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* Project:
* Contenido Content Management System
* Description:
* Frontend user list
* Requirements:
* @con_php_req 5.0
* @package Contenido Backend includes
* @version 1.0.0
* @author Bj<42>rn Behrens (HerrB)
* @copyright four for business AG <www.4fb.de>
* @license http://www.contenido.org/license/LIZENZ.txt
* @link http://www.4fb.de
* @link http://www.contenido.org
* @since file available since contenido release <= 4.6
* {@internal
* created 2007-01-01, Bj<42>rn Behrens (HerrB)
* modified 2008-06-27, Dominik Ziegler, add security fix
* $Id: include.newsletter_jobs_menu.php 128 2019-07-03 11:58:28Z oldperl $:
* }}
if(!defined('CON_FRAMEWORK')) {
die('Illegal call');
# Initialization
$oPage = new cPage;
$oMenu = new UI_Menu;
$oJobs = new cNewsletterJobCollection;
$oUser = new cApiUser($auth->auth["uid"]);
// Specify fields for search, sort and validation. Design makes enhancements
// using plugins possible (currently not implemented). If you are changing things here,
// remember to update include.newsletter_left_top.php, also.
// field: Field name in the db
// caption: Shown field name (-> user)
// base: Elements from core code (other type may be: "plugin")
// sort: Element can be used to be sorted by
// search: Element can be used to search in
$aFields = array();
$aFields["name"] = array("field" => "name", "caption" => i18n("Name", "cl_newsletter"), "type" => "base,sort,search");
$aFields["created"] = array("field" => "created", "caption" => i18n("Created", "cl_newsletter"), "type" => "base,sort");
$aFields["status"] = array("field" => "status", "caption" => i18n("Status", "cl_newsletter"), "type" => "base,sort");
// Not needed, as no sort/search, but keep as memo: $aFields["cronjob"] = array("field" => "use_cronjob", "caption" => i18n("Use cronjob"), "type" => "base");
# Check external input
// Items per page (value stored per area in user property)
if (!isset($_REQUEST["elemperpage"]) || !is_numeric($_REQUEST["elemperpage"]) || $_REQUEST["elemperpage"] < 0) {
$_REQUEST["elemperpage"] = $oUser->getProperty("itemsperpage", $area);
if (!is_numeric($_REQUEST["elemperpage"])) {
// This is the case, if the user property has never been set (first time user)
$_REQUEST["elemperpage"] = 25;
if ($_REQUEST["elemperpage"] > 0) {
// -- All -- will not be stored, as it may be impossible to change this back to something more useful
$oUser->setProperty("itemsperpage", $area, $_REQUEST["elemperpage"]);
unset ($oUser);
$_REQUEST["page"] = (int)$_REQUEST["page"];
if ($_REQUEST["page"] <= 0 || $_REQUEST["elemperpage"] == 0) {
$_REQUEST["page"] = 1;
// Sort order
if ($_REQUEST["sortorder"] != "ASC") {
$_REQUEST["sortorder"] = "DESC"; // Note, default is DESC (as default sortby is "created" date)
// Check sort by and search in criteria
$bSortByFound = false;
$bSearchInFound = false;
foreach ($aFields as $sKey => $aData)
if ($aData["field"] == $_REQUEST["sortby"] && strpos($aData["type"], "sort") !== false) {
$bSortByFound = true;
if ($aData["field"] == $_REQUEST["searchin"] && strpos($aData["type"], "search") !== false) {
$bSearchInFound = true;
if (!$bSortByFound) {
$_REQUEST["sortby"] = "created"; // Default sort by field, possible values see above
if (!$bSearchInFound) {
$_REQUEST["searchin"] = "--all--";
// Author
if ($_REQUEST["selAuthor"] == "") {
$_REQUEST["selAuthor"] = $auth->auth["uid"];
// Free memory
# Get data
$oJobs->setWhere("idclient", $client);
$oJobs->setWhere("idlang", $lang);
$oJobs->setWhere("author", $_REQUEST["selAuthor"]);
if ($_REQUEST["filter"] != "")
if ($_REQUEST["searchin"] == "--all--" || $_REQUEST["searchin"] == "")
foreach ($aFields as $sKey => $aData)
if (strpos($aData["type"], "search") !== false) {
$oJobs->setWhereGroup("filter", $aData["field"], $_REQUEST["filter"], "LIKE");
$oJobs->setInnerGroupCondition("filter", "OR");
} else {
$oJobs->setWhere($_REQUEST["searchin"], $_REQUEST["filter"], "LIKE");
if ($_REQUEST["elemperpage"] > 0)
// Getting item count without limit (for page function) - better idea anyone (performance)?
$iItemCount = $oJobs->count();
if ($_REQUEST["elemperpage"]*($_REQUEST["page"]) >= $iItemCount+$_REQUEST["elemperpage"] && $_REQUEST["page"] != 1) {
$oJobs->setLimit($_REQUEST["elemperpage"] * ($_REQUEST["page"] - 1), $_REQUEST["elemperpage"]);
} else {
$iItemCount = 0;
$oJobs->setOrder($_REQUEST["sortby"] . " " . $_REQUEST["sortorder"]);
// Output data
$oMenu = new UI_Menu;
$iMenu = 0;
$sDateFormat = getEffectiveSetting("backend", "timeformat", "d.m.Y H:i");
// Store messages for repeated use (speeds performance, as i18n translation is only needed once)
$aMsg = array();
$aMsg["DelTitle"] = i18n("Delete dispatch job", "cl_newsletter");
$aMsg["DelDescr"] = i18n("Do you really want to delete the following newsletter dispatch job:<br>", "cl_newsletter");
$aMsg["SendTitle"] = i18n("Run job", "cl_newsletter");
$aMsg["SendDescr"] = i18n("Do you really want to run the following job:<br>", "cl_newsletter");
// Prepare "send link" template
$sTplSend = '<a title="'.$aMsg["SendTitle"].'" href="javascript://" onclick="showSendMsg(\'{ID}\',\'{NAME}\')"><img src="'.$cfg['path']['images'].'newsletter_16.gif" border="0" title="'.$aMsg["SendTitle"].'" alt="'.$aMsg["SendTitle"].'"></a>';
while ($oJob = $oJobs->next())
$iID = $oJob->get("idnewsjob");
$sName = $oJob->get("name") . " (" . date($sDateFormat, strtotime($oJob->get("created"))) .")";
$oLnk = new cHTMLLink;
$oLnk->setMultiLink($area, "", $area, "");
$oLnk->setCustom("idnewsjob", $iID);
// Is at present redundant
// HerrB: No, it's just not used/set...
//$oMenu->setImage($iMenu, "images/newsletter_16.gif");
$oMenu->setTitle($iMenu, $sName);
switch ($oJob->get("status"))
case 1:
// Pending
if ($oJob->get("cronjob") == 0)
// Standard job can be run if user has the right to do so
if ($perm->have_perm_area_action($area, "news_job_run"))
$sLnkSend = str_replace('{ID}', $iID, $sTplSend);
$sLnkSend = str_replace('{NAME}', addslashes($sName), $sLnkSend);
$oMenu->setActions($iMenu, 'send', $sLnkSend);
} else if ($oJob->get("cronjob") == 1) {
// It's a cronjob job - no manual sending, show it blue
$oLnk->updateAttributes(array("style" => "color:#0000FF"));
if ($perm->have_perm_area_action($area, "news_job_delete")) {
// Job may be deleted, if user has the right to do so
$oMenu->setActions($iMenu, 'delete', '<a title="'.$aMsg["DelTitle"].'" href="javascript://" onclick="showDelMsg('.$iID.',\''.addslashes($sName).'\')"><img src="'.$cfg['path']['images'].'delete.gif" border="0" title="'.$aMsg["DelTitle"].'" alt="'.$aMsg["DelTitle"].'"></a>');
case 2:
// Sending job
if ($perm->have_perm_area_action($area, "news_job_run"))
// User may try to start sending, again - if he has the right to do so
$sLnkSend = str_replace('{ID}', $iID, $sTplSend);
$sLnkSend = str_replace('{NAME}', addslashes($sName), $sLnkSend);
$oMenu->setActions($iMenu, 'send', $sLnkSend);
$oLnk->updateAttributes(array("style" => "color:#da8a00"));
$sDelete = '<img src="'.$cfg['path']['images'].'delete_inact.gif" border="0" title="'.$aMsg["DelTitle"].'" alt="'.$aMsg["DelTitle"].'">';
case 9:
// Job finished, don't do anything
$oLnk->updateAttributes(array("style" => "color:#808080"));
if ($perm->have_perm_area_action($area, "news_job_delete")) {
// You have the right, but you can't delete the job after sending
$oMenu->setActions($iMenu, 'delete', '<img src="'.$cfg['path']['images'].'delete_inact.gif" border="0" title="'.$aMsg["DelTitle"].'" alt="'.$aMsg["DelTitle"].'">');
$oMenu->setLink($iMenu, $oLnk);
$sExecScript = '
<script type="text/javascript">
// Session-ID
var sid = "'.$sess->id.'";
// Create messageBox instance
box = new messageBox("", "", "", 0, 0);
function showSendMsg(lngId, strElement) {
box.confirm("'.$aMsg["SendTitle"].'", "'.$aMsg["SendDescr"].'<b>" + strElement + "</b>", "runJob(\'" + lngId + "\')");
function showDelMsg(lngId, strElement) {
box.confirm("'.$aMsg["DelTitle"].'", "'.$aMsg["DelDescr"].'<b>" + strElement + "</b>", "deleteJob(\'" + lngId + "\')");
// Function for running job
function runJob(idnewsjob)
oForm = parent.parent.left.left_top.document.getElementById("dispatch_listoptionsform");
url = "main.php?area=news_jobs";
url += "&action=news_job_run";
url += "&frame=4";
url += "&idnewsjob=" + idnewsjob;
url += "&contenido=" + sid;
url += get_registered_parameters();
url += "&selAuthor=" + oForm.selAuthor.value;
url += "&sortby=" + oForm.sortby.value;
url += "&sortorder=" + oForm.sortorder.value;
url += "&filter=" + oForm.filter.value;
url += "&elemperpage=" + oForm.elemperpage.value;
parent.parent.right.right_bottom.location.href = url;
// Function for deleting job
function deleteJob(idnewsjob)
oForm = parent.parent.left.left_top.document.getElementById("dispatch_listoptionsform");
url = "main.php?area=news_jobs";
url += "&action=news_job_delete";
url += "&frame=4";
url += "&idnewsjob=" + idnewsjob;
url += "&contenido=" + sid;
url += get_registered_parameters();
url += "&selAuthor=" + oForm.selAuthor.value;
url += "&sortby=" + oForm.sortby.value;
url += "&sortorder=" + oForm.sortorder.value;
url += "&filter=" + oForm.filter.value;
url += "&elemperpage=" + oForm.elemperpage.value;
parent.parent.right.right_bottom.location.href = url;
// Messagebox JS has to be included before ExecScript!
$oPage->addScript('messagebox', '<script type="text/javascript" src="scripts/messageBox.js.php?contenido='.$sess->id.'"></script>');
$oPage->addScript('exec', $sExecScript);
$oPage->addScript('parameterCollector.js', '<script language="JavaScript" src="scripts/parameterCollector.js"></script>');
//generate current content for Object Pager
$sPagerId = '0ed6d632-6adf-4f09-a0c6-1e38ab60e303';
$oPagerLink = new cHTMLLink;
$oPagerLink->setCustom("selAuthor", $_REQUEST["selAuthor"]);
$oPagerLink->setCustom("elemperpage", $_REQUEST["elemperpage"]);
$oPagerLink->setCustom("filter", $_REQUEST["filter"]);
$oPagerLink->setCustom("restrictgroup", $_REQUEST["restrictgroup"]);
$oPagerLink->setCustom("sortby", $_REQUEST["sortby"]);
$oPagerLink->setCustom("sortorder", $_REQUEST["sortorder"]);
$oPagerLink->setCustom("searchin", $_REQUEST["searchin"]);
$oPagerLink->setCustom("frame", $frame);
$oPagerLink->setCustom("area", $area);
$oPagerLink->setCustom("contenido", $sess->id);
// Note, that after the "page" parameter no "pagerlink" parameter is specified -
// it is not used, as the JS below only uses the INNER html and the "pagerlink" parameter is
// set by ...left_top.html for the foldingrow itself
$oPager = new cObjectPager($sPagerId, $iItemCount, $_REQUEST["elemperpage"], $_REQUEST["page"], $oPagerLink, "page");
// Add slashes, to insert in javascript
$sPagerContent = $oPager->render(1);
$sPagerContent = str_replace('\\', '\\\\', $sPagerContent);
$sPagerContent = str_replace('\'', '\\\'', $sPagerContent);
// Send new object pager to left_top
$oPage->addScript('setpager', '<script type="text/javascript" src="scripts/setPager.js"></script>');
$sRefreshPager = '
<script type="text/javascript">
var sNavigation = \''.$sPagerContent.'\';
// Activate time to refresh pager folding row in left top
var oTimer = window.setInterval("fncSetPager(\'' . $sPagerId . '\',\'' . $_REQUEST["page"] . '\')", 200);
$oPage->addScript('refreshpager', $sRefreshPager);
//$oPage->setContent(array('<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%">', $oListOptionRow, '</table>', $oMenu->render(false)));