* @copyright four for business AG * @license http://www.contenido.org/license/LIZENZ.txt * @link http://www.4fb.de * @link http://www.contenido.org */ if (!defined('CON_FRAMEWORK')) { die('Illegal call'); } /** * Content expert controller for expert settings/actions. * * @author Murat Purc * @package plugin * @subpackage Mod Rewrite */ class ModRewrite_ContentExpertController extends ModRewrite_ControllerAbstract { /** * Path to restrictive htaccess file * @var string */ protected $_htaccessRestrictive = ''; /** * Path to simple htaccess file * @var string */ protected $_htaccessSimple = ''; /** * Initializer method, sets the paths to htaccess files */ public function init() { $this->_oView->content_before = ''; $pluginPath = $this->_cfg['path']['contenido'] . $this->_cfg['path']['plugins'] . 'cl-mod-rewrite/'; $this->_htaccessRestrictive = $pluginPath . 'files/htaccess_restrictive.txt'; $this->_htaccessSimple = $pluginPath . 'files/htaccess_simple.txt'; } /** * Index action */ public function indexAction() { } /** * Copy htaccess action */ public function copyHtaccessAction() { $type = $this->_getParam('htaccesstype'); $copy = $this->_getParam('copy'); if ($type != 'restrictive' && $type != 'simple') { return; } elseif ($copy != 'contenido' && $copy != 'cms') { return; } $aInfo = $this->getProperty('htaccessInfo'); if ($aInfo['has_htaccess']) { $this->_oView->content_before = $this->_notifyBox('info', 'Die .htaccess existiert bereits im Contenido-/ oder Mandantenverzeichnis, daher wird es nicht kopiert'); return; } $source = $type == 'restrictive' ? $this->_htaccessRestrictive : $this->_htaccessSimple; $dest = $copy == 'contenido' ? $aInfo['contenido_full_path'] . '.htaccess' : $aInfo['client_full_path'] . '.htaccess'; if (!$result = @copy($source, $dest)) { $this->_oView->content_before = $this->_notifyBox('info', 'Die .htaccess konnte nicht von ' . $source . ' nach ' . $dest . ' kopiert werden!'); return; } $msg = 'Die .htaccess wurde erfolgreich nach ' . str_replace('.htaccess', '', $dest) . ' kopiert'; $this->_oView->content_before = $this->_notifyBox('info', $msg); } /** * Download htaccess action */ public function downloadHtaccessAction() { $type = $this->_getParam('htaccesstype'); if ($type != 'restrictive' && $type != 'simple') { return; } $source = $type == 'restrictive' ? $this->_htaccessRestrictive : $this->_htaccessSimple; $this->_oView->content = file_get_contents($source); header('Content-Type: text/plain'); header('Etag: ' . md5(random_int(0, mt_getrandmax()))); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . $type . '.htaccess"'); $this->render('{CONTENT}'); } /** * Reset aliases action */ public function resetAction() { // recreate all aliases ModRewrite::recreateAliases(false); $this->_oView->content_before = $this->_notifyBox('info', 'Alle Aliase wurden zurückgesetzt'); } /** * Reset only empty aliases action */ public function resetEmptyAction() { // recreate only empty aliases ModRewrite::recreateAliases(true); $this->_oView->content_before = $this->_notifyBox('info', 'Nur leere Aliase wurden zurückgesetzt'); } }