* @copyright 2011 PHP-Backoffice * @link www.php-backoffice.de * @link http://www.contenido.org * * $Id$ */ $cfgMod = array( 'debug' => false, 'eak_imgset' => 'default/', 'show_countdown' => true ); // init db-object if (!is_object($oDb)) { $oDb = new DB_Contenido(); } // init template if (!is_object($oTpl)) { $oTpl = new Template(); } $oTpl->reset(); // init debugger if ($cfgMod['debug']) { cInclude('classes', 'Debug/DebuggerFactory.class.php'); /* @var $oDebug Debug_VisibleAdv */ $oDebug = DebuggerFactory::getDebugger('visible_adv'); } $oToday = new DateTime(); if ($cfgMod['debug']) { if(isset($_GET['dateoffset'])) { $oToday->modify($_GET['dateoffset']." days"); } } $oXmasDate = new DateTime(date("Y")."-12-24 23:59:59"); $oXmasMondayDate = clone $oXmasDate; $oXmasMondayDate->modify("+2 days"); $oFirstAdventDate = new DateTime(date("Y")."-11-26"); $oFirstAdventDate->modify("next sunday"); $oSecondAdvent = clone $oFirstAdventDate; $oSecondAdvent->modify("+7 days"); $oThirdAdvent = clone $oSecondAdvent; $oThirdAdvent->modify("+7 days"); $oFourthAdvent = clone $oThirdAdvent; $oFourthAdvent->modify("+7 days"); if($oToday <= $oXmasMondayDate && $oToday >= $oFirstAdventDate) { $sImgPath = $cfgClient[$client]['path']['htmlpath'].getEffectiveSetting('adventskranz', 'imghtmlpath', "images/adventskranz/".$cfgMod['eak_imgset']); $bShowCountDown = getEffectiveSetting('adventskranz', 'show_countdown', $cfgMod['show_countdown']); if($oToday >= $oFirstAdventDate && $oToday < $oSecondAdvent) { $sImgPath .= "advent1.gif"; } else if($oToday >= $oSecondAdvent && $oToday < $oThirdAdvent) { $sImgPath .= "advent2.gif"; } else if ($oToday >= $oThirdAdvent && $oToday < $oFourthAdvent) { $sImgPath .= "advent3.gif"; } else { $sImgPath .= "advent4.gif"; } echo '
'."\n"; echo ''."\n"; echo ''.mi18n('."\n"; if($bShowCountDown) { echo '

'."\n"; // countdown till xmas $iDaysTillmas = (int) daysdiff( $oXmasDate->format("Y-m-d"), $oToday->format("Y-m-d")); if($iDaysTillmas > 1) { printf(mi18n("Noch %s Tage bis Weihnachten"), $iDaysTillmas); } else if($iDaysTillmas == 1) { printf(mi18n("Noch %s Tag bis Weihnachten"), $iDaysTillmas); } else if($iDaysTillmas === 0) { echo mi18n("Frohe Weihnacht!
(Heiliger Abend)"); } else { echo mi18n("Frohe Weihnacht!"); } echo "

"."\n"; } echo '
'; echo "
"."\n"; } // show debug & cleanup if ($cfgMod['debug']) { $oDebug->add($cfgClient, "cfgClient array"); $oDebug->add($oToday, "Heute DateTime object"); $oDebug->add($oXmasDate, "Xmas DateTime object"); $oDebug->add($oFirstAdventDate, "1. Advent DateTime object"); $oDebug->add($oSecondAdvent, "2. Advent DateTime object"); $oDebug->add($oThirdAdvent, "3. Advent DateTime object"); $oDebug->add($oFourthAdvent, "4. Advent DateTime object"); $oDebug->showAll(); unset($oDebug); } unset($cfgMod); /** * compare two datetime objects * workaround of a php-bug in PHP for windows * * @author fbastage at yahoo dot com * @link https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=51184 * @param DateTime $dt1 * @param DateTime $dt2 * @param type $timeZone * @return type */ function daysdiff($dt1, $dt2, $timeZone = 'UTC') { $tZone = new DateTimeZone($timeZone); $dt1 = new DateTime($dt1, $tZone); $dt2 = new DateTime($dt2, $tZone); // use the DateTime datediff function IF we have a non-buggy version // there is a bug in many Windows implementations that diff() always returns // 6015 if(version_compare(phpversion(), "5.3", ">=") && $dt1->diff($dt1)->format("%a") != 6015 ) { return $dt1->diff($dt2)->format("%a"); } // else let's use our own method $y1 = $dt1->format('Y'); $y2 = $dt2->format('Y'); $z1 = $dt1->format('z'); $z2 = $dt2->format('z'); $diff = intval($y1 * 365.2425 + $z1) - intval($y2 * 365.2425 + $z2); return $diff; } ?>