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* Project:
* Contenido Content Management System
* Description:
* Workflow management class
* Requirements:
* @con_php_req 5.0
* @package Contenido Backend classes
* @version 1.6
* @author Timo Hummel
* @copyright four for business AG <>
* @license
* @link
* @link
* {@internal
* created 2003-07-18
* $Id: class.workflow.php 306 2014-03-13 23:03:26Z oldperl $
* }}
if(!defined('CON_FRAMEWORK')) {
die('Illegal call');
$cfg["tab"]["workflow"] = $cfg['sql']['sqlprefix']."_piwf_workflow";
$cfg["tab"]["workflow_allocation"] = $cfg['sql']['sqlprefix']."_piwf_allocation";
$cfg["tab"]["workflow_art_allocation"] = $cfg['sql']['sqlprefix']."_piwf_art_allocation";
$cfg["tab"]["workflow_items"] = $cfg['sql']['sqlprefix']."_piwf_items";
$cfg["tab"]["workflow_user_sequences"] = $cfg['sql']['sqlprefix']."_piwf_user_sequences";
$cfg["tab"]["workflow_actions"] = $cfg['sql']['sqlprefix']."_piwf_actions";
plugin_include('workflow', 'classes/class.workflowactions.php');
plugin_include('workflow', 'classes/class.workflowallocation.php');
plugin_include('workflow', 'classes/class.workflowartallocation.php');
plugin_include('workflow', 'classes/class.workflowitems.php');
plugin_include('workflow', 'classes/class.workflowusersequence.php');
* Class Workflows
* Class for workflow management
* @author Timo A. Hummel <>
* @version 0.2
* @copyright four for business 2003
class Workflows extends ItemCollection {
* Constructor Function
* @param none
function __construct() {
global $cfg;
parent::__construct($cfg["tab"]["workflow"], "idworkflow");
function create ()
global $auth, $client, $lang;
$newitem = parent::createNewItem();
$newitem->setField("created", date("Y-m-d H-i-s"));
$newitem->setField("idauthor", $auth->auth["uid"]);
$newitem->setField("idclient", $client);
$newitem->setField("idlang", $lang);
return ($newitem);
* Deletes all corresponding informations to this workflow and delegate call to parent
* @param integer $idWorkflow - id of workflow to delete
function delete($idWorkflow) {
global $cfg;
$oDb = new DB_ConLite();
$aItemIdsDelete = array();
$sSql = 'SELECT idworkflowitem FROM '.$cfg["tab"]["workflow_items"].' WHERE idworkflow = '. Contenido_Security::toInteger($idWorkflow) .';';
while ($oDb->next_record()) {
array_push($aItemIdsDelete, Contenido_Security::escapeDB($oDb->f('idworkflowitem'), $oDb));
$aUserSequencesDelete = array();
$sSql = 'SELECT idusersequence FROM '.$cfg["tab"]["workflow_user_sequences"].' WHERE idworkflowitem in ('.implode(',', $aItemIdsDelete).');';
while ($oDb->next_record()) {
array_push($aUserSequencesDelete, Contenido_Security::escapeDB($oDb->f('idusersequence'), $oDb));
$sSql = 'DELETE FROM '.$cfg["tab"]["workflow_user_sequences"].' WHERE idworkflowitem in ('.implode(',', $aItemIdsDelete).');';
$sSql = 'DELETE FROM '.$cfg["tab"]["workflow_actions"].' WHERE idworkflowitem in ('.implode(',', $aItemIdsDelete).');';
$sSql = 'DELETE FROM '.$cfg["tab"]["workflow_items"].' WHERE idworkflow = '.Contenido_Security::toInteger($idWorkflow).';';
$sSql = 'DELETE FROM '.$cfg["tab"]["workflow_allocation"].' WHERE idworkflow = '.Contenido_Security::toInteger($idWorkflow).';';
$sSql = 'DELETE FROM '.$cfg["tab"]["workflow_art_allocation"].' WHERE idusersequence in ('.implode(',', $aUserSequencesDelete).');';
* Class Workflow
* Class for a single workflow item
* @author Timo A. Hummel <>
* @version 0.1
* @copyright four for business 2003
class Workflow extends Item {
* Constructor
* @global array $cfg
function __construct() {
global $cfg;
parent::__construct($cfg["tab"]["workflow"], "idworkflow");
/* Helper functions */
function getWorkflowForCat ($idcat)
global $lang, $cfg;
$idcatlang = getCatLang($idcat, $lang);
$workflows = new WorkflowAllocations;
$workflows->select("idcatlang = '$idcatlang'");
if ($obj = $workflows->next())
/* Sanity: Check if the workflow still exists */
$workflow = new Workflow;
$res = $workflow->loadByPrimaryKey($obj->get("idworkflow"));
if ($res == false)
return 0;
} else {
return $obj->get("idworkflow");
function getCatLang ($idcat, $idlang)
global $lang, $cfg;
$db = new DB_ConLite;
/* Get the idcatlang */
$sql = "SELECT idcatlang FROM "
" WHERE idlang = '". Contenido_Security::escapeDB($idlang, $db)."' AND
idcat = '".Contenido_Security::escapeDB($idcat, $db)."'";
if ($db->next_record())
return ($db->f("idcatlang"));