2019-07-03 11:58:28 +00:00

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* Project:
* Contenido Content Management System
* Description:
* Sample on how to use Contenido_FrontendNavigation.
* This will show you how to create a standard Frontend-Navigation and a standard Breadcrumb-Navigation
* Requirements:
* @con_php_req 5.0
* @package Contenido Backend classes
* @version 1.0.0
* @author Rudi Bieller
* @copyright four for business AG <>
* @license
* @link
* @link
* {@internal
* created 2008-02-19
* $Id$:
* }}
if(!defined('CON_FRAMEWORK')) {
die('Illegal call');
// #####################################################################################################################
// ########### standard navigation
// ########### retrieve subcategories of a given category and output them with idcat and name
// #####################################################################################################################
try {
$oFeNav = new Contenido_FrontendNavigation($db, $cfg, $client, $lang, $cfgClient);
$oContenidoCategories = $oFeNav->getSubCategories($idcat, true); // use some valid idcat of "home" or whatever
//$oContenidoCategories = $oFeNav->getSubCategories($idcat, true, true, 2); // for loading subcategories up to level 2
if ($oContenidoCategories->count() > 0) {
foreach ($oContenidoCategories as $oContenidoCategory) {
// output idcat and name of cat
echo '<p>'.$oContenidoCategory->getIdCat().' | '.$oContenidoCategory->getCategoryLanguage()->getName().'</p>';
} catch (InvalidArgumentException $eI) {
echo 'Some error occured: ' . $eI->getMessage() . ': ' . $eI->getFile() . ' at line '.$eI->getLine() . ' ('.$eI->getTraceAsString().')';
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo 'Some error occured: ' . $e->getMessage() . ': ' . $e->getFile() . ' at line '.$e->getLine() . ' ('.$e->getTraceAsString().')';
// #####################################################################################################################
// ########### breadcrumb navigation
// ########### retrieve breadcrumb from a given category up to a given level and output the categories with idcat and name
// #####################################################################################################################
try {
$oBreadcrumb = new Contenido_FrontendNavigation_Breadcrumb($db, $cfg, $client, $lang, $cfgClient);
$oBreadCategories = $oBreadcrumb->get($idcat);
foreach ($oBreadCategories as $oBreadCategory) {
echo '<p>Bread '.$oBreadCategory->getIdCat().', '.$oBreadCategory->getCategoryLanguage()->getName().'</p>';
} catch (InvalidArgumentException $eI) {
echo 'Some error occured: ' . $eI->getMessage() . ': ' . $eI->getFile() . ' at line '.$eI->getLine() . ' ('.$eI->getTraceAsString().')';
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo 'Some error occured: ' . $e->getMessage() . ': ' . $e->getFile() . ' at line '.$e->getLine() . ' ('.$e->getTraceAsString().')';
// #####################################################################################################################
// ########### standard navigation with some funky URLs
// ########### retrieve subcategories of a given category and output them linked with different styles:
// ########### front_content.php?idcat=1
// ########### index-a-1.html
// ########### cat1/cat2/index-a-1.html
// ###########
// ########### /path/path/path/rocknroll,goodies,1,2,3.4fb
// #####################################################################################################################
// build Navigation with different types of URL style
$aUrlStyleFunky = array('prefix' => 'rocknroll', 'suffix' => '.4fb', 'separator' => ','); // to create some other style of url
try {
$oFeNav = new Contenido_FrontendNavigation($db, $cfg, $client, $lang, $cfgClient);
$oContenidoCategories = $oFeNav->getSubCategories(12, true); // use some valid idcat of "home" or whatever
if ($oContenidoCategories->count() > 0) {
foreach ($oContenidoCategories as $oContenidoCategory) {
// get needed data
$iIdcat = $oContenidoCategory->getIdCat();
$iParentIdcat = $oContenidoCategory->getIdParent();
$sCatName = $oContenidoCategory->getCategoryLanguage()->getName();
// -> front_content.php?idcat=1
$sUrl1 = '<a href="'.$oFeNav->getUrl(array('idcat' => $iIdcat), 'front_content').'" target="_blank">click1</a>';
// -> index-a-1.html
$sUrl2 = '<a href="'.$oFeNav->getUrl(array('a' => $iIdcat), 'custom').'" target="_blank">click2</a>';
// -> cat1/cat2/index-a-1.html
$sUrl3 = '<a href="'.$oFeNav->getUrl(array('a' => $iIdcat,
'idcat' => $iIdcat, // needed to build category path
'lang' => $lang, // needed to build category path
'level' => 0) // needed to build category path
).'" target="_blank">click3</a>';
// ->
$sUrl4 = '<a href="'.$oFeNav->getUrl(array('b' => array('13','91')), 'custom', array(), true).'" target="_blank">click4</a>';
// -> /cat0/cat1/cat1/rocknroll,members,1,2,3.4fb (where "cat" being languagedependent)
$sUrl5 = '<a href="'.$oFeNav->getUrl(
array('idcat' => $iIdcat, 'lang' => $lang, 'level' => 1, 'members' => array($iIdcat,$iSomeIdart)),
'" target="_blank">click5</a>';
echo '<p><strong>idcat: '.$iIdcat.' | '.
'parent idcat: ' . $iParentIdcat.' | '.
'category name: ' . $sCatName.' | '.
'URL: '.$sUrl1.' - '.$sUrl2.' - '.$sUrl3.' - '.$sUrl4.' - '.$sUrl5.'</strong></p>';
} catch (InvalidArgumentException $eI) {
echo 'Some error occured: ' . $eI->getMessage() . ': ' . $eI->getFile() . ' at line '.$eI->getLine() . ' ('.$eI->getTraceAsString().')';
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo 'Some error occured: ' . $e->getMessage() . ': ' . $e->getFile() . ' at line '.$e->getLine() . ' ('.$e->getTraceAsString().')';