370 Zeilen
13 KiB
370 Zeilen
13 KiB
* This file is part of MySQLDumper released under the GNU/GPL 2 license
* http://www.mysqldumper.net
* @package MySQLDumper
* @version SVN: $rev: 1207 $
* @author $Author$
* @lastmodified $Date$
include ('./inc/classes/db/MsdDbFactory.php');
include ('./inc/classes/helper/String.php');
include ('./inc/classes/helper/Sql.php');
include ('./inc/classes/Log.php');
include ('./inc/functions/functions.php');
include ('./inc/runtime.php');
include ('./inc/mysql.php');
include ('./inc/functions/functions_global.php');
include ('./lib/template.php');
include ('./inc/functions/functions_restore.php');
include ('./lib/json.php');
$config = $_SESSION['config'];
$databases = $_SESSION['databases'];
$restore = $_SESSION['restore'];
if (!isset($_SESSION['temp_log'])) {
$_SESSION['temp_log'] = array();
// remember the start time to calculate speed later on
$restore['page_start_time'] = time();
if ($restore['page_refreshs'] > 0)
// clear temp log. Needed to find out if new log-messages were added
$_SESSION['temp_log'] = $_SESSION['log'];
if (!isset($config['language'])) {
// some server limit the number of vars that can be saved in a session
die('Incomplete session in restore_ajax.php');
$restore['restore_in_progress'] = 1;
$timeElapsed = 0;
$commandsFound = 0;
$dbo->selectDb($config['db_actual'], true);
catch (Exception $e)
die($lang['L_DB_SELECT_ERROR'] . $config['db_actual']
. $lang['L_DB_SELECT_ERROR2'] . '<br>' . $e->getMessage());
// open backup file
$file = $config['paths']['backup'] . $restore['filename'];
if ($restore['compressed'] == 1) {
$restore['filehandle'] = gzopen($file, 'r');
} else {
$restore['filehandle'] = fopen($file, 'r');
if (!$restore['filehandle']) {
// fatal error: we couldn't open the backup file
'', '', $lang['L_FILE_OPEN_ERROR'] . ': ' . $config['paths']['backup']
. $restore['filename'], 0
die($lang['L_FILE_OPEN_ERROR'] . ': ' . $restore['filename']);
$filesize = filesize($config['paths']['backup'] . $restore['filename']);
// move file pointer to the actual positon in the file
if ($restore['compressed']) {
gzseek($restore['filehandle'], $restore['offset']);
} else {
fseek($restore['filehandle'], $restore['offset']);
$log=new Log();
// Disable Keys of actual table (after page-refresh: again!)
// to speed up restoring
// but only if the table should be restored and if it already exists
$existingTables = $dbo->getTables($config['db_actual']);
$actualTable = $restore['actual_table'];
if (in_array($actualTable, $existingTables)) {
if ($restore['tables_to_restore']) {
if (in_array($actualTable, $restore['tables_to_restore'])) {
Sql::disableKeys($dbo, $restore['actual_table']);
} elseif ($actualTable > '' && $actualTable != 'unbekannt') {
Sql::disableKeys($dbo, $restore['actual_table']);
WHILE ($commandsFound < $restore['speed'] &&
$timeElapsed < $restore['max_zeit'] &&
!$restore['fileEOF'] && !$restore['EOB']) {
$sqlCommand = getQueryFromFile();
if ($sqlCommand > '') {
//$log->write(Log::PHP, $sqlCommand);
$res = $dbo->query($sqlCommand, MsdDbFactory::SIMPLE);
// get nr of affected rows
$command = strtoupper(substr($sqlCommand, 0, 7));
if ($command == 'INSERT ' || $command == 'REPLACE') {
$rowsAffected = $dbo->getAffectedRows();
$restore['records_inserted'] += $rowsAffected;
if (!isset(
) {
$restore['records_inserted_table'][$restore['actual_table']] = 0;
$restore['records_inserted_table'][$restore['actual_table']] += $rowsAffected;
catch (Exception $e)
// we've got a mysql error
$sqlError = $e->getMessage();
if ($sqlError != '') {
if (strtolower(substr($sqlError, 0, 15)) == 'duplicate entry') {
$config['db_actual'], $sqlCommand, $sqlError, 1
} else {
if ($config['stop_with_error'] == 0) {
// according to the config we continue restoring
// but log the error
$sqlCommand, $sqlError, 0
} else {
// we should die if errors occur -> print error message
'Fatal error, restore failed: ' . $sqlError, 0
SQLError($sqlCommand, $sqlError);
$restore['restore_in_progress'] = 0;
// TODO clean end of process - last message is not
// logged on restore screen and
// not sent back to client. Flag missing here that
// should be handled via JSON
$timeElapsed = time() - $restore['page_start_time'];
if ($restore['compressed']) {
$restore['offset'] = gztell($restore['filehandle']);
} else {
$restore['offset'] = ftell($restore['filehandle']);
// progress of actual file
if ($restore['compressed']) {
// compressed backup - there is no way to get the exact file offset,
// because gztell delivers uncompressed bytes
// so we assume the average packing factor is 11 and will divide the file
// offset by it
$restore['progress_file_percent'] =
$restore['offset'] / 11 * 100 / $filesize;
if ($restore['progress_file_percent'] > 100)
$restore['progress_file_percent'] = 100;
} else {
// uncompressed backup -> get percentage from file offset
$restore['progress_file_percent'] = 0;
if ($filesize > 0) {
$restore['progress_file_percent'] =
($restore['offset'] * 100) / $filesize;
// Overall progress
if ($restore['records_total'] > 0) {
// it's a backup of MySQLDumper (the number of total records is known) ->
// calculate on count of records
$restore['progress_overall_percent'] =
$restore['records_inserted'] * 100 / $restore['records_total'];
} else {
// backup from another script. We don't know how many records will follow
$restore['progress_overall_percent'] = 0;
// tables to create
if ((int) $restore['tables_total'] > 0) {
// MSD-Backup
// tables to go
$tablesToDo = $restore['tables_total'];
// selected tables should be restored? Overwrite value
if (is_array($restore['tables_to_restore']))
$tablesToDo = count($restore['tables_to_restore']);
$tablesToCreate = sprintf(
$lang['L_RESTORE_TABLES_COMPLETED'], $restore['table_ready'], $tablesToDo
$recordsDone = sprintf(
} else {
// not a MSD-Backup
$tablesToCreate = sprintf(
$recordsDone = sprintf(
// calculate speed for next page call
if ($timeElapsed < $restore['max_zeit']) {
// wenn wir mehr als die Haelfte der Zeit noch haetten nutzen koennen:
// Anzahl direkt um fast das Doppelte erhoehen
if ($timeElapsed < $restore['max_zeit'] / 2)
$restore['speed'] = $restore['speed'] * 1.8;
else $restore['speed'] = $restore['speed'] * $config['tuning_add'];
if ($restore['speed'] > $config['maxspeed'])
$restore['speed'] = $config['maxspeed'];
} else {
$restore['speed'] = $restore['speed'] * $config['tuning_sub'];
if ($restore['speed'] < $config['minspeed'])
$restore['speed'] = $config['minspeed'];
if ($restore['fileEOF'] && $restore['part'] == 0)
$restore['EOB'] = true; //part is >0 if we have a Multipart backup
if ($restore['EOB']) {
// Done
$time = getTimeFormat(time() - $restore['restore_start_time']);
Log::PHP, sprintf(
$restore['restore_in_progress'] = 0;
} else {
if ($restore['fileEOF']) {
// let's get the next Multipart file
$restore['fileEOF'] = false;
$nextfile = getNextPart($restore['filename'], 0, true);
// there is more to do -> process the next Multipart file
if (!file_exists($config['paths']['backup'] . $nextfile)) {
$config['db_actual'], '',
sprintf($lang['L_ERROR_MULTIPART_RESTORE'], $nextfile)
$restore['restore_in_progress'] = 0;
} else {
$restore['filename'] = $nextfile;
$restore['offset'] = 0;
// collect values to return to client
$r = array();
$json = new Services_JSON();
$r['restore_in_progress'] = $restore['restore_in_progress'];
if ($restore['page_refreshs'] == 1) {
// Only send on first page call because values won't change
$r['speed_min'] = String::formatNumber($config['minspeed']);
$r['speed_max'] = String::formatNumber($config['maxspeed']);
$r['dump_encoding'] = $restore['dump_encoding'];
// if restore is finished and file is gzipped, the file pointer
// might not be accurate
if ($restore['restore_in_progress'] == 0) {
// correct percentage of file to now known exact value
$restore['progress_file_percent'] = 100;
$restore['speed'] = 0;
$r['filename'] = $restore['filename'];
$r['nr_of_errors'] = String::formatNumber($restore['errors']);
$r['nr_of_notices'] = String::formatNumber($restore['notices']);
$r['progress_file_percent'] = String::formatNumber(
$restore['progress_file_percent'], 2
$r['progress_file_bar_width'] = round($restore['progress_file_percent'] * 3, 0);
if ($restore['progress_overall_percent'] > 0) {
$r['progress_overall_percent'] = String::formatNumber(
$restore['progress_overall_percent'], 2
$r['progress_overall_bar_width'] = round(
$restore['progress_overall_percent'] * 3, 0
} else {
$r['progress_overall_percent'] = $lang['L_UNKNOWN'];
$r['progress_overall_bar_width'] = 0;
if ($restore['part'] > 0) {
$r['part'] = $restore['part'];
$r['tables_to_create'] = $tablesToCreate;
$r['records_done'] = $recordsDone;
$r['actual_table'] = sprintf(
$lang['L_ANALYZING_TABLE'], $restore['actual_table']
$r['speed'] = String::formatNumber($restore['speed']);
$r['speedbar_width'] = round(
$restore['speed'] * 100 / $config['maxspeed'] * 3, 0
$r['page_refreshs'] = String::formatNumber($restore['page_refreshs']);
$elapsed = time() - $restore['restore_start_time'];
$r['elapsed_time'] = getTimeFormat($elapsed);
// if we restore a MySQLDumper-Backup we know the nr of records and can
// calculate the estimated time from it
// if we restore a backup from another program we need to rely on the filesize
//which is not accurate
// when the file is gzipped, but we can't help it because there is no way to
// get the exact file pointer position in a gzipped file.
// So we give our best to guess the corect position (see line 117 above)
if ($restore['progress_overall_percent'] > 0) {
$percentageDone = $restore['progress_overall_percent'];
} else {
$percentageDone = $restore['progress_file_percent'];
$estimatedTime = 0;
if ($percentageDone > 0) {
$estimatedTime = (100 - $percentageDone) * ($elapsed / $percentageDone);
$r['estimated_end'] = getTimeFormat($estimatedTime);
} else {
$r['estimated_end'] = $lang['L_UNKNOWN'];
// check if new log-messages have been added
$messages = getArrayDiffAssocRecursive($_SESSION['log'], $_SESSION['temp_log']);
if (isset($messages['actions']) && is_array($messages['actions']))
$r['actions'] = implode('<br />', $messages['actions']);
if (isset($messages['errors']) && is_array($messages['errors']))
$r['errors'] = implode('<br />', $messages['errors']);
$_SESSION['log'] = $_SESSION['log'] + $_SESSION['temp_log'];
// save actual values to session
$_SESSION['restore'] = $restore;
echo $json->encode($r);