* @copyright four for business AG * @license http://www.contenido.org/license/LIZENZ.txt * @link http://www.4fb.de * @link http://www.contenido.org */ if (!defined('CON_FRAMEWORK')) { die('Illegal call'); } global $client, $cfg; ################################################################################ ##### Initialization if ((int) $client <= 0) { // if there is no client selected, display noti $oPage = new cPage; $oNoti = new Contenido_Notification(); $oPage->setContent($oNoti->returnNotification("warning", i18n("No client set!"))); $oPage->render(); return; } $action = (isset($_REQUEST['mr_action'])) ? $_REQUEST['mr_action'] : 'index'; $debug = false; ################################################################################ ##### Some variables $oMrController = new ModRewrite_ContentExpertController(); $aMrCfg = ModRewrite::getConfig(); $aHtaccessInfo = ModRewrite::getHtaccessInfo(); // define basic data contents (used for template) $oView = $oMrController->getView(); // view variables $oView->copy_htaccess_css = 'display:table-row;'; $oView->copy_htaccess_error = ''; $oView->copy_htaccess_contenido_chk = ' checked="checked"'; $oView->copy_htaccess_cms_chk = ''; $oView->contenido_full_path = $aHtaccessInfo['contenido_full_path']; $oView->client_full_path = $aHtaccessInfo['client_full_path']; $oView->content_after = ''; $oMrController->setProperty('htaccessInfo', $aHtaccessInfo); // view language variables $oView->lng_plugin_functions = i18n("Plugin functions", "cl-mod-rewrite"); $oView->lng_copy_htaccess_type = i18n("Copy/Download .htaccess template", "cl-mod-rewrite"); $oView->lng_copy_htaccess_type_lbl = i18n("Select .htaccess template", "cl-mod-rewrite"); $oView->lng_copy_htaccess_type1 = i18n("Restrictive .htaccess", "cl-mod-rewrite"); $oView->lng_copy_htaccess_type2 = i18n("Simple .htaccess", "cl-mod-rewrite"); $oView->lng_copy_htaccess_type_info1 = i18n("Contains rules with restrictive settings.
All requests pointing to extension avi, css, doc, flv, gif, gzip, ico, jpeg, jpg, js, mov,
mp3, pdf, png, ppt, rar, txt, wav, wmv, xml, zip, will be excluded vom rewriting.
Remaining requests will be rewritten to front_content.php,
except requests to 'contenido/', 'setup/', 'cms/upload', 'cms/front_content.php', etc.
Each resource, which has to be excluded from rewriting must be specified explicitly.", "cl-mod-rewrite"); $oView->lng_copy_htaccess_type_info2 = i18n("Contains a simple collection of rules. Each requests pointing to valid symlinks, folders or
files, will be excluded from rewriting. Remaining requests will be rewritten to front_content.php", "cl-mod-rewrite"); $oView->lng_copy_htaccess_to = i18n("and copy to", "cl-mod-rewrite"); $oView->lng_copy_htaccess_to_contenido = i18n("CONTENIDO installation directory", "cl-mod-rewrite"); $oView->lng_copy_htaccess_to_contenido_info = i18n("Copy the selected .htaccess template into CONTENIDO installation directory


This is the recommended option for a CONTENIDO installation with one or more clients
who are running on the same domain.", "cl-mod-rewrite"); $oView->lng_copy_htaccess_to_contenido_info = str_replace('{CONTENIDO_FULL_PATH}', $oView->contenido_full_path, $oView->lng_copy_htaccess_to_contenido_info); $oView->lng_copy_htaccess_to_client = i18n("client directory", "cl-mod-rewrite"); $oView->lng_copy_htaccess_to_client_info = i18n("Copy the selected .htaccess template into client's directory


This is the recommended option for a multiple client system
where each client has it's own domain/subdomain", "cl-mod-rewrite"); $oView->lng_copy_htaccess_to_client_info = str_replace('{CLIENT_FULL_PATH}', $oView->client_full_path, $oView->lng_copy_htaccess_to_client_info); $oView->lng_or = i18n("or", "cl-mod-rewrite"); $oView->lng_download = i18n("Download", "cl-mod-rewrite"); $oView->lng_download_info = i18n("Download selected .htaccess template to copy it to the destination folder
or to take over the settings manually.", "cl-mod-rewrite"); $oView->lng_resetaliases = i18n("Reset category-/ and article aliases", "cl-mod-rewrite"); $oView->lng_resetempty_link = i18n("Reset only empty aliases", "cl-mod-rewrite"); $oView->lng_resetempty_info = i18n("Only empty aliases will be reset, existing aliases, e. g. manually set aliases, will not be changed.", "cl-mod-rewrite"); $oView->lng_resetall_link = i18n("Reset all aliases", "cl-mod-rewrite"); $oView->lng_resetall_info = i18n("Reset all category-/article aliases. Existing aliases will be overwritten.", "cl-mod-rewrite"); $oView->lng_note = i18n("Note", "cl-mod-rewrite"); $oView->lng_resetaliases_note = i18n("This process could require some time depending on amount of categories/articles.
The aliases will not contain the configured plugin separators, but the CONTENIDO default separators '/' und '-', e. g. '/category-word/article-word'.
Execution of this function ma be helpful to prepare all or empty aliases for the usage by the plugin.", "cl-mod-rewrite"); $oView->lng_discard_changes = i18n("Discard changes", "cl-mod-rewrite"); $oView->lng_save_changes = i18n("Save changes", "cl-mod-rewrite"); ################################################################################ ##### Action processing if ($action == 'index') { $oMrController->indexAction(); } elseif ($action == 'copyhtaccess') { $oMrController->copyHtaccessAction(); } elseif ($action == 'downloadhtaccess') { $oMrController->downloadHtaccessAction(); exit(); } elseif ($action == 'reset') { $oMrController->resetAction(); } elseif ($action == 'resetempty') { $oMrController->resetEmptyAction(); } else { $oMrController->indexAction(); } ################################################################################ ##### Output $oMrController->render( $cfg['path']['contenido'] . $cfg['path']['plugins'] . 'cl-mod-rewrite/templates/contentexpert.html' );