* @copyright four for business AG * @license http://www.contenido.org/license/LIZENZ.txt * @link http://www.4fb.de * @link http://www.contenido.org */ if (!defined('CON_FRAMEWORK')) { die('Illegal call'); } global $client, $cfg; ################################################################################ ##### Initialization if ((int) $client <= 0) { // if there is no client selected, display noti $oPage = new cPage; $oNoti = new Contenido_Notification(); $oPage->setContent($oNoti->returnNotification("warning", i18n("No client set!"))); $oPage->render(); return; } $action = (isset($_REQUEST['mr_action'])) ? $_REQUEST['mr_action'] : 'index'; $bDebug = false; ################################################################################ ##### Some variables $oMrController = new ModRewrite_ContentController(); $aMrCfg = ModRewrite::getConfig(); // downwards compatibility to previous plugin versions if (mr_arrayValue($aMrCfg, 'category_seperator', '') == '') { $aMrCfg['category_seperator'] = '/'; } if (mr_arrayValue($aMrCfg, 'category_word_seperator', '') == '') { $aMrCfg['category_word_seperator'] = '-'; } if (mr_arrayValue($aMrCfg, 'article_seperator', '') == '') { $aMrCfg['article_seperator'] = '/'; } if (mr_arrayValue($aMrCfg, 'article_word_seperator', '') == '') { $aMrCfg['article_word_seperator'] = '-'; } // some settings $aSeparator = array( 'pattern' => '/^[\/\-_\.\$~]{1}$/', 'info' => '/ - . _ ~' ); $aWordSeparator = array( 'pattern' => '/^[\-_\.\$~]{1}$/', 'info' => '- . _ ~' ); $routingSeparator = '>>>'; $oMrController->setProperty('bDebug', $bDebug); $oMrController->setProperty('aSeparator', $aSeparator); $oMrController->setProperty('aWordSeparator', $aWordSeparator); $oMrController->setProperty('routingSeparator', $routingSeparator); // define basic data contents (used for template) $oView = $oMrController->getView(); $oView->content_before = ''; $oView->idclient = $client; $oView->use_chk = (ModRewrite::isEnabled()) ? ' checked="checked"' : ''; $oView->header_notes_css = 'display:none;'; // mr copy .htaccess // @todo copy htacccess check into ModRewrite_ContentController->_doChecks() $aHtaccessInfo = ModRewrite::getHtaccessInfo(); if ($aHtaccessInfo['has_htaccess']) { $oView->htaccess_info_css = 'display:none;'; } else { $oView->header_notes_css = 'display:table-row;'; $oView->htaccess_info_css = 'display:block;'; } // empty aliases $iEmptyArticleAliases = ModRewrite::getEmptyArticlesAliases(); $iEmptyCategoryAliases = ModRewrite::getEmptyCategoriesAliases(); if ($iEmptyArticleAliases > 0 || $iEmptyCategoryAliases > 0) { $oView->header_notes_css = 'display:table-row;'; $oView->emptyaliases_info_css = 'display:block;'; } else { $oView->emptyaliases_info_css = 'display:none;'; } // mr root dir $oView->rootdir = $aMrCfg['rootdir']; $oView->rootdir_error = ''; // mr check root dir $oView->checkrootdir_chk = ($aMrCfg['checkrootdir'] == 1) ? ' checked="checked"' : ''; // mr start from root $oView->startfromroot_chk = ($aMrCfg['startfromroot'] == 1) ? ' checked="checked"' : ''; // mr prevent duplicated content $oView->prevent_duplicated_content_chk = ($aMrCfg['prevent_duplicated_content'] == 1) ? ' checked="checked"' : ''; // mr language usage $oView->use_language_chk = ($aMrCfg['use_language'] == 1) ? ' checked="checked"' : ''; $oView->use_language_name_chk = ($aMrCfg['use_language_name'] == 1) ? ' checked="checked"' : ''; $oView->use_language_name_disabled = ($aMrCfg['use_language'] == 1) ? '' : ' disabled="disabled"'; // mr client usage $oView->use_client_chk = ($aMrCfg['use_client'] == 1) ? ' checked="checked"' : ''; $oView->use_client_name_chk = ($aMrCfg['use_client_name'] == 1) ? ' checked="checked"' : ''; $oView->use_client_name_disabled = ($aMrCfg['use_client'] == 1) ? '' : ' disabled="disabled"'; // mr lowecase uri $oView->use_lowercase_uri_chk = ($aMrCfg['use_lowercase_uri'] == 1) ? ' checked="checked"' : ''; // mr category/category word separator $oView->category_separator = $aMrCfg['category_seperator']; $oView->category_separator_attrib = ''; $oView->category_word_separator = $aMrCfg['category_word_seperator']; $oView->category_word_separator_attrib = ''; $oView->category_separator_error = ''; $oView->category_word_separator_error = ''; // mr article/article word separator $oView->article_separator = $aMrCfg['article_seperator']; $oView->article_separator_attrib = ''; $oView->article_word_separator = $aMrCfg['article_word_seperator']; $oView->article_word_separator_attrib = ''; $oView->article_separator_error = ''; $oView->article_word_separator_error = ''; // mr file extension $oView->file_extension = $aMrCfg['file_extension']; $oView->file_extension_error = ''; // mr category name resolve percentage $oView->category_resolve_min_percentage = $aMrCfg['category_resolve_min_percentage']; $oView->category_resolve_min_percentage_error = ''; // mr add start article name to url $oView->add_startart_name_to_url_chk = ($aMrCfg['add_startart_name_to_url'] == 1) ? ' checked="checked"' : ''; $oView->add_startart_name_to_url_error = ''; $oView->default_startart_name = $aMrCfg['default_startart_name']; // mr rewrite urls at $oView->rewrite_urls_at_congeneratecode_chk = ($aMrCfg['rewrite_urls_at_congeneratecode'] == 1) ? ' checked="checked"' : ''; $oView->rewrite_urls_at_front_content_output_chk = ($aMrCfg['rewrite_urls_at_front_content_output'] == 1) ? ' checked="checked"' : ''; $oView->content_after = ''; // mr rewrite routing $data = ''; if (is_array($aMrCfg['routing'])) { foreach ($aMrCfg['routing'] as $uri => $route) { $data .= $uri . $routingSeparator . $route . "\n"; } } $oView->rewrite_routing = $data; // mr redirect invalid article $oView->redirect_invalid_article_to_errorsite_chk = ($aMrCfg['redirect_invalid_article_to_errorsite'] == 1) ? ' checked="checked"' : ''; $oView->lng_version = i18n("Version", "cl-mod-rewrite"); $oView->lng_author = i18n("Author", "cl-mod-rewrite"); $oView->lng_mail_to_author = i18n("E-Mail to author", "cl-mod-rewrite"); $oView->lng_pluginpage = i18n("Plugin page", "cl-mod-rewrite"); $oView->lng_visit_pluginpage = i18n("Visit plugin page", "cl-mod-rewrite"); $oView->lng_opens_in_new_window = i18n("opens page in new window", "cl-mod-rewrite"); $oView->lng_contenido_forum = i18n("CONTENIDO forum", "cl-mod-rewrite"); $oView->lng_pluginthread_in_contenido_forum = i18n("Plugin thread in CONTENIDO forum", "cl-mod-rewrite"); $oView->lng_plugin_settings = i18n("Plugin settings", "cl-mod-rewrite"); $oView->lng_note = i18n("Note", "cl-mod-rewrite"); // @todo copy htacccess check into ModRewrite_ContentController->_doChecks() $sMsg = i18n("The .htaccess file could not found either in CONTENIDO installation directory nor in client directory.
It should set up in %sFunctions%s area, if needed.", "cl-mod-rewrite"); $oView->lng_msg_no_htaccess_found = sprintf($sMsg, '', ''); $sMsg = i18n("Found", "cl-mod-rewrite"); $oView->lng_msg_no_emptyaliases_found = sprintf($sMsg, '', ''); $oView->lng_enable_amr = i18n("Enable Advanced Mod Rewrite", "cl-mod-rewrite"); $oView->lng_msg_enable_amr_info = i18n("Disabling of plugin does not result in disabling mod rewrite module of the web server - This means,
all defined rules in the .htaccess are still active and could create unwanted side effects.

Apache mod rewrite could be enabled/disabled by setting the RewriteEngine directive.
Any defined rewrite rules could remain in the .htaccess and they will not processed,
if the mod rewrite module is disabled", "cl-mod-rewrite"); $oView->lng_example = i18n("Example", "cl-mod-rewrite"); $oView->lng_msg_enable_amr_info_example = i18n("# enable apache mod rewrite module\nRewriteEngine on\n\n# disable apache mod rewrite module\nRewriteEngine off", "cl-mod-rewrite"); $oView->lng_rootdir = i18n("Path to .htaccess from DocumentRoot", "cl-mod-rewrite"); $oView->lng_rootdir_info = i18n("Type '/' if the .htaccess file lies inside the wwwroot (DocumentRoot) folder.
Type the path to the subfolder fromm wwwroot, if CONTENIDO is installed in a subfolder within the wwwroot
(e. g. http://domain/mycontenido -> path = '/mycontenido/')", "cl-mod-rewrite"); $oView->lng_checkrootdir = i18n("Check path to .htaccess", "cl-mod-rewrite"); $oView->lng_checkrootdir_info = i18n("The path will be checked, if this option is enabled.
But this could result in an error in some cases, even if the specified path is valid and
clients DocumentRoot differs from CONTENIDO backend DocumentRoot.", "cl-mod-rewrite"); $oView->lng_startfromroot = i18n("Should the name of root category be displayed in the URL?", "cl-mod-rewrite"); $oView->lng_startfromroot_lbl = i18n("Start from root category", "cl-mod-rewrite"); $oView->lng_startfromroot_info = i18n("If enabled, the name of the root category (e. g. 'Mainnavigation' in a CONTENIDO default installation), will be preceded to the URL.", "cl-mod-rewrite"); $oView->lng_use_client = i18n("Are several clients maintained in one directory?", "cl-mod-rewrite"); $oView->lng_use_client_lbl = i18n("Prepend client to the URL", "cl-mod-rewrite"); $oView->lng_use_client_name_lbl = i18n("Use client name instead of the id", "cl-mod-rewrite"); $oView->lng_use_language = i18n("Should the language appear in the URL (required for multi language websites)?", "cl-mod-rewrite"); $oView->lng_use_language_lbl = i18n("Prepend language to the URL", "cl-mod-rewrite"); $oView->lng_use_language_name_lbl = i18n("Use language name instead of the id", "cl-mod-rewrite"); $oView->lng_userdefined_separators_header = i18n("Configure your own separators with following 4 settings
to control generated URLs to your own taste", "cl-mod-rewrite"); $oView->lng_userdefined_separators_example = i18n("www.domain.com/category1-category2.articlename.html\nwww.domain.com/category1/category2-articlename.html\nwww.domain.com/category.name1~category2~articlename.html\nwww.domain.com/category_name1-category2-articlename.foo", "cl-mod-rewrite"); $oView->lng_userdefined_separators_example_a = i18n("Category separator has to be different from category-word separator", "cl-mod-rewrite"); $oView->lng_userdefined_separators_example_a_example = i18n("# Example: Category separator (/) and category-word separator (_)\ncategory_one/category_two/articlename.html", "cl-mod-rewrite"); $oView->lng_userdefined_separators_example_b = i18n("Category separator has to be different from article-word separator", "cl-mod-rewrite"); $oView->lng_userdefined_separators_example_b_example = i18n("# Example: Category separator (/) and article-word separator (-)\ncategory_one/category_two/article-description.html", "cl-mod-rewrite"); $oView->lng_userdefined_separators_example_c = i18n("Category-article separator has to be different from article-word separator", "cl-mod-rewrite"); $oView->lng_userdefined_separators_example_c_example = i18n("# Example: Category-article separator (/) and article-word separator (-)\ncategory_one/category_two/article-description.html", "cl-mod-rewrite"); $oView->lng_category_separator = i18n("Category separator (delemiter between single categories)", "cl-mod-rewrite"); $oView->lng_catart_separator_info = sprintf(i18n("(possible values: %s)", "cl-mod-rewrite"), $aSeparator['info']); $oView->lng_word_separator_info = sprintf(i18n("(possible values: %s)", "cl-mod-rewrite"), $aWordSeparator['info']); $oView->lng_category_word_separator = i18n("Category-word separator (delemiter between category words)", "cl-mod-rewrite"); $oView->lng_article_separator = i18n("Category-article separator (delemiter between category-block and article)", "cl-mod-rewrite"); $oView->lng_article_word_separator = i18n("Article-word separator (delemiter between article words)", "cl-mod-rewrite"); $oView->lng_add_startart_name_to_url = i18n("Append article name to URLs", "cl-mod-rewrite"); $oView->lng_add_startart_name_to_url_lbl = i18n("Append article name always to URLs (even at URLs to categories)", "cl-mod-rewrite"); $oView->lng_default_startart_name = i18n("Default article name without extension", "cl-mod-rewrite"); $oView->lng_default_startart_name_info = i18n("e. g. 'index' for index.ext
In case of selected 'Append article name always to URLs' option and a empty field,
the name of the start article will be used", "cl-mod-rewrite"); $oView->lng_file_extension = i18n("File extension at the end of the URL", "cl-mod-rewrite"); $oView->lng_file_extension_info = i18n("Specification of file extension with a preceded dot
e.g. '.html' for http://host/foo/bar.html", "cl-mod-rewrite"); $oView->lng_file_extension_info2 = i18n("It's strongly recommended to specify a extension here,
if the option 'Append article name always to URLs' was not selected.

Otherwise URLs to categories and articles would have the same format
which may result in unresolvable categories/articles in some cases.", "cl-mod-rewrite"); $oView->lng_file_extension_info3 = i18n("It's necessary to specify a file extension at the moment, due do existing issues, which are not solved until yet. An not defined extension may result in invalid article detection in some cases.", "cl-mod-rewrite"); $oView->lng_use_lowercase_uri = i18n("Should the URLs be written in lower case?", "cl-mod-rewrite"); $oView->lng_use_lowercase_uri_lbl = i18n("URLs in lower case", "cl-mod-rewrite"); $oView->lng_prevent_duplicated_content = i18n("Duplicated content", "cl-mod-rewrite"); $oView->lng_prevent_duplicated_content_lbl = i18n("Prevent duplicated content", "cl-mod-rewrite"); $oView->lng_prevent_duplicated_content_info = i18n("Depending on configuration, pages could be found thru different URLs.
Enabling of this option prevents this. Examples for duplicated content", "cl-mod-rewrite"); $oView->lng_prevent_duplicated_content_info2 = i18n("Name of the root category in the URL: Feasible is /maincategory/subcategory/ and /subcategory/\nLanguage in the URL: Feasible is /german/category/ and /1/category/\nClient in the URL: Feasible is /client/category/ und /1/category/", "cl-mod-rewrite"); $oView->lng_prevent_duplicated_content_info2 = '
  • ' . str_replace("\n", '
  • ', $oView->lng_prevent_duplicated_content_info2) . '
  • '; $oView->lng_category_resolve_min_percentage = i18n("Percentage for similar category paths in URLs", "cl-mod-rewrite"); $oView->lng_category_resolve_min_percentage_info = i18n("This setting refers only to the category path of a URL. If AMR is configured
    to prepend e. g. the root category, language and/or client to the URL,
    the specified percentage will not applied to those parts of the URL.
    An incoming URL will be cleaned from those values and the remaining path (urlpath of the category)
    will be checked against similarities.", "cl-mod-rewrite"); $oView->lng_category_resolve_min_percentage_example = i18n("100 = exact match with no tolerance\n85 = paths with little errors will match to similar ones\n0 = matching will work even for total wrong paths", "cl-mod-rewrite"); $oView->lng_redirect_invalid_article_to_errorsite = i18n("Redirect in case of invalid articles", "cl-mod-rewrite"); $oView->lng_redirect_invalid_article_to_errorsite_lbl = i18n("Redirect to error page in case of invaid articles", "cl-mod-rewrite"); $oView->lng_redirect_invalid_article_to_errorsite_info = i18n("The start page will be displayed if this option is not enabled", "cl-mod-rewrite"); $oView->lng_rewrite_urls_at = i18n("Moment of URL generation", "cl-mod-rewrite"); $oView->lng_rewrite_urls_at_front_content_output_lbl = i18n("a.) During the output of HTML code of the page", "cl-mod-rewrite"); $oView->lng_rewrite_urls_at_front_content_output_info = i18n("Clean-URLs will be generated during page output. Modules/Plugins are able to generate URLs to frontend
    as usual as in previous CONTENIDO versions using a format like 'front_content.php?idcat=1&idart=2'.
    The URLs will be replaced by the plugin to Clean-URLs before sending the HTML output.", "cl-mod-rewrite"); $oView->lng_rewrite_urls_at_front_content_output_info2 = i18n("Differences to variant b.)", "cl-mod-rewrite"); $oView->lng_rewrite_urls_at_front_content_output_info3 = i18n("Still compatible to old modules/plugins, since no changes in codes are required\nAll occurring URLs in HTML code, even those set by wysiwyg, will be switched to Clean-URLs\nAll URLs will usually be collected and converted to Clean-URLs at once.
    Doing it this way reduces the amount of executed database significantly.", "cl-mod-rewrite"); $oView->lng_rewrite_urls_at_front_content_output_info3 = '
  • ' . str_replace("\n", '
  • ', $oView->rewrite_urls_at_front_content_output_info3) . '
  • '; $oView->lng_rewrite_urls_at_congeneratecode_lbl = i18n("b.) In modules or plugins", "cl-mod-rewrite"); $oView->lng_rewrite_urls_at_congeneratecode_info = i18n("By using this option, all Clean-URLs will be generated directly in module or plugins.
    This means, all areas in modules/plugins, who generate internal URLs to categories/articles, have to be adapted manually.
    All Clean-URLs have to be generated by using following function:", "cl-mod-rewrite"); $oView->lng_rewrite_urls_at_congeneratecode_example = i18n("# structure of a normal url\n\$url = 'front_content.php?idart=123&lang=2&client=1';\n\n# creation of a url by using the CONTENIDOs Url-Builder (since 4.8.9),\n# wich expects the parameter as a assoziative array\n\$params = array('idart'=>123, 'lang'=>2, 'client'=>1);\n\$newUrl = Contenido_Url::getInstance()->build(\$params);", "cl-mod-rewrite"); $oView->lng_rewrite_urls_at_congeneratecode_info2 = i18n("Differences to variant a.)", "cl-mod-rewrite"); $oView->lng_rewrite_urls_at_congeneratecode_info3 = i18n("The default way to generate URLs to fronend pages\nEach URL in modules/plugins has to be generated by UriBuilder\nEach generated Clean-Url requires a database query", "cl-mod-rewrite"); $oView->lng_rewrite_urls_at_congeneratecode_info3 = '
  • ' . str_replace("\n", '
  • ', $oView->lng_rewrite_urls_at_congeneratecode_info3) . '
  • '; $oView->lng_rewrite_routing = i18n("Routing", "cl-mod-rewrite"); $oView->lng_rewrite_routing_info = i18n("Routing definitions for incoming URLs", "cl-mod-rewrite"); $oView->lng_rewrite_routing_info2 = i18n("Type one routing definition per line as follows:", "cl-mod-rewrite"); $oView->lng_rewrite_routing_example = i18n("# {incoming_url}>>>{new_url}\n/incoming_url/name.html>>>new_url/new_name.html\n\n# route a specific incoming url to a new page\n/campaign/20_percent_on_everything_except_animal_food.html>>>front_content.php?idcat=23\n\n# route request to wwwroot to a specific page\n/>>>front_content.php?idart=16", "cl-mod-rewrite"); $oView->lng_rewrite_routing_info3 = i18n("The routing does not sends a HTTP header redirection to the destination URL, the redirection will happen internally by
    replacing the detected incoming URL against the new destination URL (overwriting of article- categoryid)\nIncoming URLs can point to non existing resources (category/article), but the desttination URLs should point
    to valid CONTENIDO articles/categories\nDestination URLs should point to real URLs to categories/articles,
    e. g.front_content.php?idcat=23 or front_content.php?idart=34\nThe language id should attached to the URL in multi language sites
    e. g. front_content.php?idcat=23&lang=1\nThe client id should attached to the URL in multi client sites sharing the same folder
    e. g. front_content.php?idcat=23&client=2\nThe destination URL should not start with '/' or './' (wrong: /front_content.php, correct: front_content.php)", "cl-mod-rewrite"); $oView->lng_rewrite_routing_info3 = '
  • ' . str_replace("\n", '
  • ', $oView->lng_rewrite_routing_info3) . '
  • '; $oView->lng_discard_changes = i18n("Discard changes", "cl-mod-rewrite"); $oView->lng_save_changes = i18n("Save changes", "cl-mod-rewrite"); ################################################################################ ##### Action processing if ($action == 'index') { $oMrController->indexAction(); } elseif ($action == 'save') { $oMrController->saveAction(); } elseif ($action == 'reset') { $oMrController->resetAction(); } elseif ($action == 'resetempty') { $oMrController->resetEmptyAction(); } else { $oMrController->indexAction(); } ################################################################################ ##### Output $oMrController->render( $cfg['path']['contenido'] . $cfg['path']['plugins'] . 'cl-mod-rewrite/templates/content.html' );