102 Zeilen
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102 Zeilen
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* Mod Rewrite front_content.php controller. Does some preprocessing jobs, tries
* to set following variables, depending on mod rewrite configuration and if
* request part exists:
* - $client
* - $changeclient
* - $lang
* - $changelang
* - $idart
* - $idcat
* @package plugin
* @subpackage Mod Rewrite
* @version SVN Revision $Rev: 128 $
* @id $Id: front_content_controller.php 128 2019-07-03 11:58:28Z oldperl $:
* @author Murat Purc <murat@purc.de>
* @copyright four for business AG <www.4fb.de>
* @license http://www.contenido.org/license/LIZENZ.txt
* @link http://www.4fb.de
* @link http://www.contenido.org
if (!defined('CON_FRAMEWORK')) {
die('Illegal call');
global $client, $changeclient, $cfgClient, $lang, $changelang, $idart, $idcat, $path, $mr_preprocessedPageError;
ModRewriteDebugger::add(ModRewrite::getConfig(), 'front_content_controller.php mod rewrite config');
// create an mod rewrite controller instance and execute processing
$oMRController = new ModRewriteController($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
if ($oMRController->errorOccured()) {
// an error occured (idcat and or idart couldn't catched by controller)
$iRedirToErrPage = ModRewrite::getConfig('redirect_invalid_article_to_errorsite', 0);
// try to redirect to errorpage if desired
if ($iRedirToErrPage == 1 && (int) $client > 0 && (int) $lang > 0) {
global $errsite_idcat, $errsite_idart;
if ($cfgClient['set'] != 'set') {
// errorpage
$aParams = array(
'client' => $client, 'idcat' => $errsite_idcat[$client], 'idart' => $errsite_idart[$client],
'lang' => $lang, 'error' => '1'
$errsite = 'Location: ' . Contenido_Url::getInstance()->buildRedirect($aParams);
} else {
// set some global variables
if ($oMRController->getClient()) {
$client = $oMRController->getClient();
if ($oMRController->getChangeClient()) {
$changeclient = $oMRController->getChangeClient();
if ($oMRController->getLang()) {
$lang = $oMRController->getLang();
if ($oMRController->getChangeLang()) {
$changelang = $oMRController->getChangeLang();
if ($oMRController->getIdArt()) {
$idart = $oMRController->getIdArt();
if ($oMRController->getIdCat()) {
$idcat = $oMRController->getIdCat();
if ($oMRController->getPath()) {
$path = $oMRController->getPath();
// some debugs
ModRewriteDebugger::add($mr_preprocessedPageError, 'mr $mr_preprocessedPageError', __FILE__);
if ($oMRController->getError()) {
ModRewriteDebugger::add($oMRController->getError(), 'mr error', __FILE__);
ModRewriteDebugger::add($idart, 'mr $idart', __FILE__);
ModRewriteDebugger::add($idcat, 'mr $idcat', __FILE__);
ModRewriteDebugger::add($lang, 'mr $lang', __FILE__);
ModRewriteDebugger::add($client, 'mr $client', __FILE__);