backup files grouped by databases
if (count($backups['databases']) > 0) {
$i = 0;
foreach ($backups['databases'] as $db => $info) {
$rowclass = $i % 2 ? 'dbrow' : 'dbrow1';
if ($db == $dbactive) {
$rowclass = 'dbrowsel';
$dbNameOutput = $db;
if ($db == '~unknown') {
$dbNameOutput = '<i>' . $lang['L_NO_MSD_BACKUPFILE'] . '</i>';
if ($db == '~converted') {
$dbNameOutput = '<i>' . $lang['L_CONVERTED_FILES'] . '</i>';
$nrOfBackups = isset($info['backup_count']) ? $info['backup_count'] : 0;
$latestBackup = '-';
if (isset($info['latest_backup_timestamp'])) {
$latestBackup = $info['latest_backup_timestamp'];
$fileSizeTotal = 0;
if (isset($info['backup_size_total'])) {
$fileSizeTotal = byteOutput($info['backup_size_total']);
'ROWCLASS' => $rowclass,
'DB_NAME_LINK' => $db,
'DB_NAME' => $dbNameOutput,
'NR_OF_BACKUPS' => $nrOfBackups,
'LATEST_BACKUP' => $latestBackup,
'SUM_SIZE' => $fileSizeTotal
'SUM_SIZE' => byteOutput($backups['filesize_total']),
'FREESPACE_ON_SERVER' => getFreeDiskSpace()