2022-05-17 15:57:15 +02:00

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7,9 KiB

* Project:
* Contenido Content Management System
* Description:
* Edit form for layout
* @package Contenido Backend includes
* @version $Rev$
* @author Olaf Niemann
* @author Ortwin Pinke
* @copyright four for business AG <>
* @license
* @link
* @link
* @since file available since contenido release <= 4.6
* $Id$:
if (!defined('CON_FRAMEWORK')) {
die('Illegal call');
cInclude("external", "edit_area/class.edit_area.php");
if (!isset($idlay))
$idlay = 0;
$page = new cPage;
$layout = new cApiLayout();
if ($idlay != 0) {
if ($action == "lay_new") {
if (!$perm->have_perm_area_action_anyitem($area, $action)) {
$notification->displayNotification("error", i18n("Permission denied"));
} else {
$layouts = new cApiLayoutCollection;
$layout = $layouts->create(i18n("-- New Layout --"));
} elseif ($action == "lay_delete") {
if (!$perm->have_perm_area_action_anyitem($area, $action)) {
$notification->displayNotification("error", i18n("Permission denied"));
} else {
$errno = layDeleteLayout($idlay);
$layout->virgin = true;
$sMsg = $notification->returnNotification("info", i18n("Layout deleted"));
if ($refreshtemplates != "") {
/* Update all templates for containers with mode fixed and mandatory */
$sql = "SELECT idtpl FROM " . $cfg["tab"]["tpl"] . " WHERE idlay = '" . Contenido_Security::toInteger($idlay) . "'";
$fillTemplates = array();
while ($db->next_record()) {
$fillTemplates[] = $db->f("idtpl");
foreach ($fillTemplates as $fillTemplate) {
if (!$layout->virgin) {
$msg = "";
$idlay = $layout->get("idlay");
$code = $layout->getLayout();
$name = $layout->get("name");
$description = $layout->get("description");
/* Search for duplicate containers */
$ret = tplBrowseLayoutForContainers($idlay);
if (strlen($ret) != 0) {
$containers = explode("&", $ret);
$types = array();
foreach ($containers as $value) {
if ($value != "") {
$container[$value] = 0;
/* Search for old-style CMS_CONTAINER[x] */
$container[$value] += substr_count($code, "CMS_CONTAINER[$value]");
/* Search for the new-style containers */
$count = preg_match_all("/<container( +)id=\\\\\"$value\\\\\"(.*)>(.*)<\/container>/i", addslashes($code), $matches);
$container[$value] += $count;
if (is_array(tplGetContainerTypes($idlay, $value))) {
$types = array_merge($types, tplGetContainerTypes($idlay, $value));
$types = array_unique($types);
if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '7.4.0', '>=')) {
$layout->setProperty("layout", "used-types", implode(";", $types));
} else {
$layout->setProperty("layout", "used-types", implode($types, ";"));
$msg = "";
foreach ($container as $key => $value) {
if ($value > 1) {
$msg .= sprintf(i18n("Container %s was defined %s times"), $key, $value) . "<br>";
/* Try to validate html */
if (getEffectiveSetting("layout", "htmlvalidator", "true") == "true" && $code !== "") {
$v = new cHTMLValidator;
if (!$v->tagExists("body") && !$v->tagExists("BODY")) {
$msg .= sprintf(i18n("The body tag does not exist in the layout. This is a requirement for the in-site editing."));
$msg .= "<br>";
if (!$v->tagExists("head") && !$v->tagExists("HEAD")) {
$msg .= sprintf(i18n("The head tag does not exist in the layout. This is a requirement for the in-site editing."));
$msg .= "<br>";
foreach ($v->missingNodes as $value) {
$idqualifier = "";
$attr = array();
if ($value["name"] != "") {
$attr["name"] = "name '" . $value["name"] . "'";
if ($value["id"] != "") {
$attr["id"] = "id '" . $value["id"] . "'";
$idqualifier = implode(", ", $attr);
if ($idqualifier != "") {
$idqualifier = "($idqualifier)";
$msg .= sprintf(i18n("Tag '%s' %s has no end tag (start tag is on line %s char %s)"), $value["tag"], $idqualifier, $value["line"], $value["char"]);
$msg .= "<br>";
if ($msg != "") {
$notification->displayNotification("warning", $msg);
$form = new UI_Table_Form("module");
$form->addHeader(i18n("Edit Layout"));
$form->setVar("area", $area);
$form->setVar("action", "lay_edit");
$form->setVar("frame", $frame);
$form->setVar("idlay", $idlay);
$tb_name = new cHTMLTextbox("layname", $name, 60);
$ta_description = new cHTMLTextarea("description", $description, 100, 10);
$ta_description->setStyle("font-family: monospace;width: 100%;");
$ta_description->updateAttributes(array("wrap" => "off"));
$ta_code = new cHTMLTextarea("code", clHtmlSpecialChars($code), 100, 20, 'code');
$ta_code->setStyle("font-family: monospace;width: 100%;");
$ta_code->updateAttributes(array("wrap" => "off"));
$cb_refresh = new cHTMLCheckbox("refreshtemplates", i18n("On save, apply default modules to new containers"));
$form->add(i18n("Name"), $tb_name);
$form->add(i18n("Description"), $ta_description);
$form->add(i18n("Code"), $ta_code);
$form->add(i18n("Options"), $cb_refresh);
# Set static pointers
$tpl->set('s', 'ACTION', $sess->url("main.php?area=$area&frame=$frame&action=lay_edit"));
$tpl->set('s', 'IDLAY', $idlay);
$tpl->set('s', 'DESCR', $description);
$tpl->set('s', 'CLASS', 'code_sfullwidth');
$tpl->set('s', 'NAME', clHtmlSpecialChars($name));
# Set dynamic pointers
$tpl->set('d', 'CAPTION', i18n("Code") . ':');
$tpl->set('d', 'VALUE', clHtmlSpecialChars($code));
$tpl->set('d', 'CLASS', 'code_fullwidth');
$tpl->set('d', 'NAME', 'code');
$oEditArea = new EditArea('code', 'html', substr(strtolower($belang), 0, 2), true, $cfg);
$page->addScript('editarea', $oEditArea->renderScript());
$sScript = '<script type="text/javascript">
if (document.getElementById(\'scroll\')) {
document.getElementById(\'scroll\').onmousedown = resizer.triggerClickOn;
document.getElementById(\'scroll\').onmouseup = resizer.triggerClickOff;
$page->setContent($form->render() . $sScript);
$page->setSubnav("idlay=$idlay", "lay");
} else {
$page->setSubnav(" ", "lay");
if (stripslashes($_REQUEST['idlay'])) {
$sReloadScript = "<script type=\"text/javascript\">
var left_bottom = parent.parent.frames['left'].frames['left_bottom'];
if (left_bottom) {
var href = left_bottom.location.href;
href = href.replace(/&idlay[^&]*/, '');
left_bottom.location.href = href+'&idlay='+'" . $_REQUEST['idlay'] . "';
} else {
$sReloadScript = "";
$page->addScript('reload', $sReloadScript);