
8 Zeilen
33 KiB

INSERT INTO !PREFIX!_mod VALUES('1', '1', 'CL Main Navi', 'Navigation', 'none', '', '0', '?><?php\n\n?><?php', '<?php\r\n\r\n/**\r\n * Modul-Output: ConLite Main Navigation\r\n * \r\n * @package ConLite\r\n * @subpackage Module\r\n * @version $Rev$\r\n * @author Ortwin Pinke <>\r\n * @license GPL v3\r\n * @link ConLite Portal\r\n * \r\n * \r\n * $Id$\r\n */\r\ndefined("CON_FRAMEWORK") || die(''Illegal call: Missing framework initialization - request aborted.'');\r\n$oTpl = new Template();\r\n$oTpl->reset();\r\ncInclude(''frontend'', ''includes/Util/Modules/Contenido_NavMain_Util.class.php'');\r\n\r\n$iStartIdcat = getEffectiveSetting(''navigation'', ''idcat-home'', 1);\r\n$iSelectedDepth = getEffectiveSetting(''navigation'', ''level-depth'', 3);\r\n$bWithFeLogin = boolval(getEffectiveSetting(''navigation'', ''with-fe-login'', FALSE));\r\n\r\nfunction clBuildNavArray(Contenido_FrontendNavigation &$oNav, $iStartIdcat) {\r\n $aNavArray = array();\r\n $aCategories = $oNav->getSubCategories($iStartIdcat, false, true, 1);\r\n $oCatLangCol = new cApiCategoryLanguageCollection();\r\n\r\n if (count($aCategories) > 0) {\r\n $i = 0;\r\n foreach ($aCategories as $iCategory) {\r\n $oNav->setRootCat($iCategory);\r\n $aNavArray[$i][''idcat''] = $iCategory;\r\n // get catname\r\n /* @var $oCatLang cApiCategoryLanguage */\r\n $oCatLangCol->setWhere(''idcat'', $iCategory);\r\n $oCatLangCol->setWhere(''idlang'', cRegistry::getLanguageId());\r\n $oCatLangCol->query();\r\n $oCatLang = $oCatLangCol->next();\r\n //print_r($oCatLang);\r\n if ($oCatLang->isLoaded()) {\r\n $aNavArray[$i][''name''] = $oCatLang->getField(''name'');\r\n $aNavArray[$i][''urlname''] = $oCatLang->getField(''urlname'');\r\n }\r\n\r\n $aNavArray[$i][''subnav''] = clBuildNavArray($oNav, $iCategory);\r\n $i++;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n unset($oCatLangCol);\r\n return $aNavArray;\r\n}\r\n\r\nfunction clBuildNavList($aNavArray, $aBreadcrumb, $iLevel = 0) {\r\n global $auth, $bWithFeLogin;\r\n $sNavList = '''';\r\n if (is_array($aNavArray) && !empty($aNavArray)) {\r\n if ($iLevel == 0) {\r\n $sNavList .= ''<ul class="srt-menu" id="menu-main-navigation">'';\r\n } else {\r\n $sNavList .= ''<ul>'';\r\n }\r\n foreach ($aNavArray as $aNavEntry) {\r\n if (in_array($aNavEntry[''idcat''], $aBreadcrumb)) {\r\n $sNavList .= ''<li class="current">'';\r\n } else {\r\n $sNavList .= ''<li>'';\r\n }\r\n $sNavList .= ''<a href="#">'' . $aNavEntry[''name''] . ''</a>'';\r\n if (!empty($aNavEntry[''subnav''])) {\r\n $sNavList .= clBuildNavList($aNavEntry[''subnav''], $aBreadcrumb, $iLevel + 1);\r\n }\r\n $sNavList .= ''</li>'';\r\n }\r\n // add user login\r\n if ($iLevel == 0 && $bWithFeLogin) {\r\n $sLoginForm = "";\r\n $oTpl = new Template();\r\n if ($auth->auth["uid"] == "nobody") {\r\n $sTargetIdcat = getEffectiveSetting(''login'', ''idcat'', cRegistry::getCategoryId());\r\n $sTargetIdart = getEffectiveSetting(''login'', ''idart'', cRegistry::getArticleId());\r\n $sFormAction = ''front_content.php?idcat='' . $sTargetIdcat . ''&amp;idart='' . $sTargetIdart;\r\n\r\n $oTpl->set(''s'', ''headline'', mi18n("Geschlossener Bereich Login"));\r\n $oTpl->set(''s'', ''form_action'', $sFormAction);\r\n $oTpl->set(''s'', ''label_name'', mi18n("user"));\r\n $oTpl->set(''s'', ''label_pass'', mi18n("pass"));\r\n $oTpl->set(''s'', ''label_login'', mi18n("send"));\r\n $sLoginForm .= $oTpl->generate(''cl_login_form.html'', TRUE);\r\n } else {\r\n \r\n }\r\n\r\n $sNavList .= ''<li>'' . $sLoginForm . ''</li>'';\r\n }\r\n $sNavList .= ''</ul>'';\r\n }\r\n\r\n\r\n return $sNavList;\r\n}\r\n\r\nif ($iStartIdcat > 0) {\r\n $oFeNavBreadcrumb = new Contenido_FrontendNavigation_Breadcrumb(\r\n cRegistry::getDb()\r\n , cRegistry::getConfig()\r\n , cRegistry::getClientId()\r\n , cRegistry::getLanguageId()\r\n , cRegistry::getClientConfig()\r\n );\r\n\r\n $aBreadcrumb = $oFeNavBreadcrumb->getAsArray(cRegistry::getCategoryId(), $iStartIdcat);\r\n\r\n $oFeNav = new Contenido_FrontendNavigation(\r\n cRegistry::getDb(),\r\n cRegistry::getConfig(),\r\n cRegistry::getClientId(),\r\n cRegistry::getLanguageId(),\r\n cRegistry::getClientConfig()\r\n );\r\n $oFeNav->setAuth($auth);\r\n $oFeNav->setRootCat($iStartIdcat);\r\n\r\n $aNavArray = clBuildNavArray($oFeNav, $iStartIdcat);\r\n\r\n echo ''<div class="menu-toggle">MENU</div>'';\r\n echo clBuildNavList($aNavArray, $aBreadcrumb);\r\n} else {\r\n if(cRegistry::isBackendEditMode()) {\r\n echo ''<p>Navigation not configured correctly.</p>'';\r\n }\r\n}\r\n?>', '', '0', '', '', '48a365b4ce1e322a55ae9017f3daf0c0', '2015-06-22 14:35:54', '2017-08-11 12:41:45');
INSERT INTO !PREFIX!_mod VALUES('4', '1', 'CL Flex Slider', 'media', 'none', '', '0', ' ?><?php\n cInclude("frontend", "includes/class.input.helper.php");\n \n $aModCfg = array(\n ''folder'' => "CMS_VALUE[0]",\n \n );\n \n $aCfgClient = cRegistry::getClientConfig(cRegistry::getClientId());\n $path = realpath($aCfgClient[''upl''][''path'']);\n $aFolders = array();\n $aFolders[] = mi18n("-- Select Folder --");\n $objects = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($path), RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST);\n foreach($objects as $name=>$object) {\n if(is_dir($name)) {\n if(in_array(basename($name), array(''.'',''..''))) {\n continue;\n }\n $folder = str_replace($path.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, "", $name);\n $aFolders[$folder] = $folder;\n }\n }\n asort($aFolders);\n //print_r($aFolders);\n \n $oFolderSelect = new cHTMLSelectElement("CMS_VAR[0]");\n $oFolderSelect->autoFill($aFolders);\n $oFolderSelect->setDefault($aModCfg[''folder'']);\n \n $oCfgTable = new UI_Config_Table();\n \n $oCfgTable->setCell(0, 0, mi18n("Select Image Folder"));\n $oCfgTable->setCell(0, 1, $oFolderSelect->render());\n \n $oCfgTable->render(true);\n ?><?php', '<?php\n$aOptionsSet = array(\n ''folder'' => "CMS_VALUE[0]",\n ''show_caption'' => "CMS_VALUE[10]",\n ''img_width'' => "CMS_VALUE[20]",\n ''img_height'' => "CMS_VALUE[21]",\n ''thumb_width'' => "CMS_VALUE[30]",\n ''thumb_height'' => "CMS_VALUE[31]",\n);\n\n$aOptionsSet[''show_caption''] = ($aOptionsSet[''show_caption''] == ''true'')?TRUE:FALSE;\n\n$aDefaultArray = array( \n ''img_width'' => "500",\n ''img_height'' => "300",\n ''img_quality''=> 30,\n ''thumb_width'' => "50",\n ''thumb_height'' => "50",\n);\n\n$aModCfg = array_merge($aOptionsSet, $aDefaultArray);\n\nif (!empty($aModCfg[''folder''])) {\n $oUplColl = new cApiUploadCollection();\n $oUplColl->setWhere(''dirname'', $aModCfg[''folder''], ''like'');\n $oUplColl->link(''cApiUploadMetaCollection'');\n $oUplColl->query();\n\n $aItems = array();\n /* @var $oUpl cApiUpload */\n while ($oUpl = $oUplColl->next()) {\n $aItems[] = $oUpl->toArray();\n }\n\n $oTpl = new Template();\n\n if (count($aItems) > 0) {\n $aClientCfg = cRegistry::getClientConfig(cRegistry::getClientId());\n\n foreach ($aItems as $iKey => $aItem) {\n $sOrgImgPath = $aClientCfg[''upl''][''frontendpath''] . $aItem[''dirname''] . $aItem[''filename''];\n if (file_exists($sOrgImgPath)) {\n // generate thumb\n $sThumbPath = capiImgScale($sOrgImgPath, $aModCfg[''thumb_width''], $aModCfg[''thumb_height'']);\n // generate scaled image with heigh quality\n $sImgPath = capiImgScale($sOrgImgPath, $aModCfg[''img_width''], $aModCfg[''img_height''], NULL, NULL, 0, TRUE, $aModCfg[''img_quality'']);\n\n $oTpl->set(''d'', ''IMG_THUMB'', $sThumbPath);\n $oTpl->set(''d'', ''IMG'', $sImgPath);\n if($aOptionsSet[''show_caption'']) {\n $oTpl->set(''d'', ''IMG_CAPTION'', $aItem[''description'']);\n } else {\n $oTpl->set(''d'', ''IMG_CAPTION'', '''');\n }\n $oTpl->next();\n }\n }\n $oTpl->generate("cl_flex_slider.html");\n }\n/*\n echo ''<pre>'';\n print_r($aModCfg);\n print_r($aItems);\n print_r($aClientCfg);\n echo ''</pre>'';\n * \n */\n}\n?>', '', '0', '', '', '48a365b4ce1e322a55ae9017f3daf0c0', '2016-05-23 14:42:01', '2017-08-11 12:41:45');
INSERT INTO !PREFIX!_mod VALUES('5', '1', 'CL Portal Buttons', 'navigation', 'none', '', '0', '?><?php\n\n?><?php', '<?php\n$aButtons = array(\n ''forum'' => array(\n ''href'' => '''',\n ''label''=> mi18n("CL-User-Forum")\n ),\n ''faq'' => array(\n ''href'' => '''',\n ''label''=> mi18n("CL-FAQ")\n ),\n ''bugtracker'' => array(\n ''href'' => '''',\n ''label''=> mi18n("CL-Bugtracker")\n )\n);\n\n$oLink = new cHTMLLink();\n$oLink->setClass("buttonlink");\n\nforeach($aButtons as $aButton) {\n $oLink->setAttribute(''title'', mi18n("to")." ".$aButton[''label'']);\n $oLink->setLink($aButton[''href'']);\n $oLink->setContent($aButton[''label'']);\n echo $oLink->render();\n $oLink->advanceID();\n}\nunset($oLink);\n?>', '', '0', '', '', '48a365b4ce1e322a55ae9017f3daf0c0', '2016-05-23 14:55:40', '2017-08-11 12:41:45');
INSERT INTO !PREFIX!_mod VALUES('6', '1', 'CL Headline', 'content', 'none', '', '0', '?><?php\n\n?><?php', '<?php\n/**\n * Modul-Output: ConLite Headline\n * \n * @package ConLite\n * @subpackage Module\n * @version $Rev$\n * @author Ortwin Pinke <>\n * @license GPL v3\n * @link ConLite Portal\n * \n * \n * $Id$\n */\nif (!isset($oTpl) || !is_object($oTpl)) {\n $oTpl = new Template();\n}\n\n$sText = "CMS_HTMLHEAD[1]";\n$sTemplate = "headline_h1.html";\n\n$oTpl->reset();\nif (cRegistry::isBackendEditMode()) {\n $oTpl->set(''s'', ''HEADLINE'', $sText);\n $oTpl->generate($sTemplate);\n} else {\n if(!empty($sText)) {\n $oTpl->set(''s'', ''HEADLINE'', strip_tags($sText));\n $oTpl->generate($sTemplate);\n }\n}\n?>', '', '0', '', '', '48a365b4ce1e322a55ae9017f3daf0c0', '2016-05-23 15:01:13', '2017-08-11 12:41:45');
INSERT INTO !PREFIX!_mod VALUES('7', '1', 'CL Subheadline', 'content', 'none', '', '0', '?><?php\n\n?><?php', '<?php\n/**\n * Modul-Output: ConLite SubHeadline\n * \n * @package ConLite\n * @subpackage Module\n * @version $Rev$\n * @author Ortwin Pinke <>\n * @license GPL v3\n * @link ConLite Portal\n * \n * \n * $Id$\n */\nif (!isset($oTpl) || !is_object($oTpl)) {\n $oTpl = new Template();\n}\n\n$sText = "CMS_HTMLHEAD[2]";\n$sTemplate = "subheadline_h2.html";\n\n$oTpl->reset();\nif (cRegistry::isBackendEditMode()) {\n $oTpl->set(''s'', ''SUBHEADLINE'', $sText);\n $oTpl->generate($sTemplate);\n} else {\n if(!empty($sText)) {\n $oTpl->set(''s'', ''SUBHEADLINE'', strip_tags($sText));\n $oTpl->generate($sTemplate);\n }\n}\n?>', '', '0', '', '', '48a365b4ce1e322a55ae9017f3daf0c0', '2016-05-23 15:01:51', '2017-08-11 12:41:45');
INSERT INTO !PREFIX!_mod VALUES('11', '1', 'CL HTML Text', 'content', 'none', '', '0', '?><?php\n\n?><?php', '<?php\n/**\n * Modul-Output: ConLite Text\n * \n * @package ConLite\n * @subpackage Module\n * @version $Rev$\n * @author Ortwin Pinke <>\n * @license GPL v3\n * @link ConLite Portal\n * \n * \n * $Id$\n */\nif (!isset($oTpl) || !is_object($oTpl)) {\n $oTpl = new Template();\n}\n\n$oTpl->reset();\n$oTpl->set(''s'', ''text'', "CMS_HTML[1]");\n$oTpl->generate(''text_html.html'');\n?>', '', '0', '', '', '48a365b4ce1e322a55ae9017f3daf0c0', '2016-05-23 15:29:56', '2017-08-11 12:41:45');
INSERT INTO !PREFIX!_mod VALUES('12', '1', 'CL Cookie Directive', 'navigation', 'none', '', '0', '?><?php\n\n?><?php', '<?php\n/**\n * Modul-Output: ConLite Cookie Directive\n * \n * @package ConLite\n * @subpackage Module\n * @version $Rev$\n * @author Ortwin Pinke <>\n * @license GPL v3\n * @link ConLite Portal\n * \n * \n * $Id$\n */\n\ndefined("CON_FRAMEWORK") || die(''Illegal call: Missing framework initialization - request aborted.'');\n\n$aCfgMod = array(\n ''debug'' => FALSE\n);\n\n$aCookieOpt = array(\n ''explicitConsent'' => ''false'',\n ''position'' => ''top'',\n ''message'' => mi18n("This site uses cookies. Some of the cookies we use are essential for parts of the site to operate and have already been set."),\n ''message'' => mi18n("We have placed cookies on your computer to help make this website better."),\n// Messages\n ''multipleCookieScriptBeginningLabel'' => mi18n("We use"),\n ''and'' => '' ''.mi18n("and").'' '',\n ''multipleCookieScriptEndLabel'' => '' ''.mi18n("scripts, which all set cookies.").'' '',\n ''singleCookieScriptBeginningLabel'' => ''!!! ''.mi18n("We use a").'' '',\n ''singleCookieScriptEndLabel'' => '' ''.mi18n("script which sets cookies."),\n ''explicitCookieDeletionWarning'' => mi18n("You may delete and block all cookies from this site, but parts of the site will not work."),\n ''explicitFindOutMore'' => mi18n("To find out more about cookies on this website, see our"),\n ''privacyPolicyLinkText'' => '' ''.mi18n("privacy policy"),\n ''explicitCheckboxLabel'' => mi18n("You must tick the \\"I accept cookies from this site\\" box to accept"),\n ''explicitCookieAcceptanceLabel'' => mi18n("I accept cookies from this site"),\n ''explicitCookieAcceptButtonText'' => mi18n("Continue"),\n ''impliedDisclosureText'' => '' ''.mi18n("More details can be found in our"),\n ''impliedSubmitText'' => mi18n("Do not show this message again")\n);\n?>\n<script type="text/javascript">\n window.onload = function () {\n console.log($.fn.jquery);\n\n /* Cookies Directive - The rewrite. Now a jQuery plugin\n * Version: 2.0.1\n * Author: Ollie Phillips\n * 24 October 2013\n */\n\n ;\n (function ($) {\n $.cookiesDirective = function (options) {\n\n // Default Cookies Directive Settings\n var settings = $.extend({\n //Options\n explicitConsent: true,\n position: ''top'',\n duration: 10,\n limit: 0,\n message: null,\n cookieScripts: null,\n privacyPolicyUri: ''privacy.html'',\n inlineAction: false,\n scriptWrapper: function () {},\n // Styling\n fontFamily: ''helvetica'',\n fontColor: ''#FFFFFF'',\n fontSize: ''13px'',\n backgroundColor: ''#000000'',\n backgroundOpacity: ''80'',\n linkColor: ''#CA0000'',\n // Messages\n multipleCookieScriptBeginningLabel: '' We use '',\n and: '' and '',\n multipleCookieScriptEndLabel: '' scripts, which all set cookies. '',\n singleCookieScriptBeginningLabel: '' We use a '',\n singleCookieScriptEndLabel: '' script which sets cookies.'',\n explicitCookieDeletionWarning: ''You may delete and block all cookies from this site, but parts of the site will not work.'',\n explicitFindOutMore: ''To find out more about cookies on this website, see our'',\n privacyPolicyLinkText: '' privacy policy'',\n explicitCheckboxLabel: ''You must tick the "I accept cookies from this site" box to accept'',\n explicitCookieAcceptanceLabel: ''I accept cookies from this site'',\n explicitCookieAcceptButtonText: ''Continue'',\n impliedDisclosureText: '' More details can be found in our'',\n impliedSubmitText: ''Do not show this message again''\n }, options);\n\n // Perform consent checks\n if (!getCookie(''cookiesDirective'')) {\n if (settings.limit > 0) {\n // Display limit in force, record the view\n if (!getCookie(''cookiesDisclosureCount'')) {\n setCookie(''cookiesDisclosureCount'', 1, 1);\n } else {\n var disclosureCount = getCookie(''cookiesDisclosureCount'');\n disclosureCount++;\n setCookie(''cookiesDisclosureCount'', disclosureCount, 1);\n }\n\n // Have we reached the display limit, if not make disclosure\n if (settings.limit >= getCookie(''cookiesDisclosureCount'')) {\n disclosure(settings);\n }\n } else {\n // No display limit\n disclosure(settings);\n }\n\n // If we don''t require explicit consent, load up our script wrapping function\n if (!settings.explicitConsent) {\n;\n }\n } else {\n // Cookies accepted, load script wrapping function\n;\n }\n };\n\n // Used to load external javascript files into the DOM\n $.cookiesDirective.loadScript = function (options) {\n var settings = $.extend({\n uri: '''',\n appendTo: ''body''\n }, options);\n\n var elementId = String(settings.appendTo);\n var sA = document.createElement("script");\n sA.src = settings.uri;\n sA.type = "text/javascript";\n sA.onload = sA.onreadystatechange = function () {\n if ((!sA.readyState || sA.readyState == "loaded" || sA.readyState == "complete")) {\n return;\n }\n }\n switch (settings.appendTo) {\n case ''head'':\n $(''head'').append(sA);\n break;\n case ''body'':\n $(''body'').append(sA);\n break;\n default:\n $(''#'' + elementId).append(sA);\n }\n }\n\n // Helper scripts\n // Get cookie\n var getCookie = function (name) {\n var nameEQ = name + "=";\n var ca = document.cookie.split('';'');\n for (var i = 0; i < ca.length; i++) {\n var c = ca[i];\n while (c.charAt(0) == '' '')\n c = c.substring(1, c.length);\n if (c.indexOf(nameEQ) == 0)\n return c.substring(nameEQ.length, c.length);\n }\n return null;\n }\n\n // Set cookie\n var setCookie = function (name, value, days) {\n if (days) {\n var date = new Date();\n date.setTime(date.getTime() + (days * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000));\n var expires = "; expires=" + date.toGMTString();\n } else\n var expires = "";\n document.cookie = name + "=" + value + expires + "; path=/";\n }\n\n // Detect IE < 9\n var checkIE = function () {\n var version;\n if (navigator.appName == ''Microsoft Internet Explorer'') {\n var ua = navigator.userAgent;\n var re = new RegExp("MSIE ([0-9]{1,}[\\.0-9]{0,})");\n if (re.exec(ua) != null) {\n version = parseFloat(RegExp.$1);\n }\n if (version <= 8.0) {\n return true;\n } else {\n if (version == 9.0) {\n if (document.compatMode == "BackCompat") {\n // IE9 in quirks mode won''t run the script properly, set to emulate IE8 \n var mA = document.createElement("meta");\n mA.content = "IE=EmulateIE8";\n document.getElementsByTagName(''head'')[0].appendChild(mA);\n return true;\n } else {\n return false;\n }\n }\n return false;\n }\n } else {\n return false;\n }\n }\n\n // Disclosure routines\n var disclosure = function (options) {\n var settings = options;\n settings.css = ''fixed'';\n\n // IE 9 and lower has issues with position:fixed, either out the box or in compatibility mode - fix that\n if (checkIE()) {\n settings.position = ''top'';\n settings.css = ''absolute'';\n }\n\n // Any cookie setting scripts to disclose\n var scriptsDisclosure = '''';\n if (settings.cookieScripts) {\n var scripts = settings.cookieScripts.split('','');\n var scriptsCount = scripts.length;\n var scriptDisclosureTxt = '''';\n if (scriptsCount > 1) {\n for (var t = 0; t < scriptsCount - 1; t++) {\n scriptDisclosureTxt += scripts[t] + '', '';\n }\n\n scriptsDisclosure = settings.multipleCookieScriptBeginningLabel + scriptDisclosureTxt.substring(0, scriptDisclosureTxt.length - 2) + settings.and + scripts[scriptsCount - 1] + settings.multipleCookieScriptEndLabel;\n } else {\n scriptsDisclosure = setting.singleCookieScriptBeginningLabel + scripts[0] + settings.singleCookieScriptEndLabel;\n }\n }\n\n // Create overlay, vary the disclosure based on explicit/implied consent\n // Set our disclosure/message if one not supplied\n var html = '''';\n html += ''<div id="epd">'';\n html += ''<div id="cookiesdirective" style="position:'' + settings.css + '';'' + settings.position + '':-300px;left:0px;width:100%;''\n html += ''height:auto;background:'' + settings.backgroundColor + '';opacity:.'' + settings.backgroundOpacity + '';'';\n html += ''-ms-filter: “alpha(opacity='' + settings.backgroundOpacity + '')”; filter: alpha(opacity='' + settings.backgroundOpacity + '');'';\n html += ''-khtml-opacity: .'' + settings.backgroundOpacity + ''; -moz-opacity: .'' + settings.backgroundOpacity + '';'';\n html += ''color:'' + settings.fontColor + '';font-family:'' + settings.fontFamily + '';font-size:'' + settings.fontSize + '';'';\n html += ''text-align:center;z-index:1000;">'';\n html += ''<div style="position:relative;height:auto;width:90%;padding:10px;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;">'';\n\n if (!settings.message) {\n if (settings.explicitConsent) {\n // Explicit consent message\n settings.message = ''This site uses cookies. Some of the cookies we '';\n settings.message += ''use are essential for parts of the site to operate and have already been set.'';\n } else {\n // Implied consent message\n settings.message = ''We have placed cookies on your computer to help make this website better.'';\n }\n }\n html += settings.message;\n\n // Build the rest of the disclosure for implied and explicit consent\n if (settings.explicitConsent) {\n // Explicit consent disclosure\n html += scriptsDisclosure + settings.explicitCookieDeletionWarning;\n html += settings.explicitFindOutMore + ''<a style="color:'' + settings.linkColor + '';font-weight:bold;'';\n html += ''font-family:'' + settings.fontFamily + '';font-size:'' + settings.fontSize + '';" href="'' + settings.privacyPolicyUri + ''">'' + settings.privacyPolicyLinkText + ''</a>.'';\n html += ''<div id="epdnotick" style="color:#ca0000;display:none;margin:2px;"><span style="background:#cecece;padding:2px;">'' + settings.explicitCheckboxLabel + ''</span></div>''\n html += ''<div style="margin-top:5px;'';\n if (settings.inlineAction) {\n html += ''display:inline-block;margin-left:5px'';\n }\n html += ''">'' + settings.explicitCookieAcceptanceLabel + ''<input type="checkbox" name="epdagree" id="epdagree" />&nbsp;'';\n html += ''<input type="submit" name="explicitsubmit" id="explicitsubmit" value="'' + settings.explicitCookieAcceptButtonText + ''"/><br/></div></div>'';\n\n } else {\n // Implied consent disclosure\n html += scriptsDisclosure + settings.impliedDisclosureText + '' <a style="color:'' + settings.linkColor + '';'';\n html += ''font-weight:bold;font-family:'' + settings.fontFamily + '';font-size:'' + settings.fontSize + '';" href="'' + settings.privacyPolicyUri + ''">'' + settings.privacyPolicyLinkText + ''</a>.'';\n html += ''<div style="margin-top:5px;'';\n if (settings.inlineAction) {\n html += ''display:inline-block;margin-left:5px'';\n }\n html += ''"><input type="submit" name="impliedsubmit" id="impliedsubmit" value="'' + settings.impliedSubmitText + ''"/></div></div>'';\n }\n html += ''</div></div>'';\n $(''body'').append(html);\n\n // Serve the disclosure, and be smarter about branching\n var dp = settings.position.toLowerCase();\n if (dp != ''top'' && dp != ''bottom'') {\n dp = ''top'';\n }\n var opts = new Array();\n if (dp == ''top'') {\n opts[''in''] = {''top'': ''0''};\n opts[''out''] = {''top'': ''-300''};\n } else {\n opts[''in''] = {''bottom'': ''0''};\n opts[''out''] = {''bottom'': ''-300''};\n }\n\n // Start animation\n $(''#cookiesdirective'').animate(opts[''in''], 1000, function () {\n // Set event handlers depending on type of disclosure\n if (settings.explicitConsent) {\n // Explicit, need to check a box and click a button\n $(''#explicitsubmit'').click(function () {\n if ($(''#epdagree'').is('':checked'')) {\n // Set a cookie to prevent this being displayed again\n setCookie(''cookiesDirective'', 1, 365);\n // Close the overlay\n $(''#cookiesdirective'').animate(opts[''out''], 1000, function () {\n // Remove the elements from the DOM and reload page\n $(''#cookiesdirective'').remove();\n location.reload(true);\n });\n } else {\n // We need the box checked we want "explicit consent", display message\n $(''#epdnotick'').css(''display'', ''block'');\n }\n });\n } else {\n // Implied consent, just a button to close it\n $(''#impliedsubmit'').click(function () {\n // Set a cookie to prevent this being displayed again\n setCookie(''cookiesDirective'', 1, 365);\n // Close the overlay\n $(''#cookiesdirective'').animate(opts[''out''], 1000, function () {\n // Remove the elements from the DOM and reload page\n $(''#cookiesdirective'').remove();\n });\n });\n }\n\n // Set a timer to remove the warning after ''settings.duration'' seconds\n setTimeout(function () {\n $(''#cookiesdirective'').animate({\n opacity: ''0''\n }, 2000, function () {\n $(''#cookiesdirective'').css(dp, ''-300px'');\n });\n }, settings.duration * 1000);\n });\n }\n })(jQuery);\n\n\n\n\n $.cookiesDirective(<?php\nif (!empty($aCookieOpt)) {\n $iCnt = count($aCookieOpt);\n $iLoop = 1;\n echo ''{'' . "\\n";\n foreach ($aCookieOpt as $key => $value) {\n if ($value == "false" || $value == ''true'') {\n $sClip = '''';\n } else {\n $sClip = ''\\'''';\n }\n $param = $key . '': '';\n $param .= $sClip . $value . $sClip;\n if ($iCnt > 1 && $iLoop < $iCnt) {\n $param .= '','';\n }\n echo "\\t\\t" . $param . "\\n";\n $iLoop++;\n }\n echo "\\t" . ''}'';\n}\n?>);\n };\n</script>', '', '0', '', '', '48a365b4ce1e322a55ae9017f3daf0c0', '2016-07-18 15:20:44', '2017-08-11 12:41:45');
INSERT INTO !PREFIX!_mod VALUES('13', '1', 'CL Social Media Links', 'navigation', 'none', '', '0', '?><?php\n\n?><?php', '<?php\n/**\n * Modul-Output: ConLite Social Media Links\n * \n * @package ConLite\n * @subpackage Module\n * @version $Rev$\n * @author Ortwin Pinke <>\n * @license GPL v3\n * @link ConLite Portal\n * \n * \n * $Id$\n */\n\ndefined("CON_FRAMEWORK") || die(''Illegal call: Missing framework initialization - request aborted.'');\n\n$aCfgMod = array(\n ''debug'' => FALSE\n);\n\n$aSupportedSocialNets = array(\n ''xing'',\n ''twitter'',\n ''google-plus'',\n ''pinterest'',\n ''youtube'',\n ''flickr'',\n ''rss'',\n ''vimeo'',\n ''dribble'',\n ''linkedin''\n);\n\n$aLinks = array(\n ''twitter'' => array(\n ''href'' => '''',\n ''label'' => mi18n("Meet us on Twitter")\n ),\n ''xing'' => array(\n ''href'' => '''',\n ''label'' => mi18n("Link in Modul-Output")\n )\n);\n\n$aUserLinks = getEffectiveSettingsByType("social-media-links");\n$aUserLinksArray = array();\nif (count($aUserLinks) > 0) {\n foreach ($aUserLinks as $key => $value) {\n $sKey = strtolower(trim($key));\n if (in_array($sKey, $aSupportedSocialNets)) {\n $aValues = explode("::", $value);\n $sLabel = (isset($aValues[1]) && !empty($aValues[1])) ? $aValues[1] : "";\n $aUserLinksArray[$sKey] = array(\n ''href'' => $aValues[0],\n ''label'' => $sLabel\n );\n }\n }\n}\n\n$aLinks = array_merge($aLinks, $aUserLinksArray);\n\n$oTpl = new Template();\n\nforeach ($aLinks as $sName => $aEntry) {\n $oTpl->set(''d'', ''SM_CSS_WHAT'', $sName);\n $oTpl->set(''d'', ''SM_HREF'', $aEntry[''href'']);\n $oTpl->set(''d'', ''SM_LABEL'', $aEntry[''label'']);\n $oTpl->next();\n}\n\n$oTpl->generate("cl_social_media_links.html");\n?>', '', '0', '', '', '48a365b4ce1e322a55ae9017f3daf0c0', '2016-07-19 12:54:20', '2017-08-11 12:41:45');