
379 Zeilen
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* Project:
* Contenido Content Management System
* Description:
* Generic table builder
* Requirements:
* @con_php_req 5.0
* @package Contenido Backend classes
* @version 1.0.2
* @author Timo A. Hummel
* @copyright four for business AG <>
* @license
* @link
* @link
* @since file available since contenido release <= 4.6
* {@internal
* created unknown
* modified 2008-06-30, Frederic Schneider, add security fix
* modified 2008-07-03, Timo.Trautmann, added linebreaks for readable source code
* $Id: class.table.php 2 2011-07-20 12:00:48Z oldperl $:
* }}
if(!defined('CON_FRAMEWORK')) {
die('Illegal call');
class Table {
* Table border color
* @var string
var $border_color = '';
* Table border style
* @var string
var $border_style = '';
* Table cell spacing
* @var string
var $cell_spacing = '';
* Table cell padding
* @var string
var $cell_padding = '';
* Table header color
* @var string
var $header_color = '';
* Table light row color
* @var string
var $light_color = '';
* Table dark row color
* @var string
var $dark_color = '';
* Internal dark/light row counter
* @var bool
var $dark_row = 0;
* Internal table width counter
* @var int
var $table_cols = 0;
* Internal first cell checker
* @var bool
var $first_cell = 0;
* Internal full border checker
* @var bool
var $fullborder = false;
* Directly output table if true
var $directoutput = true;
* Constructor
function Table($m_bordercolor = "#EEEEEE", $m_borderstyle = "solid", $m_cellspacing = "0", $m_cellpadding="2", $m_header_color = "#222222", $m_light_color = "#AAAAAA", $m_dark_color = "#777777", $m_fullborder = false, $m_directoutput = true) {
$this->border_color = $m_bordercolor;
$this->border_style = $m_borderstyle;
$this->cellspacing = $m_cellspacing;
$this->cellpadding = $m_cellpadding;
$this->header_color = $m_header_color;
$this->dark_color = $m_dark_color;
$this->light_color = $m_light_color;
$this->fullborder = $m_fullborder;
$this->directoutput = $m_directoutput;
} # end function
* Begins the new table
* @param none
* @return void
function start_table() {
if (!$this->fullborder)
$starttable = '<table style="border: 0px; border-left:1px; border-bottom: 1px; border-color: ' . $this->border_color . '; border-style: ' . $this->border_style . '" cellspacing="'. $this->cellspacing . '" cellpadding="'. $this->cellpadding . '">';
} else {
$starttable = '<table style="border: 1px; border-color: ' . $this->border_color . '; border-style: ' . $this->border_style . '" cellspacing="'. $this->cellspacing . '" cellpadding="'. $this->cellpadding . '">';
if ($this->directoutput)
echo $starttable."\n";
} else {
return $starttable."\n";
} # end function
* Outputs a header row
* @param none
* @return void
function header_row($additional="") {
$headerrow = '<tr class="textw_medium" style="background-color: ' . $this->header_color . '" '.$additional.'>';
if ($this->directoutput)
echo $headerrow."\n";
} else {
return $headerrow."\n";
} # end function
* Outputs a regular row
* @param none
* @return void
function row($id = '') {
if ($this->dark_row)
$bgColor = $this->light_color;
} else {
$bgColor = $this->dark_color;
$this->dark_row = !$this->dark_row;
$row = '<tr class="text_medium" style="background-color: ' . $bgColor . '" '.$id.'>';
if ($this->directoutput)
echo $row."\n";
} else {
return $row."\n";
} # end function
* Outputs a header cell
* @param $content The content which will fill the cell
* @param $align The horizontal alignment of the cell, default "center"
* @param $valign The vertical alignment of the cell, default "top"
* @return void
function header_cell($content, $align="center", $valign="top", $additional="", $borderTop = 1){
$header_cell = '<th class="textg_medium" valign="' . $valign . '" style="border: 0px; border-top:'.$borderTop.'px; border-right:1px; border-color: '. $this->border_color . '; border-style: ' . $this->border_style . '" align="' . $align . '"' . $additional . '>' . $content . '</th>';
if ($this->first_cell)
$this->table_cols = 0;
$this->first_cell = false;
if ($this->directoutput)
echo $header_cell."\n";
} else {
return $header_cell."\n";
} # end function
* Outputs a regular cell
* @param $content The content which will fill the cell
* @param $align The horizontal alignment of the cell, default "center"
* @param $valign The vertical alignment of the cell, default "top"
* @param $additional Additional flags for the table
function cell($content, $align="center", $valign="top", $additional = "", $bSetStyle = true){
if (strlen($content) == 0)
$content = "&nbsp;";
$cell = '<td '. $additional;
if ($valign != '') {
$cell.=' valign="'.$valign .'"';
if ($bSetStyle) {
$cell.=' style="border: 0px; border-bottom:1px; border-top:0px; border-right:1px; border-color: '. $this->border_color . '; border-style: ' . $this->border_style . '"';
if ($align != '') {
$cell.=' align="'.$align .'"';
if ($this->first_cell)
$this->table_cols = 0;
$this->first_cell = false;
if ($this->directoutput)
echo $cell."\n";
} else {
return $cell."\n";
} # end function
* Outputs a borderless cell
* @param $content The content which will fill the cell
* @param $align The horizontal alignment of the cell, default "center"
* @param $valign The vertical alignment of the cell, default "top"
* @param $additional Additional flags for the table
function borderless_cell($content, $align="center", $valign="top", $additional = ""){
if (strlen($content) == 0)
$content = "&nbsp;";
$borderless_cell = '<td '. $additional .' valign="' . $valign . '" align="' . $align . '">' . $content . '</td>';
if ($this->first_cell)
$this->table_cols = 0;
$this->first_cell = false;
if ($this->directoutput)
echo $borderless_cell."\n";
} else {
return $borderless_cell."\n";
} # end function
* Outputs a sum cell
* @param $content The content which will fill the cell
* @param $align The horizontal alignment of the cell, default "center"
* @param $valign The vertical alignment of the cell, default "top"
function sumcell($content, $align="center", $valign="top"){
if (strlen($content) == 0)
$content = "&nbsp;";
$sumcell = '<td colspan="'.$this->table_cols.'" valign="' . $valign . '" style="border: 0px; border-top:0px; border-right:1px; border-color: '. $this->border_color . '; border-style: ' . $this->border_style . '" align="' . $align . '">' . $content . '</td>';
if ($this->directoutput)
echo $sumcell."\n";
} else {
return $sumcell."\n";
} # end function
* Ends a row
* @param none
* @return void
function end_row()
$end_row = '</tr>';
$this->first_cell = true;
if ($this->directoutput)
echo $end_row."\n";
} else {
return $end_row."\n";
* Ends a table
* @param none
* @return void
function end_table(){
$end_table = '</table>';
if ($this->directoutput)
echo $end_table."\n";
} else {
return $end_table."\n";
} # end function
} # end class Table