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* Project:
* Contenido Content Management System
* Description:
* Workflow items
* Requirements:
* @con_php_req 5.0
* @package Contenido Backend classes
* @version 1.3
* @author Timo Hummel
* @copyright four for business AG <www.4fb.de>
* @license http://www.contenido.org/license/LIZENZ.txt
* @link http://www.4fb.de
* @link http://www.contenido.org
* {@internal
* created 2003-07-18
* $Id: class.workflowitems.php 128 2019-07-03 11:58:28Z oldperl $
* }}
if (!defined('CON_FRAMEWORK')) {
die('Illegal call');
* Class WorkflowItems
* Class for workflow item management
* @author Timo A. Hummel <Timo.Hummel@4fb.de>
* @version 0.2
* @copyright four for business 2003
class WorkflowItems extends ItemCollection {
* Constructor Function
* @param string $table The table to use as information source
function __construct() {
global $cfg;
parent::__construct($cfg["tab"]["workflow_items"], "idworkflowitem");
/** @deprecated [2011-03-15] Old constructor function for downwards compatibility */
function WorkflowItems() {
cWarning(__FILE__, __LINE__, "Deprecated method call, use __construct()");
function delete($id) {
global $cfg;
$item = new WorkflowItem;
$pos = $item->get("position");
$idworkflow = $item->get("idworkflow");
$oDb = new DB_ConLite();
$this->select("position > $pos AND idworkflow = '" . Contenido_Security::escapeDB($idworkflow, $oDb) . "'");
while ($obj = $this->next()) {
$obj->setPosition($obj->get("position") - 1);
$aUserSequencesDelete = array();
$sSql = 'SELECT idusersequence FROM ' . $cfg["tab"]["workflow_user_sequences"] . ' WHERE idworkflowitem = ' . $id . ';';
while ($oDb->next_record()) {
array_push($aUserSequencesDelete, Contenido_Security::escapeDB($oDb->f('idusersequence'), $oDb));
$sSql = 'DELETE FROM ' . $cfg["tab"]["workflow_actions"] . ' WHERE idworkflowitem = ' . Contenido_Security::escapeDB($id, $oDb) . ';';
$this->updateArtAllocation($id, 1);
if (count($aUserSequencesDelete) > 0) {
$sSql = 'DELETE FROM ' . $cfg["tab"]["workflow_user_sequences"] . ' WHERE idusersequence in (' . implode(',', $aUserSequencesDelete) . ');';
function updateArtAllocation($idworkflowitem, $delete = false) {
global $idworkflow, $cfg;
$oDb = new DB_ConLite();
$aUserSequences = array();
$sSql = 'SELECT idusersequence FROM ' . $cfg["tab"]["workflow_user_sequences"] . ' WHERE idworkflowitem = ' . Contenido_Security::escapeDB($idworkflowitem, $oDb) . ';';
while ($oDb->next_record()) {
array_push($aUserSequences, Contenido_Security::escapeDB($oDb->f('idusersequence'), $oDb));
$aIdArtLang = array();
if (count($aUserSequences) > 0) {
$sSql = 'SELECT idartlang FROM ' . $cfg["tab"]["workflow_art_allocation"] . ' WHERE idusersequence in (' . implode(',', $aUserSequences) . ');';
while ($oDb->next_record()) {
array_push($aIdArtLang, $oDb->f('idartlang'));
$sSql = 'DELETE FROM ' . $cfg["tab"]["workflow_art_allocation"] . ' WHERE idusersequence in (' . implode(',', $aUserSequences) . ');';
if ($delete) {
foreach ($aIdArtLang as $iIdArtLang) {
setUserSequence($iIdArtLang, $idworkflow);
function swap($idworkflow, $pos1, $pos2) {
$this->select("idworkflow = '$idworkflow' AND position = '$pos1'");
if (($item = $this->next()) === false) {
$this->lasterror = i18n("Swapping items failed: Item doesn't exist", "workflow");
return false;
$pos1ID = $item->getField("idworkflowitem");
$this->select("idworkflow = '$idworkflow' AND position = '$pos2'");
if (($item = $this->next()) === false) {
$this->lasterror = i18n("Swapping items failed: Item doesn't exist", "workflow");
return false;
$pos2ID = $item->getField("idworkflowitem");
$item = new WorkflowItem();
return (true);
function create($idworkflow) {
$workflows = new Workflows;
$workflows->select("idworkflow = '$idworkflow'");
if ($workflows->next() === false) {
$this->lasterror = i18n("Can't add item to workflow: Workflow doesn't exist", "workflow");
return false;
$this->select("idworkflow = '$idworkflow'", "", "position DESC", "1");
$item = $this->next();
if ($item === false) {
$lastPos = 1;
} else {
$lastPos = $item->getField("position") + 1;
$newItem = parent::createNewItem();
if ($newItem->init($idworkflow, $lastPos) === false) {
$this->lasterror = $newItem->lasterror;
return false;
if ($item === false) {
return ($newItem);
* Class WorkflowItem
* Class for a single workflow item
* @author Timo A. Hummel <Timo.Hummel@4fb.de>
* @version 0.1
* @copyright four for business 2003
class WorkflowItem extends Item {
* Constructor Function
* @param string $table The table to use as information source
function __construct() {
global $cfg;
parent::__construct($cfg["tab"]["workflow_items"], "idworkflowitem");
/** @deprecated [2011-03-15] Old constructor function for downwards compatibility */
function WorkflowItem() {
cWarning(__FILE__, __LINE__, "Deprecated method call, use __construct()");
function getStepRights() {
$idwfi = $this->values["idworkflowitem"];
$workflowActions = new WorkflowActions;
$actions = WorkflowActions::getAvailableWorkflowActions();
foreach ($actions as $key => $value) {
$rights[$key] = $workflowActions->get($idwfi, $key);
return $rights;
* Overridden setField function.
* @param string $field Void field since we override the usual setField function
* @param string $value Void field since we override the usual setField function
function setField($field, $value, $bSafe = TRUE) {
if ($this->virgin == true) {
$this->lasterror = i18n("No item loaded", "workflow");
return false;
if ($field == "idsequence") {
die("You can't set the idsequence field using this method. Use 'create' in the WorkflowItems class.");
if ($field == "idworkflow") {
die("You can't set the workflow ID using this method. Use 'create' in the WorkflowItems class!");
if ($field == "position") {
die("You can't set the position ID using this method. Use 'create' or 'swap' to create or move items!");
if ($field == "idtask" && $value != 0) {
$taskCollection = new WorkflowTasks;
$taskCollection->select("idtask = '$value'");
if ($taskCollection->next() === false) {
$this->lasterror = i18n("Requested task doesn't exist, can't assign", "workflow");
return false;
parent::setField($field, $value, $bSafe);
* init initializes a new wf_items entry. Should
* only be called by the create function.
* @param int $idworkflow The workflow to set the item to
function init($idworkflow, $idposition) {
global $cfg;
$workflows = new Workflows;
$workflows->select("idworkflow = '$idworkflow'");
if ($workflows->next() === false) {
$this->lasterror = i18n("Workflow doesn't exist", "workflow");
return false;
$workflowItems = new WorkflowItems;
$workflowItems->select("position = '$idposition' AND idworkflow = '$idworkflow'");
if ($workflowItems->next()) {
$this->lasterror = i18n("Position in this workflow already exists.", "workflow");
return false;
parent::setField("idworkflow", $idworkflow);
parent::setField("position", $idposition);
return true;
* setPosition Sets the position for an item. Should only be
* called by the "swap" function
* @param int $idposition The new position ID
function setPosition($idposition) {
parent::setField("position", $idposition);
return true;