
247 Zeilen
10 KiB
Originalformat Blame Verlauf

* Project:
* Contenido Content Management System
* Description:
* Frontend user editor
* Requirements:
* @con_php_req 5.0
* @package Contenido Backend includes
* @version 1.1.7
* @author Bj<42>rn Behrens (HerrB)
* @copyright four for business AG <>
* @license
* @link
* @link
* @since file available since contenido release <= 4.6
* {@internal
* created 2007-01-01, Bj<42>rn Behrens (HerrB)
* modified 2008-06-27, Dominik Ziegler, add security fix
* $Id: include.recipients_edit.php 306 2014-03-13 23:03:26Z oldperl $:
* }}
if (!defined('CON_FRAMEWORK')) {
die('Illegal call');
$oPage = new cPage;
$oRecipients = new RecipientCollection;
if (is_array($cfg['plugins']['recipients'])) {
foreach ($cfg['plugins']['recipients'] as $plugin) {
plugin_include("recipients", $plugin . "/" . $plugin . ".php");
// Note, that the object name has to be $recipient for plugins
if ($action == "recipients_create" && $perm->have_perm_area_action($area, $action)) {
$recipient = $oRecipients->create("mail@domain.tld", " " . i18n("-- new recipient --", "newsletter"));
} elseif ($action == "recipients_delete" && $perm->have_perm_area_action($area, $action)) {
$recipient = new Recipient;
} elseif ($action == "recipients_purge" && $perm->have_perm_area_action($area, "recipients_delete")) {
$oClient = new cApiClient($client);
$timeframe = $oClient->getProperty("newsletter", "purgetimeframe");
if (!$timeframe) {
$timeframe = 30;
$purgedrecipients = $oRecipients->purge($timeframe);
/* backslashdollar: There is a problem translating \$ - it is either not recognized or translated correctly (using poEdit) */
if ($purgedrecipients > 0) {
$sNotis = $notification->messageBox("info", sprintf(str_replace("backslashdollar", "\$", i18n("%1backslashdollard recipients, which hasn't been confirmed since more than %2backslashdollard days has been removed.", "newsletter")), $purgedrecipients, $timeframe), 0);
} else {
$sNotis = $notification->messageBox("info", sprintf(str_replace("backslashdollar", "\$", i18n("There are no recipients, which hasn't been confirmed since more than %2backslashdollard days has been removed.", "newsletter")), 0, $timeframe), 0);
$recipient = new Recipient;
} else {
$recipient = new Recipient($idrecipient);
if ($recipient->virgin == false && $recipient->get("idclient") == $client && $recipient->get("idlang") == $lang) {
if ($action == "recipients_save" && $perm->have_perm_area_action($area, $action)) {
$aMessages = array();
$name = stripslashes($name);
$email = stripslashes($email);
$confirmed = (int) $confirmed;
$deactivated = (int) $deactivated;
$newstype = (int) $newstype;
$recipient->set("name", $name);
if (!isValidMail($email)) {
$aMessages[] = i18n("Please specify a valid e-mail address", "newsletter");
} else {
$email = strtolower($email); // e-mail always in lower case
if ($recipient->get("email") != $email) {
$oRecipients->setWhere("email", $email);
$oRecipients->setWhere("idclient", $client);
$oRecipients->setWhere("idlang", $lang);
$oRecipients->setWhere($recipient->primaryKey, $recipient->get($recipient->primaryKey), "!=");
if ($oRecipients->next()) {
$aMessages[] = i18n("Could not set new e-mail adress: Other recipient with same e-mail address already exists", "newsletter");
} else {
$recipient->set("email", $email);
if ($recipient->get("confirmed") != $confirmed && $confirmed) {
$recipient->set("confirmeddate", date("Y-m-d H:i:s"), false);
} elseif (!$confirmed) {
$recipient->set("confirmeddate", "0000-00-00 00:00:00", false);
$recipient->set("confirmed", $confirmed);
$recipient->set("deactivated", $deactivated);
$recipient->set("news_type", $newstype);
// Check out if there are any plugins
if (is_array($cfg['plugins']['recipients'])) {
foreach ($cfg['plugins']['recipients'] as $plugin) {
if (function_exists("recipients_" . $plugin . "_wantedVariables") && function_exists("recipients_" . $plugin . "_store")) {
$wantVariables = call_user_func("recipients_" . $plugin . "_wantedVariables");
if (is_array($wantVariables)) {
$varArray = array();
foreach ($wantVariables as $value) {
$varArray[$value] = stripslashes($GLOBALS[$value]);
$store = call_user_func("recipients_" . $plugin . "_store", $varArray);
// Remove group associations
if (isset($_REQUEST["ckbRemove"])) {
$oGroupMembers = new RecipientGroupMemberCollection;
foreach ($_REQUEST["ckbRemove"] as $iGroupMemberID) {
if (is_numeric($iGroupMemberID)) {
if (count($aMessages) > 0) {
$sNotis = $notification->returnNotification("warning", implode("<br>", $aMessages)) . "<br>";
$oForm = new UI_Table_Form("properties");
$oForm->setVar("frame", $frame);
$oForm->setVar("area", $area);
$oForm->setVar("action", "recipients_save");
$oForm->setVar("idrecipient", $recipient->get("idnewsrcp"));
$oForm->addHeader(i18n("Edit recipient", "newsletter"));
$oTxtName = new cHTMLTextbox("name", $recipient->get("name"), 40);
$oTxtEMail = new cHTMLTextbox("email", $recipient->get("email"), 40);
$oCkbConfirmed = new cHTMLCheckbox("confirmed", "1");
$oCkbDeactivated = new cHTMLCheckbox("deactivated", "1");
$oSelNewsType = new cHTMLSelectElement("newstype");
$oOption = new cHTMLOptionElement(i18n("Text only", "newsletter"), "0");
$oSelNewsType->addOptionElement(0, $oOption);
$oOption = new cHTMLOptionElement(i18n("HTML and text", "newsletter"), "1");
$oSelNewsType->addOptionElement(1, $oOption);
$oForm->add(i18n("Name", "newsletter"), $oTxtName->render());
$oForm->add(i18n("E-Mail", "newsletter"), $oTxtEMail->render());
$oForm->add(i18n("Confirmed", "newsletter"), $oCkbConfirmed->toHTML(false) . " (" . $recipient->get("confirmeddate") . ")");
$oForm->add(i18n("Deactivated", "newsletter"), $oCkbDeactivated->toHTML(false));
$oForm->add(i18n("Message type", "newsletter"), $oSelNewsType->render());
$aPluginOrder = trim_array(explode(",", getSystemProperty("plugin", "recipients-pluginorder")));
// Check out if there are any plugins
if (is_array($aPluginOrder)) {
foreach ($aPluginOrder as $sPlugin) {
if (function_exists("recipients_" . $sPlugin . "_getTitle") &&
function_exists("recipients_" . $sPlugin . "_display")) {
$aPluginTitle = call_user_func("recipients_" . $sPlugin . "_getTitle");
$aPluginDisplay = call_user_func("recipients_" . $sPlugin . "_display", $recipient);
if (is_array($aPluginTitle) && is_array($aPluginDisplay)) {
foreach ($aPluginTitle as $sKey => $sValue) {
$oForm->add($sValue, $aPluginDisplay[$sKey]);
} else {
if (is_array($aPluginTitle) || is_array($aPluginDisplay)) {
$oForm->add(i18n("WARNING", "newsletter"), sprintf(i18n("The plugin %s delivered an array for the displayed titles, but did not return an array for the contents.", "newsletter"), $sPlugin));
} else {
$oForm->add($aPluginTitle, $aPluginDisplay);
$oGroupList = new UI_List;
$oAssocGroups = new RecipientGroupMemberCollection;
$oAssocGroups->setWhere("recipientgroupmembercollection.idnewsrcp", $recipient->get("idnewsrcp"));
if ($oAssocGroups->count() == 0) {
$oGroupList->setCell(0, 1, i18n("Recipient is not member of any group", "newsletter"));
} else {
// Headline
$oGroupList->setCell(0, 1, "<strong>" . i18n("Groupname", "newsletter") . "</strong>");
$oImgDel = new cHTMLImage("images/delete.gif");
$oGroupList->setCell(0, 2, $oImgDel->render());
$oGroupList->setCellAlignment(0, 2, "right");
// Data
while ($oAssocGroup = $oAssocGroups->next()) {
$oGroup = $oAssocGroups->fetchObject("RecipientGroupCollection");
$oCkbRemove = new cHTMLCheckbox("ckbRemove[]", $oAssocGroup->get("idnewsgroupmember"));
echo ($oGroup->get("idnewsgroupmember"));
$oGroupList->setCell($oAssocGroup->get("idnewsgroupmember"), 1, $oGroup->get("groupname"));
$oGroupList->setCell($oAssocGroup->get("idnewsgroupmember"), 2, $oCkbRemove->toHTML(false));
$oGroupList->setCellAlignment($oAssocGroup->get("idnewsgroupmember"), 2, "right");
$oForm->add(i18n("Associated Groups", "newsletter"), $oGroupList->render());
$oForm->add(i18n("Author", "newsletter"), $classuser->getUserName($recipient->get("author")) . " (" . $recipient->get("created") . ")");
$oForm->add(i18n("Last modified by", "newsletter"), $classuser->getUserName($recipient->get("modifiedby")) . " (" . $recipient->get("lastmodified") . ")");
$oPage->setContent($sNotis . $oForm->render(true));
} else {
$oPage->setContent($sNotis . "");