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2019-10-26 14:35:06 +02:00

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* Project:
* Contenido Content Management System
* Description:
* Newsletter recipient class
* Requirements:
* @con_php_req 5.0
* @package Contenido Backend classes
* @version 1.1
* @author Björn Behrens
* @copyright four for business AG <www.4fb.de>
* @license http://www.contenido.org/license/LIZENZ.txt
* @link http://www.4fb.de
* @link http://www.contenido.org
* @since file available since contenido release <= 4.6
* {@internal
* created 2004-08-01
* modified 2008-06-30, Dominik Ziegler, add security fix
* modified 2011-03-14, Murat Purc, adapted to new GenericDB, partly ported to PHP 5, formatting
* $Id: class.newsletter.php 128 2019-07-03 11:58:28Z oldperl $:
* }}
if (!defined('CON_FRAMEWORK')) {
die('Illegal call');
* Newsletter management class
class NewsletterCollection extends ItemCollection {
* Constructor Function
* @param none
public function __construct() {
global $cfg;
parent::__construct($cfg["tab"]["news"], "idnews");
* Creates a new newsletter
* @param $name string specifies the newsletter name
public function create($sName) {
global $client, $lang, $auth;
$sName = Contenido_Security::escapeDB($sName, null);
$client = Contenido_Security::toInteger($client);
$lang = Contenido_Security::toInteger($lang);
// Check if the newsletter name already exists
$this->setWhere("idclient", $client);
$this->setWhere("idlang", $lang);
$this->setWhere("name", $sName);
if ($this->next()) {
return $this->create($sName . "_" . substr(md5(rand()), 0, 10));
$oItem = parent::createNewItem();
$oItem->set("idclient", $client);
$oItem->set("idlang", $lang);
$oItem->set("name", $sName);
$oItem->set("created", date("Y-m-d H:i:s"), false);
$oItem->set("author", Contenido_Security::escapeDB($auth->auth["uid"], null));
return $oItem;
* Duplicates the newsletter specified by $itemID
* @param $itemID integer specifies the newsletter id
public function duplicate($iItemID) {
global $client, $lang, $auth;
$client = Contenido_Security::toInteger($client);
$lang = Contenido_Security::toInteger($lang);
cInclude("includes", "functions.con.php");
$oBaseItem = new Newsletter();
$oItem = parent::createNewItem();
$oItem->set("name", $oBaseItem->get("name") . "_" . substr(md5(rand()), 0, 10));
$iIDArt = 0;
if ($oBaseItem->get("type") == "html" && $oBaseItem->get("idart") > 0 && $oBaseItem->get("template_idart") > 0) {
$oClientLang = new cApiClientLanguage(false, $client, $lang);
if ($oClientLang->getProperty("newsletter", "html_newsletter") == "true") {
$iIDArt = conCopyArticle($oBaseItem->get("idart"),
$oClientLang->getProperty("newsletter", "html_newsletter_idcat"),
sprintf(i18n("Newsletter: %s", "cl_newsletter"), $oItem->get("name")));
conMakeOnline($iIDArt, $lang); // Article has to be online for sending...
$oItem->set("idart", $iIDArt);
$oItem->set("template_idart", $oBaseItem->get("template_idart"));
$oItem->set("idclient", $client);
$oItem->set("idlang", $lang);
$oItem->set("welcome", 0);
$oItem->set("type", $oBaseItem->get("type"));
$oItem->set("subject", $oBaseItem->get("subject"));
$oItem->set("message", $oBaseItem->get("message"));
$oItem->set("newsfrom", $oBaseItem->get("newsfrom"));
$oItem->set("newsfromname", $oBaseItem->get("newsfromname"));
$oItem->set("newsdate", date("Y-m-d H:i:s"), false); // But more or less deprecated
$oItem->set("use_cronjob", $oBaseItem->get("use_cronjob"));
$oItem->set("send_to", $oBaseItem->get("send_to"));
$oItem->set("send_ids", $oBaseItem->get("send_ids"));
$oItem->set("dispatch", $oBaseItem->get("dispatch"));
$oItem->set("dispatch_count", $oBaseItem->get("dispatch_count"));
$oItem->set("dispatch_delay", $oBaseItem->get("dispatch_delay"));
$oItem->set("author", $auth->auth["uid"]);
$oItem->set("created", date("Y-m-d H:i:s"), false);
// Copy properties, runtime on-demand allocation of the properties object
if (!is_object($this->properties)) {
$this->properties = new PropertyCollection;
$this->properties->setWhere("idclient", $client);
$this->properties->setWhere("itemtype", $this->primaryKey);
$this->properties->setWhere("itemid", $iItemID);
while ($oPropertyItem = $this->properties->next()) {
$oItem->setProperty($oPropertyItem->get("type"), $oPropertyItem->get("name"), $oPropertyItem->get("value"));
return $oItem;
* Single Newsletter Item
class Newsletter extends Item {
* @var string Error storage
* @access private
protected $_sError;
* Constructor Function
* @param mixed $mId Specifies the ID of item to load
public function __construct($mId = false) {
global $cfg;
parent::__construct($cfg["tab"]["news"], "idnews");
$this->_sError = "";
if ($mId !== false) {
* Overriden store()-Method to set modified and modifiedby data and
* to ensure, that there is only one welcome newsletter
public function store() {
global $client, $lang, $auth;
$client = Contenido_Security::toInteger($client);
$lang = Contenido_Security::toInteger($lang);
$this->set("modified", date("Y-m-d H:i:s"), false);
$this->set("modifiedby", $auth->auth["uid"]);
if ($this->get("welcome") == 1) {
$oItems = new NewsletterCollection();
$oItems->setWhere("idclient", $client);
$oItems->setWhere("idlang", $lang);
$oItems->setWhere("welcome", 1);
$oItems->setWhere("idnews", $this->get("idnews"), "<>");
while ($oItem = $oItems->next()) {
$oItem->set("welcome", 0);
* Replaces newsletter tag (e.g. MAIL_NAME) with data.
* If code is just text using str_replace; if it is HTML by using regular expressions
* @param string sCode Code, where the tags will be replaced (by reference)
* @param bool bIsHTML Is code HTML?
* @param string sField Field name, without MAIL_ (e.g. just "name")
* @param string sData Data
* @access private
public function _replaceTag(&$sCode, $bIsHTML, $sField, $sData) {
if ($sCode && !$bIsHTML) {
$sCode = str_replace("MAIL_" . strtoupper($sField), $sData, $sCode);
} else if ($sCode) {
// Extract certain tag
$sRegExp = '/\[mail\s*([^]]+)\s*name=(?:"|&quot;)' . $sField . '(?:"|&quot;)\s*(.*?)\s*\]((?:.|\s)+?)\[\/mail\]/i';
$aMatch = array();
$iMatches = preg_match($sRegExp, $sCode, $aMatch);
if ($iMatches > 0) {
// $aMatch contains parameter info from left [1] or right [2] to name="field"
$sParameter = $aMatch[1] . $aMatch[2];
$sMessage = $aMatch[3];
$sRegExp = '/\s*(.*?)\s*=\s*(?:"|&quot;)(.*?)(?:"|&quot;)\s*/i';
$aMatch = array();
if (preg_match_all($sRegExp, $sParameter, $aMatch) > 0) {
// Store parameter data as assoziative array
$aParameter = array_combine($aMatch[1], $aMatch[2]);
unset($aMatch); // $aMatch not needed anymore
if (!array_key_exists("type", $aParameter)) {
$aParameter["type"] = "text";
switch ($aParameter["type"]) {
case "link":
# TODO: Works everything fine?
# The current code makes it possible to do something like
# [mail ...]Some text here, then the link: [MAIL_STOP] and more text[/mail]
# If the other lines will be used, you don't need to
# set [MAIL_xy] and the message between the [mail]-tags will
# be used as link text (instead of using the tag parameter "text")
$sText = $aParameter["text"];
if ($sText == "") {
$sText = $sData;
if ($sMessage == "") {
$sMessage = $sData;
// Remove not needed parameters from the parameters list
// everything else goes into the link as parameters
$sParameter = "";
if (count($aParameter) > 0) {
foreach ($aParameter as $sKey => $sValue) {
$sParameter .= ' ' . $sKey . '="' . $sValue . '"';
$sMessage = str_replace("MAIL_" . strtoupper($sField), '<a href="' . clHtmlEntities($sData) . '"' . $sParameter . '>' . $sText . '</a>', $sMessage);
#$sMessage = '<a href="'.clHtmlEntities($sData).'"'.$sParameter.'>'.$sMessage.'</a>';
$sMessage = str_replace("MAIL_" . strtoupper($sField), $sData, $sMessage);
#$sMessage = $sData;
$sRegExp = '/\[mail[^]]+name=(?:"|&quot;)' . $sField . '(?:"|&quot;).*?\].*?\[\/mail\]/is';
$sCode = preg_replace($sRegExp, $sMessage, $sCode, -1);
// Just to replace "text"-tags in HTML message also, just in case...
$sCode = str_replace("MAIL_" . strtoupper($sField), $sData, $sCode);
* Replaces relative URL for url, src or href with absolute client htmlpath
* @author Ortwin Pinke <o.pinke@conlite.org>
* @since CL 2.0
* @global int $client
* @global array $cfgClient
* @param string $sUrl
* @return string
protected function _callbackReplaceUrl($sUrl) {
global $client, $cfgClient;
$returnUrl = '';
if ($sUrl[1] == "url") {
if (empty($sUrl[3])) {
$returnUrl = $sUrl[1] . "(" . $sUrl[2];
$returnUrl .= $cfgClient[$client]['path']['htmlpath'];
$returnUrl .= ltrim(ltrim($sUrl[4], "."), "/");
$returnUrl .= $sUrl[2] . ")";
} else {
$returnUrl = $sUrl[0];
} else if (empty($sUrl[2])) {
$returnUrl = $sUrl[1] . '="';
$returnUrl .= $cfgClient[$client]['path']['htmlpath'];
$returnUrl .= ltrim(ltrim($sUrl[3], "."), "/") . '"';
} else {
$returnUrl = $sUrl[0];
return $returnUrl;
/* TODO: HerrB: Remove or insert some functionality */
protected function _getNewsletterTagData($sHTML, $sTag) {
//$sRegExp = "/<newsletter[^>](.*?)>.*?<\/newsletter>/i";
//$sRegExp = "/\[mail[^\]](.*?)>.*?\[\/mail\]/i";
/* RegExp explanation:
* Match the character "[" literally <20>\[<5B>
* Match the characters "mail" literally <20>mail<69>
* Match "whitespace characters" (spaces, tabs, line breaks, etc.) after "mail" <20>\s*<2A>
* Match the regular expression below and capture its match into backreference number 1 <20>([^]]+)<29>
* Match any character that is not a "]" <20>[^]]+<2B>
* Between one and unlimited times, as many times as possible, giving back as needed (greedy) <20>+<2B>
* Match the character "]" literally <20>\]<5D>
* Match the regular expression below and capture its match into backreference number 2 <20>((?:.|\s)+?)<29>
* Match the regular expression below <20>(?:.|\s)+?<3F>
* Between one and unlimited times, as few times as possible, expanding as needed (lazy) <20>+?<3F>
* Match either the regular expression below (attempting the next alternative only if this one fails) <20>.<2E>
* Match any single character that is not a line break character <20>.<2E>
* Or match regular expression number 2 below (the entire group fails if this one fails to match) <20>\s<>
* Match a single character that is a "whitespace character" (spaces, tabs, line breaks, etc.) <20>\s<>
* Match the character "[" literally <20>\[<5B>
* Match the characters "/mail" literally <20>/mail<69>
* Match the character "]" literally <20>\]<5D>
* Ignore case (i), . includes new lines (s)
* */
$sRegExp = '/\[mail\s*([^]]+)\]((?:.|\s)+?)\[\/mail\]/is';
$aMatch = array ();
preg_match_all($sRegExp, $sHTML, $aMatch, PREG_SET_ORDER);
print_r ($aMatch);
// Auf bestimmten Typ matchen
$sRegExp = '/\[mail.*?name="name".*?\]((?:.|\s)+?)\[\/mail\]/is';
$aMatch = array ();
preg_match_all($sRegExp, $sHTML, $aMatch, PREG_SET_ORDER);
print_r ($aMatch); */
// Parameter auseinandernehmen (ohne PREG_SET_ORDER)
#$sRegExp = '/\s*(.*?)\s*=\s*"(.*?)"\s*/i';
#$aMatch = array ();
#preg_match_all($sRegExp, $sHTML, $aMatch);
#print_r ($aMatch);
protected function _deChunkHTTPBody($sHeader, $sBody, $sEOL = "\r\n") {
// Based on code from jbr at ya-right dot com, posted on http://www.php.net
// as user comment on fsockopen documentation (2007-05-01)
// Analyze header
$aParts = preg_split("/\r?\n/", $sHeader, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
$aHeader = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($aParts); $i++) {
if ($i != 0) {
$iPos = strpos($aParts[$i], ':');
$sParameter = strtolower(str_replace(' ', '', substr($aParts[$i], 0, $iPos)));
$sValue = trim(substr($aParts[$i], ($iPos + 1)));
} else {
$sField = 'status';
$aParameters = explode(' ', $aParts[$i]);
$sParameter = $aParameters[1];
if ($sParameter == 'set-cookie') {
$aHeader['cookies'][] = $sValue;
} else if ($sParameter == 'content-type') {
if (($iPos = strpos($sValue, ';')) !== false) {
$aHeader[$sParameter] = substr($sValue, 0, $iPos);
} else {
$aHeader[$sParameter] = $sValue;
} else {
$aHeader[$sParameter] = $sValue;
// Get dechunked and decompressed body
$iEOLLen = strlen($sEOL);
$sBuffer = '';
if (isset($aHeader['transfer-encoding']) && $aHeader['transfer-encoding'] == 'chunked') {
do {
$sBody = ltrim($sBody);
$iPos = strpos($sBody, $sEOL);
$iDataLen = hexdec(substr($sBody, 0, $iPos));
if (isset($aHeader['content-encoding'])) {
$sBuffer .= gzinflate(substr($sBody, ($iPos + $iEOLLen + 10), $iDataLen));
} else {
$sBuffer .= substr($sBody, ($iPos + $iEOLLen), $iDataLen);
$sBody = substr($sBody, ($iPos + $iDataLen + $iEOLLen));
$sRemaining = trim($sBody);
} while (!empty($sRemaining));
} else if (isset($aHeader['content-encoding'])) {
$sBuffer = gzinflate(substr($sBody, 10));
} else {
$sBuffer = $sBody; // Not chunked, not compressed
return $sBuffer;
* If newsletter is HTML newsletter and necessary data available
* returns final HTML message
* @return string HTML message
public function getHTMLMessage() {
global $lang, $client, $cfgClient, $contenido;
if ($this->get("type") == "html" && $this->get("idart") > 0 && $this->htmlArticleExists()) {
// Article ID
$iIDArt = $this->get("idart");
// Category ID
$oClientLang = new cApiClientLanguage(false, $client, $lang);
$iIDCat = $oClientLang->getProperty("newsletter", "html_newsletter_idcat");
// Get http username and password, if frontend is protected
$oClient = new cApiClient($client);
$sHTTPUserName = $oClient->getProperty("newsletter", "html_username");
$sHTTPPassword = $oClient->getProperty("newsletter", "html_password");
// Get HTML
if ($iIDArt > 0 && $iIDCat > 0) {
// Check, if newsletter is online and set temporarely online, otherwise
$bSetOffline = false;
$oArticles = new cApiArticleLanguageCollection;
$oArticles->setWhere("idlang", $this->get("idlang"));
$oArticles->setWhere("idart", $this->get("idart"));
if ($oArticle = $oArticles->next()) {
if ($oArticle->get("online") == 0) {
$bSetOffline = true;
$oArticle->set("online", 1);
$sFile = "front_content.php?client=$client&lang=$lang&idcat=$iIDCat&idart=$iIDArt&noex=1&send=1";
$aURL = parse_url($cfgClient[$client]['path']['htmlpath']);
// TODO: Other schemes than http should be tested before use!
if ($aURL["scheme"] == "https") {
$iPort = 443;
$sTarget = "ssl://" . $aURL["host"];
} else {
$iPort = 80;
$sTarget = $aURL["host"];
if ($aURL["port"]) {
$iPort = $aURL["port"];
$iErrorNo = 0;
$sErrorMsg = "";
if ($iHandler = fsockopen($sTarget, $iPort, $iErrorNo, $sErrorMsg, 30)) {
// If you use HTTP 1.1 you may get chunked data... you could solve
// this easily by using HTTP 1.0, but then you get a problem with
// virtual servers, as HTTP 1.0 doesn't use the host information...
fputs($iHandler, "GET " . $aURL["path"] . $sFile . " HTTP/1.1\r\n");
fputs($iHandler, "Host: " . $aURL["host"] . "\r\n");
// Maybe the website has been protected using .htaccess, then login
if ($sHTTPUserName != "" && $sHTTPPassword != "") {
fputs($iHandler, "Authorization: Basic " . base64_encode("$sHTTPUserName:$sHTTPPassword") . "\r\n");
fputs($iHandler, "Referer: http://" . $aURL["host"] . "\r\n");
fputs($iHandler, "User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)\r\n");
fputs($iHandler, "Connection: close\r\n\r\n");
// Get the HTTP header and body separately
$sHTML = "";
$sHeader = "";
$bBody = false;
while (!feof($iHandler)) {
// $sLine = fgets($iHandler, 4096);
$sLine = fgets($iHandler, 1024);
if ($bBody) {
$sHTML .= $sLine;
} else if ($sLine == "\r\n") {
$bBody = true;
} else {
$sHeader .= $sLine;
$sHTML = $this->_deChunkHTTPBody($sHeader, $sHTML);
// If someone likes to use anchors in html newsletters (*sigh*)
// the base href tag has to be removed - that means, we have to fix
// all source paths manually...
if (getEffectiveSetting('newsletter', 'remove_base_tag', "false") == "true") {
// Remove base tag
$sHTML = preg_replace('/<base href=(.*?)>/is', '', $sHTML, 1);
$sHTML = preg_replace_callback('/(url)\((\'|\")?(http:\/\/|https:\/\/|ftp:\/\/)?([A-Za-z0-9#\.?\-=_&\/]*)[\'|\"]?\)/', array($this, "_callbackReplaceUrl"), $sHTML);
$sHTML = preg_replace_callback('/\b(src|href|ftp)[ ]*=[ ]*"(http:\/\/|https:\/\/|ftp:\/\/)?([A-Za-z0-9#\.?\-=_&\/]*)"/', array($this, "_callbackReplaceUrl"), $sHTML);
// Now replace anchor tags to the newsletter article itself just by the anchor
$sHTML = str_replace($cfgClient[$client]['path']['htmlpath'] . "front_content.php?idart=" . $iIDArt . "#", "#", $sHTML);
$sReturn = $sHTML;
} else {
if ($contenido) { // Use i18n only in backend
$sErrorText = i18n("There was a problem getting the newsletter article using http. Error: %s (%s)", "cl_newsletter");
} else {
$sErrorText = "There was a problem getting the newsletter article using http. Error: %s (%s)";
$this->_sError = sprintf($sErrorText, $sErrorMsg, $iErrorNo);
$sReturn = false;
// Set previously offline article back to offline
if ($bSetOffline) {
$oArticles = new cApiArticleLanguageCollection();
$oArticles->setWhere("idlang", $this->get("idlang"));
$oArticles->setWhere("idart", $this->get("idart"));
if ($oArticle = $oArticles->next()) {
$oArticle->set("online", 0);
return $sReturn;
} else {
return false;
} else {
return false;
* Checks, if html newsletter article still exists
* @return bool
public function htmlArticleExists() {
if ($this->get("idart") > 0) {
$oArticles = new cApiArticleLanguageCollection();
$oArticles->setWhere("idlang", $this->get("idlang"));
$oArticles->setWhere("idart", $this->get("idart"));
if ($oArticles->count() > 0) {
$bReturn = true;
} else {
$bReturn = false;
} else {
$bReturn = false;
return $bReturn;
* Sends test newsletter directly to specified email address
* @param integer $iIDCatArt idcatart of newsletter handler article
* @param string $sEMail Recipient email address
* @param string $sName Optional: Recipient name
* @param bool $bSimulatePlugin If recipient plugin activated, include plugins
* and simulate values from plugins
* @param string $sEncoding Message (and header) encoding, e.g. iso-8859-1
public function sendEMail($iIDCatArt, $sEMail, $sName = "", $bSimulatePlugins = true, $sEncoding = "iso-8859-1") {
global $lang, $client, $cfg, $cfgClient, $contenido;
// Initialization
if ($sName == "") {
$sName = $sEMail;
$oLanguage = new cApiLanguage($lang);
$sFormatDate = $oLanguage->getProperty("dateformat", "date");
$sFormatTime = $oLanguage->getProperty("dateformat", "time");
if ($sFormatDate == "") {
$sFormatDate = "%d.%m.%Y";
if ($sFormatTime == "") {
$sFormatTime = "%H:%M";
// Get newsletter data
$sFrom = $this->get("newsfrom");
$sFromName = $this->get("newsfromname");
if ($sFromName == "") {
$sFromName = $sFrom;
$sSubject = $this->get("subject");
$sMessageText = $this->get("message");
$bIsHTML = false;
if ($this->get("type") == "html") {
$sMessageHTML = $this->getHTMLMessage();
if ($sMessageHTML === false) {
// There was a problem getting the html message (maybe article
// deleted). Exit with error instead of sending as text message only
if ($contenido) { // Use i18n only in backend
$sError = i18n("Newsletter to %s could not be sent: No html message available", "cl_newsletter");
} else {
$sError = "Newsletter to %s could not be sent: No html message available";
$this->_sError = $sName . " (" . $sEMail . "): " . sprintf($sError, $sEMail);
return false;
} else {
$bIsHTML = true;
// Preventing double lines in mail, you may wish to disable this function on windows servers
if (!getSystemProperty("newsletter", "disable-rn-replacement")) {
$sMessageText = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $sMessageText);
// Simulate key, an alphanumeric string of 30 characters
$sKey = str_repeat("key", 10);
$sPath = $cfgClient[$client]["path"]["htmlpath"] . "front_content.php?changelang=" . $lang . "&idcatart=" . $iIDCatArt . "&";
// Replace message tags (text message)
$this->_replaceTag($sMessageText, false, "name", $sName);
$this->_replaceTag($sMessageText, false, "number", 1);
$this->_replaceTag($sMessageText, false, "date", strftime($sFormatDate));
$this->_replaceTag($sMessageText, false, "time", strftime($sFormatTime));
$this->_replaceTag($sMessageText, false, "unsubscribe", $sPath . "unsubscribe=" . $sKey);
$this->_replaceTag($sMessageText, false, "change", $sPath . "change=" . $sKey);
$this->_replaceTag($sMessageText, false, "stop", $sPath . "stop=" . $sKey);
$this->_replaceTag($sMessageText, false, "goon", $sPath . "goon=" . $sKey);
// Replace message tags (html message)
if ($bIsHTML) {
$this->_replaceTag($sMessageHTML, true, "name", $sName);
$this->_replaceTag($sMessageHTML, true, "number", 1);
$this->_replaceTag($sMessageHTML, true, "date", strftime($sFormatDate));
$this->_replaceTag($sMessageHTML, true, "time", strftime($sFormatTime));
$this->_replaceTag($sMessageHTML, true, "unsubscribe", $sPath . "unsubscribe=" . $sKey);
$this->_replaceTag($sMessageHTML, true, "change", $sPath . "change=" . $sKey);
$this->_replaceTag($sMessageHTML, true, "stop", $sPath . "stop=" . $sKey);
$this->_replaceTag($sMessageHTML, true, "goon", $sPath . "goon=" . $sKey);
if ($bSimulatePlugins) {
// Enabling plugin interface
if (getSystemProperty("newsletter", "newsletter-recipients-plugin") == "true") {
if (is_array($cfg['plugins']['recipients'])) {
foreach ($cfg['plugins']['recipients'] as $sPlugin) {
plugin_include("recipients", $sPlugin . "/" . $sPlugin . ".php");
if (function_exists("recipients_" . $sPlugin . "_wantedVariables")) {
$aPluginVars = array();
$aPluginVars = call_user_func("recipients_" . $sPlugin . "_wantedVariables");
foreach ($aPluginVars as $sPluginVar) {
// Replace tags in text message
$this->_replaceTag($sMessageText, false, $sPluginVar, ":: " . $sPlugin . ": " . $sPluginVar . " ::");
// Replace tags in html message
if ($bIsHTML) {
$this->_replaceTag($sMessageHTML, true, $sPluginVar, ":: " . $sPlugin . ": " . $sPluginVar . " ::");
} else {
setSystemProperty("newsletter", "newsletter-recipients-plugin", "false");
if (!isValidMail($sEMail) || strtolower($sEMail) == "sysadmin@ihresite.de") {
// No valid destination mail address specified
if ($contenido) { // Use i18n only in backend
$sError = i18n("Newsletter to %s could not be sent: No valid e-mail address", "cl_newsletter");
} else {
$sError = "Newsletter to %s could not be sent: No valid e-mail address";
$this->_sError = $sName . " (" . $sEMail . "): " . sprintf($sError, $sEMail);
return false;
} else {
$oMail = new PHPMailer();
$oMail->CharSet = $sEncoding;
$oMail->From = $sFrom;
$oMail->FromName = $sFromName;
$oMail->Mailer = "mail";
$oMail->Subject = $sSubject;
if ($bIsHTML) {
$oMail->Body = $sMessageHTML;
$oMail->AltBody = $sMessageText . "\n\n";
} else {
$oMail->Body = $sMessageText . "\n\n";
if (!$oMail->Send()) {
if ($contenido) { // Use i18n only in backend
$sError = i18n("Newsletter to %s could not be sent", "cl_newsletter");
} else {
$sError = "Newsletter to %s could not be sent";
$this->_sError = $sName . " (" . $sEMail . "): " . sprintf($sError, $sEMail);
return false;
} else {
return true;
* Sends test newsletter directly to specified recipients (single or group)
* Note: Sending in chunks not supported! Only usable for tests and only a few
* recipients.
* @param integer $iIDCatArt idcatart of newsletter handler article
* @param integer $iIDNewsRcp If specified, newsletter recipient id, ignored, if group specified
* @param integer $iIDNewsGroup If specified, newsletter recipient group id
* @param array $aSendRcps As reference: Filled with a list of succesfull recipients
* @param string $sEncoding Message (and header) encoding, e.g. iso-8859-1
public function sendDirect($iIDCatArt, $iIDNewsRcp = false, $iIDNewsGroup = false, &$aSendRcps, $sEncoding = "iso-8859-1") {
global $lang, $client, $cfg, $cfgClient, $contenido, $recipient;
// Initialization
$aMessages = array();
$oLanguage = new cApiLanguage($lang);
$sFormatDate = $oLanguage->getProperty("dateformat", "date");
$sFormatTime = $oLanguage->getProperty("dateformat", "time");
if ($sFormatDate == "") {
$sFormatDate = "%d.%m.%Y";
if ($sFormatTime == "") {
$sFormatTime = "%H:%M";
$sPath = $cfgClient[$client]["path"]["htmlpath"] . "front_content.php?changelang=" . $lang . "&idcatart=" . $iIDCatArt . "&";
// Get newsletter data
$sFrom = $this->get("newsfrom");
$sFromName = $this->get("newsfromname");
if ($sFromName == "") {
$sFromName = $sFrom;
$sSubject = $this->get("subject");
$sMessageText = $this->get("message");
$bIsHTML = false;
if ($this->get("type") == "html") {
$sMessageHTML = $this->getHTMLMessage();
if ($sMessageHTML === false) {
// There was a problem getting the html message (maybe article
// deleted). Exit with error instead of sending as text message only
if ($contenido) { // Use i18n only in backend
$sError = i18n("Newsletter could not be sent: No html message available", "cl_newsletter");
} else {
$sError = "Newsletter could not be sent: No html message available";
$this->_sError = $sError;
return false;
} else {
$bIsHTML = true;
// Preventing double lines in mail, you may wish to disable this function on windows servers
if (!getSystemProperty("newsletter", "disable-rn-replacement")) {
$sMessageText = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $sMessageText);
// Single replacements
// Replace message tags (text message)
$this->_replaceTag($sMessageText, false, "date", strftime($sFormatDate));
$this->_replaceTag($sMessageText, false, "time", strftime($sFormatTime));
// Replace message tags (html message)
if ($bIsHTML) {
$this->_replaceTag($sMessageHTML, true, "date", strftime($sFormatDate));
$this->_replaceTag($sMessageHTML, true, "time", strftime($sFormatTime));
// Enabling plugin interface
if (getSystemProperty("newsletter", "newsletter-recipients-plugin") == "true") {
$bPluginEnabled = true;
$aPlugins = array();
if (is_array($cfg['plugins']['recipients'])) {
foreach ($cfg['plugins']['recipients'] as $sPlugin) {
plugin_include("recipients", $sPlugin . "/" . $sPlugin . ".php");
if (function_exists("recipients_" . $sPlugin . "_wantedVariables")) {
$aPlugins[$sPlugin] = call_user_func("recipients_" . $sPlugin . "_wantedVariables");
} else {
setSystemProperty("newsletter", "newsletter-recipients-plugin", "false");
$bPluginEnabled = false;
$aRecipients = array();
if ($iIDNewsGroup !== false) {
$oGroupMembers = new RecipientGroupMemberCollection;
$aRecipients = $oGroupMembers->getRecipientsInGroup($iIDNewsGroup, false);
} else if ($iIDNewsRcp !== false) {
$aRecipients[] = $iIDNewsRcp;
$iCount = count($aRecipients);
if ($iCount > 0) {
$this->_replaceTag($sMessageText, false, "number", $iCount);
// Replace message tags (html message)
if ($bIsHTML) {
$this->_replaceTag($sMessageHTML, true, "number", $iCount);
foreach ($aRecipients as $iID) {
$sRcpMsgText = $sMessageText;
$sRcpMsgHTML = $sMessageHTML;
// Don't change name of $recipient variable as it is used in plugins!
$recipient = new Recipient;
$sEMail = $recipient->get("email");
$sName = $recipient->get("name");
if (empty($sName)) {
$sName = $sEMail;
$sKey = $recipient->get("hash");
$bSendHTML = false;
if ($recipient->get("news_type") == 1) {
$bSendHTML = true; // Recipient accepts html newsletter
$this->_replaceTag($sRcpMsgText, false, "name", $sName);
$this->_replaceTag($sRcpMsgText, false, "unsubscribe", $sPath . "unsubscribe=" . $sKey);
$this->_replaceTag($sRcpMsgText, false, "change", $sPath . "change=" . $sKey);
$this->_replaceTag($sRcpMsgText, false, "stop", $sPath . "stop=" . $sKey);
$this->_replaceTag($sRcpMsgText, false, "goon", $sPath . "goon=" . $sKey);
// Replace message tags (html message)
if ($bIsHTML && $bSendHTML) {
$this->_replaceTag($sRcpMsgHTML, true, "name", $sName);
$this->_replaceTag($sRcpMsgHTML, true, "unsubscribe", $sPath . "unsubscribe=" . $sKey);
$this->_replaceTag($sRcpMsgHTML, true, "change", $sPath . "change=" . $sKey);
$this->_replaceTag($sRcpMsgHTML, true, "stop", $sPath . "stop=" . $sKey);
$this->_replaceTag($sRcpMsgHTML, true, "goon", $sPath . "goon=" . $sKey);
if ($bPluginEnabled) {
foreach ($aPlugins as $sPlugin => $aPluginVar) {
foreach ($aPluginVar as $sPluginVar) {
// Replace tags in text message
$this->_replaceTag($sRcpMsgText, false, $sPluginVar, call_user_func("recipients_" . $sPlugin . "_getvalue", $sPluginVar));
// Replace tags in html message
if ($bIsHTML && $bSendHTML) {
$this->_replaceTag($sRcpMsgHTML, true, $sPluginVar, call_user_func("recipients_" . $sPlugin . "_getvalue", $sPluginVar));
if (strlen($sKey) != 30) { // Prevents sending without having a key
if ($contenido) { // Use i18n only in backend
$sError = i18n("Newsletter to %s could not be sent: Recipient has an incompatible or empty key", "cl_newsletter");
} else {
$sError = "Newsletter to %s could not be sent: Recipient has an incompatible or empty key";
$aMessages[] = $sName . " (" . $sEMail . "): " . sprintf($sError, $sEMail);
} else if (!isValidMail($sEMail)) {
if ($contenido) { // Use i18n only in backend
$sError = i18n("Newsletter to %s could not be sent: No valid e-mail address specified", "cl_newsletter");
} else {
$sError = "Newsletter to %s could not be sent: No valid e-mail address specified";
$aMessages[] = $sName . " (" . $sEMail . "): " . sprintf($sError, $sEMail);
} else {
$oMail = new PHPMailer();
$oMail->CharSet = $sEncoding;
$oMail->IsHTML($bIsHTML && $bSendHTML);
$oMail->From = $sFrom;
$oMail->FromName = $sFromName;
$oMail->Mailer = "mail";
$oMail->Subject = $sSubject;
if ($bIsHTML && $bSendHTML) {
$oMail->Body = $sRcpMsgHTML;
$oMail->AltBody = $sRcpMsgText . "\n\n";
} else {
$oMail->Body = $sRcpMsgText . "\n\n";
if ($oMail->Send()) {
$aSendRcps[] = $sName . " (" . $sEMail . ")";
} else {
if ($contenido) { // Use i18n only in backend
$sError = i18n("Newsletter to %s could not be sent", "cl_newsletter");
} else {
$sError = "Newsletter to %s could not be sent";
$aMessages[] = $sName . " (" . $sEMail . "): " . sprintf($sError, $sEMail);
} else {
if ($contenido) { // Use i18n only in backend
$sError = i18n("No recipient with specified recipient/group id %s/%s found", "cl_newsletter");
} else {
$sError = "No recipient with specified recpient/group id %s/%s found";
$aMessages[] = sprintf($sError, $iIDNewsRcp, $iIDNewsGroup);
if (count($aMessages) > 0) {
$this->_sError = implode("<br />", $aMessages);
return false;
} else {
return true;
* @deprecated >V4.6.15 - 21.05.2007
* Sends a newsletter
* @param $idcatart integer specifies id of the 'BlackBox'-acrticle containing the 'BlackBox'-module for management
* @param $destination string specifies, who will receive the newsletter ("all", "default" = defaultgroup,
* "selection" = selected groups, "single" = one recepient [e.g. Welcome-Newsletter])
* @param $to array specifies, which group of recipients shall receive the
* newsletter ("all", "default" = defaultgroup, "4,5,6" = group IDs)
* @param $iChunkSize integer specifies size of chunks when sending in chunks, 0 = don't send in chunks
* @param $iChunk integer specifies current chunk number when sending in chunks
* result array array of recipient names/e-mails
public function send($idcatart, $destination = "other", $to = "", $iChunkSize = 0, $iChunk = 0, $sEncoding = "iso-8859-1") {
// What should we do with this deprecated method?
$aResult = array();
$aResult[] = 0;
$aResult[] = "Newsletter->send() not supported anymore (class.newsletter.php)";
return $aResult;