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47 geänderte Dateien mit 4373 neuen und 0 gelöschten Zeilen

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@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
* Smarty plugin to format text blocks
* @package Smarty
* @subpackage PluginsBlock
* Smarty {textformat}{/textformat} block plugin
* Type: block function<br>
* Name: textformat<br>
* Purpose: format text a certain way with preset styles
* or custom wrap/indent settings<br>
* Params:
* <pre>
* - style - string (email)
* - indent - integer (0)
* - wrap - integer (80)
* - wrap_char - string ("\n")
* - indent_char - string (" ")
* - wrap_boundary - boolean (true)
* </pre>
* @link http://www.smarty.net/manual/en/language.function.textformat.php {textformat}
* (Smarty online manual)
* @param array $params parameters
* @param string $content contents of the block
* @param Smarty_Internal_Template $template template object
* @param boolean &$repeat repeat flag
* @return string content re-formatted
* @author Monte Ohrt <monte at ohrt dot com>
function smarty_block_textformat($params, $content, $template, &$repeat)
static $mb_wordwrap_loaded = false;
if (is_null($content)) {
if (Smarty::$_MBSTRING && !$mb_wordwrap_loaded) {
if (!is_callable('smarty_modifier_mb_wordwrap')) {
require_once(SMARTY_PLUGINS_DIR . 'modifier.mb_wordwrap.php');
$mb_wordwrap_loaded = true;
$style = null;
$indent = 0;
$indent_first = 0;
$indent_char = ' ';
$wrap = 80;
$wrap_char = "\n";
$wrap_cut = false;
$assign = null;
foreach ($params as $_key => $_val) {
switch ($_key) {
case 'style':
case 'indent_char':
case 'wrap_char':
case 'assign':
$$_key = (string) $_val;
case 'indent':
case 'indent_first':
case 'wrap':
$$_key = (int) $_val;
case 'wrap_cut':
$$_key = (bool) $_val;
trigger_error("textformat: unknown attribute '$_key'");
if ($style == 'email') {
$wrap = 72;
// split into paragraphs
$_paragraphs = preg_split('![\r\n]{2}!', $content);
foreach ($_paragraphs as &$_paragraph) {
if (!$_paragraph) {
// convert mult. spaces & special chars to single space
$_paragraph =
preg_replace(array('!\s+!' . Smarty::$_UTF8_MODIFIER,
'!(^\s+)|(\s+$)!' . Smarty::$_UTF8_MODIFIER),
array(' ',
''), $_paragraph);
// indent first line
if ($indent_first > 0) {
$_paragraph = str_repeat($indent_char, $indent_first) . $_paragraph;
// wordwrap sentences
if (Smarty::$_MBSTRING) {
$_paragraph = smarty_modifier_mb_wordwrap($_paragraph, $wrap - $indent, $wrap_char, $wrap_cut);
} else {
$_paragraph = wordwrap($_paragraph, $wrap - $indent, $wrap_char, $wrap_cut);
// indent lines
if ($indent > 0) {
$_paragraph = preg_replace('!^!m', str_repeat($indent_char, $indent), $_paragraph);
$_output = implode($wrap_char . $wrap_char, $_paragraphs);
if ($assign) {
$template->assign($assign, $_output);
} else {
return $_output;

Datei anzeigen

@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
* Smarty plugin
* @package Smarty
* @subpackage PluginsFunction
* Smarty {counter} function plugin
* Type: function<br>
* Name: counter<br>
* Purpose: print out a counter value
* @author Monte Ohrt <monte at ohrt dot com>
* @link http://www.smarty.net/manual/en/language.function.counter.php {counter}
* (Smarty online manual)
* @param array $params parameters
* @param Smarty_Internal_Template $template template object
* @return string|null
function smarty_function_counter($params, $template)
static $counters = array();
$name = (isset($params[ 'name' ])) ? $params[ 'name' ] : 'default';
if (!isset($counters[ $name ])) {
$counters[ $name ] = array('start' => 1, 'skip' => 1, 'direction' => 'up', 'count' => 1);
$counter =& $counters[ $name ];
if (isset($params[ 'start' ])) {
$counter[ 'start' ] = $counter[ 'count' ] = (int) $params[ 'start' ];
if (!empty($params[ 'assign' ])) {
$counter[ 'assign' ] = $params[ 'assign' ];
if (isset($counter[ 'assign' ])) {
$template->assign($counter[ 'assign' ], $counter[ 'count' ]);
if (isset($params[ 'print' ])) {
$print = (bool) $params[ 'print' ];
} else {
$print = empty($counter[ 'assign' ]);
if ($print) {
$retval = $counter[ 'count' ];
} else {
$retval = null;
if (isset($params[ 'skip' ])) {
$counter[ 'skip' ] = $params[ 'skip' ];
if (isset($params[ 'direction' ])) {
$counter[ 'direction' ] = $params[ 'direction' ];
if ($counter[ 'direction' ] == "down") {
$counter[ 'count' ] -= $counter[ 'skip' ];
} else {
$counter[ 'count' ] += $counter[ 'skip' ];
return $retval;

Datei anzeigen

@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
* Smarty plugin
* @package Smarty
* @subpackage PluginsFunction
* Smarty {cycle} function plugin
* Type: function<br>
* Name: cycle<br>
* Date: May 3, 2002<br>
* Purpose: cycle through given values<br>
* Params:
* <pre>
* - name - name of cycle (optional)
* - values - comma separated list of values to cycle, or an array of values to cycle
* (this can be left out for subsequent calls)
* - reset - boolean - resets given var to true
* - print - boolean - print var or not. default is true
* - advance - boolean - whether or not to advance the cycle
* - delimiter - the value delimiter, default is ","
* - assign - boolean, assigns to template var instead of printed.
* </pre>
* Examples:<br>
* <pre>
* {cycle values="#eeeeee,#d0d0d0d"}
* {cycle name=row values="one,two,three" reset=true}
* {cycle name=row}
* </pre>
* @link http://www.smarty.net/manual/en/language.function.cycle.php {cycle}
* (Smarty online manual)
* @author Monte Ohrt <monte at ohrt dot com>
* @author credit to Mark Priatel <mpriatel@rogers.com>
* @author credit to Gerard <gerard@interfold.com>
* @author credit to Jason Sweat <jsweat_php@yahoo.com>
* @version 1.3
* @param array $params parameters
* @param Smarty_Internal_Template $template template object
* @return string|null
function smarty_function_cycle($params, $template)
static $cycle_vars;
$name = (empty($params[ 'name' ])) ? 'default' : $params[ 'name' ];
$print = (isset($params[ 'print' ])) ? (bool) $params[ 'print' ] : true;
$advance = (isset($params[ 'advance' ])) ? (bool) $params[ 'advance' ] : true;
$reset = (isset($params[ 'reset' ])) ? (bool) $params[ 'reset' ] : false;
if (!isset($params[ 'values' ])) {
if (!isset($cycle_vars[ $name ][ 'values' ])) {
trigger_error("cycle: missing 'values' parameter");
} else {
if (isset($cycle_vars[ $name ][ 'values' ]) && $cycle_vars[ $name ][ 'values' ] != $params[ 'values' ]) {
$cycle_vars[ $name ][ 'index' ] = 0;
$cycle_vars[ $name ][ 'values' ] = $params[ 'values' ];
if (isset($params[ 'delimiter' ])) {
$cycle_vars[ $name ][ 'delimiter' ] = $params[ 'delimiter' ];
} elseif (!isset($cycle_vars[ $name ][ 'delimiter' ])) {
$cycle_vars[ $name ][ 'delimiter' ] = ',';
if (is_array($cycle_vars[ $name ][ 'values' ])) {
$cycle_array = $cycle_vars[ $name ][ 'values' ];
} else {
$cycle_array = explode($cycle_vars[ $name ][ 'delimiter' ], $cycle_vars[ $name ][ 'values' ]);
if (!isset($cycle_vars[ $name ][ 'index' ]) || $reset) {
$cycle_vars[ $name ][ 'index' ] = 0;
if (isset($params[ 'assign' ])) {
$print = false;
$template->assign($params[ 'assign' ], $cycle_array[ $cycle_vars[ $name ][ 'index' ] ]);
if ($print) {
$retval = $cycle_array[ $cycle_vars[ $name ][ 'index' ] ];
} else {
$retval = null;
if ($advance) {
if ($cycle_vars[ $name ][ 'index' ] >= count($cycle_array) - 1) {
$cycle_vars[ $name ][ 'index' ] = 0;
} else {
$cycle_vars[ $name ][ 'index' ] ++;
return $retval;

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@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
* Smarty plugin
* @package Smarty
* @subpackage PluginsFunction
* Smarty {fetch} plugin
* Type: function<br>
* Name: fetch<br>
* Purpose: fetch file, web or ftp data and display results
* @link http://www.smarty.net/manual/en/language.function.fetch.php {fetch}
* (Smarty online manual)
* @author Monte Ohrt <monte at ohrt dot com>
* @param array $params parameters
* @param Smarty_Internal_Template $template template object
* @throws SmartyException
* @return string|null if the assign parameter is passed, Smarty assigns the result to a template variable
function smarty_function_fetch($params, $template)
if (empty($params[ 'file' ])) {
trigger_error("[plugin] fetch parameter 'file' cannot be empty", E_USER_NOTICE);
// strip file protocol
if (stripos($params[ 'file' ], 'file://') === 0) {
$params[ 'file' ] = substr($params[ 'file' ], 7);
$protocol = strpos($params[ 'file' ], '://');
if ($protocol !== false) {
$protocol = strtolower(substr($params[ 'file' ], 0, $protocol));
if (isset($template->smarty->security_policy)) {
if ($protocol) {
// remote resource (or php stream, …)
if (!$template->smarty->security_policy->isTrustedUri($params[ 'file' ])) {
} else {
// local file
if (!$template->smarty->security_policy->isTrustedResourceDir($params[ 'file' ])) {
$content = '';
if ($protocol == 'http') {
// http fetch
if ($uri_parts = parse_url($params[ 'file' ])) {
// set defaults
$host = $server_name = $uri_parts[ 'host' ];
$timeout = 30;
$accept = "image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, */*";
$agent = "Smarty Template Engine " . Smarty::SMARTY_VERSION;
$referer = "";
$uri = !empty($uri_parts[ 'path' ]) ? $uri_parts[ 'path' ] : '/';
$uri .= !empty($uri_parts[ 'query' ]) ? '?' . $uri_parts[ 'query' ] : '';
$_is_proxy = false;
if (empty($uri_parts[ 'port' ])) {
$port = 80;
} else {
$port = $uri_parts[ 'port' ];
if (!empty($uri_parts[ 'user' ])) {
$user = $uri_parts[ 'user' ];
if (!empty($uri_parts[ 'pass' ])) {
$pass = $uri_parts[ 'pass' ];
// loop through parameters, setup headers
foreach ($params as $param_key => $param_value) {
switch ($param_key) {
case "file":
case "assign":
case "assign_headers":
case "user":
if (!empty($param_value)) {
$user = $param_value;
case "pass":
if (!empty($param_value)) {
$pass = $param_value;
case "accept":
if (!empty($param_value)) {
$accept = $param_value;
case "header":
if (!empty($param_value)) {
if (!preg_match('![\w\d-]+: .+!', $param_value)) {
trigger_error("[plugin] invalid header format '" . $param_value . "'", E_USER_NOTICE);
} else {
$extra_headers[] = $param_value;
case "proxy_host":
if (!empty($param_value)) {
$proxy_host = $param_value;
case "proxy_port":
if (!preg_match('!\D!', $param_value)) {
$proxy_port = (int) $param_value;
} else {
trigger_error("[plugin] invalid value for attribute '" . $param_key . "'", E_USER_NOTICE);
case "agent":
if (!empty($param_value)) {
$agent = $param_value;
case "referer":
if (!empty($param_value)) {
$referer = $param_value;
case "timeout":
if (!preg_match('!\D!', $param_value)) {
$timeout = (int) $param_value;
} else {
trigger_error("[plugin] invalid value for attribute '" . $param_key . "'", E_USER_NOTICE);
trigger_error("[plugin] unrecognized attribute '" . $param_key . "'", E_USER_NOTICE);
if (!empty($proxy_host) && !empty($proxy_port)) {
$_is_proxy = true;
$fp = fsockopen($proxy_host, $proxy_port, $errno, $errstr, $timeout);
} else {
$fp = fsockopen($server_name, $port, $errno, $errstr, $timeout);
if (!$fp) {
trigger_error("[plugin] unable to fetch: $errstr ($errno)", E_USER_NOTICE);
} else {
if ($_is_proxy) {
fputs($fp, 'GET ' . $params[ 'file' ] . " HTTP/1.0\r\n");
} else {
fputs($fp, "GET $uri HTTP/1.0\r\n");
if (!empty($host)) {
fputs($fp, "Host: $host\r\n");
if (!empty($accept)) {
fputs($fp, "Accept: $accept\r\n");
if (!empty($agent)) {
fputs($fp, "User-Agent: $agent\r\n");
if (!empty($referer)) {
fputs($fp, "Referer: $referer\r\n");
if (isset($extra_headers) && is_array($extra_headers)) {
foreach ($extra_headers as $curr_header) {
fputs($fp, $curr_header . "\r\n");
if (!empty($user) && !empty($pass)) {
fputs($fp, "Authorization: BASIC " . base64_encode("$user:$pass") . "\r\n");
fputs($fp, "\r\n");
while (!feof($fp)) {
$content .= fgets($fp, 4096);
$csplit = preg_split("!\r\n\r\n!", $content, 2);
$content = $csplit[ 1 ];
if (!empty($params[ 'assign_headers' ])) {
$template->assign($params[ 'assign_headers' ], preg_split("!\r\n!", $csplit[ 0 ]));
} else {
trigger_error("[plugin fetch] unable to parse URL, check syntax", E_USER_NOTICE);
} else {
$content = @file_get_contents($params[ 'file' ]);
if ($content === false) {
throw new SmartyException("{fetch} cannot read resource '" . $params[ 'file' ] . "'");
if (!empty($params[ 'assign' ])) {
$template->assign($params[ 'assign' ], $content);
} else {
return $content;

Datei anzeigen

@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
* Smarty plugin
* @package Smarty
* @subpackage PluginsFunction
* Smarty {html_checkboxes} function plugin
* File: function.html_checkboxes.php<br>
* Type: function<br>
* Name: html_checkboxes<br>
* Date: 24.Feb.2003<br>
* Purpose: Prints out a list of checkbox input types<br>
* Examples:
* <pre>
* {html_checkboxes values=$ids output=$names}
* {html_checkboxes values=$ids name='box' separator='<br>' output=$names}
* {html_checkboxes values=$ids checked=$checked separator='<br>' output=$names}
* </pre>
* Params:
* <pre>
* - name (optional) - string default "checkbox"
* - values (required) - array
* - options (optional) - associative array
* - checked (optional) - array default not set
* - separator (optional) - ie <br> or &nbsp;
* - output (optional) - the output next to each checkbox
* - assign (optional) - assign the output as an array to this variable
* - escape (optional) - escape the content (not value), defaults to true
* </pre>
* @link http://www.smarty.net/manual/en/language.function.html.checkboxes.php {html_checkboxes}
* (Smarty online manual)
* @author Christopher Kvarme <christopher.kvarme@flashjab.com>
* @author credits to Monte Ohrt <monte at ohrt dot com>
* @version 1.0
* @param array $params parameters
* @param object $template template object
* @return string
* @uses smarty_function_escape_special_chars()
function smarty_function_html_checkboxes($params, $template)
if (!isset($template->smarty->_cache[ '_required_sesc' ])) {
require_once(SMARTY_PLUGINS_DIR . 'shared.escape_special_chars.php');
$template->smarty->_cache[ '_required_sesc' ] = true;
$name = 'checkbox';
$values = null;
$options = null;
$selected = array();
$separator = '';
$escape = true;
$labels = true;
$label_ids = false;
$output = null;
$extra = '';
foreach ($params as $_key => $_val) {
switch ($_key) {
case 'name':
case 'separator':
$$_key = (string) $_val;
case 'escape':
case 'labels':
case 'label_ids':
$$_key = (bool) $_val;
case 'options':
$$_key = (array) $_val;
case 'values':
case 'output':
$$_key = array_values((array) $_val);
case 'checked':
case 'selected':
if (is_array($_val)) {
$selected = array();
foreach ($_val as $_sel) {
if (is_object($_sel)) {
if (method_exists($_sel, "__toString")) {
$_sel = smarty_function_escape_special_chars((string) $_sel->__toString());
} else {
trigger_error("html_checkboxes: selected attribute contains an object of class '" .
get_class($_sel) . "' without __toString() method", E_USER_NOTICE);
} else {
$_sel = smarty_function_escape_special_chars((string) $_sel);
$selected[ $_sel ] = true;
} elseif (is_object($_val)) {
if (method_exists($_val, "__toString")) {
$selected = smarty_function_escape_special_chars((string) $_val->__toString());
} else {
trigger_error("html_checkboxes: selected attribute is an object of class '" . get_class($_val) .
"' without __toString() method", E_USER_NOTICE);
} else {
$selected = smarty_function_escape_special_chars((string) $_val);
case 'checkboxes':
trigger_error('html_checkboxes: the use of the "checkboxes" attribute is deprecated, use "options" instead',
$options = (array) $_val;
case 'assign':
case 'strict':
case 'disabled':
case 'readonly':
if (!empty($params[ 'strict' ])) {
if (!is_scalar($_val)) {
trigger_error("html_options: $_key attribute must be a scalar, only boolean true or string '$_key' will actually add the attribute",
if ($_val === true || $_val === $_key) {
$extra .= ' ' . $_key . '="' . smarty_function_escape_special_chars($_key) . '"';
// omit break; to fall through!
if (!is_array($_val)) {
$extra .= ' ' . $_key . '="' . smarty_function_escape_special_chars($_val) . '"';
} else {
trigger_error("html_checkboxes: extra attribute '$_key' cannot be an array", E_USER_NOTICE);
if (!isset($options) && !isset($values)) {
return '';
} /* raise error here? */
$_html_result = array();
if (isset($options)) {
foreach ($options as $_key => $_val) {
$_html_result[] =
smarty_function_html_checkboxes_output($name, $_key, $_val, $selected, $extra, $separator, $labels,
$label_ids, $escape);
} else {
foreach ($values as $_i => $_key) {
$_val = isset($output[ $_i ]) ? $output[ $_i ] : '';
$_html_result[] =
smarty_function_html_checkboxes_output($name, $_key, $_val, $selected, $extra, $separator, $labels,
$label_ids, $escape);
if (!empty($params[ 'assign' ])) {
$template->assign($params[ 'assign' ], $_html_result);
} else {
return implode("\n", $_html_result);
function smarty_function_html_checkboxes_output($name, $value, $output, $selected, $extra, $separator, $labels,
$label_ids, $escape = true)
$_output = '';
if (is_object($value)) {
if (method_exists($value, "__toString")) {
$value = (string) $value->__toString();
} else {
trigger_error("html_options: value is an object of class '" . get_class($value) .
"' without __toString() method", E_USER_NOTICE);
return '';
} else {
$value = (string) $value;
if (is_object($output)) {
if (method_exists($output, "__toString")) {
$output = (string) $output->__toString();
} else {
trigger_error("html_options: output is an object of class '" . get_class($output) .
"' without __toString() method", E_USER_NOTICE);
return '';
} else {
$output = (string) $output;
if ($labels) {
if ($label_ids) {
$_id = smarty_function_escape_special_chars(preg_replace('![^\w\-\.]!' . Smarty::$_UTF8_MODIFIER, '_',
$name . '_' . $value));
$_output .= '<label for="' . $_id . '">';
} else {
$_output .= '<label>';
$name = smarty_function_escape_special_chars($name);
$value = smarty_function_escape_special_chars($value);
if ($escape) {
$output = smarty_function_escape_special_chars($output);
$_output .= '<input type="checkbox" name="' . $name . '[]" value="' . $value . '"';
if ($labels && $label_ids) {
$_output .= ' id="' . $_id . '"';
if (is_array($selected)) {
if (isset($selected[ $value ])) {
$_output .= ' checked="checked"';
} elseif ($value === $selected) {
$_output .= ' checked="checked"';
$_output .= $extra . ' />' . $output;
if ($labels) {
$_output .= '</label>';
$_output .= $separator;
return $_output;

Datei anzeigen

@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
* Smarty plugin
* @package Smarty
* @subpackage PluginsFunction
* Smarty {html_image} function plugin
* Type: function<br>
* Name: html_image<br>
* Date: Feb 24, 2003<br>
* Purpose: format HTML tags for the image<br>
* Examples: {html_image file="/images/masthead.gif"}<br>
* Output: <img src="/images/masthead.gif" width=400 height=23><br>
* Params:
* <pre>
* - file - (required) - file (and path) of image
* - height - (optional) - image height (default actual height)
* - width - (optional) - image width (default actual width)
* - basedir - (optional) - base directory for absolute paths, default is environment variable DOCUMENT_ROOT
* - path_prefix - prefix for path output (optional, default empty)
* </pre>
* @link http://www.smarty.net/manual/en/language.function.html.image.php {html_image}
* (Smarty online manual)
* @author Monte Ohrt <monte at ohrt dot com>
* @author credits to Duda <duda@big.hu>
* @version 1.0
* @param array $params parameters
* @param Smarty_Internal_Template $template template object
* @throws SmartyException
* @return string
* @uses smarty_function_escape_special_chars()
function smarty_function_html_image($params, $template)
if (!isset($template->smarty->_cache[ '_required_sesc' ])) {
require_once(SMARTY_PLUGINS_DIR . 'shared.escape_special_chars.php');
$template->smarty->_cache[ '_required_sesc' ] = true;
$alt = '';
$file = '';
$height = '';
$width = '';
$extra = '';
$prefix = '';
$suffix = '';
$path_prefix = '';
$basedir = isset($_SERVER[ 'DOCUMENT_ROOT' ]) ? $_SERVER[ 'DOCUMENT_ROOT' ] : '';
foreach ($params as $_key => $_val) {
switch ($_key) {
case 'file':
case 'height':
case 'width':
case 'dpi':
case 'path_prefix':
case 'basedir':
$$_key = $_val;
case 'alt':
if (!is_array($_val)) {
$$_key = smarty_function_escape_special_chars($_val);
} else {
throw new SmartyException ("html_image: extra attribute '$_key' cannot be an array", E_USER_NOTICE);
case 'link':
case 'href':
$prefix = '<a href="' . $_val . '">';
$suffix = '</a>';
if (!is_array($_val)) {
$extra .= ' ' . $_key . '="' . smarty_function_escape_special_chars($_val) . '"';
} else {
throw new SmartyException ("html_image: extra attribute '$_key' cannot be an array", E_USER_NOTICE);
if (empty($file)) {
trigger_error("html_image: missing 'file' parameter", E_USER_NOTICE);
if ($file[ 0 ] == '/') {
$_image_path = $basedir . $file;
} else {
$_image_path = $file;
// strip file protocol
if (stripos($params[ 'file' ], 'file://') === 0) {
$params[ 'file' ] = substr($params[ 'file' ], 7);
$protocol = strpos($params[ 'file' ], '://');
if ($protocol !== false) {
$protocol = strtolower(substr($params[ 'file' ], 0, $protocol));
if (isset($template->smarty->security_policy)) {
if ($protocol) {
// remote resource (or php stream, …)
if (!$template->smarty->security_policy->isTrustedUri($params[ 'file' ])) {
} else {
// local file
if (!$template->smarty->security_policy->isTrustedResourceDir($_image_path)) {
if (!isset($params[ 'width' ]) || !isset($params[ 'height' ])) {
// FIXME: (rodneyrehm) getimagesize() loads the complete file off a remote resource, use custom [jpg,png,gif]header reader!
if (!$_image_data = @getimagesize($_image_path)) {
if (!file_exists($_image_path)) {
trigger_error("html_image: unable to find '$_image_path'", E_USER_NOTICE);
} elseif (!is_readable($_image_path)) {
trigger_error("html_image: unable to read '$_image_path'", E_USER_NOTICE);
} else {
trigger_error("html_image: '$_image_path' is not a valid image file", E_USER_NOTICE);
if (!isset($params[ 'width' ])) {
$width = $_image_data[ 0 ];
if (!isset($params[ 'height' ])) {
$height = $_image_data[ 1 ];
if (isset($params[ 'dpi' ])) {
if (strstr($_SERVER[ 'HTTP_USER_AGENT' ], 'Mac')) {
// FIXME: (rodneyrehm) wrong dpi assumption
// don't know who thought this up… even if it was true in 1998, it's definitely wrong in 2011.
$dpi_default = 72;
} else {
$dpi_default = 96;
$_resize = $dpi_default / $params[ 'dpi' ];
$width = round($width * $_resize);
$height = round($height * $_resize);
return $prefix . '<img src="' . $path_prefix . $file . '" alt="' . $alt . '" width="' . $width . '" height="' .
$height . '"' . $extra . ' />' . $suffix;

Datei anzeigen

@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
* Smarty plugin
* @package Smarty
* @subpackage PluginsFunction
* Smarty {html_options} function plugin
* Type: function<br>
* Name: html_options<br>
* Purpose: Prints the list of <option> tags generated from
* the passed parameters<br>
* Params:
* <pre>
* - name (optional) - string default "select"
* - values (required) - if no options supplied) - array
* - options (required) - if no values supplied) - associative array
* - selected (optional) - string default not set
* - output (required) - if not options supplied) - array
* - id (optional) - string default not set
* - class (optional) - string default not set
* </pre>
* @link http://www.smarty.net/manual/en/language.function.html.options.php {html_image}
* (Smarty online manual)
* @author Monte Ohrt <monte at ohrt dot com>
* @author Ralf Strehle (minor optimization) <ralf dot strehle at yahoo dot de>
* @param array $params parameters
* @param \Smarty_Internal_Template $template
* @return string
* @uses smarty_function_escape_special_chars()
function smarty_function_html_options($params, Smarty_Internal_Template $template)
if (!isset($template->smarty->_cache[ '_required_sesc' ])) {
require_once(SMARTY_PLUGINS_DIR . 'shared.escape_special_chars.php');
$template->smarty->_cache[ '_required_sesc' ] = true;
$name = null;
$values = null;
$options = null;
$selected = null;
$output = null;
$id = null;
$class = null;
$extra = '';
foreach ($params as $_key => $_val) {
switch ($_key) {
case 'name':
case 'class':
case 'id':
$$_key = (string) $_val;
case 'options':
$options = (array) $_val;
case 'values':
case 'output':
$$_key = array_values((array) $_val);
case 'selected':
if (is_array($_val)) {
$selected = array();
foreach ($_val as $_sel) {
if (is_object($_sel)) {
if (method_exists($_sel, "__toString")) {
$_sel = smarty_function_escape_special_chars((string) $_sel->__toString());
} else {
trigger_error("html_options: selected attribute contains an object of class '" .
get_class($_sel) . "' without __toString() method", E_USER_NOTICE);
} else {
$_sel = smarty_function_escape_special_chars((string) $_sel);
$selected[ $_sel ] = true;
} elseif (is_object($_val)) {
if (method_exists($_val, "__toString")) {
$selected = smarty_function_escape_special_chars((string) $_val->__toString());
} else {
trigger_error("html_options: selected attribute is an object of class '" . get_class($_val) .
"' without __toString() method", E_USER_NOTICE);
} else {
$selected = smarty_function_escape_special_chars((string) $_val);
case 'strict':
case 'disabled':
case 'readonly':
if (!empty($params[ 'strict' ])) {
if (!is_scalar($_val)) {
trigger_error("html_options: $_key attribute must be a scalar, only boolean true or string '$_key' will actually add the attribute",
if ($_val === true || $_val === $_key) {
$extra .= ' ' . $_key . '="' . smarty_function_escape_special_chars($_key) . '"';
// omit break; to fall through!
if (!is_array($_val)) {
$extra .= ' ' . $_key . '="' . smarty_function_escape_special_chars($_val) . '"';
} else {
trigger_error("html_options: extra attribute '$_key' cannot be an array", E_USER_NOTICE);
if (!isset($options) && !isset($values)) {
/* raise error here? */
return '';
$_html_result = '';
$_idx = 0;
if (isset($options)) {
foreach ($options as $_key => $_val) {
$_html_result .= smarty_function_html_options_optoutput($_key, $_val, $selected, $id, $class, $_idx);
} else {
foreach ($values as $_i => $_key) {
$_val = isset($output[ $_i ]) ? $output[ $_i ] : '';
$_html_result .= smarty_function_html_options_optoutput($_key, $_val, $selected, $id, $class, $_idx);
if (!empty($name)) {
$_html_class = !empty($class) ? ' class="' . $class . '"' : '';
$_html_id = !empty($id) ? ' id="' . $id . '"' : '';
$_html_result =
'<select name="' . $name . '"' . $_html_class . $_html_id . $extra . '>' . "\n" . $_html_result .
'</select>' . "\n";
return $_html_result;
function smarty_function_html_options_optoutput($key, $value, $selected, $id, $class, &$idx)
if (!is_array($value)) {
$_key = smarty_function_escape_special_chars($key);
$_html_result = '<option value="' . $_key . '"';
if (is_array($selected)) {
if (isset($selected[ $_key ])) {
$_html_result .= ' selected="selected"';
} elseif ($_key === $selected) {
$_html_result .= ' selected="selected"';
$_html_class = !empty($class) ? ' class="' . $class . ' option"' : '';
$_html_id = !empty($id) ? ' id="' . $id . '-' . $idx . '"' : '';
if (is_object($value)) {
if (method_exists($value, "__toString")) {
$value = smarty_function_escape_special_chars((string) $value->__toString());
} else {
trigger_error("html_options: value is an object of class '" . get_class($value) .
"' without __toString() method", E_USER_NOTICE);
return '';
} else {
$value = smarty_function_escape_special_chars((string) $value);
$_html_result .= $_html_class . $_html_id . '>' . $value . '</option>' . "\n";
$idx ++;
} else {
$_idx = 0;
$_html_result =
smarty_function_html_options_optgroup($key, $value, $selected, !empty($id) ? ($id . '-' . $idx) : null,
$class, $_idx);
$idx ++;
return $_html_result;
function smarty_function_html_options_optgroup($key, $values, $selected, $id, $class, &$idx)
$optgroup_html = '<optgroup label="' . smarty_function_escape_special_chars($key) . '">' . "\n";
foreach ($values as $key => $value) {
$optgroup_html .= smarty_function_html_options_optoutput($key, $value, $selected, $id, $class, $idx);
$optgroup_html .= "</optgroup>\n";
return $optgroup_html;

Datei anzeigen

@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
* Smarty plugin
* @package Smarty
* @subpackage PluginsFunction
* Smarty {html_radios} function plugin
* File: function.html_radios.php<br>
* Type: function<br>
* Name: html_radios<br>
* Date: 24.Feb.2003<br>
* Purpose: Prints out a list of radio input types<br>
* Params:
* <pre>
* - name (optional) - string default "radio"
* - values (required) - array
* - options (required) - associative array
* - checked (optional) - array default not set
* - separator (optional) - ie <br> or &nbsp;
* - output (optional) - the output next to each radio button
* - assign (optional) - assign the output as an array to this variable
* - escape (optional) - escape the content (not value), defaults to true
* </pre>
* Examples:
* <pre>
* {html_radios values=$ids output=$names}
* {html_radios values=$ids name='box' separator='<br>' output=$names}
* {html_radios values=$ids checked=$checked separator='<br>' output=$names}
* </pre>
* @link http://smarty.php.net/manual/en/language.function.html.radios.php {html_radios}
* (Smarty online manual)
* @author Christopher Kvarme <christopher.kvarme@flashjab.com>
* @author credits to Monte Ohrt <monte at ohrt dot com>
* @version 1.0
* @param array $params parameters
* @param Smarty_Internal_Template $template template object
* @return string
* @uses smarty_function_escape_special_chars()
function smarty_function_html_radios($params, $template)
if (!isset($template->smarty->_cache[ '_required_sesc' ])) {
require_once(SMARTY_PLUGINS_DIR . 'shared.escape_special_chars.php');
$template->smarty->_cache[ '_required_sesc' ] = true;
$name = 'radio';
$values = null;
$options = null;
$selected = null;
$separator = '';
$escape = true;
$labels = true;
$label_ids = false;
$output = null;
$extra = '';
foreach ($params as $_key => $_val) {
switch ($_key) {
case 'name':
case 'separator':
$$_key = (string) $_val;
case 'checked':
case 'selected':
if (is_array($_val)) {
trigger_error('html_radios: the "' . $_key . '" attribute cannot be an array', E_USER_WARNING);
} elseif (is_object($_val)) {
if (method_exists($_val, "__toString")) {
$selected = smarty_function_escape_special_chars((string) $_val->__toString());
} else {
trigger_error("html_radios: selected attribute is an object of class '" . get_class($_val) .
"' without __toString() method", E_USER_NOTICE);
} else {
$selected = (string) $_val;
case 'escape':
case 'labels':
case 'label_ids':
$$_key = (bool) $_val;
case 'options':
$$_key = (array) $_val;
case 'values':
case 'output':
$$_key = array_values((array) $_val);
case 'radios':
trigger_error('html_radios: the use of the "radios" attribute is deprecated, use "options" instead',
$options = (array) $_val;
case 'assign':
case 'strict':
case 'disabled':
case 'readonly':
if (!empty($params[ 'strict' ])) {
if (!is_scalar($_val)) {
trigger_error("html_options: $_key attribute must be a scalar, only boolean true or string '$_key' will actually add the attribute",
if ($_val === true || $_val === $_key) {
$extra .= ' ' . $_key . '="' . smarty_function_escape_special_chars($_key) . '"';
// omit break; to fall through!
if (!is_array($_val)) {
$extra .= ' ' . $_key . '="' . smarty_function_escape_special_chars($_val) . '"';
} else {
trigger_error("html_radios: extra attribute '$_key' cannot be an array", E_USER_NOTICE);
if (!isset($options) && !isset($values)) {
/* raise error here? */
return '';
$_html_result = array();
if (isset($options)) {
foreach ($options as $_key => $_val) {
$_html_result[] =
smarty_function_html_radios_output($name, $_key, $_val, $selected, $extra, $separator, $labels,
$label_ids, $escape);
} else {
foreach ($values as $_i => $_key) {
$_val = isset($output[ $_i ]) ? $output[ $_i ] : '';
$_html_result[] =
smarty_function_html_radios_output($name, $_key, $_val, $selected, $extra, $separator, $labels,
$label_ids, $escape);
if (!empty($params[ 'assign' ])) {
$template->assign($params[ 'assign' ], $_html_result);
} else {
return implode("\n", $_html_result);
function smarty_function_html_radios_output($name, $value, $output, $selected, $extra, $separator, $labels, $label_ids,
$_output = '';
if (is_object($value)) {
if (method_exists($value, "__toString")) {
$value = (string) $value->__toString();
} else {
trigger_error("html_options: value is an object of class '" . get_class($value) .
"' without __toString() method", E_USER_NOTICE);
return '';
} else {
$value = (string) $value;
if (is_object($output)) {
if (method_exists($output, "__toString")) {
$output = (string) $output->__toString();
} else {
trigger_error("html_options: output is an object of class '" . get_class($output) .
"' without __toString() method", E_USER_NOTICE);
return '';
} else {
$output = (string) $output;
if ($labels) {
if ($label_ids) {
$_id = smarty_function_escape_special_chars(preg_replace('![^\w\-\.]!' . Smarty::$_UTF8_MODIFIER, '_',
$name . '_' . $value));
$_output .= '<label for="' . $_id . '">';
} else {
$_output .= '<label>';
$name = smarty_function_escape_special_chars($name);
$value = smarty_function_escape_special_chars($value);
if ($escape) {
$output = smarty_function_escape_special_chars($output);
$_output .= '<input type="radio" name="' . $name . '" value="' . $value . '"';
if ($labels && $label_ids) {
$_output .= ' id="' . $_id . '"';
if ($value === $selected) {
$_output .= ' checked="checked"';
$_output .= $extra . ' />' . $output;
if ($labels) {
$_output .= '</label>';
$_output .= $separator;
return $_output;

Datei anzeigen

@ -0,0 +1,397 @@
* Smarty plugin
* @package Smarty
* @subpackage PluginsFunction
* Smarty {html_select_date} plugin
* Type: function<br>
* Name: html_select_date<br>
* Purpose: Prints the dropdowns for date selection.
* ChangeLog:
* <pre>
* - 1.0 initial release
* - 1.1 added support for +/- N syntax for begin
* and end year values. (Monte)
* - 1.2 added support for yyyy-mm-dd syntax for
* time value. (Jan Rosier)
* - 1.3 added support for choosing format for
* month values (Gary Loescher)
* - 1.3.1 added support for choosing format for
* day values (Marcus Bointon)
* - 1.3.2 support negative timestamps, force year
* dropdown to include given date unless explicitly set (Monte)
* - 1.3.4 fix behaviour of 0000-00-00 00:00:00 dates to match that
* of 0000-00-00 dates (cybot, boots)
* - 2.0 complete rewrite for performance,
* added attributes month_names, *_id
* </pre>
* @link http://www.smarty.net/manual/en/language.function.html.select.date.php {html_select_date}
* (Smarty online manual)
* @version 2.0
* @author Andrei Zmievski
* @author Monte Ohrt <monte at ohrt dot com>
* @author Rodney Rehm
* @param array $params parameters
* @param \Smarty_Internal_Template $template
* @return string
function smarty_function_html_select_date($params, Smarty_Internal_Template $template)
if (!isset($template->smarty->_cache[ '_required_sesc' ])) {
require_once(SMARTY_PLUGINS_DIR . 'shared.escape_special_chars.php');
$template->smarty->_cache[ '_required_sesc' ] = true;
if (!isset($template->smarty->_cache[ '_required_smt' ])) {
require_once(SMARTY_PLUGINS_DIR . 'shared.make_timestamp.php');
$template->smarty->_cache[ '_required_smt' ] = true;
// generate timestamps used for month names only
static $_month_timestamps = null;
static $_current_year = null;
if ($_month_timestamps === null) {
$_current_year = date('Y');
$_month_timestamps = array();
for ($i = 1; $i <= 12; $i ++) {
$_month_timestamps[ $i ] = mktime(0, 0, 0, $i, 1, 2000);
/* Default values. */
$prefix = "Date_";
$start_year = null;
$end_year = null;
$display_days = true;
$display_months = true;
$display_years = true;
$month_format = "%B";
/* Write months as numbers by default GL */
$month_value_format = "%m";
$day_format = "%02d";
/* Write day values using this format MB */
$day_value_format = "%d";
$year_as_text = false;
/* Display years in reverse order? Ie. 2000,1999,.... */
$reverse_years = false;
/* Should the select boxes be part of an array when returned from PHP?
e.g. setting it to "birthday", would create "birthday[Day]",
"birthday[Month]" & "birthday[Year]". Can be combined with prefix */
$field_array = null;
/* <select size>'s of the different <select> tags.
If not set, uses default dropdown. */
$day_size = null;
$month_size = null;
$year_size = null;
/* Unparsed attributes common to *ALL* the <select>/<input> tags.
An example might be in the template: all_extra ='class ="foo"'. */
$all_extra = null;
/* Separate attributes for the tags. */
$day_extra = null;
$month_extra = null;
$year_extra = null;
/* Order in which to display the fields.
"D" -> day, "M" -> month, "Y" -> year. */
$field_order = 'MDY';
/* String printed between the different fields. */
$field_separator = "\n";
$option_separator = "\n";
$time = null;
// $all_empty = null;
// $day_empty = null;
// $month_empty = null;
// $year_empty = null;
$extra_attrs = '';
$all_id = null;
$day_id = null;
$month_id = null;
$year_id = null;
foreach ($params as $_key => $_value) {
switch ($_key) {
case 'time':
if (!is_array($_value) && $_value !== null) {
$time = smarty_make_timestamp($_value);
case 'month_names':
if (is_array($_value) && count($_value) == 12) {
$$_key = $_value;
} else {
trigger_error("html_select_date: month_names must be an array of 12 strings", E_USER_NOTICE);
case 'prefix':
case 'field_array':
case 'start_year':
case 'end_year':
case 'day_format':
case 'day_value_format':
case 'month_format':
case 'month_value_format':
case 'day_size':
case 'month_size':
case 'year_size':
case 'all_extra':
case 'day_extra':
case 'month_extra':
case 'year_extra':
case 'field_order':
case 'field_separator':
case 'option_separator':
case 'all_empty':
case 'month_empty':
case 'day_empty':
case 'year_empty':
case 'all_id':
case 'month_id':
case 'day_id':
case 'year_id':
$$_key = (string) $_value;
case 'display_days':
case 'display_months':
case 'display_years':
case 'year_as_text':
case 'reverse_years':
$$_key = (bool) $_value;
if (!is_array($_value)) {
$extra_attrs .= ' ' . $_key . '="' . smarty_function_escape_special_chars($_value) . '"';
} else {
trigger_error("html_select_date: extra attribute '$_key' cannot be an array", E_USER_NOTICE);
// Note: date() is faster than strftime()
// Note: explode(date()) is faster than date() date() date()
if (isset($params[ 'time' ]) && is_array($params[ 'time' ])) {
if (isset($params[ 'time' ][ $prefix . 'Year' ])) {
// $_REQUEST[$field_array] given
foreach (array('Y' => 'Year',
'm' => 'Month',
'd' => 'Day') as $_elementKey => $_elementName) {
$_variableName = '_' . strtolower($_elementName);
$$_variableName =
isset($params[ 'time' ][ $prefix . $_elementName ]) ? $params[ 'time' ][ $prefix . $_elementName ] :
} elseif (isset($params[ 'time' ][ $field_array ][ $prefix . 'Year' ])) {
// $_REQUEST given
foreach (array('Y' => 'Year',
'm' => 'Month',
'd' => 'Day') as $_elementKey => $_elementName) {
$_variableName = '_' . strtolower($_elementName);
$$_variableName = isset($params[ 'time' ][ $field_array ][ $prefix . $_elementName ]) ?
$params[ 'time' ][ $field_array ][ $prefix . $_elementName ] : date($_elementKey);
} else {
// no date found, use NOW
list($_year, $_month, $_day) = $time = explode('-', date('Y-m-d'));
} elseif ($time === null) {
if (array_key_exists('time', $params)) {
$_year = $_month = $_day = $time = null;
} else {
list($_year, $_month, $_day) = $time = explode('-', date('Y-m-d'));
} else {
list($_year, $_month, $_day) = $time = explode('-', date('Y-m-d', $time));
// make syntax "+N" or "-N" work with $start_year and $end_year
// Note preg_match('!^(\+|\-)\s*(\d+)$!', $end_year, $match) is slower than trim+substr
foreach (array('start',
'end') as $key) {
$key .= '_year';
$t = $$key;
if ($t === null) {
$$key = (int) $_current_year;
} elseif ($t[ 0 ] == '+') {
$$key = (int) ($_current_year + (int) trim(substr($t, 1)));
} elseif ($t[ 0 ] == '-') {
$$key = (int) ($_current_year - (int) trim(substr($t, 1)));
} else {
$$key = (int) $$key;
// flip for ascending or descending
if (($start_year > $end_year && !$reverse_years) || ($start_year < $end_year && $reverse_years)) {
$t = $end_year;
$end_year = $start_year;
$start_year = $t;
// generate year <select> or <input>
if ($display_years) {
$_extra = '';
$_name = $field_array ? ($field_array . '[' . $prefix . 'Year]') : ($prefix . 'Year');
if ($all_extra) {
$_extra .= ' ' . $all_extra;
if ($year_extra) {
$_extra .= ' ' . $year_extra;
if ($year_as_text) {
$_html_years =
'<input type="text" name="' . $_name . '" value="' . $_year . '" size="4" maxlength="4"' . $_extra .
$extra_attrs . ' />';
} else {
$_html_years = '<select name="' . $_name . '"';
if ($year_id !== null || $all_id !== null) {
$_html_years .= ' id="' . smarty_function_escape_special_chars($year_id !== null ?
($year_id ? $year_id : $_name) :
($all_id ? ($all_id . $_name) :
$_name)) . '"';
if ($year_size) {
$_html_years .= ' size="' . $year_size . '"';
$_html_years .= $_extra . $extra_attrs . '>' . $option_separator;
if (isset($year_empty) || isset($all_empty)) {
$_html_years .= '<option value="">' . (isset($year_empty) ? $year_empty : $all_empty) . '</option>' .
$op = $start_year > $end_year ? - 1 : 1;
for ($i = $start_year; $op > 0 ? $i <= $end_year : $i >= $end_year; $i += $op) {
$_html_years .= '<option value="' . $i . '"' . ($_year == $i ? ' selected="selected"' : '') . '>' . $i .
'</option>' . $option_separator;
$_html_years .= '</select>';
// generate month <select> or <input>
if ($display_months) {
$_extra = '';
$_name = $field_array ? ($field_array . '[' . $prefix . 'Month]') : ($prefix . 'Month');
if ($all_extra) {
$_extra .= ' ' . $all_extra;
if ($month_extra) {
$_extra .= ' ' . $month_extra;
$_html_months = '<select name="' . $_name . '"';
if ($month_id !== null || $all_id !== null) {
$_html_months .= ' id="' . smarty_function_escape_special_chars($month_id !== null ?
($month_id ? $month_id : $_name) :
($all_id ? ($all_id . $_name) :
$_name)) . '"';
if ($month_size) {
$_html_months .= ' size="' . $month_size . '"';
$_html_months .= $_extra . $extra_attrs . '>' . $option_separator;
if (isset($month_empty) || isset($all_empty)) {
$_html_months .= '<option value="">' . (isset($month_empty) ? $month_empty : $all_empty) . '</option>' .
for ($i = 1; $i <= 12; $i ++) {
$_val = sprintf('%02d', $i);
$_text = isset($month_names) ? smarty_function_escape_special_chars($month_names[ $i ]) :
($month_format == "%m" ? $_val : strftime($month_format, $_month_timestamps[ $i ]));
$_value = $month_value_format == "%m" ? $_val : strftime($month_value_format, $_month_timestamps[ $i ]);
$_html_months .= '<option value="' . $_value . '"' . ($_val == $_month ? ' selected="selected"' : '') .
'>' . $_text . '</option>' . $option_separator;
$_html_months .= '</select>';
// generate day <select> or <input>
if ($display_days) {
$_extra = '';
$_name = $field_array ? ($field_array . '[' . $prefix . 'Day]') : ($prefix . 'Day');
if ($all_extra) {
$_extra .= ' ' . $all_extra;
if ($day_extra) {
$_extra .= ' ' . $day_extra;
$_html_days = '<select name="' . $_name . '"';
if ($day_id !== null || $all_id !== null) {
$_html_days .= ' id="' .
smarty_function_escape_special_chars($day_id !== null ? ($day_id ? $day_id : $_name) :
($all_id ? ($all_id . $_name) : $_name)) . '"';
if ($day_size) {
$_html_days .= ' size="' . $day_size . '"';
$_html_days .= $_extra . $extra_attrs . '>' . $option_separator;
if (isset($day_empty) || isset($all_empty)) {
$_html_days .= '<option value="">' . (isset($day_empty) ? $day_empty : $all_empty) . '</option>' .
for ($i = 1; $i <= 31; $i ++) {
$_val = sprintf('%02d', $i);
$_text = $day_format == '%02d' ? $_val : sprintf($day_format, $i);
$_value = $day_value_format == '%02d' ? $_val : sprintf($day_value_format, $i);
$_html_days .= '<option value="' . $_value . '"' . ($_val == $_day ? ' selected="selected"' : '') . '>' .
$_text . '</option>' . $option_separator;
$_html_days .= '</select>';
// order the fields for output
$_html = '';
for ($i = 0; $i <= 2; $i ++) {
switch ($field_order[ $i ]) {
case 'Y':
case 'y':
if (isset($_html_years)) {
if ($_html) {
$_html .= $field_separator;
$_html .= $_html_years;
case 'm':
case 'M':
if (isset($_html_months)) {
if ($_html) {
$_html .= $field_separator;
$_html .= $_html_months;
case 'd':
case 'D':
if (isset($_html_days)) {
if ($_html) {
$_html .= $field_separator;
$_html .= $_html_days;
return $_html;

Datei anzeigen

@ -0,0 +1,374 @@
* Smarty plugin
* @package Smarty
* @subpackage PluginsFunction
* Smarty {html_select_time} function plugin
* Type: function<br>
* Name: html_select_time<br>
* Purpose: Prints the dropdowns for time selection
* @link http://www.smarty.net/manual/en/language.function.html.select.time.php {html_select_time}
* (Smarty online manual)
* @author Roberto Berto <roberto@berto.net>
* @author Monte Ohrt <monte AT ohrt DOT com>
* @param array $params parameters
* @param \Smarty_Internal_Template $template
* @return string
* @uses smarty_make_timestamp()
function smarty_function_html_select_time($params, Smarty_Internal_Template $template)
if (!isset($template->smarty->_cache[ '_required_sesc' ])) {
require_once(SMARTY_PLUGINS_DIR . 'shared.escape_special_chars.php');
$template->smarty->_cache[ '_required_sesc' ] = true;
if (!isset($template->smarty->_cache[ '_required_smt' ])) {
require_once(SMARTY_PLUGINS_DIR . 'shared.make_timestamp.php');
$template->smarty->_cache[ '_required_smt' ] = true;
$prefix = "Time_";
$field_array = null;
$field_separator = "\n";
$option_separator = "\n";
$time = null;
$display_hours = true;
$display_minutes = true;
$display_seconds = true;
$display_meridian = true;
$hour_format = '%02d';
$hour_value_format = '%02d';
$minute_format = '%02d';
$minute_value_format = '%02d';
$second_format = '%02d';
$second_value_format = '%02d';
$hour_size = null;
$minute_size = null;
$second_size = null;
$meridian_size = null;
$all_empty = null;
$hour_empty = null;
$minute_empty = null;
$second_empty = null;
$meridian_empty = null;
$all_id = null;
$hour_id = null;
$minute_id = null;
$second_id = null;
$meridian_id = null;
$use_24_hours = true;
$minute_interval = 1;
$second_interval = 1;
$extra_attrs = '';
$all_extra = null;
$hour_extra = null;
$minute_extra = null;
$second_extra = null;
$meridian_extra = null;
foreach ($params as $_key => $_value) {
switch ($_key) {
case 'time':
if (!is_array($_value) && $_value !== null) {
$time = smarty_make_timestamp($_value);
case 'prefix':
case 'field_array':
case 'field_separator':
case 'option_separator':
case 'all_extra':
case 'hour_extra':
case 'minute_extra':
case 'second_extra':
case 'meridian_extra':
case 'all_empty':
case 'hour_empty':
case 'minute_empty':
case 'second_empty':
case 'meridian_empty':
case 'all_id':
case 'hour_id':
case 'minute_id':
case 'second_id':
case 'meridian_id':
case 'hour_format':
case 'hour_value_format':
case 'minute_format':
case 'minute_value_format':
case 'second_format':
case 'second_value_format':
$$_key = (string) $_value;
case 'display_hours':
case 'display_minutes':
case 'display_seconds':
case 'display_meridian':
case 'use_24_hours':
$$_key = (bool) $_value;
case 'minute_interval':
case 'second_interval':
case 'hour_size':
case 'minute_size':
case 'second_size':
case 'meridian_size':
$$_key = (int) $_value;
if (!is_array($_value)) {
$extra_attrs .= ' ' . $_key . '="' . smarty_function_escape_special_chars($_value) . '"';
} else {
trigger_error("html_select_date: extra attribute '$_key' cannot be an array", E_USER_NOTICE);
if (isset($params[ 'time' ]) && is_array($params[ 'time' ])) {
if (isset($params[ 'time' ][ $prefix . 'Hour' ])) {
// $_REQUEST[$field_array] given
foreach (array('H' => 'Hour',
'i' => 'Minute',
's' => 'Second') as $_elementKey => $_elementName) {
$_variableName = '_' . strtolower($_elementName);
$$_variableName =
isset($params[ 'time' ][ $prefix . $_elementName ]) ? $params[ 'time' ][ $prefix . $_elementName ] :
$_meridian =
isset($params[ 'time' ][ $prefix . 'Meridian' ]) ? (' ' . $params[ 'time' ][ $prefix . 'Meridian' ]) :
$time = strtotime($_hour . ':' . $_minute . ':' . $_second . $_meridian);
list($_hour, $_minute, $_second) = $time = explode('-', date('H-i-s', $time));
} elseif (isset($params[ 'time' ][ $field_array ][ $prefix . 'Hour' ])) {
// $_REQUEST given
foreach (array('H' => 'Hour',
'i' => 'Minute',
's' => 'Second') as $_elementKey => $_elementName) {
$_variableName = '_' . strtolower($_elementName);
$$_variableName = isset($params[ 'time' ][ $field_array ][ $prefix . $_elementName ]) ?
$params[ 'time' ][ $field_array ][ $prefix . $_elementName ] : date($_elementKey);
$_meridian = isset($params[ 'time' ][ $field_array ][ $prefix . 'Meridian' ]) ?
(' ' . $params[ 'time' ][ $field_array ][ $prefix . 'Meridian' ]) : '';
$time = strtotime($_hour . ':' . $_minute . ':' . $_second . $_meridian);
list($_hour, $_minute, $_second) = $time = explode('-', date('H-i-s', $time));
} else {
// no date found, use NOW
list($_year, $_month, $_day) = $time = explode('-', date('Y-m-d'));
} elseif ($time === null) {
if (array_key_exists('time', $params)) {
$_hour = $_minute = $_second = $time = null;
} else {
list($_hour, $_minute, $_second) = $time = explode('-', date('H-i-s'));
} else {
list($_hour, $_minute, $_second) = $time = explode('-', date('H-i-s', $time));
// generate hour <select>
if ($display_hours) {
$_html_hours = '';
$_extra = '';
$_name = $field_array ? ($field_array . '[' . $prefix . 'Hour]') : ($prefix . 'Hour');
if ($all_extra) {
$_extra .= ' ' . $all_extra;
if ($hour_extra) {
$_extra .= ' ' . $hour_extra;
$_html_hours = '<select name="' . $_name . '"';
if ($hour_id !== null || $all_id !== null) {
$_html_hours .= ' id="' .
smarty_function_escape_special_chars($hour_id !== null ? ($hour_id ? $hour_id : $_name) :
($all_id ? ($all_id . $_name) : $_name)) . '"';
if ($hour_size) {
$_html_hours .= ' size="' . $hour_size . '"';
$_html_hours .= $_extra . $extra_attrs . '>' . $option_separator;
if (isset($hour_empty) || isset($all_empty)) {
$_html_hours .= '<option value="">' . (isset($hour_empty) ? $hour_empty : $all_empty) . '</option>' .
$start = $use_24_hours ? 0 : 1;
$end = $use_24_hours ? 23 : 12;
for ($i = $start; $i <= $end; $i ++) {
$_val = sprintf('%02d', $i);
$_text = $hour_format == '%02d' ? $_val : sprintf($hour_format, $i);
$_value = $hour_value_format == '%02d' ? $_val : sprintf($hour_value_format, $i);
if (!$use_24_hours) {
$_hour12 = $_hour == 0 ? 12 : ($_hour <= 12 ? $_hour : $_hour - 12);
$selected = $_hour !== null ? ($use_24_hours ? $_hour == $_val : $_hour12 == $_val) : null;
$_html_hours .= '<option value="' . $_value . '"' . ($selected ? ' selected="selected"' : '') . '>' .
$_text . '</option>' . $option_separator;
$_html_hours .= '</select>';
// generate minute <select>
if ($display_minutes) {
$_html_minutes = '';
$_extra = '';
$_name = $field_array ? ($field_array . '[' . $prefix . 'Minute]') : ($prefix . 'Minute');
if ($all_extra) {
$_extra .= ' ' . $all_extra;
if ($minute_extra) {
$_extra .= ' ' . $minute_extra;
$_html_minutes = '<select name="' . $_name . '"';
if ($minute_id !== null || $all_id !== null) {
$_html_minutes .= ' id="' . smarty_function_escape_special_chars($minute_id !== null ?
($minute_id ? $minute_id : $_name) :
($all_id ? ($all_id . $_name) :
$_name)) . '"';
if ($minute_size) {
$_html_minutes .= ' size="' . $minute_size . '"';
$_html_minutes .= $_extra . $extra_attrs . '>' . $option_separator;
if (isset($minute_empty) || isset($all_empty)) {
$_html_minutes .= '<option value="">' . (isset($minute_empty) ? $minute_empty : $all_empty) . '</option>' .
$selected = $_minute !== null ? ($_minute - $_minute % $minute_interval) : null;
for ($i = 0; $i <= 59; $i += $minute_interval) {
$_val = sprintf('%02d', $i);
$_text = $minute_format == '%02d' ? $_val : sprintf($minute_format, $i);
$_value = $minute_value_format == '%02d' ? $_val : sprintf($minute_value_format, $i);
$_html_minutes .= '<option value="' . $_value . '"' . ($selected === $i ? ' selected="selected"' : '') .
'>' . $_text . '</option>' . $option_separator;
$_html_minutes .= '</select>';
// generate second <select>
if ($display_seconds) {
$_html_seconds = '';
$_extra = '';
$_name = $field_array ? ($field_array . '[' . $prefix . 'Second]') : ($prefix . 'Second');
if ($all_extra) {
$_extra .= ' ' . $all_extra;
if ($second_extra) {
$_extra .= ' ' . $second_extra;
$_html_seconds = '<select name="' . $_name . '"';
if ($second_id !== null || $all_id !== null) {
$_html_seconds .= ' id="' . smarty_function_escape_special_chars($second_id !== null ?
($second_id ? $second_id : $_name) :
($all_id ? ($all_id . $_name) :
$_name)) . '"';
if ($second_size) {
$_html_seconds .= ' size="' . $second_size . '"';
$_html_seconds .= $_extra . $extra_attrs . '>' . $option_separator;
if (isset($second_empty) || isset($all_empty)) {
$_html_seconds .= '<option value="">' . (isset($second_empty) ? $second_empty : $all_empty) . '</option>' .
$selected = $_second !== null ? ($_second - $_second % $second_interval) : null;
for ($i = 0; $i <= 59; $i += $second_interval) {
$_val = sprintf('%02d', $i);
$_text = $second_format == '%02d' ? $_val : sprintf($second_format, $i);
$_value = $second_value_format == '%02d' ? $_val : sprintf($second_value_format, $i);
$_html_seconds .= '<option value="' . $_value . '"' . ($selected === $i ? ' selected="selected"' : '') .
'>' . $_text . '</option>' . $option_separator;
$_html_seconds .= '</select>';
// generate meridian <select>
if ($display_meridian && !$use_24_hours) {
$_html_meridian = '';
$_extra = '';
$_name = $field_array ? ($field_array . '[' . $prefix . 'Meridian]') : ($prefix . 'Meridian');
if ($all_extra) {
$_extra .= ' ' . $all_extra;
if ($meridian_extra) {
$_extra .= ' ' . $meridian_extra;
$_html_meridian = '<select name="' . $_name . '"';
if ($meridian_id !== null || $all_id !== null) {
$_html_meridian .= ' id="' . smarty_function_escape_special_chars($meridian_id !== null ?
($meridian_id ? $meridian_id :
$_name) :
($all_id ? ($all_id . $_name) :
$_name)) . '"';
if ($meridian_size) {
$_html_meridian .= ' size="' . $meridian_size . '"';
$_html_meridian .= $_extra . $extra_attrs . '>' . $option_separator;
if (isset($meridian_empty) || isset($all_empty)) {
$_html_meridian .= '<option value="">' . (isset($meridian_empty) ? $meridian_empty : $all_empty) .
'</option>' . $option_separator;
$_html_meridian .= '<option value="am"' . ($_hour > 0 && $_hour < 12 ? ' selected="selected"' : '') .
'>AM</option>' . $option_separator . '<option value="pm"' .
($_hour < 12 ? '' : ' selected="selected"') . '>PM</option>' . $option_separator .
$_html = '';
foreach (array('_html_hours',
'_html_meridian') as $k) {
if (isset($$k)) {
if ($_html) {
$_html .= $field_separator;
$_html .= $$k;
return $_html;

Datei anzeigen

@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
* Smarty plugin
* @package Smarty
* @subpackage PluginsFunction
* Smarty {html_table} function plugin
* Type: function<br>
* Name: html_table<br>
* Date: Feb 17, 2003<br>
* Purpose: make an html table from an array of data<br>
* Params:
* <pre>
* - loop - array to loop through
* - cols - number of columns, comma separated list of column names
* or array of column names
* - rows - number of rows
* - table_attr - table attributes
* - th_attr - table heading attributes (arrays are cycled)
* - tr_attr - table row attributes (arrays are cycled)
* - td_attr - table cell attributes (arrays are cycled)
* - trailpad - value to pad trailing cells with
* - caption - text for caption element
* - vdir - vertical direction (default: "down", means top-to-bottom)
* - hdir - horizontal direction (default: "right", means left-to-right)
* - inner - inner loop (default "cols": print $loop line by line,
* $loop will be printed column by column otherwise)
* </pre>
* Examples:
* <pre>
* {table loop=$data}
* {table loop=$data cols=4 tr_attr='"bgcolor=red"'}
* {table loop=$data cols="first,second,third" tr_attr=$colors}
* </pre>
* @author Monte Ohrt <monte at ohrt dot com>
* @author credit to Messju Mohr <messju at lammfellpuschen dot de>
* @author credit to boots <boots dot smarty at yahoo dot com>
* @version 1.1
* @link http://www.smarty.net/manual/en/language.function.html.table.php {html_table}
* (Smarty online manual)
* @param array $params parameters
* @return string
function smarty_function_html_table($params)
$table_attr = 'border="1"';
$tr_attr = '';
$th_attr = '';
$td_attr = '';
$cols = $cols_count = 3;
$rows = 3;
$trailpad = '&nbsp;';
$vdir = 'down';
$hdir = 'right';
$inner = 'cols';
$caption = '';
$loop = null;
if (!isset($params[ 'loop' ])) {
trigger_error("html_table: missing 'loop' parameter", E_USER_WARNING);
foreach ($params as $_key => $_value) {
switch ($_key) {
case 'loop':
$$_key = (array) $_value;
case 'cols':
if (is_array($_value) && !empty($_value)) {
$cols = $_value;
$cols_count = count($_value);
} elseif (!is_numeric($_value) && is_string($_value) && !empty($_value)) {
$cols = explode(',', $_value);
$cols_count = count($cols);
} elseif (!empty($_value)) {
$cols_count = (int) $_value;
} else {
$cols_count = $cols;
case 'rows':
$$_key = (int) $_value;
case 'table_attr':
case 'trailpad':
case 'hdir':
case 'vdir':
case 'inner':
case 'caption':
$$_key = (string) $_value;
case 'tr_attr':
case 'td_attr':
case 'th_attr':
$$_key = $_value;
$loop_count = count($loop);
if (empty($params[ 'rows' ])) {
/* no rows specified */
$rows = ceil($loop_count / $cols_count);
} elseif (empty($params[ 'cols' ])) {
if (!empty($params[ 'rows' ])) {
/* no cols specified, but rows */
$cols_count = ceil($loop_count / $rows);
$output = "<table $table_attr>\n";
if (!empty($caption)) {
$output .= '<caption>' . $caption . "</caption>\n";
if (is_array($cols)) {
$cols = ($hdir == 'right') ? $cols : array_reverse($cols);
$output .= "<thead><tr>\n";
for ($r = 0; $r < $cols_count; $r ++) {
$output .= '<th' . smarty_function_html_table_cycle('th', $th_attr, $r) . '>';
$output .= $cols[ $r ];
$output .= "</th>\n";
$output .= "</tr></thead>\n";
$output .= "<tbody>\n";
for ($r = 0; $r < $rows; $r ++) {
$output .= "<tr" . smarty_function_html_table_cycle('tr', $tr_attr, $r) . ">\n";
$rx = ($vdir == 'down') ? $r * $cols_count : ($rows - 1 - $r) * $cols_count;
for ($c = 0; $c < $cols_count; $c ++) {
$x = ($hdir == 'right') ? $rx + $c : $rx + $cols_count - 1 - $c;
if ($inner != 'cols') {
/* shuffle x to loop over rows*/
$x = floor($x / $cols_count) + ($x % $cols_count) * $rows;
if ($x < $loop_count) {
$output .= "<td" . smarty_function_html_table_cycle('td', $td_attr, $c) . ">" . $loop[ $x ] . "</td>\n";
} else {
$output .= "<td" . smarty_function_html_table_cycle('td', $td_attr, $c) . ">$trailpad</td>\n";
$output .= "</tr>\n";
$output .= "</tbody>\n";
$output .= "</table>\n";
return $output;
function smarty_function_html_table_cycle($name, $var, $no)
if (!is_array($var)) {
$ret = $var;
} else {
$ret = $var[ $no % count($var) ];
return ($ret) ? ' ' . $ret : '';

Datei anzeigen

@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
* Smarty plugin
* @package Smarty
* @subpackage PluginsFunction
* Smarty {mailto} function plugin
* Type: function<br>
* Name: mailto<br>
* Date: May 21, 2002
* Purpose: automate mailto address link creation, and optionally encode them.<br>
* Params:
* <pre>
* - address - (required) - e-mail address
* - text - (optional) - text to display, default is address
* - encode - (optional) - can be one of:
* * none : no encoding (default)
* * javascript : encode with javascript
* * javascript_charcode : encode with javascript charcode
* * hex : encode with hexadecimal (no javascript)
* - cc - (optional) - address(es) to carbon copy
* - bcc - (optional) - address(es) to blind carbon copy
* - subject - (optional) - e-mail subject
* - newsgroups - (optional) - newsgroup(s) to post to
* - followupto - (optional) - address(es) to follow up to
* - extra - (optional) - extra tags for the href link
* </pre>
* Examples:
* <pre>
* {mailto address="me@domain.com"}
* {mailto address="me@domain.com" encode="javascript"}
* {mailto address="me@domain.com" encode="hex"}
* {mailto address="me@domain.com" subject="Hello to you!"}
* {mailto address="me@domain.com" cc="you@domain.com,they@domain.com"}
* {mailto address="me@domain.com" extra='class="mailto"'}
* </pre>
* @link http://www.smarty.net/manual/en/language.function.mailto.php {mailto}
* (Smarty online manual)
* @version 1.2
* @author Monte Ohrt <monte at ohrt dot com>
* @author credits to Jason Sweat (added cc, bcc and subject functionality)
* @param array $params parameters
* @return string
function smarty_function_mailto($params)
static $_allowed_encoding =
array('javascript' => true, 'javascript_charcode' => true, 'hex' => true, 'none' => true);
$extra = '';
if (empty($params[ 'address' ])) {
trigger_error("mailto: missing 'address' parameter", E_USER_WARNING);
} else {
$address = $params[ 'address' ];
$text = $address;
// netscape and mozilla do not decode %40 (@) in BCC field (bug?)
// so, don't encode it.
$search = array('%40', '%2C');
$replace = array('@', ',');
$mail_parms = array();
foreach ($params as $var => $value) {
switch ($var) {
case 'cc':
case 'bcc':
case 'followupto':
if (!empty($value)) {
$mail_parms[] = $var . '=' . str_replace($search, $replace, rawurlencode($value));
case 'subject':
case 'newsgroups':
$mail_parms[] = $var . '=' . rawurlencode($value);
case 'extra':
case 'text':
$$var = $value;
if ($mail_parms) {
$address .= '?' . join('&', $mail_parms);
$encode = (empty($params[ 'encode' ])) ? 'none' : $params[ 'encode' ];
if (!isset($_allowed_encoding[ $encode ])) {
trigger_error("mailto: 'encode' parameter must be none, javascript, javascript_charcode or hex",
// FIXME: (rodneyrehm) document.write() excues me what? 1998 has passed!
if ($encode == 'javascript') {
$string = 'document.write(\'<a href="mailto:' . $address . '" ' . $extra . '>' . $text . '</a>\');';
$js_encode = '';
for ($x = 0, $_length = strlen($string); $x < $_length; $x ++) {
$js_encode .= '%' . bin2hex($string[ $x ]);
return '<script type="text/javascript">eval(unescape(\'' . $js_encode . '\'))</script>';
} elseif ($encode == 'javascript_charcode') {
$string = '<a href="mailto:' . $address . '" ' . $extra . '>' . $text . '</a>';
for ($x = 0, $y = strlen($string); $x < $y; $x ++) {
$ord[] = ord($string[ $x ]);
$_ret = "<script type=\"text/javascript\" language=\"javascript\">\n" . "{document.write(String.fromCharCode(" .
implode(',', $ord) . "))" . "}\n" . "</script>\n";
return $_ret;
} elseif ($encode == 'hex') {
preg_match('!^(.*)(\?.*)$!', $address, $match);
if (!empty($match[ 2 ])) {
trigger_error("mailto: hex encoding does not work with extra attributes. Try javascript.", E_USER_WARNING);
$address_encode = '';
for ($x = 0, $_length = strlen($address); $x < $_length; $x ++) {
if (preg_match('!\w!' . Smarty::$_UTF8_MODIFIER, $address[ $x ])) {
$address_encode .= '%' . bin2hex($address[ $x ]);
} else {
$address_encode .= $address[ $x ];
$text_encode = '';
for ($x = 0, $_length = strlen($text); $x < $_length; $x ++) {
$text_encode .= '&#x' . bin2hex($text[ $x ]) . ';';
$mailto = "&#109;&#97;&#105;&#108;&#116;&#111;&#58;";
return '<a href="' . $mailto . $address_encode . '" ' . $extra . '>' . $text_encode . '</a>';
} else {
// no encoding
return '<a href="mailto:' . $address . '" ' . $extra . '>' . $text . '</a>';

libs/plugins/function.math.php Normale Datei
Datei anzeigen

@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
* Smarty plugin
* This plugin is only for Smarty2 BC
* @package Smarty
* @subpackage PluginsFunction
* Smarty {math} function plugin
* Type: function<br>
* Name: math<br>
* Purpose: handle math computations in template
* @link http://www.smarty.net/manual/en/language.function.math.php {math}
* (Smarty online manual)
* @author Monte Ohrt <monte at ohrt dot com>
* @param array $params parameters
* @param Smarty_Internal_Template $template template object
* @return string|null
function smarty_function_math($params, $template)
static $_allowed_funcs =
array('int' => true, 'abs' => true, 'ceil' => true, 'cos' => true, 'exp' => true, 'floor' => true,
'log' => true, 'log10' => true, 'max' => true, 'min' => true, 'pi' => true, 'pow' => true, 'rand' => true,
'round' => true, 'sin' => true, 'sqrt' => true, 'srand' => true, 'tan' => true);
// be sure equation parameter is present
if (empty($params[ 'equation' ])) {
trigger_error("math: missing equation parameter", E_USER_WARNING);
$equation = $params[ 'equation' ];
// make sure parenthesis are balanced
if (substr_count($equation, "(") != substr_count($equation, ")")) {
trigger_error("math: unbalanced parenthesis", E_USER_WARNING);
// disallow backticks
if (strpos($equation, '`') !== false) {
trigger_error("math: backtick character not allowed in equation", E_USER_WARNING);
// also disallow dollar signs
if (strpos($equation, '$') !== false) {
trigger_error("math: dollar signs not allowed in equation", E_USER_WARNING);
foreach ($params as $key => $val) {
if ($key != "equation" && $key != "format" && $key != "assign") {
// make sure value is not empty
if (strlen($val) == 0) {
trigger_error("math: parameter '{$key}' is empty", E_USER_WARNING);
if (!is_numeric($val)) {
trigger_error("math: parameter '{$key}' is not numeric", E_USER_WARNING);
// match all vars in equation, make sure all are passed
preg_match_all('!(?:0x[a-fA-F0-9]+)|([a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z0-9_\x7f-\xff]*)!', $equation, $match);
foreach ($match[ 1 ] as $curr_var) {
if ($curr_var && !isset($params[ $curr_var ]) && !isset($_allowed_funcs[ $curr_var ])) {
trigger_error("math: function call '{$curr_var}' not allowed, or missing parameter '{$curr_var}'", E_USER_WARNING);
foreach ($params as $key => $val) {
if ($key != "equation" && $key != "format" && $key != "assign") {
$equation = preg_replace("/\b$key\b/", " \$params['$key'] ", $equation);
$smarty_math_result = null;
eval("\$smarty_math_result = " . $equation . ";");
if (empty($params[ 'format' ])) {
if (empty($params[ 'assign' ])) {
return $smarty_math_result;
} else {
$template->assign($params[ 'assign' ], $smarty_math_result);
} else {
if (empty($params[ 'assign' ])) {
printf($params[ 'format' ], $smarty_math_result);
} else {
$template->assign($params[ 'assign' ], sprintf($params[ 'format' ], $smarty_math_result));

Datei anzeigen

@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
* Smarty plugin
* @package Smarty
* @subpackage PluginsModifier
* Smarty capitalize modifier plugin
* Type: modifier<br>
* Name: capitalize<br>
* Purpose: capitalize words in the string
* {@internal {$string|capitalize:true:true} is the fastest option for MBString enabled systems }}
* @param string $string string to capitalize
* @param boolean $uc_digits also capitalize "x123" to "X123"
* @param boolean $lc_rest capitalize first letters, lowercase all following letters "aAa" to "Aaa"
* @return string capitalized string
* @author Monte Ohrt <monte at ohrt dot com>
* @author Rodney Rehm
function smarty_modifier_capitalize($string, $uc_digits = false, $lc_rest = false)
if (Smarty::$_MBSTRING) {
if ($lc_rest) {
// uppercase (including hyphenated words)
$upper_string = mb_convert_case($string, MB_CASE_TITLE, Smarty::$_CHARSET);
} else {
// uppercase word breaks
$upper_string = preg_replace_callback("!(^|[^\p{L}'])([\p{Ll}])!S" . Smarty::$_UTF8_MODIFIER,
'smarty_mod_cap_mbconvert_cb', $string);
// check uc_digits case
if (!$uc_digits) {
if (preg_match_all("!\b([\p{L}]*[\p{N}]+[\p{L}]*)\b!" . Smarty::$_UTF8_MODIFIER, $string, $matches,
foreach ($matches[ 1 ] as $match) {
$upper_string =
substr_replace($upper_string, mb_strtolower($match[ 0 ], Smarty::$_CHARSET), $match[ 1 ],
strlen($match[ 0 ]));
$upper_string =
preg_replace_callback("!((^|\s)['\"])(\w)!" . Smarty::$_UTF8_MODIFIER, 'smarty_mod_cap_mbconvert2_cb',
return $upper_string;
// lowercase first
if ($lc_rest) {
$string = strtolower($string);
// uppercase (including hyphenated words)
$upper_string =
preg_replace_callback("!(^|[^\p{L}'])([\p{Ll}])!S" . Smarty::$_UTF8_MODIFIER, 'smarty_mod_cap_ucfirst_cb',
// check uc_digits case
if (!$uc_digits) {
if (preg_match_all("!\b([\p{L}]*[\p{N}]+[\p{L}]*)\b!" . Smarty::$_UTF8_MODIFIER, $string, $matches,
foreach ($matches[ 1 ] as $match) {
$upper_string =
substr_replace($upper_string, strtolower($match[ 0 ]), $match[ 1 ], strlen($match[ 0 ]));
$upper_string = preg_replace_callback("!((^|\s)['\"])(\w)!" . Smarty::$_UTF8_MODIFIER, 'smarty_mod_cap_ucfirst2_cb',
return $upper_string;
* Bug: create_function() use exhausts memory when used in long loops
* Fix: use declared functions for callbacks instead of using create_function()
* Note: This can be fixed using anonymous functions instead, but that requires PHP >= 5.3
* @author Kyle Renfrow
function smarty_mod_cap_mbconvert_cb($matches)
return stripslashes($matches[ 1 ]) . mb_convert_case(stripslashes($matches[ 2 ]), MB_CASE_UPPER, Smarty::$_CHARSET);
function smarty_mod_cap_mbconvert2_cb($matches)
return stripslashes($matches[ 1 ]) . mb_convert_case(stripslashes($matches[ 3 ]), MB_CASE_UPPER, Smarty::$_CHARSET);
function smarty_mod_cap_ucfirst_cb($matches)
return stripslashes($matches[ 1 ]) . ucfirst(stripslashes($matches[ 2 ]));
function smarty_mod_cap_ucfirst2_cb($matches)
return stripslashes($matches[ 1 ]) . ucfirst(stripslashes($matches[ 3 ]));

Datei anzeigen

@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
* Smarty plugin
* @package Smarty
* @subpackage PluginsModifier
* Smarty date_format modifier plugin
* Type: modifier<br>
* Name: date_format<br>
* Purpose: format datestamps via strftime<br>
* Input:<br>
* - string: input date string
* - format: strftime format for output
* - default_date: default date if $string is empty
* @link http://www.smarty.net/manual/en/language.modifier.date.format.php date_format (Smarty online manual)
* @author Monte Ohrt <monte at ohrt dot com>
* @param string $string input date string
* @param string $format strftime format for output
* @param string $default_date default date if $string is empty
* @param string $formatter either 'strftime' or 'auto'
* @return string |void
* @uses smarty_make_timestamp()
function smarty_modifier_date_format($string, $format = null, $default_date = '', $formatter = 'auto')
if ($format === null) {
$format = Smarty::$_DATE_FORMAT;
* require_once the {@link shared.make_timestamp.php} plugin
static $is_loaded = false;
if (!$is_loaded) {
if (!is_callable('smarty_make_timestamp')) {
require_once(SMARTY_PLUGINS_DIR . 'shared.make_timestamp.php');
$is_loaded = true;
if ($string != '' && $string != '0000-00-00' && $string != '0000-00-00 00:00:00') {
$timestamp = smarty_make_timestamp($string);
} elseif ($default_date != '') {
$timestamp = smarty_make_timestamp($default_date);
} else {
if ($formatter == 'strftime' || ($formatter == 'auto' && strpos($format, '%') !== false)) {
if (Smarty::$_IS_WINDOWS) {
$_win_from = array('%D',
$_win_to = array('%m/%d/%y',
'%I:%M:%S %p',
if (strpos($format, '%e') !== false) {
$_win_from[] = '%e';
$_win_to[] = sprintf('%\' 2d', date('j', $timestamp));
if (strpos($format, '%l') !== false) {
$_win_from[] = '%l';
$_win_to[] = sprintf('%\' 2d', date('h', $timestamp));
$format = str_replace($_win_from, $_win_to, $format);
return strftime($format, $timestamp);
} else {
return date($format, $timestamp);

Datei anzeigen

@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
* Smarty plugin
* @package Smarty
* @subpackage Debug
* Smarty debug_print_var modifier plugin
* Type: modifier<br>
* Name: debug_print_var<br>
* Purpose: formats variable contents for display in the console
* @author Monte Ohrt <monte at ohrt dot com>
* @param array|object $var variable to be formatted
* @param int $max maximum recursion depth if $var is an array or object
* @param int $length maximum string length if $var is a string
* @param int $depth actual recursion depth
* @param array $objects processed objects in actual depth to prevent recursive object processing
* @return string
function smarty_modifier_debug_print_var($var, $max = 10, $length = 40, $depth = 0, $objects = array())
$_replace = array("\n" => '\n', "\r" => '\r', "\t" => '\t');
switch (gettype($var)) {
case 'array' :
$results = '<b>Array (' . count($var) . ')</b>';
if ($depth == $max) {
foreach ($var as $curr_key => $curr_val) {
$results .= '<br>' . str_repeat('&nbsp;', $depth * 2) . '<b>' . strtr($curr_key, $_replace) .
'</b> =&gt; ' .
smarty_modifier_debug_print_var($curr_val, $max, $length, ++ $depth, $objects);
$depth --;
case 'object' :
$object_vars = get_object_vars($var);
$results = '<b>' . get_class($var) . ' Object (' . count($object_vars) . ')</b>';
if (in_array($var, $objects)) {
$results .= ' called recursive';
if ($depth == $max) {
$objects[] = $var;
foreach ($object_vars as $curr_key => $curr_val) {
$results .= '<br>' . str_repeat('&nbsp;', $depth * 2) . '<b> -&gt;' . strtr($curr_key, $_replace) .
'</b> = ' . smarty_modifier_debug_print_var($curr_val, $max, $length, ++ $depth, $objects);
$depth --;
case 'boolean' :
case 'NULL' :
case 'resource' :
if (true === $var) {
$results = 'true';
} elseif (false === $var) {
$results = 'false';
} elseif (null === $var) {
$results = 'null';
} else {
$results = htmlspecialchars((string) $var);
$results = '<i>' . $results . '</i>';
case 'integer' :
case 'float' :
$results = htmlspecialchars((string) $var);
case 'string' :
$results = strtr($var, $_replace);
if (Smarty::$_MBSTRING) {
if (mb_strlen($var, Smarty::$_CHARSET) > $length) {
$results = mb_substr($var, 0, $length - 3, Smarty::$_CHARSET) . '...';
} else {
if (isset($var[ $length ])) {
$results = substr($var, 0, $length - 3) . '...';
$results = htmlspecialchars('"' . $results . '"', ENT_QUOTES, Smarty::$_CHARSET);
case 'unknown type' :
default :
$results = strtr((string) $var, $_replace);
if (Smarty::$_MBSTRING) {
if (mb_strlen($results, Smarty::$_CHARSET) > $length) {
$results = mb_substr($results, 0, $length - 3, Smarty::$_CHARSET) . '...';
} else {
if (strlen($results) > $length) {
$results = substr($results, 0, $length - 3) . '...';
$results = htmlspecialchars($results, ENT_QUOTES, Smarty::$_CHARSET);
return $results;

Datei anzeigen

@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
* Smarty plugin
* @package Smarty
* @subpackage PluginsModifier
* Smarty escape modifier plugin
* Type: modifier<br>
* Name: escape<br>
* Purpose: escape string for output
* @link http://www.smarty.net/docs/en/language.modifier.escape
* @author Monte Ohrt <monte at ohrt dot com>
* @param string $string input string
* @param string $esc_type escape type
* @param string $char_set character set, used for htmlspecialchars() or htmlentities()
* @param boolean $double_encode encode already encoded entitites again, used for htmlspecialchars() or htmlentities()
* @return string escaped input string
function smarty_modifier_escape($string, $esc_type = 'html', $char_set = null, $double_encode = true)
static $_double_encode = null;
static $is_loaded1 = false;
static $is_loaded2 = false;
if ($_double_encode === null) {
$_double_encode = version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.2.3', '>=');
if (!$char_set) {
$char_set = Smarty::$_CHARSET;
switch ($esc_type) {
case 'html':
if ($_double_encode) {
// php >=5.3.2 - go native
return htmlspecialchars($string, ENT_QUOTES, $char_set, $double_encode);
} else {
if ($double_encode) {
// php <5.2.3 - only handle double encoding
return htmlspecialchars($string, ENT_QUOTES, $char_set);
} else {
// php <5.2.3 - prevent double encoding
$string = preg_replace('!&(#?\w+);!', '%%%SMARTY_START%%%\\1%%%SMARTY_END%%%', $string);
$string = htmlspecialchars($string, ENT_QUOTES, $char_set);
$string = str_replace(array('%%%SMARTY_START%%%',
'%%%SMARTY_END%%%'), array('&',
';'), $string);
return $string;
case 'htmlall':
if (Smarty::$_MBSTRING) {
// mb_convert_encoding ignores htmlspecialchars()
if ($_double_encode) {
// php >=5.3.2 - go native
$string = htmlspecialchars($string, ENT_QUOTES, $char_set, $double_encode);
} else {
if ($double_encode) {
// php <5.2.3 - only handle double encoding
$string = htmlspecialchars($string, ENT_QUOTES, $char_set);
} else {
// php <5.2.3 - prevent double encoding
$string = preg_replace('!&(#?\w+);!', '%%%SMARTY_START%%%\\1%%%SMARTY_END%%%', $string);
$string = htmlspecialchars($string, ENT_QUOTES, $char_set);
$string =
'%%%SMARTY_END%%%'), array('&',
';'), $string);
return $string;
// htmlentities() won't convert everything, so use mb_convert_encoding
return mb_convert_encoding($string, 'HTML-ENTITIES', $char_set);
// no MBString fallback
if ($_double_encode) {
return htmlentities($string, ENT_QUOTES, $char_set, $double_encode);
} else {
if ($double_encode) {
return htmlentities($string, ENT_QUOTES, $char_set);
} else {
$string = preg_replace('!&(#?\w+);!', '%%%SMARTY_START%%%\\1%%%SMARTY_END%%%', $string);
$string = htmlentities($string, ENT_QUOTES, $char_set);
$string = str_replace(array('%%%SMARTY_START%%%',
'%%%SMARTY_END%%%'), array('&',
';'), $string);
return $string;
case 'url':
return rawurlencode($string);
case 'urlpathinfo':
return str_replace('%2F', '/', rawurlencode($string));
case 'quotes':
// escape unescaped single quotes
return preg_replace("%(?<!\\\\)'%", "\\'", $string);
case 'hex':
// escape every byte into hex
// Note that the UTF-8 encoded character ä will be represented as %c3%a4
$return = '';
$_length = strlen($string);
for ($x = 0; $x < $_length; $x ++) {
$return .= '%' . bin2hex($string[ $x ]);
return $return;
case 'hexentity':
$return = '';
if (Smarty::$_MBSTRING) {
if (!$is_loaded1) {
if (!is_callable('smarty_mb_to_unicode')) {
require_once(SMARTY_PLUGINS_DIR . 'shared.mb_unicode.php');
$is_loaded1 = true;
$return = '';
foreach (smarty_mb_to_unicode($string, Smarty::$_CHARSET) as $unicode) {
$return .= '&#x' . strtoupper(dechex($unicode)) . ';';
return $return;
// no MBString fallback
$_length = strlen($string);
for ($x = 0; $x < $_length; $x ++) {
$return .= '&#x' . bin2hex($string[ $x ]) . ';';
return $return;
case 'decentity':
$return = '';
if (Smarty::$_MBSTRING) {
if (!$is_loaded1) {
if (!is_callable('smarty_mb_to_unicode')) {
require_once(SMARTY_PLUGINS_DIR . 'shared.mb_unicode.php');
$is_loaded1 = true;
$return = '';
foreach (smarty_mb_to_unicode($string, Smarty::$_CHARSET) as $unicode) {
$return .= '&#' . $unicode . ';';
return $return;
// no MBString fallback
$_length = strlen($string);
for ($x = 0; $x < $_length; $x ++) {
$return .= '&#' . ord($string[ $x ]) . ';';
return $return;
case 'javascript':
// escape quotes and backslashes, newlines, etc.
return strtr($string, array('\\' => '\\\\',
"'" => "\\'",
'"' => '\\"',
"\r" => '\\r',
"\n" => '\\n',
'</' => '<\/'));
case 'mail':
if (Smarty::$_MBSTRING) {
if (!is_callable('smarty_mb_str_replace')) {
require_once(SMARTY_PLUGINS_DIR . 'shared.mb_str_replace.php');
return smarty_mb_str_replace(array('@',
'.'), array(' [AT] ',
' [DOT] '), $string);
// no MBString fallback
return str_replace(array('@',
'.'), array(' [AT] ',
' [DOT] '), $string);
case 'nonstd':
// escape non-standard chars, such as ms document quotes
$return = '';
if (Smarty::$_MBSTRING) {
if (!$is_loaded1) {
if (!is_callable('smarty_mb_to_unicode')) {
require_once(SMARTY_PLUGINS_DIR . 'shared.mb_unicode.php');
$is_loaded1 = true;
foreach (smarty_mb_to_unicode($string, Smarty::$_CHARSET) as $unicode) {
if ($unicode >= 126) {
$return .= '&#' . $unicode . ';';
} else {
$return .= chr($unicode);
return $return;
$_length = strlen($string);
for ($_i = 0; $_i < $_length; $_i ++) {
$_ord = ord(substr($string, $_i, 1));
// non-standard char, escape it
if ($_ord >= 126) {
$return .= '&#' . $_ord . ';';
} else {
$return .= substr($string, $_i, 1);
return $return;
return $string;

Datei anzeigen

@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
* Smarty plugin
* @package Smarty
* @subpackage PluginsModifier
* Smarty wordwrap modifier plugin
* Type: modifier<br>
* Name: mb_wordwrap<br>
* Purpose: Wrap a string to a given number of characters
* @link http://php.net/manual/en/function.wordwrap.php for similarity
* @param string $str the string to wrap
* @param int $width the width of the output
* @param string $break the character used to break the line
* @param boolean $cut ignored parameter, just for the sake of
* @return string wrapped string
* @author Rodney Rehm
function smarty_modifier_mb_wordwrap($str, $width = 75, $break = "\n", $cut = false)
// break words into tokens using white space as a delimiter
$tokens = preg_split('!(\s)!S' . Smarty::$_UTF8_MODIFIER, $str, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY + PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);
$length = 0;
$t = '';
$_previous = false;
$_space = false;
foreach ($tokens as $_token) {
$token_length = mb_strlen($_token, Smarty::$_CHARSET);
$_tokens = array($_token);
if ($token_length > $width) {
if ($cut) {
$_tokens = preg_split('!(.{' . $width . '})!S' . Smarty::$_UTF8_MODIFIER,
foreach ($_tokens as $token) {
$_space = !!preg_match('!^\s$!S' . Smarty::$_UTF8_MODIFIER, $token);
$token_length = mb_strlen($token, Smarty::$_CHARSET);
$length += $token_length;
if ($length > $width) {
// remove space before inserted break
if ($_previous) {
$t = mb_substr($t, 0, -1, Smarty::$_CHARSET);
if (!$_space) {
// add the break before the token
if (!empty($t)) {
$t .= $break;
$length = $token_length;
} else if ($token === "\n") {
// hard break must reset counters
$length = 0;
$_previous = $_space;
// add the token
$t .= $token;
return $t;

Datei anzeigen

@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
* Smarty plugin
* @package Smarty
* @subpackage PluginsModifier
* Smarty regex_replace modifier plugin
* Type: modifier<br>
* Name: regex_replace<br>
* Purpose: regular expression search/replace
* @link http://smarty.php.net/manual/en/language.modifier.regex.replace.php
* regex_replace (Smarty online manual)
* @author Monte Ohrt <monte at ohrt dot com>
* @param string $string input string
* @param string|array $search regular expression(s) to search for
* @param string|array $replace string(s) that should be replaced
* @param int $limit the maximum number of replacements
* @return string
function smarty_modifier_regex_replace($string, $search, $replace, $limit = - 1)
if (is_array($search)) {
foreach ($search as $idx => $s) {
$search[ $idx ] = _smarty_regex_replace_check($s);
} else {
$search = _smarty_regex_replace_check($search);
return preg_replace($search, $replace, $string, $limit);
* @param string $search string(s) that should be replaced
* @return string
* @ignore
function _smarty_regex_replace_check($search)
// null-byte injection detection
// anything behind the first null-byte is ignored
if (($pos = strpos($search, "\0")) !== false) {
$search = substr($search, 0, $pos);
// remove eval-modifier from $search
if (preg_match('!([a-zA-Z\s]+)$!s', $search, $match) && (strpos($match[ 1 ], 'e') !== false)) {
$search = substr($search, 0, - strlen($match[ 1 ])) . preg_replace('![e\s]+!', '', $match[ 1 ]);
return $search;

Datei anzeigen

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
* Smarty plugin
* @package Smarty
* @subpackage PluginsModifier
* Smarty replace modifier plugin
* Type: modifier<br>
* Name: replace<br>
* Purpose: simple search/replace
* @link http://smarty.php.net/manual/en/language.modifier.replace.php replace (Smarty online manual)
* @author Monte Ohrt <monte at ohrt dot com>
* @author Uwe Tews
* @param string $string input string
* @param string $search text to search for
* @param string $replace replacement text
* @return string
function smarty_modifier_replace($string, $search, $replace)
static $is_loaded = false;
if (Smarty::$_MBSTRING) {
if (!$is_loaded) {
if (!is_callable('smarty_mb_str_replace')) {
require_once(SMARTY_PLUGINS_DIR . 'shared.mb_str_replace.php');
$is_loaded = true;
return smarty_mb_str_replace($search, $replace, $string);
return str_replace($search, $replace, $string);

Datei anzeigen

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
* Smarty plugin
* @package Smarty
* @subpackage PluginsModifier
* Smarty spacify modifier plugin
* Type: modifier<br>
* Name: spacify<br>
* Purpose: add spaces between characters in a string
* @link http://smarty.php.net/manual/en/language.modifier.spacify.php spacify (Smarty online manual)
* @author Monte Ohrt <monte at ohrt dot com>
* @param string $string input string
* @param string $spacify_char string to insert between characters.
* @return string
function smarty_modifier_spacify($string, $spacify_char = ' ')
// well… what about charsets besides latin and UTF-8?
return implode($spacify_char, preg_split('//' . Smarty::$_UTF8_MODIFIER, $string, - 1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY));

Datei anzeigen

@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
* Smarty plugin
* @package Smarty
* @subpackage PluginsModifier
* Smarty truncate modifier plugin
* Type: modifier<br>
* Name: truncate<br>
* Purpose: Truncate a string to a certain length if necessary,
* optionally splitting in the middle of a word, and
* appending the $etc string or inserting $etc into the middle.
* @link http://smarty.php.net/manual/en/language.modifier.truncate.php truncate (Smarty online manual)
* @author Monte Ohrt <monte at ohrt dot com>
* @param string $string input string
* @param integer $length length of truncated text
* @param string $etc end string
* @param boolean $break_words truncate at word boundary
* @param boolean $middle truncate in the middle of text
* @return string truncated string
function smarty_modifier_truncate($string, $length = 80, $etc = '...', $break_words = false, $middle = false)
if ($length == 0) {
return '';
if (Smarty::$_MBSTRING) {
if (mb_strlen($string, Smarty::$_CHARSET) > $length) {
$length -= min($length, mb_strlen($etc, Smarty::$_CHARSET));
if (!$break_words && !$middle) {
$string = preg_replace('/\s+?(\S+)?$/' . Smarty::$_UTF8_MODIFIER, '',
mb_substr($string, 0, $length + 1, Smarty::$_CHARSET));
if (!$middle) {
return mb_substr($string, 0, $length, Smarty::$_CHARSET) . $etc;
return mb_substr($string, 0, $length / 2, Smarty::$_CHARSET) . $etc .
mb_substr($string, - $length / 2, $length, Smarty::$_CHARSET);
return $string;
// no MBString fallback
if (isset($string[ $length ])) {
$length -= min($length, strlen($etc));
if (!$break_words && !$middle) {
$string = preg_replace('/\s+?(\S+)?$/', '', substr($string, 0, $length + 1));
if (!$middle) {
return substr($string, 0, $length) . $etc;
return substr($string, 0, $length / 2) . $etc . substr($string, - $length / 2);
return $string;

Datei anzeigen

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
* Smarty plugin
* @package Smarty
* @subpackage PluginsModifierCompiler
* Smarty cat modifier plugin
* Type: modifier<br>
* Name: cat<br>
* Date: Feb 24, 2003<br>
* Purpose: catenate a value to a variable<br>
* Input: string to catenate<br>
* Example: {$var|cat:"foo"}
* @link http://smarty.php.net/manual/en/language.modifier.cat.php cat
* (Smarty online manual)
* @author Uwe Tews
* @param array $params parameters
* @return string with compiled code
function smarty_modifiercompiler_cat($params)
return '(' . implode(').(', $params) . ')';

Datei anzeigen

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
* Smarty plugin
* @package Smarty
* @subpackage PluginsModifierCompiler
* Smarty count_characters modifier plugin
* Type: modifier<br>
* Name: count_characters<br>
* Purpose: count the number of characters in a text
* @link http://www.smarty.net/manual/en/language.modifier.count.characters.php count_characters (Smarty online manual)
* @author Uwe Tews
* @param array $params parameters
* @return string with compiled code
function smarty_modifiercompiler_count_characters($params)
if (!isset($params[ 1 ]) || $params[ 1 ] != 'true') {
return 'preg_match_all(\'/[^\s]/' . Smarty::$_UTF8_MODIFIER . '\',' . $params[ 0 ] . ', $tmp)';
if (Smarty::$_MBSTRING) {
return 'mb_strlen(' . $params[ 0 ] . ', \'' . addslashes(Smarty::$_CHARSET) . '\')';
// no MBString fallback
return 'strlen(' . $params[ 0 ] . ')';

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@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
* Smarty plugin
* @package Smarty
* @subpackage PluginsModifierCompiler
* Smarty count_paragraphs modifier plugin
* Type: modifier<br>
* Name: count_paragraphs<br>
* Purpose: count the number of paragraphs in a text
* @link http://www.smarty.net/manual/en/language.modifier.count.paragraphs.php
* count_paragraphs (Smarty online manual)
* @author Uwe Tews
* @param array $params parameters
* @return string with compiled code
function smarty_modifiercompiler_count_paragraphs($params)
// count \r or \n characters
return '(preg_match_all(\'#[\r\n]+#\', ' . $params[ 0 ] . ', $tmp)+1)';

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@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
* Smarty plugin
* @package Smarty
* @subpackage PluginsModifierCompiler
* Smarty count_sentences modifier plugin
* Type: modifier<br>
* Name: count_sentences
* Purpose: count the number of sentences in a text
* @link http://www.smarty.net/manual/en/language.modifier.count.paragraphs.php
* count_sentences (Smarty online manual)
* @author Uwe Tews
* @param array $params parameters
* @return string with compiled code
function smarty_modifiercompiler_count_sentences($params)
// find periods, question marks, exclamation marks with a word before but not after.
return 'preg_match_all("#\w[\.\?\!](\W|$)#S' . Smarty::$_UTF8_MODIFIER . '", ' . $params[ 0 ] . ', $tmp)';

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@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
* Smarty plugin
* @package Smarty
* @subpackage PluginsModifierCompiler
* Smarty count_words modifier plugin
* Type: modifier<br>
* Name: count_words<br>
* Purpose: count the number of words in a text
* @link http://www.smarty.net/manual/en/language.modifier.count.words.php count_words (Smarty online manual)
* @author Uwe Tews
* @param array $params parameters
* @return string with compiled code
function smarty_modifiercompiler_count_words($params)
if (Smarty::$_MBSTRING) {
// return 'preg_match_all(\'#[\w\pL]+#' . Smarty::$_UTF8_MODIFIER . '\', ' . $params[0] . ', $tmp)';
// expression taken from http://de.php.net/manual/en/function.str-word-count.php#85592
return 'preg_match_all(\'/\p{L}[\p{L}\p{Mn}\p{Pd}\\\'\x{2019}]*/' . Smarty::$_UTF8_MODIFIER . '\', ' .
$params[ 0 ] . ', $tmp)';
// no MBString fallback
return 'str_word_count(' . $params[ 0 ] . ')';

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@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
* Smarty plugin
* @package Smarty
* @subpackage PluginsModifierCompiler
* Smarty default modifier plugin
* Type: modifier<br>
* Name: default<br>
* Purpose: designate default value for empty variables
* @link http://www.smarty.net/manual/en/language.modifier.default.php default (Smarty online manual)
* @author Uwe Tews
* @param array $params parameters
* @return string with compiled code
function smarty_modifiercompiler_default($params)
$output = $params[ 0 ];
if (!isset($params[ 1 ])) {
$params[ 1 ] = "''";
foreach ($params as $param) {
$output = '(($tmp = @' . $output . ')===null||$tmp===\'\' ? ' . $param . ' : $tmp)';
return $output;

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@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
* Smarty plugin
* @package Smarty
* @subpackage PluginsModifierCompiler
* Smarty escape modifier plugin
* Type: modifier<br>
* Name: escape<br>
* Purpose: escape string for output
* @link http://www.smarty.net/docsv2/en/language.modifier.escape count_characters (Smarty online manual)
* @author Rodney Rehm
* @param array $params parameters
* @param $compiler
* @return string with compiled code
function smarty_modifiercompiler_escape($params, $compiler)
static $_double_encode = null;
static $is_loaded = false;
if (!$is_loaded) {
if (!is_callable('smarty_literal_compiler_param')) {
require_once(SMARTY_PLUGINS_DIR . 'shared.literal_compiler_param.php');
$is_loaded = true;
if ($_double_encode === null) {
$_double_encode = version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.2.3', '>=');
try {
$esc_type = smarty_literal_compiler_param($params, 1, 'html');
$char_set = smarty_literal_compiler_param($params, 2, Smarty::$_CHARSET);
$double_encode = smarty_literal_compiler_param($params, 3, true);
if (!$char_set) {
$char_set = Smarty::$_CHARSET;
switch ($esc_type) {
case 'html':
if ($_double_encode) {
return 'htmlspecialchars(' . $params[ 0 ] . ', ENT_QUOTES, ' . var_export($char_set, true) . ', ' .
var_export($double_encode, true) . ')';
} elseif ($double_encode) {
return 'htmlspecialchars(' . $params[ 0 ] . ', ENT_QUOTES, ' . var_export($char_set, true) . ')';
} else {
// fall back to modifier.escape.php
case 'htmlall':
if (Smarty::$_MBSTRING) {
if ($_double_encode) {
// php >=5.2.3 - go native
return 'mb_convert_encoding(htmlspecialchars(' . $params[ 0 ] . ', ENT_QUOTES, ' .
var_export($char_set, true) . ', ' . var_export($double_encode, true) .
'), "HTML-ENTITIES", ' . var_export($char_set, true) . ')';
} elseif ($double_encode) {
// php <5.2.3 - only handle double encoding
return 'mb_convert_encoding(htmlspecialchars(' . $params[ 0 ] . ', ENT_QUOTES, ' .
var_export($char_set, true) . '), "HTML-ENTITIES", ' . var_export($char_set, true) . ')';
} else {
// fall back to modifier.escape.php
// no MBString fallback
if ($_double_encode) {
// php >=5.2.3 - go native
return 'htmlentities(' . $params[ 0 ] . ', ENT_QUOTES, ' . var_export($char_set, true) . ', ' .
var_export($double_encode, true) . ')';
} elseif ($double_encode) {
// php <5.2.3 - only handle double encoding
return 'htmlentities(' . $params[ 0 ] . ', ENT_QUOTES, ' . var_export($char_set, true) . ')';
} else {
// fall back to modifier.escape.php
case 'url':
return 'rawurlencode(' . $params[ 0 ] . ')';
case 'urlpathinfo':
return 'str_replace("%2F", "/", rawurlencode(' . $params[ 0 ] . '))';
case 'quotes':
// escape unescaped single quotes
return 'preg_replace("%(?<!\\\\\\\\)\'%", "\\\'",' . $params[ 0 ] . ')';
case 'javascript':
// escape quotes and backslashes, newlines, etc.
return 'strtr(' . $params[ 0 ] .
', array("\\\\" => "\\\\\\\\", "\'" => "\\\\\'", "\"" => "\\\\\"", "\\r" => "\\\\r", "\\n" => "\\\n", "</" => "<\/" ))';
catch (SmartyException $e) {
// pass through to regular plugin fallback
// could not optimize |escape call, so fallback to regular plugin
if ($compiler->template->caching && ($compiler->tag_nocache | $compiler->nocache)) {
$compiler->parent_compiler->template->compiled->required_plugins[ 'nocache' ][ 'escape' ][ 'modifier' ][ 'file' ] =
SMARTY_PLUGINS_DIR . 'modifier.escape.php';
$compiler->parent_compiler->template->compiled->required_plugins[ 'nocache' ][ 'escape' ][ 'modifier' ][ 'function' ] =
} else {
$compiler->parent_compiler->template->compiled->required_plugins[ 'compiled' ][ 'escape' ][ 'modifier' ][ 'file' ] =
SMARTY_PLUGINS_DIR . 'modifier.escape.php';
$compiler->parent_compiler->template->compiled->required_plugins[ 'compiled' ][ 'escape' ][ 'modifier' ][ 'function' ] =
return 'smarty_modifier_escape(' . join(', ', $params) . ')';

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@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
* Smarty plugin
* @package Smarty
* @subpackage PluginsModifierCompiler
* Smarty from_charset modifier plugin
* Type: modifier<br>
* Name: from_charset<br>
* Purpose: convert character encoding from $charset to internal encoding
* @author Rodney Rehm
* @param array $params parameters
* @return string with compiled code
function smarty_modifiercompiler_from_charset($params)
if (!Smarty::$_MBSTRING) {
// FIXME: (rodneyrehm) shouldn't this throw an error?
return $params[ 0 ];
if (!isset($params[ 1 ])) {
$params[ 1 ] = '"ISO-8859-1"';
return 'mb_convert_encoding(' . $params[ 0 ] . ', "' . addslashes(Smarty::$_CHARSET) . '", ' . $params[ 1 ] . ')';

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@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
* Smarty plugin
* @package Smarty
* @subpackage PluginsModifierCompiler
* Smarty indent modifier plugin
* Type: modifier<br>
* Name: indent<br>
* Purpose: indent lines of text
* @link http://www.smarty.net/manual/en/language.modifier.indent.php indent (Smarty online manual)
* @author Uwe Tews
* @param array $params parameters
* @return string with compiled code
function smarty_modifiercompiler_indent($params)
if (!isset($params[ 1 ])) {
$params[ 1 ] = 4;
if (!isset($params[ 2 ])) {
$params[ 2 ] = "' '";
return 'preg_replace(\'!^!m\',str_repeat(' . $params[ 2 ] . ',' . $params[ 1 ] . '),' . $params[ 0 ] . ')';

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@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
* Smarty plugin
* @package Smarty
* @subpackage PluginsModifierCompiler
* Smarty lower modifier plugin
* Type: modifier<br>
* Name: lower<br>
* Purpose: convert string to lowercase
* @link http://www.smarty.net/manual/en/language.modifier.lower.php lower (Smarty online manual)
* @author Monte Ohrt <monte at ohrt dot com>
* @author Uwe Tews
* @param array $params parameters
* @return string with compiled code
function smarty_modifiercompiler_lower($params)
if (Smarty::$_MBSTRING) {
return 'mb_strtolower(' . $params[ 0 ] . ', \'' . addslashes(Smarty::$_CHARSET) . '\')';
// no MBString fallback
return 'strtolower(' . $params[ 0 ] . ')';

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@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
* Smarty plugin
* @package Smarty
* @subpackage PluginsModifierCompiler
* Smarty noprint modifier plugin
* Type: modifier<br>
* Name: noprint<br>
* Purpose: return an empty string
* @author Uwe Tews
* @return string with compiled code
function smarty_modifiercompiler_noprint()
return "''";

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@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
* Smarty plugin
* @package Smarty
* @subpackage PluginsModifierCompiler
* Smarty string_format modifier plugin
* Type: modifier<br>
* Name: string_format<br>
* Purpose: format strings via sprintf
* @link http://www.smarty.net/manual/en/language.modifier.string.format.php string_format (Smarty online manual)
* @author Uwe Tews
* @param array $params parameters
* @return string with compiled code
function smarty_modifiercompiler_string_format($params)
return 'sprintf(' . $params[ 1 ] . ',' . $params[ 0 ] . ')';

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@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
* Smarty plugin
* @package Smarty
* @subpackage PluginsModifierCompiler
* Smarty strip modifier plugin
* Type: modifier<br>
* Name: strip<br>
* Purpose: Replace all repeated spaces, newlines, tabs
* with a single space or supplied replacement string.<br>
* Example: {$var|strip} {$var|strip:"&nbsp;"}<br>
* Date: September 25th, 2002
* @link http://www.smarty.net/manual/en/language.modifier.strip.php strip (Smarty online manual)
* @author Uwe Tews
* @param array $params parameters
* @return string with compiled code
function smarty_modifiercompiler_strip($params)
if (!isset($params[ 1 ])) {
$params[ 1 ] = "' '";
return "preg_replace('!\s+!" . Smarty::$_UTF8_MODIFIER . "', {$params[1]},{$params[0]})";

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@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
* Smarty plugin
* @package Smarty
* @subpackage PluginsModifierCompiler
* Smarty strip_tags modifier plugin
* Type: modifier<br>
* Name: strip_tags<br>
* Purpose: strip html tags from text
* @link http://www.smarty.net/docs/en/language.modifier.strip.tags.tpl strip_tags (Smarty online manual)
* @author Uwe Tews
* @param array $params parameters
* @return string with compiled code
function smarty_modifiercompiler_strip_tags($params)
if (!isset($params[ 1 ]) || $params[ 1 ] === true || trim($params[ 1 ], '"') == 'true') {
return "preg_replace('!<[^>]*?>!', ' ', {$params[0]})";
} else {
return 'strip_tags(' . $params[ 0 ] . ')';

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@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
* Smarty plugin
* @package Smarty
* @subpackage PluginsModifierCompiler
* Smarty to_charset modifier plugin
* Type: modifier<br>
* Name: to_charset<br>
* Purpose: convert character encoding from internal encoding to $charset
* @author Rodney Rehm
* @param array $params parameters
* @return string with compiled code
function smarty_modifiercompiler_to_charset($params)
if (!Smarty::$_MBSTRING) {
// FIXME: (rodneyrehm) shouldn't this throw an error?
return $params[ 0 ];
if (!isset($params[ 1 ])) {
$params[ 1 ] = '"ISO-8859-1"';
return 'mb_convert_encoding(' . $params[ 0 ] . ', ' . $params[ 1 ] . ', "' . addslashes(Smarty::$_CHARSET) . '")';

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@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
* Smarty plugin
* @package Smarty
* @subpackage PluginsModifierCompiler
* Smarty unescape modifier plugin
* Type: modifier<br>
* Name: unescape<br>
* Purpose: unescape html entities
* @author Rodney Rehm
* @param array $params parameters
* @return string with compiled code
function smarty_modifiercompiler_unescape($params)
if (!isset($params[ 1 ])) {
$params[ 1 ] = 'html';
if (!isset($params[ 2 ])) {
$params[ 2 ] = '\'' . addslashes(Smarty::$_CHARSET) . '\'';
} else {
$params[ 2 ] = "'" . $params[ 2 ] . "'";
switch (trim($params[ 1 ], '"\'')) {
case 'entity':
case 'htmlall':
if (Smarty::$_MBSTRING) {
return 'mb_convert_encoding(' . $params[ 0 ] . ', ' . $params[ 2 ] . ', \'HTML-ENTITIES\')';
return 'html_entity_decode(' . $params[ 0 ] . ', ENT_NOQUOTES, ' . $params[ 2 ] . ')';
case 'html':
return 'htmlspecialchars_decode(' . $params[ 0 ] . ', ENT_QUOTES)';
case 'url':
return 'rawurldecode(' . $params[ 0 ] . ')';
return $params[ 0 ];

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@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
* Smarty plugin
* @package Smarty
* @subpackage PluginsModifierCompiler
* Smarty upper modifier plugin
* Type: modifier<br>
* Name: lower<br>
* Purpose: convert string to uppercase
* @link http://smarty.php.net/manual/en/language.modifier.upper.php lower (Smarty online manual)
* @author Uwe Tews
* @param array $params parameters
* @return string with compiled code
function smarty_modifiercompiler_upper($params)
if (Smarty::$_MBSTRING) {
return 'mb_strtoupper(' . $params[ 0 ] . ', \'' . addslashes(Smarty::$_CHARSET) . '\')';
// no MBString fallback
return 'strtoupper(' . $params[ 0 ] . ')';

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@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
* Smarty plugin
* @package Smarty
* @subpackage PluginsModifierCompiler
* Smarty wordwrap modifier plugin
* Type: modifier<br>
* Name: wordwrap<br>
* Purpose: wrap a string of text at a given length
* @link http://smarty.php.net/manual/en/language.modifier.wordwrap.php wordwrap (Smarty online manual)
* @author Uwe Tews
* @param array $params parameters
* @param $compiler
* @return string with compiled code
function smarty_modifiercompiler_wordwrap($params, Smarty_Internal_TemplateCompilerBase $compiler)
if (!isset($params[ 1 ])) {
$params[ 1 ] = 80;
if (!isset($params[ 2 ])) {
$params[ 2 ] = '"\n"';
if (!isset($params[ 3 ])) {
$params[ 3 ] = 'false';
$function = 'wordwrap';
if (Smarty::$_MBSTRING) {
$function = $compiler->getPlugin('mb_wordwrap','modifier');
return $function . '(' . $params[ 0 ] . ',' . $params[ 1 ] . ',' . $params[ 2 ] . ',' . $params[ 3 ] . ')';

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@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
* Smarty plugin
* @package Smarty
* @subpackage PluginsFilter
* Smarty trimwhitespace outputfilter plugin
* Trim unnecessary whitespace from HTML markup.
* @author Rodney Rehm
* @param string $source input string
* @return string filtered output
* @todo substr_replace() is not overloaded by mbstring.func_overload - so this function might fail!
function smarty_outputfilter_trimwhitespace($source)
$store = array();
$_store = 0;
$_offset = 0;
// Unify Line-Breaks to \n
$source = preg_replace("/\015\012|\015|\012/", "\n", $source);
// capture Internet Explorer and KnockoutJS Conditional Comments
if (preg_match_all('#<!--((\[[^\]]+\]>.*?<!\[[^\]]+\])|(\s*/?ko\s+.+))-->#is', $source, $matches,
foreach ($matches as $match) {
$store[] = $match[ 0 ][ 0 ];
$_length = strlen($match[ 0 ][ 0 ]);
$replace = '@!@SMARTY:' . $_store . ':SMARTY@!@';
$source = substr_replace($source, $replace, $match[ 0 ][ 1 ] - $_offset, $_length);
$_offset += $_length - strlen($replace);
$_store ++;
// Strip all HTML-Comments
// yes, even the ones in <script> - see http://stackoverflow.com/a/808850/515124
$source = preg_replace('#<!--.*?-->#ms', '', $source);
// capture html elements not to be messed with
$_offset = 0;
if (preg_match_all('#(<script[^>]*>.*?</script[^>]*>)|(<textarea[^>]*>.*?</textarea[^>]*>)|(<pre[^>]*>.*?</pre[^>]*>)#is',
$source, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE | PREG_SET_ORDER)) {
foreach ($matches as $match) {
$store[] = $match[ 0 ][ 0 ];
$_length = strlen($match[ 0 ][ 0 ]);
$replace = '@!@SMARTY:' . $_store . ':SMARTY@!@';
$source = substr_replace($source, $replace, $match[ 0 ][ 1 ] - $_offset, $_length);
$_offset += $_length - strlen($replace);
$_store ++;
$expressions = array(// replace multiple spaces between tags by a single space
// can't remove them entirely, becaue that might break poorly implemented CSS display:inline-block elements
'#(:SMARTY@!@|>)\s+(?=@!@SMARTY:|<)#s' => '\1 \2',
// remove spaces between attributes (but not in attribute values!)
'#(([a-z0-9]\s*=\s*("[^"]*?")|(\'[^\']*?\'))|<[a-z0-9_]+)\s+([a-z/>])#is' => '\1 \5',
// note: for some very weird reason trim() seems to remove spaces inside attributes.
// maybe a \0 byte or something is interfering?
'#^\s+<#Ss' => '<', '#>\s+$#Ss' => '>',);
$source = preg_replace(array_keys($expressions), array_values($expressions), $source);
// note: for some very weird reason trim() seems to remove spaces inside attributes.
// maybe a \0 byte or something is interfering?
// $source = trim( $source );
$_offset = 0;
if (preg_match_all('#@!@SMARTY:([0-9]+):SMARTY@!@#is', $source, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE | PREG_SET_ORDER)) {
foreach ($matches as $match) {
$_length = strlen($match[ 0 ][ 0 ]);
$replace = $store[ $match[ 1 ][ 0 ] ];
$source = substr_replace($source, $replace, $match[ 0 ][ 1 ] + $_offset, $_length);
$_offset += strlen($replace) - $_length;
$_store ++;
return $source;

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@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
* Smarty shared plugin
* @package Smarty
* @subpackage PluginsShared
* escape_special_chars common function
* Function: smarty_function_escape_special_chars<br>
* Purpose: used by other smarty functions to escape
* special chars except for already escaped ones
* @author Monte Ohrt <monte at ohrt dot com>
* @param string $string text that should by escaped
* @return string
function smarty_function_escape_special_chars($string)
if (!is_array($string)) {
if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.2.3', '>=')) {
$string = htmlspecialchars($string, ENT_COMPAT, Smarty::$_CHARSET, false);
} else {
$string = preg_replace('!&(#?\w+);!', '%%%SMARTY_START%%%\\1%%%SMARTY_END%%%', $string);
$string = htmlspecialchars($string);
$string = str_replace(array('%%%SMARTY_START%%%', '%%%SMARTY_END%%%'), array('&', ';'), $string);
return $string;

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@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
* Smarty plugin
* @package Smarty
* @subpackage PluginsShared
* evaluate compiler parameter
* @param array $params parameter array as given to the compiler function
* @param integer $index array index of the parameter to convert
* @param mixed $default value to be returned if the parameter is not present
* @return mixed evaluated value of parameter or $default
* @throws SmartyException if parameter is not a literal (but an expression, variable, )
* @author Rodney Rehm
function smarty_literal_compiler_param($params, $index, $default = null)
// not set, go default
if (!isset($params[ $index ])) {
return $default;
// test if param is a literal
if (!preg_match('/^([\'"]?)[a-zA-Z0-9-]+(\\1)$/', $params[ $index ])) {
throw new SmartyException('$param[' . $index .
'] is not a literal and is thus not evaluatable at compile time');
$t = null;
eval("\$t = " . $params[ $index ] . ";");
return $t;

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@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
* Smarty shared plugin
* @package Smarty
* @subpackage PluginsShared
* Function: smarty_make_timestamp<br>
* Purpose: used by other smarty functions to make a timestamp from a string.
* @author Monte Ohrt <monte at ohrt dot com>
* @param DateTime|int|string $string date object, timestamp or string that can be converted using strtotime()
* @return int
function smarty_make_timestamp($string)
if (empty($string)) {
// use "now":
return time();
} elseif ($string instanceof DateTime ||
(interface_exists('DateTimeInterface', false) && $string instanceof DateTimeInterface)
) {
return (int) $string->format('U'); // PHP 5.2 BC
} elseif (strlen($string) == 14 && ctype_digit($string)) {
// it is mysql timestamp format of YYYYMMDDHHMMSS?
return mktime(substr($string, 8, 2), substr($string, 10, 2), substr($string, 12, 2), substr($string, 4, 2),
substr($string, 6, 2), substr($string, 0, 4));
} elseif (is_numeric($string)) {
// it is a numeric string, we handle it as timestamp
return (int) $string;
} else {
// strtotime should handle it
$time = strtotime($string);
if ($time == - 1 || $time === false) {
// strtotime() was not able to parse $string, use "now":
return time();
return $time;

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@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
* Smarty shared plugin
* @package Smarty
* @subpackage PluginsShared
if (!function_exists('smarty_mb_str_replace')) {
* Multibyte string replace
* @param string $search the string to be searched
* @param string $replace the replacement string
* @param string $subject the source string
* @param int &$count number of matches found
* @return string replaced string
* @author Rodney Rehm
function smarty_mb_str_replace($search, $replace, $subject, &$count = 0)
if (!is_array($search) && is_array($replace)) {
return false;
if (is_array($subject)) {
// call mb_replace for each single string in $subject
foreach ($subject as &$string) {
$string = smarty_mb_str_replace($search, $replace, $string, $c);
$count += $c;
} elseif (is_array($search)) {
if (!is_array($replace)) {
foreach ($search as &$string) {
$subject = smarty_mb_str_replace($string, $replace, $subject, $c);
$count += $c;
} else {
$n = max(count($search), count($replace));
while ($n --) {
$subject = smarty_mb_str_replace(current($search), current($replace), $subject, $c);
$count += $c;
} else {
$parts = mb_split(preg_quote($search), $subject);
$count = count($parts) - 1;
$subject = implode($replace, $parts);
return $subject;

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@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
* Smarty shared plugin
* @package Smarty
* @subpackage PluginsShared
* convert characters to their decimal unicode equivalents
* @link http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/library/os-php-unicode/index.html#listing3 for inspiration
* @param string $string characters to calculate unicode of
* @param string $encoding encoding of $string, if null mb_internal_encoding() is used
* @return array sequence of unicodes
* @author Rodney Rehm
function smarty_mb_to_unicode($string, $encoding = null)
if ($encoding) {
$expanded = mb_convert_encoding($string, "UTF-32BE", $encoding);
} else {
$expanded = mb_convert_encoding($string, "UTF-32BE");
return unpack("N*", $expanded);
* convert unicodes to the character of given encoding
* @link http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/library/os-php-unicode/index.html#listing3 for inspiration
* @param integer|array $unicode single unicode or list of unicodes to convert
* @param string $encoding encoding of returned string, if null mb_internal_encoding() is used
* @return string unicode as character sequence in given $encoding
* @author Rodney Rehm
function smarty_mb_from_unicode($unicode, $encoding = null)
$t = '';
if (!$encoding) {
$encoding = mb_internal_encoding();
foreach ((array) $unicode as $utf32be) {
$character = pack("N*", $utf32be);
$t .= mb_convert_encoding($character, $encoding, "UTF-32BE");
return $t;

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@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
* Smarty plugin
* @package Smarty
* @subpackage PluginsFilter
* Smarty htmlspecialchars variablefilter plugin
* @param string $source input string
* @return string filtered output
function smarty_variablefilter_htmlspecialchars($source)
return htmlspecialchars($source, ENT_QUOTES, Smarty::$_CHARSET);