* @copyright four for business AG * @license http://www.contenido.org/license/LIZENZ.txt * @link http://www.4fb.de * @link http://www.contenido.org */ if (!defined('CON_FRAMEWORK')) { die('Illegal call'); } /** * Content controller for general settings. * * @author Murat Purc * @package plugin * @subpackage Mod Rewrite */ class ModRewrite_ContentController extends ModRewrite_ControllerAbstract { /** * Index action */ public function indexAction() { // donut $this->_doChecks(); } /** * Save settings action */ public function saveAction() { $bDebug = $this->getProperty('bDebug'); $aSeparator = $this->getProperty('aSeparator'); $aWordSeparator = $this->getProperty('aWordSeparator'); $routingSeparator = $this->getProperty('routingSeparator'); $bError = false; $aMR = array(); $request = (count($_POST) > 0) ? $_POST : $_GET; mr_requestCleanup($request); // use cl-mod-rewrite if (mr_arrayValue($request, 'use') == 1) { $this->_oView->use_chk = ' checked="checked"'; $aMR['cl-mod-rewrite']['use'] = 1; } else { $this->_oView->use_chk = ''; $aMR['cl-mod-rewrite']['use'] = 0; } // root dir if (mr_arrayValue($request, 'rootdir', '') !== '') { if (!preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z0-9\-_\/.]*$/', $request['rootdir'])) { $sMsg = i18n("The root directory has a invalid format, alowed are the chars [a-zA-Z0-9\-_\/\.]", "cl-mod-rewrite"); $this->_oView->rootdir_error = $this->_notifyBox('error', $sMsg); $bError = true; } elseif (!is_dir($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . $request['rootdir'])) { if (mr_arrayValue($request, 'checkrootdir') == 1) { // root dir check is enabled, this results in error $sMsgTpl = i18n("The specified directory '%s' does not exists", "cl-mod-rewrite"); $sMsg = sprintf($sMsgTpl, $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . $request['rootdir']); $this->_oView->rootdir_error = $this->_notifyBox('error', $sMsg); $bError = true; } else { // root dir check ist disabled, take over the setting and // output a warning. $sMsgTpl = i18n("The specified directory '%s' does not exists in DOCUMENT_ROOT '%s'. This could happen, if clients DOCUMENT_ROOT differs from CONTENIDO backends DOCUMENT_ROOT. However, the setting will be taken over because of disabled check.", "cl-mod-rewrite"); $sMsg = sprintf($sMsgTpl, $request['rootdir'], $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']); $this->_oView->rootdir_error = $this->_notifyBox('warning', $sMsg); } } $this->_oView->rootdir = clHtmlEntities($request['rootdir']); $aMR['cl-mod-rewrite']['rootdir'] = $request['rootdir']; } // root dir check if (mr_arrayValue($request, 'checkrootdir') == 1) { $this->_oView->checkrootdir_chk = ' checked="checked"'; $aMR['cl-mod-rewrite']['checkrootdir'] = 1; } else { $this->_oView->checkrootdir_chk = ''; $aMR['cl-mod-rewrite']['checkrootdir'] = 0; } // start from root if (mr_arrayValue($request, 'startfromroot') == 1) { $this->_oView->startfromroot_chk = ' checked="checked"'; $aMR['cl-mod-rewrite']['startfromroot'] = 1; } else { $this->_oView->startfromroot_chk = ''; $aMR['cl-mod-rewrite']['startfromroot'] = 0; } // prevent duplicated content if (mr_arrayValue($request, 'prevent_duplicated_content') == 1) { $this->_oView->prevent_duplicated_content_chk = ' checked="checked"'; $aMR['cl-mod-rewrite']['prevent_duplicated_content'] = 1; } else { $this->_oView->prevent_duplicated_content_chk = ''; $aMR['cl-mod-rewrite']['prevent_duplicated_content'] = 0; } // language settings if (mr_arrayValue($request, 'use_language') == 1) { $this->_oView->use_language_chk = ' checked="checked"'; $this->_oView->use_language_name_disabled = ''; $aMR['cl-mod-rewrite']['use_language'] = 1; if (mr_arrayValue($request, 'use_language_name') == 1) { $this->_oView->use_language_name_chk = ' checked="checked"'; $aMR['cl-mod-rewrite']['use_language_name'] = 1; } else { $this->_oView->use_language_name_chk = ''; $aMR['cl-mod-rewrite']['use_language_name'] = 0; } } else { $this->_oView->use_language_chk = ''; $this->_oView->use_language_name_chk = ''; $this->_oView->use_language_name_disabled = ' disabled="disabled"'; $aMR['cl-mod-rewrite']['use_language'] = 0; $aMR['cl-mod-rewrite']['use_language_name'] = 0; } // client settings if (mr_arrayValue($request, 'use_client') == 1) { $this->_oView->use_client_chk = ' checked="checked"'; $this->_oView->use_client_name_disabled = ''; $aMR['cl-mod-rewrite']['use_client'] = 1; if (mr_arrayValue($request, 'use_client_name') == 1) { $this->_oView->use_client_name_chk = ' checked="checked"'; $aMR['cl-mod-rewrite']['use_client_name'] = 1; } else { $this->_oView->use_client_name_chk = ''; $aMR['cl-mod-rewrite']['use_client_name'] = 0; } } else { $this->_oView->use_client_chk = ''; $this->_oView->use_client_name_chk = ''; $this->_oView->use_client_name_disabled = ' disabled="disabled"'; $aMR['cl-mod-rewrite']['use_client'] = 0; $aMR['cl-mod-rewrite']['use_client_name'] = 0; } // use lowercase uri if (mr_arrayValue($request, 'use_lowercase_uri') == 1) { $this->_oView->use_lowercase_uri_chk = ' checked="checked"'; $aMR['cl-mod-rewrite']['use_lowercase_uri'] = 1; } else { $this->_oView->use_lowercase_uri_chk = ''; $aMR['cl-mod-rewrite']['use_lowercase_uri'] = 0; } $this->_oView->category_separator_attrib = ''; $this->_oView->category_word_separator_attrib = ''; $this->_oView->article_separator_attrib = ''; $this->_oView->article_word_separator_attrib = ''; $separatorPattern = $aSeparator['pattern']; $separatorInfo = $aSeparator['info']; $wordSeparatorPattern = $aSeparator['pattern']; $wordSeparatorInfo = $aSeparator['info']; $categorySeperator = mr_arrayValue($request, 'category_seperator', ''); $categoryWordSeperator = mr_arrayValue($request, 'category_word_seperator', ''); $articleSeperator = mr_arrayValue($request, 'article_seperator', ''); $articleWordSeperator = mr_arrayValue($request, 'article_word_seperator', ''); // category seperator if ($categorySeperator == '') { $sMsg = i18n("Please specify separator (%s) for category", "cl-mod-rewrite"); $sMsg = sprintf($sMsg, $separatorInfo); $this->_oView->category_separator_error = $this->_notifyBox('error', $sMsg); $bError = true; } elseif (!preg_match($separatorPattern, $categorySeperator)) { $sMsg = i18n("Invalid separator for category, allowed one of following characters: %s", "cl-mod-rewrite"); $sMsg = sprintf($sMsg, $separatorInfo); $this->_oView->category_separator_error = $this->_notifyBox('error', $sMsg); $bError = true; // category word seperator } elseif ($categoryWordSeperator == '') { $sMsg = i18n("Please specify separator (%s) for category words", "cl-mod-rewrite"); $sMsg = sprintf($sMsg, $wordSeparatorInfo); $this->_oView->category_word_separator_error = $this->_notifyBox('error', $sMsg); $bError = true; } elseif (!preg_match($wordSeparatorPattern, $categoryWordSeperator)) { $sMsg = i18n("Invalid separator for category words, allowed one of following characters: %s", "cl-mod-rewrite"); $sMsg = sprintf($sMsg, $wordSeparatorInfo); $this->_oView->category_word_separator_error = $this->_notifyBox('error', $sMsg); $bError = true; // article seperator } elseif ($articleSeperator == '') { $sMsg = i18n("Please specify separator (%s) for article", "cl-mod-rewrite"); $sMsg = sprintf($sMsg, $separatorInfo); $this->_oView->article_separator_error = $this->_notifyBox('error', $sMsg); $bError = true; } elseif (!preg_match($separatorPattern, $articleSeperator)) { $sMsg = i18n("Invalid separator for article, allowed is one of following characters: %s", "cl-mod-rewrite"); $sMsg = sprintf($sMsg, $separatorInfo); $this->_oView->article_separator_error = $this->_notifyBox('error', $sMsg); $bError = true; // article word seperator } elseif ($articleWordSeperator == '') { $sMsg = i18n("Please specify separator (%s) for article words", "cl-mod-rewrite"); $sMsg = sprintf($sMsg, $wordSeparatorInfo); $this->_oView->article_word_separator_error = $this->_notifyBox('error', $sMsg); $bError = true; } elseif (!preg_match($wordSeparatorPattern, $articleWordSeperator)) { $sMsg = i18n("Invalid separator for article words, allowed is one of following characters: %s", "cl-mod-rewrite"); $sMsg = sprintf($sMsg, $wordSeparatorInfo); $this->_oView->article_word_separator_error = $this->_notifyBox('error', $sMsg); $bError = true; // category_seperator - category_word_seperator } elseif ($categorySeperator == $categoryWordSeperator) { $sMsg = i18n("Separator for category and category words must not be identical", "cl-mod-rewrite"); $this->_oView->category_separator_error = $this->_notifyBox('error', $sMsg); $bError = true; // category_seperator - article_word_seperator } elseif ($categorySeperator == $articleWordSeperator) { $sMsg = i18n("Separator for category and article words must not be identical", "cl-mod-rewrite"); $this->_oView->category_separator_error = $this->_notifyBox('error', $sMsg); $bError = true; // article_seperator - article_word_seperator } elseif ($articleSeperator == $articleWordSeperator) { $sMsg = i18n("Separator for category-article and article words must not be identical", "cl-mod-rewrite"); $this->_oView->article_separator_error = $this->_notifyBox('error', $sMsg); $bError = true; } $this->_oView->category_separator = clHtmlentities($categorySeperator); $aMR['cl-mod-rewrite']['category_seperator'] = $categorySeperator; $this->_oView->category_word_separator = clHtmlentities($categoryWordSeperator); $aMR['cl-mod-rewrite']['category_word_seperator'] = $categoryWordSeperator; $this->_oView->article_separator = clHtmlentities($articleSeperator); $aMR['cl-mod-rewrite']['article_seperator'] = $articleSeperator; $this->_oView->article_word_separator = clHtmlentities($articleWordSeperator); $aMR['cl-mod-rewrite']['article_word_seperator'] = $articleWordSeperator; // file extension if (mr_arrayValue($request, 'file_extension', '') !== '') { if (!preg_match('/^\.([a-zA-Z0-9\-_\/])*$/', $request['file_extension'])) { $sMsg = i18n("The file extension has a invalid format, allowed are the chars \.([a-zA-Z0-9\-_\/])", "cl-mod-rewrite"); $this->_oView->file_extension_error = $this->_notifyBox('error', $sMsg); $bError = true; } $this->_oView->file_extension = clHtmlentities($request['file_extension']); $aMR['cl-mod-rewrite']['file_extension'] = $request['file_extension']; } else { $this->_oView->file_extension = '.html'; $aMR['cl-mod-rewrite']['file_extension'] = '.html'; } // category resolve min percentage if (isset($request['category_resolve_min_percentage'])) { if (!is_numeric($request['category_resolve_min_percentage'])) { $sMsg = i18n("Value has to be numeric.", "cl-mod-rewrite"); $this->_oView->category_resolve_min_percentage_error = $this->_notifyBox('error', $sMsg); $bError = true; } elseif ($request['category_resolve_min_percentage'] < 0 || $request['category_resolve_min_percentage'] > 100) { $sMsg = i18n("Value has to be between 0 an 100.", "cl-mod-rewrite"); $this->_oView->category_resolve_min_percentage_error = $this->_notifyBox('error', $sMsg); $bError = true; } $this->_oView->category_resolve_min_percentage = $request['category_resolve_min_percentage']; $aMR['cl-mod-rewrite']['category_resolve_min_percentage'] = $request['category_resolve_min_percentage']; } else { $this->_oView->category_resolve_min_percentage = '75'; $aMR['cl-mod-rewrite']['category_resolve_min_percentage'] = '75'; } // add start article name to url if (mr_arrayValue($request, 'add_startart_name_to_url') == 1) { $this->_oView->add_startart_name_to_url_chk = ' checked="checked"'; $aMR['cl-mod-rewrite']['add_startart_name_to_url'] = 1; if (mr_arrayValue($request, 'add_startart_name_to_url', '') !== '') { if (!preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z0-9\-_\/.]*$/', $request['default_startart_name'])) { $sMsg = i18n("The article name has a invalid format, allowed are the chars /^[a-zA-Z0-9\-_\/\.]*$/", "cl-mod-rewrite"); $this->_oView->add_startart_name_to_url_error = $this->_notifyBox('error', $sMsg); $bError = true; } $this->_oView->default_startart_name = clHtmlentities($request['default_startart_name']); $aMR['cl-mod-rewrite']['default_startart_name'] = $request['default_startart_name']; } else { $this->_oView->default_startart_name = ''; $aMR['cl-mod-rewrite']['default_startart_name'] = ''; } } else { $this->_oView->add_startart_name_to_url_chk = ''; $aMR['cl-mod-rewrite']['add_startart_name_to_url'] = 0; $this->_oView->default_startart_name = ''; $aMR['cl-mod-rewrite']['default_startart_name'] = ''; } // rewrite urls at if (mr_arrayValue($request, 'rewrite_urls_at') == 'congeneratecode') { $this->_oView->rewrite_urls_at_congeneratecode_chk = ' checked="checked"'; $this->_oView->rewrite_urls_at_front_content_output_chk = ''; $aMR['cl-mod-rewrite']['rewrite_urls_at_congeneratecode'] = 1; $aMR['cl-mod-rewrite']['rewrite_urls_at_front_content_output'] = 0; } else { $this->_oView->rewrite_urls_at_congeneratecode_chk = ''; $this->_oView->rewrite_urls_at_front_content_output_chk = ' checked="checked"'; $aMR['cl-mod-rewrite']['rewrite_urls_at_congeneratecode'] = 0; $aMR['cl-mod-rewrite']['rewrite_urls_at_front_content_output'] = 1; } // routing if (isset($request['rewrite_routing'])) { $aRouting = array(); $items = explode("\n", $request['rewrite_routing']); foreach ($items as $p => $v) { $routingDef = explode($routingSeparator, $v); if (count($routingDef) !== 2) { continue; } $routingDef[0] = trim($routingDef[0]); $routingDef[1] = trim($routingDef[1]); if ($routingDef[0] == '') { continue; } $aRouting[$routingDef[0]] = $routingDef[1]; } $this->_oView->rewrite_routing = clHtmlentities($request['rewrite_routing']); $aMR['cl-mod-rewrite']['routing'] = $aRouting; } else { $this->_oView->rewrite_routing = ''; $aMR['cl-mod-rewrite']['routing'] = array(); } // redirect invalid article to errorsite if (isset($request['redirect_invalid_article_to_errorsite'])) { $this->_oView->redirect_invalid_article_to_errorsite_chk = ' checked="checked"'; $aMR['cl-mod-rewrite']['redirect_invalid_article_to_errorsite'] = 1; } else { $this->_oView->redirect_invalid_article_to_errorsite_chk = ''; $aMR['cl-mod-rewrite']['redirect_invalid_article_to_errorsite'] = 0; } if ($bError) { $sMsg = i18n("Please check your input", "cl-mod-rewrite"); $this->_oView->content_before .= $this->_notifyBox('error', $sMsg); return; } if ($bDebug == true) { echo $this->_notifyBox('info', 'Debug'); echo '
            echo '
'; $sMsg = i18n("Configuration has not been saved, because of enabled debugging", "cl-mod-rewrite"); echo $this->_notifyBox('info', $sMsg); return; } $bSeparatorModified = $this->_separatorModified($aMR['cl-mod-rewrite']); if (mr_setConfiguration($this->_client, $aMR)) { $sMsg = i18n("Configuration has been saved", "cl-mod-rewrite"); if ($bSeparatorModified) { mr_loadConfiguration($this->_client, true); } $this->_oView->content_before .= $this->_notifyBox('info', $sMsg); } else { $sMsg = i18n("Configuration could not saved. Please check write permissions for %s ", "cl-mod-rewrite"); $sMsg = sprintf($sMsg, mr_getConfigurationFilePath($this->_client)); $this->_oView->content_before .= $this->_notifyBox('error', $sMsg); } } /** * Checks, if any sseparators setting is modified or not * @param array $aNewCfg New configuration send by requests. * @return bool */ protected function _separatorModified($aNewCfg) { $aCfg = ModRewrite::getConfig(); if ($aCfg['category_seperator'] != $aNewCfg['category_seperator']) { return true; } elseif ($aCfg['category_word_seperator'] != $aNewCfg['category_word_seperator']) { return true; } elseif ($aCfg['article_seperator'] != $aNewCfg['article_seperator']) { return true; } elseif ($aCfg['article_word_seperator'] != $aNewCfg['article_word_seperator']) { return true; } return false; } /** * Does some checks like 'is_start_compatible' check. * Adds notifications, if something will went wrong... */ protected function _doChecks() { // Check for not supported '$cfg["is_start_compatible"] = true;' mode if (!empty($this->_cfg['is_start_compatible']) && true === $this->_cfg['is_start_compatible']) { $sMsg = i18n("Your Contenido installation runs with the setting 'is_start_compatible'. This plugin will not work properly in this mode.
Please check following topic in Contenido forum to change this:

is_start_compatible auf neue Version umstellen", "cl-mod-rewrite"); $this->_oView->content_before .= $this->_notifyBox('warning', $sMsg); } // Check for empty urlpath entries in cat_lang table $db = new DB_Contenido(); $sql = "SELECT idcatlang FROM " . $this->_cfg['tab']['cat_lang'] . " WHERE urlpath = ''"; if ($db->query($sql) && $db->next_record()) { $sMsg = i18n("It seems as if some categories don't have a set 'urlpath' entry in the database. Please reset empty aliases in %sFunctions%s area.", "cl-mod-rewrite"); $sMsg = sprintf($sMsg, '', ''); $this->_oView->content_before .= $this->_notifyBox('warning', $sMsg); } } }