
98 Zeilen
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* Project:
* Contenido Content Management System
* Description:
* Enables regeneration of con_cache for specific article when article content changes.
* To enable this chain function you need to set a system-, client- or userproperty
* save_article | clear_cache | [true|false]
* so you may set it to true for only one power user or something like that.
* 2011-08-09
* Now you can add additional articles to set its cache-flag so they will be updated with next call.
* Therefore we have added a new property where you can add a comma-separated list of articles which
* have to be updated.
* save_article | clear_cache_add_idart | [comma-separated list of idart]
* Installation:
* Install this chain by putting this file into contenido/plugins/chains/includes and
* edit/create a 'config.local.php' file in folder contenido/includes
* with the following code:
* # add custom chains
* cInclude("plugins", "chains/includes/include.chain.content.set_clear_cache.php");
* $_cecRegistry->addChainFunction("Contenido.Content.SaveContentEntry", "cecContentSetClearCache");
* @package Contenido Backend
* @subpackage Contenido Chain
* @version $Id: include.chain.content.set_clear_cache.php 17 2011-08-09 10:49:01Z oldperl $
* @since 2011-07-14
* @author Ortwin Pinke
* @copyright DCEonline <>
* @license
* @link
* @link
* @link
if(!defined('CON_FRAMEWORK')) {
die('Illegal call');
* @param int $idartlang
* @param int $type
* @param int $typeid
* @param string $value
* @return bool
function cecContentSetClearCache($idartlang, $type, $typeid, $value) {
$aArticle2Clear = array($idartlang);
$bClearCache = getEffectiveSetting('save_article', 'clear_cache', false);
$sAdditionalArticles = getEffectiveSetting('save_article', 'clear_cache_add_idart', null);
$iLimitAdditionalArticles = (int) getEffectiveSetting('save_article', 'clear_cache_limit_add_idart', 10);
$iLimitAdditionalArticles = ($iLimitAdditionalArticles < 10)?10:$iLimitAdditionalArticles;
if(!is_null($sAdditionalArticles)) {
$aAdditionalArticles = array_map('trim',explode(",", $sAdditionalArticles, $iLimitAdditionalArticles +1));
$iCountElements = count($aAdditionalArticles);
if($iCountElements > 0) {
if($iCountElements > 1 && $iCountElements > $iLimitAdditionalArticles) {
array_pop ($aAdditionalArticles);
array_splice($aArticle2Clear, count($aArticle2Clear), 0, $aAdditionalArticles);
if($bClearCache) {
cInclude("classes", "contenido/class.articlelanguage.php");
cInclude("classes", "contenido/class.categoryarticle.php");
foreach($aArticle2Clear as $iIdArt) {
$oArtLang = new cApiArticleLanguage();
if($oArtLang->loadByPrimaryKey($iIdArt)) {
$oArtCat = new cApiCategoryArticle();
if($oArtCat->loadBy('idart', $oArtLang->get('idart'))) {
$bCreateCode = !$oArtCat->get('createcode');
if($bCreateCode) {
$oArtCat->set('createcode', 1);
return $value;