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* Project:
* Contenido Content Management System
* Description:
* Sample for using a Debug object
* Debug objects here are made for simple (!) debugging purposes.
* Instead of writing echo '<pre>'.print_r($mMyVar, true).'</pre>';
* you can now write $oDbg->show($mMyVar);
* and get a formatted, readable representation of the passed variable.
* There are Objects to display the contents of a variable
* to screen, to html comments and to a file.
* When using Debug_File, there will be a debug.log created in /contenido/logs/
* Using the Factory you can simply change the type of debugger by passing the type to load.
* By using "devnull" you can keep your debug code while in production systems and turn it on again by changing to "file" or "hidden" if needed.
* Requirements:
* @con_php_req 5.0
* @package Contenido Backend classes
* @version 1.0.0
* @author Rudi Bieller
* @copyright four for business AG <>
* @license
* @link
* @link
* {@internal
* created 2008-02-19
* modified 2008-05-23 Added Debug_DevNull and Debug_VisibleAdv
* $Id$:
* }}
if(!defined('CON_FRAMEWORK')) {
die('Illegal call');
$oMyObj = new stdClass();
$oMyObj->sTest = 'some property value';
$oMyObj->aTest = array('item1', 'item2');
$aMyArray = array('somekey' => 'somevalue');
$iMyInt = 5;
$fMyFloat = 5.12;
$sMyString = 'my string looks like this';
// print debug info to screen
$oDbgVisible = DebuggerFactory::getDebugger('visible');
$oDbgVisible->show($oMyObj, 'some comments if needed');
$oDbgVisible->show($aMyArray, 'some comments if needed');
$oDbgVisible->show($fMyFloat, 'some comments if needed');
// print debug info to screen inside a box that can be toggled and does not crash your layout
$oDbgVisibleAdv = DebuggerFactory::getDebugger('visible_adv');
$oDbgVisibleAdv->add($oMyObj, 'some comments if needed');
$oDbgVisibleAdv->add($aMyArray, 'some comments if needed');
$oDbgVisibleAdv->add($fMyFloat, 'some comments if needed');
$oDbgVisibleAdv->showAll(); // prints out a small html box at left top of page
$oDbgVisibleAdv->show($fMyFloat, 'some comments if needed'); // also possible here
// print debug info to screen in html comments
$oDbgHidden = DebuggerFactory::getDebugger('hidden');
$oDbgHidden->show($oMyObj, 'some comments if needed');
$oDbgHidden->show($aMyArray, 'some comments if needed');
$oDbgHidden->show($fMyFloat, 'some comments if needed');
// print debug info to a logfile
$oDbgFile = DebuggerFactory::getDebugger('file');
$oDbgFile->show($oMyObj, 'some comments if needed');
$oDbgFile->show($aMyArray, 'some comments if needed');
$oDbgFile->show($fMyFloat, 'some comments if needed');
// send debug info to dev/null
$oDbgDevnull = DebuggerFactory::getDebugger('devnull');
$oDbgDevnull->show($oMyObj, 'some comments if needed');
$oDbgDevnull->show($aMyArray, 'some comments if needed');
$oDbgDevnull->show($fMyFloat, 'some comments if needed');