
482 Zeilen
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* Project:
* Contenido Content Management System
* Description:
* Contenido Tree Item Class
* Requirements:
* @con_php_req 5.0
* @package Contenido Backend classes
* @version 1.1.4
* @author Timo A. Hummel
* @copyright four for business AG <>
* @license
* @link
* @link
* @since file available since contenido release <= 4.6
* {@internal
* created 2003-05-20
* modified 2008-06-30, Dominik Ziegler, add security fix
* $Id: class.treeitem.php 2 2011-07-20 12:00:48Z oldperl $:
* }}
if(!defined('CON_FRAMEWORK')) {
die('Illegal call');
* Class TreeItem
* Class to create tree-based items
* The treeitem class allows you to logically store
* tree-based structures.
* Example:
* Let's have a tree with 3 nodes. It's important that
* we always have a "root" key.
* $root = new TreeItem("root", 1);
* $item1 = new TreeItem("node1",2);
* $item2 = new TreeItem("node2",3);
* $item3 = new TreeItem("node3",4);
* $root->addItem($item1);
* $root->addItem($item2);
* $root->addItem($item3);
* This represents the tree we described above.
* If you know the ID of the item you want to add
* to, there's no need to have a specific item handy,
* but rather you can use the "addItemToID" function.
class TreeItem
* Sub Items for this tree item
* @var array
var $subitems;
* Determinates if this tree item is collapsed
* @var boolean
var $collapsed;
* ID for this item
* @var string
var $id;
* Name for this item
* @var string
var $name;
* Icon for the collapsed item
* @var string
var $collapsed_icon;
* Icon for the expanded item
* @var string
var $expanded_icon;
* Icon for last node in a branch
* @var string
var $lastnode_icon;
* Contains the level of this item
* @var integer
var $level;
* Contains custom entries
* @var array
var $custom;
* Contains the parent of this item
* @var array
var $parent;
* Constructor Function
* Creates a new, independant tree item.
* @param string $name The name of that item
* @param string $id The unique ID of that item
* @param boolean $collapsed Is this item collapsed by default
function TreeItem($name ="", $id="", $collapsed = false)
$this->name = $name;
$this->id = $id;
$this->collapsed = $collapsed;
$this->subitems = array();
$this->collapsed_icon = 'images/but_plus.gif';
$this->expanded_icon = 'images/but_minus.gif';
$this->lastnode_icon = 'images/but_lastnode.gif';
$this->parent = -1;
* addItem
* Adds a new subitem to this item.
* @param object $item the item to add
function addItem(&$item)
$this->subitems[count($this->subitems)] = &$item;
$item->parent = $this->id;
* addItemToID
* Adds a new subitem to a specific item with an ID.
* Traverses all subitems to find the correct item.
* @param object $item the item to add
* @param string $id the ID to add the item to
function addItemToID($item, $id)
if ($this->id == $id)
$this->subitems[count($this->subitems)] = &$item;
$item->parent = $this->id;
} else {
foreach (array_keys($this->subitems) as $key)
$this->subitems[$key]->addItemToID($item, $id);
* getItemByID
* Retrieves a specific item by its ID. Note that this
* function traverses all subitems to find the correct item.
* @param string $id the ID to find
* @return object The item, or false if nothing was found
function &getItemByID($id)
if ($this->id == $id)
return ($this);
} else {
foreach (array_keys($this->subitems) as $key)
$retObj = &$this->subitems[$key]->getItemByID($id);
if ($retObj->id == $id)
return ($retObj);
return false;
* removeItem
* Removes an item with a specific ID.
* @param string $id the ID to find
function removeItem ($id)
foreach (array_keys($this->subitems) as $key)
if ($this->subitems[$key]->id == $id)
* isCustomAttributeSet
* checks if a specific custom attribute is set
* @param string $item the attribute name to find
function isCustomAttributeSet ($item)
if (array_key_exists($item, $this->custom))
return true;
} else {
foreach (array_keys($this->subitems) as $key)
if ($this->subitems[$key]->isCustomAttributeSet($item))
return true;
return false;
* markExpanded
* Marks an item as expanded. Traverses all subitems
* to find the ID. Note that only the item with $id is
* expanded, but not its childs.
* @param string $id the ID to expand, or an array with all id's
function markExpanded ($id)
if (is_array($id))
if (in_array($this->id, $id))
$this->collapsed = false;
foreach (array_keys($this->subitems) as $key)
} else {
if ($this->id == $id)
$this->collapsed = false;
return true;
} else {
foreach (array_keys($this->subitems) as $key)
* expandAll
* Expands all items, starting from the $start item.
* @param string $start the ID to start expanding from
function expandAll ($start = -2)
if ($start != $this->id)
$this->collapsed = false;
foreach (array_keys($this->subitems) as $key)
* collapseAll
* Collapses all items, starting from the $start item.
* @param string $start the ID to start collapsing from
function collapseAll ($start = -2)
if ($start != $this->id)
$this->collapsed = true;
foreach (array_keys($this->subitems) as $key)
* markCollapsed
* Marks an item as collpased. Traverses all subitems
* to find the ID. Note that only the item with $id is
* collapsed, but not its childs.
* @param string $id the ID to collapse
function markCollapsed($id)
if ($this->id == $id)
$this->collapsed = true;
} else {
foreach (array_keys($this->subitems) as $key)
* traverse
* traverses the tree starting from this item, and returning
* all objects as $objects.
* @param object $objects all found objects
* @param integer $level Level to start on
function traverse (&$objects, $level = 0)
$objects[count($objects)] = &$this;
$this->level = $level;
if ($this->collapsed == false)
foreach (array_keys($this->subitems) as $key)
$this->subitems[$key]->traverse($objects, $level + 1);
* Starts iterating at root node and flattens the tree into an array
function getFlatTree($item, &$flat_tree)
foreach ($item->subitems as $curItem)
$flat_tree[] = $curItem;
$this->getFlatTree($curItem, $flat_tree);
function hasCollapsedNode($item_id)
$this->getTreeParentNodes($parentNodeList, $item_id);
if(sizeof(array_intersect($parentNodeList, $collapsedList)) > 0)
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
* Returns a list of the id of all parent nodes of the given node
function getTreeParentNodes(&$parentNodes, $id)
$curItem = $this->getItemByID($id);
$parentId = $curItem->parent;
if($parentId && $parentId != -1)
$parentNodes[] = $parentId;
$this->getTreeParentNodes($parentNodes, $parentId);
* Returns a list of the id of all parent nodes of the given node
* Not using the nodes of hierarchical tree, but flat tree !!
function getParentNodes(&$parentNodes, $stop_id)
$flat_tree = array();
$this->getFlatTree($this, $flat_tree);
foreach($flat_tree as $key => $value)
if($value->id != $stop_id)
$parentNodes[] = $value->id;
* getCollapsedList thinks if a node has no subnodes it is collapsed
* I don't think so
function getRealCollapsedList(&$list)
// remove all nodes that have no subnodes
foreach($list as $key)
if(sizeof($item->subitems) > 0)
* getCollapsedList
* Returns all items (as ID array) which are collapsed.
* @param array $list Contains the list with all collapsed items
function getCollapsedList(&$list)
if ($this->collapsed == true)
$list[] = $this->id;
foreach (array_keys($this->subitems) as $key)
* getExpandedList
* Returns all items (as ID array) which are expanded.
* @param array $list Contains the list with all expanded items
function getExpandedList(&$list)
if ($this->collapsed == false && !in_array($this->id, $list))
$list[] = $this->id;
foreach (array_keys($this->subitems) as $key)