<?php /** * AMR Mod Rewrite helper class * * @package plugin * @subpackage Mod Rewrite * @version SVN Revision $Rev: 128 $ * @id $Id: class.modrewrite.php 128 2019-07-03 11:58:28Z oldperl $: * @author Stefan Seifarth / stese * @author Murat Purc <murat@purc.de> * @copyright www.polycoder.de * @copyright four for business AG <www.4fb.de> * @license http://www.contenido.org/license/LIZENZ.txt * @link http://www.4fb.de * @link http://www.contenido.org */ if (!defined('CON_FRAMEWORK')) { die('Illegal call'); } /** * Class to create websafe names, it also provides several helper functions * * @author Stefan Seifarth / stese * @author Murat Purc <murat@purc.de> * @package plugin * @subpackage Mod Rewrite */ class ModRewrite extends ModRewriteBase { /** * Database instance * * @var DB_Contenido */ private static $_db; /** * Lookup table to cache some internal data such as db query results * * @var array */ protected static $_lookupTable; /** * Initialization, is to call at least once, also possible to call multible * times, if different client configuration is to load. * * Loads configuration of passed client and sets some properties. * * @param int $clientId Client id */ public static function initialize($clientId) { mr_loadConfiguration($clientId, true); self::$_db = new DB_Contenido(); self::$_lookupTable = array(); } /** * Check categories on websafe name * * Check all categories in the main parent category on existing same websafe name * * @param string $sName Websafe name to check * @param int $iCatId Current category id * @param int $iLangId Current language id * @return bool True if websafename already exists, false if not */ public static function isInCategories($sName = '', $iCatId = 0, $iLangId = 0) { global $cfg; $sName = self::$_db->escape($sName); $iCatId = (int) $iCatId; $iLangId = (int) $iLangId; // get parentid $iParentId = 0; $sql = "SELECT parentid FROM " . $cfg['tab']['cat'] . " WHERE idcat = " . $iCatId; if ($aData = mr_queryAndNextRecord($sql)) { $iParentId = ($aData['parentid'] > 0 ) ? (int) $aData['parentid'] : 0; } // check if websafe name is in this category $sql = "SELECT count(cl.idcat) as numcats FROM " . $cfg['tab']['cat_lang'] . " cl " . "LEFT JOIN " . $cfg['tab']['cat'] . " c ON cl.idcat = c.idcat WHERE " . "c.parentid = '$iParentId' AND cl.idlang = " . $iLangId . " AND " . "LOWER(cl.urlname) = LOWER('" . $sName . "') AND cl.idcat <> " . $iCatId; ModRewriteDebugger::log($sql, 'ModRewrite::isInCategories $sql'); if ($aData = mr_queryAndNextRecord($sql)) { return ($aData['numcats'] > 0) ? true : false; } return false; } /** * Check articles on websafe name. * * Check all articles in the current category on existing same websafe name. * * @param string $sName Websafe name to check * @param int $iArtId Current article id * @param int $iLangId Current language id * @param int $iCatId Category id * @return bool True if websafename already exists, false if not */ public static function isInCatArticles($sName = '', $iArtId = 0, $iLangId = 0, $iCatId = 0) { global $cfg; $sName = self::$_db->escape($sName); $iArtId = (int) $iArtId; $iLangId = (int) $iLangId; $iCatId = (int) $iCatId; // handle multipages if ($iCatId == 0) { // get category id if not set $sql = "SELECT idcat FROM " . $cfg['tab']['cat_art'] . " WHERE idart = " . $iArtId; if ($aData = mr_queryAndNextRecord($sql)) { $iCatId = ($aData['idcat'] > 0) ? (int) $aData['idcat'] : 0; } } // check if websafe name is in this category $sql = "SELECT count(al.idart) as numcats FROM " . $cfg['tab']['art_lang'] . " al " . "LEFT JOIN " . $cfg['tab']['cat_art'] . " ca ON al.idart = ca.idart WHERE " . " ca.idcat='$iCatId' AND al.idlang=" . $iLangId . " AND " . "LOWER(al.urlname) = LOWER('" . $sName . "') AND al.idart <> " . $iArtId; if ($aData = mr_queryAndNextRecord($sql)) { return ($aData['numcats'] > 0) ? true : false; } return false; } /** * Set websafe name in article list. * * Insert new websafe name in article list * * @param string $sName Original name (will be converted) * @param int $iArtId Current article id * @param int $iLangId Current language id * @param int $iCatId Category id * @return bool True if insert was successfully */ public static function setArtWebsafeName($sName = '', $iArtId = 0, $iLangId = 0, $iCatId = 0) { global $cfg; $iArtId = (int) $iArtId; $iLangId = (int) $iLangId; $iCatId = (int) $iCatId; // get websafe name $sNewName = cApiStrCleanURLCharacters(conHtmlEntityDecode($sName)); // remove double or more separators $sNewName = mr_removeMultipleChars('-', $sNewName); $sNewName = self::$_db->escape($sNewName); // check if websafe name already exists if (self::isInCatArticles($sNewName, $iArtId, $iLangId, $iCatId)) { // create new websafe name if exists $sNewName = $sNewName . $iArtId; } // check again - and set name if (!self::isInCatArticles($sNewName, $iArtId, $iLangId, $iCatId)) { // insert websafe name in article list $sql = "UPDATE " . $cfg['tab']['art_lang'] . " SET urlname = '$sNewName' " . "WHERE idart = " . $iArtId . " AND idlang = " . $iLangId; return self::$_db->query($sql); } else { return false; } } /** * Set websafe name in category list. * * Insert new websafe name in category list. * * @param string $sName Original name (will be converted) or alias * @param int $iCatId Category id * @param int $iLangId Language id * @return bool True if insert was successfully */ public static function setCatWebsafeName($sName = '', $iCatId = 0, $iLangId = 0) { global $cfg; $iCatId = (int) $iCatId; $iLangId = (int) $iLangId; // create websafe name $sNewName = cApiStrCleanURLCharacters(conHtmlEntityDecode($sName)); // remove double or more separators $sNewName = mr_removeMultipleChars('-', $sNewName); $sNewName = self::$_db->escape($sNewName); // check if websafe name already exists if (self::isInCategories($sNewName, $iCatId, $iLangId)) { // create new websafe name if exists $sNewName = $sNewName . $iCatId; } // check again - and set name if (!self::isInCategories($sNewName, $iCatId, $iLangId)) { // insert websafe name in article list $sql = "UPDATE " . $cfg['tab']['cat_lang'] . " SET urlname = '$sNewName' " . "WHERE idcat = " . $iCatId . " AND idlang = " . $iLangId; ModRewriteDebugger::log(array( 'sName' => $sName, 'iCatId' => $iCatId, 'iLangId' => $iLangId, 'sNewName' => $sNewName ), 'ModRewrite::setCatWebsafeName $data'); return self::$_db->query($sql); } else { return false; } } /** * Set urlpath of category * * @param int $iCatId Category id * @param int $iLangId Language id * @return bool True if insert was successfully */ public static function setCatUrlPath($iCatId = 0, $iLangId = 0) { global $cfg; $sPath = self::buildRecursivPath($iCatId, $iLangId); $iCatId = (int) $iCatId; $iLangId = (int) $iLangId; // insert websafe name in article list $sql = "UPDATE " . $cfg['tab']['cat_lang'] . " SET urlpath = '$sPath' " . "WHERE idcat = " . $iCatId . " AND idlang = " . $iLangId; ModRewriteDebugger::log(array( 'iCatId' => $iCatId, 'iLangId' => $iLangId, 'sPath' => $sPath ), 'ModRewrite::setCatUrlPath $data'); return self::$_db->query($sql); } /** * Get article id and language id from article language id * * @param int $iArtlangId Current article id * @return array Array with idart and idlang of current article */ public static function getArtIdByArtlangId($iArtlangId = 0) { global $cfg; $iArtlangId = (int) $iArtlangId; $sql = "SELECT idart, idlang FROM " . $cfg['tab']['art_lang'] . " WHERE idartlang = " . $iArtlangId; if ($aData = mr_queryAndNextRecord($sql)) { return $aData; } return array(); } /** * Get article id by article websafe name * * @param string $sArtName Websafe name * @param int $iCatId Category id * @param int $iLangId Language id * @return int|null Recent article id or null */ public static function getArtIdByWebsafeName($sArtName = '', $iCatId = 0, $iLangId = 0) { global $cfg, $lang; $sArtName = self::$_db->escape($sArtName); $iCatId = (int) $iCatId; $iLangId = (int) $iLangId; if (0 === $iLangId && is_int($lang)) { $iLangId = $lang; } $sWhere = ''; if ($iLangId !== 0) { $sWhere = ' AND al.idlang = ' . $iLangId; } // only article name were given if ($iCatId == 0) { // get all basic category ids with parentid=0 $aCatIds = array(); $sql = "SELECT idcat FROM " . $cfg['tab']['cat'] . " WHERE parentid = 0"; self::$_db->query($sql); while (self::$_db->next_record()) { $aCatIds[] = "idcat = " . (int) self::$_db->f('idcat'); } $sWhere .= " AND ( " . join(" OR ", $aCatIds) . ")"; } else { $sWhere .= " AND ca.idcat = " . $iCatId; } $sql = "SELECT al.idart FROM " . $cfg['tab']['art_lang'] . " al " . "LEFT JOIN " . $cfg['tab']['cat_art'] . " ca ON al.idart = ca.idart " . "WHERE LOWER(al.urlname) = LOWER('$sArtName')" . $sWhere; if ($aData = mr_queryAndNextRecord($sql)) { return $aData['idart']; } else { return null; } } /** * Get category name from category id and language id. * * @param int $iCatId Category id * @param int $iLangId Language id * @return string Category name */ public static function getCatName($iCatId = 0, $iLangId = 0) { global $cfg; $iCatId = (int) $iCatId; $iLangId = (int) $iLangId; $key = 'catname_by_catid_idlang_' . $iCatId . '_' . $iLangId; if (isset(self::$_lookupTable[$key])) { return self::$_lookupTable[$key]; } $sql = "SELECT name FROM " . $cfg['tab']['cat_lang'] . " WHERE idcat = " . $iCatId . " AND idlang = " . $iLangId; if ($aData = mr_queryAndNextRecord($sql)) { $catName = $aData['name']; } else { $catName = ''; } self::$_lookupTable[$key] = $catName; return $catName; } /** * Funcion to return cat id by path. * * Caches the paths at first call to provode faster processing at further calls. * * @param string $path Category path * @return int Category id */ public static function getCatIdByUrlPath($path) { global $cfg, $client, $lang; if (strpos($path, '/') === 0) { $path = substr($path, 1); } if (strrpos($path, '/') === strlen($path) - 1) { $path = substr($path, 0, -1); } $catSeperator = '/'; $startFromRoot = parent::getConfig('startfromroot'); $urls2lowercase = parent::getConfig('use_lowercase_uri'); $path = str_replace('/', parent::getConfig('category_seperator'), $path); $key = 'cat_ids_and_urlpath_' . $client . '_' . $lang; if (isset(self::$_lookupTable[$key])) { $aPathsCache = self::$_lookupTable[$key]; } else { $aPathsCache = array(); } if (count($aPathsCache) == 0) { $sql = "SELECT cl.idcat, cl.urlpath FROM " . $cfg['tab']['cat_lang'] . " AS cl, " . $cfg['tab']['cat'] . " AS c WHERE c.idclient = " . $client . " AND c.idcat = cl.idcat AND cl.idlang = " . $lang; self::$_db->query($sql); while (self::$_db->next_record()) { $urlPath = self::$_db->f('urlpath'); if ($startFromRoot == 0 && strpos($urlPath, $catSeperator) > 0) { // paths are stored with prefixed main category, but created // urls doesn't contain the main cat, remove it... $urlPath = substr($urlPath, strpos($urlPath, $catSeperator) + 1); } if ($urls2lowercase) { $urlPath = strtolower($urlPath); } // store path $aPathsCache[self::$_db->f('idcat')] = $urlPath; } } self::$_lookupTable[$key] = $aPathsCache; // compare paths using the similar_text algorithm $fPercent = 0; $aResults = array(); foreach ($aPathsCache as $id => $pathItem) { similar_text($path, $pathItem, $fPercent); $aResults[$id] = $fPercent; } arsort($aResults, SORT_NUMERIC); reset($aResults); ModRewriteDebugger::add($path, 'ModRewrite::getCatIdByUrlPath() $path'); ModRewriteDebugger::add($aPathsCache, 'ModRewrite::getCatIdByUrlPath() $aPathsCache'); ModRewriteDebugger::add($aResults, 'ModRewrite::getCatIdByUrlPath() $aResults'); $iMinPercentage = (int) parent::getConfig('category_resolve_min_percentage', 0); $catId = key($aResults); if ($iMinPercentage > 0 && $aResults[$catId] < $iMinPercentage) { return 0; } else { return $catId; } } /** * Get article name from article id and language id * * @NOTE: seems to be not used??? * * @param int $iArtId Article id * @param int $iLangId Language id * @return string Article name */ public static function getArtTitle($iArtId = 0, $iLangId = 0) { global $cfg; $iArtId = (int) $iArtId; $iLangId = (int) $iLangId; $sql = "SELECT title FROM " . $cfg['tab']['art_lang'] . " WHERE " . "idart = " . $iArtId . " AND idlang = " . $iLangId; if ($aData = mr_queryAndNextRecord($sql)) { return $aData['title']; } return ''; } /** * Get language ids from category id * * @param int $iCatId Category id * @return array Used language ids */ public static function getCatLanguages($iCatId = 0) { global $cfg; $iCatId = (int) $iCatId; $key = 'cat_idlang_by_catid_' . $iCatId; if (isset(self::$_lookupTable[$key])) { return self::$_lookupTable[$key]; } $aLanguages = array(); $sql = "SELECT idlang FROM " . $cfg['tab']['cat_lang'] . " WHERE idcat = " . $iCatId; self::$_db->query($sql); while (self::$_db->next_record()) { $aLanguages[] = self::$_db->f('idlang'); } self::$_lookupTable[$key] = $aLanguages; return $aLanguages; } /** * Get article urlname and language id * * @param int $iArtlangId idartlang * @return array Urlname, idlang of empty array */ public static function getArtIds($iArtlangId = 0) { global $cfg; $iArtlangId = (int) $iArtlangId; $sql = "SELECT urlname, idlang FROM " . $cfg['tab']['art_lang'] . " WHERE idartlang = " . $iArtlangId; if ($aData = mr_queryAndNextRecord($sql)) { return $aData; } return array(); } /** * Build a recursiv path for mod_rewrite rule like server directories * (dir1/dir2/dir3) * * @param int $iCatId Latest category id * @param int $iLangId Language id * @param int $iLastId Last category id * @return string linkpath with correct uri */ public static function buildRecursivPath($iCatId = 0, $iLangId = 0, $iLastId = 0) { global $cfg; $aDirectories = array(); $bFinish = false; $iTmpCatId = (int) $iCatId; $iLangId = (int) $iLangId; $iLastId = (int) $iLastId; while ($bFinish == false) { $sql = "SELECT cl.urlname, c.parentid FROM " . $cfg['tab']['cat_lang'] . " cl " . "LEFT JOIN " . $cfg['tab']['cat'] . " c ON cl.idcat = c.idcat " . "WHERE cl.idcat = " . $iTmpCatId . " AND cl.idlang = " . $iLangId; if ($aData = mr_queryAndNextRecord($sql)) { $aDirectories[] = $aData['urlname']; $iTmpCatId = (int) $aData['parentid']; if ($aData['parentid'] == 0 || $aData['parentid'] == $iLastId) { $bFinish = true; } } else { $bFinish = true; } } // reverse array entries and create directory string $sPath = join('/', array_reverse($aDirectories)); # echo "<pre>" . print_r($sPath, true) . "</pre>"; return $sPath; } /** * Return full CONTENIDO url from single anchor * * @param array $aMatches [0] = complete anchor, [1] = pre arguments, [2] = anchor name, [3] = post arguments * @return string New anchor */ public static function rewriteHtmlAnchor(array $aMatches = array()) { global $artname, $sess, $idart, $idcat, $client, $lang; // set article name $sArtParam = ''; if (isset($artname) && strlen($artname) > 0) { $sArtParam = '&idart=' . (int) $idart; } // check for additional parameter in url $aParamsToIgnore = array('idcat', 'idart', 'lang', 'client', 'idcatart', 'changelang', 'changeclient', 'idartlang', 'parts', 'artname'); $sOtherParams = ''; if (isset($_GET) && count($_GET) > 0) { foreach ($_GET as $key => $value) { if (!in_array($key, $aParamsToIgnore) && strlen(trim($value)) > 0) { $aNoAnchor = explode('#', $value); $sOtherParams .= '&' . urlencode(urldecode($key)) . '=' . urlencode(urldecode($value)); } } } $url = $sess->url( 'front_content.php?' . 'idcat=' . (int) $idcat . '&client=' . (int) $client . '&changelang=' . (int) $lang . $sArtParam . $sOtherParams . '#' . $aMatches[2] ); $sNewUrl = '<a' . $aMatches[1] . 'href="' . $url . '"' . $aMatches[3] . '>'; return $sNewUrl; } /** * Return full CONTENIDO url from single anchor * * @param array $aMatches [0] = complete anchor, [1] = pre arguments, [2] = anchor name, [3] = post arguments * @param bool $bXHTML Flag to return XHTML valid url * @return string New anchor */ public static function contenidoHtmlAnchor(array $aMatches = array(), $bXHTML = true) { global $sess; $aParams = array(); $sAmpersand = $bXHTML ? '&' : '&'; foreach ($_GET as $key => $value) { $aNoAnchor = explode('#', $value); $aParams[] = urlencode(urldecode($key)) . '=' . urlencode(urldecode($aNoAnchor[0])); } $url = $sess->url('front_content.php?' . implode($sAmpersand, $aParams) . '#' . $aMatches[2]); $sNewUrl = '<a' . $aMatches[1] . 'href="' . $url . '"' . $aMatches[3] . '>'; return $sNewUrl; } /** * Get article websafe name from article id and language id. * * @param int $iArtId Article id * @param int $iLangId Language id * @return string Article websafe name */ public static function getArtWebsafeName($iArtId = 0, $iLangId = 0) { global $cfg; $iArtId = (int) $iArtId; $iLangId = (int) $iLangId; $sql = "SELECT urlname FROM " . $cfg['tab']['art_lang'] . " WHERE " . "idart = " . $iArtId . " AND idlang = " . $iLangId; if ($aData = mr_queryAndNextRecord($sql)) { return $aData['urlname']; } return null; } /** * Get article websafe name from idartlang. * * @param int $iArtLangId idartlang * @return string Article websafe name */ public static function getArtLangWebsafeName($iArtLangId = 0) { global $cfg; $iArtLangId = (int) $iArtLangId; $sql = "SELECT urlname FROM " . $cfg['tab']['art_lang'] . " WHERE idartlang = " . $iArtLangId; if ($aData = mr_queryAndNextRecord($sql)) { return $aData['urlname']; } return null; } /** * Get name of client by id. * * @param int $clientId Client id * @return string Client name */ public static function getClientName($clientId = 0) { global $cfg; $clientId = (int) $clientId; $key = 'clientname_by_clientid_' . $clientId; if (isset(self::$_lookupTable[$key])) { return self::$_lookupTable[$key]; } $sql = "SELECT name FROM " . $cfg['tab']['clients'] . " WHERE idclient = " . $clientId; if ($aData = mr_queryAndNextRecord($sql)) { $clientName = $aData['name']; } else { $clientName = ''; } self::$_lookupTable[$key] = $clientName; return $clientName; } /** * Get client id from client name * * @param string $sClientName Client name * @return int Client id */ public static function getClientId($sClientName = '') { global $cfg; $sClientName = strtolower(self::$_db->escape($sClientName)); $key = 'clientid_by_name_' . $sClientName; if (isset(self::$_lookupTable[$key])) { return self::$_lookupTable[$key]; } $sql = "SELECT idclient FROM " . $cfg['tab']['clients'] . " WHERE LOWER(name) = '" . $sClientName . "' OR LOWER(name) = '" . urldecode($sClientName) . "'"; if ($aData = mr_queryAndNextRecord($sql)) { $clientId = $aData['idclient']; } else { $clientId = false; } self::$_lookupTable[$key] = $clientId; return $clientId; } /** * Checks if client id exists * * @param int $clientId * @return bool */ public static function clientIdExists($clientId) { global $cfg; $clientId = (int) $clientId; $key = 'clientid_exists_' . $clientId; if (isset(self::$_lookupTable[$key])) { return self::$_lookupTable[$key]; } $sql = "SELECT idclient FROM " . $cfg['tab']['clients'] . " WHERE idclient = " . $clientId; if ($aData = mr_queryAndNextRecord($sql)) { $exists = true; } else { $exists = false; } self::$_lookupTable[$key] = $exists; return $exists; } /** * Returns name of language by id. * * @param int $languageId Language id * @return string Lanuage name */ public static function getLanguageName($languageId = 0) { global $cfg; $languageId = (int) $languageId; $key = 'languagename_by_id_' . $languageId; if (isset(self::$_lookupTable[$key])) { return self::$_lookupTable[$key]; } $sql = "SELECT name FROM " . $cfg['tab']['lang'] . " WHERE idlang = " . $languageId; if ($aData = mr_queryAndNextRecord($sql)) { $languageName = $aData['name']; } else { $languageName = ''; } self::$_lookupTable[$key] = $languageName; return $languageName; } /** * Checks if language id exists * * @param int $languageId Language id * @return bool */ public static function languageIdExists($languageId) { global $cfg; $languageId = (int) $languageId; $key = 'languageid_exists_' . $languageId; if (isset(self::$_lookupTable[$key])) { return self::$_lookupTable[$key]; } $sql = "SELECT idlang FROM " . $cfg['tab']['lang'] . " WHERE idlang = " . $languageId; if ($aData = mr_queryAndNextRecord($sql)) { $exists = true; } else { $exists = false; } self::$_lookupTable[$key] = $exists; return $exists; } /** * Get language id from language name thanks to Nicolas Dickinson for multi * Client/Language BugFix * * @param string $sLanguageName Language name * @param int $iClientId Client id * @return int Language id */ public static function getLanguageId($sLanguageName = '', $iClientId = 1) { global $cfg; $sLanguageName = strtolower(self::$_db->escape($sLanguageName)); $iClientId = (int) $iClientId; $key = 'langid_by_langname_clientid_' . $sLanguageName . '_' . $iClientId; if (isset(self::$_lookupTable[$key])) { return self::$_lookupTable[$key]; } $sql = "SELECT l.idlang FROM " . $cfg['tab']['lang'] . " as l " . "LEFT JOIN " . $cfg['tab']['clients_lang'] . " AS cl ON l.idlang = cl.idlang " . "WHERE cl.idclient = " . $iClientId . " AND (LOWER(l.name) = '" . $sLanguageName . "' " . "OR LOWER(l.name) = '" . urldecode($sLanguageName) . "')"; if ($aData = mr_queryAndNextRecord($sql)) { $languageId = $aData['idlang']; } else { $languageId = 0; } self::$_lookupTable[$key] = $languageId; return $languageId; } /** * Splits passed argument into scheme://host and path/query. * * Example: * input = http://host/front_content.php?idcat=123 * return = array('htmlpath' => 'http://host', 'url' => 'front_content.php?idcat=123') * * @param string $url URL to split * @return array Assoziative array including the two parts: * - array('htmlpath' => $path, 'url' => $url) */ public static function getClientFullUrlParts($url) { global $cfgClient, $client; $clientPath = $cfgClient[$client]['path']['htmlpath']; if (stristr($url, $clientPath) !== false) { // url includes full html path (scheme host path, etc.) $url = str_replace($clientPath, '', $url); $htmlPath = $clientPath; $aComp = parse_url($htmlPath); // check if path matches to defined rootdir from mod_rewrite conf if (isset($aComp['path']) && $aComp['path'] !== parent::getConfig('rootdir')) { // replace not matching path agaings configured one // this will replace e. g. "http://host/cms/" against "http://host/" $htmlPath = str_replace($aComp['path'], parent::getConfig('rootdir'), $htmlPath); if (substr($htmlPath, strlen($htmlPath) - 1) == '/') { // remove last slash $htmlPath = substr($htmlPath, 0, strlen($htmlPath) - 1); } } } else { $htmlPath = ''; } return array('htmlpath' => $htmlPath, 'url' => $url); } /** * Function to preclean a url. * * Removes absolute path declaration '/front_content.php' or relative path * definition to actual dir './front_content.php', ampersand entities '&' * and returns a url like 'front_content.php?idart=12&idlang=1' * * @param string $url Url to clean * @return string Cleaned Url */ public static function urlPreClean($url) { // some preparation of different front_content.php occurence if (strpos($url, './front_content.php') === 0) { $url = str_replace('./front_content.php', 'front_content.php', $url); } elseif (strpos($url, '/front_content.php') === 0) { $url = str_replace('/front_content.php', 'front_content.php', $url); } $url = str_replace('&', '&', $url); return $url; } /** * Method to reset all aliases in categories. * * Clears all urlname entries in cat_lang table, and sets the value for all * existing entries. * * @deprecated see ModRewrite::recreateCategoriesAliases(); */ public static function resetCategoriesAliases() { self::recreateCategoriesAliases(); } /** * Recreates all or only empty aliases in categories table. * * @param bool $bOnlyEmpty Flag to reset only empty items */ public static function recreateCategoriesAliases($bOnlyEmpty = false) { global $cfg; $db = new DB_Contenido(); $aCats = array(); // get all or only empty categories $sql = "SELECT name, idcat, idlang FROM " . $cfg['tab']['cat_lang']; if ($bOnlyEmpty === true) { $sql .= " WHERE urlname IS NULL OR urlname = '' OR urlpath IS NULL OR urlpath = ''"; } $db->query($sql); while ($db->next_record()) { //set new alias self::setCatWebsafeName($db->f('name'), $db->f('idcat'), $db->f('idlang')); $aCats[] = array('idcat' => $db->f('idcat'), 'idlang' => $db->f('idlang')); } foreach ($aCats as $p => $item) { self::setCatUrlPath($item['idcat'], $item['idlang']); } unset($db, $aCats); } /** * Returns list of all empty category aliases * * @param bool $bOnlyNumber * @return array|int */ public static function getEmptyCategoriesAliases($bOnlyNumber = true) { global $cfg; $db = new DB_Contenido(); $return = ($bOnlyNumber) ? 0 : array(); // get all empty categories $sql = "SELECT name, idcat, idlang FROM " . $cfg['tab']['cat_lang']; $sql .= " WHERE urlname IS NULL OR urlname = '' OR urlpath IS NULL OR urlpath = ''"; $db->query($sql); if ($bOnlyNumber) { $return = (int) $db->num_rows(); } else { while ($db->next_record()) { $return[] = array($db->f('name'), $db->f('idcat'), $db->f('idlang')); } } unset($db); return $return; } /** * Method to reset all aliases in articles. * * Clears all urlname entries in art_lang table, and sets the value for all * existing entries. * * @deprecated see ModRewrite::recreateArticlesAliases(); */ public static function resetArticlesAliases() { self::recreateArticlesAliases(); } /** * Recreates all or only empty urlname entries in art_lang table. * * @param bool $bOnlyEmpty Flag to reset only empty items */ public static function recreateArticlesAliases($bOnlyEmpty = false) { global $cfg; $db = new DB_Contenido(); // get all or only empty articles $sql = "SELECT title, idart, idlang FROM " . $cfg['tab']['art_lang']; if ($bOnlyEmpty === true) { $sql .= " WHERE urlname IS NULL OR urlname = ''"; } $db->query($sql); while ($db->next_record()) { //set new alias self::setArtWebsafeName($db->f('title'), $db->f('idart'), $db->f('idlang')); } unset($db); } /** * Returns list of all empty article aliases * * @param bool $bOnlyNumber * @return array|int */ public static function getEmptyArticlesAliases($bOnlyNumber = true) { global $cfg; $db = new DB_Contenido(); $return = ($bOnlyNumber) ? 0 : array(); // get all empty articles $sql = "SELECT title, idart, idlang FROM " . $cfg['tab']['art_lang']; $sql .= " WHERE urlname IS NULL OR urlname = ''"; $db->query($sql); if ($bOnlyNumber) { $return = (int) $db->num_rows(); } else { while ($db->next_record()) { $return[] = array($db->f('title'), $db->f('idart'), $db->f('idlang')); } } unset($db); return $return; } /** * Method to reset all aliases (categories and articles). * * Shortcut to recreateCategoriesAliases() and recreateArticlesAliases() */ public static function resetAliases() { self::recreateCategoriesAliases(); self::recreateArticlesAliases(); } /** * Recreate all or only empty aliases (categories and articles). * * Shortcut to recreateCategoriesAliases() and recreateArticlesAliases() * * @param bool $bOnlyEmpty Flag to reset only empty items */ public static function recreateAliases($bOnlyEmpty = false) { self::recreateCategoriesAliases($bOnlyEmpty); self::recreateArticlesAliases($bOnlyEmpty); } /** * Used to postprocess resolved path * * Error site handling if category not found * * if percentage == 100 and there is no 100 percentage result value, * error site will be shown - can be adjust by user settings for * smooth similar effects - 80 to 95 will be best but have to check by user * * @deprecated Is no more used * * @param array $results Pathresolver results array * @return mixed Categoryid or false */ public static function getIdFromPathresolverResult($results) { $iMinPercentage = (int) parent::getConfig('category_resolve_min_percentage', 0); $catId = key($results); if ($iMinPercentage > 0 && $results[$catId] < $iMinPercentage) { return false; } else { return $catId; } } /** * Returns .htaccess related assoziative info array * * @return array */ public static function getHtaccessInfo() { global $cfgClient, $client, $cfg; $arr = array( 'contenido_full_path' => str_replace('\\', '/', realpath($cfg['path']['contenido'] . '../') . '/'), 'client_full_path' => $cfgClient[$client]['path']['frontend'], ); $arr['in_contenido_path'] = is_file($arr['contenido_full_path'] . '.htaccess'); $arr['in_client_path'] = is_file($arr['client_full_path'] . '.htaccess'); $arr['has_htaccess'] = ($arr['in_contenido_path'] || $arr['in_client_path']); return $arr; } }