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if(!defined('CON_FRAMEWORK')) {
die('Illegal call');
class pimExeption extends Exception {
protected $_log_exception = true;
protected $_logger = NULL;
public function __construct($message, $code = 0, Exception $previous = NULL) {
parent::__construct($message, $code, $previous);
// create a logger class and save it for all logging purposes
$writer = cLogWriter::factory("File", array(
'destination' => cRegistry::getConfigValue('path', 'data')
. 'logs/exception.log'
$this->_logger = new cLog($writer);
// determine if exception should be logged
if (false === $this->_log_exception
&& !is_null(cRegistry::getConfigValue('debug', 'log_exeptions'))) {
$this->_log_exception = cRegistry::getConfigValue('debug', 'log_exeptions');
// log the exception if it should be logged
if (true === $this->_log_exception) {
public function log() {
// construct the log message with all infos and write it via the logger
$logMessage = get_class($this) . ' thrown at line ' . $this->getLine() . ' of file ' . $this->getFile() . ".\r\n";
$logMessage .= 'Exception message: ' . $this->getMessage() . "\r\n";
$logMessage .= "Call stack:\r\n";
$logMessage .= $this->getTraceAsString();
$logMessage .= "\r\n";
class pimXmlStructureException extends pimExeption {